Read BIO-Sapien book 2 - Planet Xenos Page 8

  ‘Your human brain is trying to interpret fifteen million colors and a higher resolution, fifty percent more than what your human eyes are capable of seeing. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it in a few minutes. Your artificial eyes in this body are sending a high-speed signal directly to your brain back in the room we were in. There is a slight bottleneck, but the nanobots will quickly solve the problem. That is a good question Jaden. There are a few hundred nanos in both of your optic nerves behind your eyes converting the signal over for your brain to comprehend. The only difference your brain is noticing is that you aren’t blinking your eyes and the higher definition of colors being transmitted.’

  ‘That’s amazing,’ Jaden says.

  Jaden continues to think to himself, while walking around with his mouth open.

  ‘There are thousands of other nanos around nerves and other parts of your human brain receiving signals from your body here.’

  ‘I do not see any other aliens around.’

  ‘Walking around is very primitive. We usually only walk around if an alien species is used to it. We usually transport to where we want to go. It is faster and saves time. We can also communicate to each other over long to short distances.’

  ‘This place just seems too realistic. Everything feels, smells and looks like I’m in the outside world. Is this really all virtual?’ Jaden asks while holding his head.


  ‘Let me explain Jaden, this is a virtual reality dome city. Everything here is what you would call animated to look as real as possible. Every Andromedian citizen creates his or her own place to live and setting. No, we never sleep here. However, some do rest, dream and Galaxynet. Galaxynet is similar to your Internet. On your planet Earth, you use computers to get info on different things. Galaxynet is connecting through our minds to different databases and minds on different planets in our galaxy and others. We can get info on solar events, species, learn languages, view live planets, dying stars and download information into our silicon-nano brains. This information is shareable to any Andromedians and other species we have an alliance with.’

  ‘Our way of life is how we choose. We have entertainment, spouses, duties, and jobs to perform. No, I’m not married. Ever since we destroyed our first planet over 50,000 years ago, this is the safest and most environmentally friendly way to keep our second planet. This is safer and there is less than one percent pollution a year emitted by us. The rest of our planet can grow and evolve naturally. There is plenty of evolution happening around our planet every day,’ Bellona says telepathically.

  ‘I would like to see the real world and how your planet naturally looks.’

  ‘That is definitely possible,’ Bellona says while smiling at Jaden.

  Jaden continues to look around amazed; Bellona continues to talk while they walk. The ground changes to pavement and brown bricks. Jaden stops walking and holds his head downward as he stoops down. He covers his head with his hands. His headache is getting more serious.

  “I need some pain medicine.”

  “That is not going to help Jaden.”

  They stop walking and Bellona stoops down while rubbing Jaden’s back.

  ‘Your hand feels so warm and soft. My headache is starting to feel a little better,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Come Jaden, I want to show you our planet. Your external bio-mechanical body is ready.’

  Jaden stands up and looks at Bellona.

  ‘What did you do when you touched me?’

  ‘I gave your brain stimulant as if you just took some pain medicine.’

  ‘Why do I feel like I just had a cigarette also?’

  ‘I also tricked your brain into thinking you just smoked a cigarette. Your mind was craving it, so I gave you an artificial cigarette. It was forty percent of the reason for your headache.’

  ‘That is amazing, I feel like I just smoked a good cigarette.’

  ‘Well from reading your memories and analyzing different parts of your body, those cigarettes were slowly harming your body. The nicotine chemical is like a slow moving bacterium that is constantly giving your body more work to repair itself. Have you looked at your lungs lately?’

  ‘No. But yes, I know it’s bad for me, but it’s a habit that is hard to quit.’

  ‘I understand, I think you’ll like the artificial cigarettes better. Are you ready to go outside?’

  An aqua diamond portal quickly appears in front of them and changes colors to a translucent rainbow prism. Jaden takes a step back as he remembers the first time he got onto the UFO and almost died back on Earth.

  ‘Whoa, I remember the last time I saw something like this. Is there any other way to go? Where does this go? Is it safe?’

  ‘Jaden it’s safe. It looks like a rainbow prism to you because that is what your eyes interpret it as. To me I see what is on the other side, which is sun, trees and the ocean,’ Bellona softly says telepathically.

  Bellona walks closer to the portal. Jaden smells a salty ocean coming from the portal and the sound of seagulls. Jaden looks around at the portal that is thinner than an inch in width.

  ‘Come on Jaden, I want you to see the gravity tide.’

  ‘Gravity tide?’

  ‘Yes, it’s cool, you’ll like it. Our planet has a two moon system. As the larger of the moons get further from the planet, it slightly changes the gravity forces around our oceans. This creates a wonderful view. Trust me, this is safe.’

  ‘That sounds very interesting. Can I have another artificial cigarette?’


  ‘Can I have two at once?’

  ‘How about some artificial marijuana and liquor while I’m at it?’

  ‘You can do that too?’ Jaden asks with a serious and curious face.

  ‘Not!’ She yells while her eyes glow and she laughs.

  ‘Ha ha, very funny; Okay, you got me on that…... Oh …..Right…… that feels good. I needed that. That double cigarette felt safe and very satisfying. It was like putting a condom over the cigarette; all the fun, but no risk. Okay, I’m ready to go through the outer world portal. Take me to the Mortal Kombat outer world!’ He yells while getting psyched up.

  ‘I’m ready when you are, Jaden,’ as she stands to the side with her hands leading to the portal.

  Jaden bends his knees and touches the brick ground as if he is about to run a football play.

  “Ready, set, hut, hut, hut!” Jaden yells as he stands up and runs into the portal as if he is running out a play action from the football team in high school.

  ‘Jaden don’t run!’

  Jaden disappears into the portal and his body slows down instantly. He feels as if he is moving in slow motion as he continues to sprint forward. He sees many colors as they quickly pass his body, giving him a huge rush. His body turns into those prism colors. Everything gets bright and Jaden closes his eyes. Jaden’s artificial body suddenly glows bright. His body speeds up again as he continues running. Jaden’s body comes out of the portal and trips on the rocks on the ground. He falls flat on his face. He has such a rush and is breathing very heavily. He tries to get up.

  “Oh man, I’m so out of breath. These rocks smell and taste very salty,” he says from his mouth.

  “Need a hand? Mr. Wide Receiver?” She asks through regular voice communication.

  Jaden pushes himself up as Bellona reaches out to his hand. He grabs it and she pulls him up.

  “I can feel more things. This body feels more realistic. I’m actually breathing air,” Jaden says while he looks around.

  “Yes, this body is more modified around your own human body. Almost everything should feel the same. Every nerve ending in your human body is being sent to this body instantaneously. There are no delays,” Bellona explains.

  “Can I see myself? I feel strange.”


  A 3D identical image of Jaden’s new body shows up in front of him. He turns to the left and then right and
a replica of him stands there making the same movements. Jaden has no hair on his body; skin looks rough, white color with brown spots. The skin also has little scales all over and wrinkles. His mouth looks somewhat human, but without lips; just an oval opening. His eyeballs are glowing white and slightly glowing green pupils. His eyes glow bright then dull. Jaden observes and isn’t liking his new look.

  “This isn’t going to work. I look like an old half white colored reptile with a mannequin face and glowing eyes. Where are my ears? I look like a freak! I don’t even have balls or clothes on. I feel as if I’m a cyborg that is about to take a running streak,” Jaden says excitingly.

  “Jaden, no one cares if you don’t have any clothes on. No one judges someone on how they look here. There are hundreds of different aliens from other planets in our virtual city that are naked.”

  “I understand, but to most of us humans this is a concern. The nudists and the humans that walk around on nude beaches would feel at home here, along with the other visiting aliens,” Jaden snaps, “but I would feel self conscious without any clothes on.”

  “We won’t be using these bodies to go anywhere anyway, we will be using nanoeyes to see the planet,” she says.

  “Oh okay.”

  “There are three basic standards to how a species evolves and looks. First, what they evolved from; second, the condition of their environment (oxygen levels, pressure, gravity, and temperature) and adaptation. Third, how species’ DNA evolves, learns and adjusts to its host.”

  “Yeah, that sounds good,” he says while continuing to look at his entire body.

  “This doesn’t interest you Jaden?”

  “It does, but not at this moment. I’m concentrating on this image of me and how much of a freak I look. I miss my regular human body.”

  “You look fine to me. You do not need a penis or internal organs here. The quadrillion nanos in your biochemical body replaces the need for organs.”

  “Okay, well then how do I pee or poop?”

  “Your body doesn’t require food or water. It’s running off of solar power and nano-electrons.”


  “Just think of it as an advanced photosynthesis,” Bellona says.

  Jaden turns and looks at Bellona.

  “How is it that you have a vaginal opening between your legs and butt cheeks?”

  Bellona smiles and says, “Well there isn’t really anything there, your mind thinks there is an opening there and two halves in my rear. So I just kept those images there.”

  “Are you serious? I don’t believe you,” Jaden says surprisingly.

  “Touch for yourself,” she says.

  “Are you sure? There won’t be any international galactic sexual harassment or anything like that?” Jaden asks.

