Read Athaliah, Daughter Of Jezebel Page 26

Four years later - idle donkeys and starving dogs were striding on the Temple’s deserted courtyard. There was a lot of trash scattered on the square paved stones, that many of them were broken, and in some places removed and stolen. Pigeons and birds of prey filled the area, as well as some poor people. They were searching food inside heaps of rotten fruits and vegetables, and remnants of butchered sheep, thrown there by neighbors of the Temple. No one prohibited the scatter of garbage, nobody stopped the poor enter and gather there. The authorities of Athaliah did not impose any penalty for auch contamination of the sacred site. Stains of animals’ or even human beings’ blood were oozing between heaps of trash, and the smell of dirt and death filled the air.

  One morning Prophet Joseph arrived there, to speak to the poor passers by. He wished very eagerly to demostrate to them and to himself his rhymes’ capability and poetic talent:

  Oh, Judah, God’s chosen seed.

  To what distress you are decreed.

  Proud Athaliah’s impious hand-

  brought bloodshed on this Holy Land.

  (those lines were taken from the libretto by Humphreys, to Opera Oratorio Athaliah by Handel)

  At night Athaliah was seated on a stone bench in the palace courtyard. Mathan came there and pulled her by the hands to raise up. Both were already looking at the sky, as their habit had been for long. They wanted to see together again - what the night had hidden high up, among the myriads of stars and comets and other flashing planets: The queen had known that no one but the Baal astrologists could solve their riddles and discover their secrets.

  Mathan raised his bamboo cane from the paved floor, and was looking up.

  “Dear Queen,” he said, “You have been already five years the absolute ruler of Judea. The God believers are deeply supressed. Jehu is far. Egypt’s Pharaoh is in dread from a competitor king in Upper Egypt. So, what more do you ask ? Recently I have descerned a cloud on your face. The horizon is flashing, not dark, darling.”

  “I have not met you last week, and I know your frustration, that I’m in bad mood, enclosed in myself…I have called you now to view the stars again. Because I have a permanent feeling of nausea; frequent head aches, preoccupation with queer feelings, of orphanage and loneliness and slow dying…Oh, Baal!” She screamed.

  “But you are with people for long hours. With commanders, with ministers, with servants.With me…You are the ruler.”

  “Eh, all seems useless, lifeless…Maybe the stars can hint me what would cause all that bad confusion, that vicious emptiness. Or only the devil would know...”

  “Why have you kept that in secret till now? A good physician will solve these problems…hmm, quite easily, I hope.”

  “No human being would be able to help me,” she was nervy, “My dead family appears in my dreams, and nobody can manage such visions.”

  Then she assaulted Mathan with pushes, and shouted: “You try the stars, D’you hear me? Don’t talk too much!”

  Mathan was looking above, quite unable to ‘setting up’ the bamboo cane that he was holding- to a certain accumulation of stars, that would bring a wishful shape. He just saw MYRIADS OF STARS - as in every regular bright night.

  Athaliah snatched the hollow cane from him, and gazed over:

  Close to the middle of the sky’s ‘cape’- a star suddenly flied slowly, pulling a long arched ‘lighted tail’ from the left to the right. The archbow remained for some seconds on the zenith: Its ‘belly’, concave over Athaliah’s head; it was as just a frozen phenomenom. Mathan, who was gazing above without the ‘telescope’- had heard Athaliah’s scream of dread “Oohhhhh”.

  They both just saw another star moving forward - in a straight line directed to the middle of the flashing ‘bow’ – pulling its illuminates tail over the sky.

  The whole view was like an arrow shooted from a bow, toward the spectators who would look up at it. ..

  Athaliah handed the cane to Mathan with a new shriek. She grabbed his arm, then tried to lean her head on it. In her ambigious dread she soon snatched the cane from him and dropped it down. Mathan let it lie on the pavement and only moved his head solemnly.

  “I Can’t help it,” he said, “It’s an omen from Baal: Be cautious to where you go. The arrow will pursue you. Rely on your will-power to rule. Beware of your internal enemy, dear queen.”

  “I can’t accept that analysis,” she told him, and went back to her bedroom. “internal enemy - you mean: within myself? Or internal – within my kingdom? You become like the Greek Oracle, bringing a vague– double message, that I will believe in your prophecies, and continue to use your pretentious service. No, sir!”

