Read Aztlan Page 21

  Sarah nodded in agreement.

  Joseph plugged the flash drive into Clyde’s computer, opened several files and saw that it contained the complete memory of his original laptop. He removed it from the computer, crushed it on the floor, took the pieces over to the stove, grabbed an old pan, put the pieces in the pan and lit the stove.

  “Hey!” said Clyde, “you are going to ruin my pan.”

  Joseph stared at him and said, “Shut up. Where is your electronic detection gear?”

  “Over there in the closet.”

  Joseph opened the closet and pulled out a wand. This is going to be the part I enjoy he thought, and walked back out to the barn.

  Clyde went over to the stove, looked into the pan at the melted pile of plastic that used to be the flash drive in the bottom. He turned off the stove and then followed Joseph to the barn.

  Joseph put the wand on a shelf outside the storeroom and then opened the door and walked in. He looked at the kids and said, “You were smarter than I thought and gave me the right drive. Now, where are the other drives?”

  Cody and Sarah thought, there is only one other drive and he asked for more than one, he’s guessing.

  Cody said, “What other drives? We gave you the only one we had. Go ahead and search us.”

  “Oh. I plan to. And if you’re lying, you will die a very slow death. Clyde, bring in the wand.”

  Clyde walked into the room carrying the wand and handed it to Joseph.

  “Do you know what this is?” he said to the kids? “It’s a wand that can detect anything electronic. Now I will see if you’re lying. Who would like to be first?”

  Cody walked up and held out his arms. “Go ahead and search. I told you I don’t have a flash drive.”

  Joseph stared Cody in the eyes trying to see if he was lying, then grabbed him, spun him around and roughly patted him down before running the wand over him. When he didn’t find anything he pushed Cody aside and walked over to John and repeated the process. He then followed with Sarah and Ellen. When he didn’t find anything, he barked at them, “Stand in the middle of the room.” Joseph then proceeded to go through the room with the wand. When he didn’t find anything, he turned to Clyde and asked, “Were they in here the entire time?”

  “As soon as we found them, we put them in here and they haven’t been out,” he said.

  Joseph pushed past Clyde and went over to the dune buggy and started running the wand over it. Finally satisfied, he set down the wand and dialed a number on his cell phone.

  “Jose, this is Joseph. I found the kids and the flash drive. I checked it and it was a copy of the hard drive. The flash drive is destroyed and I searched the kids for another drive with the wand. This is the only drive and it is destroyed.”

  “It better be for your sake. Do you have the kids?”

  “Yeah, they’re right beside me.”

  “Manuel wants to deal with them personally. He is coming to the States in a couple weeks. Put on Clyde.”

  Joseph handed the phone to Clyde.

  “Clyde, Manuel is coming to visit you. You have done well and he is pleased. There is one more thing you need to do. He wants to deal with the kids personally. You need to keep the kids for the next couple weeks in good condition. He wants them healthy when he gets to them.”

  “Jose, I’m not equipped to keep prisoners.” Clyde protested. “This is a Meth Lab. We’re cooking all day. I can’t do that and watch prisoners.”

  “I’m sure you’ll think of something. You don’t want to displease Manuel do you?”

  “Of course not. But we aren’t equipped to do this and cook meth also.”

  Fred leaned over and whispered in his ear, “What about your cousin, Clem?”

  Clyde thought for a minute about his cousin and smiled.

  “Jose, I have an idea. Do you want those kids healthy and happy or just healthy?”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  Manuel picked up the extension to listen to the conversation.

  “I have a cousin near here that is into pornography. He’s always looking for new subjects, especially children, willing or non-willing. He has a great facility to keep the kids. They don’t have a chance to escape from him. And he will promise to return them healthy, if not necessarily happy. It might be just how the boss would like for them to spend a couple weeks before he gets them.”

  Manuel smiled evilly, nodded and said to Jose, “Do it. Just make sure they’re healthy when I get them.”

