Read Away in the Wilderness Page 4



  There is a certain fly in the American forests which is worthy ofnotice, because it exercises a great influence over the happiness of manin those regions. This fly is found in many other parts of the world,but it swarms in immense numbers in America, particularly in the swampydistricts of that continent, and in the hot months of summer. It iscalled a mosquito--pronounced _moskeeto_--and it is, perhaps, the mosttormenting, the most persevering, savage, vicious little monster on theface of the earth. Other flies go to sleep at night; the mosquito neverdoes. Darkness puts down other flies--it seems to encourage themosquito. Day and night it persecutes man and beast, and the only timeof the twenty-four hours in which it seems to rest is about noon, whenthe heat puts _it_ down for a little. But this period of reststrengthens it for a renewal of war during the remainder of the day andnight. In form the mosquito very much resembles the gnat, but issomewhat larger. This instrument of torture is his nose, which is quiteas long as his body, and sharper than the finest needle. Being unableto rest because of the mosquitoes, Heywood resolved to have a chat.

  "Come, Jasper," said he, looking up into his companion's gravecountenance, "although we have been many weeks on this journey now, youhave not yet told me what has brought you here, or what the end of yourtrip is going to be."

  "I've come here a-hunting," said Jasper, with the look and tone of a manwho did not wish to be questioned.

  "Nay, now, I know that is not the reason," said Heywood, smiling; "youcould have hunted much nearer home, if you had been so minded, and to asgood purpose. Come, Jasper, you know I'm your friend, and that I wishyou well. Let me hear what has brought you so far into the wilderness--mayhap I can give you some good advice if you do."

  "Well, lad, I don't mind if I do. Though, for the matter of goodadvice, I don't feel much in need of any just at this time."

  Jasper shook the ashes out of his pipe, and refilled it as he spoke;then he shook his head once or twice and smiled, as if his thoughtsamused him. Having lighted the pipe, he stretched himself out in a morecomfortable way before the blaze, and said--

  "Well, lad, I'll tell ye what it is--it's the old story; the love ofwoman has brought me here."

  "And a very good old story it is," returned Heywood, with a look ofinterest. "A poor miserable set of creatures we should be without thatsame love of woman. Come, Jasper, I'm glad to hear you're such asensible fellow. I know something about that subject myself. There's apretty blue-eyed girl, with golden hair, down away in Canada that--"Heywood stopped short in his speech and sighed.

  "Come, it ain't a hopeless case, is it?" said Jasper, with a look ofsympathy.

  "I rather fear it is; but I hope not. Ah, what should we do withouthope in this world?"

  "That's true," observed Jasper, with much gravity, "we could not get onat all without hope."

  "But come, Jasper," said the artist, "let's hear about your affair, andI'll tell you about mine some other time."

  "Well, there is not much to tell, but I'll give ye all that's of it.You must know, then, that about two years ago I was in the service ofthe Hudson's Bay Company, at one o' their outposts in the McKenzie'sRiver district. We had little to eat there and little to do, and I feltso lonesome, never seein' a human bein' except the four or five men atthe fort an' a few Indians, that I made up my mind to quit. I had noreason to complain o' the Company, d'ye see. They always treated mehandsomely, and it was no fault o' theirs that the livin' in thatdistrict was poor and the post lonesome.

  "Well, on my way down to Lake Winnipeg, I fell in with a brigade o'boats goin' to the Saskatchewan district, and we camped together thatnight. One o' the guides of the Saskatchewan brigade had his daughterwith him. The guide was a French-Canadian, and his wife had been aScotch half-caste, so what the daughter was is more than I can tell; butI know what she looked like. She just looked like an angel. It wasn'tso much that she was pretty, but she was so sweet, and so quiet lookin',and so innocent! Well, to cut the matter short, I fell in love at once.D'ye know what it is, Heywood, to fall in love at first sight?"

  "Oh! don't I?" replied the artist with sudden energy.

  "An' d'ye know," continued Jasper, "what it is to befallen-in-love-with, at first sight?"

  "Well, no, I'm not so sure about that," replied Heywood sadly.

  "I do, then," said Jasper, "for that sweet critter fell in love with meright off--though what she saw in me to love has puzzled me much.Howsoever, she did, and for that I'm thankful. Her name is MarieLaroche. She and I opened our minds to each other that night, and Itook the guide, her father, into the woods, and told him I wanted hisdaughter; and he was agreeable; but he would not hear of my takin' heraway then and there. He told me I must go down to Canada and getsettled, and when I had a house to put his daughter in, I was to comeback into the wilderness here and be married to her, and then take herhome--so here I am on my way to claim my bride. But there's one thingthat puzzles me sorely."

  "What is that?" asked Heywood.

  "I've never heard from Marie from that day to this," said Jasper.

  "That is strange," replied the other; "but perhaps she cannot write."

  "That's true. Now, you speak of it, I do believe she can't write aline; but, then, she might have got some one to write for her."

  "Did you leave your address with her?"

  "How could I, when I had no address to leave?"

  "But did you ever send it to her?"

  "No, I never thought of that," said Jasper, opening his eyes very wide."Come, that's a comfort--that's a good reason for never havin' heardfrom her. Thankee, lad, for putting me up to it. And, now, as we mustbe up and away in another hour, I'll finish my nap."

  So saying, Jasper put out his pipe and once more drew his blanket overhim. Heywood followed his example, and while he lay there gazing up atthe stars through the trees, he heard the worthy hunter muttering tohimself, "That's it; that accounts for my not hearin' from her."

  A sigh followed the words, very soon a snore followed the sigh, and eremany minutes had passed away, the encampment was again buried indarkness and repose.