Read Athaliah, Daughter Of Jezebel Page 6

Jehoram, king of judea, died at the age of forty. Ahazia, his and Athaliah’s son, was crowned as his successor in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. This time the High Priest was the king’s family member, Ahaziah sister’s husband Yehoyada-Joad. He was a very devoted God believer, and since his first day in that position, two years before, he was worried from the negligence of the Temple. The Temple’s building was not well prepared toward the crowning ceremony of Ahaziah, as nobody had expected that Jehoram’s death would come so soon. Yehoyada tried his best to clean the Hall, wash the sacrificing altar and set up a new thick wooden door and crimson curtain to the Holy of Holies Room (Kodesh Hakodoshim). The outside shape of the Holy Temple, however, remained as it had been along the last decades, when no one tried to replenish it: The kingdom needed money for building ramparts and finance costly wars. Also, the number of God believers had not increased, as people were influenced by Idol worshippers missionaires. They were coming from Tsydon and Northern Israel – Ahab’s kingdom. They mainly attracted youngsters and rich people, by their ‘no-restraint’ idea regarding human desires, as realized in the Baal and Ashera erotic ceremonies, which were practically sexual orgies.

  Athaliah was very happy to be the ‘Super Lady’- as the king’s mother had been called in those ancient times. Her mother Jezebel, (who even was called Queen –by Ahab) - sent her a nice note of blessing for that, and a gift of a golden necklace, beside the presents she had sent to the new young king Ahazia. However, she added a written blessing and comment- in a note enclosed to those gifts: ‘We rejoice and kiss Ahazia, the new king from our family. We bless him that Baal will strengthen him and help him in all his deeds… Let’s beware, however of the hand of God, from tightening around our throat…”

  She wrote these gloomy words, because her son Joram had been already fighting again with the Arameans. There were bitter battles going on in the northern-eastern side of Israel, as well as over the Jordan river and Sea of Galilee’s mountainous areas. Even to the Carmel mountain and the sea shore had King Hazael of Aram penetrated. He was a cruel and strong enemy, obstinate as a whipped up wrathful horse. Elisha had already prophesized he would be like that:

  “…And the man of God wept,” tell us the Bible ( KINGS2 , CHAPT.8, 10-14)

  “And Hazael said:’why does my lord(Elisha, who met him) weep?’ – and he (Elisha) answered: ‘Because I know the evil that you’ll do to the sons of Israel. Their strongholds you will set on fire, and their young men you will kill with swords, and their little ones you will dash in pieces, and their pregnant women you will rip up!”

  Despite the hard situation in northern Israel at that time of summer, Athaliah decided to drive to Samaria and visit her mother. Of course she was escorted by two guards, and her son Ahazih approved that travel. He heard from Athaliah that she would advice her Mom about fighting against the prophets and their followers. Jezebel had hated the prophets since her marriage with Ahab, and now she blamed the extreme God believers to be the most fearful internal enemy. That was obvious, as they loudly declared their wish to cause Ahab’s dynasty perish. Even that disaster would be brought by a foreign occupier like Hazael… Jezebel was madly eager to crush the prophets and their followers, as in the time of Elija. But her searche after those “Sons of Prophets” and their shelter suppliers had brought only a limited successs. Unlike Judea, where the prophets were few, and till then - the kings had not forced the people to accept the Idols worship, Jezebel behaved differently. She had been jealous to and decisive to uproot God’s prophets and their followers from the country, and wondered how they re-emerged from as from underground, after many of them had been slaughtered by her husband Ahab. However, her son Joram’s policy was to differentiate between the prophets and the priests: He allowed the Calf priests remain still in their positions, and lead their ceremonies and prayers – but without preaching to the people. The social inequality between poor and rich in north Israel had been well felt by the majority of the simple citizens - and only the prophets dared to criticize that, and call for the devastation of the royal old regime. Jezebel hated them also for that, not only for a mere religious reason…


  “We should try to use a new tactics in fighting with the prophets,” said Athaliah when she met her mother, “I well remember, that you had discovered to me once, that my Pa hired two pretty prostitutes for spying in Aram’s Damascus. Let’s use such a network against the internal enemies.”

  Jezebel agreed to her daughter’s idea. She invited Gera – her chief Intelligence Officer, for consultation. For many years she had in mind the same idea, but the ‘Sons of Prophets’ were ardent God Believers, who would not be seduced by a regular type of whores. Now Athaliah was there – and suggested that she would select women candidates for such a task.

  Jezebel asked Gera, if he had a pretty girl, who had been in need of money, and would be found fit for seduction.

