Read BIO-Sapien book 2 - Planet Xenos Page 12

  Chapter 11: An Alien of Two Worlds

  Jaden opens his eyes and he is back in his guest room in his artificial body. He stands up and Bellona appears out of thin air.

  “That was a cheap move you did at the end,” she says.

  “I know that was an old school-schoolyard-losing-a-fight tackle. I was getting bored swinging back and forth fighting.”

  “I was trying to train you with thinking faster and multi-tasking. Your brain is capable of so much, but it requires training at the higher capacity then it is at.”

  “I’m getting it and I’m just getting used to this lifestyle and being outside my body. I’m trying to get used to my new life here also.”

  “Don’t worry about it Jaden. What would you like to do now?” she asks, “Galaxynet surf, our history video…..” Jaden interrupts her.

  “I would like to practice in the gravity game,” he says.

  “Okay, I can arrange that.”

  “By myself.”


  “Give it a few minutes, while I get it ready. In the mean time, take a look at this.”

  The entire room turns into space, with a 360° view.

  “This is an advanced telescope. You can zoom in on anything. Zoom in on a planet, zoom in on a galaxy,” Bellona says.

  Bellona zooms in on different events and objects in space. He sees voids, and supernovas exploding.

  “Give it a try.”

  He walks towards the pool.

  “This is nice, but it’s going to make me think about being back home. I’d rather wait for the gravity game,” Jaden says sadly, while he lays into the pool of water and closes his eyes.

  The room changes and Jaden is in the gravity game, in his artificial body. He is running up the walls, practicing his rpm speeds with the shield around his body and using different weapons. He does this for hours and hours as Bellona watches from a nanoeye. She begins talking to Mana and one of the supreme elders. Jaden is determined to get better and continues to practice.

  A few minutes pass by and Bellona gets Jaden’s attention.

  ‘Hey Jaden,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Yes?’ Jaden responds.

  ‘Remember I was telling you about the one Mapolian female that is on our supreme elder team? She wants to talk to you directly,’ she says.

  ‘Sure why not, the news can’t get any worst. Well then again there could be worst news, like I have an alien cancer in my body, I’m going to die soon or Earth has disappeared from my solar system,’ he says in a sarcastic tone telepathically.

  ‘You should be honored; she rarely talks to a guest directly. It is probably news you’ll want to hear,’ she says.

  ‘Sure, let’s go, I can use some good news.’

  The room changes and they are outside at the meeting place by the lake. Jaden is still in his artificial body, while Bellona stands next to him in hers. The grey clouds are quickly moving overhead. He walks towards the lake while looking towards the sky.

  “Looks like it is about to rain,” Jaden says as he stares into the fast moving sky.

  Lightning forms and bounces around the clouds. Suddenly lightning strikes from five different directions directly into one spot on the small lake. Jaden is amazed by the loud booming sound and coordinated lightning strikes. A glowing body that is all light begins to walk across the water and towards them. It approaches Jaden and Bellona. The body is bright white like lightning and has arms, legs, and a head. The face is blank and full of light particles. It is as if Jaden is looking into a sun. The light body gets dimmer as it stops a few feet in front of them.

  ‘Greetings Jaden Marino, I’m Mana, Supreme Elder of the Andromedians,’ Mana says very quickly telepathically in a female robotic sounding voice that is echoing. She continues, before Jaden could think about replying, ‘I have been watching and analyzing you since you’ve gotten here. I have taken a personal interest in you. I have seen aliens like yourself over the millions of years I have been alive. Your species is interesting and you are very interesting. I’ve analyzed your past and how you don’t give up on things. I analyzed how you handled yourself in the race and on planet Spidone and how you didn’t want to hurt innocent mutated spiders. The fact that you didn’t want to give up and you wanted to succeed on your own in those situations impressed me. I analyzed how well you flew our ship back on Earth and how your mind was able to adapt to out of body communicating. Your human body stood up to many different changes and accepts our technology very well. I analyzed how you fought in the gravity games and didn’t give up. Your quick ability to learn things and to work in a team proved you have what it takes to get the job done. When you were flying our ship on Earth, you were trying your best not to hurt people. You used non-violent weapons and saved the pilot from dying in his SR-71 jet fighter. I sense great things in you. My psychic powers tell me something is different about you and it tells me you are someone that has something to do with the future of many species. My psychic power enables me to analyze many things and sense things that will have positive effects on the future. I feel that you are someone that has a long journey ahead of you. You have many challenging choices to make in the future. You miraculously survived the journey to Xenos even after being rescued on Planet 455. You have a lot of luck on your side, as you humans call it. We attempted to bring a human from your planet in 0 A.D.; unfortunately, that human and the ship were lost. We chose Earth because of its location. Earth is the perfect distance from its sun, the right size and has the lowest amount of impacts from objects in space. Yes, there are about 100,000 similar Earth-like planets in the Milky Way Galaxy.’