  She felt an acute headache, and told Mathan to leave her alone.

  Then she called her horsemen and told them to ride after her toward God’s Temple. Mathan saw them and mounted his horse too. He did not ask her permission to escort her small group. He understood that her short travel toward God’s Temple, was led by her severe psychological pressure. ‘By her heavy soul,’ as he said to himself.

  At that morning hour the Temple’s Hall was very quiet. On the altar, in its eastern side, were seen some tied birds, assumably ready for sacrifice. Two Priests had been staying there, praying in whispers. Yehoyada was also standing at the altar’s side, just murmuring a morning prayer and meditating about something else.

  It seemed to Yehoyada, that recently he had gained a little success. He persuaded the capricious queen to allowe a renewal of this small daily ceremony - after the Priests had a demonstational ‘fasting strike’ outside her gate’s palace for a whole week. She had urrendered to their sobs and cries, having understood that her decrees against the God’s believers were too extreme. Or some string in her heart began to replay a music, that she had wanted to forget, but it was hidden somewhere in her soul?..

  The priests near the altar began singing loudly a Psalms prayer in a low voice. They were humming, and no clear words could be identified.

  In a corner, not far from the altar, there were seen two boys. They had been Yehoyada’s pupils, wearing juts and linen long Mantles. Their legs were given in a kind of strange trousers, that their length arrived only to their knees, and cloth sandals were tied to their feet. They began playing with a stoned cube behind their learning desk, while their teacher had been far.

  Now then they saw Yehoyada approaching them. They let their game toys remain on the floor, under their small learning desk. They became seated back on the stool, that was used by them while studying. Zacharia, Yehoyada’s son, grabbed a scroll which was on the table, rolled it a little, and he and his friend gazed into it, pretending to read from it in whisper.

  “Pupils,” said Yehoyada, “Have you found the right chapter in Psalms?”

  They nodded, and began to sing the first sentence in the chapter:

  “God is my shepherd, I shall not miss anything.”

  A knock was heard at the front door of the Temple’s Hall. A Flower Priest arrived and whispered something to the High Priest, still standing at the boys’ desk, placed in what they named: ‘the Learning Corner.’

  Yehoyada rushed out from there, joining the the Flower Priest on his way to the entry door. He saw Abner already enter. He was dressed in his uniform, and Yehoyada discerned that his beard had become gray lately. He shook hands with him, and the Flower Priest left them. While they approached the altar, they were talking.

  “In old times,” said Yehoyada, quite in a reproach, “you, General, had visited the Holy Temple frequently. You could at least pay me visits at home. I have not seen you personally for two years… ”

  “These are hard times, dear Priest. I pray every day to God, that He will clear our horizon.”

  “Horizon is only a line on the edge of earth,” said Yehoyada, “that seems to touch the sky. You should fulfill your vow to the sky, to God! Wake up!”

  “I am very busy in my duty as a General, sir. The Arameans are threatening; they surround vicious Jehu, an
d try to climb around toward us, and encircle us too. That’s the situation.”

  “So, what had happened that you came here now?”

  “First, to ask you if a defeat of this brutal queen’s regime- may be our gift, or a disaster sent from God?”

  “No, I don’t like treachery against Judea’s kingdom, sir! Better suffer from her cruelty - than face a foreign enemy, who may send us all to exile or kill us.”

  “I am frustrated,” said Abner, “We will face an enemy from outside and inside, with no hope.”

  “There is hope,” said Yehoyada, “We, God’s believers- rely on your ability to lead a rebellion against the witch. She wants to efface the name of God from under the sky! She seeks any small quarrel with our God believers – as an opportunity to humiliate us and push us to a lower position.”

  “I am still skeptical,” sighed the General, “if we can do something at present. I’ve told you in the past: Most of our soldiers now are Idols’ Worshipers.”

  “You mean – that I should continue praying and teaching - and wait?”

  Abner nodded. But then he said something, that had caused a blink of far hope in Yehoyada’s heart:

  “Have patience, High Priest. God is unexpected. That’s all I can say. Really, I’ve arrived here – to inform you that this evil woman is on her way to this Temple.”