  “I have a most remarkable one,” he said, “she is called Bath Gad,”

  “A youth in that name had been my maid’s sister!” said Athaliah in surprise, “What a cross of events….I would like to see her, and render her some gifts …”

  “Recently,” added Gera, “She was a mistress of Zerabaal, one of the sons of our great king Ahab’s concubines’.”

  “Oh, A concubine has found a concubine’s son,” said cynical Jezebel and Athaliah together.

  “Doesn’t Bat Gad aspire to become a respectable lady?” asked Athaliah, “and of course, officially married to a honest man?”

  “Maybe. But meanwhile she had betrayed the concubine’s son. She claimed that he promised to marry her, but soon became cooled up. So, she departed from him, and soon became really married - to a handsome army officer in the name of Offir-el…But he was killed by Aram. So, my men had known her past, and put her on the upper line in my list.”

  “Surely she is starving now,” said Jezebel, “We should sieze the opportunity and mobilize her to the sacred task, of seducing sacred men.”

  “May I know- who are these prophets exactly?” asked Gera, who was not sure about the exact target.

  “I have a plot against two relatively young prophets. They must be won cunningly.”

  “I know,” said Gera, “that their leader Elisha has already one mistress. She ‘s living in the village Shunem, near Jezre-el. He would hardly be seduced. I heard he is very devoted to that big woman, that he has made her become pregnant. She has a very old husband, dead cocked.” He laughed.

  “We will need more than one beautiful woman,” said Athaliah, “for even younger prophets’ sons- so they call their disciples. Maybe I can use one clean beaute for a service in Judea. ”

  “I have seen Bat Gad already, even twice,” said Jezebel, “when that son of my husband’s concubine had been with her. She’s really pretty, and very attractive.”

  “Her sister told me,” said Athaliah, “that her face is very smooth, her brown skin is shining, and her smile makes you feel that you see a marvellous angel.”

  “Don’t you know that woman, Gera?” Jezebel her secret police Head,” You are known as a women hunter,” she looked at Athaliah.

  “Now I have no spare time for women, your Ladyship,” said Gera solemnly, “you know that I am busy in organaizing our wars’ plots how to frustrate the enemy.”

  “My spy should be a mysterious woman,” said Jezebel, “I wonder if Bat Gad is.”

  “Yes, but not a hallucinator.” Answered Gera, “She should like to enjoy life. Her body and spirit are be very healthy, so I am told. That meets my principle.”

  “We should hurry to hire her,” said Jezebel, “In her poor condition now- this lady Bat Gad might become again a concubine very soon. Of a wealthy traders or a young prince, that I am not familiar with. My so-called family has become so large, by the offsprings of Ahab’s mistresses…Generaly, I hate quarrelling with an owner about a whore, understand? I want her for my purpose immediately, before it’s too late.”

??But nothing is too late,” said Gera, “in this kind of profession. If we miss Bat Gad, I will find for you another candidate within a day or two.” He said that with a sardonic smile, but soon saw his lady’s severe glimpse at him.

  “No. A primitive minded slut,” she said, “would not fit my target. I know what I’m talking about. Prophets are the most intelligent and smartest of men. Their sexual desire would only be fulfilled by lying with very intelligent and wise women. Maybe you know that. So,” she turned to Athaliah, “if you say that Bat Gad is smart and constructive and resourceful – let us find her. We will both be her guides.”

  “I will hand her to you immediately,” Gera said, “assuming that she is here, in Samaria.”

  “Bath Gad will become the chief anti-prophets agent,” said Athaliah, “she should dwell within their circles. But you warn her, mister Gera- not to fall really in love with one of those vile, seeminglly righteous and pious prophets. I hope she’s not too silly, as she is not any more a teenager. She must be a good pretender, an actress. I repeat- she must not be too much seduced to have a truthful and a real love affair. It’s an obstacle, you know…”

  “She should not be like myself in my youth, Gera.” said Jezebel, in a break of sudden sincerity. “You know, I – had fallen in real love at the age of twenty. Yes, with prince Ahab from Israel, May his soul rest in peace. Today, in my elder age, however- I criticize myself about that excited love. I am not filled with hapiness - while I recollect what had come out of my hopes and dreams…Oh,” she whimped, but soon recovered, “Sometime I think, that it had been better - if Almighty and Terrible Baal would have created me a simple woman. I should have been busy in taking care of my children, feeding them, educating them- without being constantly worried and distressd by the fate of a great and shaking kingdom. . .Oh, Heaven!”

  Her eyes became again wet, and she wiped the tears by her palm.

