Read BIO-Sapien series book 1 - Destination optic warp Page 10

  7:15 am

  The wind is blowing from the west at 15 mph onto the UFO making a howling sound. The ship is slowly floating across the sky at 25 mph. Jaden can feel the cold wind all around him as if it is blowing against his face and body. He feels as if he is flying in a dream. He sees the explosion at the barn and feels bad for the poor farmer named Jack that owned the property there. Below him he can see the closed off area with hundreds of military personnel on the ground closing off several areas. There are citizens, police and National Guard troops pointing towards the UFO. The nanoeyes are flying autonomously in different directions. A nanoeye detects a brown-feathered eagle approaching from a distance. Jaden’s altitude reads 203 feet.

  ‘Holy shit! What a rush. This ship just morphed like the Terminator 2 robot. That was amazing watching this ship transform. The wings and tail coming from the body are awesome. It felt like I grew two arms and the tail felt like I just stretched my legs after a long trip. I wonder if my heart is beating fast. Let me check and see.’

  Jaden checks his physical body and monitoring screen to see if he is okay. He is still crouching in the fetal position. He can hear his heart beating very fast from the adrenaline rush he just experienced. He feels more comfortable with all this constant multi-tasking and flying the UFO on pure thought. The ship tilts to the left and then to the right instantly. A few minutes pass by as Jaden is flying over the area he grew up. The eagle flies alongside the ship. It makes a hawking noise while turning its neck and head to look at the ship. The UFO stops midair and turns in the direction of the eagle. The eagle continues flying and the nanoeyes continue to circle the huge bird. Jaden makes the right wing extend upwards as if he is waving at the bird.

  ‘Hello, Mr. Hawk. You look so beautiful up close. Your feathers float so nicely through the wind. Don’t be afraid, little guy,’ Jaden says while the wing extends back down.

  Jaden realizes it’s a red-tailed hawk and not an eagle. The bird slowly flaps its wings and circles the ship while making loud bird sounds.

  ‘Hey bird, I’m not a nest. There is no place to sit here,’ he says while following the excited bird with the nanoeye.

  Another red-tailed hawk comes from the national park underneath him. Two mourning doves also approach from below. The hawk reaches the rear of the UFO and one flap of its wings propel the hawk very quickly upwards. The two doves and hawk quickly propel towards the ship out of control. The UFO quickly turns and moves out of the way from the fast moving birds, just missing them. The nervous birds poop as they pass over the ship. Jaden tries to get out of the way, but it narrowly lands on the body.

  ‘Yuck that feels nasty. I can even smell that…no respect for a ship that was just washed…I mean morphed.’

  The birds quickly scatter and they gain normal flight. Jaden thinks for a second about chasing them, but he lets them go. He wonders why the birds lost control like that. He figures it must have been gravity related like the military men floating upwards a few minutes ago in zero gravity. He continues forward at a maximum speed of 30 mph. Jaden wonders why he can’t go faster.

  He wants to go back into his body soon, but he is making the best out of this weird, frightening and exciting experience. The other helicopter is coming towards the ship from a distance. Jaden can flip through the menus and screens much faster now. It is as if he is clicking a mouse on the computer and whatever he thinks of happens instantly. This is much easier than driving a car or playing Super Nintendo. He can see at any angle outside the ship and he can zoom in on anything. He can’t wait to tell his friends about this. Jaden wonders what they are doing now.

  Jaden sees all the military trucks and police cars blocking off streets. He sees yellow tape closing off areas and a news reporter on the ground from a distance. He zooms in on her.

  “I’m Angela Clarke reporting for Channel 6 Local News. Behind me, the military has sealed off the area where some unknown object landed last night. The military has been tight-lipped so far and refuses to answer any questions. Several trucks and helicopters have been seen entering the area. The military said a radioactive meteor landed here yesterday at 5 pm, and didn’t give more details.”

  The camera operator turns the camera up into the air. Miss Clarke turns around and looks up.

  “Oh my! There is something flying in the air, just over my right shoulder. Oh my God! It looks like a UFO or something. I can’t believe what I’m seeing now,” she stands there holding the microphone speechless looking into the air.

  The camera operator zooms in on the UFO. “I’ve never seen anything so shiny and exotic looking like this. The wings look as if they are floating along the side of the body,” he says.

  “Tell me you’re getting all of this, Jerry,” Miss Clarke says.

  “I didn’t blink my eyes for the past minute, ma’am.”

  The crowd standing behind the yellow tape begins to talk louder. The UFO continues to hover by them making a slight buzzing sound.

  “Yes sir, yes sir, I understand. I know the protocol, I’m working on that now,” Robinson hangs up the phone with an angry and disappointed look on his face. He takes a deep breath and bangs his hand on the table. He flips the portable table over and radios fall on the ground.

  “How the hell did this happen? “Shit! Shit! Shit!”

  He kicks the chair and knocks over another hot coffee. Peters and three other soldiers are standing by Robinson in a line, very quietly. Robinson rubs his head and calms down.

  “We just went into DEFCON 3. We are also into Operation Unknown Alien Intentions. My bosses are trying to blame this mess on me. We have to take that UFO out,” Major Robinson coughs then continues, “Officer, I want you to take care of that crowd and take any video recorders. Relay that message to the men outside the perimeter, and I want you to personally to see that everything is done properly. Then report to me. Anyone giving you a problem, or asking too many questions, arrest them.”

  “Yes sir, right away.”

  Robinson turns to Peters, “I need you to go to the Marino family house, question his family and then his friends again. Get any information you can get, he might be a victim or he could be working with this unknown alien terrorist group.”

  “Alien terrorist group?”

  “We don’t know what the intentions are of these aliens; that kid could be one of them or a part of them now. That ship is a threat to national security and America. This kid could be trying to kill people or blow up his high school. We don’t know. We also don’t know what the UFO08 is capable of in weapons,” Robinson pauses and pulls out a cigarette from his jacket.

  He then pulls out a lighter and flickers it a few times. He sits down in the commander chair.

  “I have a light sir,” Peters says.

  “I got it.”

  He puts his hand over the cigarette and continues to try to light the cigarette. It lights up and the white smoke flows through the air and seamlessly disappears.

  He takes a deep pull and continues, “This might be out of my hands soon...”

  The Major exhales.

  A man comes on the radio, “HCT2-55 unit still in pursuit of UFO08, flying southeast at 323 feet and at 30 mph. It appears to be flying towards a school and residential area. I have the target two miles in front of me and awaiting further instructions.”

  “This is Major Robinson. Continue pursuit of UFO08. Do not engage yet, you will be shortly in contact directly with the Pentagon and the Air Force units about to intercept.”

  “I see two F-15E’s forty miles away and a SR-71 Blackbird on my radar intercepting at high speed!”

  “That’s a copy.”

  Major Robinson puts down the radio and talks to Peters again, “I can tell this is going to be a disaster; this is going to be a long day. I need you to stay here until Lieutenant Barker gets here and then go to Jaden’s family house. Try to get there before the FBI shows up.”

  Jaden is flying high in th
e air above his town looking down. He sees his old high school beneath him. He feels as if he is a floating video camera. The fresh air blows across the UFO and Jaden can feel it crossing his body. Everything is so clear and detailed around him. He keeps wondering why he can’t fly faster than 30 mph. When he thinks about accelerating or increasing anti-gravity engines, Jaden’s body stage 1 98% complete lights up in red. Then he can’t see what Stage 1 means. Words and sentences are still being matched up with alien characters on another screen.

  Jaden flies over his old high school.

  ‘This must be first period. Look at all the freshmen walking to class. Let me zoom in on them.’

  “You dropped your books!” An older bully knocks down a freshman’s schoolbooks from his hands.

  “Why did you do that? My mommy paid a lot of money for those SAT books.”

  “Your mommy huh? Mama’s boy huh? Your mommy gave you any lunch money for me?” The older bully asks.

  “I’m not giving you my lunch money,” the freshman says with confidence, “Who are you suppose to be Nelson from The Simpsons?”

  Other students stand around and start to watch the entertainment. The older kid gets up in the freshman’s face and grabs him by the collar, “You’re giving me whatever money you have in your pocket or I’m going to beat your face in.”

  The freshman looks scared at the bully, but his eyes are behind him.

  “Look a UFO!” The freshman yells. The bystanders begin to point into the sky.

  “You think I’m that stupid to believe that?” The bully asks while searching the kid’s pockets. The freshman stands there in shock pointing in the air.

  Jaden is hovering in one place being entertained by the commotion.

  ‘Wow, this is good. Front row seats to a freshman being bullied. This is good, Bart Simpson and Nelson Muntz in high school. This reminds me of my junior high school days of being bullied and kicking the bully’s ass. I didn’t think these things still happened in high school. Stand up for yourself freshman! I wonder if there is something I can do to help him.’

  Police sirens are heard from far away.

  “You’re a good actor huh? All you have is five dollars?”

  The freshman whispers in a scared and terrified voice, “Aliens are looking at us.”

  “Oh yeah huh? You think I’m stupid?” The bully makes a fist with his right arm and moves his arm back to punch the kid in the face. His right hand stops midair and he releases his grip on the freshman. The freshman falls to the ground and the bully’s body floats into the air. The bully begins to scream while his pants fall down to the ground, leaving him naked three feet in the air.

  The high school students start laughing at the bully floating in the air unable to move. The freshman runs away with his books. The kids standing around start to run in all directions, screaming and running. The bully falls to the ground with his pants at his knees.

  “What the hell! Arrrggghhhh!” He turns around and sees the UFO seventy-five feet in the air near him. He quickly pulls up his pants and he runs towards the school. Local police swarm the area and they escort the kids into the school along with teachers.

  ‘Now that was classic. I used some kind of a tractor beam on that kid. That was hilarious, that kid will believe the next time a UFO is behind him,’ Jaden says.

  The officers on the ground start to shoot their shotguns and guns at the UFO. The students run into the school screaming and hiding behind trees. The UFO flies away.

  “Are you okay son? Are you hurt?” The police officer asks the freshman kid.

  The student continues looking at the UFO in the distance and crying. The officer picks up the kid and brings him into the police car. The five-dollar bill lies on the ground covered in blood. The wind blows it away.

  Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 7:45 am

  “That’s right sir, upstate New York in a small town called Stillwater; twenty miles north of Albany. We are currently tracking it on one of our spy satellites with three more moving into position. The UFO08 has already hurt dozens of soldiers and one civilian,” General Dudley says over the phone to the Secretary of Defense.

  General Dudley is a short bald man in his late sixties. He walks around with a cane and served in Vietnam. Secretary of Defense Oscar Strongwater is a white man in his early seventies and was appointed to his position by the President of the United States.

  “Dudley we need this object taken down with any force necessary. Too many people have seen it and this is getting out of hand. We do not know what this UFO08 is capable of. We need this contained right away. Use as many jets available. Give all jets, helicopters, and tanks the green light to fire. I want everything recorded; I also want Major Robinson’s report on my desk by 08:00 hours tomorrow. You even have permission to use the SR-71B and put on standby the stealth bombers.”

  “The SR-71B? Do you think that is needed?” Dudley asks.

  He continues, “There is a fully loaded AC-130U gunship a few minutes away and it should be able to take out the UFO08. It is only flying at 30 mph.”

  “We don’t need to take any chances. The UFO08 could start moving at faster speeds at any moment. It has already changed into an aerodynamic body. This is a threat to national security; we are not taking any chances here. We need our most advanced, fastest and top-secret jet on this,” Secretary of Defense Strongwater orders.

  “The SR-71B new prototype engine is still in the experimental stage.”

  “Yes, I know. We need our fastest jets; I want every available aircraft on this. The LRSB online yet?” Strongwater asks.

  “No sir, it’s currently offline. The LRSB is only active and online in outer space. It transmits on subspace…”

  Secretary Strongwater interrupts, “I don’t need to know how it works General. Let’s try and keep this short and to the point.” Strongwater stops talking and coughs a few times.

  He continues, “I heard some local citizen could be involved or is being held inside UFO08?”

  “Yes, sir, the FBI is on their way to question the teenager’s family.”

  “If this kid is dead or alive, we don’t need this story on the front page of Enquire magazine. When the UFO08 is shot down, everything is sent to the labs. No one is to speak to the media and the President has been informed. We will address the media publicly when this is over. If the boy’s body is found it stays in the lab, not to be returned to the family. Let the local and state police know this kid is wanted,” Strongwater says.

  “Wanted for what sir?”

  “He is wanted for stealing government property.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  General Dudley hangs up the phone with Secretary Strongwater.

  “Officer get me on the radio with the AC-130U gunship.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  A few minutes pass by. General Dudley walks over to the two-way radio. He walks with his medals shown proudly on his military jacket. The officer hands him the radio.

  “This is General Dudley at the Pentagon, who am I speaking to?”

  “This is Warfare Officer Cole, aboard the AC-130U gunship from Albany Division, sir.”

  “Listen Officer, you tell your crew we don’t need any mistakes on this. We need this unidentified flying object taken down by all means necessary. It has already injured officers and civilians. It is a threat now to our country!”

  “Yes sir! I will inform my crew, we will use all necessary firepower to take down this object…,” Cole abruptly clears his throat and continues, “Sir, we mostly fire at ground targets.”

  General Dudley replies, “The UFO is only flying between 25-30 mph at a low altitude. You are also the closest to the target.”

  “Yes sir, we will fly higher than the UFO and take it out as if it is a ground target,” Cole says.

  “Be careful, the UFO08 has an advanced shield technology and might have an offensive system we don’t know about.”

es sir!” Officer Cole says excitedly. Dudley hangs up the two-way radio.

  “HCT2-55 fall back to base, we have live video feed from other sources.”

  “Yes sir! Reporting back to base.” The HCT2-55 turns around.

  Jaden is still slowly flying the UFO over where he grew up. He really wants the ship to go faster soon; he knows the ship can do more. It feels as if he is driving a car at the speed limit or flying in a Badyear blimp. Stage 1 is still flashing red and he knows it has something to do with his speed. Jaden makes it to his neighborhood where he lived most of his life. He floats over his house.

  ‘Wow, I wonder if mom and dad went to work yet. Let me see if I can zoom in here. On second thought, I think I shouldn’t do that. I might tractor beam my house by mistake.’

  Sirens can be heard in the background as Jaden turns around and heads in another direction. Suddenly his front door opens. The autonomous nanoeye detects this. His mother, Stacey, walks out the front door with a cup of coffee in her hand. Steam from the coffee can be seen coming from the brim of her homemade coffee. She assumed Jaden stayed at his girlfriend’s house last night without calling again. Ten minutes earlier, she left a voice mail on Amy’s house phone. The UFO turns around.

  Stacey is a fair-skinned African American woman in her late forties. She talks with a slight English accent and has a size eight figure. Her hair is short in a Halle Berry early nineties haircut. She has light brown eyes and a small nose. She was raised in England where most of her family is from. Stacey came over to America in her early twenties for a college education. She later fell in love with her husband Tony Marino.

