Read Ayos: The Heir with the Crimson Eyes Page 1




  Justin Parks

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  The Heir With The Crimson Eyes

  Copyright © 2011 by Justin Parks

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1- And So It Begins. . .

  Chapter 2 - Decisions

  Chapter 3 - Getting There

  Chapter 4 - Eden

  Chapter 5 - Into Danger

  Chapter 6 - Waiting

  Chapter 7 - The Academy to the West

  Chapter 8 - Getting up to Speed

  Chapter 9 - First Day of Class

  Chapter 10- Fight

  Chapter 11 - Tutoring

  Chapter 12 - Test

  Chapter 13 - Missions

  Chapter 14 - Growth

  Chapter 15 - New Adventure

  Chapter 16 - Pied Piper

  Chapter 17 - Back to Training

  Chapter 18 - Spring Heel Jack

  Chapter 19 - Scarborough Fair

  Chapter 20 - The Past

  Chapter 21 - Doppelganger

  Chapter 22 - Destiny

  Chapter 23 - Ascension

  Chapter 24 - Closure

  Chapter 25 - Next Generation

  Chapter 26 - New Hope

  Chapter 27 - Prelude to Chaos


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  Chapter 1

  And So It Begins . . .

  Jin sat on a bench as he had every other day, waiting for the bus. He sat there with a faraway look in his eye quietly waiting. Jin was an average high school student with black hair and auburn eyes. At that moment, an old fashion black car drove up and parked on the street. The rear door opened. A strange looming man stepped out of the car. He was rather tall and lengthy. The man had long, soft silver hair. He was dressed in a silver suit with a black tie and collared shirt with a pair of black dress shoes, a strange-looking cane, and a fedora tilted down far enough so you couldn’t see his eyes.

  The man sat on the bench next to Jin as the car drove away. He had an awkward presence about him. Jin didn’t move. He continued to stare forward, but all his attention was directed on this mysterious stranger. Tension began to build between the two. They both focused on each other, but refused to make eye contact. It was as if they were waiting for the other to initiate the conversation.

  Finally, the tension was broken as an older man approached the bench and tapped Jin on the shoulder. Jin was surprised as he turned to look up at the man. The man was feeble and hunched over. He had a smile on his face. “Mind if I steal that seat, young man?” he asked. Jin stood without question and offered the seat to the old man. “Thank you,” he responded cheerfully as he took the seat.

  Jin stood, taking a sigh of relief and leaning on a nearby street sign. The old man looked over to the man in the suit. “My, those are some fancy cloths, young man.” The man said nothing. “You’re dressed awfully flashy to be sitting at a bus stop. What brings you to this part of town?” he asked curiously.

  The mysterious stranger seemed to be getting frustrated. He was at a loss for words. The man let out a big sigh, stood, and walked down to the end of the block. Again, the car appeared and the man stepped into it as it drove away. The old man, now alone on the bench, turned to Jin. “Hmm. Strange fellow, huh?” Jin just nodded in agreement.

  After that, Jin’s day was a typical one. He went to school. Jin had always received good grades, but he never really liked academics. It always felt like a waste of time. In fact, that is how he’d felt about most of his life. Jin always felt like there had to be more to life. He just didn’t know where it was or when he’d find it. Jin decided to walk home today. It was nothing out of the ordinary. Some days he took the bus home and sometimes he walked. Nothing was out of place or different, but Jin began to feel weird. He turned to look over his shoulder and saw the man in the suit from earlier walking up the street behind him. What’s he doing here? He’s not following me, is he? Jin thought to himself. The man then turned down another street out of view.

  Jin let out a sigh of relief and continued walking. I’m just being paranoid. It’s probably just a coincidence, he thought laughing quietly to himself. Suddenly, Jin froze in his tracks and his eyes widened. There, leaning on a wall Jin just passed, was the man in the suit.

  “Jin . . .” the man said as Jin turned to him.

  “How do you know my name?” Jin asked.

  “I’ve been looking for you,” the man responded as he walked forward, motioning for Jin to follow. “A moment, if you will,” he said.

  Jin wasn’t sure what was going on, but he sensed no deception from the man. His curiosity was peaked so he decided to follow. “So why are you looking for me?” Jin asked.