  “Excuse me for being so sore today,” she added, “I see everywhere only murderous fighting and terrible starvation. Everyday I worry - who else of my relatives might pass away. Yes, in that dreadful war, that the horrible God of Israel had declared on us…I apologize for my exaggerations, if any… The strings of my nerve are so stretched…”

  “It’s good for the spirit to speak out,” remarked Gera.

  “Let’s return to our topic, the woman Bath Gad.” Said Jezebel, “I am too nervous and tired today - to interview her. Let Athaliah do that. I rely on her. You will send the woman to Athaliah’s room, just as you find her. Athaliah will verify our guess about her capability…”

  “I’ll initially bribe her by a wrist’s golden bracelet.” said Athaliah, “I’ve brought it with me.”

  “I will hand you also,” said Jezebel, “to let her have a silver ring, with a precious diamond. I hate this article, because the king of Aram had rendered it to me. It was while we had a temporary piece. I paid a visit to him with my husband, before he had been killed by these treacherous Arameans.”

  “I remember it,” said Athaliah, while her mother took the ring out from a drawer in her wardrobe and handed it to her.

  Gera saw that Jezebel’s eyes were winking from fatigue, and he gave her his hand for departure. Jezebel turned to her room, and fell asleep immediately. Athaliah, however, was very alert afterward. She was waiting in her room for the young woman Bat Gad. After two hours - a maidservant came to her room and told her, that Gera had ‘found the requested lady,’ so he said..

  “She will arrive here in the evening, he said. He ordered the guards to lead her straight into your bedroom, Lady Athaliah…”

  “Very good,” Athaliah said, “thank you.”

  Half an hour after sunset Gera’s horserider-agent brought a young woman, riding a tall donkey, to the western gate of Samaria’s palace. She connected its reins to a peg in the courtyard’s external wall, and stepped after the agent up to Gera’s cabin. Gera sent his agent back and talked shortly with Bat Gad. She was black haired, a blue color smeared around her big almond eyes, her lips not as thick as a black woman’s- but sensitve and full. (Gera remembered that Jezebel had such sensitive lips in her past, but in recent years they became narrow, strongly clasped– and people related that to her wickedness and vicious character). But in contrast to her made up face – Bat Gad’s dress made her look like a very traditional village women: A wide showl was wrapping her face, and a tiny cleft in her dress exposed only a slight curve of her rounded breasts.

  Gera stroke his shepherd’s bell twice. That was a sign for the maidservant to arrive in his office, (for calling his two staff guys, he used to gong three times). He told the maid to follow Bat Gad to Athaliah’s room, and leave her there.

  “I am the king’s daughter,” told her Athaliah, “and you’ll wonder why I have called you here.”

  “Yes, I really wonder,” smiled Bat Gad.

  “Your sister Rachel,” said Athaliah, “sends you her greetings.”

  “Oh, How would your ladyship know my sister?” asked Bat Gad.

  “She had been my maid for five years, in Judea,” said Athaliah, “she has married, and hopes to meet you one day.”

  “Oh, thanks a lot,” said Bat Gad. She had never known much about the Judean royal family, so she had not been aware of Athaliah’s connection to it and to Abner.

  “Your sister has told me,” said Athaliah, “that in your early younghood you were going to get married, but…”

  “I disliked my fiance’s pedancy and severe religiousity,” said Bat Gad. “I can’t deny that, your ladydhip. I see you had inquired a lot about me…”

  “Had your fiance limited your moves…and therefore you have fled out?”

  “Yes.” She smiled, “At those far days I had thought about my escapade as a very daring step. Now - I know that so had God wanted… He was an officer, the man to whom I had been engaged to. He was called Abner.”

  “Had you inquired about him - since you had left your home?”

  “No,” said Bat Gad, “and if my sister knows him, or if you happen to meet him - please, don’t talk with him about me. He hates me.”

  “I’ll know what to talk with who,” scolded Athaliah, and then asked: “D’You know that my family members here - are the relatives of Judea’s king.”

  Bat Gad nodded with her head: “Yes”, she said.

  “We have called you,” said Athalaih, “for a very delicate job. I was reported, that while you had first arrived to Samaria, you took shelter in Ashera House here. For a year you had served as a maid of Ashera priestess and then of the Baal Priest.You have certainly participated in the dancing-ceremonies they had organized. I liked these festivities very much myself…”

  “Well, that was years ago.”

  “Your open mindedness and free behavior in the past -gives me hope, that the job which I have chosen for you. . .will meet your character… I know about your recent marriage, too - to an officer of the army here.”