  “No, it’s fine go ahead.”

  “If the DNA don’t fit, acquit,” he says then chuckles.

  “That was funny. It took me half a second to figure out why you said that. That’s very slow in calculating speed for us. Anyway, so go ahead.”

  Jaden touches her gently in both areas.

  “That’s amazing, there isn’t anything there. I could have sworn I was looking at a sideways mouth with a mustache on the side.”

  ‘I guess it has been so long since I’ve gotten some. I’m seeing pussy mirages.’

  Jaden steps back and is amazed.


  ‘But it was very stimulating and arousing. Even though there wasn’t anything there. I probably have a woody back in the city, where my human body is,’ Jaden says to himself while blushing.

  Bellona closes her eyes and chuckles.

  “What is so funny?” Jaden asks.

  “Yes you do have a full salute woody. Hormones from your human brain went down your spine and into your now awake organ. It’s even funnier because your lower body is still frozen and being repaired. Your soldier is the only thing alive down there,” she says.



  “Hey! You weren’t supposed to be listening to my personal thoughts. So you like my tool huh?”

  Bellona stands there with her eyes still closed, not responding.

  “Okay! You can stop looking at my equipment!” He yells.

  “I’m sorry Jaden; I was checking your vitals, cell reconstruction progress and respiratory functions.

  “Yeah right, okay. . .” Jaden pauses then continues. “Well how is my body doing? When will I be fully functional?”

  “We have been slightly modifying your DNA so your body can heal faster. You should be fully healed and one hundred percent operational in about two hours.


  Jaden continues to look at himself while turning in different angles.

  “Can I change or adjust a few things?”

  “Jaden, these are stand in bodies. We won’t be using them except for standing here. We will be using the nanoeyes to get around. Now turn around and look at this huge ocean behind you.”

  He turns and looks at Bellona. He notices she is silver all over with light particles moving around inside her skin. He touches her hand.

  “You have the cool stand in body I see. Your hands feel very soft. You look the same way from when you rescued me.”

  “You are correct; this is my outside warrior/traveling body. We are required to wear these anywhere outside of our city...”

  Bellona continues to talk. The bright sun is shining everywhere and Jaden looks around. He observes he is standing high on a mountain top that is mostly powdery ivory white and lime. He can see the ocean on ground level about a couple hundred feet below. Jaden is able to zoom in on the ocean and he sees large waves moving back and forth crashing into the coastline.

  Jaden walks around and looks towards the sky. He sees a mostly yellow sun with a red tint to it. It’s on its way down and is larger than Earth’s sun. There is a small moon to the left and a larger moon showing up on the horizon opposite of where the sun is setting in the sky.

  “….. that is why we have gravity tides,” Bellona says.

  Jaden turns to Bellona.

  “I’m sorry Bellona I didn’t hear anything you said. I wasn’t paying attention. All I heard you say was gravity tides. You know what? I think I’m getting more used to the telepathic communication. It’s like I’m talking to myself and I can listen to what you are saying at the same time,” Jaden says.

  “Maybe if you were able to communicate telepathically in the 9th grade, you would have been able to pay attention in class and have your midday wet dreams,” Bellona says.

  “Ha ha, good one,” Jaden chuckles and laughs, then says, “You are learning human humor very fast I see. You are getting good at it.”

  “You can record something you didn’t hear or paid attention too, and play it back later. I can show you another time.”

  Bellona walks over to Jaden and looks at him directly. The 3D image of himself disappears.

  ‘First you need to practice telepathic communication. Questions or a conversation you want to transmit out your brain telepathically has to be sent out as if you want to talk. Any one of us can read anything you think. But we want to give you your privacy and keep your inner thoughts private even if they are questions. You need to practice segregating both from each other. The electronic signals and blood flow in your mind puts questions, a lie, or something you don’t know into different parts of your brain, which is easy to detect. The signal needs to be sent out of your mind and the nanos will do the rest. It is like talking to yourself. However, you need to practice keeping your inner thoughts to yourself. Concentrate on sending the signal to your mouth, but not talking,’ Bellona says telepathically.

  Jaden thinks to himself.

  ‘I wonder what would happen to this body if I jumped off this cliff,’ Jaden thinks to himself.

  ‘I heard that,’ Bellona says.

  Two minutes go by as Jaden continues to stare at Bellona.

‘This body you are in will quickly repair itself if you were to fall from this height. The pain at this extreme would put your body back in the city into shock. Nanobots wouldn’t transmit that to your body; it would probably put your brain in a coma,’ Bellona says.

  Another few minutes go by. Jaden continues to concentrate.

  ‘Hmmm… I feel like I’m on a nude beach.’

  ‘I didn’t detect anything. The nanobots are finished adjusting. Good job Jaden,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Okay cool. It’s working now. This is interesting. Can I switch back and forth?’

  ‘Sure, but remember, I don’t mind. But others only prefer telepathic communication.’

  ‘As I was saying before Bellona, you are getting good with your human humor,’ Jaden says.

  ‘From studying your personality, these are similar types of jokes and humor you would say to your friends. I’m quickly learning, I like it. I forgot what it was like being an organic species,’ Bellona says.

  ‘You just need to laugh behind something you say funny, like I do. Or you will sound like a standup comedian. But it’s best to wait until the other person starts to laugh.’

  Bellona laughs telepathically.

  ‘Okay you just sounded like a laughing monkey high on cocaine stuck behind a cage at the zoo. That just gave me an instant headache.’

  ‘I’m sorry Jaden. I’m not used to this. Let me recalibrate the pitch.’

  Bellona laughs again telepathically.

  ‘Very good, much better. Wow, that laugh sounded so familiar. Wait a minute, you just laughed exactly how my girlfriend laughs. That was perfect. I miss her a lot. I hope I’ll be able to return home soon.’

  ‘I know you miss her and your family. Jaden! The gravity tide is about to happen!’

  “Jaden the gravity tide is about to happen!”

  “Bellona! You just yelled that out and you said it telepathically. It echoed like a scream in a cave,” Jaden says excitedly.

  “Sorry about that, I’m excited and didn’t want you to miss the event. It’s my favorite.”

  “I notice when you get excited your eyes glow. So, tell me about this gravity tide. What is supposed to happen here? What are we looking at?”

  “Our sun is about the same distance as your sun is to Earth. Our sun sets south and southwest depending on the time of the year. We have had a few axial precessions on our planet over the centuries. The sun now rises from the north or northeast. Each rotation is about thirty hours and we have two moons. As the larger moon rises, it is moving further away from our planet. The smaller moon stays in one place. The larger moon disrupts the gravity in the oceans and changes the weight properties of everything on this side of the planet. It also causes the rotation of the planet to slow down adding hours to the days and causing more gravity disruptions on the side of the planet facing it. Do you see the coastline receding?” Bellona asks aloud.

  “Yes, I do. It just disappeared.”

  “If you zoom in north over the ocean horizon you can see the ocean floating upwards towards the thin clouds.”

  “That’s awesome! It looks like a giant wave, going as high as the clouds,” Jaden says.

  Jaden zooms in further with his wide-angle alien eyeballs.

  “Jaden, use the nanoeyes. There are two out there for us. Just concentrate on one and you can control it as you please.”

  “Oh okay, cool. I found one!”

  “That’s good; I see you had plenty of practice.”

  Jaden’s vision changes and he is controlling and seeing through the nanoeye. He is a couple hundred miles above the blue and green ocean. He feels as if he is in the UFO again on Earth, looking through eyes without a body. The resolution is much better and clearer in a 180° of sight. But he can feel and see the difference from the virtual city. The feeling of flying through the air like Superman returns. Soft instrumental alien sounding music begins to play.

  ‘Where is that music coming from?’ He asks telepathically.

  ‘Something I, something I downloaded from the Galaxynet from different galaxies.’

  ‘That is a very nice, but strange sounding music. It sounds like I’m flying in a dream type of music.’

  ‘I’m glad you like it, I have trillions of different sounds and music. It helps me feel more human like.’

  ‘You miss being more human like me, right?’

  ‘Yes, I do. There are many things I miss. . .’

  The water interrupts Jaden’s nanoeye vision.

  ‘Hey! Hey! I can’t see anything in the water. The water is everywhere. I don’t even know what direction I’m heading.’

  Jaden becomes nervous and switches back to his body on the side of the mountain thirty miles away.

  “Oh man, I couldn’t see through the water,” Jaden says to himself while covering his eyes.

  Bellona is back in hers and turns to Jaden. She holds his hands.

  “Jaden calm down, don’t panic. All you had to do was concentrate as if the water isn’t there. The nanoeyes adjust so you can see through the water. The nanoeye will only follow your commands when you are controlling them. All you have to do is think about it and the command is automatically transferred,” she says.

  “Oh, okay, was that it? Okay, I’ll try it again. Wow your hands are so warm and soft.”

