Read BIO-Sapien series book 1 - Destination optic warp Page 8

Thursday February 15th, 2000 5:30 pm

  Upstate NY – 20 mies north of Albany 


  Jaden, a 19-year-old male, runs through a tall, dry cornfield as he tries to evade the military and men in white jumpsuits. As he zigzags through the dead cornstalks in an attempt to lose his pursuers, he notices that he has begun to lose feeling in his hands. Acknowledging the biting effects of the cold, Jaden breathes hot white breath onto his fingers while rubbing his almost numb hands together to combat the cold on this February night. Still running, he peers back and sees no one. Did he lose them, he wondered, but only for a second. He pauses for a moment thinking he lost them and then listens to the distant voices behind him before continuing to dash through the field. The sound of a helicopter closing in on him unnerves him, yet pushes him to move faster. He knows he has to find this thing. The frigid air cools his lungs and causes his chest to burn, but he can’t let it stop him. He has to find it before the soldiers catch up with him, or worse, find it first. He scans the area and then decides to dart east and travel that direction for a few hundred feet and then like a mouse in a maze changes direction and pursues a northerly path.

  Jaden,standing at 5’9” and weighing 160 lbs, is the child of bi-racial parents, which shows in his fair skin tone as well as in his blue eyes and black, slightly curly hair. He is wearing a black and blue NY Giants jacket, black winter hat that comes down to his eyebrows, blue jeans and a blue jersey, which he thought would be enough to keep him warm, he was wrong. He can feel the chill from his head to his Michael Jordan sneakers. All he can do is ignore it because he doesn’t have the luxury of trying to find shelter and warming himself up. He has a mission to accomplish, one that is extremely important to him and obviously to those quickly gaining ground on him.

  One mile south of where Jaden found himself, a military helicopter carrying Major K. Robinson cuts through the sky. Robinson yells into the two-way radio that he is holding close to his mouth. On the other end is Sergeant Peters, who has to pull his radio away due to the volume. 

  “I don’t care what you have to do Sergeant. I want this kid apprehended or wounded, and I want the UFO08 found in one piece. This is the most important find we have had in years, not to mention the strongest energy source ever detected in an alien aircraft. We know it is somewhere in the area.”

    “Okay sir, I understand,” Sgt. Peters replies in a raspy voice. 

  “We know this kid is going towards it now and he will lead us to it,” Robinson says as he begins to regain his calm.

  “The Uf1-retrac team is with my men, we are less than 100 feet behind the subject. We will shoot to wound him if necessary. We will apprehend him once we locate UFO08,” Sgt. Peters says.

  “I have confidence in you Sergeant,” Corporal Major Robinson lowers the communication device from his face and continues to look out of the helicopter at the massive field.

  Jaden picks up his pace as he continues to take deep breaths and exhale the cold winter air. The white breath flows past his chest and disappears. The sounds of his footsteps and cornstalks are heard swooshing around him in stereo sound. The sky is slowly getting darker like a movie camera fade as the leftover sunlight slowly retires over the cornfield’s horizon to the west. He is pushing huge five-foot high cornstalks out of his path. Jaden finds a path over some grassy patches and increases his momentum. The nerves in his upper right arm send a pinching, burning sensation to his brain and a split second later his ears report a gunshot.

  He hears the sound of a bullet echoing in all directions away from him. The force and sudden pain of the bullet causes Jaden to lose his balance and he tumbles towards the grassy ground. He lands on his stomach, which knocks the air out of him, he slides a few feet. As he struggles to catch his breath, the smell of corn and earth infiltrates his nose and pieces of dirty hay bond with this clothes. The high-speed bullet hit him in the upper right arm, just missing the bone. He is lucky it is just a flesh wound as he looks at the injury to his arm stunned.

  Adrenaline releases from the adrenal glands above his kidneys and quickly enters his bloodstream. He can’t believe he is shot and begins to panic. The fear of being shot again and dying quickly crosses his mind sending him into a panic. The torn muscle tissue and skin continue transmitting pain to his brain. His heart is beating a mile a minute and he reaches for his wounded shoulder.

  His adrenaline diverts some of the pain and energizes him. He takes a deep breath and, while pressing on his wound with his left hand, he quickly stands back up while crouching and looks behind him. He hears voices from a distance, but doesn't see anyone. He slowly jogs off the path and back into the bushy cornfield holding his wounded shoulder. Fear continues bubbling up and he feels a hole in his stomach, but he doesn’t have time to be scared.

  “We hit him Major, but he got back up and is still running. It was a difficult shot to take,” Sgt. Peters says.

  “We don’t want him dead yet. I’m not far from your location. Make sure your men are using their night vision and heat sensor scopes.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Jaden approaches a small farm on the left, on his right is an elevated flat mound. The winter wind is blowing through his hair and across his face. He jogs into the open area and then back into another cornfield, while crouching down. Three military men in black camouflage clothes are less than 300 feet behind him with their assault rifles drawn. They have night vision goggles protruding from over their eyes. They signal to each other with their fingers as they quickly walk ten feet apart. Two of them can see the cornstalks moving from a distance.

  Jaden is breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. He thanks his training on the track team for allowing him to jog for such a long distance. The blood drips down his arm and soaks his blue jacket. He increases the pressure on his wound, while the wind blows by his face.

  Jaden’s eyes are scanning in all directions. He knows it’s around here somewhere. He remembers it being a little further on the right. This is where he remembers seeing it last. He hopes it didn’t move or leave.

  A military helicopter with a bright spotlight quickly approaches from behind him. Jaden rolls to the ground and holds cornstalks with both hands to keep them from moving. He lays there motionless and breathes deeply. He listens as the helicopter quickly flies by and over him. He takes his left hand and puts pressure on his injury. He yells to himself with his mouth closed, emiting a loud moaning sound. Panic and fear kicks in as his mind begins to race.

  He looks up and the helicopter is somewhere in front of him. He continues to scan the sky and sees the stars glowing. Jaden remembers when he was younger, when he would look through his telescope late at night and look at the billions of stars. That was an innocent time in his life, when he wanted to become an astronaut when he grew up. His mind quickly comes back to reality and struggles to push himself up with his left hand. He wishes he did more one-hand push-ups in gym instead of doing them just to impress women.

  He stands up slowly and looks around noticing stalks in the cornfield moving on three sides. He continues forward while crouching coming up to where the cornfield ends and patches of grass cover the ground. He smells the odor of animals and he hears cows mooing in front of him in harmony as if they are singing a song. He hears different frequencies of sounds coming from behind the cows and it doesn’t make any sense to him. He walks around the first cow. He pets the second one and it wags its tail faster. The curious cow stops eating grass and turns towards him. Jaden remembers cow tipping when he was younger and hopes these aren’t the same cows. A bloodstain is left on the cow’s side.

  “Moooooo, Mooooo,” the cows communicate. The twenty or so cows appear to be standing around something.

  The grass makes a slight crunching sound as he walks by. This is where Jaden was a few days ago when he first witnessed the silver-bodied UFO landing on the ground. He remembers ho
w the ship felt as if it was reading his mind when he walked close to it. He approaches the same area, but only sees a large hole in the ground. The hole in the ground is about forty feet long, seven feet deep and thirteen feet wide. Jaden tries to climb down into the hole, but senses something is there. Suddenly his mind feels as if it is being read again and the sensation is making him dizzy and queasy. He doesn’t know if it’s from losing blood or the feeling in his mind. He thinks that the ship has to be invisible.