  She is wearing a dark brown business suit, a three-quarter black winter coat and opaque tights. Stacey was on her way to work. The keys in her hand can be heard jingling as she slams the door shut. She puts her keys in her bag and pauses. She feels as if something or someone is watching her. Her shadow from the sunlight disappears and she hears a slight humming sound. The sunlight disappears around her as she looks to the sides of her. She slowly turns around and looks up. She sees something blocking the sunlight. She focuses in and sees the UFO levitating in one place pointing right at her, while partially blocking the sun. The sun shines on her face and she puts her right hand over her eyes to block out the sun’s rays. Her mouth opens up and a look of fear comes across her face.

  “Oh my God what is that?” She yells while dropping her coffee. Her coffee spills out of the cup. Some of it lands on her shoes and lower tights. Her mouth is wide open and she is in complete shock.

  ‘Hi mom, look at my new spaceship! It doesn’t need any insurance!’

  She quickly opens her bag while looking up at the UFO slowly getting closer to her. Her hands are shaking and she grabs the key and shoves it into the lock. She quickly turns the key, opens the door and slams it behind her. Stacey locks all the locks and runs into the basement. She is breathing heavy. Jaden realizes she couldn’t hear him. Stacey quickly takes off her shoes and runs upstairs to her bedroom. She drops her winter coat and bag on the way. She slides under the king-size bed while tearing her tights in a few places. She looks around in different directions to make sure she is alone. Her teeth chattering echoes around the room.

  Jaden sees his mother is scared under the bed through the nanoeye. He realizes he freaked her out enough. Local and state police start shooting at the UFO from the ground. The bullets hit the body causing small waves of liquid metal to go in different directions. The bullets feel like hail against Jaden’s skin.

  They begin swarming on the ground under it and police get on a loudspeaker, “Everyone please stay in your house. This is a police emergency.”

  Jaden is getting bored and heads in another direction. He feels bad for scaring his mother half to death and now he is freaking out the neighborhood. He still can’t get over the amazing feeling that he is flying. It feels like a dream that he can’t wake out of. He really wants to see what this ship can do. Jaden knows this can’t be the top speed. Jaden flies towards his college. He feels as if the wind is blowing against his face.

  ‘I wonder if Amy is still mad at me or if she is in class already.’ He sees students pointing in the air and running. One of Jaden’s screens light up and he sees an unknown threat 8000 feet away.

  Defense/Offense mode online lights up in red letters. Suddenly purple light particle rings are forming in the middle of the ship. The particles quickly stick together at high speed. A huge purple molecule forms together and passes right through the hull of the ship. It extends seven feet outside the ship in different directions and curves back into the body. There are three clear bulbs that resemble the shape of a huge egg on different tracks of the purple molecule. Each bulb is moving around a track of the molecule, slowly passing through the body and back out. The six nanoeyes quickly pass through the huge molecule. 6 Nanoscanners online shows up in red letters. The nanoeyes convert into nanoscanners.

  ‘Cool, look at that. A cool huge glowing molecule. That is awesome!’

  He sees different nanoscanner screens with numbers at the bottom of each image. There are more options on each screen now. The options intrigue Jaden’s curiosity. The nanoscanners quickly scan the large cargo plane flying towards him. They combine the images together and form one big vision of the cargo plane. The cargo plane has two huge propellers on each side of the wings. Jaden changes his vision and sees the airplane in 3D with an enhanced 360° vision.

  Unknown aircraft, Speed 315 mph, Altitude 1522 feet, direction northwest the screen reads. Jaden switches between different nanoscanners. He can actually hear the propellers turning and cutting the air. It actually sounds like a loud fan to his ears as the nanoscanner passes right through the blades. He sees the outside of the plane and changes angles. No defense energy shields found on craft, 12 Carbon based human lives detected, nanoscanners display on each vision.

  ‘Oh Shit! That is the AC-130 gunship! My brother told me about those airplanes when he was in the Gulf War. That is one deadly, dangerous plane.’

  Jaden suddenly sees through the body of the gunship in a three-dimensional view. He sees cables, wires, steel, plastic, engines, gas flowing, oil flowing through pipes, eleven male crewmembers and one female crewmember sitting in chairs. He also sees quite a few television screens, hundreds of large cannon shells and thousands of large bullets loaded up. Jaden can see inside of the gunship at any angle or direction.

  The crewmembers are breathing heavily and blood is flowing fast throughout their bodies as they each witness the UFO flying before them. A nanoscanner is displaying the bacteria, dirt and sweat on the crewmembers’ skin. Trillions of bacteria colonies are growing all over their bodies. They are in many shapes and sizes. He then notices bacteria everywhere in the area growing and moving. Jaden feels nauseous and disgusted. He feels as if he is about to throw up. The nanobots in his body quickly override that feeling between his brain and nervous system. Jaden quickly changes from the amplified vision to another.

  ‘Okay, I feel better. That was the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen that once in lab class, but not all over bodies moving around like that.’

  A few minutes pass by.

  ‘This is crazy and unbelievable! I can see everything inside of this gunship from inside of this UFO! I’m controlling all of this with my mind. I’m controlling the nanoscanner when I concentrate on one or it can control itself. The vision is crisp and vivid and is at least three times clearer than my own eyes,’ he thinks to himself.

  Jaden zooms in closer and he sees the crew briefly without clothes and he can see inside their skin. Their hearts are beating very fast and he can hear them. Beating together as if someone is playing the drums off beat. Jaden looks and zooms in on the female officer.

  ‘Nice body…..hmm…. she looks of European descent. She looks so serious and sexy. Let us see, what we can see here. Superman with his x-ray vision, moving in for a little peak. So, this is what Superman does all day, when he isn’t figh
ting crime.’

  Jaden thinks about being on the Price Is Right show. He quickly thinks about the previous vision without any clothes on. The nanoscanner is viewing through the seat she is on and shows her sweat soaked back.

  ‘Bob, I think I want to see what is behind door number one.’

  The nanoscanner turns around to the front of the female officer.

  ‘Holy shit! She is completely naked! Whoa, this is crazy. Nice sweaty breasts, slim waist, completely shaved, nice suntan line. She looks like she is about 5’2” 109 lbs.’

  Jaden is looking so hard that the vision changes to the insides of her body. Inside of her body looks slightly animated, like a cartoon. He can see her entire circulatory system, veins and bone structure. Her lungs are quickly breathing in and out, and he can see the oxygen slowly being absorbed into her blood. She’s having an adrenaline rush.

  ‘No traces of breast cancer here officer, you are cleared for duty,’ he says chuckling.

  He sees her looking very nervous, while sweat drops down her eyebrows. Her eyes are focused on the screen in front of her. Jaden turns the nanoscanner around to see what she is looking at on the computer screen.

  ‘What is she looking at? Shit! She is zoomed in on me with two mini guns and 25mm rounds. Shit, a female Rambo. I’m out of here!’

  Jaden quickly changes his view to outside the UFO.

  “I’m locked and ready sir!” Officer Jessica yells.

  “This is Officer Cole, we see the UFO in sight below us. There is something purple moving around the body and it is about half a mile in front of us. We have a lock and are firing weapons,” he says over the radio and continues, “Pentagon you should be receiving your live video feed now.”

  Four of the nanoscanners fly back towards the UFO at a fast rate. Two stay inside the gunship floating around observing. Jaden tries to communicate to the gunship by thinking about it.

  ‘Hey guys I’m just flying around in this cool ship, I don’t want any trouble. I’m not bothering anyone.’

  They are still locked on him and increasing speed towards him. Alerts of offense and defense icons show up on his screen. Jaden concentrates on trying to get away faster.

  “Did anyone hear that crackling humming sound?” Cole asks his crew.

  “Yes it came from the radio. The signal came from the direction of the UFO,” an officer says.

  “Make sure you record it,” Cole tells the officer.

  “Yes sir.”

  Cole turns to his crew of eleven, “Fire at will.”

  “ Firing now, sir!” Officer Jessica says while she wipes the sweat from her face.


  Everything starts to slow down around Jaden. Nanotime is seen in the top right hand corner. He sees flashes of light coming from the direction of the gunship as they fire upon him from above. Little beams of light are being shot at him. He sees a barrage of very large bullets and cannons coming at him at very fast speeds. He tries to bank upwards and the light particles are passing by all around Jaden. The first cannon hits Jaden and he feels a painful sting. He tries to move to the right and activates his shields. The sounds of the gunfire and cannons fired are heard two seconds later, “Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta…”

  Reverse shields activated Jaden sees on his screen. Outside the UFO’s body and inside the shields turn completely black. Jaden is flying away as fast as he can, still at 30 mph.

  ‘All this technology and this B.S. spacecraft has a maximum speed of 30 mph. I’m a sitting duck.’

  The shield catches the gunfire and cannon rounds ten feet from the ship. The force of the cannons makes the ship move in other directions. Sparks of fire are lighting up behind the bullets and cannons, slowly moving with the ship. Everything speeds up again around him and Nanotime flashes off. Jaden flies upwards towards some clouds to hide. “Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom” The gunfire is riddling around the UFO.

  ‘I can even feel the bullets and cannons hitting the shield.’

  The bullets and cannons floating around the shields move closer into the shields then disappear. ‘Where did the cannons disappear to? Why does it say Nano-Plasma Energy recycling on the screen?’

  The AC-130U gunship continues to fire at the ship as it goes into the clouds. The gunship flies by Jaden in the clouds and stops firing. The UFO is hovering inside a cloud.

  ‘This is stupid; I know they can see me. What would MacGyver do in a situation like this?’ He asks himself and then chuckles.

  ‘He would use this cloud and sunlight as a weapon somehow. Then again, he probably would not even be in this situation flying around in this UFO with a 30 mph speed limit! This sucks! I feel like Beavis and Butt-head hiding behind something where I know someone can see me. Let me scroll through these screens, so I can hit this gunship with something.’

  “Use the 25mm and 40mm L60 Bofors cannon shells,” Cole says. The AC-130U gunship continues firing at the UFO while turning away from it. It slowly turns to the left to circle around, but continues firing at Jaden inside the small cloud. The cannons make the outside shield glow brightly.

  Brain conversion complete, Offense Weapons 1 online Jaden sees.

  ‘Let’s see, here is a meter, that looks like a strength level. Let me play with this option. I don’t want to blow them up completely. I see a few areas on the gunship lighting up on the screen. This is not easy, I have to concentrate on flying, zooming in, concentrate on which nanoscanners to look through and target this big goofy cargo plane with big guns,’ Jaden pauses.

  ‘The bigger cannon shells are making this UFO craft move when it hits the outside shields.’

  ‘Fire!’ Nothing happens.

  ‘Shoot.’ Nothing happens.

  The gunship turns around to get another direct shot at Jaden. Jaden flies out of the clouds and towards the gunship. Targets turn green on the screen Jaden sees.

  ‘Duh, I’m not a pirate on a pirate ship. I can’t say the command to myself, I have to think it to myself,’ Jaden laughs to himself and thinks about firing. The purple molecule around the body lights up brightly and a pink torpedo is fired from the left side of the molecule out of thin air. It passes right through the shield around the UFO and goes in the opposite direction of the AC-130U gunship.

  “Sir, something was fired from the UFO08 in the opposite direction,” Cole says on the radio.

  ‘Shit, it shot in the wrong direction, stupid UFO. I targeted the gunship in the other direction. Is there an alien Stevie Wonder in here firing the weapons for me?’ Jaden asks.

  The projectile is moving very fast in the opposite direction and then begins to turn around.

  “Weapons Officer, target that pink projectile,” Cole says.

  The gunship begins to bank left hard. “Sir, the projectile is heading directly towards us, and it’s 4588 feet away. It is also speeding up to 500+ miles an hour!” Warfare Officer yells.

  “Let the computers take it out,” Cole commands.

  ‘Chicken! Where you flying to? Big bad airplane! I shoot a pink torpedo looking booger at you and you’re flying away so fast!’ Jaden yells at the plane.

  Jaden wants to check something out. He concentrates on the projectile and he is looking from the pink torpedo’s view. He sees the plane in view, getting closer. The gunship turns in the opposite direction and the computer starts firing at the alien torpedo with its mini gun bullets and 25mm cannon rounds.

  ‘That gunship has such precise aim,’ Jaden says.

  The bullets and cannon hit the alien torpedo directly. The torpedo breaks up into a dozen little pieces, but still keeps at the same speed at the target.

  ‘Wow! Interesting now I see many different views. I bet this is how spiders’ eyes are.’

  The gunship continues firing, but without any effect on the torpedo. It gets closer, and the dozens of small torpedoes form back together as one. The gunship does a sharp nosed
ive and banks right. It starts to release a bunch of flares and continues firing at the torpedo. The torpedo again breaks up into pieces and then forms back together. Jaden continues switching views and he notices fighter jets lighting up on his screen a few miles away. The torpedo breaks into five medium pieces. One hits the mini gun, 40mm and 25mm cannon weapons. The other two remaining torpedo pieces hit two of the four propeller engines. The impact shakes the AC-130U.

  “We are hit, we are hit Pentagon!”

  The targets that were hit glow pink and then evaporate into thin air. The left side propeller engines do the same. Black smoke starts to pour from the AC-130U in those areas. Liquid gas and oil is pouring from where the propellers used to be. The wings are damaged with two missing propellers but they are still flying with the two other propeller engines on the right side. The aircraft leans to the right. The liquid gas and oil stops spraying and the AC-130U starts flying straight again in the opposite direction.

  ‘I hope they are okay, I don’t want anyone to die,’ Jaden says in a modest tone to himself.

  The gunship’s engines are wailing.

  ‘That was a good and interesting shot. That alien booger torpedo just kept going, even though it was shot at. This is amazing and wild. I’ve never seen anything like that before. This is the best video game and live entertainment I could ever dream of. No controls just thought and concentration.’

  “We took a direct hit headquarters. We were fired upon and we need assistance,” Cole says to the Pentagon over the radio.

  He continues in a disappointed voice, “We lost two of our engines and three weapons. They just glowed and vanished without exploding.”

  “Stand by AC-130; can you still fly?”

  “We can still fly, but losing oil pressure and gas from the missing engines. We only have our 105mm M102 howitzer weapon left that wasn’t out when we were hit,” Cole says.

  “Can you fall back and give long range video footage?”

  “Yes, we can give visual support.”

  “You have backup arriving in your area in less than one minute. We are going to organize a systematic attack on the UFO08. There are two F-15’s, SR-71 Blackbirds forty seconds away from you,” General Dudley says.

  Then he continues, “Two AH-64 Apache helicopters are standing by on the ground, right under the 08.”

  “Yes, we see them sir on our radar. I will relay the coordinates to the other units. The 08 is giving off very little heat and radar. They will need to set their missiles and weapons to explode before contact or increase sensitivity on self guided missiles,” Cole says.

  On a small road facing the UFO in the clouds, a young male news reporter is talking into a camera. “This is Paul Patterson, reporting to you from Channel 6 News. It is complete lockdown here in Stillwater. Residents are locked in their houses and told not to come out. People have been hurt on the ground, and behind me is the National Guard with military vehicles. There are two armored Apache helicopters hovering on the ground behind me. There seems to be something hiding in the clouds. An AC-130 gunship was firing at something a few minutes ago. It is hard to see what’s going on through the clouds. Over the scanner, we can overhear the military talking about this object as a 08. I have never seen anything like this in my life. My co-worker Angela Clarke was arrested by the military twenty minutes ago. We don’t know why many people by and around the farm a few miles from here have been arrested. I was told there was a big explosion from a helicopter from some kind of experiments being done there.”