  She smiles and then turns back towards the ocean. Jaden switches his vision to the nanoeye again. The nanoeye stays in the same place. The water continues to break up and float in the air as if a huge wave is passing by. He does what she says and he can see through the water. Suddenly something huge appears and passes right through Jaden’s nanoeye. He briefly sees the insides of a huge animal in full animation. It makes a loud roaring sound like a whale. The sixty-five foot long alien whale has a narrow shape and blue toned skin. It has two long fins that extend outwards and towards its tail. There is one dark eye on the front of each fin. The tail is long and narrow with flaps on the end. The four side flaps resemble skinny wings. The fins are acting like wings as the animal quickly heads into the direction of the shore.

  ‘Whoa! Shit! What was that?’

  ‘Ha ha. . . hey! Jaden calm down, it was just a whale-like mammal. The nanoeye automatically converts the images inside of animals into something animated, like a cartoon.’

  ‘The nanoeye passed right through its body. I saw a lot of red blood and so many body parts moving inside of it.’

  ‘Yeah, the nanoeye can pass through almost anything. There are more animals coming,’ Bellona says.

  ‘How the hell was it flying in the air?’

  ‘Jaden, remember what I was telling you about the gravity affects from the gravity tides? All the fish and animals in our oceans and on land adapted for the past million years around this daily event. Most of the sea animals adapted with wings or fins that work underwater and in the air. The larger animals fly towards the clouds and try to reach over land. They also have adjustable gills that can also breathe air in or out of water.’

  Jaden sees hundreds of strange looking fish float into the air flapping their fin like wings towards the shore. The wave reaches the coastline and crashes into the mountain. A shield goes around Jaden and Bellona’s bodies as they stand motionless on the side of the mountain.

  Jaden and Bellona’s nanoeyes are above the clouds looking down. This is amazing to Jaden the view he is witnessing. The water is floating around aimlessly in all directions into the clouds. Jaden is also enjoying the different tracks of the space instrumental music. The ocean looks like an upwards waterfall. Trillions of bubble raindrops pass through the white clouds upwards and then float downward back into the clouds.

  ‘Most of the animals on land are high up in the mountains. They mostly hide in caves or in the ground. The sea animals fly over land eating fruit that float into the air and coordinate attacks on land animals.’

  ‘Coordinate with each other?’

  ‘Yes, they communicate with each oth
er. They are more advanced than the fish on your planet. Yes, we have birds, but they are far inland. The fish on this planet were here much longer and had a much longer time to evolve.’

  Jaden sees Bellona’s nanoeye. It’s translucent with blue light particles moving around it and resembles blue pupils. Jaden turns his attention to the quickly forming clouds from the extra moisture in the air.

  ‘Jaden! Follow me!’

  Bellona takes off at a fast speed and he follows her. They quickly glide through the clouds and water bubbles. Wind, rain and strong winds pass by Jaden’s nanoeye and feels as if it is going across his face. His human body feels as if he is driving with a convertible top down during a storm. Jaden catches up as he follows behind her. They pass hundreds of flying animals and most are attacking each other. Jaden can’t help but slow down to watch this battle royale of animals fighting under the clouds. Bigger fish are eating little fish. Hundreds of hand-sized pink fish are pushing each other back and forth with their mouths. There are so many different sounds that the animals are making. The different sounds remind Jaden of a zoo back home. There are strings and strings of seaweed and dirt floating in all directions. Floating pieces of colorful coral and animals with legs hiding in them. Jaden changes his vision to block out the unnecessary debris. An army of silver jellyfish are attacking floating defenseless animals with small feet under their bodies.

  There is a gang of about a dozen blue scale octopuses floating peacefully thirty feet above the clouds. The octopuses are about ten feet long with big circular heads that look like light bulbs. They have a dozen tentacles that stretch downwards and resemble an umbrella. Their heads contain helium that enables them to float without needing wings or flapping fins. Grey medium-sized sharks with red flapping fins and several eyes around their nose leap out from the clouds below the octopuses. The sharks are going after the octopuses for the helium in their heads. The first shark grabs an octopus in its mouth. Another octopus quickly loses altitude and latches onto the back of the shark that has its member in its mouth. The octopus wraps its tentacles around the shark and begins to squeeze. It bites into its skin to inject poison. The other octopuses quickly grab onto each other and pull together to form an octagon. The shark, with the octopus around its back and octopus in its mouth, nose-dives through the clouds while sending out an S.O.S. The collective of octopuses are holding onto each other and their bodies float horizontally. The sharks retreat into the clouds. The collective of octopuses reach out simultaneously to the closest shark that couldn’t change directions fast enough. This shark is grabbed and it stretches its head 180° to bite at the tentacles holding it. The thirty-nine tentacles wrapping and squeezing its body, holds the shark like a mummy.

  Jaden follows behind the nose diving shark with two passengers as it flies by debris, strings of seaweed and through billions of bubbles of salty water. Squishing and splashing sounds are heard as Jaden tailgates. The fast moving tail and flapping fins work in sync. Another shark is quickly moving upwards in the opposite direction. The shark heading up is upside down and has its mouth open, displaying its white, sharp teeth. They just miss each other by inches and the octopus on the shark’s back is ripped into two pieces. Jaden’s nanoeye passes right through the shark heading upwards. He catches the octopus’ last split second screech before it is decapitated. The sound echoes in his human brain. Jaden quickly changes direction and a trail of thrust comes out the rear of the nanoeye. He stays inside of the body of the shark heading upwards. Squishing and digestive sounds echo in stereo to his ears. He sees the octopus head being tightly contained inside the shark’s mouth while it quickly moves into the stomach area. Hundreds of spiky, dark hairs penetrate and suck the helium from the head. The gas goes directly into the shark’s blood stream and is stored in its cells. The shark heading downwards still has tentacles wrapped around its body and is now bleeding from its back. Tentacles are hanging out of its mouth as it also quickly digests the octopus head. High above the clouds, the octopuses continue to float upwards horizontally while staying on the defense. The captured shark is being eaten like a big bucket of popcorn at the movie theater, amongst many small hands. Bubbles of the shark’s blood float downwards from the octopuses in the clouds. The gang of sharks hiding in the clouds smells the scent of their fallen comrade and will get revenge when the tide is over.

  ‘My God I’ve never seen anything like this before. I’ve never thought animals could be so smart and work together like a football team. This is like watching an alien National Geographic Channel. Wow.’

  ‘I’m glad you are enjoying it. It gets better. Come on Jaden, I want to show you something.’

  Jaden and Bellona’s nanoeyes head downward. They pass many animals hiding in different layers of the white puffy clouds for cover.

  ‘Why are all these fish and ocean animals fighting each other?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘It is survival of the fittest, where the animals that adapted best under the gravity tide take advantage of those that didn’t. The animals with legs are defenseless if they lose their grip on the ocean floor. They have hard shells on their back, to protect them from an above attack when they are on the ocean floor.’

  ‘Wow. This is interesting to watch. I wished they had this happening on Earth.’

  ‘We call this the “gravity tide wars.” It has been going on for thousands of years. Every generation of animals get smarter and smarter. They are constantly evolving and adapting.’


  The water drops becomes more dense and closer together. There are thousands of colorful rainbows stretching in many directions. Jaden sees more of the narrow whales. He sees a 120-foot long lime green animal that resembles a stingray and a butterfly. The beauty of this creature is mesmerizing. It floats in the denser, wavy water as if Jaden is in a dream. The colorful wings extend out over 150 feet. The head and neck extend twenty feet from the body and the neck resembles the shape of a goose. The tail looks like a long stinger on a stingray. Hairs go up and down the body. The wings slowly flap through the denser ocean.

  ‘What is that?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘We call them butterays. They are equivalent to a stingray, whale and bat. The blind animal uses radar to move around, similar to bats on your planet. Its weight doesn’t allow it to fly too high during the tide. The animals splash through the unstable saltwater. There are algae, debris, clams and coral slowly floating in the air. There are medium-sized squids and schools of three foot round bottle top jellyfish that look like little flying saucers. They are slowly rotating in a group and floating upwards from the denser ocean water. The jellyfish have gaseous helium in their jelly skin and their tentacles are hidden in their body. They pass a school of fish swimming by under them. Suddenly, their tentacles shoot from the middle of their bodies simultaneously. Poisonous silver projectiles come out from the tentacles bombarding the fish beneath them. Sixty percent of the fish received a direct hit and fall over like dominoes. The rest quickly float away. Jaden laughs as he quickly catches up to Bellona.

  ‘Bull’s-eye! Those jellyfish deserve a prize. Pick whatever stuffed fish you want,’ Jaden says while chuckling.

  ‘That was funny and interesting, how you related that to when you went to the amusement park and you were throwing the dart to win something for your girlfriend,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Yes, that is probably primitive entertainment for you,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Not necessarily, I’ve had someone win me something back in my human days. Hurry, catch up, I want you to see something,’ Bellona says.

  The hit fish are instantly paralyzed and rotate like a pig over a fire. The jellyfish quickly move in on their prey. Jaden continues downwards and he sees seaweed, plants, sand and dirt covering the ocean floor. There are thousands of different crawling animals clutching to the ocean floor. Jaden continues to follow Bellona at a high speed. She slows down and stares at something. They are about 1200 nautical miles from shore.

