Read Awakening Page 14

  Where else could they go?

  He felt her exhaustion, though. It had been one, long day and an even longer night. It had to be at least two in the morning now. Time to retire.

  Her voice slid through his mind. Duncan, will you share my bed tonight on Mortal Earth?

  He drew back slightly and pushed her hair away from her face. He leaned down and kissed her. “I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

  “Do you think we could leave now? Even my bones ache with fatigue.”

  “I think we should see everyone first. I know they’ll want to be assured you’re okay. But after that, yes, Endelle said we could go.”

  “Sounds good.”

  He led her back into the main rotunda to which the Command Center staff had also returned. New equipment had already started arriving to replace the damaged tables, chairs and flat screens. Thorne ran a tight ship.

  Endelle stood talking quietly with Merl, while Luken was huddled with Owen, Joshua, and Alex. Fiona and Jean-Pierre were long gone and it looked like Thorne had returned to North Africa as well.

  Merl, Luken, and Duncan’s squad, as well as the entire Command Center personnel, all cheered when he and Rachel appeared at the threshold of the room.

  Endelle praised Rachel. “Well done, ascender. You ready to join the team and stop holding back?”

  Rachel turned to face Endelle. “I won’t be bullied, not by you or by anyone. You should know that by now.”

  Endelle held her gaze for a long moment. Duncan felt the tension mount between the two women as Rachel returned Endelle’s stare in full force. He knew enough not to intervene. Rachel wouldn’t have allowed it anyway, having already made it clear this was her battle, and she was right. Rachel would have to resolve things with Endelle by herself.

  Endelle nodded. “Fair enough. If you were a pushover, you wouldn’t be fit for the team anyway.”

  She lifted her chin. “And Duncan and I will be at my home in the Seattle One Colony for the rest of the night.” She glanced at Duncan.

  He nodded. “If any of you need us, you can reach me on my cell.”

  Luken, frowning, asked, “Are you sure this is wise? I mean, what if the wreckers return?”

  Duncan smiled ruefully. “Seems to me, we won’t be safe anywhere. But we have Rachel’s shielding power and a better idea how it works. And as all of you know, Rachel can use a wrecking gun.”

  “Here, here,” Owen called out, his arm healed up by Horace’s team as well.

  “Speaking of which,” Luken said, grabbing two of the guns and a box of shells. “Take these with you.”

  Duncan took the guns, cradling them in his arm. Rachel took the shells. Bidding everyone goodnight, he headed with Rachel to the landing platforms.

  Once situated, he folded them both to the landing platforms at the Seattle One Colony and greeted the Militia Warriors on duty. Folding was allowed within the confines of the mossy-mist dome that kept the colony invisible to the mortals in the area, so he and Rachel made a quick trip of it to her home.

  The cabin-like house had a small front garden, and he saw Rachel’s hand in the amount of spring flowers blooming beneath a micro-climate. She even had a patch of lawn, a weeping willow off to the right and an ornamental birch to the left. The curved front pathway had a string of dark brown, metal lights, each in the shape of a downward facing daffodil. The front windows had blue shutters, while dark wood shingles covered the entire outside of the house.

  There was even a wreath on the door, very woodsy and homey.

  All of it was so much like Rachel that his chest squeezed up tight. “You have a very sweet home.”

  “It is sweet, but do you think it’s ridiculous?”

  “I think it’s lovely, just like its owner.”

  She slid her arms around his waist. “I’ve been happy here, Duncan. I don’t want to give up this life.”

  He nodded. “I know. And honest to God, I don’t want you to. In some respects, you must feel like a horrible mistake has been made.”

  Her eyes widened. “I feel the same way, as though it’s one big WTF.”

  Duncan laughed and kissed her, a full kiss, holding nothing back. He felt her relax as she leaned into him.

  Drawing back, Duncan glanced around and saw a couple of her neighbors were sitting on their porches. “Maybe we should take this inside.”

  She smiled. “Good idea.”