  “Oh, God! Whenever she had come- it was for vile intentions, followed by imposing new capricious decrees. Please, remain with us here.”

  “Therefore I have just come…She herself had asked me to be present here with her. I can’t bear her scandals, so I’ll soon get out… I’ll let her search me.”

  Yehoyada and Abner were approaching the two boys, who were discussing something and gazed at Abner with inquiring eyes. The High Priest pointed at him and said: “This is General Abner, boys. I’ve told you once about him…And these are my son- Zakhariah,” he said to Abner, “and his friend Elyakim. Athaliah has prohibited the Daily Sacrifices in this Hall, but not Torah studies. Then she re-agreed to pigeons’ sacrifice, as to humiliate God, or mock by that on our poor offerings to Him. She still forbids sheep and oxen sacrifices, saying that our way of butchering causes enormous suffer to the big animals. Such ridiculous accusations- she has invented…”

  “I’ve heard all that,” said Abner, “the situation worsens, as she has an advisor and collaborator, her lover - cunning Baal Priest...”

  “However, by allowing me to teach here,” said the High Priest, “she has shown her relative generosity. My wife went to her and begged that…So, I study with these kids, and another priest studies with others, in the afternoon…”

  “I’ve implored to her a week ago,” said Abner, “to permit also the chorus to sing here again. She agreed. In the future I’ll come myself - and listen top the Levitin.”

  “Well,” said Yehoyada, “But will she allow the whole public to attend?”

  “She has agreed to an audience of up to hundred people!...Maybe you’ll hear it straight from her in a few minutes.”

  The High Priest suddenly became suspicious. He grabbed Abner by his sleeve and said in a whisper:

  “I’m still not quiet, sir. I fear from her visit. Please find some soldier who will bring my wife here. If the Queen will arrive with a vile purpose, my wife - her daughter- still can moderate her...Yehosheva is buying someing in the market.”

  Abner went outside, after shaking the priest’s hand. Yehoyada stayed for a while in the ‘learning corner’ and heard the two children explain loudly to him what they understood from Psalm’s chapter- about God’s creation and the pious people who will walk as pilgrims to his Temple… the boys read it loudly together.

  Suddenly a click was heard from the entry door. It was opened, and four armed guards penetrated in. They were followed by the Queen and Mathan, who walked behind Athaliah as a shadow. She rushed straight forward toward the altar.

  The Flower Priests staying there, discerned her immediately. She was already gazing at the curtain of the “Holy of Holies” chamber, well remembered and recognized by her. But before moving any further step, Athaiah heard loud shouts of the priests, though the crown had been on her head:

  “Out of here, woman!” One of them shouted, and the other called: “Where is Yehoyada?”

  “Dear queen,” whispered Mathan from behind Athaliah, “You can see it’s quite a deserted place. Why should you still insist to visit here?”

  “Neither your stars– nor Ashera Prophetess…could cure me from my suffering.”

  “Perhaps you have not listened exactly Baal star’s message: Be very very cautious now- when facing God Believers. Here is a dangerous place for you!”

  Athaliah waved her hand, in rejection to Mathan’s words.

  “Only you yourself,” he continued, disregarding Athaliah’s antagonism, “by your own strong personality and excellent character…can cure your mysterious...emotional imbalance. I’ve told you that repeatedly.”

  Athaliah pushed him away impatiently, but he remained staying not far from her.

  The High Priest of God discerned Athaliah, and stopped talking with his son and with his little friend. The queen approached their place and was facing Yehoyada.

  “Oh- Good day, High Priest,” she greeted him, trying to be heard calmed and be felt like- sympathetic to him, “I hope you are well, and so my daughter - your wife.”

  “Yes, thank God. Physically we are healthy. Not so much spiritually, Queen.”

  “I’m sure, High Priest, that you wonder - why should I come here?...”

  He was silent, hesitating that any word would damage.

  “I need the help of your God!” she added.

  “What help?” asked Yehoyada.

  “He should find a cure to my nightmares. I can’t sleep. I am filled with…a fear of something. I am horrifired…”

  “I remember, that there was a Priest or a Prophet of God,” said Mathan, though her penetrat-

  -ting look at him tried to avoid him talking, “his name was Shalum. He had been a specialist in such…irregular human spirit phenomena…”

  “Yes, he or any other God Believer, I hope…” she said.