  Jaden feels as if something is watching him. He quickly turns around and sees a blurry blue shadow of something abnormal about fifty feet in the air. His eyes focus, but he doesn’t see anything. He turns back around to the open area and something flashes in front of his eyes. The UFO turns visible and then invisible. This repeats every half second for a few seconds and then it stays visible. Jaden stands in disbelief as the UFO appears, but in a different shape than the way it did a few days ago. The silver metallic UFO now looks boxy and rectangular, but the color is still the same. There is not anything aerodynamic about it. Light particles can be seen moving around inside of the craft. The ship is about eleven feet tall, which is taller than the first time he saw it. A few cows slowly walk away. The volume of their mooing increases as they communicate with each other in a nervous tone.

  The soldiers hold position and aim their rifles. Jaden’s body heat blends in with the huge cows in the night scopes.

  Jaden can’t believe how nice the reflective liquid in the body looks up close. He walks around the side of the ship looking for the peculiar opening he noticed the last time he was here. His breath leaves condensation on the body of the ship. 

  “My men have the UFO08 in sight. We also see a bunch of cows surrounding the subject and the UFO08. We are waiting for your orders,” Peters says in a confident voice into the radio.

  “Why didn’t the HCT55 (top-secret helicopter) spot the UFO08 sooner?” Major Robinson questions.

  “It wasn’t there before, sir. I’m sure it wasn’t there. We didn’t even spot it with radar, heat sensors or our night vision cameras.”

  His voice increases in volume over the small radio, “Listen Sergeant, we need this contained as soon as possible. I want you to take the subject into custody. We’ll need to interrogate him later. We never encountered a ship like this and we don’t know what to expect. I don’t want any chances taken on this, just wound the subject. I want the area quarantined and sealed off, no one within two miles of this site.”

  “Yes sir, but there is a slight problem, we can’t get a clear shot on the subject from here. My closest shooter is twenty-two yards away and the cows are in the line of fire.”

  “I don’t care! Shoot all the standing hamburger if you have to,” Major Robinson yells, “I want this subject taken down. Use your silencers; he has nowhere to go. Keep your men away from the UFO08; we don’t know what kind of radiation or toxins are being emitted from it. The UF1-retrac team will handle any containment.”

  “Yes sir.” 

  Jaden is still nervous with butterflies in his stomach. He found the ship, but he isn’t sure what his next step will be. He’s cold and the pain from his wound keeps entering his mind. Jaden walks completely around the ship, while continuing to press on his injury. He admires its shiny, liquid metal body and boxy shape. Curiosity slowly takes over his fear of the situation.

  ‘I wonder if there are any aliens inside,’ he asks himself. 

    Jaden sees a compartment glowing on the side of the ship in an area he already passed by before. He looks closer and sees a hand-shaped indentation on a flat surface glowing. Curious, Jaden puts his left hand over the blue light. The blue light becomes brighter and then something pierces his hand in several locations. The nerves in his hand send the signal to his brain at 300 feet per second. He tries to pull his hand back, but can’t move it. He feels a tingling sensation all over his body. Blood is being drained from his hand. He has a surprised look on his face as he continues to jerk his body back to retrieve his hand, but the ship won’t let go.

  Jaden’s hand feels as if bees are stinging it. He stops trying to move his hand and he suddenly hears two loud thumps behind him. The thumps can be felt from the ground and two cows drop from gunshot wounds. Another cow drops to the ground and they are groaning and mooing. He knows he is probably next. A helicopter approaches and hovers over the area shining a bright light down on Jaden. He looks up and squints from the bright light.

  He knows they have him surrounded and not being able to move is continuing to make his heart beat faster. He continues trying to remove his stuck hand. He sees the end of the cornrows moving and hears the helicopter blades cutting the air over him. The wind from the helicopter is blowing in his face and moving the grass around him. Another cow falls to the ground and is laying there silent. Each thump is adding a few hundred goose bumps to his legs. The cows’ bodies are shaking and moaning. The wind and noise from the helicopter makes the remaining cows move towards the barn. Jaden’s body is still turned around half way, while his hand is still stuck on the side of the ship. The ship has stopped draining blood from his hand, but he still can’t move. He turns his body back towards the blue light and struggles to move his hand. The surviving cows are gone. Five are dead on the ground and two are still moaning trying to move their legs. Jaden realizes that he is next and he could die at any second.

  “Come on, let my hand go, you have your blood sample! I’m a sitting duck here!” Jaden yells to the ship while continuing to struggle. Suddenly it goes dead quiet around him and he doesn’t hear the cows moaning or the helicopter blades chopping the wind over him. The grass on the ground stops moving and the wind stops blowing down on him. He feels as if he is in a closet or has gone completely deaf.

  ‘What the hell is going on?’ he asks himself in an uncertain voice.

  It is so quiet around him that he can hear his heart beating while he continues to take panicky deep breaths. In and out, his heavy breathing echoes around him. His exhaled breath flows down his jacket and onto the metallic body of the ship creating a slight fog on the UFO. Suddenly there is a very low thumping sound as if a bird hit an outside window from behind him causing Jaden to jump. 

  He turns back around to see what’s going on behind him. It is very quiet and he hears nothing around him. He looks in the distance and his vision is a little blurry. He suddenly notices a dim wall of light. Jaden’s pupils contract as he focuses right on a red dot in front of himself. Small goose bumps go up and down his arms and legs. His heart races as he tries to figure out what he is looking at. It captivates all his attention at the moment. He temporarily ignores all of his pain and stretches his left arm from the glowing blue area.

  As he gets within a few inches, he notices the red dot has a little sparkle of fire behind it, floating in midair. He moves his head forward to try and discern what this thing is, but his head stops on a solid, invisible force. He looks closer at the sparkling fire in midair and notices it’s a long tracer bullet. Jaden stares with his wide-open eyes and mouth in disbelief as his head rests against the solid force. The red dot suddenly moves towards the center of his head. A low thumping vibration is felt throughout Jaden’s body in milliseconds. He jumps back towards the ship while bending his left arm and freaks out. His bladder slightly releases itself from the sudden shock of what he sees in front of his eyes, his breathing increases and his hands begin to shake.

  Jaden crouches and bends his knees towards the ground. Jaden sees the red dot following him and it stops eighteen inches in front of his chest. He moves to the left and right, but the dot follows him. Another low thumping sound is felt in his body. The wall in front of Jaden lights up. He begins to hyperventilate from breathing so fast. His jaw shudders as his eyes stay focused on the red dot that keeps moving towards him.

  He looks in disbelief as the skin around his body is overtaken by goose bumps. His mouth and ey
es are wide open. The slightly lit wall turns invisible again and three bullets remain floating. The logic in his brain tells him the ship formed some kind of shield in front of him to protect him.

  A drop of blood falls from the right shoulder of his jacket to the grass. He can actually hear the drops of blood splashing onto the grass. The red dot disappears and his left hand is released. He quickly turns his hand around to analyze it. He doesn’t see any bleeding or damage.

  The red dot reappears lower, twelve inches from his chest in front of him. Again, he hears a low thumping bass sound and he reacts by jumping backwards against the UFO hitting his head. There is sparkling fire like a bottle rocket burning behind the red dot. His eyes focus on the red and orange sparks of fire. He slowly walks to the side with his back rubbing against the ship. His jacket against the ship is making a loud rubbing sound. His eyes are wide open and the slightly lit wall becomes invisible again as the red dot continues to follow him. The low thumping sound hits again and his heart jumps. He stares at the red dot like a deer caught in headlights.

  5:42 pm

  “That is a negative, sir; I repeat that is a negative! Subject is still standing. It looks like something formed around the UFO08 and the subject protecting him. The bullet from my rifle seems to be sitting in midair near the subject,” Private Tandy yells over the two-way radio.

