Read Awakening (Valkyrie Diaries, #1) Page 7


  Later that night, we lay side by side on a bed in one of the bedrooms. "Kylie, you asleep?"

  "No, can't sleep."

  "Me either. Who do you suppose those women were that were chasing us?"

  Rolling to my side, I propped up on my elbow. "You saw them?"

  "Yeah, it was weird; I could see and hear everything that was going on around me, I just couldn't make myself move or speak. I was scared, I guess." He shrugged. "So, who do you think they were? They seemed to know you. One of them even called out your name."

  "Beats me. All I knew was I had to get as far away from them as possible."

  "They called you a Valkyrie, just like that zombie did."

  "He wasn't a zombie, he's what you call a Slasher. They have ultra thin, leathery skin, that's why it looks so white and they keep their head and body covered by a hood and cape to protect their skin from the sunlight. They're extremely resilient and hard to kill. Decapitation is the only way to ensure they are truly dead," I prattled on as if this information was old news when, in fact, today was the first I’d heard of it or them. The crazy thing was, I had heard it from inside my own self.

  "How do you know all that?"

  Shaking my head, I answered, "I just do. When I laid eyes on him… I don't know… It was instinctual, I guess. One moment I was the same old me and I was completely fine with being that version of myself, but now, it's almost as if I'd been asleep for sixteen years and suddenly woke up. Everything is clearer to me, my vision has always been spectacular, you know that, and now it's off the chain! Oh,, and I can hear everything, feel changes in the air and my reflexes are insane."

  "And you can kick some major butt now! If I hadn't been scared out of my mind, I would have been so jealous!" Wow, high praise from my little bro. He began yawning. "I think I'm going to crash now." He smiled with heavy-laden eyes. "Kylie, having a Valkyrie for a sister might actually be pretty cool."

  I kissed the top of Mason's head after I knew he was sleeping soundly, otherwise he would've gotten pissed. Now that I was finally settling down a little, I considered all these changes that were taking place, not only in my own life, but inside me. Realizing I couldn't sleep, I decided to get up so I wouldn't disturb Mase.

  Kylie's Journal Entry

  Today was the mother of all days. Not only had things not gone as planned, I actually killed a creature with my bare hands. Yeah, not something I ever thought I would write here. It all started with the lightning. For some strange reason it changed me. I now have claw-type fingernails, tiny fangs inside my mouth and a permanent mark, almost like a tattoo of a claw scratch that begins on my left temple and ends beneath my eye.

  Now, on to the important information that I have gathered. First, the creature that I killed was called a Slasher; they have ultra-thin white skin and can usually be found wearing a heavy cloak with a hood. They're extremely resilient and hard to kill. If you come across one of them, the only way they can truly be stopped is by decapitation, so don't hesitate or they will make you pay for it. Their claws are full of venom and will burn like fire from the bowels of hell. If you're wondering how I know this and if you should trust my account, all I can tell you is that, the moment I saw the creature, I knew what needed to be done and did it without second guessing myself. Instinct. Take what you want from that.

  Second, Mason and I were chased today by a couple of Valkyrie's named Rune and Bryn. They said they were my aunts, but who knows. They also think I'm one of them. We also met a totally hot guy with amazing golden eyes and wavy black hair that was to die for. I mean, seriously, I'd kill for a head of hair like his. Anyway, I'm not sure how he plays into all of this yet. We'll refer to him in future writings as Abercrombie because he looked just like a model on the walls of Abercrombie and Fitch. Abercrombie also believes I'm a Valkyrie. I don't have a clue what he is, though. He isn't human and he knows Mase is.

  About Mason, he really scared the crap out of me today. He went into something of a catatonic state for a few hours. Seriously, if something happens to my brother, I won't make it, and if I have to, I'll die trying to keep him alive. I'm depressed now, so I'm done with this.