  “You have your funny priests, this man’s idiots…” Yehoyada mocked, pointing on Mathan, his past assistant, “Go to them. God Almighty will be tough with your Excellncy, you know. He will want you to repent to him with a full heart. To destroy your idols’ pictures, sculptures, statues.”

  A wicket on the left of the ‘learning corner’ was opened in a screech.

  Yehosheva entered it, while bending, and rushed to the children. She was looking from far at her mother Athaliah, who discerned her and was approaching her from the Hall’s center - behind the altar.

  Yehoyada, Mathan, the Flower Priest and the Gurads, all followed Athaliah. She stopped a few steps from her daughter and weaved a hand towar her:

  “What is this woman doing here?” she said in surprise and ordered her Guards:

  “Watch her very close there! She should hold a distance from me.”

  Suddenly the queen discerned the two boys, that Yehosheva was standing at their study-desk..

  “Thank God, that I’ve come in due time,” Yehoshebva called from far, “Mother, d’you hear me? I hope you behave properly in this holy place. Unlike you’d done in the past.”

  “And you should be more respectful to the Queen!” shouted Athaliah, “You don’t give a damn for my health, which has deterioorated. You’ve stopped visiting me.”

  “I can’t believe you are ill,” said Yehosheva, as the Queen approached further.

  “What- not ill!? I’m damned!” Athaliah’s right foot treaded strongly the wooden floor. Then she began speaking with ecstasy, a foam on her lips:

  “Scenes of horror stir around me! –and you’re saying you can’t believe. I shake from time to time, unexpectedly. I lack a good sleep - that would free a human soul, as well as even
a spirit of a beast…”

  “If that is the truth,” said Yehosheva bluntly, “You have gotten a punishment from God!”

  “You, my dear daughter, better beg your God to help me... Please, High priest Yehoyada. I am sorry that I have deviated to side talk for a while…you are certainly better than this woman - in the eyes of God…”

  The boys, who have put a small tortoise on their large desk, now turned their heads toward the queen. She approached them, and they were quite frightened by her presence. They put the tortoise upside down and smiled at it, as if to pretend disregarding the queen. Yehosheva, however, shouted at them nervously: ‘stop that game!’- pulled up the tortoise and threw it away. She indicated the boys to keep quiet, and her heart was beating from a strange fear.

  Athaliah still had a short glimpse at the boys, then seemed to be concentrated in herself. But suddenly she collapsed on the floor, fainting with a murmur on her lips. Mathan rushed to her, and slapped her cheeks while she was lying on the floor. She still remained unconscious, wrapped by a ghostly vision . It was a mix up of reality with imagination. Soon a cup of water was brought to her. Mathan poured the liquid on her face. That caused her to re-open her eyes. She told the people surrounding her, whil she rose up:

  “I had had been haunted…by a fantasy: I was not the crowned Athaiah, but the beautiful youth, lying on my younghood’d bed in Samaria. Suddenly the door had opened. A elderly but pretty woman entered on tiptoe. She was my mother Jezebel, wearing a blue velvet dress. Bracelets on her wrists and golden jewellery, with diamons flashing on her hands. She was already standing at my bed, waking me up. We were embracing each other. ‘My child,’ she said, ‘my child…

  (The following poetic lines are my free translationa and adaptation from the famous drama “Athaliah” by French poet Jeabn Racine):

  “I know very well why do you shudder.

  You fear to have the same fate of your mother!

  The God of Israel is badly angry on you:

  His strangling fingers will grip your throat, too!”

  “I still felt darkness, the air was very gloom.

  The shadow of my Mom was still in my room.

  She bent a little, to let me again embrace her:

  I have sent my hand to caress her hair…

  But to my big shock, that made me alert-

  I woke up, and found only bones, blood, dirt!”

  Athaliah screamed, and the boys were looking at her in awe. Yehosheva stood up before them, and hided from their eyes the view of the terrified queen. One vision that Athaliah had seen not long before - she did not tell now. It was Jezebel’s killing scene. It happened on the balcony of her Jezer-el palace. Athaliah had recently heard its description - from a scroll, written by somebody who had come from northern Israel. It could have been the Prophet Joseph, who had copied that from Gehazi’s tales, and extended it a little:

  “On the balcony of Jezre-el’s palace were standing three figures. Jezebel was one of them, in the center. Beside her were two devoted castrated servants, whose upper bodies were naked. They all saw from above the rebel Jehu approaching. He was waving with his blooded sword toward them. With him were soldiers, who long years had hated the old royal family.

