Read Attack Doll 3: Protocol Black Page 6

Prime Commander had always sat behind his desk to conduct our debriefings, and lately Shelley had begun doing that, too. Mike didn't, though; maybe he didn't feel it was his place. Instead, he took the team leader's chair, and the rest of us sat in our usual spots. The desk chair remained empty.

  "I don't know much about this Protocol Black thing," Mike began. "Wizzit will have to explain it, I guess. And of course there's that video that Shelley made. We might as well start with that. Wizzit, if you please?"

  "Negatory on that, good buddy," Wizzit said. "Debrief first, then video."

  Mike took a long breath, then let it out again. I could tell he was trying to be patient. "All righty then, debrief it is. Who wants to go first? Trevor? I'd like to know what you were up to."

  So we watched a vid of my fight with Lily, with me narrating. To tell you the truth, I've never really gotten the hang of doing voiceovers for my own battles; I always feel really self-conscious. Still, I could tell that going through the routine of debriefing a mission was settling me down, making it feel as if everything was normal instead of completely cockeyed. Maybe it was doing the same thing for the others. Regardless, I finished up at the point where JB Swift teleported out with the Zoinks. Mike asked for comments.

  Trina spoke up first. "Were you really going to kill her, Trev?" she asked softly.

  I looked over at Trina. She was regarding me apprehensively, as if she thought I might not be quite sane. "Yeah," I said heavily. "I'm pretty sure I was. I'm not especially proud of that, and if I were in that position right now, I'm not sure I would go through with it. At the time, though, it seemed like the right thing to do. I . . . think it's what Li Lin-fa would have wanted."

  She nodded, her eyes still troubled. "I'll go next," she said, "since Shelley isn't here."

  The fight she described with Kong had been brutal; unseen by the rest of us, Shelley had taken the beating of her life out there. I could hear the helplessness in Trina's voice as she related how the monster had somehow managed to keep Shelley between him and Trina, so that Trina's triple-blaster had been mostly ineffectual. Shelley had been left to take the brunt of his attacks herself, and when Trina closed in and tried to help, he had easily grabbed her hand and chomped down on it, rendering her even more useless.

  I could see tears of frustration in Trina's eyes when she finished. Mike then sketched out a brief account of the Zoink fight, which had been the most routine part of that disastrous mission. When he was done, he said, "Wizzit, do you mind if we don't recap the rest of it? I don't think any of us has the stomach to watch . . . well, you know."

  There was no answer. With Wizzit, silence means assent, so Mike cleared his throat and said, "All right, everyone, that's it. Comments? Questions? Suggestions?"

  No one spoke at first. Then Padma said, "I think that having Trevor attack Lily right away was a good thing. It kept her from sending out the Zoinks to commit mischief and made them easier to fight."

  Mike nodded, obviously glad to see anything positive come out of this. "I agree. Definitely something we should do more of in the future. Anything else?" After five seconds or so of silence, he said, "All right, Wizzit, can we see the video now?"

  A vid started playing on the big screen, showing Shelley seated at Prime Commander's desk. "My name is Shelley Ann Windham," she said to the camera. "If you're watching this video, then I have just been captured in the course of my duties as Prime Red. Probably it was at the hands of some government agency; they might have called it an arrest or a detainment. Possibly I have even been killed, although I intend to do everything in my power to avoid that." She smiled. "First of all, my fellow Primes, let me encourage you not to lose heart. We have a mission; you all know that. The primary objective of our team is to protect Earth from attacks by Enclave; everything else is secondary to that. What happens to me is not important. Keep focused on our mission, above all else.

  "Second, let me assure you that what has just happened to me has been foreseen and planned for." She chuckled self-deprecatingly. "I mean, obviously, right? Otherwise I wouldn't be making this video. Before he died, my father had become aware that some government organizations around the world -- US, Chinese, and Russian government organizations, among others -- have been nosing around, asking questions about the Primes and making some rather outlandish claims. Trevor, if he is present, can tell you something about it."

  She paused, looking expectantly at the camera, and Wizzit froze the vid. All eyes turned to me. For a moment, I was flummoxed. How would I know about . . .?

  Then I realized what Shelley must have been referring to. "Uh, yeah, I guess I can. You all remember my sister Angela, right?" I said. Nods all around. "You'll probably remember that one mission at the Cleveland Browns football game? She was there and ran out onto the field to fight off some Zoinks, and it all got televised and later she was interviewed about it on national TV?" More nods. Nicolai and Padma hadn't been there, but they had seen the vids of her fight and the interview.

  "Well, I guess that after the interview, some US government types came by and told her they were from the Army. They said that we Primes had stolen all our special tech from them years ago and that they were trying to track us down so they could arrest us and get it back. They told her they considered us to be criminals or terrorists or something."

  There were scowls and a few angry sounds at that pronouncement. I shrugged and said, "Hey, don't blame me. I'm just telling you what she said. I guess they tried to convince her that she was in some sort of danger from us and to call them if we ever tried to contact her. She didn't believe them, of course; she said they were plenty creepy and didn't pass the smell test." I spread my hands. "That's all I know."