  He pauses and drinks a bottle of water. The cameraman points into the sky and gets Paul’s attention. They go back to recording again.

  “The AC-130 gunship is back. There are also two fighter jets flying in from the east as you can see. The two helicopters are moving towards that mysterious cloud from the south, which something is inside of. They are coming in my direction and …”

  General Dudley communicates with the backup units. Cole coordinates with the backup units. The AC-130 flying with one side higher than the other and targets the UFO from over three miles away.

  ‘Oh shit, I see fighter jets and a helicopter below me. They are going to hit me with everything they got, just like a fat kid trying to knock down a stuffed piñata.’

  Jaden tries to zoom in and see these jets up close. He doesn’t have time to zoom in. He can see them all on his screens. Everything is flashing on his screen and showing threats. Jaden begins to feel nervous and panics.

  He flips through all the screens, looking for something he can use. He sees some things still in alien characters, but some are beginning to make sense to him. Jaden slowly flies to another cloud in an attempt to hide. He also sees his body still suspended, lighting up and glowing. A clear eggshell is around his body in a suspended state with half the tentacles still in him.

  The Apache helicopters quickly leave the ground.

  “Eagle 1, firing sidewinder and AMRAAM missiles,” the F-15E pilot says over the radio.

  “Eagle 2, firing Maverick and AMRAAM missiles,” the second F-15E pilot says.

  The two AH-64 Apache helicopters fire their Hydra 70 rockets and AIM-9 sidewinders at the UFO. The AC-130U fires its last remaining 105mm M102 howitzer weapon. Sounds of missiles and rockets being fired fill the air in stereo sounds. Thirty-six military personnel and General Dudley at the Pentagon watch the televisions silently in a large room. A man coughing from the back can be heard throughout the room. They can see different views on the screen from three spy satellites and aircraft cameras. The President and Secretary of Defense in the White House can also see the live video feed. People on the ground are pointing at the cloud and taking pictures of the missiles moving from different directions.

  Paul Patterson continues reporting, “… And, the fighter jets are firing missiles at that cloud. The AC-130 gunship is firing from a distance….”


  ‘Oh Shit, with a capital S. Eleven rockets and missiles are coming in all directions directly at me at 1000-1500 mph,’ Jaden says in a petrified voice.

  Jaden is panicking and tries to fire at the missiles and rockets being shot at him. He can hear the fuel burning from inside and outside the missiles and rockets coming at him at supersonic speeds. A smaller torpedo hits two missiles and rips them into pieces. He can’t focus fast enough through the nanoscanners to hit them all. Jaden braces for a painful impact and makes sure the shields are full on. He also thinks about moving as fast as he can, but slowly moves like a turtle crawling 31 mph from the clouds. Suddenly Jaden sees Stage 1 complete flashing across the screens in large green letters as the missiles reach twenty feet from the ship.

  On the ground the reporter is yelling, “There is a UFO flying towards me about 500 feet up! The missiles are about to hit this flying object!” He yells.

  “Are you getting this Bobby?” Paul asks. Bobby the cameraman nods his head, while his other eye is looking at it directly. He admires it and zooms in on the purple exotic looking molecule with the clear egg-shaped balls moving around it.

  “It’s flying back into another cloud…..”

  Fireworks of lights and explosions are flickering from the clouds. The sound quickly follows.

  “Boom…Boom… Boom… Kabooom.”

  Loud explosions fill up the airwaves. A small fiery, smoky mushroom cloud forms.

  “Boom…Boom…Boom,” sounds of explosions take over the airwaves. A different sounding low bass sounding “Boom” is heard seven seconds later about 500 yards in another direction.

  Fire and debris quickly fall towards the Earth. Bobby the cameraman starts to backup, while Paul is still talking into a wireless microphone looking towards the camera.

  “Oh my god! A fireball just hit the ground ten feet from me. There is more falling right in our direction. It’s landing all around me! It is raining UFO pieces and debris.”

  The cameraman moves behind the news van, along with the other bystanders. Paul is still lo
oking towards the clouds with his back towards the camera.

  “It’s destroyed! It is gone! That’s right ladies and gentlemen; the object hiding in the clouds has been destroyed. The fragments are falling right around me right now as I speak.”

  “Get out of there!” A voice yells on Paul’s earpiece.

  Paul turns around to face the camera and he sees that Bobby is gone. The rest of the debris falls on the ground and tumbles towards Paul. He leaps out of the way, but some of it hits him head on, tossing him ten feet away.

  “That’s right ladies and gentlemen. I have fallen and I can’t get up. If anyone hears this, please call an ambulance for me.”

  Pentagon, Washington, D.C.

  “Yeahhh! Alright!” Military men are cheering throughout the Pentagon’s defense room.

  “We got it! It is not there anymore,” a first officer says to General Dudley.

  “I need this verified, right away,” Dudley says to the officer.

  General Dudley looks closer at one of the screens and continues, “It looks like a missile has gotten away.” The officer asks the pilots to check their missiles’ cameras to verify which missile is still flying away.

  “That is a negative Pentagon, all of our missiles exploded,” a pilot says.

  The cheers stop and it goes quiet again. The first officer zooms in the satellite at the fast moving missile.

  “Damn, shit, damn, son of a bitch,” the men in the Pentagon’s situation room say at the same time.

  “That is a negative General. The UFO08 is still active and flying at about Mach 1.2, northwest. It is giving off a strong heat signature now,” the first officer says.

  The phone rings, General Dudley talks with a disappointed face for thirty seconds. Everyone in the room is quiet and looking at the screen.

  General Dudley turns to everyone in the room and speaks, “We are in DEFCON 2 now, and I need all personnel, Air Force, Marines, and National Guard on duty now. I need the Air Force’s best pilots and fastest jets to take this UFO08 down before it gets to a major city and does more damage. I need ground defenses on standby depending on where this UFO08 is heading. I want all spy satellites to track this object down. I also want to see the video of the last attack to see if any damage was done to this spacecraft with our missiles. I am also going to need a sound analyst to decode the sounds that UFO08 is making and has made. Men and women, we must and will take down this 08, this is a big threat to national security,” Dudley pauses, while looking at the second officer trying to get his attention.

  He continues, “Dismissed.”

  “Sir, you have two phone calls, Line 1 is John, head scientist from the Uf1-retrac team. Line 2 is Secretary of Defense,” the second officer says.

  ‘I can take my antacid after I answer line 1,’ Dudley says to himself.

  “This is General Dudley.”

  “This is John Logalbo from the UF1-retrac team. We have reason to believe Jaden Marino is either flying or somehow controlling the UFO08. Also he is trying to communicate with us.”

  “Ha ha ha! Where did you get this crock of bullshit from Mr. Logalbo? They paying you to be a physicist and a comedian?”

  “I have,” Dudley interrupts John.

  “Where’s your evidence? I think some of that UFO08’s radiation has gotten into your brain.”

  “I have proof sir; we have scanned at least one life form still alive on board the UFO08 before it got away. The UFO08 has traveled by Jaden Marino’s neighborhood and school,” John is interrupted by Dudley again.

  “Maybe the aliens took his mind and memories, and are just going by those places? There is no way he is flying that UFO or learned to use all its weapons and systems in less than twelve hours. Maybe Jaden Marino is an alien himself now and has some alien terrorist thoughts against America. Maybe he was lunch for the aliens on their ship. We just don’t know do we?”

  John was talking, while Dudley was talking, “Sir, he was flying as if a teenager would be flying an aircraft. He wasn’t trying to harm anyone, just defending itself,” John tries to get out in one breath.

  “Listen, I’ve heard enough John. It is our job to analyze the UFO08’s intent for America. This is what we are paid for. You do your science work and experiments and I will do my job keeping America safe. Do you see me coming down to your deep underground Area 51 alien experiment circus telling you how to probe E.T. or Alf?”

  “What if you shoot it down and more of them come? That ship is very advanced; it could be trying to communicate with us.”

  Dudley interrupts, “Or trying to communicate with its mother ship to kill everyone on Earth. I have a more important phone call on the other line. Will there be anything you need to tell me that is actually important to me now, Mr. John Logalbo?”

  “Yes, when the UFO08 takes off or accelerates, it disrupts the gravity around or behind it.”

  “I will take that into consideration, goodbye!” Dudley says in a sarcastic, angry voice and hangs up the phone. He takes an antacid pill. He takes two more then takes a deep breath and picks up line 2.


  Jaden feels the cold wind quickly moving by the body of the UFO as it penetrates through clouds and freezing cold air. The friction against the wind is heating up the outside of the body. Jaden notices the wings are up vertically and energy is coming out from the unattached wings. He has never seen a ship like this and can’t believe how fast he is moving.

  ‘Woo hoo! This is flying! Finally some real speed. I knew stage one had something to do with my speed. I don’t even feel the vibrations of flying on a regular airplane. It feels like I’m flying like a bird in a dream. I love the orange and yellow thrust coming from the wings and tail.’

  Jaden realizes his body was being prepared for this type of high-speed flying. Everything is moving so fast around him. 680 mph 3790 feet it reads on the virtual screen. He can see all around him in all directions. The nanoscanners are coming in handy and instantly move in the direction he thinks. Jaden practices switching between them and focuses on the trees and lakes beneath him. The purple molecule goes back into the body and disappears. The wings and tail move when he thinks about turning.

  ‘Where did those jets go? Oh wow, they are way back there. I guess they gave up on chasing me.’

  “This is team leader Eagle 1 to Federal Aviation Administration control center,” the first F-15 pilot says over the radio.

  “This is FAA controls, go.”

  “We have an escaped unidentified flying bogey heading west.”

  “We know and we are tracking it on the radar,” FAA Control says.

  “We are trying to take it down. There are about thirty more jet fighters en route. I’m going to need the air space cleared within 200 miles of this unidentified bogey. I’m also going to need permission for all jet fighters to fly over residential airspace at sonic and supersonic speeds. We are just under the sound barrier and waiting for permission; over.”

  “Standby Eagle 1, we have to check with the Pentagon, local FAA, local and state police.”

  The three fighter jets and a SR-71B are flying in formation in the direction of the UFO.

  ‘This is flying! Let’s see how fast I can turn and maneuver!’

  The thrust of orange and yellow light particles increases. Jaden flies straight down through some soft pillow clouds; the clouds feels like mist going across his face. He can feel the heat being created from the friction of the air. A low thumping bass sound is created from his wake and the air pressure changes around him. A nanoscanner shows the sound waves of the sonic boom quickly moving in all directions around and away from him. Jaden remembers from school when something travels faster than 760 mph (Mach 1) it’s moving faster than the speed of sound and a sonic boom is created. A nanoscanner rides the invisible sonic boom towards the ground. Jaden can see naked treetops shaking from his wake of turbulence.

  ‘This feels like I’m playin
g a flight simulator game on a PC, but in a dream.’

  Jaden checks back on his body. He sees it is glowing with something clear surrounding him, as if it is protecting him inside of a cocoon. He checks the screens and sees Stage 2 53% complete. Jaden can see images inside of images. He can still see outside of the spaceship, but the screens are blended into the main flying images. Alien symbols and English words are still matching up. He notices the words are of space, stars, and galaxies. The word Andromeda scrolls by on the screen then stops, with an alien symbol. He wonders why it stopped on the Andromeda Galaxy.

  Jaden has a flashback to when he was twelve and his father was explaining the Andromeda Galaxy through a telescope to him. However, he cannot hear the words, only the images from the past. Then the image changes to when he was fourteen and reading science books on Andromeda.

  ‘That’s crazy! They are scanning everything in my brain.’

  Those screens fade away and the flight screen view comes into focus. When he thinks about what direction he is going, a compass shows in the top left corner. He sees that he is flying northwest. The flight screen is setup similar to the flight simulator games he used to play on the computer. But this is so much more realistic, defined and faster to him.

  Jaden continues to fly lower towards the ground and comes upon a large lake. He knows this is Saratoga Lake. A nanoscanner a few miles ahead detects sounds of birds, crows hawking and ducks splashing on the half-frozen lake. There are a few boaters on this huge lake.

  The ducks and birds detect something coming and fly away. Jaden slows down to about 158 mph and fifty feet above the water. He can smell the fresh lake water and feel the breeze across the ship. Jaden tries to go as low as he can.

  ‘I wonder if a nanoscanner can go underwater.’

  He controls a nanoscanner to go below the lake. The ship slows down to a complete stop and levitates ten feet above the lake. An older fisherman in a rowboat sees the UFO and looks as if he sees a ghost. He drops his pole in the water and quickly begins to row.

  Underwater it is first completely dark, but suddenly everything is bright as day. He sees fish biting at the worms on the pole floating to the lake bottom. Jaden sees weeds, plants and fish all around. The fish look silver and brown. His vision is as clear as being on the surface. He realizes the nanoscanners can pass through and see through anything perfectly. It passes near a fish and he sees bacteria on it, he also sees oxygen bubbles in the water and a catfish quickly moving. Jaden’s attention span is limited and his vision switches to outside the ship. He accelerates towards the boater still quickly paddling away.

  The UFO is looking directly at the boater and the man freaks out. The man’s blood pressure increases and he begins to yell.

  “Aaaahhhhh! UFO is about to get me!!! Somebody help me!!”

  Jaden chuckles to himself, but thinks the old man might have a heart attack if he messes with him. He flies off and quickly accelerates. He admires the water coming out of the lake behind him.

  ‘The water underneath me is beginning to float upwards in small balls. Hmmm… Let’s see how fast I can go over the water.’

  Jaden speeds up and the water behind him flies up thirty feet. Then it turns into suspended bubbles for a few seconds and then falls back into the lake. He is creating a straight line across the lake and reaches 741 mph. A sonic boom is felt and heard all around him. Another man on a small fishing boat drops his fishing pole, begins yelling aloud while holding his ears. Water splashes in his face and all over him. The thumping boom echoes across the lake, breaking ice along the shoreline and causing huge waves on the lake.

  ‘I love doing that! That was amazing!’

  He feels as if he is a smaller Concorde jet. Some of the lake is frozen near the edges and Jaden flies over it. A fifteen-foot wide portion of the ice is being ripped up in slow motion and then the pieces fall back down onto the ice. He sees trees and land approaching very fast.

  ‘I’m thinking and reacting so much faster. My reflexes are so much more enhanced. Let’s see what else this ship can do.’

  Jaden is flying at 812 mph and approaches the shore at an altitude of nineteen feet. He starts dodging between the trees. Jaden hits a tree, but his reaction automatically activates the shields, ripping the tree branches off.

  ‘When I was about to hit that tree, it was as if I had a reflex reaction of something about to hit me. Then the shield came on by itself, as if I was trying to protect my body.’

  Jaden pulls above the trees and back into the air.

  ‘Shit, that was fun! Hell yeah! I’m getting used to this.’

  He flies straight into the air pointing straight into the clouds at 1024 mph. He levels out and starts to fly south above the clouds. He again climbs in altitude.

  ‘I’m flying like Superman! Daa, da, da, daaa….’ Jaden hums the Superman theme.