  Excited and terrified Jezebel shrieked to her castrated slaves:

  “Why do you grab my arms, castrated? Are you trying to betray me?”.

  “You have castrated us!” shouted both men, ”so now we take revenge: One, two, three.”

  They counted, while carrying her body by their hands, dangling her back and forth, till finally they threw her down from the blacony. A cracking crash of her broken skull and bones had been heard. Then Jehu brought a horse. The corpse had been tied to it by ropes, and so it was dragged at the streets, and the dogs were licking her sour blood, and whores washed it out …”

  Athaliah rose on her feet, but was soon staggering in Mathan’s arms.

  “I’m so dizzy,” she mumbled, “Oh, my mother’s fading form… Oh Baal!”

  “Honorable queen, relax and take a rest,” Tried Mathan to calm her, “Why fear from a delusive dream? It’s only a dream…Don’t surrender to a vision. You’re the greatest and strongest Queen that Israel and Judea had ever had.”

  Meanwhile the two boys rose from their bench, as indicated by Yehosheva. She wanted to sneak them outside by the side-wicket, through which she had arrived. But on the way toward it – her son Zakhariah fell down. Athaliah’s daughter was bending, to see what happened to him.

  Athaliah rushed to their direction, calling the guards to follow her.

  “Hold! Hold these boys!” she ordered, “I must have a look at them.”

  The guards rushed to the side-door and grabbed the boys, while Athaliah was approaching them slowly. Mathan and Yehoyada walked toward there, too.

  Athaliah’s eyes were gazing like hypnotized on the boy Zakharia, her grandson, and on his friend Elyakim. She was pointing on both boys.

  “Who are these kids, daughter?” she asked Yehosheva. “Don’t tell me – that both are your own children.”

  “Of course not.” said Yehosheva.

  “I am so busy ruling this kingdom,” said Athaliah as to herself, “that I had not had a moment for my own family.”

  Chief Priest Yehoyada poined on the boys, and said:

  “Queen, This is your grandchild, Zakhariah, and this is his friend. They study together here, to read with me our holy scripts and to write, too I’m their teacher.”

  “I have recognized this boy,” exlaimed Asthaliah hysterically, pointing on Elyakim, “I’ve seen him in my dream! Within the horrors, that my soul had provoked. Oh, I must-- “

  She approached Elyakim, who left his seat and rushed to stand at Yehosheva’s left side, grabbing her hand and embracing her thighs with fear.

  “This boy tried to kill the queen - in my last night dream…” Athaliah looked at Elyakim again. She bent to him, and shouted: “Is it true - or not? Do you hate me, boy?”

  Elyakim hided behind Yehosheva in dread; she had stretched her hands to her back and he was holding them.

  “You should be ashamed, mother” – shouted Yehosheva, “to blame such a little child! See how scared he is!”

  “I’ll interrogate him!” said Athaliah abruptly, “Just to calm my nerves. To ensure that what I’ve seen – was only a bad dream...”

  Then she turned around, looking at her escorts, and sneered, “This is a filthy stinking place. Let’s all go out - to the airy courtyard!”

  The guards indicated Yehosheva and the boys to go with them.

  Athaliah, Mathan and Yehoyada were following the little group, who had left the Temple’s hall...

  Queen Athaliah was standing again opposite to her daughter and to the boys. All the other men were looking from behind, standing around, The queen approached Elyakim again. She was gazing at him, an expression of amazement on her face.

  “Well! Tell me boy, who are you!” she said.

  Elyakim shrugged. He turned his head aside.

  “Oh, sweet face,” she was like talking to herself, “it is exactly like what I have seen in my dream. And his coat – is similar ... So, I haven't come here in vain, dear boy! I’ve found you! I want to talk to you face to face. Only the two of us.”

  She pointed again on Elyakim, and he re-hided his face behind Yehosheva’s back..