  Peters takes a deep breath and responds on the radio, “We need this subject taken down Private; Again, shoot to kill!”

  “Yes, sir. I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s like something right out of Star Trek!”

  “HCT55, do you have the UFO08 and subject in sight?” Peters asks.

  Peter’s radio comes on with helicopter noise in the background, “We have the subject in sight and the UFO08. We are about 150 feet above the subjects and switched to silent mode. Awaiting further orders,” HCT55 says.

  “I need to know what your sensors are detecting, HCT55.”

  “We have little to no radiation being emitted. Heat sensors aren’t picking up anything, except the cows near the subjects. X-ray detectors aren’t picking up anything. Radar also isn’t picking up anything. It’s like the subject isn’t there, but I can see him with my own eyes,” HCT55 unit responds.

  “I need you to take down the subject, try not to hit the UFO08. Shoot to kill!”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Sergeant Peters updates Major Robinson on the current situation.

  “We need this situation contained as soon as possible Sergeant Peters. I have landed and am walking towards your position now.” 

  Jaden slowly walks sideways along the ship to get away from the bullets. The red dots are gone, but the bullets remain in midair. He starts to feel weak from the loss of blood, which has soaked his jacket, but he knows he has to keep moving. A few minutes go by and he builds up some courage. His fingers extend out like a little kid touching something he never saw before. He tries to touch the fiery bullet and is stopped short by something that feels like a steel wall, but is invisible. The wall has very small light particles moving around on it as he investigates closer and lights up when he touches it. He knocks on it with his knuckles and the force field sounds and feels solid.

  After a few minutes go by of Jaden staring at the bullets that could have killed him, he begins to feel dizzy and woozy. He feels as if he is in a nightmare. He wonders how he is going to get out of this. Why did this ship take his blood? Who’s inside of here? What do they want with him?

  He begins to walk sideways again. Numerous red dots appear as Jaden begins moving sideways again and are following Jaden’s body as he walks. He feels trapped with nowhere to go. He hears another low thumping sound and he flinches with his back against the ship. He falls on the ground as several laser dots follow him. He closes his eyes and prays the bullets don’t penetrate the shield in front of him. He flinches with each impact. Jaden curls his legs up against his chest while he continues to put pressure on his arm. His hands and legs begin to shake from being scared out of his mind. He opens his eyes and sees dozens of sparkling bullets. With each thump, his eyes jump towards the direction of the sound. He also hears the low thumping sound coming from over his head. The military officer in the helicopter over Jaden fires a few rounds at him. Jaden’s bladder releases a few ounces into his underwear as his nerves and adrenaline rush around his body. He feels colder and colder and shivers as his teeth chatter. He feels like a rat caught in a trap. He realizes that each bullet was meant for him.

  He feels like crying, but suddenly he hears different frequencies of sounds coming from the ship. One sounds like a dial-up modem. He feels a burning sensation in his chest from breathing so hard. The cold smoke from his breath fogs in front of him causing the vision in front of him becomes very misty like steamy glass in a hot shower. The red dots look like little red stoplights against the foggy energy wall. He calms himself down as he realizes the bullets can’t hurt him and the ship is protecting him.

  He psyches himself up that the bullets cannot hurt him. A minute passes by and the thumping sounds cease. Abruptly there is a flash of colorful light pulsing where the blue light panel area is and hissing and buzzing can be heard as if pressure is releasing. Jaden turns his attention to his left and he hears simultaneous thumping sounds directly in front of him and over him. He quickly stands up and walks over to where the sounds came from, he is amazed at what he sees. There is a rainbow prism in front of him. A strange, musty smell comes from the opening.

  He is amazed at how it just appeared in the body of the UFO. He quickly realizes it is an entrance. He tries to see inside of the ship through the opening, but just sees bright colors. It looks similar to the way a rainbow looks after it rains. The colorful illusion and entrance quickly change to a mirror. He looks at himself in the mirror holding his wounded shoulder.

  Jaden is so intrigued by the colorful and exotic entrance to the ship he forgets he was shot and was just fearing for his life. He begins to question if he should enter the alien ship.

  He thinks to himself, ‘I’m nervous to go inside. What if these aliens abduct me and do experiments with me? Who’s inside here? What if I die? What is this ship here for? I heard about what these military people do to people who know too many secrets and how they end up disappearing. On the other hand, this could be the chance of a lifetime for me. There is a fifty percent chance these could be friendly aliens.’

  Jaden thinks about the bad aliens in the television show V, the Borg on Star Trek, Sith in Star Wars and the Alien movies. He believes he has better odds going in the ship than surrendering to the military. They already proved they wanted to put a bullet in his head, but the aliens could experiment on every piece of his body and never be heard of again. On the other hand, this could be his chance to learn of a different species or see how aliens think and what they know. He could learn technologies and science that no one else knows. He thinks he could come back a hero or with special powers like a superhero. This could be his only chance to see the stars up close. The negative side is that he would be leaving his family and girlfriend. He wishes she was here with him so they could do experiments on how fast her mouth moves.

  He stands there thinking while staring into the rainbow and a tear falls from his left eye. The thumping sounds continue all around him. He loves his family and friends a lot, but realizes entering the ship wouldn’t be any different from the military making him disappear. He knows way too much. Jaden realizes that this is his destiny.

  He looks in the liquid mirror-reflecting doorway to the ship. He sees at least nine bullets floating in midair behind him in the reflection, along with red dots. He looks up and he sees a bright light shining from the helicopter hovering above, but the light doesn’t shine on him through the shield. The shield around the ship is reflecting the light. He feels so weak as if he is about to pass out. He looks forward at himself in the mirror and gains some nerve.

s is it, I hope these aliens have a good medic and I hope that isn’t someone’s musty breath I smell.’

  Jaden extends his left hand through the liquid mirror doorway and it feels warm inside. He takes a few deep breaths, places his hand over his wounded upper arm and walks through the entrance. The bullets suspended in midair drop to the ground and sound like dozens of beans falling onto a carpet. The shield around the ship disappears along with the entrance. 

  6:03 pm 

  Major Robinson walks up to Sergeant Peters, who is huddled around four soldiers looking at a map of the area. Major Robinson is in his early fifties, stands about 5’11” and weighs about 210 lbs. He is wearing a standard light green military uniform adorned with many medals from over 30 years on his still muscular chest. He has served in the military since joining at eighteen. Major Robinson plays ball when it comes to serving his country, he follows orders and doesn't care what they are; he follows them to the fullest. Such devotion has taken its toll on him. His once full head of thick hair has now become salt and peppered and is starting to thin in the middle. Robinson's face shows the road map of his hard life. His brown eyes are set deep into the sockets. His pasty white skin is wrought with wrinkles and a trench-like scar is prominent on the side of his neck; a memento left from a would-be assassin in the Gulf War. Robinson was never much of a family man, instead focusing all of his attention on the army. This left him divorced and estranged from his wife and teenage son. 

  The soldiers stand up straight and salute Major Robinson.

  “At ease soldiers. What’s the situation Peters?”

  “The subject was being protected by some sort of energy shield from the UFO08. We fired several rounds from sharpshooters and the HTC55 unit, but impact was a negative. The subject was holding his wounded shoulder, while moving along the side of the ship. He eventually walked into the ship and disappeared. The bullets then fell to the ground.”

  “Oh my God,” Robinson pauses and then looks up into the sky, scratches his head and then continues to talk, “We need this contained as soon as possible before the media gets here and people start to see this. How did that little bastard get away? I want to strangle that little son of a bitch!” His loud voice echoes in all directions.