  ‘I need some theme music. I would love to fight Superman now. Chase him through the air and catch him with my tractor beam, with his made in Japan, super tight suit. While I have him in my beam, I’ll fire some Kryptonite alien booger torpedoes at him. Oh man, that would be hilarious… Wow, I must be taking a lot of G’s, turning like this.’

  Jaden ascends to 13,700 feet and stops. The wings automatically turn downwards and horizontal. He is levitating. The cold wind blows on the ship and Jaden feels it blowing across his body. The cold feeling goes away and he feels warm again. The temperature is -50°F around him. He misses the cool purple molecule and wonders why it disappeared.

  He changes his views from different nanoscanners. Three of them constantly stay around the ship while the other three wander. A few minutes go by and Jaden quickly speeds up again. He descends while increasing speed to 533 mph and then breaking the sound barrier. The nanoscanner behind the ship picks up the loud sonic boom sound waves.

  ‘I know that major highway. That is the Interstate 87, that highway goes to New York City I believe. I haven’t been there in years. I can always come back by my neighborhood later when school is over. Hmmmmmm.’

  Jaden descends to about 1000 feet, slows down and follows the highway south. A sudden booming sound quickly passes the spaceship. Jaden flinches and the shield automatically goes around the ship. He can actually see the sound wave heading towards the ground. Jaden realizes what it was and the shields disappear.

  ‘I love this view. Flying is a lot of fun, those cars look like ants moving in formation. That is the Hudson River alongside the highway.’

  FAA control center

  “This is the FAA Control Center to team leader 1, over.”

  “This is team leader 1, FAA Controls, go,” the F-15 pilot says over the radio.

  “You have full clearance to fly above Mach 1 to take out the bogey. The airspace is clear 300 miles in all directions. All airliners and personal aircraft have been forced to land at the closest airport. The local and state police are aware you will be breaking the sound barrier over residential areas. There have been already hundreds of calls of that bogey creating sonic booms throughout the area,” FAA Controls says.

  “Thank you FAA Controls, we will try to take this object down as fast as we can. We have fifteen jet fighters here and ten more on the way, over.”

  “Good luck and Godspeed to you all. FAA Controls out.”

  “Team leader 1 to my squad and the other team leaders; we have full clearance to take down the unknown. We have been given the okay to break Mach 1 and beyond. Shoot to kill, please keep in mind we are flying over residential areas. Be careful where you fire a missile; the debris could land on a house or school. There are citizens and civilians down there. Any questions?”

  It is silent for a few seconds and then the SR-71 Blackbird pilot speaks, “Team leader 1 are there any records of so many jet fighters flying over residential airspace at above Mach 1 speeds? Wouldn’t this create supersonic booms and chaos for people on the ground? Over.”

  “I’m sure this
would create some concern for people on the ground and no this has never been done over residential areas at such a low altitude. But that’s not for us to worry about. Our main priority is to bring this object down as quickly as possible before it hurts other people. Any more questions?”

  There is silence.

  Flight leader 1 clears his throat, “Well if there aren’t any more questions, the bogey is south seventy-five miles near the 87 Thruway. We will synchronize our attacks as best as possible. All pilots good luck and afterburner on.”

  All the jet fighters turn on their afterburners and loud sonic booms are heard in all directions. A small, puffy fog of smoke is seen near the tail of each jet fighter as they break the sound barrier. They fly in formation at 875 mph towards Jaden flying the UFO by pure thought. The thumping sound echoes towards the ground in all directions, breaking glass and windows. Thousands of dogs are barking in the area. The loud sounds confuse elderly drivers and simultaneous car accidents happen. Hundreds of cars on the ground are shaking and animals run for cover. The bulbs in stoplights and streetlights directly below the aircraft explode.

  Jaden is flying closer to the ground at about 200 feet and 156 mph. The highway south and north has two lanes. There are two vehicles driving at 49 mph blocking both lanes. The SUV is in the right land and the car is in the left. There are trucks and cars tailgating behind them flashing their lights.

  ‘Let’s see what is going on down there. Let me use my natural human investigating techniques along with some alien nanoscanners.’

  He uses two nanoscanners to move closer towards the SUV and car slowing down traffic. Jaden gets upset seeing a female driver in the car eating a donut and drinking coffee while she drives with her right leg. Another female driver is in the SUV in the right lane. She is arguing with someone on a cell phone.

  Cars and trucks are blowing their horns behind them.

  “The speed limit is fifty miles an hour! I can drive in any lane I want to! Obey the speed limit assholes,” the lady in the passing left lane says while taking a bite out of her second donut.

  “Cruise control at forty-nine saves lives,” she mumbles to herself while licking her fingers.

  Jaden can hear the other lady’s conversation.

  “…I think she should be expelled from the PTA and arrested for sleeping with that 15-year-old male student. If she can’t get some from her own 50-year-old husband that’s not my problem. This is not the state of South Carolina…..”

  Jaden flies closer to the ground and behind the two drivers slowing down traffic. A nanoscanner passes through the car’s body and Jaden sees the engine’s pistons moving up and down. Everything looks animated and in 3D. Hot engine oil and radiator fluid circulate into different compartments around the engine. The nanoscanner exits and circles the car.

  ‘I have something for these two road hogs,’ Jaden says to himself.

  The other drivers see the UFO flying in front of them and slam on their brakes. Jaden goes as close to the ground as possible and hover mode appears on the flight screen. He is three feet above the ground hovering at 48 mph. The cars and trucks behind him stop completely while the two women drivers continue at their same speed. Jaden thinks about bright light and a bright beam of sunlight is emitted from the front of the two wings. The drivers in the opposite direction slow down to see the UFO flying above the highway. Some slam on the brakes and there are accidents.

  “I don’t care how bright your lights are, I’m not moving! Flash all you want! Asshole,” the lady in the car says while she wipes her mouth with a tissue and drinks some more coffee.

  “Some asshole in a big silver truck is flashing their brightest lights behind me, Karen,” SUV lady says over the phone.

  The huge purple molecule appears around and through the body of the UFO. Jaden fires a very small pink torpedo, the size of a hotdog towards the female in the car. It passes through her slightly open window and hits her donut causing it to vanish. She drops the coffee on her leg, and fumbles with the steering wheel.

  “What the hell was that?” She says while swerving all over the road and into the right lane.

  SUV lady sees this and moves towards the right shoulder dropping the phone into her lap.

  She yells out the window, “Bitch! Learn to drive! What are you drunk? You almost hit me!”

  The lady in the car looks at her hand in disbelief. She leans over and manually rolls down the passenger side window and sticks her middle finger out the window.

  “Who you sticking your fat middle finger up at? You overweight buffalo, with your loser Buffalo Bills team stickers on your windows….” The SUV driver yells out the window while looking back and forth at the road. “That is why your loser Buffalo Bills lost four Super Bowls in a row. They can’t catch or win and you can’t drive!” She yells while reaching down to pick up the phone.

  “I represent the average American, you Euro-toothpick. Thick is always going to be in. At least my team made it to the Super Bowl,” the lady in the car yells.

  The jet fighters quickly fly overhead and pass Jaden. A few seconds later, constant sonic booms are heard and felt on the ground like very loud bass thumps.

  “They are shooting at me! Aaaahhhhhh,” the lady in the car yells while she speeds up.

  “I have to go Karen, I heard five loud gunshots, I think that large truck behind me is shooting at me. Call 911! I got to go!” She speeds up and hangs up the phone.

  Jaden sees the jet fighters flying by above and realizes they do not see him this low to the ground. The purple molecule forms from the body of the ship.

  “Team leader 1 to pilots, do you see the bogey on your radar?”

  “That is a negative sir.”

  Jaden felt those loud sonic booms passing by him. He realizes they are loud and scary from the ground.

  ‘Okay let me get out of here this is boring, flying behind these two arguing road hogs. But, I have to leave with a bang. This is for all the drivers who suffer behind drivers like you two.’

  Jaden slows down and stops. He then speeds up and wings turn vertical. He flies ten feet above the ground and accelerates over the two vehicles. The two drivers start to scream in panic as their car and SUV lift up from the back in slow motion. The coffee floats in midair as the vehicles flip forward and land upside down. Their bodies float as they put their hands towards the ceiling in anticipation of falling downwards. The vehicles slowly slide upside down and onto the rooftops. They continue to scream and grab onto the ceilings. Jaden sees an overpass coming up very fast with an 18-wheeler stopped there. He pulls up fast and slices the top rear of the trailer. Jaden creates a sonic boom in the process that travels back towards the ground shattering car and home windows. The women in the vehicles continue to slide faster while all their windows break. The zero gravity leaves the area and their bodies fall towards the ceiling of their upside down vehicles. The strong sonic boom also shatters windows on vehicles driving in the opposite direction. Birds are seen flying away in all directions.

  The ship shows up on radar again. The loud sound travels from the ground upwards. The jet fighters change direction and bailout left 90 degrees descending towards Jaden’s ascending upwards position. The UFO takes off like a missile launches from the ground. Jaden reaches 4822 feet at 1050 mph in two seconds. Constant sonic booms are heard in the air and over the ground. The emergency call center is flooded with phone calls. People are calling reporting bombs are going off.

  “Pentagon to teams. Be careful, the UFO08’s trail disburses energy that disrupts gravity for an unknown distance. This can cause confusion with the onboard computer circuits in missiles and your jets’ systems.”

  “That is a copy sir; we are engaging this threat now, with caution.”

  Jaden flies into some clouds. Four of the F-15 jet fighters step up pursuit. A trail of white smoke follows the tail and wings of the UFO. The other fifteen jet fighters stay behind and observe. Jaden slows dow
n and stops inside the thick clouds. He checks to see what he is up against. Nanoscanners go out from the purple molecule in all directions and instantly scan each jet fighter.

  The flight screen Jaden is seeing shows each jet fighter’s ship in 3D animation. He can see their missiles and guns showing a color of red. The gas tanks, fuel lines, electronics and the pilots are in yellow. The screen also shows their speed, altitude and gravity forces around them in blue. He sees the jet fighters’ gravity is reading sixty-five percent. He finds it interesting that the gravity forces around the ship he is in is between zero and ten percent. The nanoscanners show the materials their hulls are made from on the periodic table.

  ‘Four against one huh? I have an idea… let me check my flight menu again.’

  He reads in red letters: Shield strength 100%, Anti-Gravity Engines 95% charged, Manual flight, Speed 201 mph, Altitude 5126 feet, Enemy Radar 19 threats, Earth Gravity forces 65%, Air pressure / Barometer 2000 PSI, Star / Sun solar conversion strength 99.5%, 40% Sunlight charge needed for gravity flight balance.

  The flight menu has items in blue: Light reflection / Invisibility, Semi-invisible, invisible, invisible re-image, off, Stage 2 61% complete.

  ‘Let’s have some fun.’

  The UFO flies out of the clouds directly in front of the four jet fighters. They quickly arm their missiles. The UFO banks right and up. It accelerates faster up to 540 mph. Three of the F-15’s fire two missiles each. The missiles travel at a very fast speed towards the UFO. The missiles travel right through the UFO flying on a straight path. They explode at a distance on the other side of the UFO.

  “Did you see that flight team leader 1? The missiles flew right through the UFO; I can’t believe what I just saw!” Pilot 3 yells.

  “Target was a miss but they all detonated on the other side of the UFO08. The heat signature was generated about seventy feet in front of the threat,” team leader 1 says.

  The jet fighters begin firing their 20mm machine guns. The bullets look like fast moving fiery lights being shot from all directions. The bullets go straight through the UFO, slowly flying in a direct path as if it wants to be shot.

  “We are not hitting the target at all. The target is now turning upside down and right side up. It is doing complete circles, as if it’s playing with us,” pilot 2 says.

  “It just disappeared back into some clouds,” pilot 3 says.

  “Are you getting this team leader?”

  “Yes I am, I’m watching. I’ve never seen anything like this before,”

  ‘That re-image option was cool! It showed what I was thinking the UFO should be doing, while I was flying nearby invisibly. The nanoscanners got together in front of my fake UFO image and created a slight heat source. That was awesome and it was so easy to use these options. This UFO turned my thoughts into action instantly. I’ll fly with regular invisible now,’ Jaden says to himself.

  Reflecting light from all angles continues to flashes on the screen. Jaden accelerates out of the clouds.

  “The UFO08 is still inside the clouds,” pilot 2 says.

  “Does anyone have a visual?” Team leader 1 asks.

  “No visual, nothing on the radar,” pilot 2 responds.

  The team leader 1 pilot knows the UFO is around here somewhere, but can’t figure out where it is.

  “Team leader 1, I’m flying faster with less power. It feels like I’m floating and my controls are less responsive. My computer system is saying ‘Unknown gravity force,’ ” pilot 4 says nervously.

  Team leader 1 continues to think to himself and then he comes up with the idea to turn on his infrared/ heat sensors. He sees the UFO swirling around one of the F-15’s.

  “F-rank1504 the target is right in front of you, twenty feet, flying backwards and doing swirls! Turn on your infrared, thermal imaging and heat sensors!” The team leader shouts to pilot 4.

  The image of the UFO quickly appears on the young pilot’s left eyeglass screen. Fear and panic spreads throughout his body as he jumps back in his seat. He swallows some saliva down his dry throat and his heart rate increases. He is looking at the advanced spaceship up close. He freezes up for a few seconds.

  The pilot panics and starts to fire his M61 Vulcan cannons from the wings.

  “Aaahhhhhh!” He yells as he bails to the right. The UFO turns back forward and accelerates quickly. The first few 20mm cannons hit the body of the UFO while the rest are deflected by the shield that just instantly formed. The hits on the body are interpreted to Jaden’s body as being hit by paintball rounds.

  ‘Ouch, that really stings.’

  “The UFO08’s body is generating heat as it passes through the air. Set your computers to constant changing heat signatures. The computers will automatically adjust at lower and higher speeds. The UFO08 also reflects all radar when invisible,” team leader 1 says over the radio.

  Eight more jet fighters accelerate and join up. “This is team leader 2, we are here to assist. We are about to coordinate all of our missiles and gunfire at the target at the same time.”

  ‘Okay the gig is up, that was fun while it lasted.’

  The UFO goes visible again. One of Jaden’s screens is showing heat being generating outside the ship. It is showing the ship cutting through the air and creating heat.

  ‘Let’s see what these American jet fighters and this UFO can do.’

  The UFO accelerates and creates a bright light from behind its unattached tail and vertical wings. Unknown magnetic energy is keeping the wings and tail floating in one place on the sides and rear of the UFO. The speed of the UFO reaches 977 mph in seconds and a loud thundering sounding sonic boom quickly follows the ship. Team leader 1 and three other pilots on his team put on their afterburners and step up pursuit. The UFO descends at break necking speeds. All twelve jet fighters descend and try to catch up to the UFO. They each launch a missile at the UFO. Jaden can see the twelve missiles traveling behind him at around 2600 mph. Jaden increases speed up to 1880 mph and the Hudson River quickly approaches. Jaden quickly brakes in two seconds to a complete stop eighteen feet above the river. The wind and sonic boom crash into the river. Water flies in different directions as if there was an underwater explosion. The UFO levels out and Jaden quickly accelerates again in the opposite direction over the water. The missiles try to change course, but slow down a little and burst into the river. Several powerful explosions explode and feel as if it is happening in slow motion. Water flies in different directions. Twenty foot waves form and crash into the shorelines on each side of the river.

