Read BIO-Sapien series book 1 - Destination optic warp Page 14

  August 19, 1999 Saturday 1:45 am


  Jaden and his father Tony stand in their backyard taking turns looking through the telescope. Tony has salt and pepper hair on his head and face. His father stands at 5’8” 175 lbs with blue eyes and a full beard. Tony is full-blooded Italian, is in his mid-40’s, and has glasses on. They both drank a beer and talked to each other.

  “I’m proud son, that you had a good first semester in college. You graduating early from high school was a good idea,” Tony said.

  “Well thanks to you pops, you being the principal and all. The good grades and the few strings you pulled really helped out a lot,” Jaden said.

  “No Jaden, you did that all on your own son. You studied hard and graduated with the required credits.”

  “Well, thanks for putting the paper work through for me and getting me into this community college so fast. I kind of miss you having my back in school. I enjoyed being the principal’s son throughout high school,” Jaden said while he looked through the telescope.

  “I enjoyed being there for you while you were in high school. So what are you going to do now with your life son? Where do you see yourself in ten years?”

  “Well I hope to transfer to a four year Ivy League college. I would still like to get a physical science degree, then a master’s in it. I want to try to pass the MASA’s physical examination. If I can’t get into MASA, then I’ll settle for being a commercial pilot. I love flying things.”

  “Sounds like a plan son. I’m proud of you, in whatever you do. I’m glad I was able to be here for you while you were growing up. It is very tough being married and raising a family these days. My personal advice would be to get married in your late thirties and have children in your mid-forties. Be very sure before you get married or have any children. Be with the person for at least ten years before you think about having children with them. Women and men change over time, people grow into different people. They evolve into different people over time; find out what the female could grow into as early as possible. Spouses growing away from each other is the biggest problem in marriages these days. Divorce is much higher than it used to be and marriage just isn’t the same anymore.”

  “I understand, pops. You’ve been telling me this for the past ten years….”

  “I have to drill this into your head, because most teenagers make their life decisions around your age. Between seventeen and twenty-five are the years most men and women make their decisions for the rest of their life. Many young men and women around these ages think they know everything and ruin or change their lives forever. Men going to jail and getting criminal records for life, women getting pregnant at an early age, women being with the wrong man at an early age, getting on drugs, ruining their credit and joining the military are the biggest mistakes young people make during these years….”

  His father opened another beer and guzzled it down. He started to talk with a slight slur in his speech.

  “…the military stole my son from me. They used him as an infantry marine test dummy. He wasn’t fully ready mentally to be on the front lines during the Gulf War. He was so eager to serve his country, to do things on his own and not listen to me. He could have joined the National Guard, non-infantry, Air Force or the navy to serve his country safely. He didn’t think we would go to war the following year. I told him the United States is in some kind of war every ten years. We are always in the world’s business; you never know when troops are going to be deployed…”

  Jaden looked at his father with watery eyes. The moon shined brightly over them.

  “You did your best pops. Douglas made his own decision for his life. It isn’t your fault.”

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do if I lose another son.”

  “You aren’t going to lose me pop. I’ll be here for you.”

  “Just remember, the people who run this country are very arrogant, money and power hungry. They want to eventually control us like animals. Our history proves this, cover-ups and conspiracies is the American government’s way. They betrayed Douglas and covered up his death. Eventually they will betray you, son, watch your back. If all else fails, save yourself and the people you care about.”

  “Pop, what are you talking about? You aren’t making any sense. Pop, I think you are having too much to drink,” Jaden said while he took the beer from his father’s hand and placed it near the telescope.

  “I’m not drinking too much, I’m fine. Give me that beer back.”

  “Let’s talk about something else, then. You were beginning to sound like those freedom of speech protestors.”

  “Mark my words, we are going to be in another senseless war in the next ten years. We need another country to bully. Wasting trillions on invading another country when we can’t even get our own country in good shape. Those trillions we spend on wars, that money could have been used on universal health care, giving every citizen a proper education and making our country stronger. You don’t see China, Canada and Australia invading other countries…”

  “Dad, dad dad! Let’s talk about something else…”

  “…No, I’m going to finish this last point about this country. Republicans are like religious backward thinkers fueled by money for the rich. They do the opposite of what democrats do. Democrats are like scientists and forward thinkers of change for poor and middle class. Independents are like traitors always choosing different sides. Republicans think in a collective, like the Borg in Star Trek. Special interest groups feed their pockets telling them how to think. The political system is a joke with both sides, mostly opposing each other…”

  Tony’s blood alcohol level passed .12. Jaden attempts to get his father out of his long politician discussions.

  “Dad, what did you think of Amy last month when you met her at the BBQ?” Jaden asked.

  “Your girlfriend? She’s okay, for now. I don’t think she is the one for you though,” Tony said.

  “Why not, what do you mean? You don’t like her?”