  ‘Jaden we weren’t telling you the complete truth about our ships being caught by the Darclonians as the main reason you couldn’t go back to Earth. Jaden, I know this would be hard for you to understand. But this universe isn’t what you think it is. It’s a part of multiple galactic simulation universes. A muiltiverse experiment for celestial alien beings called Celestial deities. These celestial deities live in a universe outside of all universes called Sovereignverse, in the fifteenth dimension.

  A powerful god particle was created for each universe and was responsible for the big bang in each. The god particle would wait and seek an organic life form. The chosen were called Energy Kings and were responsible for governing their universe. Legend has it the God particle has amazing powers that would slowly be unlocked as the Energy King grew in knowledge. Tragically the God particle and Energy King for this universe and others are missing. We believe the Darclonians and or Robogods are behind this, but we lack the evidence. The God particle’s powers are locked if it isn’t in an organic life form and if the life form wasn’t chosen by the God particle. How it chooses its host is still a mystery. They are almost impossible to detect.’

  ‘There are thousands of other universe simulation groups with different purposes. We are all a part of this free will universe simulation. Most simulations in this group are close to the same simultaneous time periods. Most of the same events happen in all the universe simulations. There were several universes in this group running 70,000- 100,000 years ahead of this one and several running 70,000-100,000 years behind this one.’ Mana says.

  ‘This all sounds so crazy. How do you know all of this,’ Jaden asks.

  ‘I’m from another nearby universe that was 70,000-80,000 years ahead of this one. On another version of Earth in that universe there was an evil unstoppable darkness spreading everywhere. It was an evil unstoppable force no one has ever seen before. Every galaxy was being destroyed 1 by 1 like a virus. A selected few including myself were chosen to leave that universe through a dangerous method called the Quasar warp experiment. On planet Xenos in that universe another version of you weren’t allowed to go back to Earth. This time the decision was made to send you back to Earth with some of our most advanced technology to help stop this possible threat. S
aving this universe is up to you Jaden Marino, it’s all in your hands. I hope I have answered all your questions.’

  ‘I have two questions, why me? How can there be another version of me in other universes?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Some aliens are chosen to have certain destinies. We all have our purpose in these galactic webs. The odds of stopping whatever the Darclonians are after on Earth are greater by sending you back. Sending you back to Earth, could stop what is coming or might not stop what is coming. Knowing you’re in a galactic simulation that allows free will, that could change the entire outcome of this universes future. Other versions of us don’t know the truth or know copies of ourselves exist.

  That knowledge can be spread to stop the destruction of other Universes.’

  She pauses and then continues, ‘I sense you have very strong morals and you can stand up to anything that gets in your way. Evil is something that plagues many civilizations. I have confidence that your human race will be able to defend itself with the help of our technology.’

  Jaden is amazed, as he is full of confusion and happiness.

  Mana continues, ‘We have calculated the best path for you to reach Earth undetected. Each galaxy has two center components: a galactic bulge star the size of a billion stars and a gigantic black hole of a similar size. They always circle each other giving spin to a galaxy. Good and evil have always been a balance. Your Milky Way Galaxy is becoming more unbalanced with huge amounts of dark energy and other energies residing in it, being admitted from the center black hole. This event is very unnatural and suspicious. Not being able to transport our biomechanical bodies with our ships to your galaxy shows that something is greatly wrong. There is a lot of activity in your galaxy with mother ships moving around and a huge gravity shift change. These things we need to get to the bottom of. There are many planets in your galaxy that are similar to Earth that are disappearing and the gravity around them is being disrupted,’ Mana says while she pauses.

  Jaden is still amazed that he was able to interpret her high speed talking in less than twenty seconds. He also can’t believe the things she is saying. It’s giving him a slight feeling of nervousness.