  “Sir,” Peters interrupts, “He’s not going to live long, remember he’s been wounded. He has lost a lot of blood by now.”

  Major Robinson looks into the binoculars and sees the UFO08 with his own eyes.

  “My God that is a beautiful ship. There is something different about this ship from the others I have seen at Area 51. The material of this ship’s body looks so smooth and defined. This one has to be from another galaxy. I want the Uf1-retrac team to move in now. I want the ship tied down and an electromagnetic cover over it. I do not want this ship to get away. We also need all the oxygen removed and any gases so this ship does not try to take off. I want someone to find an entrance to the ship or an opening. We have a new experimental device called a LRSB to help keep track of it.”

  “LRSB? What’s that sir?”

  “I’ll tell you about it when it gets here. That is all for now. I wanted this done yesterday Peters.”

  “Yes sir,” Peters says while walking away and quickly gets on the radio. The Uf1-retrac team walks towards the UFO08 in white protective suits with radiation detectors in their hands. Then they bring out computerized devices and start probing the ship. There are loud clanging sounds as some of the men set up spotlights. Robinson walks over to the farm to talk to the owner. 


  The opening behind Jaden disappears and his goose bumps continue to appear. It is very warm inside the ship and completely dark and misty as if he is behind a waterfall. His curiosity fades away and nervousness returns. The unknown is making his body tremble again. He slowly walks on the sticky, wet floor. He takes off his jacket because of the temperature and holds it between his left arm and torso. Jaden feels as if something is watching him. He puts his hands in front of him so that he does not walk into anything. He continues to take small steps forward.

  “Hello! Anyone here?” he asks.

  He sees something small and glowing, floating in the air like a lightning bug coming towards him. He takes some steps back to try and avoid it, but it quickly moves at him and goes into his wounded shoulder. It goes pitch dark again. He falls back onto the solid, wet floor and uses his left hand to break his fall.

  “What the hell?” he asks while he rubs his wrist.

  His voice echoes around him in the silence. Jaden reaches over to touch his wound and it feels numb. Suddenly his shoulder feels a slight burning sensation as if something is eating at the germs, the way peroxide does when put on a cut. He realizes it was some sort of alien Band-Aid to help him. There is a clear seal over his wound. He continues to breath heavy and he coughs a few times. It feels as if something is in his lungs causing him to cough repeatedly.

  Jaden hears watery sounds coming from all directions. It sounds like a bathtub filling up. He quickly turns around looking in all directions while he pushes himself with his legs and arms across the wet floor. He hears a small humming sound that quickly dissipates. Jaden feels warm liquid touching his sneakers, making his legs and socks wet. The warm water hits his body and sends warm sensations around his body. He quickly pushes himself up and stands up straight trying to escape this flood. Suddenly his body is frozen and he cannot move. There is an unknown force around him keeping him from moving, the same kind that was around his hand in the blue area. He cannot move his arms, legs or head. His feet are firm against the floor and he quickly moves his eyes around in the darkness. The unknown warm liquid continues to rush up his body. He thinks he is about to drown and he is helpless to do anything. His body feels as if it is stuck in sand as the warm 98.7°F liquid goes up to his stomach and then past his heart. Jaden does not smell any scent from the liquid consuming him.

  He starts to panic as he continues to cough and struggles to move. He briefly thinks this is some sort of test, but the irrational part of his brain takes over and he thinks the aliens on the ship are trying to kill him. The liquid reaches the bottom of his mouth and begins to pour in. He pushes out some of the liquid in his mouth. The liquid is tasteless and odorless.

  “Help! Someone help me!” Jaden takes a deep breath before being submerged in the mysterious alien liquid completely covering his body. 

  6:19 pm

  Major Robinson slowly walks from the farmhouse where he just finished talking to the owner of the property. He has two soldiers walking near him with guns hanging from their shoulders. He walks to where Peters is standing in a small command post area with television screens of the UFO08 at different angles. The small command post area is elevated on a huge mound of dirt.

   “Attention!” a soldier yells.

   Everyone stands up straight.

  “At ease men.”

  “Give me an update Sergeant.”

  “We can’t detect through the UFO’s hull yet, sir. We are bringing in a stronger instrument, the TC-100, that might be able to scan and penetrate the metallic body. So far, there aren’t any dangerous levels of radiation or harmful bacteria. The body is an unknown material, but appears to be some sort of bioship. It has biological components and a strong synthetic liquid type metal. Nothing we’ve seen before. It’s very strong!” Peters announces excitedly.

  Robinson continues to look at him with a serious look, “How about the titanium chains? The UFO08 fully secured yet?”

  “We almost have it fully secured, sir. The chains are being put around the object.”

  “Good, Peters, very good. Let me talk to you over here for a second Peters.”

  They walk to the side together.

  Sergeant Peters is a career military man like Robinson, but is smaller and leaner in stature with not as many medals on his uniform. He considers himself in peak condition, standing 5’7" and weighing 1
43 lbs. He has short black hair and a full moustache with flecks of gray coming through. His tanned skin reflects years of working with his troops. Although he has a gruff exterior, his soft hazel eyes reflect a kinder soul. Peters is married to a Japanese woman and recently celebrated the birth of a baby that he adores.

  He has been under Robinson for the past ten years, the past four of which they have developed a friendship. They don’t always agree, but Peters is good with following orders and knows the chain of command. His keen sense of right and wrong has cost him several promotions in the past.

  Robinson places his right hand on Peters’ shoulder and looks him directly in the eyes.

  “Listen Sergeant, if we can get this securely back to the base without any problems this would look very good on our resumes. Promotions for everyone by the end of the month. This ship will take years for us to fully dissect and learn its technology. We also need to detect if it is sending out any kind of signal into outer space. We wouldn’t want a thousand of these ships down here attacking us next week. I also want a report of how many life forms are on the UFO08 and what happened to that bastard kid. He’s probably in there getting probes shoved up his ass right now as we speak,” Major Robinson chuckles.

  Peters starts to laugh.

  “He’s having an E.T. probe encounter of the third kind with them,” Peters says laughing. Robinson starts to laugh aloud.

  “You’re going to give me a heart attack Peters; my fiftieth birthday is next month. Oh boy,” he coughs and clears his throat.

  “This kid is mixed with something right. He’s half black and half white right?” Robinson asks.

  “Yes sir, his mother is black and his father is white.”

  “What a mixed up kid, that is surely going to confuse the aliens. When they finish with him, they're going to call him Junglealienfever,” Robinson says.

  They both chuckle.

  “No, he’s going to have Jungleborgfever. When they finish assimilating him with their alien probes, he will be a quarter black, a quarter white and half borg,” Peters says. 

  “I knew that kid was going to be a problem from when I first met him a few days ago. I just wish we were able to detect the ship’s location without having to follow him to it,” Robinson stops joking.

  “What did the farmer say to you, sir?”

  “He didn’t know much. He said his cows were looking and standing around something for the last few days, but he never saw anything out there. I told him an experimental jet landed in his field. He believed me. If he didn’t, it wouldn’t have been hard to make that old fart disappear. He cared more about if his cows were okay. I told him the jet landed on a few of them and that we would reimburse him for the dead cows.”

  “Sir, what happens to all those witnesses who saw UFOs in the past?” Peters asks.

  Robinson looks around and doesn’t see anyone nearby them. 

  “There is a team called M1. They work out of Area 51 with us, but in different sectors. They specialize in covering up these types of situations. Every state has a secret base where they take these people. We destroy any evidence and we get all the information out of them. Then they are debriefed and/or drugged. We confuse them and get them to believe it was only a dream. Some come back with memory problems, some don’t come back at all. standard military protocol.” 