  “Clyde, do it. Just make sure they are healthy when Manuel comes. Give the phone back to Joseph.”

  Joseph grabbed the phone from him.

  “Joseph, leave the kids with Clyde and go to the backup safe house. We still have other work to in Denver, New York and Chicago. We’ll contact you at the safe house when we get the transportation set.”

  Joseph threw the phone at Clyde and stormed out of the room.

  Clyde said to Fred. “I’m sure glad he’s gone. Lock the kids back up. I need to E-Mail my cousin.”

  “Why do you have to E-Mail him? He has a cell phone.”

  “He uses throwaway phones. He only calls out. No one knows the location of his compound. All I know is it’s east of here and he can get here in less than an hour.”

  Clyde went in the house and E-Mailed his cousin.

  ‘Clem, remember that favor I owe you? You are going to owe me big time in a couple minutes. I have a really nice present for you. Call me. Clyde.’

  Within a few minutes Clyde’s phone rang.

  “So, what’s this big present?”

  “Good to hear from you too, Clem.”

  “Don’t start with me. You only call when you want something and you still owe me.”

  “Not anymore. I have kids for you for the next two weeks. Two boys and two girls age fourteen to seventeen, all blonde and good looking. All we need is them to be returned physically healthy in two weeks.”

  “Can you send me a picture?”

  “On its way.”

  Clem took one look at the picture and said excitedly, “I’ll be there in an hour.”

  Clem hung up the phone and said to Brian, “We’re going to my cousins. He just found us a gold mine. Four of them actually.”

  The kids have been listening intently through the crack under the door.

  “Did you hear what they said?” said John.

  “I think they were talking about pornographers. Is that where they are sending us?”

  “That’s only part of the problem. After two weeks some guy named Manuel is coming. I think the nerve gas was his plan. It will get worse then.”

  “Don’t you think the authorities are looking for us?”

  “Probably, but with LA getting hit with nerve gas and us trying to hide, it could take a long time. I put a lot of miles between here and where the helicopter crashed when the rest of you were asleep. Remember we were trying to get away from Joseph.”

  “I’m concerned that Joseph is afraid of Manuel, and I’m scared out of my mind of Joseph. What happens when Manuel gets us?”

  The SEALS were talking to each other in the Hummer following the tracker who was now at a slow trot.

  One said, “At least we are going a little faster now.”

  “If you call going a fast walk better than a slow walk we are. We need to pick this up.”

  “If you have any ideas, I’m all ears. I don’t see how he is following anything at any speed.”

  “He definitely sees things that I can’t. He’s the best there is. So we wait.”


  Clem and Brian pulled in to the meth lab in a white panel van with no windows. Clyde came out of the barn and opened the door wide so the van could pull into the barn out of sight. Clem waited until the barn door was closed before getting out of the van.

  “I see you are as careful as ever,” said Clyde.

?That’s why I have lasted as long as I have in this business,” said Clem. “Let’s see those beauties in person.”

  Clyde opened the storeroom door and Clem, Brian and Clyde walked in. Clem and Brian stared at the kids cowering in the corner of the room.

  “Clyde, I owe you. They are better than I expected. What’s the deal? I have two weeks?”

  “They’re all yours. I’ll give you several hours notice when I need them back. Just make sure they’re healthy.”

  “Are you sure I can’t keep them? They are worth a lot.”

  “Believe me, you do not want to cross my boss,” said Clyde. “Two weeks.”

  “Two weeks is good. Can I take them now?”

  “Are you sure you can handle them. There are four of them.”

  Clem looked at Clyde shaking his head. “Please, do you know how many times I’ve done this? Four hours back at my place and they will be begging me to do whatever I ask.”

  Clem motioned to Sarah to come over.

  “We’ll start with you. What’s your name?”

  Sarah froze. John moved in front of Sarah to protect her.

  “Oh I see,” he said to Sarah. “This will be the first lesson.”