  ‘You will need to successfully unite your human race, if you are going to be able to defeat the Darclonians. However, whatever you do, please do not engage or let the enemy detect your ship. Their technology is getting more and more advanced. Only use your ship as a last method of escape. This means do not let your human race know that your ship is on the planet, because your history shows your government would probably experiment on it and take it apart. You will have an AI companion to help you with your human weapon systems on Earth. We aren’t sure what you will be capable of, each planet is different. The weapons system will have to be developed around your planet’s natural resources. Your AI companion and nanobots will help with tough calculations, give you advice, allow remote access to your Gravhawk and be a part of your new brain system,’ she says while walking closer to Jaden.

  Mana rests her hand on Jaden’s shoulder. He looks at her puzzled when she mentions a new brain system. Bellona looks at Jaden with a smile on her face.

  ‘You will be different from other humans. Your body composition, DNA, RNA, and body parts will evolve making you stronger and faster than you have ever been. Your thinking will be faster and you will be using all of your brain. You will no longer be considered human. We will consider you a Bio-Sapien, a bio-engineered homosapien. An alien of two worlds.’

  ‘I have confidence in you Jaden. You have proven to me that you have the heart of an Andromedian warrior, and the soul of a bright star. I believe you were chosen from your planet for a reason. You were at the right place at the right time, a multiverse coincidence. I wish you the best of luck in your journey back home. May the solar winds and our nanotechnology work in your favor.’

  She takes a few steps back and walks away from them. Her body turns bright again. Lightning comes from her body and into different directions into the clouds. Mana disappears into thin air. Jaden looks with an open mouth.

  “Ready to go Jaden?”

  “I was thinking about questions to ask her, but she only answered two of them,” Jaden says.

  “I’ll answer any questions you might have, but first we have to prepare your body,” Bellona says while the room changes around them.

  It is dark and Jaden hears water around him. He is back in his human body floating in the virtual pool of life. He opens his eyes and he sees Bellona standing to the side of him. Jaden feels different pains all around his body and he can’t move. He struggles to move and his eyes move all around.

  ‘Relax Jaden; we are tuning your body.’

  Jaden calms down and relaxes.

  ‘You were just injected with a billion advanced nanobots called nanodrones. Yes, more advanced than what was in you before. These nanodrones are carbon and biochemical-based alien organisms. They don’t have any metallic traces. They can copy themselves repeatedly. By the time they are ready you will have between one and two quadrillion nanodrones in your body. They can change in size to go inside of other materials. These are our most advanced prototype nanobots specifically designed to work with your body structure. They have a wide range of capabilities. They will be split into millions of communities and you will be able to control them to do many tasks. They will be loyal and only work with one host. Your DNA, tissues and cells will disintegrate if they leave your body. Nothing would be able to be copied from your body. Your body will be encoded. This security feature is permanently enabled so your body can’t be cloned by anyone,’ Bellona says.

  ‘When Mana was talking about me being an alien of two worlds, did she mean I’ll look like a mutant or half Andromedian or something?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘No, it just means your internal body structure will slowly evolve and you will be able to do things you normally can’t do. We Andromedians used to be an alien of two worlds at a point of our earlier lives. It’s nothing to be afraid of and you still look the same on the outside.’

  ‘Can they make me into a superhero?’ Jaden asks while making faces to help divert from thinking of the uncomfortable pain.

  ‘By the time your body is ready you will feel like a superhero and do things you never imagined a superhero could do. You will have full control of your body like a Star Trek ship. Your body will repair itself much faster. Your skin will evolve and change into a skin ten times the strength of Kevlar. Kevlar is the material bulletproof vests are made of. Nanodrones can do the jobs of most organs in your body. They will suggest what body parts you might need and might not need. No, I don’t know what your full range of weapons will be yet. Your AI buddy will determine what they will be when you are back on Earth. Your weapons will have to be developed on Earth. Yes, I’ll explain, our information about your planet’s gravity, atoms, radiation levels, sunlight strength on the surface, molecules passing through your planet has all been taken from our ship on Planet 455. Your AI assistant will need to do tough calculations to figure out what you’ll be able to do once it learns of all the properties available on your planet. The nanodrones will create their own nanoscanners specially designed to work around your body and separate from the Gravhawk’s nanoscanners,’ Bellona says.

  ‘That’s cool, tell me more about what my brain will be able to do,’ Jaden says.