  Mike frowned. "We've known from the beginning that pretty much any government in the world would give its eyeteeth to get hold of our tech. That's nothing new."

  "But why?" Padma asked. "Our weapons are useless against anyone except Zoinks or Enclave monsters. That's why they don't work against Lily."

  "Our weapons, yes," Trina said, "but what about our other tech? Our force shields keep our identities secret, and we can instantly teleport anywhere in the world. Think what an intelligence service could do with that."

  "Right, and that's just the things everybody knows about," Mike put in. "That's why we don't tell 'em about the rest of it. I mean, they can probably figure out that we're stronger and faster than most humans, but healing comas? There would be a stampede to our doors if those became public knowledge."

  "Not to mention Wizzit's microsensors," Toby added. "That's surveillance heaven right there."

  "And what about camouflage mode?" Nicolai put in. "That is something that should definitely be kept as secret as possible. We have been using it in public lately far more often than I would like."

  "At any rate," Mike went on, "it sounds as if getting hold of our tech has suddenly become top priority with someone, and they're starting to fight dirty." He grimaced. "If they're going around accusing us of being terrorists, I guess that would explain the warm welcome we got in Texas."

  "Yes, well, instead of sitting around making guesses," Toby said impatiently, "why don't we watch the rest of the bleedin' video that Shelley made for us!"

  Mike rounded on him, and for a second I thought we were going to have a real argument on our hands. But then he stopped and a second later gave us all a smile. "Excellent suggestion, Toby. I agree completely. Wizzit, if you please?"

  Wizzit unfroze the video, and a second later Shelley said, "Thank you, Trevor. There have been other, similar incidents as well, with the agents claiming to be from any number of government organizations. Somebody somewhere has suddenly made it a high priority to get their hands on our tech, and their story seems to be that it was theirs to begin with. Maybe they really believe that; I don't know.

  "My father felt, and I agree, that we would soon find ourselv
es in direct confrontation with these people, whoever they are. In our battles, we like to get in and out as quickly as possible, but there are local police forces pretty much everywhere we go. We expect that local law enforcement personnel will be enlisted at some point soon to try to arrest some or all of us and turn us over to these people. And since we do not intend to align ourselves against the police, it will be nearly impossible for us to avoid capture for very long.

  "So Wizzit, Prime Commander, and I together made a very difficult decision. If it became clear that there was an ongoing, deliberate effort to use law enforcement to capture the Primes, then at the earliest opportunity, I was to allow myself to be taken. We would then attempt to fight a war of public opinion. This is what I have decided to call Protocol Black, for reasons that I hope will become clear in a few minutes.

  "If you're watching this, then Protocol Black has now been implemented. The first step will have been for Wizzit to make certain that we have video evidence of my arrest. As you may know, Wizzit regularly posts videos of our battles on the Internet, along with some commentary. It's a nice way to build ourselves a fan base and insulate ourselves to some extent from shifts in public opinion. As soon as possible after my capture, Wizzit will produce as high-quality a video of the event as he can manage and will post it alongside our other videos to ensure that it is made public. We don't want these people to be able to cover up the fact that they have just arrested Prime Red."

  "That's why Wizzit had us do that," Trina breathed in amazement. "He told us just to watch and listen, so he could get the video."

  Shelley's image continued, "Unfortunately, this means that my face will become publicly known, and my identity will become public knowledge soon after that. Again, if my captors do not publicize this, then Wizzit will. At that point, my usefulness as a Prime will be at an end, and you may assume that I have officially resigned. As of the moment Wizzit posts the video, I will no longer be a Prime." She smiled, a little sadly, I thought. "It's been a great ride, people. I wouldn't have missed it for anything."

  "Video was posted to the Prime Channel seven minutes ago," Wizzit announced.

  I heard Mike say, "Dammit!", and Toby slammed the desk with his palm. Nicolai was gripping Padma's hand so tightly, he must have been hurting her, but she didn't seem to notice.

  "Mike will take over as team leader," Shelley went on, "assuming, of course, that he has not been captured or killed as well. I'll let Wizzit make the official announcement, naturally, but neither of us sees any reason why he should not become Prime Red immediately upon your seeing this. Wizzit will announce other changes in the lineup as he sees fit."

  Shelley looked as though she were about to say something, but then she stopped herself. After a moment, she went on, "Our original intent was that my father would be the one explaining all this to you now. With his death, Wizzit and I have had to change our plans somewhat. For one thing, I made this video, and Wizzit will attempt to answer your questions as best he can. Be patient with him, okay?

  "Another change will involve the team roster. Wizzit and I are agreed that we cannot function with only six members on the team, no Prime Commander, and a new Prime Red. We have to bring someone else on board as quickly as possible. It will have to be someone whom we know and who knows us, someone who has worked with us before. Now --"

  "Wizzit, stop! Stop the vid right now!" The others stared at me, surprised by my outburst, and I guess I kind of surprised myself as well. I'm usually an easy-going kind of guy, but I could see where this was headed and I didn't like it one bit.