  “She is a good; good for now girlfriend. I don’t see you being married to her. I can sense she is going to change in the future.”

  “How can you sense this?”

  “She isn’t sure of herself. She tried very hard to impress us, as if she was trying to hide something. She was putting up a front, that wasn’t her true self. She is one of those people that would change ten years from now and you two would end up hating each other. Whatever you do, don’t get this girl pregnant. I’m sure you will find your soul mate down the road. You would know deep down if she is the one for you.”

  “I know deep down now, that Amy is the one for me.”

  “Son, search your feelings…”

  Jaden walked over to his father and placed his hand on his shoulder.

  “You sound like Yoda from Star Wars now. Pop, I love Amy and I can picture myself being married to her down the road. I’m going to stay with her, no matter what happens, just like you and mom.”

  “You young people, with your falling in love with each other so fast. You are eighteen-years-old Jaden; you have the rest of your life ahead of you, why are you worrying about being in love so soon and thinking about marriage at such a young age?”

  The question echoes in Jaden’s memory. The images go black and fade away.


  February 13, 2000 11:40 pm

  Jaden drove home late from school after studying in the library. It was a cold, rainy, foggy night. He was on a road driving towards his home two miles away. There weren’t any cars on the road. Jaden saw something glowing and floating in the air towards his right.

  “What the hell is that?”

  Suddenly a bright light shined from it towards Jaden’s car. He pulled over quickly on a snow embankment. His tires briefly glided on the ice and the driver’s door sprung open. He walked a few feet away from the car tha
t is still running with the headlights on. Cold smoke left his mouth. The light quickly disappeared and the shiny object levitated in the air pointing towards him. Jaden felt as if the object read his mind and scanned his thoughts. The object quickly goes into the nearby field. He ran onto the private property. The images fast-forward and skip to him touching the UFO’s wet outside. Static electricity came from the body of the ship to Jaden’s fingers. He is hypnotized by its beauty and silver bluish color. The vision faded away.

  Twenty minutes later Jaden went home and called James on the phone.

  “James, James wake up,” Jaden whispered on the phone.

  “What? What? It’s 12:05 am.”

  “I found something; I think it is a UFO or something.”

  “Come on man, a UFO? You been eating those weed cookies again late at night? I remember the last time you ate too much of one of them. Tell Amy’s friends to stop making them so potent and go by the recipe. You tripping out again and it’s twelve in the morning. I’m still high from earlier and I have to wake up in six hours.”

  “I’m telling you man, I’m not eating any weed cookies. I saw something amazing. Then I saw government vehicles in the area when I was driving home. I’m telling you man, I saw something real. I’ll tell you later, I forgot these phones could be being monitored.”

  “Yeah, tell me later, tell me about your new E.T. spaceship friends later. Later.”

  Jaden fell asleep in his room. The morning comes and he heard his parents leaving for work in the morning. He smelled the breakfast his mother left for him on the kitchen table. He woke up thirty minutes later, showered and dressed. Jaden turned on the radio and listened to the news while he ate his cold eggs, sausages, home fries and pancakes.

  There was a loud knock on the door. He opened it and Major Robinson stood there with a serious look on his face. Jaden saw the military uniform and a cold chill went through his body. He stopped chewing the food in his mouth and looked the Major in the eyes.

  “How can I help you today?”

  “Are you Jaden Marino?” He asked.

  “Yes, I am….”

  The memory fades away.

  February 14, 2000 9:30 pm


  Amy pulled her Pathfinder SUV into a parking lot space outside of Saratoga Lake.

  “Turn the car off and your lights,” Jaden said in a loud whisper.

  “Jaden, why can’t you drive your car and why are you hiding in the back seat of mine?” she asked while turning around to talk to him.

  “There are people watching me and following me. I saw people following me at school today.”

  “What people? You are paranoid baby,” she said.

  “I’m serious. Remember the spaceship I told you I found last night?”

  “Yes. I thought you were just joking with me.”

  “Ever since I found it, I’ve been seeing government vehicles driving around town. Then I called James when I got home last night. I know the government was monitoring all phone calls in the towns. This morning, this scary looking military man knocked on my door to ask me about the UFO. James was the only person I called. I’m telling you, they are watching me and following me. They want to know what I found, so they could cover it up and make me disappear,” he pleaded.

  “Do you know how crazy you sound?”

  “Yeah,” he said while peaking out the back window.

  “Baby, listen, I’ve been horny all day today. I’m so happy today is Valentine’s…”


  ‘Shit, I forgot today was Valentine’s,’ Jaden said to himself.

  “…I want you to fill my hungry kitty cat up,” she said while climbing into the back seat with him.

  She pushed the front seats up and brought one of the rear seats down.

  “Lay down on that side baby.”

  Jaden lies on the flipped down seat side. She took his jacket off and unbuckled his pants.

