Read Atlantis: Ancient Breeds Story Page 2

  Using one of four water skins, he drank slowly and sparingly.

  Food on this ship was nothing he wanted to sample, besides, Roris made sure the food supply he brought along would sustain him.

  Kiros’s blood.

  A unique power contained within their life’s blood would keep him going. That part of their existence was a secret each vowed to protect. To never let the humans know or gain evidence of their existence, for they are SandWalkers, one of the Ancient Breeds.

  Chapter 2


  “Wake up Kiros! We must go now!” Myaten kicked the mattress after wasting more than ten minutes trying to wake the man from a death like sleep.

  “Get your sick ass up!”

  Groaning, Kiros squinted in the darkness before rolling onto the floor. “I’m up. I need to pee.”

  “Pee later!” Myaten grabbed Kiros by his schenti. Teleporting them from the confined cabin before the man had a chance to use one of the buckets to relieve himself, he hoped Kiros had a strong bladder.

  Outside the cold ocean wind blew around them in fierce gales. The massive ship groaned under the onslaught of Mother Nature and Myaten wondered if there would be a ship to return to. Capsizing would mean the end for the crew and passengers.

  Lightning pierced the sky multiple times with dark clouds blotting out the heavens like a black curtain.

  “IT’S TIME!” Myaten shouted telepathically.

  Kiros nodded his understanding and held tight while offering a wrist.

  “I hate this part!” Kiros barked back.

  Myaten ignored the protests and bit down. Within two heartbeats, Myaten released his fangs from Kiros’s wrist and waited for the instant rush that would increase his strength.

  One— Two— Three.

  There it was. A tingle settled in the pit of his stomach like a rotating orb of energy. Extending, growing, and spreading through his organs, muscle and tissue. The surge of power would allow him to summon the Time Obelisk from the seabed.

  Only a Time Guardian could control the ancient monuments. Lucky he passed his tests first time around.

  The giant stone splashed free of the thrashing sea. Waves crashing, stretching to reclaim what belonged within the inky depths of a world he hoped one day to investigate. The vicious weather did nothing to impede the speed of the Time portal. Up, up it flew through the air, climbing higher and higher. Spearing the black clouds and leaving behind an arced funnel of water and air.

  Myaten waited— bidding his time. Only one such as he knew instinctively the right fraction of minutes and seconds needed to Time it. Now as a Guardian, he could go where he wanted without fear of retribution by the Holy One.

  The four-sided obelisk beckoned from above the clouds and within seconds, he swore he heard Roris speak.

  Now my son!

  Reaching within him, Myaten tightened his hold on Kiros. Up they flew. Like a pair of falcons, wings stretched, pumping to keep flight. Soaring higher and higher— toward the heavens where the portal lay in wait.

  Breaking through the cloud cover, Myaten cursed at the loud hum coming from the spinning obelisk. No matter how many times he travelled in Time, this method always split his skull like a ripe melon.

  Both men slammed into the rotating monument resulting in an explosion of light and sound that would kill any normal being.

  The obelisk spit them out the other side into a world of calm and serenity. Pastel clouds with sparkling sunbeams a sharp contrast to the dark side of the storm separated by thousands of years into the future.

  And with a muddled brain, Myaten managed to anchor the obelisk to their present time frame. No human had or ever would set foot upon the wondrous delight of Atlantis.

  But that wasn’t the most pressing matter at hand. The fact that they were perilously falling from the sky hit home. If he didn’t stop their decent, they wouldn’t set foot on it either!

  “Hey! Do you think we could go up now?”

  Kiros’s fingers dug into his brother’s flesh.

  “I am trying!”

  “Try harder! I do not want to die this way!”

  “You cannot die!” Myaten shouted back at him wishing to slap him upside the head.

  “Let us not put that theory to the test today. So get us up there!” Kiros pointed up at the hovering mountain.

  Myaten tried and nothing worked. “I am too weak, Kiros!”

  “I will pretend you lie…”

  Before their male argument could continue, a blinding skein of light appeared from a pinpoint off in the distance beneath them. The shimmering colors spread out like fishing net, capturing them.

