Read Atlantis The Beginning Page 8

11. The Lycan Council

  I was sitting by the docks, leaning against a tree and gazing at the boats moored nearby. The sound of water lapping against their sides was soothing.

  I had just come back from hunting in a forest nearby. Animal blood was not as pleasant as vampire blood or human blood, but I liked the hunt. It took my mind off the troubles.

  Even the Wolf King had appeared shocked when Lucas had told him about my craving for vampire blood. According to Julian, vampires only consumed human blood. He had never heard of someone like me.

  ''Maybe it's because you are a half human'', he had said, thoughtfully, but he was not sure.

  Alice had seen the whites of my eyes turn completely black when I had fed on that vampire. She was opposite of worried. She was actually thrilled that I could feed on vampires.

  ''You are the apex predator now. Soon, even vampires will tremble at the sound of your name'', she had said, winking at me.

  It had been six months since the pack had starting raiding the Empire's outposts. Almost all the cities south of Lycaonia had been freed from Viktor's rule.

  The lycans had taken over the bases at Rockden and Stonehall, thus strengthening the hold of Lycaonia over the south.

  Stonearm had taken command of the base at Westerport, along with one of the Alphas.

  Scouts had reported that the Empire's soldiers had gathered at Whitebridge. A temporary command base had been built at Feon, and the Wolf lord, Alistair Talbot had been stationed there, from where he commanded the forces of Lycaonia.

  I jerked back to the present when I heard someone cussing, a few paces down the bank.

  An old woman was trying to lift a bucket of water. I rose to my feet and went towards her.

  ''Let me help you. I am headed towards the city anyway'', I said, offering to carry it for her.

  ''You are so kind, my child'', she said, giving me a gentle smile.

  Her skin was wrinkled and her hair was almost gray, with a few streaks of reddish brown in between. She was hunched and looked very old.

  We set out towards her house, which I assumed was outside the city. She walked beside me, holding my arm.

  ''You remind me so much of my daughter. She had your red hair'', said the old woman, in a sad voice.

  ''What happened to her?'', I asked.

  ''I wish I knew'', she sighed. ''She was slightly older than you are now. She went out one day and never came back. We searched everywhere, but we never found her and I never saw her again'', she said, her voice cracking up. ''My only child'', she sobbed, raising her sleeves to brush off the tears.

  ''I am very sorry'', I said.

  ''It is alright'', she said, regaining her composure. ''That is my house'', she pointed at a small cottage. ''Do you want to come in?''.

  ''No, It is getting late and I have to be inside before sundown'', I said.

  She thanked me again, as I turned to leave.

  ''May good fortune be always with you, child'', she said, smiling.

  I returned the smile, before heading back towards the city.

  Tomorrow was the Eclipse. All the alphas had been summoned to the Wolf Capital for the Lycan Council. The war had begun and I was not ready, but I had to fight. At least for my family.

  The standards on the ramparts flapped in the wind as I walked towards the gates. I could see the sentinels patrolling the battlements. Scouts and travelers passed by. Even a couple of werewolves darted past me towards the citadel. Probably messengers from the south.

  I saw Alice walking towards me. She was waving her hand trying to get my attention.

  ''What are you doing here?'', I asked.

  ''I was looking for you'', she replied. ''Anyway, I am hungry. I have to eat before I return to the citadel'', she said, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards an old tavern.

  It was almost full. I looked around and spotted Julian sitting in the corner. He was leaning over a mug of ale.

  We went over to his table. He looked up at us in surprise.

  ''What are you two doing here?'', he asked.

  ''I could ask you the same question'', replied Alice.

  ''I came back with the Wolf Lord'', he said, ''to attend the Lycan Council''.

  ''So who is in charge of the forces?'', I asked.

  ''Alistair has appointed Cora Talbot as a temporary commander at Feon''.

  Alice went to get her food. She returned a moment later, carrying a plate laden with a roast duck and a mug of ale.

  ''Have you tried eating normal food?'', asked Julian, looking at me.

  ''Yes, but it doesn't taste as good as before. Even animal blood barely sates the thirst''.

  ''What about control?''.

  ''I don't have a problem with that, as long as I am not thirsty''.

  ''Hmm.... good. Be careful though''.

  As soon as Alice finished eating, we headed directly to the citadel. It was almost dark, but the streets were still bustling with activity. The guards gave us a passing glance as we walked past the inner gates of the citadel.

  Once we were back in our room, I pulled out the wooden crate holding my stash of blood skins, from under the bed. I sighed contently as the blood soothed the burning in my throat.

  ''Weren't you out hunting?'', asked Alice, as she climbed into her bed.

  ''I was, but animal blood isn't actually a drink I prefer'', I grinned, baring my fangs.