  “Some of these people have families and kids, isn’t there another way?”

  “It’s not up to me Sergeant; there are other people above me, including the Department of Defense and the Secretary of Defense. They all decide who lives and who dies to protect the interest of this country. If we can harness technology from these alien ships, we could upgrade our defense systems and have more advanced spaceships. We could also have more advanced technologies over our enemies. The Russians are doing the same thing when they find a UFO. They are much worse than us to people; they make anyone who has seen or say they saw a UFO completely disappear. At least we return people back to their families on drugs and confused most of the time, in roughly the same shape as before the incident. From our intelligence, they only have one or two little UFO crafts, similar to what we found in the past. According to Project Blue Book, we found five since the beginning of this century that landed in USA. We also uncovered two others buried near the Pyramids in Egypt. We did a successful job keeping it from the media and citizens. This UFO08 surpasses our previous finds from what I can see. We need to keep people away and the media far away. We don’t need any pictures or video being sent to television channels across the world. We also need to find out where this craft came from.”

  They walk back to the area where the television screens are. Robinson lights a cigar and stares intently at the video images of the UFO. The Uf1-retrac team has ladders on the side of the UFO; they are all over the UFO, checking everything. Ten men are on top of the ship, using little scanners and probing devices with metal poles. 

  The mysterious alien liquids fully submerge Jaden’s body in the darkness and he still cannot move. He is holding his breath and he can hear his heart beating all around him through the liquid, echoing like a lost beacon signal. He has been holding his breath for the past minute and he feels a burning sensation in his chest. He feels confused, alone and paranoid as if he is about to die. Unexpectedly, something sharp pierces his belly button causing him to blow out his last breath of air. His nervous system sends shockwaves of chemical messages. The final bubbles are exhausted from his mouth and disappear into the darkness, but he still hasn’t breathed in the liquid. Small needles begin to attack and pierce his body in different areas. Jaden has no choice, cannot hold out, and inhales the liquid around him. He coughs the slightly thicker than water liquid back out. Something goes into his vein on his left arm and injects something. Jaden starts to convulse and his blood pressure rises. He gags for air and his heart beats faster and faster. He struggles to move and to break out of this paralyzed imprisonment in his own body. His heart slows down to a very slow tempo and then it completely stops beating. His body lets off a few uncontrollable nervous twitches as his eyes roll into his head. Jaden goes into cardiac arrest.

  7:15 pm


  Major Robinson is sitting in a chair, gazing straight into the screen with the UFO08 on it.

  ‘I’m going to get you alien ship. The military is going to have a field day taking you apart. You think you can just protect people and get away with it. We are going to find out how you created that powerful force field. I guarantee you we will have that technology in the next few years. I would love to interrogate one of you little alien bastards, squeeze your big green heads and put you in the Area 51 circus with the rest of your freak families,’ he says to himself.

  He continues, ‘It is too bad your other E.T brothers died when they landed in their older ships. I do not think you can survive on our planet. I hear our bacteria are very infectious. That is why you are hiding out in your ship. However, you will come out eventually, or I will personally pull you out of there. We have ways of getting you out of there. Come on out and suck up our tasty infected atmosphere.’

  Peters approaches Robinson with a smile on his face and says, “Sir, the TC-100 device has arrived. The Uf1-retrac team has already started deep scans to penetrate the body.”

  “I would like an up to the second update of any findings Peters.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Robinson sits back into his chair. A few minutes go by. Two Uf1-retrac men approach the Major, carrying a shiny metal box with caution written on the outside of it. They stand straight and salute the Major.

  “At ease men.”

  “Your LRSB is here sir!” one of the men yells.

  “Can you please sign for this sir?” the other one asks.

  Robinson stands up and signs for the LRSB. The men place the box on the table and walk away. Robinson looks at the box with a huge grin on his face. Peters walks over and sees Robinson smiling, looking at the box.

“Sir, is this the LRSB you were talking about earlier?”

  “Yes it is; a prototype.”

  He punches in a code and opens the metal box.

  A cool wind blows by them and warm steam comes from the box.

  “What is it, sir? What does it do?”

  Robinson reaches into the box and pulls out a red glowing device that flashes every few seconds. There are no buttons on the cigar-shaped device. Soldiers nearby turn to look at the glowing device. Robinson holds it in his hand and it glows.

  “This is the best in top secret tracking technology Sergeant. LRSB stands for Long Range Space Beacon. This device can be tracked and located 100,000’s of light-years away from Earth. We have been working on one of these for years, just in case a UFO gets away from us. It uses subatomic frequency waves, very advanced technology. The signal travels faster than light. It sends out millions of signals a second and they can travel through almost anything. As long as one of the signals reaches our galaxy, we will know the LRSB's location with our long-range satellites. The U.S. government has a special radio telescope in West Virginia that will locate these signals anywhere in our galaxy.”

  They both continue to stare at the glowing device.

  “Sir, where are you going to put it on the UFO08? Has this been tested yet?”

  “Peters, we are going to find a spot on the UFO08 or an opening on the ship. This device will stick to anything once it is activated. Tested? I have no idea how this LRSB was tested or if it will actually work. Here! Catch!” He tosses the LRSB at Peters.

  Peters quickly extends his hands out and catches the device close to between his legs.

  “You don’t want to keep that too close to your groin, Sergeant. I guarantee it wasn’t tested there,” Robinson says while laughing.

  Peters looks at the three-inch long, narrow device with a serious face.

  “It’s cold,” he says while extending his arms to give it back to Robinson.

  “The box has kept it warm. The device is activated in cold temperatures like space.”

  “I would hate to drop it and break it. My grandkids will probably be still paying for it,” Peters says while carefully giving it back to Robinson.

  “Peters, I don’t think anything on this planet can destroy this thing. I was told it was made out of a new material the government has been experimenting with called nanotubing metal.”

  Robinson puts it back into the box and closes it. Robinson’s cell phone starts to ring in his jacket.

  “I need you to give me an update on the progress Peters.”

  The phone continues to ring.

  “Yes sir.”

  Peters walks down towards the UFO. Robinson walks away and answers the phone.

  A deep voice begins to speak through the phone, “We need an update and a status report.” Robinson starts to talk into the phone. 

  10:30 pm 

  The floodlights brighten the area as if it is daytime. The full moon shines over the cornfields and a calm wind blows from the west. Sergeant Peters runs over to Robinson.

  “Sir, I have an update for you.”

  Robinson grabs a warm coffee on the table and looks up at Peters while sitting down.

  “Tell me what you got, I saw you down there checking on everything and supervising over the Uf1-retrac team very closely. I’m sure you have something good to tell me and when we can start transporting this UFO08; hopefully soon.”

  Robinson drinks his black coffee and stares into Peters’ eyes. Peters has his scrawled notes in his hand. He looks back and forth at the Major.

  “We scanned the object for the past three hours. The body is unlike any material we have ever seen before. We are scanning all angles of the UFO08. We have found the following:

  Traces of an advanced form of matter and anti-matter.

  Unknown microscopic energies moving throughout the ship.

  Neutrons, protons, anti-protons, unknowns, radioactive energy, and atoms are being manipulated throughout the ship.

  The body is a liquid type of organic metal. There seems to be some sort of nervous system throughout the ship.

  Some sort of an anti-gravity drive propulsion engine near the rear.

  Numerous unknown materials. 

  Some things that look like atoms, but are different colors and much smaller.” 

  Peters swallows and clears his throat. He continues while Robinson puts down his coffee and rubs his black beard thinking about what he just heard.