  “Shit! Did you see that? That UFO just took at least twenty-five G’s on that complete stop at that speed,” a pilot yells over the radio. They all continue talking about that.

  Pentagon, Washington, D.C.

  “No human body can survive twenty-five G’s, there’s no way that kid can be alive in there,” General Dudley says to his first officer.

  “Maybe they changed his body into something else? The UFO08’s actions are like a young teenager playing with our jet fighters.”

  “It’s possible, but we need a precise hit on this target at once,” General Dudley says in a firm voice while hitting the table with his hand. The officer relays the message to the jet fighters.


  Poughkeepsie, NY

  ‘Oh my God! This is like playing a futuristic virtual reality flight video game. No controllers and everything is at the speed of thought. In fact, this is faster than the speed of thought. I feel like I am thinking much faster than I usually do. I can multi-task like a 386 personal computer, see many things at different views and do the impossible. This is crazy; I have to show my friends and family later. This is the best thrill I’ve ever had.’

  Jaden continues flying down the Hudson River south at 750 mph at nineteen feet above the water, creating a stream of floating water behind him. He is intrigued by the small cloud forming around the ship from the sonic booms.

  Team leader 1 quickly flies behind the UFO, firing cannon rounds at Jaden. The water flies up behind the UFO and floats in the air for a few seconds, looking as if it is suspended in midair. The jet fighter flies about forty feet above the river behind its target. The cannons get caught up in the shield and disappear. The UFO starts to turn left and right, and then upside down in an attempt to dodge the fast moving cannon projectiles.

  ‘I can actually see the 20mm cannons flying towards me. It’s like the nanoscanner sensors are detecting them for me and I’m able to move before it hits me.’

  Two additional jet fighters fly one hundred feet above them and begin firing. Most of the cannons create a huge splash in the water. The UFO continues spinning in circles at a very fast speed while flying straight. The cannon fire passes right between the wings. Constant sonic boom sounds spread out in all directions in the area. “Boom, Boom, Boom.”

  The two jet fighters flying above the UFO fire missiles. The UFO stops spinning and accelerates quickly. Using his nanoscanners Jaden sees a small bridge quickly approaching. The missiles approach quickly from above and get within thirty-two feet of the UFO. It continues to spin while dodging the cannon fire. Jaden goes under the bridge, stops completely and nose-dives into the river. Water splashes in all directions. The missiles quickly pass by and are hit by the water. His human body feels the cold sensation around his body from the 35°F water. The jet fighters quickly pass over and pull upwards.

  ‘Wow, this water is cold.’

  The cold feeling goes away and Jaden hears the sounds of being underwater. He can taste the brackish water through the body of the UFO. The current of the river is pushing the UFO south. The wings change direction and are straight out at a horizontal angle. Jaden can see a few fish quickly swimming away. The ship comes out of the water backwards with its nose towards the river. There is no water dripping off it and it doesn’t appear wet. It levitates up beside the bridge.

  He flies above the bridge backwards, while the cars on the bridge slam on their brakes. There are four simultaneous fender benders in both directions on the small bridge. The missiles crash into the river without exploding. The people in their cars on the bridge are amazed at the UFO flying above them straight into the air backwards. Jaden sees them watching him forty feet below him.

  ‘Look at me humans! I’m doing a nose stand over the bridge. Once in a lifetime trick. Throw your dollars into the air, don’t be cheap. I don’t work for free,’ Jaden says sarcastically.

  The people are looking with their mouths wide open. He starts twirling in the air clockwise and then comes back down the other side of the bridge and goes back underneath. The wings change directions back to vertical with the body and to the sides. He takes off at a very fast speed. People get out of their cars and try to look down, but he is gone. They see all the jet fighters in the air going after it. The people on the bridge point at a completely black jet that they never seen before flying by.

  ‘Okay, that was too tough for the jet fighters. I guess follow the leader was out of the question. What is this coming up behind me? Hmmmm… a new black jet fighter? Let’s see what you’re made of.’


  He begins to probe the SR-71B Blackbird that is trying to catch up to him. Team leader 1 tries to re-circle.

  “This is team leader 1 to Blackbird 1.”

  “Blackbird 1 go.”

  “Blackbird 1 you cannot fly directly behind the UFO08, the trail of the UFO08 disrupts the

  gravity from 0-20%. It will mess with the gyroscopes and computers of your jet fighter.”

  “That is a negative team leader 1. My computer system and gyroscopes are very advanced. I was watching and analyzing your teams go after this UFO08 for the past twenty minutes. I reprogrammed my flight computers to adjust in zero gravity, increasing my thrust power and controls handling. I’m taking this threat down.”

  ‘Impressive,’ Jaden says to himself as he overhears the communication of the pilots.

  The Blackbird SR-71B comes up behind Jaden flying 455 mph. Bright yellow particles come out from the wings of the UFO and it accelerates up to 920 mph flying over the river. The Blackbird accelerates behind the UFO also using its advanced afterburners. The Blackbird begins firing rounds at the UFO. Jaden quickly dodges the bullets by spinning again. Some of the bullets hit the UFO.

  ‘Man that really stings. I guess I can’t use the shields while doing that.’

  ‘I’m going to take you down,’ the Blackbird pilot says to himself.

  The pilot has a black beard, brown eyes and a full helmet over his head. The white middle-aged pilot has a look of determination in his eyes as if the UFO did something to him personally.

  ‘Let us see what you got, Mr. Black Jet, with the cool aerodynamic shape,’ Jaden says.

  The Blackbird fires bullets at the UFO while the other jet fighters fly above and observe. The UFO pulls up sharply and begins to fly straight up at a 90° angle. The Blackbird pulls up slowly and the pilot grunts from the G-forces he is taking. The heavy pressure on his body increases his heartbeat. Blood slowly circulates to his brain as he struggles to pull up on the joystick. He feels light headed. The pilot turns upside down at an angle back towards where the UFO is flying straight up. Jaden slows down for the Blackbird. The SR-71 Blackbird flies into the UFO’s gravity wake and flies straight up into the sky vertically. The Blackbird’s afterburner ignites and it tries to catch up to the UFO.

  “That Blackbird pilot just took at least ten G’s on that pull up. That UFO took at least forty G’s. That pilot has to be careful not to blackout,” team leader 1 says to his team.

  “I guess he knows what he is doing to be flying a top secret SR-71B that I didn’t even know existed,” pilot 4 says over the radio.

  The UFO accelerates straight up at 1266 mph and 11,999 feet. The sounds of a high-powered engine can be heard above the clouds. Orange light particles are exhausting from the wings of the UFO. The SR-71 Blackbird continues to fly 508 feet behind the UFO while firing bullets again. The UFO begins spinning and dodging the bullets. The UFO’s bright orange light is blinding the Blackbird pilot. The glass around the Blackbird’s cockpit darkens. The pilot continues to accelerate as the UFO also increases speed. The UFO hits 2256 mph and reaches hypersonic speeds. Thumping sounds can be heard rippling down to Earth in a 200-mile radius. They are at 59,000 feet still flying straight up at a 90° angle. The outside body of the UFO is at 808°F, while the air temperature is at minus -170°F. The wings and nose of the UFO change to a light red color. The nose of the Blackbird lights up slightly red also. Their speeds begin to multiply, as the oxygen gets thinner. They hit 7489 mph and then 10,433 mph. The Blackbird continues to fire frozen bullets as the UFO continues dodging them.


  “This is General Dudley to Blackbird 1, come in Blackbird.”

  “Blackbird 1, if you can hear me pullout. You are reaching your maximum ceiling height. Pullout, that is an order,” General Dudley repeats over the radio for a third time.

  The SR-71B Blackbird cannot hear any radio transmissions. The pilot has no idea how high up he is.

  “How is the Blackbird able to fly straight up like that?” Dudley asks his first officer and then continues, “No one can survive that many G’s flying straight up into the sky like that at that speed.”

  “Remember he is flying in zero gravity. G forces do not exist in zero gravity. It is like flying in space, but with oxygen all around. Similar to our zero gravity training chambers,” the first officer says in a calm voice.

  ‘Come on you Top Gun Tom Cruise look-alike pilot, you slowing down on me. Keep up!’ Jaden yells.

  “I got you, you bastard,” the Blackbird pilot says in a low confused voice. He locks onto the UFO with a smile on his face. He fires a missile; it accelerates slowly towards the UFO trying to catch more momentum. The missile speeds up considerably and gets within twelv
e feet of the UFO. A bright orange flash is seen exploding like a lightning strike on a dark night from the rear tail of the UFO. The pilot hears an explosion. The UFO disappears from the Blackbird’s sight. The missile explodes, but doesn’t create an explosion. The UFO quickly accelerates and reaches 26,555 mph. The sky turns dark around the Blackbird as it reaches 114,000 feet. The pilot is breathing heavily through his oxygen mask and begins to feel dizzy. The Blackbird loses its flame and engine thrust. It slows down considerably and floats upwards out of control rotating in different directions. The pilot blacks out and lets go of the flight stick. It is completely silent around the pilot. The computer screen flashes Stall, No controls, S.O.S., 1% thin oxygen. The Blackbird loses the zero gravity wake from the UFO. It continues to fly upwards while spinning out of control. Ice is quickly forming around the Blackbird.

  Jaden continues to fly straight up at 34,000 mph and hits 520,666 feet. There is a red and orange tail stretching miles behind him. Jaden’s screens light up flashing: Stage 2 70%. His thrust begins to slow down automatically. Jaden realizes he is about to go into space and the ship is slowing down on its own.

  The SR-71B Blackbird slowly begins falling towards the Earth. Jaden hovers horizontally at 615,000 feet looking around. He looks outside the UFO in all directions.

  ‘I love how the wings change to horizontal automatically when I’m hovering. That is so cool. I’m on top of the world!’ He continues, ‘Eat your heart out Mr. Englewood.’ Jaden thinks back four years ago when he was in high school.

  “Mr. Jaden Marino! Do you think you are on top of the world?” Jaden’s social studies teacher asked him.

  He grabbed Jaden in the hallway in-between two classroom doors by his shirt.

  “I know it was you that put that boot on my car’s wheel yesterday afternoon.”

  Jaden replied with a smiling face, “Maybe you owe tickets. How can a kid give you a city car boot?”

  “I don’t owe any tickets you little bastard!” He yelled and continued, “I know it was you. You were the only kid who got a D on my social studies test two days ago. You were the only person who argued with me for twenty minutes for his grade. You are the only student that gets away with things because your father is the principal,” Mr. Englewood said while accidentally spitting.

  “Say it but don’t spray it,” Jaden said in a humorous voice, while he wiped his face and turned his head.

  “Mr. Englewood, is that my Pops walking down the hallway?” Jaden asked.

  Mr. Englewood took a step back and released his tight grip from around Jaden’s shirt near his neck.

  “Maybe the city gave you a D, for disabled,” Jaden said while chuckling.

  “You think you’re funny huh?” He asked.

  He continued, “Just because your daddy is the principal of the school doesn’t mean you can get away with whatever you want. You have to earn a grade in my class. You can’t skip through life not paying your dues. Life isn’t a joke. What are you going to do when your daddy isn’t around?”

  “I can handle things without my Pops’ help…” Jaden is interrupted.

  “Listen you little shit, I’m going to take you down. You’re going to amount to nothing once you’re out of high school. You’ll never be an astronaut; they don’t accept people who never work hard for anything. You’ll be lucky to gas up or remove human waste from an airplane in the future,” Mr. Englewood said in a low voice.

  “Maybe one day I’ll save the world or do something great that no man has ever done before.”

  “Only thing you’re going to do great is make the perfect taco at Taco Bell or dry my son’s BMW at the car wash. You certified loser and horrible comedian. You think because your father is the principal your grades can be adjusted and you don’t have to work hard. We shall see who will be left back and I’ll make sure social promotion doesn’t save you this time.”

  “I heard your wife left you back because you can’t get it up, ha ha,” Jaden laughed and continued, “Maybe they will make something that fixes that in the future.”

  Mr. Englewood’s face turned red and his face frowned.

  “You leave my ex-wife out of this. You think you’re funny huh? We’ll see how long you’re on top of the world attitude lasts. Your arrogance will be your downfall,” Mr. Englewood paused and took a deep breath. He moved closer to Jaden.

  “Maybe you should volunteer for the Marines now and go overseas to the Gulf War. They need some know it alls. So you can come back in body parts like your dead brother. Maybe then. . . . .”

  He paused as he looked at Jaden’s face increase with wrinkles. Jaden’s eyebrows went down into his face. His light skin turned red. His right fist curled up into a ball and Mr. Englewood stepped back. Jaden quickly went into his Tae Kwon Do stance. He threw a right punch into Mr. Englewood’s chest. Mr. Englewood took two uneven steps backwards as Jaden spun around with a roundhouse kick into the older man’s face. Mr. Englewood turned to the left and fell down grabbing some lockers on the way to the floor. The locks on the lockers rattled in sequence. A teacher walking down the hallway blew a whistle and rushed to the scene. Students came out of their classrooms to see what is going on. Someone grabbed Jaden and the images get fuzzy and then fade away.

  Jaden is looking outside of the UFO while hovering in one spot. It is completely silent around him and he is at the beginning of space. He is flabbergasted by the view at this height.

  ‘I can see the planet curving in all directions and everything is so small below me.’

  A nanoscanner continues to fly upwards towards space at a high speed. He is looking through them and he sees something lighting up and slightly reflecting in space. The nanoscanner flies faster towards this object that is turning into three or four objects sitting above the earth.

  ‘What the hell?’ He asks as the nanoscanner gets closer.

  ‘I can’t believe this! These four satellites are right over me! I’m being watched by military forces all over the world probably.’

  He gets a closer look at one of them. Jaden is amazed at all the little moving parts inside of the first satellite. He reads what is says on it: Top secret, Property of MASA. He checks what the other satellite says: Top Secret, Property of United States government. CIA.

  ‘These have to be spy satellites. I can actually see the radio waves coming and going from them. This is amazing!’

  ‘Made in Taiwan, China and Japan? At least the government has received some good labor and parts for a good price. This third satellite far to the right looks a lot older, let’s see what this says, property of Russia? They watching me too. This is crazy, but very interesting.’

  Jaden switches back to outside the UFO view.

  ‘What can I do now? I have an idea.’

  Jaden quickly accelerates forward at a fast speed. He switches his view back to the satellites and sees thrust coming from outside the satellites as they move in his direction.

  ‘They are really watching me and following me.’

  Another nanoscanner flying in autonomous mode shows its vision smaller inside of the vision Jaden is already seeing through to get Jaden’s attention. The vision changes and he sees the SR-71B Blackbird flying out of control towards the Earth with frost all around it. He can see into the Blackbird’s cockpit and notices that the pilot is unconscious. There are beeping sounds and lights flashing all over the place. The aircraft is shaking and flipping in every direction.

  ‘Shit! That pilot is going to die! I forgot all about him. I have to do something.’