  Slipping her hand in his, she led the way.

  When he crossed the threshold, he realized the house was much bigger than it looked. The foyer, with oak floors, opened up onto a large living room with furniture big enough for even his warrior-size body. A bank of windows beyond gave way to a view of her garden, a portion of which was scorched.

  “Oh,” she murmured. “I forgot.” He heard the dismay in her voice.

  The wreckers had left damage in what otherwise he could tell was a well-worked stretch of land butting up to the Cascade forest beyond. A charred angled path had cut a gaping hole among shrubs, trees, and rows of vegetables where the wreckers had fired their guns.

  “Do you want to go out there? Have a look around?”

  He could feel Rachel’s sadness as she shook her head. “It will take several days work and a few shopping trips into the local Seattle nursery to replace what’s been destroyed. And I’m way too tired to deal with it right now.”

  She turned toward him and offered up a half-smile. She then led him down the hall to the right. He passed a library that faced the backyard, a small bedroom on the right and finally reached her master bedroom which also had a view of the garden. Fortunately, this part of the landscaping hadn’t been touched by wrecker shells and reflected the same look as the front yard with a stretch of well-mowed grass, beds thick with shrubs and flowers, and a few small ornamental trees here and there.

  There was even a birdbath – vintage Rachel.

  But he loved it because it was her. And because, despite the gaping can’t-connect-well-with-anyone hole in his psyche, she’d brought him into her home.

  He set the shotguns on the floor near the bed and Rachel added the boxes of shells.

  “I’ve already showered,” she said, gesturing to the en suite bathroom. “But feel free.”

  “Is that a hint?”

  She grinned. “What do you think? You’ve just been in battle. The shotgun smoke went everywhere.”

  He laughed and headed to the bathroom, but just for fun, he waved a hand and folded off his uniform before he even reached the door.

  He heard Rachel gasp and afterward a heavy flow of her bonding scent, smelling of the rich earth of her garden, returned to him.

  He smiled as he turned on the three showerheads in what proved to be a roomy stall. Maybe she’d imagined him in this space. The next thought – that she’d built the shower to share with other men – had him growling softly. Not surprising, his fangs made an appearance.

  He didn’t bother retracting them since he fully intended to use them over the next hour or so.

  ~ ~ ~

  Rachel stood completely still at the foot of the bed. Duncan had stunned her by getting rid of his clothes as he walked into the bathroom. The sight of his muscular bare ass, narrow waist and incredibly broad shoulders had sent shock waves of visual pleasure first through her mind then rippling down her body.

  She remained almost slack-jawed with her lips parted and her breaths coming in strange hitched gasps.

  She was tempted to follow after him, but decided, instead, to take time getting herself and the bedroom ready. She started by drawing the covers back on the king size bed.

  Duncan was the first man she’d ever brought into this bed given it was just a few weeks old. She hadn’t lived in the Seattle One Colony very long, but had taken pains to remodel the entire house, including the bedroom.

  Maybe she’d even had him in mind since the ceiling height in each room and doorway had been raised, the bathroom expanded to create a large shower, and the furniture big enough to
house his warrior frame. Endelle was right; she was drawn to warrior types.

  She trembled as she slowly folded the green silk sheet back, along with the quilt, gathering both up in her arms and settling them on a nearby wing-back chair.

  Since Duncan had given her a shock, she decided to return the favor. She walked out onto the back patio and plucked a red rose from a nearby shrub. She began pulling the petals off one after the other.

  Returning to the bed, she folded off her dress and shoes, her bra and thong. Then with the petals still in hand she stretched herself out on the bed.

  She layered a few of the petals over her landing strip, a few on each breast, and the rest in a line running down her abdomen. At about the same time, she heard the shower stop running.

  Duncan called to her from the bathroom. “You know, Rachel, I’ve been thinking…”

  “Yeah?” she responded, her gaze fixed to the doorway, waiting.