  “The matter and anti-matter look stable. The Uf1-retrac team has never seen anything like this before. The head scientist would like to talk to you in a few minutes,” Peters says while looking up at Robinson’s astonished face.

  Robinson stands up and says, “We need this ship back to Area 51 ASAP….”

  Someone interrupts the Major and says, “Excuse me, sir.”

  “I’m John, the head scientist, Major Robinson. I’m in charge of my team down there,” John says while shaking Robinson’s hand. John is a white male in his late fifties with a hint of Asian descent in his eyes. He is wearing prescription glasses and is wearing a white radiation suit. He carries his helmet in his left hand.

  “We need more time to finish scanning the UFO before we move it. I have seen many unknown properties on this ship. We also do not know where the young man is in the ship, if he is still alive and if there are any other life forms aboard. The UFO08 is fully secured and is tied down, but we need to know more about it. This is definitely the best find I have seen in my thirty years of doing this. We need to know what we are fully dealing with here. We could start moving it now and it could blow up half the planet,” John says.

  “Listen John, I understand your concerns. I have my bosses at the NSA and the Pentagon wanting to know when this object will be secured on a truck and on its way to 51. The media is outside the secured area asking questions and starting their own investigations. Therefore, I have enough bugs up my ass. You have another six hours to finish your scans and have this thing on a truck and on its way,” Robinson says with a straight face.

  “Yes, sir.” John walks away, putting his white helmet back on.

  “Those guys are good at what they do, Major,” Peter says.

  “Yes they are, but they don’t have to worry about the politics,” Robinson responds.

  “Have you ever heard of most of those things they found in this UFO?”

  “No, but may God help us that those things don’t destroy us.”

  Robinson sits back down and sips some more of his cold coffee. Peters puts his papers full of notes on the table.

  “I’ve read somewhere that matter and anti-matter have to be separated or they might cause a powerful explosion. Also, that some of those elements are what a nuclear bomb is made of,” Peters explains.

  “Son, do not tell me anymore. I don’t need anything extra to think about. It is bad enough that kid is in there and is an experimental monkey for those aliens. I guess it is only fair for all the times we experimented with their species. I’ve also seen enough alien movies when I was younger, and I know what a lot of aliens have in mind for us.”

  “I’m going to do my rounds and check on the UFO08, sir.”

  “You read my mind, Peters,” Robinson says smiling.

  Peters walks away. Robinson sees a soldier standing about fifteen feet away, he yells to him, “Hey Private! I need some hot coffee on the double!”

  The soldier yells back, “Right away, sir!” 

  February 16th 12:10 am


  The moonlight is shining bright over the UFO adding to the artificial lights from the bright movie studio-type lights. A strong gust of wind is blowing harder from the east, making the cornstalks wave back and forth. Inside the UFO, there is a faint heartbeat. The sound is bouncing all around the mysterious alien liquid filling the inside of the ship like an underwater dark cave. Jaden wakes up and gags for air, but something feels different to him.
He feels as if he is dreaming and doesn’t feel like his normal self. Jaden can’t feel anything and is very confused.

  ‘Am I dead and in heaven?’ he asks himself.

  There is darkness all around him, but suddenly something gets bright directly in front of him. From a distance, there is what appears to be a bright blurry screen with many things on it. He tries to get a closer look at this huge screen; he floats closer to it. The bright light shining on him enables him to look around and he notices he does not have a body. He is having an out-of-the-body experience. As he takes a closer look at this screen, with many different unknown characters, he tries to make sense out of it.

  ‘It looks like alien symbols and alien language.’ All the colors and strange characters on this big screen amaze him.

  ‘I hope I’m not dead. I wish someone would tell me what is going on. I felt so much pain earlier and I can remember everything. I think I could be dead. I wonder what time it is, or how long I have been here. I know I’m still on the alien ship.’

  He looks around behind him and just sees darkness. However, he notices little clear round things, floating together in a pair. They look like small semi-invisible balls. Jaden looks around more, and notices them all over the place. He tries to concentrate on one of them, and then he notices it disappears and shows up at a different location near him.

  ‘The pair moved so fast.’

  He turns and looks back at the screen and he notices he is towards the middle on the screen.


  His curiosity slowly returns as he looks at similar balls up towards his left and concentrates on them. They also disappear; he turns back and sees another pair where he was just at. He figures out he is looking through a pair of the clear balls at any given time and he is moving from one to another. Suddenly, an alien symbol appears over all the clear balls. Over each of them the word Nanoeye appears. 

  ‘Okay, I get it, these are called nanoeyes. Got it!’ He looks at this large screen again with strange characters on it. ‘This really does feel like a dream. What the hell does all this mean?’ he asks while investigating.

  He sees unknown characters with strange symbols in the middle of the screen. He also sees small and big unknown symbols on the bottom and top. He abruptly sees something he recognizes on this huge white screen, with black unknown characters on it.

  ‘Jaden! It says my name on the screen, cool!’ He notices an alien character on top of his name. He then sees Brain scan 1% next to his name on the screen towards the middle right.

  Then he sees English words scrolling across the bottom of the screen moving to the left. On top of the English words, he sees unknown symbols and alien characters scrolling very fast to the right. He concentrates on the nanoeyes below him and he is up close to the bottom.

  “A B C D E F G H I J…U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0,” This line scrolls by faster, then matches up with alien characters and symbols scrolling above it. It continues: The…, and.., it.., do…, that.., or.., done.., for…,my…,she,…,he.., by. Words are followed by brief definitions, then matched up with alien characters then disappear off the screen.

  “Verb, noun, tense, aspect, voice, mood, action…Noun, person, place thing, action, pronoun, substitutes for noun...Adjective, …part of speech…..” It continues to scroll in opposite directions and Jaden continues watching the screen in amazement.

  ‘The ship is learning my English language. This is cool.’

  Jaden moves back, so he can see the complete screen. He looks at the middle right corner and sees Jaden’s body. He also notices an alien symbol on top of that. Jaden concentrates on Jaden’s body on the screen. The body image glows momentarily then the main screen disappears, and Jaden’s naked body in the fetus position reappears over the entire screen.

  He sees his body is floating in a clear liquid resembling water, with thousands of micro-tentacles going into his body. On the screen, his body is showing up with light around it.

  ‘Where are my clothes? I’m naked!’ There are several nanoeyes floating around his body.

  ‘Wow, that’s my body there. I look so pale. This is so weird,’ he says.

  Jaden also notices a smaller screen to the right, with little alien symbols flashing. He turns around in the artificial eyes and looks back at his actual floating suspended body in the dark. He moves closer for a better look.

  ‘Oh my God, those tentacles are going into my pores on my skin, mouth, stomach, and hair.’

  He notices there are some nanoeyes behind his body and focuses on them. He is now behind his body observing.

  ‘Oh my God, there is a big tentacle going in my butt. This is too much, that was not necessary. I am sure that must have hurt. Perverted aliens! There are other ways to get my temperature!’

  He focuses and moves back in front of his body and looks at the screen again.

  ‘I look like a freak show; I hope no one I know sees this.’

  Jaden looks closer at the screen by his body; he starts to see words he recognizes: Body Temperature 99.1 Oxygen saturation level 98% Blood pressure normal. All words have alien symbols on top of them. He looks towards the top right he sees: 500,000 Nanobots inserted.

  ‘Nanobots inserted? What the hell are those? Oh no, I’m going to change into an alien,’ he says.