  ‘What is t
hat?’ Jaden asks telepathically in a shocking voice.

  ‘This is our virtual underwater city Jaden. Stay right here, we can’t get any closer. We can’t get any closer because security is in place to detect any type of molecule anomalies like our nanoeyes or other alien intelligence.’


  They look down at this gigantic bubble sitting on the ocean floor. The bubble city takes up dozens of miles on the ocean floor in all directions. It looks like a small souvenir bubble glass city from a distance.

  ‘To the human or animal eye, the city is transparent. It reflects what’s on the other side of it. Sometimes, animals accidently run into it. Since our city is artificially simulated, it doesn’t have to look too fancy on the outside. This saves us from polluting our planet and keeps us environmentally friendly. We have nano-portals all over the planet. Anything can be transported anywhere around the planet instantly. Us Andromedians learned a lot from our previous planet we destroyed in less than a thousand year period. I know you want to watch some more gravity tide wars, I see you zooming and looking into the sky above us.’

  ‘I was paying attention to what you were saying about your city below at the same time. The gravity tide wars are like being at a live WrestleMania match, but with animals.’

  ‘That is fine, after this we can watch the moon passing and glimpse our galactic center.’

  Jaden quickly accelerates upwards and into the sky. Bellona follows behind him and they quickly pass many floating obstacles. Jaden sees hundreds of different animals hiding in the white puffy clouds for cover. Some huge lobsters catch his attention and he stops.

  Dozens of huge, white alien lobsters, the size of a Labrador, are hiding in the clouds. They look like a genetically modified crab and lobster in one with tentacle tongues in their D-shaped toothless mouths. Their round midsections have flapping fins that resemble stingray wings. Their tail looks similar to lobsters on Earth, but they flap horizontally and vertically, like a dragonfly. These lobsters have two huge muscular claws and are floating on the top and bottom side of the cloud, waiting for something. Their three telescopic whisker eyes allow them to see in different directions and communicate with each other.

  The school of jellyfish in the clouds has several ingested fish that can be seen being digested from the outside. Twenty-five of the bloated jellyfish slowly merge to form a collective. Charged electrical particles in the clouds enable them to digest their foods faster.

  Two sixty-five foot long, white eels, with little flaps along the upper part of their body, float along with the clouds, behind each other. Their little fin wings keep them moving at the same speed of the clouds in a stealthy snake motion. Their bodies are camouflaged in the puffy, raining clouds. Electrical particles move up and down their bodies.

  Jaden feels something cool is about to happen and has a front row seat. A half dozen sharks come from below and charge at the jellyfish. The sharks are in a straight line and the lead shark has a dead shark in its mouth. The dead shark takes all the hits across the body, while protecting the rest of the gang. They ram right through the jellyfish still trying to connect to each other. They are quickly separated and a few are smashed. The sharks try to eat the jellyfish. Suddenly the white lobsters come from two sides and join in the melee. The lobsters jump on the sharks’ backs and quickly bite into their fins. The jellyfish are slowly being eaten up like Pac-Man eating the dots. Jaden is quickly moving his nanoeye around to catch different angles of this amazing midair battle.

  The two eels are circling the entire area, right behind each other. Their circular moving bodies are creating a huge 200-foot circle around the fighting animals. Their bodies light up brightly with electricity. The electrical particles in the clouds spark up and lightning shoots in hundreds of different directions. The animals are all electrocuted inside the circle and the thunder quickly follows. The loud thunder makes Jaden jump and sends chills down his human body. Smoke comes from the lifeless roasted sharks and lobsters. Their upside down, slowly rotating bodies float downwards. Jellyfish body parts are all over the place like road kill on the interstate. The eel snakes change direction and quickly swallow two sharks each. They continue floating with the clouds and leave the area.

  ‘Wow that was amazing. I guess the show is over. Look at the lobsters and sharks hugging each other unconsciously.’

  Jaden’s enhanced senses detect the smell of the roasted lobsters and sharks.

  ‘Do you smell that Bellona?’

  ‘Yes, I do.’

  ‘It smells like a seafood restaurant. Oh man, this reminds me when I went to New York City a few years ago and I ate at City Island in the Bronx. Man, they had the biggest and best lobsters there. The lobster in butter sauce was unbelievable. It was as if lobster meat, butter sauce, my tongue and teeth were having an orgy in my mouth. The after party was in my stomach… I wonder what these alien lobsters taste like.’

  ‘Why don’t you move closer to it and you can taste it.’

  Jaden moves closer to one and the tail is already cracked open. He can hear the sizzling from a distance.

  ‘What a tease! The body is roasted like it was on a BBQ grill. Oh man the meat is perfectly cooked. This lobster tail is about a foot wide and two feet high. I can eat this entire tail myself,’ Jaden says while moving the nanoeye inside the meat.

  ‘Wow! That is good!’ He yells

  ‘Jaden….’ Bellona tries to get his attention.

  Jaden begins to talk in an excited tone.

  ‘Oh thank you eel gods, for roasting this beautiful tasty lobster just right. All we need is a nice doggy bag. No that is too primitive….


  ‘…you guys are more advanced than that. I’m sure you can beam up or beam down Sebastian into your Under the Sea…

  ‘Jaden, listen…’

  ‘Please, please tell me we can transport or bring these Freddy Kruger lobsters back to your city. I can still hear their insides sizzling.’

  ‘We can’t do that…’

  ‘Can’t do that? This is like going to a fancy restaurant and when your food arrives you are only able to lick the lobster with your tongue...’

  Bellona doesn’t say anything, but laughs.

  ‘I need to chew, swallow and digest this. This isn’t funny. This is torture for us humans and you are torturing me with my five senses here. This perfectly well done lobster is going to go to waste if we don’t do something. These mastermind Einstein animals don’t deserve this perfectly cooked one hundred pound meal, that would go for over $1000 at Red Lobster back on Earth….’

  She continues to chuckle.

  ‘Did anyone tell you, how funny you are?’ She asks.

  ‘Yes, plenty of times. Come on Bellona, no one has to know. We can sit down and have a nice lobster dinner at my room,’ he says while tasting the round midsection of the lobster.

  ‘This tastes like crab meat!’

  ‘Jaden, it is illegal and immoral for any visitors or citizens of Andromedian city to eat any animals on this planet or others. I know it is something your mind craves, but it will pass. Eating meat is very primitive Jaden; it only brings you down to their level…’

  They talk at the same time.

  ‘It just needs some primitive butter sauce…I wonder if there are any cows on this planet...’

  ‘You need to evolve past being a cannibal to another organic life-form…’


  Jaden moves over to the shark’s fins and tastes that as well.

  ‘Oh man, this shark fin is cooked too. I heard they make this into a nice soup in China…yummy, this tastes good too.’

  ‘…vegetarians on your planet are highly evolved, to eat other good things besides consuming another life-form. Do you know how many spirit quarks leave this planet every day?’ She asks.

  ‘Bellona, it’s not like I killed it myself. I can’t help it if I like meat. I was raised this way. I was raised primit

  ‘You can fight it and evolve. Put some butter sauce on fruits and vegetables….’

  ‘That is like putting butter sauce in cereal and milk,’ he says while continuing to taste the other lobster, ‘I feel like Homer Simpson when he is about to eat something mouthwatering.’


  ‘Come on Jaden let’s go,’ she says while slowly moving upwards.

  Suddenly the octagon-shaped collective octopuses come spinning through the clouds. They reach with their long tentacles and grab the lobsters and sharks. Jaden’s nanoeye is left outside the lobster’s body.

  ‘No! They are eating my dinner!’ He yells while staying with the lobster.

  Jaden follows the lobster into a tentacle.

  ‘Oh no, you aren’t even chewing it, you are swallowing it. You can’t enjoy lobster and shark this way. You no class vultures. Savor the taste…chew..chew.’

  Jaden realizes this is depressing him and he is beginning to sound a bit deranged. He leaves the insides of the octopus and catches up to Bellona waiting above the clouds for him. There are rainbows in all directions over the clouds.

  ‘What kind of host are you guys anyway? You don’t feed your guest the food we are used to?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘We are feeding you intravenously. Your body only requires the basics: proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids and nutrients in fruits. A desire for a better taste in food isn’t a need.’

  ‘Okay, you made your point.’


  Rainbows are showing up all over the place. Bellona accelerates upwards through the upwards bubble waterfalls as Jaden follows. The sky becomes increasingly bright over them.

  The rainbows get brighter and connect in many directions. The scenery is amazing to Jaden as he follows Bellona higher up. Jaden can see thrust particles coming from the rear of her nanoeye. They make it above the planet and Bellona stops. Jaden sees a bright light coming from deep in space.

  ‘Are you okay with the lobster thing?’

  ‘Yeah I’m fine, I’ll get over it. I think the enhanced senses were really making my mind go crazy. I just have to get this Under the Sea music from The Little Mermaid movie out of my head. I keep seeing a mutated Sebastian dancing and laughing at me above the clouds. One line keeps repeating over and over again in my head.’