  “Maybe there’s a way to have you be involved in the team without really being part of it. More like a liaison position. What do you think?”

  “I think my mind isn’t on the black ops team … at all.”

  He appeared in the doorway. “Why not? Uh … holy shit…”

  She smiled, then began smoothing away the petals to reveal her nipples. “These are from my garden.”

  “I’m beginning to love your garden.”

  “I thought you always did.”

  His nostrils flared as his gaze slid the length of her. She pressed her hand down her abdomen, next to the line of petals, going very slow but not stopping until she was massaging herself low.

  A soft growl returned to her from across the room.

  Duncan looked magnificent with heavy pecs that made her mouth water, a rippled, washboard stomach, and a bulge ill-concealed beneath the towel around his waist.

  He moved slowly, his fangs resting on his lower lip. “You’re touching yourself.”

  “I’ll do more than that.” She spread one leg wide and drew up her knee, then slid her finger lower and pierced her well. Duncan had always enjoyed watching her pleasure herself and more than once they’d come together while masturbating and kissing.

  Duncan had always been the most erotic lover she’d ever had.

  As she plunged her finger in and out, he slowly unwrapped the towel. Her gaze followed the sexy line of hair beneath his navel and traveled to what was fully erect.


  “Yes?” His voice had fallen into the lowest timbres.

  “I’m so hungry.” She licked her lips, her gaze fixed on the swollen head of his cock.

  “Then let me feed you.”

  He crawled across the bed. When he reached her, he leaned over her, planting a hand on the far side of her body. He was breathing rough as she used her free hand and held his cock, tugging him gently toward her mouth.

  He made the necessary adjustments and as her hips rocked and her finger worked her well, she took his cock into her mouth.

  He groaned.

  “Are you enjoying the view,” she said, licking the crown several times.

  “I don’t know which I like more – your hand pleasuring your body or your tongue and mouth making me hard as a rock.”

  She closed her eyes and savored the velvety feel of his cock. She ground her hips into the bed, rocking hard now. She was close.

  “I want you to come, Rachel. Can you come while sucking me?”

  She switched to telepathy. I can come because I’m sucking you. I love the feel of your cock in my mouth. Now rock into me.

  Because they’d been lovers before, he knew what she wanted and began to mouth-fuck her.

  Lowering her other hand to create a greater pressure on her mons, she sucked Duncan greedily. He thrust in and out of her mouth, while she sucked. She couldn’t hold back a series of moans.

  Both your hands are working your body now, Rachel. It’s beautiful to watch you pleasure yourself.

  I’m ready to come, Duncan. Mouth-fuck me faster.

  With quick jerks of his hips, his cock moved in and out of her mouth. And for whatever reason, the sensuality of his thrusting cock combined with the pressure of her hands, brought her to an exquisite climax.

  She moaned around his cock as the orgasm swept through her, creating a river of pleasure that moved up her well in a series of tight pulses. Ecstasy spread like a firework through her chest and up into her mind.

  Was there anything better than the feel-good of an orgasm?

  When the wave passed, she released his cock and let her hands fall away.

  Duncan shifted to lie beside her. He kissed her forehead, her cheek, and dragged his lips slowly to French kiss her ear. He fondled her breasts, afterward dipping low to caress between her thighs. He had large, fleshy hands, very soft and sensual. It wasn’t long before her hips began to rise and fall once more.

  After a moment, he left her ear and looked at her. “Sex with you has always been an amazing experience.”

  “I feel the same way. We seem somehow in-sync when it comes to the bedroom.”

  He kissed her lips. “Or the kitchen, the living room, with wings in the air, in a pool, in a public bathroom.”

  She smiled and caressed his face. “And now this scent you have is unbelievable, very spicy, a wonderful cider scent.”

  “And you smell like the rich earth in your garden.” He kissed her again and she parted for him. He sank his tongue and began to pulse in and out.

  She suckled gently, savoring all that he was.