  The man continued walking to an outdoor tea shop on the corner called The Golden Tea Leaf. “Here let’s sit and I’ll tell you,” The man said as he walked over and sat at a table. Jin took a seat across from him.

  “So . . .” Jin began to speak but was cut off as a waitress approached.

  “What can I get you two?” she asked with a perky smile. The girl was young with dirty blonde hair that was tied back in a ponytail. She wore a white, collared shirt with black pants and a green apron with the tea shop’s logo on it. Her name tag indicated that her name was Cindy. The man raised two fingers.

  “We’ll have two cups of tea, and some sweets would be nice,” he ordered.

  “Cookies okay?” the waitress asked.

  “Sounds delightful,” he responded. Jin and the man sat in silence until the waitress returned with their tea. The man picked up a spoon and began adding sugar to his tea. Jin just sat looking at his cup. The man sipped his tea.

  Jin looked down at the cup, added a few spoonfuls of sugar, and took a sip. “Hmm . . . not bad. So . . . what did you want to speak with me about? And knowing your name would be nice,” Jin said as he sat his cup down.

  “Oh yes, of course,” he said as he cleared his throat. “My name is Khronus. Nice to meet you,” he said with a slight nod as he reached out and picked up a cookie. Khronus stuck his hand to chin and began to ponder for a moment. “Hmm . . . where to begin?” He said to himself. He reached up and tilted his hat back to reveal his pale blue colored eyes. “I am not an ordinary human.”

  Jin stared back with a puzzled look on his face. Ok this is getting weird. “What do you mean?”

  “It’s not something I can really tell you. It’s easier to show you,” Khronus said, waving his hand over Jin’s cup. The cup became chilled as a frost began to cover the outside. Jin picked up the glass and examined it. The tea was frozen solid. Jin stared with amazement.

  “How did you do that?” Jin asked as he sat the cup down and pushed it away from him.

  “Warlock, mage, wizard . . . God. We’ve been called many things,” Khronus replied.

  Yep, there it is. I’m talking to a crazy person. But how did he do that? He didn’t even touch the glass, Jin thought. “So, you’re a wizard?” Jin said sarcastically. He began to stand. “Well I got to go . . .”

  “No wait,” Khronus pleaded. “Please just listen to what I have to say.”

  Khronus seemed sincere. Jin felt bad so he let out a sigh and sat back down. “Fine.” He said crossing his arms. “So why were you looking for me?”

  “Because you are like me,” Khronus responded.

  Jin cocked an eyebrow. “Umm, I can’t do that. Maybe you have me confused with someone else.”

  Khronus shook his head. “No, you are the one I’m looking for. I’m sure of it,” he said with an assured look on hi
s face. “You may not know it, but you’re a descendant of a very old clan,” Khronus said as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a crimson, crystal-like ball. It appeared to be pulsating with a red light. “You are the rightful heir to this core, and with it, you will be able to use your power,” he explained.

  Jin gazed at the orb, captivated by its light. “That belongs to me?” It almost seemed to be pulling him in. As Jin reached his hand toward it, the light began to glow brighter. Khronus placed it into his hand. Jin felt a rush of energy surge through his body as red energy sparked from the orb. He dropped it in shock. Jin looked at him confused. “What was that!?”

  “You see,” Khronus said as he picked it up. “This is how I found you. It only glows like this when it’s around you.”

  “So what happens now? You give me that “core” thing and I can become a wizard? Then what?” Jin questioned.

  Khronus stared at him seriously. “If you accept it, then you must also accept the destiny that comes with it. You will have to leave this world and everything you know.” They sat in silence for a moment. “This is all I can say for now. The rest hinges on your decision,” he explained. Khronus placed the core back in his jacket.

  “Ahh . . .” Jin didn’t know what to say.

  Khronus raised a hand. “Don’t worry; you don’t have to answer now,” he said, standing up from the table. “I’ll give you five days to make a decision. I’ll find you then, but for now, I’ll take my leave.” He began to walk away, but stopped and turned to Jin. “I know it’s a lot to process, but haven’t you ever wondered if there was more out there. Just open your mind and follow your heart. You’ll make the right decision.” Khronus nodded to Jin then walked off down the street.


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