  ‘We suggest using a nanosincoid. Yes, a sincoid. It can replace your entire mind and duplicate everything in your brain to a trillionth of an inch. Then remap itself exactly how your mind is organized. Your mind will have a hundred times more storage capacity. Your brain would be able to fully multi-task using the sincoid brain. However, you will feel as if you are in your artificial body all the time and there is a chance you might not feel human at all. For example, you won’t need to sleep and your mind will constantly keep evolving. It has unlimited capabilities and is capable of long-range communications. It has the capabilities also to learn and mimic your human brain,
’ Bellona says.

  ‘No, I won’t be needing the nanosincoid. I would like to continue thinking and feeling how I am now.’

  ‘There is a chance you might look different, since your blood color may change.’

  ‘I don’t want my outside body to change or my face to change; I want to stay as human as possible.’

  ‘You sure? You won’t need ears, a nose, or even a mouth.’

  ‘Yes, I’m sure. I’ll do without it.’

  ‘Okay, Jaden. Nevertheless, there is a chance your neurotransmitters and neurons can be overloaded. Your mind will go into shock putting you into a coma or making you brain dead, without the nanosincoid to handle high speed multi-tasking.

  ‘I’ll be careful then,’ he says.

  ‘Your AI will help monitor your brain’s function levels keeping you in the safe zone.’

  ‘That sounds good enough for me.’


  ‘I’m going to miss you when you are gone Jaden,’ she says while touching his arm through the water.

  ‘Same here, I’m going to miss you all while I’m gone. But I’m going to miss you the most, my sexy alien female friend,’ Jaden says while looking at her smiling.

  Bellona is caught off guard by his words. She takes a few steps back.

  ‘I’ll be back Jaden.’

  Bellona disappears and she appears in a room on a cloud with Elderone.

  ‘I’m monitoring the connection between you and the human subject. It seems you are having some sort of feelings for this human. You know this is against our laws to even have thoughts of being with another species. You were punished the last time we caught you falling for another species and having a physical connection with one,’ Elderone says in a digital language.

  ‘Yes, Elderone; I know this is against our laws. This isn’t on my mind now or my intentions. I just think he is a wonderful alien species,’ she says in a high pitch sound.

  ‘There has been some virtual-recording tampering around you and your human subject. This will be fully investigated. Now please escort your special friend to his ship, so he can get back to his planet. Jaden’s ship has been upgraded from generation 2 to generation 3.5. Mana thinks this human is special, but myself and the other elders thinks this is a suicide mission and a waste of a good ship. The psychic part of her brain tells her the future of Earth’s survival is important for other galaxies. I think there is no way the human species is going to be able to take down that mother ship and the Wraithstalkers with their current technology. They won’t have enough time to advance their technology. We should be sending more AI probe mother ships to investigate the Milky Way’s center black hole problem. You will need to prepare yourself and ship for support that the M115 species needs in the Ngc 185 Galaxy. There is a battle in a small Magellanic cloud in the 901-831 sector.’

  ‘Yes, Elderone, it will be done.’

  Bellona returns to the room where she just left. Jaden, still in the virtual pool, watches Bellona reappear.

  ‘I thought you had to go somewhere?’ He asks.

  ‘I did, I had a conversation with Elderone,’ she says.

  ‘You just disappeared for less than a second,’ he says.

  ‘It was a few milliseconds of conversation.’

  ‘Man that was fast. Can you teach me to communicate telepathically that fast?’ He asks.

  ‘Yes, it’s possible with the nanosincoid. It has one billion alien languages built in with a universal translator and it communicates in milliseconds. This model is a prototype to work with your brain. Your AI can tell you more about it when you get back to Earth. Maybe when you come back to our planet, you’ll try the nanosincoid.’

  ‘That sounds good. My pain has gone away. I’m feeling okay now,’ he says.

  ‘You’re ready to go back home and your ship is ready,’ she says.

  Jaden stands up and walks out of the virtual pool. The water comes off his body and back into the pool. His clothes are instantly dried. The room changes and Jaden is back outside on a cloud. There are hundreds of ships sitting on clouds all around. Bellona is standing there, along with Marco and Bomani. Jaden is amazed at all the ships he sees nicely in formation, with red and blue molecules going around them. There is a ship near him, but it has a blue molecule going around it. Three brighter light balls are quickly moving around the blue molecule track.

  “Where is my Gravhawk?” Jaden asks while looking around.