  The music to Under the Sea plays in Jaden’s mind. The images from his imagination are being displayed for Bellona to see as well. The lobster sings, ‘Over the sea, over the sea… my tail would have been so happy if it was in your belly…’

  The lobster is smiling and hitting on the shark’s head with its claws.

  Bellona chuckles and then laughs.

  ‘I must say, you humans have an interesting and funny imagination. Watching the dancing lobster shaking its fanny at you and oozing bubbling butter sauce is funny,’ she says.

  ‘Yeah, tell me about it,’ he says.

  A few minutes pass by and they focus on looking into space together.

  ‘The bright light that you see is coming from our galactic center. We are much closer to our galaxy’s center, so the light shows up on the dark side of our planet. It’s about a quarter of the light our sun gives off. We are 5200 light-years from our galaxy’s center, compared to 30,000 light-years Earth is from its galactic center. Isn’t it a beautiful sight?’

  Jaden is amazed and speechless. He is watching the large moon, the size of Earth, slowly pass over and all the stars above him. The moon has a cream-colored thin ring around it. The moon slowly eclipses the galactic center’s light.

  ‘We have twenty-two planets in our solar system. We are the fourth planet from our sun. There is also life on the fifth and sixth planet. If you look in this direction, you can see your Milky Way Galaxy. That direction is where your constellation star system is. The bottom star in the group is your sun.’

  ‘It looks like a holy cross constellation of stars.’

  ‘We don’t see it that way. We see a combination of coordinates that is similar to your longitude and latitude,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Well, you know us primitive humans, stuck with our primitive thinking; still using a small percentage of our little brains,’ he says sarcastically.

  ‘Speaking of primitive, why was there so much racism with your species?’ Bellona asks.

  ‘Well skin color is somewhat important in our species. I’ve grown up dealing with racism because I’m in between races. I’m like a slightly tanned, white person. My father is white and my mother is black. I’ve grown up somewhat confused as to what race I wanted to identify with. For some reason, the darker your skin is, the worse a person experiences racism. It’s not as bad now, but many years ago it used to be a lot worst.’

  ‘Yes, your human species has come a long way; primitive thinking takes some time to evolve from. Many humans think they are better than other humans are. We have seen many different species and colors of aliens. In some species, the whiter you are, the more racism they experience. We Andromedians were a racist species on our old planet Destiny, but that involved religious beliefs. It nearly consumed us and it divided us. Every species has a sort of racism in their culture. As we traveled to different planets and galaxies, we met hundreds of thousands of other intelligent species. But we also try to stay out of wars and battles. There are many conflicts between different species from different planets. We exchanged technological information with usually peaceful alien species. We learned that peace, harmony and treating people as equals are universal respects. Violence, conquering and being divided proved to be pointless in the long run.’


  Jaden and Bellona slowly circle around the planet while following the moon.

  ‘What are your parents’ beliefs?’ She asks.

  ‘My father was Catholic and my mother was Christian. My father’s Catholic belief took the religion for the entire family and that is what faith I grew up with. Then when I took philosophy in college it really confused me.’

  ‘I personally believe something is out there. It might not be a god like everyone thinks, but something is out there at the edge of this universe or in another universe,’ she says.

  ‘Something like what?’

  ‘Some powerful being, that is past the galaxies, past the super galaxies beyond the universe. Something out there that we didn’t detect yet helped create the design and ingredients for this universe,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Where was the furthest your species has traveled?’

  ‘To the edge of the universe about fifteen billion light-years from here. Some of our brave soldiers went out there to do some sort of experiments. Some of their experiments proved successful. We have lost communications with them so far. They left 14,500 years ago and we are waiting for updates. They have seen billions of galaxies and trillions of species over their journey. We have thousands of Andromedians traveling to different galaxies.

  ‘What experiments?’

  ‘I can’t really talk about that right now. It’s what you would call top-secret. I’m sure if you were meant to know, you would.’


  ‘Can we leave orbit and fly towards the other planets in your solar system?’ He asks.

  ‘We would need clearance for nanoscanners, exotic protons and anti-matter atoms to make light speed. We should stay close to the planet for now. If we have time I’ll see if I can show you later.’

  ‘Okay, but how do these nanoeyes and nanoscanners work?’

  ‘Nanoeyes work together as two or three teams and are put together similar to how a fly’s eyes on Earth works. Thousands of spherical eye prisms are bonded together to form one round vision team. The three visions form one nanoeye in a 360° 3D view and gives infinite zooming capabilities. But in your case, two visions forms one nanoeye in a 180° view. Your human brain is used to receiving 180° 2D images. One spherical molecule lens on a team can produce as much as 100 megapixels. They can change shape to form a horizontal or vertical
rectangular shape for telescopic capabilities. They don’t have any weight properties. They are about a billionth of an inch on the nano scale and can change in size to pass through different matters. Magnetic energy keeps the teams together and gives them the ability to change shape. They also relay basic feel, sounds, smells and taste. They transmit encoded signals through regular atoms to the proper host and they can adapt their transmitting signals in different environments. Sometimes lightning energy can disrupt sound and images from older models. A nanoeye use anti-proton molecules with a combination of other molecules to create their own propulsion. They are short range and vary in distances. They are able to transmit real time data to the host.’

  ‘What is the detail resolution on a nanoeye? The details are amazing.’

  ‘The average electronic camera on Earth is about 0.5 megapixels. Your human eyes are about 500-600 megapixels. A nanoeye can range from 500-900 terapixels. The unlimited shutter speed can detect anything from a bullet to a faster than light particle. Your human eyes are being bypassed and your enhanced optic nerves are receiving about one terapixel of resolution each. Enhanced meaning nanobots are creating artificial fibers in the nerve to increase its capabilities.’

  ‘That’s cool and very interesting.’

  ‘A nanoscanner usually works with an exoskeleton intergalactic spaceship and operates the same way as a nanoeye, but more advanced. They are the long-range nanoeyes and have many tasks. Their main tasks are scanning through solid objects, detecting threats’ defensive and offensive systems, opening subspace portals and guiding an EIS’s molecules through optic-warp. They can combine with a nanoeye and work as one. When we explore different galaxies, we have thousands of advanced nanoscanners that can analyze an entire solar system of planets in a few hours. We can learn everything about a planet in less than an hour. Nanoscanners are encoded and are harder to detect over nanoeyes. They blend in easily with other molecules in the surroundings. The different generations of nanoscanners and nanoeyes are classified with each generation of an EIS. A nanoscanner can change to many different sizes and can carry trillions of nanobots. All nanoscanners and nanoeyes have an autonomous mode.’

  Jaden takes in all the information Bellona is telling him. He is focusing on the bright yellow and red light coming from Andromeda’s center.

  ‘That’s amazing. This technology is very, very advanced. The view of your galaxy’s center is amazing. Why do galaxies need a galactic center?’

  ‘Most galaxy centers have one gigantic star. This star is about one trillion of your suns. Your species calls it the galactic bulge. Everything in a galaxy rotates around this center. It’s very powerful gravity slowly rotates an entire galaxy. The gigantic super massive black hole near it balances and counters its powerful gravity forces. It is like two opposite magnets facing each other. Black holes can be very dangerous. Our ships can survive small black holes, but not super massive ones.’

  ‘Why does your spaceship look so much different than the one I was in?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Class A ships are classified as exoskeleton intergalactic spaceships, which can travel in optic-warp and in subspace under super massive black holes. There are different generations to the Class A spaceships. One way to tell the different generations is the color of the molecule around each ship. Green is Generation 1, purple is Generation 2, blue is Generation 3, red is Generation 4 and gold is Generation 5. Generation 5 is an experimental EIS that is still being developed. One Andromedian will be awarded it as their personal ship. The ship you were in was a generation 2 EIS. Generation 2 is a 10,000-year-old spaceship. About 45,000 years ago, we flew in massive ships, similar to those seen in Star Trek. Those massive ships were limited in distance and didn’t have optic-warp or subspace capabilities. Marco and I fly in a Generation 4, which was the most advanced. I’ve been nominated, along with ten other Andromedians, for the prototype Generation 5,’ Bellona says.

  ‘What more can the Generation 5 do and why are you nominated?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘The Andromedian with the most successful missions and highest rankings are nominated. Marco is also nominated, along with Bomani. The prototype EIS can do things even I’m puzzled about. Three of the new things I’m aware it can do are enter tri-optic-warp, break the speed of light barrier on its own and it has more advanced nanoscanners. If you go back to Earth, the ship you were in will probably be upgraded to a Generation 3 or 4.’

  ‘Cool. I like the flat shape of the Generation 4 and lightning particles jumping between the bodies,’ Jaden says.

  Jaden turns his eyes towards Earth’s direction in the Milky Way Galaxy. He thinks about how he misses Earth, his family, friends and girlfriend.

  ‘You miss your girlfriend and family, Jaden?’