  “Did your soldier miss me today?” She asked.

  Jaden leaned up and looked out the side window as a car drove by.

  “Baby! Your soldier friend is sleeping. He is never sleeping on me,” she said.

  “I guess he isn’t ready for basic training today.”

  “I know the ancient secrets to awaken your sleeper cell soldier,” she said while she climbed over him and kissed him on the mouth.

  She kissed his neck, down to his chest and continued south. Jaden quickly thought about the Wheel of Fortune game show.

  “Whoa! Ding, ding ding! I would like to solve the puzzle Pat: My soldier is ready for the Vietvagina jungle. You are correct! The audience applauses,” he said while clapping his hands.

  She giggled while Jaden laughed.

  Amy pulled down his pants and climbed on top of him.

  “Here’s the condom right here,” Jaden said as he waved it in the air as if he had a flag in his hand.

  “Damn, that was quick. Did you pull that out of your ass?” She asked in a sarcastic tone.

  “Yep, ass cheek pocket. I saved this special extra sensitive, almost like wearing nothing condom just for tonight.”

  “We can use that special condom in a second. Let me feel my soldier without his bulletproof jacket on first.”

  “You are a raw dog pirate matey I see,” he said.

  “Arrggghhhh matey, I’m taking your buried treasure and there is nothing you can do about it. Arrggghhhhh,” Amy imitates a pirate while holding his arms down and slowly scratch up his arm to his chest.

  A light reflected off Amy’s body and the shadow of the light slowly moved behind her. Jaden entered her and she gave off a slight moan of pleasure. Jaden closed his eyes and enjoyed the instant feelings of pleasure moving up his spine up to his brain. Her eyes are closed and she had a smile on her face, while she gained momentum. She pushed up and down from his chest with her right hand. Jaden heard a car driving by from a distance and gets distracted. He held on tightly to the condom in his right hand.

  “Baby, concentrate. How does that feel?” She asked as she rubbed her breast under her size 34D bra.

  “It feels like two warm, slimy, meaty, wet fish smashed together.”

  “Silly! You saying my love hole smells like fish?”

  Jaden opened his eyes and looks at Amy.

  “Of course not, it smells like roses. But, I think we should put this on now.”


  “Hey, what car is coming up with those bright lights?”

  Jaden leaned up, looked out the rear window as the slow moving vehicle pulled up closer with high beams on. Amy leaned down under the windows glass level while her ass continued to move. He gets nervous and his heartbeat increased and then the dark colored SUV parked in a parking space across from them. The images faded away.


  February 15, 2000 5:05 pm

  The doorbell rang at his parents’ house. Jaden was upstairs doing his homework in the dark with a small flashlight and he heard it. Jaden’s mother Stacey walked to the door. Jaden tiptoed to the staircase and listened.

  “Ma’am I’m Sergeant Peters. I’m with the government special affairs unit…” he said while showing his ID.

  Jaden panicked and his mind was moving 1000 miles an hour. He became very nervous and panics, but stayed focused to the conversation.

  “…Your son Jaden Marino is wanted for questioning.”

  “How do you know I’m his mother and what are you questioning him for? Is he being charged with something?” She asked.

  “No, we just want to ask him some questions about something he witnessed driving home two days ago. We also need to run some radiation tests on him.”

  Jaden began to pace back and forth while freaking out. He peeked out the hallway front window and saw dark colored trucks with government hazmat plates.

  “Tests? What did he witness? Why aren’t the local police questioning him?” She asked.

  “I’m not at liberty to say.”

  She folded her arms and looked at him with a cold look.

  “I’m not at liberty to help you then. My husband will be home in an hour, you can come back then. He was in the Air Force and he understands your language better than I do.”

  She closed the door and he put his foot in the doorway, right before it closed on him.

  “Ma’am we need the boy to come with us now, or I will arrest you and him. Then I will charge you with interfering with a high-level government investigation. We are above local police and federal jurisdiction. Let us talk to your son for a few minutes outside. You and your husband can meet us at this address,” he said while handing her a card.

  She looked Peters in the eyes and saw that he was serious.

  “Jaden, come here for a second. Someone wants to talk to you!” She yelled.

  Upstairs, Jaden’s rear bedroom window was wide open.

  “Jaden! Get your ass down here, when your mother is calling you. I know you hear me!”

  Peters listened to his earpiece, “The jewel is on the run.”

  “We will be back ma’am,” Peters said while he turned around and jogged to the truck.

  “Jaden! Where are you?” She asked while closing the front door.

  Jaden jogged through neighbors’ backyards, with his head down.

  ‘You assholes aren’t getting me and making me disappear. I’ve seen enough conspiracy shows. I know where I’ll hide, where you can’t find me at,’ Jaden said to himself while breathing heavy.

  The images fade in and out. Another image shows him in the cornfield. Everything goes completely dark in the flashback.