  “It’s right there behind you,” Bellona says.

  Jaden turns around and looks surprised at the Gravhawk that looks as if it received an upgrade. Jaden walks up and touches it. He notices the body looks shinier, more metallic and exotic looking.

  “Jaden, your ship has been upgraded to the 3.5 generation EIS. It has some of the technology the generation 4 has, including G.D., but it doesn’t have the powerful weapons generation 4 spacecrafts have,” Bellona says.

  “Cool. What more can the generation 3.5 do over the 2?”

  “AI can explain that to you later, ready to go?” Bellona asks.

  “Why do I feel as if I’m being rushed now?” Jaden asks.

  “To be honest, Elderone wants you to hurry up and get back to your planet. The other two supreme elders are trying to override Mana’s decision to let you leave. They are bringing the case and evidence to other supreme elders in other galaxies and other alien species in our alliance.”

  “Why they don’t want me to go?” he asks.

  “We went through this already. Others don’t think sending you would help your planet or us. Mana believes something evil is brewing in your galaxy and an Armageddon is going effect many alien species,” she reiterates, “Listen, your body will need to adjust to your planet again. Therefore, it would be best for you to land by a local hospital. Your body may go into shock when it adjusts to the gravity and atmospheric pressure again.”

  “That doesn’t sound good. What year will it be when I return to Earth?” Jaden asks.

  “Summer or fall of 2018, depending on various speeds in subspace,” Bellona says.

  “Is it still 2010 on Earth now?”

  “Yes, you have only been on our planet for two weeks now,” she says.

  “Eight years huh? To make it 2.4 million light-years; not bad,” Jaden says.

  “It should take six years in subspace from under the Andromeda’s center black hole to the Milky Way’s center; One to two years to make it from the galactic center to your planet. However, the flight path is a bit longer to avoid detection,” Bellona says.

  Bomani steps forward and looks Jaden in the eyes.

  “Also, remember Jaden your brain will have to reorganize itself once you get out of your Gravhawk. The chemicals, nanos and neurons in your brain will need to adjust to your planet’s atmosphere pressure also,” Bomani says.

  “Okay, thanks for the advice, my little blue Smurf friend,” Jaden says.

  “Maybe when you come back, we can have a rematch in the gravity game?” Bomani asks.

  “You’re on!” He yells.

  “We are going to miss you Jaden,” Marco says.

  “I’ll be back in a few years, to see you guys again,” Jaden says.

  Jaden walks up and shakes Bomani hand.

  “You have a very slimy hand, there. What were you doing with your hand?” Jaden asks.

  “The same thing you were doing over five hundred times as a teenager. Exercise for my right hand,” Bomani says.

  “Good one, good one,” Jaden says in laughing voice, while he mumbles to himself, ‘Make note, wash hands with commercial bleach when I get back home.’

  “You guys didn’t hear me talking to myself just now right?” He asks.

  “No, we didn’t,” Marco says.

  “Alright! I perfected the telepathic communication thing. Cool,” Jaden says.

  Jaden walks up and shakes Marco’s firm, large hands.

  “You have one of the coolest warrior bodies,
Marco. I’m going to get a tattoo of you when I get back home my friend,” Jaden says.

  “Thanks, dude. Maybe you can create your own tattoo. I think you are going to enjoy your new warrior body on Earth. You have some of our best technology inside of you now. You are going to be able to do things you never dreamed of. You take care of yourself on Earth. You have a long journey ahead of you,” Marco says, while Jaden steps back.

  Bellona quickly walks up and hugs Jaden.

  “Wow, that was a bear hug, Bellona, Thanks,” he says while taking a step back.

  “You are welcome Jaden. I hope I see you again. I enjoyed every millisecond with you here. Be safe, I wish you all the luck,” Bellona says while her eyes glow.

  A few tears trickle down from Jaden’s right eye. The watery tears roll down his face and onto the soft cloud. The cloud below their feet begins to rain onto the ground below. Jaden walks towards his ship. He runs back over to Bellona and gives her another hug.

  “Thanks for everything, and for being there for me while I was here. I will return to visit, I promise. Goodbye, my high speed talking alien friends,” Jaden says while another tear runs down from his left eye. He walks up to his ship on the same cloud and goes into the translucent reflective entrance. Jaden walks into the virtual pool of liquid and instantly connects with his Gravhawk.