  He concentrates on the Nanobots inserted on the screen. It lights up and a virtual image of his body shows up in the middle of the screen. He sees tiny dots all over his body, slowly moving around with a high concentration of the dots in his brain. The words and symbols on the screen change also. Jaden looks towards the left of the screen he sees Brain, Neuron code – Decoded / brain waves frequency complete, Electric/chemical nerve signals firing at 400 feet per second, Motor Cortex scan complete, White/red blood cells modified, English Language translation from left side of brain 75%, …translation from right side of brain 25%, Nanobots Remote to brain signal 100%, Artificial Anesthesia to body 99%. 

  ‘At least I’m still alive. I remember most of those words from science magazines and from school. They are taking all my memory from things I know and translating them. I wonder if I can learn their language. For some reason, I do not think there are any aliens on this spaceship.’

  Jaden looks around the screen again. He sees something in red: Unknown Nano removed. He thinks to himself, ‘Unknown nano removed? If it is unknown to them, what does that mean? What was it doing there? Maybe it was cancer?’

  Jaden concentrates on the red words, just those words that change, and Unknown Nano particle removed from rear brain–safely stored. He concentrates on those words, but they stay the same. Jaden remembers the alien symbol on top of the words.

  ‘I don’t know if that’s good or bad.’ He looks at the virtual body of himself on the screen and sees a red dot where the unknown nano was removed.

  ‘That would suck if that thing they removed was something I might need, if I ever wake up. Let me see what else is around here.’ 

  Jaden concentrates on the part of the screen that says Jaden Main. He sees the original screen with all the alien symbols and words being translated. Jaden moves towards the bottom of the screen, he sees small images related with the English words. A2 + B2 = C2, Pi=3.14, he reads, and it continues, 65% Brain scan complete.

  Words, numbers, and sentences continue to scroll by and match up with alien symbols scrolling towards the right. ‘These are the things I was learning in college and in high school,’ Jaden says, ‘Oh my, I hated learning that algebra, calculus and statistics.’

  Jaden continues to look at the screen, ‘Cool, some of the biology and pre-med courses I took in college.’

  Jaden body stage 1 60% complete

  ‘60% complete? What is that about?’ He concentrates on it, but it does not flash or do anything.

  5 am 

  “Sir,” Peters runs over to Robinson who is dozing off in the chair.

  “Huh?” Robinson asks with a confused look on his

  “This contact lens is hurting my eyes. Hold on a second Peters.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Robinson pulls out eye drops, looks straight up, blinks his eyes and uses a few drops.

  “Oh that feels so much better.” He blinks his eyes a few times, and then takes a sip of his cold coffee.

  “Did that happen from staring at the UFO08 on the screen too long, sir?”

  “Possibly, when you look at it long enough, it looks like a smaller rectangular version of the Borg cube from Star Trek: Voyager,” Robinson says.

  “You are right, sir. It does resemble it somewhat,” he says while looking at the screen with Robinson.

  Robinson continues to drink his now cold again coffee. The coffee tingles his tongue and mouth. A cold chill moves through his body.

  “When are they going to make something that keeps coffee hot for hours and days Peters?”

  “Sir, I would definitely buy something like that.”

  “What do you have for me, Sergeant?”

  “I have an update. The UFO08 has been fully scanned and penetrated to the best of our ability. We have found the following: We located a human life form, who we assume could be Jaden. The body is in a fetal position. It looks as if it could be hibernating or frozen. There is movement as if it is breathing.”

  Robinson interrupts, “How is the body breathing? How is it alive?”

  “We don’t know sir, but there seems to be some sort of artificial arms or tentacles connecting him to the ship. Somehow, it’s keeping him alive. There are very faint sounds resembling a heartbeat. He’s not moving and seems to be floating in something.”

  “Something?” the Major asks in a puzzled voice.

  Peters continues, “Some sort of liquid, we can’t make out what it is.” Robinson looks at the television screen of the UFO and starts to think.

  “What are these aliens up to? Are they turning this kid into a space fish? He’s probably going to come out of the spaceship and be able to breathe underwater. Then he will be able to talk to fish. I can see it now, Aquaman with tentacles, communicating with all the fish in the ocean,” the Major laughs.

  Then he continues, “Have you found a location on the ship for the LRSB to be placed?”

  “Yes we have, we found a little compartment opening, with a blue light inside. It should fit your LRSB device,” Peters says.

  “Let’s go and insert this bad boy.”

  The Major grabs the box and walks down to the UFO with Peters. The Major looks at all bright lights and walks slowly with his eyes wide open looking at the UFO in person. He steps over dead cows.

  “I just stepped in cow blood!” Robinson yells, “Someone clean up this mess over here.”

  The soldiers are standing up straight around the UFO saluting the Major as he walks by. Robinson pulls out sunglasses with his left hand and puts them on.

  “The bright lights make it seem like it’s daytime here.”

  “Yes sir, it’s very bright here.”

  John walks up to Robinson and says, “We have the spot for your device right over here, sir.”

  “Thank you John, I see you are getting a lot done.”

  John, Peters and Robinson walk over to the area where the small compartment door is on the UFO. Robinson stares at the blue light inside.

  “Has anyone stuck their hand in there, since it looks like it could be a handprint for opening the ship?”

  John responds, “We tried that already, sir, it didn’t do anything.”

  Major Robinson bends down and puts in the combination for the box. He opens it up and hands the LRSB device to John. John places the device inside the compartment door. The device sticks over the blue panel area.

  “Does it need to be turned on sir?” Peters asks.

  “It will turn on when it senses movement.”

  Major Robinson stands back and looks at the ship’s body.

  “John, do you think these ropes and cables can safely lift this ship onto the tractor-trailer?”

  “Yes, it should sir; the tractor-trailer should be here any minute. The small crane is in place and we are ready to transport her.”

  Robinson takes a deep breath, while touching the UFO with his left hand.

  “John, where do you think this alien ship is from?”

  John turns back to Robinson and says, “I don’t know sir, there is only one human life form on this ship that we believe to be Jaden. We have detected some kind of life forms or live energy all over the ship, but they are too small to detect what they really are from outside. Maybe when we get this ship open back at headquarters we can determine everything inside. I think this is the best find I have ever seen, sir. However, I’m puzzled as to why a UFO like this would land here in the first place, and where are the aliens inside? Did they leave on foot and could be coming back soon? What are they doing with the teenager inside?” John wonders aloud. He then continues, “Maybe the kid could be infected with something that could kill everyone. This kid is going to have to be quarantined for a long time, if we ever reach him.”

  “Good questions John, but I don’t have the answers. I guess in time we’ll discover all the answers,” Robinson says.

  John closes up the opening on the side of the ship while talking to the Major, “I’m looking forward to working with you again, sir.”

  The tractor-trailer blows its loud horn while it pulls up a narrow dirt road. The tractor knocks over cornstalks from the sides. Soldiers move out of the way, while Sgt. Peters walks up to the tractor-trailer and directs it.

  “How much longer, before we can transport this UFO08, John?”

  “Less than forty-five minutes, a little after 07:00 hours, sir.”

  “That’s good John, thank you,” Robinson says while he walks away and starts to dial numbers on his cell phone.

  “Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Forty-five minutes,” Robinson says on the phone.

  Jaden is staring at his unconscious, floating lifeless body. He notices small light particles lighting up in another area of his brain. He drifts off thinking of being on the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! television show with superhuman powers.

   “Well Jack, there weren’t any probes stuck up my ass or anything like that. Those rumors are untrue. They were friendly aliens and just wanted to share their technology on faster than light space travel with me. They were shorter than I am, so I was like a god to them. Then they asked me what type of superhero I wanted to be and I chose to be a cross of Superman, Wolverine and a Jedi. As you can see, I have lightsaber claws as hands and I can see through your wife’s clothes backstage Jack from where I’m sitting.”