  Her hand landed on his muscled arm, and he flexed beneath her touch. Taking a rose petal from her stomach, he drifted it over her cheek and her lips, then kissed the petal against her skin so she felt the velvet of the flower and the pressure of his tongue.

  Drawing back, he thumbed her lips, touching the sides of her fangs. When had her fangs descended?

  “I want to feed you again, Rachel. And I want you to bite me.”

  An image flowed through her mind. She knew what she wanted. “Lie on your back, then.”

  He turned and shifted position. She moved with him until she straddled his hips, careful not to injure what was still so firm. With her hands planted on his chest, she lifted her hips to drift her sex over his arousal.

  “Oh, God, Rachel, you feel so good, so wet.”

  Her body began to heat up with Duncan beneath her. His damp dark brown hair, swept back from his face, accentuated his strong cheekbones and jawline, the straight line of his nose and the beauty of his green eyes. He was an incredibly handsome man.

  She lifted her hips up and reached down with her hand to position his cock against her well. She eased down on him and watched his head roll and his eyes close. His hips responded, rising and falling. She let these movements work his cock inside her deeper and deeper until she joined in the rhythm.

  She leaned over him, planting her hands on either side of his head. “I need your blood, Duncan.”

  He moaned, his fangs pressing into his lips as he turned his head, presenting her throat for him.

  She saw his vein throbbing, and her well tightened around his hard cock. He grabbed her hips and held her in position while he continued to thrust into her.

  She licked his throat repeatedly, her nipples tightening at the thought of taking what she needed from him. She angled her head and with a quick, practiced strike, hit the depth she needed and the blood began to flow.

  Retracting her fangs, she used her lips to form a seal around the small, erotic wound and began to suck.

  Your blood, Duncan. Even your blood tastes of fire and sex. I can’t get enough.

  His deep voice penetrated her mind. I’m going to bring you. Do you want that, Rachel? Do you want another orgasm while you’re drinking me down?

  Yes. Please, yes.

  Still holding her hips, he thrust faster. And all the while, she suckled at his throat. His blood was a life-force, feeding her vampire hunger and teasing her sex into a bonfire of its own.

  Still suckling, she cried out, a muffled sound which made Duncan drive into her faster still.

  The orgasm, intensified by his blood, forced her to leave his vein and to rise up crying out with ecstasy. Pleasure continued to unfurl inside her until her body finally relaxed. She stayed with eyes closed, impaled on Duncan.

  He was so hard inside her and small aftershocks kept her clenching around him.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw that Duncan was breathing hard, his neck muscles tense. She was pretty sure she understood why and leaned down to kiss him.

  “What’s the matter?” she teased. “Did that feel just a little too good?”

  He laughed. “You have no idea how hard it is to keep from releasing when your body is holding my dick in a grip as tight as yours.”

  She’d always loved the intimacy they shared through sex. If only it could be more. If only Duncan could really let go and embrace his love for her.

  But right now, what she wanted was for Duncan to know pleasure in the same way he’d given her a thrill. She stroked his face with her hand. “Tell me what you want. I’ll do anything. How do you want to come? What would please you?”

  ~ ~ ~

  Duncan pushed her long hair behind her back and stroked the vein at her neck. God, he loved doing this with Rachel. He’d truly forgotten this was why they always came back to each other. Their chemistry in bed had to be some kind of record, in any dimension.

  But how did he want to finish? He knew he wanted to make her come again. Giving Rachel pleasure was one of the best experiences of his life. This he could do, without reservation, without holding anything back. “I want to restrain you.”

  The answering shudder of excitement was its own answer, but he needed to hear her say it. “Tell me it’s okay and you want it.”

  “I want it, Duncan. Bind me, bite me. Take me now.”

  He lifted her off him. “Lie down on your back and spread your legs for me.”

  She quickly stretched out beside him. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes glittering.

  He moved to her lower right leg. Putting his hand on her ankle and with his abundant power, he bound her to the bed. She gasped. “Oh, Duncan.”