  “Yes, “ confirmed Bat Gad, “alas, a month ago he was killed in a battle.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Now I feel useless, dear madam. I can’t even turn to be a maidservant somewhere, because the rich people here want teenagers for that, and I can’t hide my age.”

  “Ah, that is not the full truth,” saud Athaliah, “You are so pretty, that some would agree…”

  “You know, that since the last siege of Samaria by Aram - God’s prophets sons just murder womwn whom they think to be profane? I don’t think I should go back, for example, to work in the Baal’s House, because I fear from them…”

  “I Understand,” said Athaliah, “The Baal priests became fewer- as many had volunteered to be soldiers and defend their homeland. The prophets of God called their followers to desert.” Athaliah was a little embarrased about how she would reveal to the young woman why she had called her.

  “Now I will reveal you,” said Athaliah, “what’s the real task, that we’d like to impose on you. ..
Not an easy one. ”

  “Well, the man who brought me here,” said Bat Gat, “told me that the king’s mother needs like a secretary… or something like that .”

  “Not exactly. I’ll tell you that directly: You are a fascinating young woman. We have found that we should use your service to fight the God’s prophets and prophets’ sons… I assume that you know- that they are headed by Elisha. He is a queer person, Elija’s disciple. You should attract him, pretend love, and lie with him.”

  “Oh! I am now a respectable woman, honorable Lady.”

  “We must break through into his mind, and find out his main secrets,” Athaliah disregarded her protest, “if there is a real association of prophets with him, who plot with Aram against our

  kingdom? And where are their hiding places? To who in Aram are they connected, if at all?… and so on.”.

  “There is already a rumor in the army,” said Bat Gad, “so told me my late husband…that some commanders conspire with Prophets’ Sons.”

  “We have to know further details about that plot. If you’ve heard something more- tell me now.”

  Bat Gad shook her head: “I know nothing more,” she said, “Soldiers discuss about everything confidentially. A revolt is a pure art of conspiracy by men. How can a woman like me bring benefit ? …”

  “You get that through your bed,” said Athaliah cynically, “the task that we would like you to fulfill is really difficult and risky. But we will pay you a lot.”

  “But how shall I… lie in bed,” asked Bat Gad in a broken voice, “with a bald, hideous man like that Elisha? I… You force me to do something against my will, Lady. I may run out. Hopefully not, but…I am not a whore.”

  “You have been hosted by us since your younghood. You have found shelter in Samaria…For how many years have you stayed here exactly?”

  “Seven,” answered Bat Gad, “Seven years. Time has been running fast.”

  “Looking at your pretty body and shining face,” said Athaliah, “and being impressed by your common sense, I am sure you will win the prophet’s heart. You will get used to him. Even marry him, for our sake- and for yours too: He is an extraodinary orator and poet. He is an interesting man, you know. He is known for doing favors to the most miser people in our society. And he would cheer them up by his prophesies about our royal family’s devastation…Ha Ha!”

  “I had heard, that this prophet Elisha has some woman. Or more than one.”

  “He is a vagabond, you know. Searching to bring food, clothes and money to those who lack everything except their airy souls. How did he define that? ‘to help the orphan, the widowed woman, the foreign slave – and the poor in general.’”

  Bat Gad meditated longly. She shut her eyes and massaged her face by her fingers.

  “Well,” she said at the end, “I can try to seduce him, but I can’t guarantee results.”

  “Of course not. But you’ll report everything about him to us. Even if his hatred toward us would seem to you only conceptual; even if he wouldn’t organizing anybody against us…And be cautious about telling about your past as a servant in the Idols’ temple. Pretend the innocent woman… If he catches something - you are in danger, you understand that. He has an enormous hatred toward those who aren’t God believers. He has some interesting prophecies in writing, too. D’you like to read poetry?”

  “Some kind- Yes,” said Bat Gad, “but I had not read anything by him, nor by his master Elija. I’ve mainly read the Knaanite Baal legendary poetry. That was when I stayed with the Idols worshippers…”

  “You will like also Elisha’s rhetorics to the public. He is an excellent oratory poet. There is a guy who actually puts his words into ink. He is his assistant, the youth Gehazi.”

  “I heard that Greek poets are used to lie with their male youths, and with their women as well,” Bat Gad was feeling she could now quite jest, “If Elisha is like them…then I fear I shall be disgusted. I’ll resign, I’m telling you. Please take that into account, Lady Athaliah.”

  The two women soon left Athaliah’s bedroom and walked to Gera’s cabinet. Athaliah became worried about Elisha’s homosexuality, and asked the secret Policeman’s opinion.