  ‘Yes, I do. I have spent so many hours looking through a telescope at night wondering what it would be like in another galaxy and if there were aliens or life on other planets. I also wondered what it would look like looking at my galaxy from another one. I always wished I could travel beyond the stars further than any human has been. When I was a teenager, I was so depressed at times. I wanted to fly away into the stars and never come back. But now that I’m far away from my family, I don’t have the same feeling anymore. It’s different not being around friends and people you can relate too. I always wanted to help people and be a part of something. Half of me misses my family and girlfriend. The other half wants to explore more and learn more about different species and technologies.’

  ‘Hopefully that can happen Jaden. We usually don’t keep species. We usually send them back with some technology they can use. But every situation is different and needs approval from our supreme elders.’

  ‘How many Earth-type planets are there in galaxies?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Most planets, in most galaxies, the right distance from the sun are usually destroyed before they develop into an Earth-like planet. Thirty percent of these planets have primitive life on them. Forty percent of them are vacant with mostly microbes on them. Ten percent of these planets develop with intelligent life like ourselves. These planets must have working magnetic energy producing cores, or the planet won’t sustain life. A magnetosphere around a planet is the key to sustaining life; it protects the planet from cosmic radiation from space. Meteors hitting a planet usually stop or slow down most planets from sustaining primitive or intelligent life. Huge gas planets, like Jupiter, help protect small Earth planets from being target practice in a solar system.’


  ‘Wow, interesting….’ Jaden pauses and then continues, ‘What is that over there, way behind the moon, glowing?’

  ‘That is a transport portal straight into our city. It opens up when a ship is near and transports it right into our city.’

  ‘It looks like it is far from here.’

  ‘Yes, it’s between our planet and the third planet from the sun. We do this for two reasons. One, it is for our security. If anything is scanning or trying to see where our city is or what planet we are on, they couldn’t tell. We rarely land directly on our planet. We also have space stations around our neighboring planet, which is the fifth planet from our sun. The second reason is we don’t want to mess up the natural balance of life on our planet. We have several different animals that we are studying that are slowly making the leap from ape-like animal to intelligent species. Our ships flying over the planet would confuse animals and the natural evolution process on our planet. In addition, if anyone is scanning our planet, we want it to look as natural as possible. That does backfire when another species is looking for a new planet to colonize. We’ve had battles in the past,’ Bellona says.

  Jaden zooms in on spaceships coming out of this portal and entering at the speed of light. There are several bright flashes of light. Twenty spaceships fly towards the sun in a trail of light. Each EIS has red molecules around their bodies.

  ‘Where are those spaceships rushing too?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Sometimes being explo
rers and traveling to different places has its price. We get into conflicts with many species and try to help other species when we can. It could be also that our explorers are in trouble. Those are our most advanced ships and strongest fighters going into battle somewhere in our galaxy. Our technology is the most advanced out of many species. Our head start came from the Mapolians. They gave us the gift of nanotechnology and other technologies. They traveled for billions of years to almost every galaxy. I’ve even heard a rumor of them traveling to another universe. Most of them disappeared when they reached the edge of the universe looking for a powerful being with all the answers. This was what you humans call a myth. There is one Mapolian left, which lives with us at our central congress planet 100,000 light-years from here. She is very wise and has psychic powers to see things many of us can’t.’

  ‘Mapolians? Sounds like some old people who couldn’t figure out a subway map in New York City and ended up in another state. Yes, my teachers did call me a comedian in high school,’ Jaden pauses, and then continues, ‘This is so much information at once. I can’t believe all of this is happening. I feel like I’m in a long dream.’

  The EIS lights up very brightly and disappears into the sun.

  Jaden sees some of the sun’s energy expanding outwards.

  ‘What is that?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘That is what you would call a solar flare. Entering subspace near a star creates powerful solar flares throughout a solar system. Entering subspace requires a great amount of energy from the sun to create a slingshot type of force in optic-warp. This solar flare can sometimes be harmful to planets and life on planets. Most planets have magnetospheres. Our planet has a very strong magnetosphere. Every 10,000 years our magnetic core reverses at the poles and leaves the planet without protection from the sun. We have a backup system that creates an energy shield around the planet. This is so that the planet doesn’t have to be interrupted.’

  Jaden changes his view and watches the x-ray version of the flares quickly move past him. He continues to zoom in and out in different direction. His nanoeye changes shape and turns into a long telescope shape. He can see supernovas and stars exploding at a far distance. He can see the Triangulum Galaxy and a small Magellanic cloud. It is amazing to Jaden that the galactic center is giving light to the darkness in space.

  ‘I can see purple waves of energy going into something dark, Bellona. What is that?’

  ‘The energy waves you see are different communication bandwidths. The completely black object that they are going into is an artificial wormhole that is accepting communications. We use wormholes for instant communications with other planets, our alliances and our main council. We don’t travel through them because they are unstable for transporting in galaxies. Exotic blue anti-matter and other energies are needed to stabilize a wormhole to transport ships or large objects. This type of energy is hard to come by. It is okay to send signals and transmissions through wormholes. If a wormhole is created on a planet, it could disrupt its alignment, magnetic core energy and axis rotation. A planet is constantly moving and a wormhole can slow down or speed up a planet’s rotation. The worst-case scenario is they can cause moons to collide and make a moon lose its gravity around a planet. We create little wormholes away from planet and star paths. Come on Jaden; let’s head back down towards the planet.’

  Jaden notices something peculiar and zooms in.

  ‘Bellona what is that over there? Far to the right; the two waves of energy heading towards another larger completely dark area from two different directions.’

  ‘I’m not sure; let me check with our command center,’ Bellona pauses then continues, ‘The Darclonians sent out an encoded transmission towards a mini black hole right outside our galaxy.’

  ‘What is that?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Sometimes mini black holes open up outside of galaxies; they aren’t affected by the gravity of a galaxy. When they randomly open up, they accept energy waves of communications. Instantly another mini black hole opens up at the edge of the next galaxy. X-ray signals exit the black hole in the next galaxy and the communications is converted back over into energy. The communications aren’t very safe or reliable. We don’t like to use it because you need to copy the energy signal message trillions of times and sometimes they are all destroyed. The Darclonians perfected the technology and have a higher success rate of sending their message through it. The signal was sent from Planet 455, the planet we rescued you from. They are trying to communicate with other ships in your galaxy. We are trying our best to intercept the energy wave and destroy it. We don’t want them communicating with each other since we haven’t figured out why our bodies can’t make it into your galaxy. They are definitely planning something.’

  ‘How did the Darclonians get into my Milky Way Galaxy?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘They have different ways of traveling. They can manipulate dark matter by bending it in space and riding over it, enabling their mother ships to travel thousands of times faster than light. They have been in your galaxy for tens of thousands of years. We are trying to find out what they are up too. They have a few mother ships in different parts of your Galaxy,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Will they invade Earth?’

  ‘I don’t think they will invade Earth by flying down and attacking humans. Invading a planet that way is very primitive and the defenders usually have the upper hand. They can use humans for other uses. They will probably do a silent attack from a distance. The bodies the Darclonians have been using can’t survive on just any planet. They switch between organic and robotic bodies all the time. Your planet has high bacteria levels, powerful sunlight, high humidity and pressure percentages. Their bodies would die in less than twenty-four hours. They are much smarter than that. They put nanomoles in your species for a reason. They are studying something. I’m sure they will return. The bodies that they use from other species are mostly carbon-based. They do need oxygen and water. The EIS you were in had valuable information about your planet’s bacteria levels, gravity, pressure, oxygen levels and environment. It was lost when the Darclonians tried to take apart our ship; they stole a lot of info from it about your planet. This is probably why they are trying to communicate with their colony in your galaxy. Our biomechanical bodies can survive on any planet. We have built in advanced filters and can adjust to many different atmospheres. If we could figure out why our bodies can’t make it through your galaxy’s center black hole, then we could be investigating what the Darclonians are up too. We rarely send out ships without an Andromedian biomechanical body in them. Ready to go back down to my planet?’

  ‘Sure,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Don’t worry so much, I’m sure everything will be okay.’

  ‘You are just saying that because you analyzed all the movies I’ve watched all my life. Someone is always saying that in a movie.’

  ‘All the movies you’ve seen are very creative. However, it is annoying to review, because your eyes keep blinking hundreds of times an hour. But honestly, I’m sure things will work out.’

  Jaden follows Bellona’s nanoeye slowly back down to the beautiful, mostly blue Xenos.

  ‘What movies did you view that you liked the most, from my memories?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘The Star Trek series and movies were interesting. I’ve seen many species traveling through space with a big ship and many aliens on it working together in teams. I think the writers of the series and movies did a good job describing what different species would look like and act like. Star Wars was also interesting, the description of aliens, different worlds, and it showed the politics of many alien species. There are many politics going on in different species I’ve encountered. Us Andromedians have been called devils and demons from species we visited in the past. Some species we have a hard time trying to figure out which side to be on. The books you read when you were younger with battles, wars, heroes, love and death was very interesting to me. Your human species has a very creative and good i
magination. Your art capabilities, your creation of music, movies, and how fast you are advancing in technology makes your species very special. It really separates you from many species I’ve encountered.’