  “Am I supposed to be pleased about this?” Kiros asked as the sparkling strands pulled tight across his shoulders, depositing him on his head.

  “This is not my doing!” Myaten’s muffled answer was barely audible with his face pressed hard against Kiros’s armpit.

  Just as Kiros opened his mouth to shout at Myaten again, the net jerked and the upward tow forced him into the strong pouch. Were they the food for some higher being? He wasn’t about to wait and find out.



  “My Highness...”

  Queen Larissa stood silently gazing out the window. Turning with a questioning look within crystal eyes that perfectly matched the shade of her dark blue gown, she asked. “Yes, what is the matter?”

  Not sure how to break the news of the capture of two ambassadors, the young man decided it best to answer honestly. “It would seem that our patrol accidentally caught Ambassador Myaten, Son of Roris and co-ruler of the desert lands.”

  The frown that marred the perfect set of white shimmering eyebrows made the man take a few steps back.

  Clasping hands behind her back, she spoke softly. “How pray tell did this happen? Are they unharmed? Please speak openly, there is nothing to fear.”

  At the sound of footsteps, the guard paused to look over his shoulder, his face pale with obvious worry.

  “Please pardon our interruptions, Larissa, but if not for this man,” Myaten pointed at the guy literally quaking in his boots, “Kiros and I would be two tasty morsels for the sea creatures below.”

  Larissa tipped her head slightly in acknowledgement and waved the officer away. Walking with long strides, she met Myaten with arms outstretched. Palm to palm in a circle. Issuing the royal greeting meant that he could speak openly in her presence. “I am in your debt that I need not inform your father with news of your disappearance in Time.”

  “Well it would not be the first, Larissa.” He bowed and returned the circle of palms―one rotation to the right and two to the left.

  Larissa stood on tiptoe to see over Myaten. Beaming a most enchanting smile, she motioned the other man closer. “Please, introductions Myaten.”

  Coughing to clear his throat and hoping that Kiros did not upset the delicate balance between their Breeds, he waited to see how Kiros handled himself. “This is Kiros. Foster brother and son of Roris and Keeper of the Falcons.” He stepped aside to allow Kiros to take his place.

  Myaten watched as Kiros waited for Larissa to look straight at him.

  With a nod of acceptance, Kiros stopped and placed both palms facing the Queen. “I ask your Highness to forgive my state of dress.” Kiros cut Myaten a heated look. “I was not prepared for this trip, nor was I informed of meeting with you personally.” He bowed from the waist, keeping his back ramrod straight as he bent forward.

  “There is no need for apologies, Kiros. And I am honored to meet with you...” She paused as if in thought before continuing. “Kiros, correct me if you feel obliged to, but Myaten announced you as his foster brother. Are you not of the Alicorn Breed?”

  Kiros nodded slowly unsure at first and returned to Myaten’s side. “I have no recollection of my Breed, your Highness, and I know very little of my past.”

  “Yes, I know this to be true, Kiros. I can see your true form, hazy, but it is there. Forgive me. It has been a long time s
ince my breed enjoyed the company of an Alicorn.” Turning in a florish of swirling sapphire blue, Larissa floated into an adjacent room clapping her hands with what the men hoped was delight.

  Myaten smacked Kiros on the shoulder. “What is this Alicorn business? You never spoke of this before?”

  “That is in part due to the fact that Larissa’s touch opened a memory within my mind. I have no prior knowledge.” Stopping long enough to place his palm against Myaten’s chest he began to feel antsy. “Do you remember the woman I told you about back on the docks?”

  “Yeah, how could one not remember? Your head in a bucket is not something anyone tends to forget quickly.”

  “You are not amusing, Myaten. Listen. I confess to you now that the woman is but a distant relative. She visits once each year on the day of my rebirth to drain the energy within me.”

  “Can we speak of this later? Larissa is waiting. You do not keep the Ruler of Atlantis standing alone waiting while we bicker about your fantasies!”

