Read BIO-Sapien series book 1 - Destination optic warp Page 1


  America’s first comic book/sci-fi bar, free retro video game themed restaurant.

  Vlane Carter is the sole owner of Action Burger and VC Imagination Factory. Vlane designed all the foods and created the theme. Some of Tthe food names are from the characters in these books. At Action Burger you can choose to eat like a Hero or Villain. This is the first time something like this was tried.

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  A Sci-fi, Space, Action, Adventure & Romance novel series.

  Formally known as the BIAlien series.


  (continued from back cover)

  A young man by the name of Jaden is abducted by benevolent aliens, bio-engineered to superhuman levels and sent back to Earth years later to stop an alien invasion.

  150,000 years ago Darclonians began on an experimental dark energy/dark matter weapon that works only with carbon based life forms. The organic subject would eventually die.

  100,000 years ago Darclonian probes sought out thousands of planets with life on them that could develop into intelligent life forms. The probes fired Quadrillions of Nanomoles into Earth's atmosphere seeking intelligent life.

  The Nanomoles hid inside of the modern Homosapien brain and studied humans for thousands of years. The Nanomoles recorded our feelings, memories, emotions, experiences and DNA from generation to generation.

  Today the Nanomoles await a signal from a Darclonian mothership to begin it's 84 hour three stage countdown.

  Jaden's bio-engineered body is the key to perfecting the Darclonian's weapon of mass destruction. The rebirth of science fiction begins.


  An average teenager Jaden Marino discovers a UFO landing one evening in upstate NY. The government is also looking for the mysterious UFO in the area. The government eventually follows him to it while trying to kill him. He hides inside of the advanced nanotechnology UFO while the government tries to take it away to Area 51 on a trailer. His mind goes into a comatose state and he has an out-of-the-body experience. The spaceship translates his English language from his mind into its language, enabling him to control the UFO with his mind. As he tries to fly away, the government sends all of their best and top-secret aircraft to intercept this very advanced spacecraft. Jaden quickly learns what this spaceship is capable of and goes against the best pilots in an intense chase over NY. Eventually he leaves Earth and travels 2.1 million light-years into the Andromeda Galaxy. He learns of an advanced alien species called Andromedians, who are 70,000 years ahead of humans. The Andromedians are peaceful explorers and their thinking is very far ahead of our own.

  In book 3 Jaden comes back to Earth eighteen years later and is aware of an alien conspiracy that is about to take place on Earth. He tries to warn people, but everyone thinks he is crazy. They lock him up in a mental ward. Society, relationships, values and technology has changed on Earth. He has a microscopic artificial intelligence alien companion in his mind helping him along the way, called AI. His body begins developing its advanced alien nanotechnology weapons system to work on Earth. After the government and citizens do not listen, he tries to help the people he cares about while the government places him on a terrorist list and uses their full military forces to kill him. He goes against the government’s future weapons, Motherdrone (a super computer that controls all UAV drone crafts), super exoskeleton soldiers, SWATbots, thermobaric weapons and himself. At the same time, a bad alien race, called Darclonians, are implementing their silent planned strike on humans. An energy knight is the Darclonians new powerful weapon that can manipulate dark energy. Unbelievable movie style action sequences throughout the book and an ending you won’t stop talking about. Jaden Marino’s adventure of a lifetime begins.