  “Please, your Majesty,” tried Mathan, to refrain her from talking further, “he’s only a boy.”

  “Our people will be very upset,” intervened also the High Priest, “if one of this boy’s hair drops down.”

  “You seem like chasinge him, Mom,” said Yehosheva, “See how afraid he’s become!”

  “I have to look at this boy from very close: Be impressed by his exact features, even smell him...You - move out of here, my subordinates!’

  “Mother! What happens to you?! Think!” shouted Yehosheva.

  “I have
to live with him for a while,” Athalia like meditated loudly, “Yes, even feel his feelings, and reveal his thoughts.”

  “You can’t do that!” said Yehoyada, “He has…his own wishes. You can’t kidnap him. What would the people think about your… sanity, Queen?”

  “For long time I have not had such feelings to anyone,” said the queen clearly and affectionally, “Like the boy had been my own flesh and blood. This sensation is filling my heart! I love his whole shape, and want to embrace him, and caress his cheeks…Boy, at least you should tell me …” she sighed, “where have you come from?”

  “Well!” said Yehoyada to Elyakim, “You must answer the Queen’s question, my boy. God has given you wisdom for that.”

  Athaliah smiled and gently stepped toward her daughter’s side. She glanced again at Elyakim, whose face has changed, because the Priest had ordered him to answer her, and it was difficult for him.

  “What’s your name?” she asked.

  “Elyakim – is my name. I say it without a shame.”

  “What are your parents’ names, may I know?”

  “Even their graves- nobody would me show.”

  “Oh, you are an orphan, poor boy . . .”said Athaliah. He nodded.

  “But I learn the Bible- so I’m filled with joy.”

  “Where were you born: in a village or in a town?

  “This Temple is my homeland, It is my crown.”

  Athaliah touched her crown in a nervy mode. It almost slipped down.

  “Do you remember your childhood’s views, surrounding?”

  “Only wild wolves, that against me were rounding!”

  “Since your childhood- who has fed you and educated you?”

  “God will not neglect his sons. They are always in His view.”

  Athaliah became upset. She was tapping the courtyard’s pavement by her shoes.

  She turned to Mathan, pointing on her daughter.

  “Yehosheva is a learned woman. So is her husband. They have taught this innocent boy how to answer, and hide details”.

  “Mother, enough with your rude and bothering behavior. You can’t force us to dance according to your flute…”

  “I will force you to do whatever I want,” Athaliah howled. She suddenly assaulted the boy, was touching his shirt and then pulled his head by his curles, and was forcefully kissing his cheeks.

  Yehoshva tried to pull the boy back by her hands - to disengage him from Athaliah, who ‘smiled sweetly’ to him. Elyakim was looking at the Priest, eager to know what he should do. Yehoyada still indicated him to stay there, and continue talking with the queen..

  “Lovely child,” she said again, “What is your daily program? What are you doing here?”

  “The Chief Priest teaches me the…Bible’s Commandments, and its good, wise judgments.”

  “For example?” asked Athaliah, and rejoiced. She felt suddenly like she herself had been a girl friend of that marvellous child.

  “God’s wish is,” he said, “that we will defend the weak orphan, and...He, the Almighty God- will kill murderers and other sinners.”

  The queen began searching in her gown’s pocket, and found there a small sack. Mathan had known that he had brought that to her. He had thought the stones contained inside the sack – were necessary for her entertainment, by which she would forget her bad spirit. Now she pulled out the five colored rounded stones, found on Jordan river’s edge. She showed them to all– and handed them to the boy elyakim.

  “You see my present to you? Do you have a game like that here?”

  “My best game - is being a servant to God, in this Temple.”

  “You, little boy, are forced to serve God?” she asked, looking derisively at Yehoyada.

  “I lit with my friend Zahkharia the candles’ fire… Yes, from time to time we also play with the tortoise. . .We have never had such stones…” he said shyly, looking at Yehoyada.

  “Oh, miserable boy. I see that you have hardly ever had a toy. You should come to my palace: you’ll have there so many games and many toys; not only the small animals that I saw you to play with. . .And I’ll find you new friends, boys and girls too.” .

  “No!” crid Elyakim, and began to sob. Yehosheva bent to him and embraced him.

  “I shall teach you also, “ said Athaliah, “how I, the Queen, use power over the people.”