  “Freak!” someone in the audience yells.

  “Well you look like a freak to me. What do you think audience?” Jack the host of the show asks.

  “Freak! Freak! Freak!” the audience chants.

  Jaden responds with a hypnotizing look on his face.

  “You do not look like a freak and you are the best looking superhero we have ever seen,” Jaden repeats while waving two fingers at the audience.

  The audience and the host’s eyes are in a daze. They repeat what Jaden says, “You do not look like a freak and you are the best looking superhero we have ever seen.”

  The audience cheers and Jaden stands up bowing his head with a huge smile on his face.

  Jaden comes back to reality and is now looking at the translucent screen, which says 85% of brain scan complete.

  Jaden is getting bored in the nanoeye facing the screen in front of him. His feeling of nervousness returns. This out-of-the-body experience is confusing him. In a dream, he does not realize he is conscious. However, in this state of mind he is conscious of everything. Being tired and hungry is not a problem for him. This experience feels as if he is in a very detailed, controlled dream. He nervously wonders what the military is doing outside and if they will come in there after him. 

  Suddenly, he sees the screen jerk back and forth
. The screen changes and a big alien symbol shows up in blue. Then it goes smaller, and reads flight mode underneath. The screen turns blinding bright and he moves back some in the nanoeye. The screen then goes dimmer and projects an image. Jaden notices it is video images from outside the ship in very detailed clarity. He sees all the military men around and dozens of men in white body suits around the UFO. Jaden concentrates on the screen and thinks about changing the angles of the images. The screen disappears and he is looking on the outside of the ship in a nanoeye. Everything looks huge as he notices the eyes must be at the atomic level.

  ‘Wow, this is like being inside a virtual camera,’ he says to himself.

  He concentrates on different angles. He sees a tractor-trailer and ropes pulling on the ship he is in. Jaden looks in another direction and he sees Major Robinson sitting in a chair smoking a cigar. He zooms in and sees Robinson’s old, wrinkled face up close.

  ‘Oh no, not that guy again, that guy has it out for me. He will take this ship apart and take me apart without mercy,’ Jaden says.

  He thinks back two days ago to what Robinson told him at his house. He remembers him grabbing his shirt and pulling him close to his old frowning face, “Listen you little shit! If I find out you’re hiding information and not telling me where that object is at, I’m going to make you disappear. Then you’re going to wish you were never born. For the last time, where is that UFO you were talking about on the phone earlier today?”

  Jaden remembers his reply, “I already wish I wasn’t born, your breath is melting my face. Is this the military’s way of pre-torturing someone, by using bad breath methods? Listen, Captain Major Old Sock Breath, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know anything about a UFO. I thought they didn’t exist? I was talking about a UFO show on television to a friend earlier today…..” Jaden laughs to himself as he remembers the conversation.

  Jaden thinks about the main flight mode on the screen. He quickly leaves looking at Robinson and goes back to the main screen inside the ship. He sees all alien symbols in white over the live video from outside. The alien symbols get smaller, and English words appear underneath them. He reads in red: Shield strength 100%, Anti-Gravity Engines 80% charged, Manual flight and Auto Flight, Speed, Altitude, Radar, Gravity forces 65%, Air pressure / Barometer 2000 PSI, Star / Sun solar conversion strength 60%, 40% Sunlight charge needed for gravity flight balance.

  Jaden notices in red: Light reflection / Invisibility.

  ‘Interesting, hmm I wonder….’ He concentrates on those words; then they change. Jaden sees Semi-invisible, invisible, invisible re-image, off.

  ‘I have an idea.’ 

  7:05 am

  “Oh my God!” Robinson yells. He stands up and looks at the UFO directly.

  Peters runs over yelling, “Sir, sir, it disappeared! The UFO has disappeared!”

  Robinson and Peters stand motionless with their mouths wide open. John comes over the radio, “Sir, it’s still there, but it is reflecting its light somehow, appearing invisible to our eyes. We can still see it on infrared and thermal sensors. We are going to attempt to lift it again.”

  The chains appear to be holding empty space.

  “Have you ever seen anything like that Peters?”

  “No, sir, it’s like it isn’t there. I’m sure the military could really use some technology like that sir.”

  Robinson starts to talk on the radio, “John, how much longer before it’s on the tractor-trailer bed?”

  “It is very heavy sir. It seems as if it weighs five times the size; we are taking it slow, a few more minutes…. Hey take it easy there!” John yells to someone behind him. 

  The sky slowly lightens as dawn breaks. A rooster squawks in the background near the barn as the sun pierces the sky and shines on the little crane lifting the UFO. It slowly shines down onto the invisible UFO and passes right through it.

  ‘Ha ha ha…’ Jaden continues to laugh to himself.

  ‘Damn, that was funny. The look on their faces was hilarious. That would definitely make the cut on America’s Funniest Home Videos.’

  The screen shudders again. Jaden turns the invisible option back to off by thought. Jaden knows there are not any aliens on this ship or any aliens he can see. He is guessing the flight screen is in front of him so he can take control of the ship or try to fly it somewhere. ‘Maybe some sort of test?’ he questions himself. This is very puzzling to him.

  ‘Why else would there be a flight option screen in front of me?’

  He wonders if there is an alien here that he cannot see. Whenever he passes a nanoeye throughout the ship, it’s mostly black until he reaches outside the body. He thinks that maybe the entire ship is an alien.

  ‘Test or no test, I’m not going where the military is trying to take me and this ship.’ 

  Jaden is looking at the main screen again through the floating nanoeye. He is getting used to being out of his body and operating things as if he is using a personal computer. He changes back to the flight screen.

  Jaden sees the same screen he saw a few minutes ago with all the navigation options. He notices the 40% charge needed for gravity flight balance option has gone down to ten percent. 

  7:10 am

  There is a loud clanging and crashing sound that echoes in different directions. The visible, rectangular-shaped UFO was just placed on the wide load tractor-trailer. The military men and UF1-retrac team are helping to secure it to the trailer with Sgt. Peters supervising the men.

  Major Robinson is on the phone talking, “Yes, sir, it will be en route in two minutes. Yes, yes.”

  Back on the ship the gravity flight balance has gone down to zero percent. The entire screen with alien symbols and English letters on it turns green and starts to flash. He sees two more options on the screen, Initiate Anti-Gravity Engines and View Change. Jaden concentrates on view change and he is looking outside the ship again. The only difference is all the options that were on the screen are semi-transparent in his view now. He can see the flight screen through the nanoeye also.

  This is exciting to Jaden, he feels as if he is in a futuristic virtual reality video game. He realizes he is tied down to the tractor-trailer. He can actually feel the metallic chains as if they are around his real body. The chains feels like small leather belts wrapping around his naked body, slightly squeezing him.

  ‘I have a view all over the ship at any angle. Cool! Let’s see, I have some interesting items and options to play with here.’

  Jaden concentrates on the Initiate Anti-Gravity Engines to the left of him.

  A humming sound is beginning to roar from the UFO. The men tying down the UFO run for cover. The sudden humming sounds make them lose their grips and stumble backwards.

  “Oh my God, what was that,” Robinson says.

  He picks up the radio and yells into it, “Sergeant Peters I want those men back in there to finish securing the chains and I want that tractor-trailer to start its engines!”

  The humming sound gets louder. Peters orders the men to get back in there to finish the job. The men try pulling on the chains and ropes. The metal chains and ropes start to lift. The wheels on the back of the trailer begin to lift in the air as well.