  Clem reached into his pocket and pulled out a taser. Without another word he shot John in the chest. John immediately fell to the ground and started convulsing. The other three kids froze and looked down at John in horror as Clem turned off the taser and John stopped jerking.

  “That was easy,” he said to Sarah. “Would you like me to do him too?” and pointed to Cody with the taser.

  Sarah slowly shook her head and walked over to Clem.

  “That’s better,” said Clem, and put plastic ties on her wrists behind her back.

  “Now what’s your name?”

  “Sarah,” she blurted out.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard. Now Brian will take you to the van,” he said and shoved Sarah toward him.

  “You next,” said Clem, pointing to Ellen.

  Ellen slowly walked over to Clem with a dazed look on her face and put her hands behind her back and said, “Ellen.”

  Clem put plastic cuffs on her and pointed her toward the door.

  Clem then turned toward Cody and saw him eying the door.

  “Go ahead and try it,” he said. “See how far you get. I’m going to have fun breaking you.”

  Clem pointed the Taser at Cody and said, “Either way works for me.”

  Cody looked down at John and walked over, turned around and put his hands behind his back.

  “Is he OK?” he asked Clem.

  “He’ll be fine in less than an hour. Next time he will listen better. What’s your name?”


  His smirk was the personification of evil. “Well, Cody, you and me are going to spend some quality time together.”

  Clem finished cuffing Cody and dragged John to the van. He threw John on the floor and Cody climbed in. Clem locked the door and Cody saw there was no handle on the inside. There was carpet on the floor and a steel partition between them and the two front seats. Clem started the van as Clyde opened the barn door. Clem drove out as he waved to Clyde, “See you in two weeks.”

  Chapter 62

  Cindy called the Longs on speaker phone and explained their concern about the AC turning on. There was silence for a minute as Mr. Long analyzed what she said.

  “Aaron's right. When the AC turns on it will pull air from downstairs and blow it out the ducts. There is no way the plastic will hold. You have to keep the AC from turning on. The only other way I know is to unplug the furnace in the garage or turn off power to the house. The circuit box is outside and the furnace is farther from the bedroom than the thermostat. Aaron you are going to have to go. I can’t even understand that stupid thermostat and I’ve read the instructions. Cindy you wouldn’t have a chance. Aaron, can you hold your breath that long?”

  “Dad, I know I can.” he said eagerly.

  “The other problem is if there is gas in the house it will get on your skin. I don’t know how much it will take to hurt you.”

  “Could I put a bunch of clothes on to keep it from my skin?”

  “That might help until you get back to the room. When you come back in if it is in the fabric you will contaminate the air in the bedroom where everyone is. Let me think for a minute. Try to find some clothes to protect you. What are you wearing now, Aaron?”

  “Just the sport shorts I sleep in.”

  “Try to find something in our closet while I think.”

  Aaron and Cindy prowled through the closet and found a long sleeve running outfit that Mrs. Long used in the winter, a ski face mask, cap and some ski goggles. Cindy got back on the phone and told Mr. Long what they found.

  “Aaron, Cindy, I think that will work. Your best bet is to wet it down so gas won’t get through as easily. Is that emergency bucket with the 3 day supply in the closet?”

  “Yeah, it’s here, Dad.”

  “Empty it out and fill it with water. Before you leave the room, jump in the shower with the running suit, face mask and cap on and get completely wet. Set the full bucket outside the door. When you get back take everything off, leave it in the hall and pour the bucket of water over your head before you come back into the room to rinse off any gas.”

  “Uh, everything, Dad?”

  “Aaron we are talking about saving your life and your brother and sister and Cindy. I’m sure you will survive Cindy seeing you in your underwear. Take off your shorts now and leave them in the room. You can dry off and put them back on after you come back. But you have to rinse off any gas before you come back into the room. You can’t risk having any stuck in the clothes. You will contaminate the bedroom.”