  “I shall not leave the Temple of God!” shouted the boy, “I hate the idols of the Queen! And now I hate her face and looks…”

  Elyakim suddenly disconnected himself from Yehosheva’s grip, and rushed to the fence near the courtyard’s gate. He wanted to escape, but the guards chased him, and soon brought him back.

  “You and my daughter - have educated this child to hate me!” said the irritated Queen to Yehoyada, “this is what he studies here, in your sacred place! Filthy and dirty place…God’s Temple!”

  Athaliah was laughing hysterically, and was gazing at Mathan – who nodded.

  She turned now in a friendly gesture to Elyakim, who had been brought back.

  “I don’t have a heir!” she told the boy, and intended that all the people present there will listen, “I shall take you out of this Temple. Now! I’ll adopt you – as my own son! I wish it, and it will occur!”

  “Queen, what are you talking about?” asked astonished Mathan. He felt that her madness might hurt not only herself, and became really worried.

  “One day,” Athaliah told the boy, like a teacher to his pupil, “you will become king over Judea… Would you like that idea…?”

  “No, Queen of Evil!” shouted the boy, “I shall not go with you. I’ll better die!”

  Athaliah felt she may collapse again. Her head was beating and her sight became dizzy.

  “I’ve become so tired,” she whispered to Mathan, who stood at her side, “I can’t bear my weakness any more. Let the boy go away…with my daughter and my grandson, his friend. We’ll come back another day.”

  Yehoyada kissed Elyakim and his son Zakhariah, who ran to his arms too, quite envious of his friend - who earned the Priest’s embrace first.

  Yehosheva and the boys left the Temple’s courtyard very quickly.

  Before Athaliah turned to go away too, she told Yehoyada:.

  “That boy has so much hatred for me. You had poisoned his soul! I know!”

  “Not me,” said Yehoyada vehemently, “It was your hand, that had caused a great evil to the people of Judea. Even a foundling kid- like this one- knows that!”

  Athaliah and Mathan were riding their horses, on their way back to the recently renewed palace. The Baal priest tried to flatter her by saying:

  “My dear queen, I worship your behavior today. Your understanding, that we cannot confiscate the strange boy, like he were a lamb for sacrifice.”

  “I’ve to take revenge of all the rebels!” she cried as to herself, still outraged about Yehoyada, “Beware of me, Priest of God!”

  When they came into her bedroom inside the palace, Athaliah threw her crown on the small chair at the side. Mathan was holding her hand and tried to kiss it.

  “You know - I have lost my desire for love making, my dear priest. The worst of all is, that I can’t sleep. Whatever I would do, I fail to sleep. I try to relax – in vain.”

  The queen began to prowl to and fro un-easily, and Mathan tried to call her to concentrate.

  “I have investigated the boy’s past,” he told her, “I know what people think about his luck, too: The High Priest told them that God had sent the foundling child to him - as a certain clue…Yehoyada became used to show the boy to his visitors. He would tell how noble were the boy’s ancestors. He would hint, that in God’s will - the boy may be a second Joshua or Moses…Ha, Ha! Amazing, that nobody of the simple people would reflect, that these sayings were mere poses and hollow words of the High Priest.”

  Ataliah walked toward the window. She found there a metal rod, which she had p
repared before, and played with it.

  “Moses, God’s first messenger to the people of Israel,” she told Mathan, “had a wooden rod to lean on. I hold this metal rod, to hit God’s stubborn people…”

  “Queen, no one can function properly, if he or she surrenders to insomnia,” tried Mathan to make her return to reality, “You should find how to rest, Queen. I am worried about you. The hallucinative waves, about which you have talked, are bad for a ruler of a kingdom. Dear Athaliah, your Ministers and Generals will soon discern your bad mood, your unstable mental condition…”

  “What condition?” she shouted, “That I suffer? And you – I have allowed you to find a concubine, you know! You don’t worry about me, but about your rude desires.

  She pushed him away from her bedroom and banged the door. Mathan was left alone in the hall. He was thinking for a moment, then rushed back to her bedroom, and knocked at the door. Thouigh she had not opened it, he knew she would listen: “I’ll get the boy. I swear.” Mathan said, and heard her wild and nervous laugh.