  They continue on their slow descent as Jaden follows.

  ‘Thanks Bellona, thanks for the compliment. About Star Trek; can you beam someone up and down from a planet?’

  ‘Yes we can, but it isn’t as easy as it looked in Star Trek. It requires a few things. One, it requires a lot of energy. A quarter of the energy of the sun. Two, a septillion point molecule scan of the species being transported. This can take a few minutes. Three, the target needs to be on top of a high mountain or building and not moving. Four, the ship beaming the life form needs to be in a straight path and moving with the rotation of the planet. The planet’s magnetosphere could also cause complication so a…’

  Jaden interrupts, ‘Thanks for the short story, but I get the point. Come on let’s go faster! You’re going too slow old lady. Women fliers!’

  Jaden’s nanoeye quickly accelerates passing Bellona.

  ‘Young people, always in a hurry,’ Bellona says.

  ‘That’s something my mother says to me. We young people love speed and things happening fast.’

  Bellona catches up.

  ‘You like speed and things happening fast huh?’

  ‘Yes, I love video games and multi-tasking,’ Jaden says.

  ‘I have something to show you, when we get back down to the city. It is one of our games.’

  ‘Okay, cool,’ Jaden says then continues, ‘So our bodies are still standing on the side of that huge mountain?’ Jaden asks.


  ‘Yes we are; there is a shield around us. The shield is needed to protect our bodies from the water and flying fish trying to attack us.’

  ‘Cool. I have to see this.’

  Jaden instantly switches his view back to his artificial body. Jaden sees gigantic flying hungry sharks charging at the shield making a loud banging noise. He switches back to the nanoeye still hundreds of miles above descending.

  Jaden sees the large moon still moving towards the other side of the planet. The white clouds near the equator of the planet move in the direction of the large moon, while the rest move in the opposite.

  ‘Jaden, our planet is twice the size of Earth.’

  ‘I’ve noticed.’

  ‘Our oceans take up about eighty-five percent of the planet. Most of the land is mountains.’

  They enter the upper atmosphere and quickly descend. The gravity tide is almost over. The water begins to recede back into the ocean. Thousands of flying fish return towards the ocean. The water becomes denser and gets lower and lower.

  Jaden and Bellona approach the lower atmosphere and there are rainbows all over the place. The light from the moon and galaxy center are showing rainbows of light. Jaden quickly moves towards a large rainbow and rides it downwards.

  ‘This is cool, so many colors. The rays are moving so fast.’

  ‘Jaden the rays are moving at the speed of light.’

  The rainbow leads to over a huge mountain. Jaden follows Bellona. They go down the side of a mountain where the land is flat. There are many tall trees covered in a grey substance. There are ocean animals on the ground flapping around.

  ‘Do you see the fish and sea animals stranded? The gravity started to return and they became too heavy to make it back to sea,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Yes, there are hundreds of them. They look like they are going to die. I can hear them moaning from here. They sound like whales in the sea communicating with each other.’

  Jaden notices some beginning to disappear.

  ‘Some are disappearing, what is going on?’

  ‘We have teams of nano-transporters that go out and transport these stranded animals back into the ocean. Their bodies are scanned and their molecules are transported back to the part of the ocean they came from. It’s called quantum-transporting,’ Bellona says.

  ‘They look like a dead body in a video game that suddenly disappears after lying in the same spot for too long. I miss my PC game Doom at home.’


  Jaden continues to follow Bellona further inland. They pass a few gigantic jellyfish stuck in miles of seaweed over the ground. As they fly deeper onto the continent, they see long trees with skinny bodies covered in seaweed.

  Jaden goes lower to the ground to get a closer look at a different species of shark with stingray wings still flapping out of control. It is lying on its side on the sand. He tries to communicate with the disabled shark.


  ‘Jaden, listen, It is not going to understand what you are saying. These animals don’t have any intelligence like we do. They understand very basic communications, similar to a dog or cat. They create basic sounds and telepathic signals to each other.’

  ‘I see, well let’s see what you have in your stomach, Fatty. Let us see if it was worth it to come this far from shore to feed your gut.’

  Jaden looks inside the shark’s body.

  ‘This is gross. I see blood vessels, bones, fat and membranes. This is worst than dissecting a frog in high school,’ Jaden pauses then continues, ‘You need to go on a diet, little Fat Albert. So much blubber and fat around your body. Lots of good food in your five stomachs, huh? I hear your heart beating in stereo here. You have two hearts huh? Probably to push all this fat around your veins. Yeah, you would fit in fine around America’s oceans. We can throw our fatty processed food into the ocean for you. Oh no, you fat greedy bastard! You swallowed another little shark that is still alive. You deserve to die here you cannibal, beached whale shark.’


  ‘You see this, it ate another little shark, and the little shark is trying to get out of its stomach. Escape little E.T. shark! Escape!’

  ‘Jaden! This shark is pregnant and is in labor.’


  ‘I knew that,’ Jaden says in a modest tone.

  ‘If you took notice, the shark is under the stomach and in the womb. She is in labor. In addition, if you change your vision and follow the signal waves, you’ll notice it is communicating with another shark by the shore in the ocean. I’m assuming it is the shark’s mate or spouse. She is what you humans call crying for help. This is a female shark in serious distress. I’m going to signal the nano-transporters to high priority this one.’

  ‘Typical of a male to leave his pregnant spouse behind and save himself first.’

  ‘The mother shark was trying to make sure it had enough food for its newborn. So this is what your girlfriend meant, when she called you insensitive?’ Bellona asks.

  ‘Yeah, us young men can be jerks and insensitive sometimes.’

  ‘Sometimes I wish I could feel what this mother is feeling. Having another life inside, and giving birth to something must be an amazing experience, don’t you think Jaden? Do you want any kids Jaden?’ Bellona asks.

  ‘As a man, I think it is overrated. There were many girls pregnant in my high school back home. They were not happy missing out on being a teenager. Then there is the problem of both parents not being together while the child is being raised. Raising a child these days is a lot of work, Bellona. Maybe not here, but on Earth it takes over eighteen years. I don’t want any kids any time soon. I always wanted to enjoy being young.’

  Bellona briefly reviews the memory video of Jaden in high school. Hundreds of nanos quickly approach in a group and quickly move around the mother shark. The mother shark vanishes.

  ‘Jungle-nerd?’ Bellona asks.

  ‘Yes, that’s what they used to call me in high school.’


  ‘Because I am half black and half white, this makes up the “Jungle” part. I was also skinny, wore glasses, and had pimples. This qualified me as a nerd. However, that was when I was a freshman in high school. That all changed once I started to learn karate and joined the football team in tenth and e
leventh grade. It’s kind of funny now thinking about it.’

  Bellona and Jaden continue to fly higher up over land as Jaden follows. Thicker clouds begin to move over land and it gets darker.

  ‘Looking at your past, a woman being pregnant at a young age was not the best decision. That is a very long time to train one human to be ready to take care of itself. If your technology was more advanced like ours, it would take less than one hour to train a human baby to learn to take care of itself.’

  ‘That would be odd, a baby walking around, coming home from work and drinking a beer.’

  ‘Well of course other factors would be involved. Modifying DNA so the child could have accelerated growth, modifying the brain to process data differently and using more of the human brain. That would increase intelligence and allow each human to live over 300 years.’

  ‘But at what cost?’ Jaden asks then continues, ‘There is always a cost to advances like that to a society. Man, I sound like my sociology and philosophy professors.’

  ‘Jaden you are very smart for your age. The fact that you read so many books as a teenager really helped you to develop. It also helped us to translate more info from you.’

  ‘Thanks for the compliment. So, can you modify my DNA to make me smarter, stronger and live longer?’ Jaden asks while he chuckles and continues, ‘I want to live longer than Yoda.’

  ‘We can do a lot more than that. Like I told you before, your DNA and genes are easy to manipulate. Your human brain can do so much more than what it is capable of.’

  ‘Can you clone me?’

  ‘Yes, we have the technology, but it is against our laws to clone a species. Your carbon-based body could be cloned. However, your human brain is somewhat complicated to fully duplicate. The electronic signals and chemical messages being transmitted around your brain involving your thoughts, motor skills and senses are very random. They would have to be closely analyzed. Your memory and what you know is easy to duplicate. Since we don’t clone species here, it would be hard to create the same you. But it is possible to get close, but that would require more humans to experiment on. Duplicating your brain and putting it on a carbon-sincoid as a backup is possible,’ Bellona says while she slows down.

  They are about 500 feet above the ground as they approach a jungle high on a mountaintop about 300 miles away from shore. The trees are hundreds of feet high and some stretch into the clouds.

  ‘The trees are slimmer and taller because our gravity is lighter than on Earth.’

  ‘What is that down there?’ Jaden asks.

  He goes closer towards the ground as he sees ape-like animals following behind each other. The animals have black hair over their bodies and faces. They have small, brown eyes in front of their faces. Their bodies are slim and they have three fingers and a thumb, with sharp fingernails. They walk crouched over and their hands touch the ground when they walk. They have two long legs, with backwards kneecaps. Their kneecaps bend behind them when they walk. They also have a hairy tail extending from their backs.