  “Aaron, change in the closet. When you come back I have to tape up the door and I promise I won’t look.”

  “I’ll go change.” He said reluctantly. This was a really bad night to go commando he thought. At least I can put my shorts back on when I return. I wonder if she really won’t look.

  Mrs. Long asked her husband,

  “Will this work?”

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t know what else to do. If the AC kicks on I’m almost sure the plastic won’t hold. If he gets a little gas on him I hope the wet clothes will keep it off his skin for a minute. I really don’t know what else to do and they are running out of time. I think this is the only chance for everyone. The AC could turn on any minute.”

  Aaron took off his shorts, put on his Mom’s running suit, jumped in the shower and got totally wet. He filled up the bucket and walked over to the door with the bucket and a towel.

  “Any last instructions, Dad?”

  “Just one. Do you remember how I won’t let you hyperventilate when you swim underwater because it’s so dangerous?”

  “Yeah, what about it?”

  “Do it now, you need everything you can get to make this work. Cindy, listen up. When Aaron gets back to the door, he has to take all his clothes off and douse himself with water before he comes back into the room. After hyperventilating and running that far he could lose consciousness. If he does you need to grab him and bring him in and maybe give him artificial respiration.”

  “Why would he lose consciousness?”

  “When you hyperventilate, you fool the body into letting you hold your breath longer. Your trigger to breathe comes from too much carbon dioxide in your blood not lack of oxygen. If you hyperventilate you reduce the level of carbon dioxide in your blood which depresses the need to breath. You can run out of oxygen and go unconscious while holding your breath. That’s why it’s so dangerous to hyperventilate before swimming under water. Can you do this, Cindy?”

  “Of course. I’m certified in CPR. I just didn’t know why hyperventilating was dangerous. I’m ready when you are, Aaron.”

  Aaron hyperventilated for about a minute, nodded his head and Cindy pulled the tape off the door.
Aaron sprinted down the hall, down the stairs and over to the thermostat. He pushed the program button, then reset the thermostat and staggered back upstairs, fighting the overwhelming urge to breath. He made it back to the doorway and got his clothes off before falling unconscious against the door. Cindy heard him fall, opened the door and found him lying in the hallway. She picked up the bucket, washed it over him, dragged him into the room and shut the door and taped it.

  When she finally got back over to Aaron she discovered his heart was beating but he was not breathing. Cindy laid him on his back, tilted his head back, put her mouth over his and started giving him CPR. His eyes shot open as he felt Cindy’s mouth on his lips and he stiffened when he realized what happened. He glanced down, discovered Cindy put a towel over him and relaxed. Cindy stopped crying, smiled and asked how he was.

  “Just give me a minute,” Aaron gasped. “I’m still out of breath,” he said as he relaxed and enjoyed lying in Cindy’s lap looking up at her”

  “You did it, Aaron. You saved our lives.”

  Cindy bent down and kissed him on the forehead. Aaron blushed, grabbed the towel and ran for the closet. Cindy hurried back to the phone,

  “It worked. Aaron’s back and he’s safe. The door is sealed and we feel fine. I don't think any gas got in when the door was open.”

  Mr. and Mrs. Long were with several others who had relatives in the affected area who were still alive. They were sitting by themselves talking quietly while talking off and on to the authorities and their children.

  “I can’t believe we went to that dinner and are stuck here not able to do anything while our children are sealed up in our house surrounded by death.”

  “You aren’t looking at it in the right way.”

  “What are you talking about? Our children could die at any moment while we are stuck here.”

  “Think about what would have happened if we didn’t go to the dinner and had been home. Because we were driving home at 5:00 a.m. we heard the news and were able to call and warn our children. If we would have been home we would all be dead right now, just like all our neighbors. This way we are alive and our children are alive. We need to be grateful we weren’t home. Sometimes things happen to us that we think are bad but in the long run, turn out to be for our benefit.”