Read Awakening into Dreams: Part II of the Fabula Fereganae Cycle Page 15
Interlude: Star’s Return
Through the night I feel myself fall, tumbling light through in-between.
Feregana. Crepusculum. What one is a mere dream and what is true reality? I have known both. Neither is more important. Is either truly more “real”?
It matters not. We are all indestructible light and dark, seeking our own bridges beyond eternity and infinity. Few find unless they risk all. I found mine. I lost all.
I caught a glimpse of the Last up close. She seems nice. I want to meet her. After I finish falling across sky and Bridge.
Memories of those who sought first light, their own bridges arching beyond the heavens. To touch lives having never met in the flesh, there is nothing more wondrous or terrifying. Gone from the worlds I may still inspire. But hope or fear? They interpret what they will.
There are no true gods in these worlds cast forever adrift in the waters of the Fountain, only twisted reflections of evil, mirrors we hold to themselves.
What do I see? Stars. Hundreds and thousands of stars.