Read Awakening (Valkyrie Diaries, #1) Page 10


  Valhalla wasn't anything I had expected. It was a large, stone structure that had lightning rods attached to the rooftops. It reminded me of something out of Grimm with its weathered looking shutters and white-washed stone exterior, but more impressively, it was literally surrounded by a moat. Yes, a moat; like out of the old fairy tales.

  "This is it?" I asked, aghast that this was the place my birth mother had called home.

  "This is it; home sweet home." Rune smiled cheerfully as we all got out of the beaten up old car.

  Bryn slammed the creaking door shut, followed by her waltzing right passed us to walk over the wooden bridge and through the dark entryway.

  "Cool!" Mason gasped, a lot more excited about being here than I was.

  Rune walked up beside me. "You're gonna love it here just as much as your mother did. Her room is still untouched and right next to mine. It's yours if you want it."

  My heart skipped a beat. The idea of sleeping in the same room my birth mom had was totally beyond anything I had ever imagined. "Yes, I would like that very much."

  "Great!" she chirped. "Let’s get you guys settled in." As we walked over the shaky, wooden bridge, Mason stayed glued to my side. "There is one thing that I need to warn you about." Oh, great, hear it comes, the big catch in all of this. "As I'm sure you're completely aware of by now, some of my sisters weren't all that keen on me bringing you here. You'll have to prove yourself; that you're one of us, I mean."

  "How am I supposed to do that?"

  "Not to worry, you already scored big time by taking on Bryn." She shoved open the large door and we walked in. "Now if only we could count on a rumor to get started."

  We stood in the middle of what I supposed was their living room. It was a massive, dark room filled with old furnishing and a humongous fireplace that burned brightly and off to the left was a large, stone staircase with old, wooden railings.

  One second we were there alone and the next the place was crawling with Valkyrie of all ages. The younger ones were walking around Mason like he was an exotic animal on exhibition. The older ones kept their distance, evaluating us from afar.

  "Everyone," Rune climbed the large staircase to stand on the first landing, "this is Kylie." She pointed at me. "Svava's daughter." The loud intake of breath signified that my mother was revered among them; a few even took a couple of steps back. "The boy is here because she requested him to be. Now she already kicked the piss out of Bryn today, so don't get on her bad side or you'll be royally screwed! You've been warned. Kylie, have a look around and then find me when you're ready to see your mom's room. I'm the fourth room on the left." She was gone and then I was left there alone with Mase, surrounded by twenty strange Valkyrie.

  "Hi, Kylie, you want me to show you where the game room is?" one of them piped up then was shoved aside by another.

  "Get out of the way. Kylie, I have a ton of new clothes and music up in my room if you want to borrow anything or you can just have it."

  "She doesn't want your nasty clothes. Plus, your taste in music sucks butt!" Another snide remark flew out from the first girl.

  "Hey, I called her as my friend first before Rune ever said a word about her being Svava's daughter or ripping Bryn a new one!" Another behind her shouted and then a brawl broke out. Taking Mason by the arm, I scooted around them, being sure not to show any fear.

  When Mason and I were halfway up the stairs, the one that had offered me her clothes was under a bigger girl, being pinned down and punched in the gut. Shouting around her assailant, she said, "If you change your mind, Kylie, the offer stands!"

  I nodded politely and hurried up the rest of the stairs.