  More nanoscanners quickly descend towards the out-of-control Blackbird as it falls through thick clouds. Jaden dives down in the direction of the Blackbird and accelerates as fast as he can. The yellow energy particles are being emitted from the wings of the UFO. The entire outside body of the UFO turns bright red as it heats up. He is flying downward at 32,053 mph. The UFO is light
ing up like a meteor as it enters the upper atmosphere.

  ‘My altitude is 478,000 feet. The Blackbird’s altitude is. . .’

  Jaden tries to see the altitude on the SR-71’s flight computer screen. He sees it is at 29,899 feet. Jaden hits the lower atmosphere and the increasing oxygen slows him down considerably. The yellow energy coming from the wings of the UFO turns to a bright, whitish-orange color. The SR-71 is at 19,038 feet. Jaden slows down to 5407 mph and continues to lose speed even though he is trying to go faster. He is confident he will catch up to it, even though he is at 67,193 feet.

  The other nanoscanners reach the SR-71 and scan everything on the aircraft. Jaden sees other jet fighters firing warning shots by the SR-71, but the pilot is still unconscious. A nanoscanner scans inside the pilot’s body and sees very little white smoke coming from his lungs. Jaden sees an animated image of his heart beating irregularly. The pilot’s body is at 95°F and is shivering. The pilot’s altitude reaches 12,998 feet. Jaden can see the SR-71 zoomed in through the clouds from the UFO’s view. He quickly catches up to the SR-71 and slows down to the SR-71’s falling speed of 590 mph. Four loud simultaneous sonic booms created from Jaden’s high speed pass him and the SR-71. The powerful shock waves rattle the Blackbird like an earthquake waking and bringing the pilot to consciousness. The supersonic booms continue towards the ground. A trail of white smoke follows the Blackbird’s wings. The pilot wakes up disorientated and confused.

  ‘How can I stop this jet from hitting the ground?’ Jaden asks as he uses his imagination.

  The other F-15’s begin firing cannons and bullets at Jaden as he gets close to the SR-71. The shields go on instantly around the UFO.

  ‘I’m on your side you flying dicks! I’m trying to help your pilot!’

  Six nanoscanners fly about ten feet below the SR-71 Blackbird jet. The powerful cannons continue to hit the outside shield while causing the UFO to move from the force. The UFO begins to release a translucent energy to the six nanoscanners and a ring of light particles begins to glow under the aircraft. This technique is greatly reducing the gravitational forces around the Blackbird. The UFO’s energy slows down the SR-71 to 121 mph, but it continues to fall towards the ground. They are now 1568 feet from the ground.

  ‘This guy is still going to smack the ground. I have to do something else.’

  The computer is asking the pilot to eject. His radio is still not working as he tries to use it. He tries to eject, but his screen communicates to him a failure. The escape hatch over him is frozen. The UFO fires a translucent green beam at the SR-71 from the purple molecule. The green beam spreads out and covers the entire jet fighter. The green beam is slowing down the Blackbird significantly and straightens it out horizontally. The pilot sees the UFO over him and realizes what it is trying to do. He tries to fire the engine, but it does not turn on.

  ‘This must be a tractor beam or something. This ship read my mind and translates that into the best possible action, cool,’ Jaden says.

  Jaden wonders why the UFO can’t pull the jet upwards with the tractor beam. The SR-71 is still falling towards the earth at 75 mph at 789 feet. The other jet fighters stop firing at the UFO as they finally figure out the bogey is trying to save the SR-71 from crashing. The pilot still tries to start the jet engines, but they are dead. Billions of microscopic nanobots leave the purple molecule around the ship and ride the green waves towards the SR-71. They enter the foreign aircraft and quickly move around the fuselage. They find ice all around the engine compartment and the fuel lines. The nanobots heat up the internal parts in the Blackbird.

  The nanobots push fuel into the engines and remove particles of ice in the hydraulics of the Blackbird’s tail. The SR-71 is seventy-three feet from the ground and is approaching a residential house in Nyack, NY. The pilot tries the engine again and it sputters like a broken down car. The landing gear comes out. There is a crowd of neighbors pointing towards the sky in the quiet suburban neighborhood. There is an elderly man covering his ears with his hands standing near his 6-year-old granddaughter. His ears are ringing from the powerful supersonic boom that attacked the neighborhood less than a minute ago. There are also broken home windows and broken car windows on the street and sidewalks.

  The young girl points towards the sky and tries to get her grandfather’s attention. The grandfather sees his granddaughter’s hair floating into the air and is speechless. Broken glass, dirty snow and debris begin to float upwards.

  “Look granddaddy look, Superman is inside of that spaceship saving that Air Force jet from crashing into our roof. Superman has a spaceship now!”

  “What did you say, Cathy? I can’t hear anything you are saying! My ears are ringing.”

  The sputtering engines get the older man’s attention and he looks up. He is in complete shock and stands with his mouth wide open. His hands are still over his ears.

  “Watch out Daniels! It’s going to crash into your house! Get out of there!” A neighbor across the street yells.

  The grandfather is in shock and can’t move. The little girl is smiling and pointing at the rescue. “Come on Superman alien, you can do it!” The little girl yells.

  F-15 jet fighters can be seen flying near the clouds from a distance. The Blackbird pilot becomes very nervous as he is within several feet of the house beneath him. Sweat is running down his face as he turns his head from side to side looking out the oval window over him. He closes his eyes and prays for a second. He nervously presses the engine start up button for the last time before impact and holds the button pressed in. The engine on the right ignites first. The SR-71 leans to the left and then the left engine ignites and it levels out. People are running down the street covering their ears. Hot yellow thrust shoots out from the rear and 150 decibels echo in all directions. The powerful vibrations from the engines cause birds to flee in a nearby park. They quickly flap their wings in an attempt to leave the area. The trees aligned on the sidewalk also vibrate and the snow falls from the naked tree branches simultaneously. The vibrating sound rattles the already broken glass in homes, causing more fragments to fall. The pilot feels a sense of relief as his aircraft gains momentum. The thrust heats up the snow on the roof of the house. The little girl covers her ears and her grandfather pulls her away from the scene. The SR-71 slowly moves forward and the people in the street can feel the heat from the thrust. The wheel from the right landing gear hits the chimney of a brick house. Bricks fall towards the ground and some people start running. The stalling alarm goes off in the cockpit and the SR-71 quickly takes off at a 20° angle. Debris lands in the street as water comes down from the melted snow. The radio starts working again and the green beam from the UFO disappears. Jaden follows the Blackbird as it’s flying twenty-seven feet from the ground and over a park area. The nanobots and nanoscanners float back towards the ship. The Blackbird flies faster and gains altitude. Just as it flies away, Jaden is hit with three missiles from different directions. He activates the shields too late and takes a direct hit. The force from the powerful missiles spin the UFO out-of-control and towards some trees below. It loses some of its anti-gravity lift. The UFO lightly crashes into a wooded area. The wing and tail go into the body of the ship. The ship rolls in some mud like a carrot stick. Snow falls from branches of nearby trees.

  ‘Shit, that hurt like hell. That felt as if I was hit by a car and I flew over the windshield. Man, why do I have to feel the pain when something hits the body with something?’

  Three Blackhawk attack helicopters approach where Jaden went down. A tank also approaches knocking down small trees.

  ‘I have to get out of here, let me check the screens. Okay diagnosing damage complete.’

  Anti-gravity lift is only 10% operational, Lower atmosphere thrust engines 20%, Shields offline, Body integrity 100%, Nanobots repairing Anti-gravity engines, thrust engines, and analyzing shield’s RPM molecules sequence .

  ‘I have only one nanoscanner to use. The others are
helping the nanobots with repairs.’

  Jaden thinks quickly and he tries to take off.

  “This is Blackhawk 1 to base; the UFO08 is taking off over Mountain View Nature Park with smoke behind it at 12 o’clock in front of me. I believe it is damaged and I’m opening fire.”

  “This is SR-71 Blackbird to base; the UFO08 just risked itself to save my life. Is there another option besides destroying it?” The pilot asks.

  “This is General Dudley; you have your orders to destroy the target. SR-71 if you feel you suddenly have a change of heart because E.T. saved you from being a splattered fly you can relieve yourself from duty.”

  “Sir, this UFO08 ship has very advanced technology. It repaired my ship in seconds. We should at least try to communicate with it some more. It isn’t attacking anyone.”

  “Blackbird SR-71, can you clear the airwaves, we have a job to do. You need to come in for repairs and be debriefed,” General Dudley says.

  The Blackhawk helicopter fires its cannons and rockets. The rockets and cannon fire go right through the UFO slowly taking off into the sky.

  “This is General Dudley, everyone use their infrared and heat sensors. I repeat! Infrared and heat sensors only, do not use regular vision and lock. Does anyone see the UFO08?”

  The UFO disappears into thin air.

  “That is a negative sir!” The Blackhawk helicopter pilot says.

  General Dudley gets off the two-way radio and talks to his officers in the room. “I want a team at the crash site right away. What town is that?”

  “Sir, that is Rockland County, NY,” the first officer says.

  “Make sure that SR-71 pilot returns to base ASAP, I think that UFO messed with his brain and turned him to the dark side.”

  ‘Man, I barely got away.’

  Jaden is flying four feet above an 18-wheeler on the highway in invisible mode.

  ‘Flying around the trees and using just a little thrust got me to the highway less than a mile away. That decoy worked again for me. The nanoscanner created a sense of heat and smoke in the decoy, very cool.’

  Jaden is going over a long bridge called the Tappan Zee. He recognizes the area and he knows this is towards NYC. The fresh breeze from the river flies across the UFO. He sees a view of the city through thick clouds and fog to the south. The 18-wheeler makes it across the bridge and slows down at the tollbooth. Jaden keeps flying forward at a low speed. A spot check is setup on the other side of the toll. One of the National Guard troops at the spot check is using infrared binoculars. He spots slight heat coming from the invisible UFO flying over the cars and spot check. He radios in and gives the location while following it as it passes over him. A few National Guard troops open fire with their M-16 machine guns.

  ‘Man, they see me now. Those bullets feel like bee stings. Let me check the repairs.’ Thrust engines are at fifty-five percent and anti-gravity lift engines are at twenty-five percent. The shields are still offline. Jaden increases speed over the highway. He is balancing the amount of engine thrust and anti-gravity thrusts manually. The tail comes from the rear. Blackhawk helicopters fly over the bridge.

  Jaden reaches 225 mph and is fifty feet above the 87 Thruway heading south. Jaden decides to fly higher and into the clouds. The nanoscanners detect eight F-16 jet fighters quickly approaching.

  ‘So you jet fighters want to shoot me down after I help one of your pilots huh? I have something for you.’

  Jaden checks the screens for weapons. He focuses on the same weapon he used on the AC-130 gunship. He scans the jet fighters and targets their missiles and guns.

  ‘I don’t want to blow them out of the sky or kill them. I want to see what they will do without any weapons to shoot at me.’

  “Team leader to squad, the UFO08 is in the clouds. It looks like the missiles and gunfire hit it directly. I don’t think its shields are working. I can see it flying in the clouds to the south of us at 1600 feet. Its radar signal is stronger, so I know this is it,” team leader 1 says.

  Four of the jet fighters approach from the east, another four approach from the west. Two from the north and two from the south also join the fight. They arm their weapons to detonate before impact.

  Two pink torpedoes come from each side purple molecule. The torpedoes begin spinning around as they increase speed. The torpedoes change direction and head towards the ground.

  “Something was fired from the UFO08, I repeat, something was fired from the UFO08. It is glowing pink and is heading towards the ground. Everyone fall back and take evasive action,” team leader 1 says.

  The alien torpedoes break up into dozens of smaller torpedoes and go in different directions towards each F-16 jet fighter.

  They all put on their afterburners and begin evasive maneuvering. Each alien torpedo maneuvers with the jet fighters and quickly catches up. They drop flares in front of the alien torpedoes, but they keep coming faster. The alien torpedoes hit each jet fighter’s missiles and guns causing them to glow different colors, and then disappear. An empty area remains where the jet fighter’s missiles, cannons and machine guns used to be.

  “Team leader 1, the alien torpedoes had no effect or damage on my craft,” pilot 4 says.

  “F-4 have you,” team leader 1 is interrupted.

  “I’m firing on the UFO08 now; it just moved from the clouds. I have a lock I’m taking it,” pilot 4 says. Error, error is shown on his flight screen.

  “F-4 pilot, I thought you were taking the shot?”

  “I have all weapons errors on my flight screen.”

  “I was trying to tell you before you cut me off that the alien torpedoes destroyed every jet fighter’s missiles and guns including yours.”

  The foolish pilot swallows the spit in his throat and looks at the UFO flying away.

  “This is General Dudley, team leader 1 and another pilot continues to following the UFO08. There are too many clouds for the satellite to continue tracking. The rest return to base for plane analysis. A second wave is on its way. We will be changing up our offensive strategy.”


  11:30 am Southern Westchester, NY

  Jaden accelerates right by the defenseless jet fighters and heads south towards New York City.

  ‘That was amazing how those little alien boogers took out only the weapons and didn’t damage the rest of the ship. It was like they were vaporized.’

  He flies under the heavier clouds and notices it is beginning to pour down rain. The rain slides smoothly over the UFO’s shiny body. The bubble rain floats around slowly in different directions behind the UFO. Jaden flies over the Hudson River while a few jet fighters still try to follow a few miles behind.

  ‘So many beautiful tall buildings. I haven’t been down here in years. So many people and cars.’

  Jaden flies over near north Manhattan. He quickly accelerates over the East River and heads south towards midtown. The rain is pouring down harder and harder. Shields are back online and so are the engines. Jaden flies closer towards the East River to thirty feet. He is flying by the cars on the F.D.R Drive Highway at 55 mph while approaching midtown. Jaden goes under the 59th Street Bridge and something catches his attention. He does a complete stop midair. The UFO begins to come up the bridge while facing downward. As the UFO comes over and on top of the bridge, cars crossing it begin crashing into each other. People get out of their cars and point towards the sky. The UFO flies towards the tramway crossing from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island. The cold rain falls onto the tram roof. Jaden levels out horizontally in front of the tramway and zooms inside with a nanoscanner. He sees some young schoolchildren looking out of the windows. Jaden flies closer to the tramway while slowly moving forward.

  “Kids! Kids! Stop running around. Stay in one place,” second grade school teacher Motley yells to her ten students on a field trip.

  “Miss Motley, Miss Motley,” a student calls to her teacher while walking over.

/>   “Yes Kim?”

  “Look at my hair, it’s floating in the air,” Kim says.

  The schoolteacher looks at the child’s hair in amazement with her eyes wide open. Kim starts to laugh and point at the teacher’s hair. Miss Motley looks up as the hair on her wig starts to stand up and float upwards. She quickly grabs her wig and holds it down. Another student named Berry jumps up and touches the ceiling.

  “Teacher! Teacher look how high I can jump!”

  The student jumps up and down slowly, higher and higher. The other kids watch in amusement.

  “Wow! Look at Kenneth and Berry!” They yell.

  “Stop jumping Kenneth and Berry this moment!” Miss Motley yells while holding her wig.

  Berry stops and holds onto another student. Kenneth bangs his head on the ceiling. He falls to the ground and starts crying. The assistant teacher comes from the back and tends to the student crying. The other kids by the tramway window start to point upward.