  ''Well, now I can sleep in peace'', replied Alice, sarcastically.

  The council chamber was huge and circular, with an circular skylight on the ceiling, from where the sunlight streamed into the room. The floor was of polished marble and the roof was unsupported by any pillars. Stone statues of ancient kings stood in their respective alcoves in the chamber wall.

  The Wolf King sat at the head, on a high backed marble throne, while the twelve Alphas occupied the stone seats that were set against the wall.

  The other members who were attending the council stood on one side of the throne. I was standing between Alice and Lucy. Alistair Talbot sat nearest to the king, opposite to Lucas. Julian was standing beside Lucy.

  ''It has been a long time since the last Lycan Council'', started the Wolf King. ''Do you have anything to report?'', he asked, looking at the assembled Lycan Lords.

  One of the female Alphas stood up. ''Rhea of sixth pack, my lord'', she said, bowing. ''The vampire troops from Argent have started gathering at Ostmount. We need more forces to hold Westerport. Lord Stonearm has requested reinforcements''.

  ''Very well, I will consider it'', replied the Wolf King.

  ''What about Southfay?'', said another, standing up at his seat. ''We cannot spare any forces if we are to take over Southfay''.

  Lucas stood up, ''Holding Westerport is more important. Starting a war with the Pirate Lord is foolishness. We have enough to deal with already''.

  ''I agree with Lucas'', said Alistair.

  The girl sitting next to Alistair stood up. It was Phoebe, Alpha of the third pack. She appeared to be around twenty years old, but she could've been hundred years old for all I knew, since she was an immortal. According to Lucas, she was the most cunning of all the Alphas.

  ''If I may, my lord'', she started. ''We cannot hope to win by butting heads with the Empire. Beachcastle won't lend us their forces, and the elves will of course side with the Empire. Our forces will be badly outnumbered''.

  ''Blasphemy!'', snarled Norman, his face contorting with rage.

  ''You have not seen their troops'', retorted Phoebe. ''They are hording in thousands at South Warren even as we speak. Just yesterday, my spies reported that they saw a great host of soldiers marching south, past Whitewater''.

  ''What do you suggest Phoebe?'', asked Alistair.

  ''We have to take out Viktor himself. Without their leader, their troops will be in disarray, and the elves will stay put in their forest. It is our only chance''.

  The rest of the Alphas started laughing, ''And how are we going to do that?'', sneered Norman.

is a vampire. He is ancient and very powerful, but he is vulnerable too. We already have someone, who is destined to kill him. Some of us, including Scarlett Ironfang, will infiltrate the Black Castle. Then it will be an easy task to take him out. The only reason he was able to overthrow the Old King was because he had the help of that Witch Zelda, half the Imperial Guard and his majesty, our King''.

  ''Even if it is true, that infernal Witch never leaves his side, and there is the Imperial Guard'', said one of the Alphas.

  ''Only three of the Imperial Guard remain loyal to Viktor'', said Phoebe. ''Out of those, Valentine is busy in the north, dealing with the Resistance's forces and Europa is in Cerebrene, trying to suppress the rebellions. The only one remaining in the Black Castle is Zelda''.

  ''Yes, and she is the most dangerous of all'', said Alistair.

  ''If only we could lead her out of the Capital'', mused Phoebe.

  ''She will not leave the castle, no matter what'', said Alistair.

  ''What if there was an attack on the Empire's primary naval base at Kingsport?'', asked Phoebe.

  The rest of the Alphas watched her with interest.

  ''And who can even hope to carry out such an attack?'', asked Thelma. ''After all, we are talking about the biggest naval power in Aria''.

  Phoebe shook her head, ''But not the best''.

  ''Edward Payne!'', gasped Alice.

  ''Yes'', said Phoebe, beaming at her.

  ''Are you out of your mind? Why would he risk starting a war with the Empire by attacking the base?'', snorted Norman.

  ''No, he won't'', replied Phoebe. ''Unless he gets something in return''.

  ''We cannot spare any more resources'', snapped the one named Vayne. ''Bargaining with the Pirate Lord is foolishness''.

  ''Yes'', agreed another. ''Even if he agrees, it won't spell good for us''.

  ''We will be losing more than resources if we go to direct war with the Empire'', retorted Phoebe. ''We wouldn't be arguing about this if you had seen the magnitude of his troops. He is backed both by Argent and Cerebrene''.

  ''Phoebe has a point'', said Lucas. ''If the Pirate Lord attacks Kingsport, Viktor will have no choice but to send the Witch herself''.

  ''Be that as it may'', said one of the female Alphas. ''How do we even get inside the Black Castle?''.

  ''There is a way'', said Julian, and all eyes turned on him.