  Wizzit obligingly paused Shelley in mid-word. I stood up and faced the others. "Wizzit," I said to the empty air, "I'm putting you on notice: I am not -- repeat, not -- going to let you call up Junior Prime Pink to be a full-time Prime. No way, no how. Absolutely not."

  I looked at my friends, appealing to them. "I mean, I know we're in a bind right now, guys, but . . . look, Angie is still a minor. She couldn't legally join us anyway. And she's a senior in high school, for cryin' out loud. She's super busy with music, athletics, studying, getting ready for college -- you know, actually having a life. Now, I'm sure she would do it if we asked, but I don't want to see her throw all that away." I glared up at the ceiling, where Wizzit's voice usually came from. "Wizzit, I swear, if you do try to recruit her, I'll . . . I'll turn in my resignation right this minute. I'll quit. I mean it!"

  After a tense silence, Wizzit said quietly, "Are you done, Trevor?"

  I looked around at the others and got a few encouraging nods. "Yeah," I said. "I'm done."

  Without comment, Wizzit rewound the video for a second or two, then resumed playing it: "We have to bring someone else on board as quickly as possible. It will have to be someone whom we know and who knows us, someone who has worked with us before. Now Trevor, before you start to object, rest assured that I'm not talking about your sister Angela. I agree she would be a promising candidate, but she is still a minor, so we would have to get her parents' permission first. And from what you have told me, she's super busy with music, athletics, studying . . . and probably boys. I think she would do it if we asked, but I wouldn't want her to throw all that away. So I promise, she isn't the one we have in mind."

  Wizzit had to pause the vid at this point because all of a sudden we were laughing too hard to listen, myself hardest of all. I guess you had to have been there, because reading it over now, it doesn't seem all that funny. Maybe it was the way Shelley almost perfectly echoed my words, or maybe it was the sudden release of tension after we had been so keyed up. Whatever the reason, we were all helpless with laughter, every single one of us.

  Mike shook his head, chuckling. "Damn, Trevor, you have to admit she had you pegged all the way."

  I wiped tears of laughter from my eyes. At least, I thought the tears were from laughter. "Yeah, well, I'm just glad she agrees with me about Angie."

  "Except that you don't realize your sister likes boys!" Padma giggled. "You probably think she still plays with dolls!"

  "Hey, I know Angie likes boys!" I protested. "And they really like her. I just . . . don't like to think about it, that's all!" I looked up at the ceiling. "Sorry I blew up at you, Wizzit."

  When we had all quieted down again, Wizzit resumed the video. Shelley said, "We haven't had time to settle all the details, so I will let Wizzit announce the name of the person we will be bringing on. For the moment, I will call this person Prime Black. Prime Black will not be joining our team permanently, just in the interim while Protocol Black is in effect. Prime Black will operate outside the normal chain of command, and that will be signified by a black force shield, a color outside our normal rainbow spectrum. Wizzit will explain how the numbers will work with that. Make no mistake -- Mike is Prime Red; he is team lead. He will be the one giving your orders. This other person will be a . . . a tactical advisor, an extra set of hands to help with your missions, and, I hope, a good friend."

  Shelley gave us all an ironic smile. "But enough about you. Let's talk about me. I don't know where I will be when you see this, and I don't know what my captors will be doing to me. I have given Wizzit instructions to induce a healing coma after I'm captured if he deems it advisable. I will continue to wear my Prime belt for as long as they'll let me, but I do not intend to activate my force shield. Eventually, I assume, they will figure out that the belt is important and will attempt to remove it by force. That will, of course, cause it to destroy itself and will render it useless for analysis of any kind.

  "Once that happens, Wizzit will be unable to monitor the state of my health. Basically, you won't know what's going on with me. I will have a lifeline, though. I have a transponder implanted in my . . . well, in my left butt cheek. Wizzit does not believe it will be detectable by any technology we have here on Earth, but it should allow him to locate me anywhere on the planet.

  "I can't begin to imagine w
hat I'm going through right now, and to be honest, I don't want to think about it. It's not something I'm looking forward to. But whatever happens, I know I have one advantage over everyone else who has ever been in prison: I have you guys. You're the ones who are going to have to help me through this; I won't be able to do it without you. You'll know exactly where I am, and I trust you to find ways to help keep me sane. I'll just let you and Wizzit figure out exactly how you're going to do it.

  "Let me say this right now, though: Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to mount a rescue mission. That would ruin everything we have planned thus far. Our strategy is to wage a public relations campaign highlighting the unfair and illegal nature of my capture and to force my very public release. If you simply break me out of jail, then I will be be seen as a fugitive from justice, it will give the Primes a major black eye, and we'll be back at square one with the folks who are trying to grab our tech. Believe me, I will be seriously pissed off if that happens."

  She glanced down at the desk in front of her, as if she were checking a list she had made. Then she looked back at the camera and smiled. "I think that's everything. Good luck, Primes, and don't let me down."