  “He’s surely straight,” he remarked, “We have traced his moves, his meetings. We’ve peeped even to his sleeping places. . .”

  Athaliah turned to Bat Gad, and said: “You see, don’t worry about that.”

  “Well,” said Bat Gad to Gera, “I see I must agree to take this job... But how much will I be paid? It’s most risky, we have agreed about that.” she turned to Athaliah, who nodded.

  “Once a month,” told her Gera, “you will get two hundred Ksitaa, which is an amount close to the monthly earnings of the richest carpets’ dealers in Samaria.”

  “I’ll get paid in gold coins, I suppose,” said Bat Gad.:

  “If you dicover a lot about the prophets conspirators,” said Gera, “I will even raise your salary…”

  “The prophets spread poison,” said Athaliah, “and now we will poison them back, hunt them one by one. So many were captured in the time of my late father, but now their number seems to rise. It’s like a strong river’s stream, that suddenly meets a dam and stops; but then finds a bypass and continues to flow. Their stream is dranage water, filthy, bad smelling…Baal will help us to get rid of those fanatics, fantasy stricken villains!”

  Saying that- Athaliah decided to introduce young Bat Gad to her mother, Jezebel. If something would go wrong, she thought, her Mom should not smash the blame for failure only on her, who recommended to hire that pretty spy.

  Jezebel was already awake, and permitted the two women to enter her bedroom. She did not rise from her sofa, and was still lying on it, very tired. But then she ordered her maid to bring two embroidered cushions and lay them over the white cushion, which was under her head.

  At first she thought to exchange with her visitor only a few words, but after looking further at pretty Bat Gad, she tried to strenghthen herself and become fully seated, leaning her head on the high new cushions.

  Jezebel spoke in an intimate manner, thinking that the young woman would appreciate her frank talk: “My body is aching all around. That would force me to constantly move – trying to find a better resting position every hour…” she said with a sigh, moving her legs out of the blanket like sportively, but even that effort was seen heavy for her.

  “Well, I wish you good luck in your task, dear Bat Gad,” Jezebel then added hoarsely, “Remember to report Gera about every move you take. Let him know… about any irregular behavior - of the various men you’ll befriend.”

  “I was told that it would be only one, her Excellancy.” said Bat Gad.

  “Let it be so. And remember to say a prayer to Baal every day. I understand you’re God’s believer, but a murmur of a few worde won’t damage. Say: ‘Bless my whole, Oh Baal.’ …That’s all. It helps, you’ll see!”

  Then Jezebel indicated her daughter – to put an end to the meeting. Before leaving, Bat Gad greeted Jezebel, saying: “Good night, Your Highness. I wish you good health, from the depth of ny heart.”

  The two women turned back to Gera’s cabinet, where he was waiting for them.

  “I give you now ten golden coins, as a prepayment,” Gera handed the money to Bat Gad. “this is in addition to the nice golden gifts that Her Ladyship has rendered you.”

  “Thanks,” she said, and Athaliah departed from her, wishing her ’Good luck.’

  “You will meet Elisha,” Gera told Bat Gad, “in Pentecost’s ceremony, in which people bring their First Fruits of the year- to God’s priests. It’s in Beth El. Have you visited already the nice Shrine of the Calf?”

  “Of course,” she said, “My husband, the officer, was a God Believer. Though in Judea- where I was born, the Priests opposed and hated this Temple. They claimed that God would like people to gather only in Jerusalem…” She smiled at Gera, and he cursed himself. He could not permit
himself to have an affair with her now, due to his high rank. He gave an oath to Jezebel - not to mix selfishness with his super-responsible job. ‘Jezebel uses to send spies after me too,’ he thought. ‘I know that Rulers are paranoids. Nothing can change that malady.’

  “I wish you good luck and success” he said solemnly to Bat God, “Hopefully, you have an excellent control on your nerves. I’m sure about that.”

  Next morning Athaliah’s mother called Gera and Athaliah to her room:

  “You have hired a really amazing and fascinating young woman,” she praised them both.

  “I had known about her before,” said Athaliah, “and I regret that I had not suggested to you

  employ her earlier.”

  “If we’re still living,” Jezebel sighed, “It’s not too late…Well, Chief intelligence officer,” she said to Gera, “tell us now the fresh news for today!”

  “Our forces in Galilee still hold their positions, but we need much more soldiers. We hear that some footmen still run out from their units. Aram pays them to leave their units.…And some of our commanders say, that the royal regime is to be blamed, for nourishing the Baal worship, not God’s religion. Of course, I hope to get more valueable intelligence, and know better who are the trouble makers- through Bat Gad…”