  ''Every ancient castle was built with an escape tunnel, just in case it was attacked and the inhabitants were in need of an easy escape. I am quite sure the Black Castle has one too ''.

  ''Yes, but the only ones who know about the escape tunnels are the builders and Viktor probably had all of them killed'', said Lucy.

  ''There was one other who knew everything about the Black Castle'', said Alistair. ''Lucien Ironfang. He was in charge of its defenses, back in time of the Old King. Even though the castle was redesigned, the escape tunnels might still be there''.

  ''Last I heard, he was imprisoned in the dungeons of Black Castle itself'', said Norman.

  ''Yes, but there might be someone in his castle at Argent who knows about the Black castle''.

  ''How are we supposed to enter a city full of vampires, and even if he has a relative, how do we even know if they are willing to help us?'', asked Alistair.

  ''Lucien still has many loyal followers in Argent. They will be more than willing to help'', replied Phoebe.

  ''That may be so'', said Lucas. ''But no lycan  can set foot in Argent''.

  ''But she can'', said Phoebe, pointing at me.

  ''Are you out of your mind, woman'', snarled one of the other Alphas. ''You might as well wrap her up and send her as a present to the Emperor''.

  ''It is our only chance'', said Phoebe. ''Julian can go with her''.

  ''I will go with Scarlett'', said Alice, standing up.

  ''I need you elsewhere, Alice'', said Phoebe, smiling at her.

  ''I agree with Phoebe. His forces outnumber us ten to one'', said one of the female Alphas.

  ''What of the Pirate Lord?'', asked Alistair. ''Where will you find him?''.

  ''He will surely be somewhere near Southfay'', replied Phoebe. ''According to my spies, his flagship, Poseidon, was spotted off the cost of Southfay a week ago''.

  ''And how will you convince him? He hates both vampires and werewolves. You will be killed before you can even open your mouth'', said Norman.

  ''That is where she comes in'', replied Phoebe, flourishing her hand at Alice. ''Edward Payne is an Atlantian. He will surely agree to talk with a fellow Atlantian''.

  ''How many of you agree with Phoebe's strategy?'', asked the Wolf King, his eyes gleaming.

  Alistair, Rhea, Lucas, Phoebe and two other raised their hands. It was a tie.

  ''Since we do not have a better plan, we will have to adopt Phoebe's strategy'', said the Wolf King.

  There was a lot of angry muttering, but the  Wolf King adjourned the council with an annoyed wave of his hand.

  It had been three days since the Lycan council. It was decided that Julian and I would be going to Argent. The Talbot twins, Lucas and Lucy, had decided to accompany Alice to Southfay.

  The Wolf King had already sent a message to Westerport, asking Lord Stonearm to send a hundred ships to the Pirate Lord as a tribute.

  ''Are you sure you want to do this?'', I asked Alice.

  ''Yes, of course. We are going to get your parents back, no matter what it takes'', she said smiling. ''Besides I have always wanted to meet the legendary Pirate Lord''.

  ''You are totally crazy'', I sighed.

  ''If I do not come back, it probably means I have joined the pirates. So do not come looking for me'', she said, giving me a wink.

  ''I am going to miss you'', I sighed.

  ''Here, take this'', she said, handing me my old bracelet. ''I forgot to give it back''.

  ''Oh, you had it with you. You can keep it, I don't need it anymore''.

  ''Alright'', she said, fastening it on her wrist. ''Let's go. We were supposed to be at the 'Green Dragon' by now''.

  We grabbed our packs and headed down the stairs. The streets were crowded with people and wagons moving to and fro around the city. The inn was near the main gates.

  ''It only seems like yesterday, when we were worrying about the test, back at the academy'', I sighed, as a wave of nostalgia hit me.

  ''Yeah'', she smiled. ''The adventures we had. Those were the days''.

  I moved to one side as a wagon passed by.

  ''Look, there they are'', pointed Alice, as we neared the gates.

  Julian and the Talbot twins were waiting in front of the inn.

  ''Well, I guess I will see you soon'', said Alice, looking at me.

  I gave her a bear hug. ''Goodbye Alice. Be careful out there''.

  ''You too'', she replied, patting my back. ''Kill some evil vampires for me''.

  ''See you soon, Scarlett'', grinned Lucas.

  ''Stay alive'', winked Lucy.

  We headed to the docks, shouldering our backpacks. Julian had his sword, Wraith Slayer, slung at his waist. He also carried a bow and quiver full of arrows. I had Shadowfang with me, and also a small dagger strapped to my boot.

  A ferryman was waiting for us on a small boat at the quay. We climbed aboard and he started paddling towards the other bank.

  ''Where are we headed?'', I asked.