  ‘They look like an ape, grasshopper and a Chewbacca together. I didn’t know you had animals that look somewhat human here,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Yes we do Jaden. They are in an evolutionary process. They walk crouching over now, but when the gravity tide takes place, the lighter gravity allows them to walk straight up like humans. They are also much taller. These animals are in the process of making the leap from animal instincts to higher intelligence. They are what you humans would call in the Hominins stage of evolution. These creatures passed the stage of caring for each other and feeling bad if another dies. This is a characteristic found in highly intelligent animals. They have only been here for a few thousand years. Each generation lives about fifteen years and each generation slightly evolves from the previous. At night, they look up into the stars and try to understand it. They should be creating their own religion in a few generations. Some draw on walls and hold each other at night. We are studying this process up close and we don’t interfere at all with them. Some species don’t make the leap from animal to an intelligent being. Look at this one in the lead. They even work as a team to capture animals for food.’

  ‘At least they get to eat meat and lobster on this planet,’ Jaden snaps.

  ‘Yes, unfortunately, if you look at their teeth, they are sharp like a human dog. They evolved into eating meat from their previous generation…’

  ‘Wow, they have vampire teeth. Cool.’

  ‘Intelligence is something that happens by evolution and survival. Questioning why things are happening and why a species is here. Life on planets that can support life starts as a single cell and slowly evolves over millions of years. Animals wondering about its own existence are at the beginning stages of this leap.’

  ‘Yes, it’s an interesting subject. I’ve been learning about evolution all my life. It conflicted somewhat with what I learned going to church. It is amazing being able to see this actually happening up close,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Look at the two pregnant apes walking closer to the two male apes. This wasn’t happening a few generations ago.’

  One pregnant ape has brown hairs around its body and the other has grey.

  ‘Yeah, they look like two cute couples walking together. There are many pregnant animals on this planet, that’s for sure. I know there aren’t any condoms on this planet.’

  Jaden gets closer to the clan of eight male and nine female apes walking through a swampy area. The animals are grunting and making hand signals towards each other.

  ‘I want to see something.’

  ‘Hey Cave Apes! I have a condom in my pocket…Anyone interested?’…’

  ‘They don’t hear you Jaden. The nanoeye you are using can’t produce sounds that are loud enough for the animals to hear. Oh no, they have company.’

  There is a big animal, the size of a rhino, running towards them. There are three legs on each side of its body and are stretched out like a scorpion’s legs. It has two bones sticking from its pointy, narrow head and long teeth in its mouth. Its middle is close to the ground as it gallops towards the group. They quickly turn around and react by running in the opposite direction. They make ape sounds to each other. The brown pregnant female ape falls down and is trampled by her male counterpart. Their legs extend outwards allowing them to leap and run faster.

  ‘Look how fast they are running. He left his pregnant girlfriend in the dust. He even pushed her away, to save himself. Where is the love? They are worst than the animals in the sea.. Can’t you do something?’ Jaden asks.

  Three of the male apes are climbing a tree.

  ‘I can’t, we can’t interfere. I couldn’t do anything anyway from here. This is survival of the fittest. The weak die off, while the cowards or strongest survive.’

  The startled ape struggles to get up, but can’t. The alien rhino quickly approaches with its mouth open and eyes on the belly of the female ape. Suddenly the grey-haired pregnant ape returns and leaps over the body of her friend. She has a sharp tree branch in her hands. The rhino looks up as the ape lands on its back. The rhino’s legs collapse and its body crashes into the muddy ground. It roars in pain and the other apes watch from a distance. The tree branch is sticking out of its back and the female warrior lands on her feet. The rhino runs away and she runs over to help her fallen friend from the ground.

  ‘That is amazing, one female came back to help another female. Isn’t that a shame? The males left the muddy footprints over her fur when they trampled her.’

  ‘She showed such courage and caring for another life form. That was amazing and something I’ve never seen before with this species. That grey ape reminds me of myself back in the day.’

  Darker-colored red blood drips from the wound of the rhino laying flat on its stomach. The rhino’s legs are arching backwards and reaching to pull the wood out of its back.

  ‘Do they mostly only care about themselves Bellona? Seems to me the fem
ale species here is evolving faster than the males.’

  ‘Females usually always stick together, that is universal,’ Bellona says.

  Bellona scans the female ape’s baby in her stomach. Jaden follows closely behind her and is in the womb staring at the baby.

  ‘Who’s your daddy? Who’s your daddy little ape-Alf baby?’ Jaden asks in a sarcastic tone.

  ‘That’s funny. It’s too bad the baby can’t hear you. Okay, the baby in the womb is fine,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Great, let’s get out of here; planet of the Chewbacca apes makes me feel as if I’m in a zoo. What else is around this large, primitive planet?’

  They leave the area and Jaden follows Bellona.

  ‘Sometimes I wish I could feel and touch another. I miss being more human-like and having human emotions. Having natural nerves and carbon-based female features are things that I miss. We Andromedians don’t have true love for each other. Even though we do have companions and mates, it isn’t the same as the love between two creatures. There was a time when we experienced true love.’

  ‘Love is not what it used to be. Love can be hurtful, joyful and painful,’ Jaden says.

  Jaden and Bellona are quickly flying around the planet at high speeds. The sun is back out and is shining brightly everywhere. Jaden is enjoying the view of half-horse, half-dinosaur looking animals running around. Big birds fly around.

  ‘I missed out on a lot of things when I was carbon-based, like humans. I can still remember the emotions and connections. We also evolved from a primate type of animal. But enough about me, tell me more about your spouse and relationship, Jaden.’

  ‘Well, my girlfriend Amy is a pain in the ass sometimes. I love her a lot, but she can get an attitude quick, and is very spoiled. Last I saw her, I was trying to tell her I found a UFO, but she only cared about where her Valentine’s Day present was. I hope she is fine even though I’m gone. I do miss her a lot, even though it has been a few weeks. I really would like to get back to see my family, friends and girlfriend again.’

  ‘That’s something our council will have to figure out and approve. I envy that you have someone you love and miss.’

  ‘Don’t worry Bellona; you can be my Andromedian girlfriend if you want. How does that sound?’

  Jaden slows down and goes closer to Bellona’s nanoeye.

  ‘That was a nice thing to say Jaden…’ Bellona says as she is interrupted by Jaden.

  ‘What you need is some nanoeye to nanoeye penetration.’

  Jaden goes inside of her nanoeye.

  ‘Jaden! Stop. Don’t do that, you’ll disrupt the…’

  Jaden sees a slight flash and a popping sound. The vision disappears and everything is dark. Jaden opens his eyes and he is back in his original human body underwater in the virtual city. He hears his heart beating fast as he tries to breathe. His lower body feels frozen and he tries to breathe. His vision goes black and he opens his eyes again. This time he is back in his artificial body still standing on the side of the huge mountain by the shoreline. Jaden drops to the ground holding his head and breathing heavily.

  Jaden coughs repeatedly, “What,” he continues coughing, “What was that?” Jaden asks.

  “You merged two high speed transmission signals. Both collided and caused us both to return to our bodies. You went back to your human body in my city, and then you were forwarded back to your artificial body here. I just returned here.”

  “I’m sorry about that; I didn’t know all of that was going to happen.”

  “Don’t be sorry about it. They are separating themselves now and should be online soon. I see why they called you a class clown in school.”

  Jaden stands up, “Well I used to be the class clown in school, now I just like to make my friends laugh and family. Women loved my humor, I think I’m between clown and comedian. Women love for a man to make them laugh. That was one of the things my girlfriend loved about me.”

  “I’m growing on your humor; it is very interesting and I think it’s a part of your personality that makes you special.”

  “Can I have another artificial cigarette?”

  “Sure. Hold on…How’s that?”

  “Very good, very good, Thank you.”

  “I must say you are an interesting species, Jaden.”

  “I think I’m somewhat special.”

  “I knew our ship didn’t pick you over six billion humans for no reason. You are special Jaden Marino.”

  “Maybe I’m here to save the universe?”

  “Now that was funny.”

  Loud thunder is heard over the ocean. Jaden looks up into the dimly lit sky and sees lightning flashing. The lightning is moving horizontally across the clouds in a straight line.

  “What is going on up there? The lightning is moving across the clouds in a straight path over the ocean.”

  “We can control the direction where lightning moves. We have particle controlling nanos that direct lightning charges into our city from around the planet. This is one of our natural sources of energy. The lightning passes through the ocean and into our energy stations.”

  “That is amazing; we need something like that on Earth,” Jaden says and continues, ‘I think I like talking telepathic better. I’m getting used to it and is becoming much easier.’

  ‘That is your choice; we have to return to the city now. Your body is ready.’


  The translucent rainbow portal of prism colors opens again in front of them. Jaden walks in as Bellona follows. They disappear into thin air and the portal closes.


  TOP 20 “BEST” #6