  “I knew you would not believe me!” Kiros snarled and pushed past Myaten. Coming to a standstill, Kiros rolled his shoulders back. Flattening the hem of his crushed kilt, he quickly straightened his cloak, letting it fall over his right shoulder before entering the room with the air of a prince.

  Myaten stood with his mouth slightly ajar before glancing down at his own attire. How it was Kiros always managed to astound him? There were things no man could rationalize and now, he had no logical reason to doubt Kiros. But why would this woman, attack him in this fashion? Deep down, the truth stared him in the face.

  Everyone attacked Kiros.

  Glancing down, he grunted. Rumpled with a day’s growth of beard why should he worry of Kiros offending Larissa when he looked like a goat. “Why does lady luck screw with me even in different Time Zones?” Shaking his head, Myaten tried to resurrect his royal finery before joining the others.

  Larissa spread her arms wide in invitation. “Please take refreshments,” she indicated the oval, sapphire table laden with crystal pitchers and platters of food. “…and stop with the nonsense. I hear your unspoken thoughts and it is entertaining, but pains me that the both of you wish to impress. There is no need,” she glanced straight at Kiros and continued speaking, “…to worry about who you are Kiros.”

  Looking at Myaten with fondness she explained in more detail. “Kiros is from a different race entirely. Much older than any one Breed and I know this because only my Breed can see you. His memories have been locked.”

  Kiros looked shocked and opened his mouth to speak.

  “I am unable to undo what has been done to you dear friend. Although, saying that, you have the magic to unlock your past. When the time is right, you will.”

  Clearing her throat her face turned serious. “Now speak candidly, Myaten.”

  “We appreciate your courtesies.” Myaten took his customary spot to the left of Kiros.

  Kiros sniffed and took three steps the other way. “Speak for one’s self. I did not want to come. I told you I…” He stopped at the charming laugh from Larissa.

  “Sorry.” Both men spoke in unison.

  One eyebrow rose as she looked at them. “I believe Roris sent a message of great importance?”

  Myaten immediately removed the leather belt, recovered the papyrus and passed it to her. “Father wishes to warn the good citizens of Atlantis of the impending threat. I offer myself to your services in good will. Father would also deem this a necessary political tool in which both Breeds can defend everyone against this evil.”

  Larissa held the small piece of reed paper in the palm of her hand as if it were a delicate butterfly. “Evil has a purpose as does good, young Myaten. Without each, a delicate cord snaps and the scales of life ultimately ruining the laws of the universe.”

  “True, but it would be an honor to stand by your side in battle—”

  He broke off mid sentence as she shushed him to silence and threw the piece of paper into the air.

  The edges unfolded before their eyes as she spoke. “Allow me to digest the written words of your father and then you shall have your chance to speak.”

  The men watched as Larissa paced around the large circular room, reading silently.

  A dome of frosted glass kept the harsh sunlight out and as they inspected the contents of the area, sections of glass cleared to allow them to see outside.

  The Palace was made up of magic, science, machinery and nature. Waterfalls glisten with colorful ribbons of reflected light making it hard to stare outside for too long. Columns of ivory stood like trees in a forest in amongst lush green foliage where colorful birds nested.

  Myaten could count on one hand how much he knew about the ancient city. The last of their ships that conveyed their Breeds from one dying world to Earth at least that is what the records showed in the Great Library.

  “Roris is a fine leader and I value his opinions, Myaten. However, I cannot without justification join a war that is not of this Time. There are rules that I must follow. And above all, I protect my people before anyone else.”

  Myaten started to argue the point of his father when Kiros stomped on his toes. Emotions high and feeling a failure, he was ready to return the personal attack and stopped the minute Kiros’s jaw move.

  Patience brother.

  He didn’t have to lip read to understand the message.

  “Be that as it may, I will not stand aside and let innocent people die. So explain to me how the BloodSeekers came to be? Are they a breed we know nothing about? Did they exist on Earth before we came?” As she fired question after question, the floating paper ignited into a ball of blue flames leaving nothing behind.