  ''Morhurst'', replied Julian. ''We might reach there by sundown, tomorrow. We will need some extra supplies and a couple of horses''.

  As soon as were across the river, Julian paid the ferryman and we started our journey north.

  By dusk, we had covered almost half the distance to Morhurst. Since it was already getting dark, we decided to set up camp under a small clump of trees by a stream.

  I made a fire and Julian prepared supper for himself.

  ''Want some stew?'', he asked. ''It's quite delicious''.

  ''No thanks'', I grinned, holding up a blood skin. ''I'm stocked''.

  ''I almost forgot about
that'', he chuckled, leaning against a fallen tree.

  ''Get some rest'', I told Julian. ''I will take the first watch''.

  ''Are you sure? I can keep watch if you want''.

  ''I'm half vampire'', I snorted, rolling my eyes. ''You tire at a much faster rate than me''.

  ''Alright'', he shrugged, spreading his bedroll on the ground.

  When I opened my eyes, I saw Julian preparing breakfast. A light mist drifted from the ground and hung in the air.

  ''Cold morning'', commented Julian, shivering. He was trying to build a fire.

  I nodded, even though I could not feel any cold. One of the perks of being a vampire.

  ''Let's go'', he said, giving up his efforts. ''I will freeze to death if I sit here any longer''.

  ''Alright'', I agreed, packing up my bedroll and strapping Shadowfang to my belt.

  ''Did you eat?'', I asked, as we set out through the woods.

  ''Yeah'', he nodded. ''Cold bread. At least you don't have to worry about that now'', he chuckled.

  ''Have you ever been to the Vampire Capital before?'', I asked.

  ''Twice'', he replied.

  ''How do they feed? The vampires I mean''.

  ''Human blood, of course. But not directly. It is more like harvesting''.


  ''They are not allowed to feed on innocent humans directly. Instead, Criminals from all over Aria are sent to Argent. They become the source of blood for the vampires''.

  ''Sounds reasonable. Two birds with one arrow''.

  ''Yeah, better than killing innocents for food, right?'', he snorted. ''The decree was made by the Emperor on the request of Orpheus Ironfang, the Vampire King of Argent'', said Julian.

  ''So the criminals are slaughtered?'', I asked, raising my eyebrows.

  ''No, of course not. They harvest their blood, by keeping them in a separate hold called the Blood Prison. A little blood is taken from them everyday, but not enough to kill them. This blood is sold in the market. A good source of income for the Empire, eh'', he chuckled.

  The mist slowly cleared, as the sun started rising towards the apex. The trees grew thinner and farther apart as we trudged on towards Morhurst.

  ''Did you know my father?'', I asked, ducking a low hanging branch.

  ''Not personally'', replied Julian. ''He is well known all over Aria and even beyond. He was one of the greatest warriors of all time. He was called the Silver Knight of Argent''.

  I gazed at the horizon, thinking about how my life would have been if my parents were not taken away from me.

  At around noon, we finally saw the outline of a village at a distance, but it was still far away.

  ''At last'', I muttered.

  We continued along the empty road, until we approached the gates. An armored guard stepped forward, barring the way with a pike. His surcoat was decorated with the crest of Lycaonia.

  ''Well, if it isn't Julian'', he chuckled, moving aside. ''What brings you to this old village?'', he asked.

  ''King's business'', answered Julian, glancing around.

  ''Well, good luck with that. If you need anything, ask Baldor. He is in that large building at the corner'', said the guard, pointing down the street.

  ''Thank you'', said Julian, as we slipped past the guard.

  The village was quite small, with sprawling log cottages. As we walked up the street, a couple of dogs darted past, barking at each other.

  ''Who is Baldor?'', I asked.

  ''He is second in command under Cybele, Alpha of the twelfth pack''.

  The building looked like an old inn. We found Baldor sitting in the lounge. He was a hunk of a man, with short hair and a neatly trimmed beard.

  ''Well, well, if it isn't the sword master himself, and lady Ironfang'', he said, looking at me in surprise.

  Julian handed him a scroll with Hector Talbot's seal on it.

  ''Oh, alright. It must be something very important. Anyway, you can take whatever you want for your journey'', he said, after reading the contents of the letter.

  ''We will be needing a couple of  your fastest horses'', said Julian, ''and some supplies''.

  ''Take any horse you want. The stables are just beside this building, and there is an inn two buildings down that street if you want to spend the night''.

  ''We appreciate your hospitality'', said Julian, thanking him.

  ''Do you need anyone to accompany you?'', asked Baldor.

  ''No'', said Julian. ''We will be passing through vampire territory. It would be dangerous to take a lycan with us''.

  ''Be careful out there'', warned Baldor. ''And keep to the woods as much as possible. The plains surrounding South Warren are crawling with enemy camps''.