  ‘Alright, the micro-tentacles are gone,’ Jaden thinks to himself.

  He sees outside and sees his friends standing there, along with over 100,000 nanoeyes.

  ‘Where did all those eyes come from?’ Jaden asks himself.

  ‘They were always there, you just couldn’t see them with your human eyes,’ AI says.

  ‘Hey buddy! I forgot you were in here. How are you doing today?’

  ‘Same as always.’

  ‘You remind me of the robot in Short Circuit.’

  ‘Thanks sir.’

  ‘You can call me J. Better yet, I like sir better,’ Jaden says, ‘I feel like the boss, when someone calls me sir.’

  ‘Would you like me to fly?’ AI asks.

  ‘I have it for now. Do you think we can pick up some white lobsters from the surface of the planet?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘I don’t think that would be possible. It would be in violation of a few of our laws,’ AI says.

  ‘Oh okay, well it was worth a try. I have to eat some big lobsters when I get back to Earth, that smell and taste is haunting me.’


  The Gravhawk takes off while a large colorful rainbow appears in the computer-simulated sun. Jaden floors it like a teenager in a sports car and he rides the rainbow. It then turns dark and the Gravhawk is flying through a dark tunnel. He comes out of the transport portal on the other side of the moon.

  ‘Briefly explain to me about the weapons system on this Gravhawk,’ Jaden says.

  Jaden sees the offensive and defensive weapon systems on the screen.

  ‘Yellow torpedoes disrupt the particles that form energy shields and can be combined with other weapons. Pink torpedoes destroy or vaporize unshielded offensive weapons; mostly used for Earth-type weapons or primitive weapons systems. Artificial intelligence purple torpedoes have a powerful explosion and come in different sizes. There are quadrillions of organized nanites destroying matter molecules in there. They can split up and change directions. Clear energy shield cannons: energy is fired from the now blue molecule and the energy shield around the ship breaks up into small cannons. They move three times the speed of sound on Earth and range in different sizes. AI TNT red torpedoes are long-range torpedoes with a powerful explosion. There are three available and one day to recharge. The super black torpedo is long range with spinning black sphere crystals inside it. There is one available and it can manipulate other technologies. It contains millions of nanobots inside. It can generate its own shield….’

  ‘Okay, skip the rest, I can figure out the defensive weapons. What is this weapon of mass destruction at the bottom of the screen here?” Jaden asks.

  “It has a onetime use and needs certain materials found on other planets to recharge. The rest is what you would call top-secret and available on a need to know basis.”

  ‘Yeah, sure. Okay, I’m done flying, AI you can take it from here.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  Autopilot is online and they enter light speed towards their local star.

  ‘Would you like me to activate the silicon-nanite, so you can be aware of everything just in case there is a problem?’ AI asks.

  ‘Oh, hell no! I don’t want to see stars, lights, space, purple Magellanic clouds and under black holes for the next eight years. Keep my mind and conscious hibernating with my body, the same way I came here. I can see video of the trip at another time. I have complete confidence you will get us to Earth safely,’ Jaden says.

  ‘I can give you a nice tour of our galaxy. I can also show you video of our history and I can learn more about your culture,’ AI says.

  ‘That would be like being in prison with you, and you are my cellmate talking for the next eight years nonstop. I’ll pass. Keep your eyes on the road Mr. Johnny 5, and let me know if anything exciting happened when I’m back in my solar system. You will have plenty of time to learn my culture when we are back on Earth. Just make sure you put my body molecules back together the way they are now. I don’t want a nipple being in the wrong place, a testicle missing or uneven, my middle finger on my pinky, and or my brain in my penis.’

  The sun quickly approaches as they reach maximum speed.

  ‘Yes sir and my name is AI not Johnny 5,’ AI says.

  ‘Look at you, correcting me. Good for you Mr. Paulie, the robot from Rocky. That’s right, stand up for you; we are going to get along very well,’ Jaden says in a sarcastic voice.

  ‘You have a good sleep sir, by the way, let me check to see if your brain is in your penis now,’ AI says in a sarcastic voice.

  ‘Look at you Rosie the robot from The Jetsons…’ Jaden is interrupted as his body flashes with the ship and they disappear into optic-warp.


  …………..To be continued.

  Written by: Vlane Carter

  Creative art director: Vlane Carter


  Graphic artist: John Buurman

  John Moriarty

  Matthew Garofalo

  Kwan Wilson