  “Father wishes an audience with your Highness. Perhaps the answers you seek can be obtained through diligent talks.” Myaten bowed and recovered his composure.

  Sighing, she pursed her lips. “I see, very well. Perhaps that can be arranged at another Time. For now, you must remain as my esteemed guests. Come. I will introduce you to the Royal family, Kiros. Myaten has met my husband, although last we spoke, I have born a child. Master Tilkise is nine months old and today is his trial.”

  At the looks of confusion, Larissa chuckled before explaining. “As you know every Breed has magical energy that on Earth is an untapped source. We keep to our own to enforce the power within our rare blood. This is the First Breed Law that none shall break. And the Trial tests every citizen of Atlantis for this rare magic.”

  “And I thought teething, crying and changing were bad enough.” Kiros teased.

  “Yes, well, that too can be a real challenge. Tilkise has a powerful set of lungs…”

  “Your Grace, the Trial awaits you.”

  The men turned to stare at a figure dressed in royal blue robes of her Highness’s court. Since most Atlantians boast a height from six feet and taller, he was exceptionally tall.

  Myaten smacked Kiros’s hand away after he measured the space above his head. “Behave,” he mouthed from the corner of his lips.

  “Thank you, Nortis.” Larissa kept her back to him.

  “My pleasure to serve,” he said and backed out of the domed room with head bowed and eyes averted.

  “Let us make way to the heart of the city.” Larissa spread her arms wide. The silky fabric swished with her graceful movements. The soft sound of bells and the three of them blinked out of sight.

  The second the group popped back into view, Myaten and Kiros looked up at the loud voice.

  “Ah! Greetings, SandWalkers! What gifts do you bring for our exalted Queen?”

  “Mind your manners, Orssolyn!” Larissa ordered. The disgust laid her words hard and sure so that Orssolyn nearly fell down the steps they landed on. “These men are My guests and shall be treated with dignity.”

  Orssolyn bowed over offering his apologies. “Please, have my station while visiting.” Orssolyn waved his bejeweled hand over a row of crystal pedestals with arm rests covered in blue fabric.

  Royalty n
ever lowered themselves to sitting in front of their subjects. Standing was an important part of their etiquette while in public.

  “We humbly accept.” Myaten placed his fist over his heart and tipped his head. The echoing thud told him Kiros repeated the salute.

  The Queen waited for everyone to take their places before facing the crowd of millions. The chanting of Trial could be heard as a child was carried up a long steep set of white sparking stairs.

  “My son!” her voice boomed.

  Magnified to reach every citizen of Atlantis, Myaten wondered how they did that. He smiled at the cooing sounds that instantly were heard by all the second Larissa cradled him in her arms.



  Kiros washed in a separate smaller pool before stepping into the clearest, darkest, blue water he had ever seen.

  What is it with blue in this place?

  It was everywhere! The tiles to the paintings, even the fixtures and candles were a shade of blue. Not that he cared, the effect was stimulating to say the least.

  Resting his head against the silver rim of the heated pool that ran the entire length of the room— adjusting his rear to get more comfy— his eyelids drifted shut for the first time for, well, ever.

  After Audis's visit earlier, he could only assume she couldn't Time travel― thus allowing himself the luxury of having a bath without her planting a dagger between his shoulder blades for fun.

  For some reason the dumb bitch couldn’t distinguish the difference between bath water and ocean water.

  However, I could get to like this.

  On the verge of falling asleep, a soft rapping at the door brought Kiros up out of the bath in an instant. Water went everywhere, droplets up the walls and over the edge of the bath.

  “Who is it?” Rubbing water out of his eyes, he heard a loud cough, then silence.

  “It is I, Tilkise. May I be permitted to enter?”

  Kiros wiggled a finger in each ear. I must have water in there. “Are you the namesake of Queen Larissa’s child?”

  Reaching up, Kiros exited the bath and patted his chest dry. Standing there with the towel hovering near his face, he waited for a reasonable reply.

  “Mother sent me to speak with you…”

  Raising one eyebrow in speculation, he opened his mouth to ask another question when the door opened.