  “Look at the alien ship! It’s right in front of us!” One of the students yells. The kids move back towards the other side of the tramway with a petrified look on their faces. A couple on the tramway sees the UFO also and moves towards the opposite side. The kids start to scream with frightened looks on their faces. They jump back to hold on to their teachers’ legs. The kid that was crying on the floor stops crying and moves towards the opposite side with the assistant teacher. One student walks towards the UFO levitating on the side of the tramway. The other kids begin crying and screaming.

  “I want my mommy!”

  “It’s going to kill us!” The young students yell.

  “Kim! Come back!” Miss Motley yells while holding the other kids.

  The curious student stands by the window in amazement, while her hair is standing straight up. The UFO does something and then disappears. The student’s mouth and eyes are wide open. The curious student is grabbed from behind by her teacher and pulled closer towards the other side.

  ‘Interesting, seeing those young students’ reactions. One kid wasn’t scared at all and was very brave.’

  Jaden flies upwards and towards Manhattan still invisible. The sky gets darker and darker. He sees jet fighters flying overhead. Jaden flies towards the buildings on 59th Street. Jaden sees all the people on the ground walking with their umbrellas open as it pours on them. The people on the ground look like ants to him. They are walking around in different directions not knowing he is floating above them. Rain is floating around the UFO as it slowly goes down the streets at 30 mph.

  ‘I have to go by the city speed limit. Ha ha.’

  He turns north on 5th Avenue. Seven nanoscanners go out and start to look around inside of buildings. Jaden is flying over Central Park.

  ‘I wonder what is going on inside these buildings.’

  ‘Boring. Boring. I see boring people just sitting at their desk doing normal office work.’

  Jaden is flying over Central Park. He sees a few people jogging and walking their dogs with umbrellas.

  ‘Hey! Clean up after your dog!’ Jaden yells.

  ‘Some people just don’t care if their dog leaves soft landmines behind.’

  He concentrates on the dog’s landmines and sends a small torpedo towards it, vaporizing it. He leaves a little hole in the ground also as small pieces of concrete fly into the air.

  ‘Hey I’m not perfect! What’s another pothole in this city with millions of them?’ He asks.

  ‘I’ll clean this city up! One poop at a time!’ He yells in a sarcastic tone.

  The dog looks up into the air and begins barking.

  ‘So you can hear and see me huh, little doggy?’

  It begins to rain harder and lightning flashes across the dark, cloudy sky. The nanoscanners are scanning through buildings and different floors. One nanoscanner is only scanning voices and sounds without any images. The lightning temporarily disables its video transmitting capabilities.

  Inside of a close by office building in a janitor’s closet, the nanoscanner overhears a conversation. Jaden smells perfume, sweat and vaginal wetness. It quickly grabs his attention. Jaden also smells deodorant and coffee breath.

  “How many more times do I have to keep doing this until I get my promotion and next raise?” A female voice asks.

  “Don’t worry baby, your name is on top of the list. That should be done around Christmas time, I promise,” a male with a deep voice says.

  “You said that last Christmas.”

  “You’re wasting time. Why don’t you pull that little skirt up and panties down. You can sit right here.”

  “You don’t feel bad doing this knowing your wife is at home?” She asks while sitting on him.

  “Oh baby, my wife doesn’t feel like this. That old wrinkled 100 lbs more than you Patsy. I don’t feel bad at all. I wish I could trade you in for her. You still taking your birth control every day right?” The man asks while kissing his secretary in the cleaning closet.

  “Oh yeah…I’m still taking them every day….Right there, oh, oh,” she moans.

  The nanoscanner is transmitting the audio conversation. Jaden sends the other nanoscanner to the same location. He hears the moaning sounds.

  “Are you finished already, sir?”

  Just then lightning strikes very close to the office building. The audio transmitting nanoscanner temporarily loses its connection to the UFO and floats upwards to another floor. The audio comes back….

  “Tell me Charles, why should we go with this new writer’s books?” An older man asks.

  “This book ‘Quickflash’ has the action, adventure and romance you have been looking for. It’s like a futuristic James Bond. I see great potential with this book and it is very creative. The second book, ‘Terry’s Nightmares’ is an exciting book for teenagers…” The agent says in a publishing meeting as he is interrupted.

  “What was the author’s name again?”

  “Vlane Carter. He is very creative and is definitely going to be a successful writer…..”

  ‘What the hell am I listening too? What happened to the moaning sex sounds? That malfunctioning nanoscanner must have gone into a board meeting or something.’

  The damaged nanoscanner goes into a working nanoscanner. Jaden is outside the building still invisible moving up the building’s floors. A strong wind flows down the side of the office building. He uses all of his nanoscanners to find that interesting room he was just listening in on. He finds the cleaning closet again with the moaning sounds coming from it. Now he has images to go along with it.

  ‘Alright! This is a show! This older guy is breathing hard as if he is about to get a heart attack. Nice legs and body Miss Secretary. Damn it’s over though. Minute man is finished,’ Jaden says.

  “Do you hear a humming sound Ben?”

  “No,” the excited boss says while pulling up this pants.

  “Look, Ben my panties are floating in the air behind you, so is my hair!” The secretary yells.

  ‘Hey! That’s not safe! Where’s the protection...’ Jaden yells while he is interrupted.

  Two missiles hit the UFO from below and another two rockets hit the UFO from above simultaneously. The shield goes on instantly, absorbing most of the blast. There is a huge explosion, while the UFO flips in different directions and crashes into the building on the ninth floor. The ship rips through steel and concrete like paper. Glass explodes into thousands of different directions. The shield strength quickly goes down. The explosion creates a huge fiery hole in the side of the building on four floors. People and debris are instantly incinerated. A very low flying stealth bomber is seen flying down the avenue. A silent flying helicopter also flies by. People in the streets are pointing up, looking at the stealth bomber and the explosions on the side of the building. A huge fire quickly spreads.

  ‘That really hurt, those jets caught me off guard. I was too busy being a peeping-alien-tom. The shield came on autom
atically like my body reacting to something about to hit me. The ship braced and protected itself just like me doing the same thing as though something is about to hit me.’

  Jaden sees fire and smoke all around the ship’s energy shield. The nanoscanners can see perfectly clear through the smoke and fire. Jaden sees bodies burning and people trying to run down the stairs. The two people having sex are unconscious lying on top of each other.

  “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” An older lady yells out with dirt on her face and debris over her.

  “Help me! I can’t breathe! Something fell on me!” A trapped and injured person yells out.

  The building sprinkler system begins to spray water over the fire. However, it has little effect.

  Jaden checks all his screens to make sure everything is okay. He sees that everything looks normal. He slowly flies through the fire while papers and debris fall around the ship. Jaden notices the nanoscanners can move freely back and forth through the energy shield. Sparks are coming from the lights as the power goes out in the building. People are hiding under desks, in lounges and running down staircases with clothes over their mouths and coughing. People are screaming. The fire alarm is blaring throughout the building. Jaden can see the molecules inside the fire consuming everything around it like a virus or a hungry leech consuming its prey. Lightning continues to strike in the sky while it continues to rain. The rain goes inside the building. Jaden’s nanoscanners detect several jet fighters flying above, two Apache attack helicopters hovering above and military trucks with rockets on the ground below. Jaden sees people trapped in different rooms around him. He chooses to see if he can do something about the fire he feels he is somewhat responsible for. He can feel the heat from the fire as if he is in a very hot sauna. It smells like wood and chemicals. The UFO is still hidden inside the fire from the outside.

  “There is no sign of the UFO, sir. It’s just fire all over the place, nothing could withstand a simultaneous blast like that, sir. It was a direct hit,” Apache pilot 1 says to General Dudley over the radio. He continues, “Sir, that was over 10,000 lbs of TNT”.

  “This UFO08 is stronger than you think, soldier. All units standby, continue scanning anything that moves,” General Dudley says over the radio.

  Jaden concentrates on the fire and the molecules it is made of. He zooms in and sees trillions of atoms jumping around spreading and mating with oxygen atoms. The purple molecule shoots beams in different directions to disrupt the gravity around the fire. The fire takes up a spherical shape and nanobots attack the mating atoms.

  A fire ladder from the street begins to extend to the ninth floor. A young firefighter with a water hose on his back quickly climbs the ladder.

  “Sir, the fire around the explosion is turning round like a sphere,” the first helicopter pilot says.

  “That is what fire does in zero to low gravity. The UFO08 is still active. Wait until it comes out of the fire before taking another shot at it,” General Dudley tells all units.

  “There are people on the ground and people stuck on higher floors banging on the windows for help.”

  “You have your order,” Dudley replies.

  The young firefighter begins spraying water on the spherical fire. The water turns into little balls and floats forward.

  The UFO’s outside shields begin to glow and a clear shock wave of energy is spreading all around in different directions instantly putting the fires out.

  One of Jaden’s screens says: Matter, Atoms and oxygen atoms disrupted.

  The young firefighter looks in disbelief as his water floats into millions of one-inch bubbles. He sees the entire fire disappearing before his eyes on all four floors from the little water he sprayed. Firefighters, police and people on the ground begin to cheer for the young firefighter. He turns around and waves at the crowd smiling. The rain slows down as the heavy clouds pass by towards the east. The UFO quietly flies out of the building invisible.

  ‘Oh, thank you everyone! Thank you! It was all the UFO; advanced E.T. technology,’ Jaden proudly says to the cheering crowd below him.

  “Hit it now!” Dudley yells.

  The helicopter pilot sees the fireman below the UFO and stalls. The wings on the side of the spaceship turn vertical and Jaden slowly flies up the side of the seventy-story building.

  Another fast, low approaching stealth bomber flies down the avenue targeting the UFO slowly flying upwards.

  “I have a lock on the UFO08, I’m taking a shot,” the pilot says.

  “STB03, do not take the shot, too many civilians on the ground and witnesses watching now,” the helicopter pilot tells the stealth bomber pilot.

  The stealth bomber flying fifteen feet above the cars in the street tilts upwards 90° and fires a missile at the UFO. Jaden’s nanoscanners detect the fast moving stealth bomber and he takes evasive action. The UFO quickly accelerates up the side of the building. A strong force of air follows behind the UFO. A roaring sonic boom is created, echoing the loud boom downwards. The windows begin to break into millions of pieces that float in the air. They dance together making small clashing sounds and mix with bubbles of rain. The missile quickly crashes through the pieces of glass. The light rain and glass slowly dance together a few feet from the side of the building. Glass from other buildings in the area near the UFO begins to shatter as the sound travels in all directions. The buildings swirl back and forth, as the spaceship continues straight into the cloudy sky. The missile follows the UFO into the clouds. The glass quickly falls towards the ground as people run for cover. The firefighter on the ladder quickly runs into the floor where the fire was to avoid the glass. The shock wave freaks him out as he covers his ears from the sudden boom.

  The UFO quickly does a 180° turn and heads back towards the ground. The missile continues upwards. Jaden is getting upset at these aircraft firing missiles at him.

  ‘Where did that cocksucker stealth bomber go to?’ He asks.

  The nanoscanners are moving around autonomously while going where Jaden might want them to go. They are learning Jaden’s habits and things he usually looks at.

  ‘There he goes, flying south down 5th Avenue.’

  Still flying invisibly, he tries to catch up to the stealth bomber trying to get away. Rockets are shot from a military truck driving down the street. He quickly dodges the rockets shot at him. Jaden comes up behind the stealth bomber flying low down the avenues. It picks up speed as the UFO’s heat signature is detected. The nanoscanners quickly analyze its stealth technology.

  ‘Interesting material the body of this stealth bomber has. Let’s see, what can I use on you?’ Jaden asks, while he searches one of his weapon screens with alien symbols all over it.

  ‘Hmm…Let’s see what this does.’

  Jaden fires an unknown alien weapon towards the stealth bomber as the bomber pulls up from flying low. A small orange projectile torpedo is shot from under the purple molecule. It travels at high speed and misses the stealth bomber. The projectile disappears into thin air. The stealth bomber does twists in the air and heads west towards the Hudson River.

  ‘How did I miss that little bastard?’

  Many more jet fighters approach Jaden from the clouds in all directions. The stealth bomber pilot ejects from his aircraft and parachutes towards the ocean. He can’t comprehend why the pilot ejected even though he missed it. Jaden speeds up and continues heading south in Manhattan.

  ‘What a view this is! I can see everything like it’s a sunny day. I always wanted to do this!’

  Jaden flies in between the World Trade Centers. He always wanted to do that and everything feels like a dream coming true for him. To Jaden’s right he can see the stealth bomber crashing into the river creating a huge splash. The UFO slowly approaches the Statue of Liberty and stops.

  ‘Looking kind of green today, huh Miss Liberty? You have trillions of dirt particles all around your body Miss Liberty.’

  Jaden thin
ks about what that last alien weapon actually did. He thinks back and replays what just happened as the orange projectile went off. He zooms in and looks in slow motion.

  ‘The projectile completely missed. But the exhaust from the stealth bomber went off.’

  He zooms in on the ground in the area and he sees streetlights going out and cars shutting down. This intrigues Jaden and it gives him an idea.

  Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the UFO directly.

  ‘Shit! What was that?’ The electricity dances around the shields and goes into the purple molecule. It feels like a massage on his shoulders. The electricity slightly charges his weapon systems. Jaden concentrates on the army of aircraft coming towards him. He notices an alien character on his screen that reads: threat level 49%. He speeds up to 204 mph and heads up through the clouds.

  “Team leader 1 to Pentagon, the UFO08 was just struck by lightning and just flew into some low clouds. The UFO08 is no longer a civilian threat. We will fire all weapons at once.”

  Thirty-four jet fighters are spread miles across the sky targeting the UFO from all directions. Jaden can hear their engines roaring towards him. Stealth bombers, stealth F-117’s, F-15’s and many other jets speed up towards the UFO. Jaden stops above the clouds while the jet fighters approach within a few miles. Jaden gets the UFO to act as if it is damaged by going constantly visible and invisible. The UFO is also emitting dark vapors.

  “We can see the UFO08 on satellite now again. The object looks damaged. All units fire all missiles at target,” General Dudley says over the radio.

  A young officer whispers to the General, “Sir, if you fire those missiles over nearby residential areas and destroy the UFO08, it could explode like a nuclear bomb and kill people below. Staten Island, Brooklyn and Jersey are below the UFO08.”

  The General steps back, puts his right hand on his shoulder and looks the young officer in the eyes, “That is the chance I’m willing to take. Accidents happen every day; my job is to stop this UFO from making a mockery of the United States government. This wouldn’t be the first government cover-up. I’m sure the White House will come up with something good.”

  The young officer walks off and Dudley looks back up at the large monitor screens.

  One news helicopter is flying below the clouds circling as a military helicopter keeps them flying below the clouds.

  “There is definitely something going on above the clouds ladies and gentlemen,” a news reporter in a helicopter says in front of the camera.

  Jaden uses the nanoscanners to go out in all directions around him.

  ‘Damn that’s a lot of jet fighters….1, 2, 6, 34?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Thirty-four jet fighters? This is crazy. Okay, let me concentrate. Let’s see if the king can outsmart you pawns, knights and bishops. Hmm. . . . one chess piece against thirty-four.’


  Each jet fighter fires two missiles each at the UFO sitting in one place above the clouds at 3200 feet. The missiles cruise through the air from all directions, then speed up as they fly through a zero gravity zone. It’s quiet in the Pentagon office as everyone is looking at the monitor screens. Someone’s pager goes off, but it keeps beeping.

  The news reporter can see two surface to air missiles coming from the Staten Island Ferry. He can hear the missiles in the clouds. The anxious news reporter gets the pilot to fly around the military helicopter and into the clouds.

  Three orange larger projectiles are shot from the UFO and very quickly go below the missiles and into the clouds. The clouds light up orange for a few seconds in all directions then turn back to grey and white. An invisible shock wave spreads through the clouds and in all directions. The sixty-eight missiles lose thrust and continue to float forward facing different directions.

  “This is News Chopper 10 and we are in the clouds to see a glimpse of the stolen military jet the military claims it is trying to take down. Could they be terrorists? We are about to get a …”

  The camera goes off and the lights flash inside the helicopter. It starts to shake and the engine sputters. It is all white around them inside the clouds as they spin in all directions. The pilot’s control screens are all messed up and he does not know which way is up or down.

  “Holy shit! We are going to die!” The news reporter starts to scream into the non-working camera. The news helicopter begins to float upwards out-of-control. The military helicopters below the clouds lose control and head towards the river.

  The missiles float aimlessly in different directions. One explodes causing more to explode. The explosions turn into a huge sphere of fire. Another twelve missiles continue upward and some fall to the ground slowly spinning out of control. Some of the thirty-four jet fighters try to bail out and bank in different directions, but it is too late. They are caught in Jaden’s trap. They all lose power, controls, and thrust. They float up and then flip upside down in the direction they turned. Each jet continues to float out-of-control in the direction they turned before they lost power and controls. Several pilots parachute out of their aircraft as four jet fighters crash into each other. They parachute upwards and continue to go upwards in the zero gravity area. The other twelve jet fighters that were floating upwards slow down as they go outside the zero gravity zone. The pilots inside of the zone are still trying to get control of their jets. The jet fighters that banked downwards continue towards the ground, but speed up as they leave the zero gravity area. Those pilots eject out of their aircraft and open their parachutes.

  The news helicopter that was in the clouds continues to float out-of-control upwards with its blades slowly spinning. The passengers are screaming at the top of their lungs. It comes out on top of the clouds and in the middle of the chaos. The news reporter is lightly holding onto the handles. He can see all the jet fighters floating in different directions and some parachuting out. He looks to his far left and sees the UFO floating in one place. Even though he is spinning in different directions, he keeps his eyes focused on this exotic UFO just sitting in one place.

  “My God!” He yells in a shocked voice.

  The jet fighters floating upwards outside the zone change direction and speed up as they fall downwards. They slow down again as they go back into the zero gravity area. Half of the jet fighters parachute out of their aircraft and float upwards.

  ‘Damn this is funny and entertaining. Look at how stupid everyone looks, floating in different directions yelling and screaming in their cockpits. The force of the parachutes opening up and zero gravity is propelling the pilots straight into the sky,’ Jaden says.

  Jaden heads under the clouds. He sees jet fighters crashing in all directions and heading down in slow motion. Lightning bolts are striking to the east. Pilots are parachuting towards the water in all directions around him. Jet fighters are raining from the clouds. Everything is happening in slow motion for everything else, but fast for Jaden. There is a pilot falling near the Statue of Liberty that gets his attention. He quickly moves closer to the pilot and levels out. The Caucasian pilot in his early thirties is holding on tightly to his parachute with both hands and staring into the clouds as if he saw a ghost. Jaden notices the pilot is petrified, as the nanoscanner gets very close. The Statue of Liberty is facing the pilot and UFO. Jaden concentrates on his head and he sees what the pilot is thinking. Chemical messages and small impulses of electricity are moving all around his brain. Jaden sees images of the pilot’s kids, wife, and dogs. Images of his past, of dying and his life up to now.

  The pilot is shaking all around his body and his eyes look as if he is seeing a ghost. He has images of himself being in a coffin. Those images go away and an image of a gun appears. The scared pilot pulls out his handgun with his right hand from his jumpsuit. He holds onto the rope of the parachute with his left hand. The nanoscanner leaves his brain and is directly in front of the freaking out pilot. His mouth is wide open and fires his bullets at the UFO
only twenty-one feet in front of him. Everything is happening so fast for the pilot.

  “Pow, pow, pow.”

  The bullets stop a few feet from the UFO’s body and sit midair. The nanoscanner spins around the pilot as he continues to fire. Pilots and jet fighters can be seen crashing into the water and exploding on land in the background. Jaden moves forward as the wings flash and turn vertical. The pilot continues to fire his gun as he aims at the moving away UFO.

  “Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!”


  Jaden feels bad for freaking out the pilot. Orange and yellow exhaust shoots from the wings and tail. Jaden takes off north at breathtaking speeds and quickly gains altitude. The gravity in the area returns to normal. Stealth bombers, helicopters, jet fighters and parachuting pilots quickly fall towards the ground and river.

  The UFO flies back into the clouds and turns west at 1475 mph. Trails of cloud lines follow the spaceship. The nanoscanners keep up with the ship.

  ‘Let’s see how fast I can get to the west coast. I want to fly down Hollywood Boulevard and then tea bag the Hollywood sign.’

  Nothing is following behind the UFO. He reaches 2809 mph and continues to increase speed. Suddenly a grey and black camouflaged SR-71C Blackbird comes from below and begins to tail Jaden.

  ‘That’s a nice color, never seen you before. Let’s see if you can keep up.’

  Jaden increases his speed and reaches 5102 mph. The UFO is pushing the thick, hot air out of the way, as if it was cutting through water. The high speed is creating strong winds to the sides of the UFO. Wakes of sonic booms move in directions behind the UFO and Blackbird. The Blackbird keeps up and gets closer. Jaden tries to go faster. He feels the outside of the UFO getting hot as it creates friction against the air.

  ‘How can I go faster?’

  A few minutes pass by. Jaden is constantly changing altitude as he goes back down to 1700 feet.

  He scrolls through some screens. He sees Anti-matter light engines offline.

  Jaden tries to put them online, but they flicker and stay offline. As Jaden is concentrating on the light engines screen, he quickly switches his attention to what is going on outside the ship. He sees a large airliner heading towards the ground trying to land on a runway directly in front of him. Jaden changes direction as the airliner instantly appears in front of him. The UFO turns upside down at the last second. He flies under the belly of the airliner with hundreds of passengers on board and just misses the extending landing wheels. Jaden sees big buildings and recognizes the Sears Tower. The SR-71 Blackbird flies up higher just missing the slow airliner. Jaden flies above the buildings at 4177 mph. The powerful wind shaking feels worst than an earthquake. To the pilot it felt like strong turbulence. Their radar screens light up for a few seconds. People on the airplane look around at each other with confused looks.

  The UFO’s powerful supersonic wake catches up to the airliner and hits it with such force that it rips off the flaps on the wings. The landing gear just finished fully extending and windows crack and shatter. The cabin windows explode outwards and the loud engines fill the airwaves. The powerful jolt feels like a car crash. The aircraft lifts up from the rear and begins to nosedive. The airliner tilts left and right. The brave pilot fights the forces as his adrenaline kicks in. The co-pilot wakes up and looks around in shock. The passengers panic on the full 737 airplane. The two airline stewardesses lose their balance and fall to the floor. An older man in first class has his glass of wine splashed into his face. The first class passengers’ oxygen masks drop from overhead first. Passengers scream from the sudden explosion sound. They automatically think they were hit by a missile as the lights flicker onboard. All their belongings on their laps float into the air as they hold on to the seat in front of them. A second sonic boom hits their craft. They feel the aircraft continuing to lean upwards. The pilot increases the dual thrust with his right hand. The loud engines can be heard throughout the cabin at 150 db.

  “Oh my God!”

  “Terrorists!! We going to die!” A man yells as he covers his ears.

  “Pan Am bombing!” Another man yells.

  There are more screams and yelling. A stewardess crawls into the bathroom to cover her ears. Passengers can’t hear anything except the sounds of the engines on the wings. Young kids are screaming hysterically. The co-pilot radios into the tower. An Arab man with a turban on his head is praying and moving his body back and forth in the back row. A nervous white teenager sees this and points at the man.

  “Terrorist!!” He yells, but no one hears him over the loud engines.

  A religious female crosses her heart with her hand and puts her head between her legs. Female passengers’ hair is floating over their heads. Luggage falls from overhead as people think they are going to die. Passengers cover their ears from the sudden change in pressure and oxygen masks drop from above in the coach section. Babies are screaming hysterically and people urinate on themselves. An older man grabs his chest. A female holds her baby in her arms and puts the oxygen mask over the baby boy first. She also covers his ears from the loud roaring sounds. The pilot struggles to gain control of the aircraft only 500 feet from landing. The plane slowly levels back to horizontal. The airliner quickly accelerates and bypasses the airport landing.

  Jaden watches the airliner with a nanoscanner and sees that it is circling around to land. He witnesses the damage he caused, but is relieved it’s still going to land safely. Snow is on the ground in Chicago. Jaden sees the SR-71 pilot is far over him and he increases speed and altitude. He catches up to the SR-71 and is flying in front of it. He gets up to 5203 mph and tries to get the anti-matter light engines online. The pilot tries to get a lock onto the UFO. They go online and his nanoscanners disappear in front of him. The wings move closer to the body of the ship. The light engine power level goes to 0.1%. The outside of the UFO begins to glow yellow and it lights up as bright as the sun. All the sunlight in the area reflects into the UFO and it gets darker all around. The shields going around the UFO disappear and a vortex matrix shield forms 3000 feet in front of it. The SR-71 slows down and gets away from the UFO. Clear energy waves are being drawn in all directions towards the UFO. The sky around the UFO goes completely dark. The UFO flashes like a camera, then there is a very loud bang and it disappears. The force and powerful wind pulls the SR-71 and it spins forward out-of-control.

  12:45 pm

  “Where did it go? Does anyone see it?” General Dudley asks.

  “Sir, it is off the radar and it disappeared. The satellites aren’t picking up anything,” the second officer says.

  “Try the LRSB.”

  “That is a negative sir, it isn’t online yet.”

  “Damn! Shit!” Dudley yells. He takes a deep breath then continues, “That damn UFO08 has to be somewhere. It’s probably still on Earth somewhere. Activate all spy satellites all over the world to find this spaceship.”

  “Sir, the phones are ringing from law enforcement all across the country. They are saying there was a loud explosion from the sky and windows were broken in millions of people’s homes. Car windows and businesses have broken windows also. There are 100,000’s of citizens complaining of ringing in their ears. There are tornadoes reported forming from the sky in different mid-state cities,” the second officer tells the General.

  A satellite expert walks up to the General.

  “You need to look at this sir,” The red-eyed General Dudley walks over to the satellite expert and reads his paperwork.

  “Look at the clouds. They were floating eastwards at 12:30 pm. At 12:31 pm the clouds in this 200-mile radius are now floating westwards, creating tornadoes and deadly thunderstorms. In addition, a strong sound disturbance is spreading all over the world at Mach 100 speed from where the UFO08 was last spotted.”

  The General is speechless and doesn’t know what to make of it. Fifteen minutes pass by and the military is still trying to locate the UFO that disappeared. <
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  “Sir, North Korea is stating there is something flying straight down into their air space from 500,000 feet. They are saying it’s glowing yellow and have tremendous heat. They don’t know what to make of it,” the second officer says aloud in the office.

  “That’s it!” He yells. He gets up and looks at the screens. “That’s the son-of-a-bitch! Move all satellites to that location.”

  ‘What happened? Where am I?’ Jaden asks.

  Everything is bright yellow outside the UFO. Jaden feels intense heat all around his body. He feels as if he is baking in the sun and sauna at the same time. He wonders if he flew into the sun.

  Jaden switches to a nanoscanner and sees the ship heading down. He cannot control the ship anymore. He checks the screens: manual controls are offline and autopilot is engaged. He wonders what is going on and he reads that stage 2 is 99.9% complete.

  His altitude is 190,038 feet, speed 2309 mph. It is dark all around the ship. He realizes he is somewhere where it is nighttime. The nanoscanners quickly reach the ground and Jaden sees military aircraft with red stars on them taking off. Huge surface to air missiles are aimed upwards ready to be fired. He notices the colors and a red star flag. Jaden notices he is in North Korea and sees thousands of angry Asian people pointing and looking up at him. A nanoscanner turns and looks upwards towards the UFO from the ground. The ship looks like a bright shooting star. The UFO slows down and stops midair at 31,001 feet. Surface to air missiles are fired from the ground. Jaden begins looking through the screens.

  ‘Preparing for space journey?’ Jaden asks and continues, ‘This isn’t good. Okay, you can drop me off at home now. I had fun in the futuristic UFO, but you can drop me off back in New York?’

  A minute passes by and Jaden continues to look through the virtual screens trying to see what is going on. Part of Jaden is curious about space and traveling wherever the ship will take him. But more of him is afraid of the unknown and what these aliens want with him. Panic sets in, as he has no control of the ship he is in. What is controlling the UFO is puzzling to him. He thinks about talking to someone there, but nothing happens. He is a prisoner and passenger on this exotic UFO. The yellow bright glow around the ship slowly fades away by the very cold air. Jaden checks on his body.

  ‘Oh wow! Look at my body.’

  His body is semi-transparent in a cocooned fetus position. His organs can be seen glowing different colors. He can actually see his heart slowly beating through his lungs. Jaden takes a closer look and he sees his veins and millions of little nanobots of different sizes moving through his bloodstream. He wonders what those nanobots are doing. Just then, one of the screens shows stage two complete. It quickly changes to stage three 15%. The percentage number slowly counts up.

  Twenty-four North Korean jet fighters are approaching the UFO. Jaden continues to check out the different alien screens as he tries to make sense of it.

  ‘Wait a second,’ he pauses, ‘Some of these screens are in alien symbols, but I understand what they mean. Cool!’

  He can see 20-30 alien characters inside of one symbol and they come out in 3D.

  Micro Oxygen cells 100%, Pressure around human body 100% normal @ 1000 feet sea level, Anti-Matter / Matter stable 100%, Light Engines 80%, Shields Strength 75%, Matrix Vortex shields 20%.

  ‘These Korean bastards are firing at me. Man, I want to take out all their missiles and jet fighters.’

  The jet fighters get to about 3000 feet away and fire their missiles. The front of the UFO points upwards towards space and accelerates. Creating a small sonic boom, the missiles quickly change direction and follow. The jet fighters fire their machine guns and cannons, but they do not hit anything. The UFO continues to increase speed. The missiles explode in the air like fireworks behind Jaden.

  ‘78,000 feet, 6231 mph, oh shit!’

  ‘The outside of the UFO heats up again. The UFO also begins to shake as it passes through the upper atmosphere and freezing cold temperature at -175°F. The air outside the ship gets thinner and the shaking slowly goes away. The ship greatly increases speed. The UFO reaches 430,081 feet at 9808 miles an hour. Then 17,089 miles an hour at 780,088 feet as it reaches the beginning of space in lower orbit.


  Chapter 3: 30 minutes to Jupiter