Read BIO-sapien book 5 - Nanodrone vs Motherdrone Page 5


  BIO-Sapien was written in present tense for the following reasons:

  1.So the reader can read and experience the novel as if they were watching a movie.


  3.Detailed action sequences.

  4.Movie soundtracks inserted into different parts of the story.

  5.Telepathic communication and talking to another personality.

  6.Mind reading and answering questions inside of a conversation.

  7.Have the reader experience the story as if they are right with Jaden at all times.

  “….Author, Vlane Carter, has created a story told in a unique and unconventional writing style, keeping the action in the present tense, so as to keep the reader feeling as though they are experiencing the action as its happening. It can be akin to reading a script, or make you feel as though you're watching a movie. It is a writing style that can, at first, be jarring and difficult to understand. But if you give it a few chapters it will not only grow on you, but draw you in. And then you suddenly cannot imagine the story written any other way. And, quite possibly, it could be the first book that includes its own music recommendations (to listen to while reading)…..” - M. Penny Harmon, Review SIP "ReviewSIP"

  Single quotes ‘ ‘ are used in the book when:

  To show main character Jaden communicating with his alien friend AI (located in his mind).

  High-speed telepathic communications.

  What happened in BIO-Sapien books 3 & 4?

  Book 3 starts off with Jaden returning to Earth in his upgraded EIS, eighteen years later by earth time.

  His bio-engineered body is slowly evolving into superhuman levels. His mission is to help scientist locate the Nanomole in humans and then deactivate it, before the Darclonian mothership enters broadcast range. When a Nanomole is activated and is in the correct stage, it can control a human body. It would need to synchronize with a Bio-parasite for a permanent takeover of the human mind (Bio-parasites are Darclonians in microbe form).

  There is the first female president on television, along with commercials on holographic discs, 3D televisions, electric cars and online Third Virtual life. There are also doctors in robotic remote controlled LCD screens.

  Times have changed and societal values have deteriorated significantly with the advent of the technology age. The combination of cheating, negotiated infidelity, high divorce rates, male and female robotic companions, and online virtual sex have helped to erode fundamental human values.

  Jaden is aware of an silent alien attack that is about to take place against humans. A countdown will soon begin, ending with all human brains being highjacked by Nanomoles. Nanomoles are Darclonian microbes deposited on Earth after the last ice age. When the mother ship gets close enough to Earth, they activate and an eighty-four hour countdown begins.

  Jaden tries to warn people, but everyone thinks he is crazy. They lock Jaden up in a psychiatric ward until they find out who he is, since his DNA doesn’t show up on any scans and he doesn’t remember who he is. A doctor uses an experimental FMRI (digital simulacrum of the neocortex) machine on Jaden to find out who he is and where he has been. This machine scans and translates chemical messages into digital images. His Nanodrones are up for their first challenge. In the meantime, the US government received a space message from the Andromedians, but didn’t take the threat seriously.

  In the area of Jaden’s mind that governs different personalities, there is a microscopic artificial intelligence alien companion named AI. Specifically designed for his mission on Earth, AI helps Jaden navigate his upgraded mind and body, and is second in charge of the colony of Nanodrones throughout Jaden’s body. Jaden and AI slowly develop a relationship as they learn from each other. Jaden teaches AI how to think non-linearly and how to become more human, while AI teaches Jaden how to multi-task and use his evolved body. AI has to figure out a way to develop Jaden’s super human powers to work around Earth’s natural properties so they can break out of the mental hospital before the government finds him. In order for this to happen, AI needs Internet access so he can download terabytes of science and technology information. AI then runs high-speed experiments with the Nanodrones and removes Jaden’s unnecessary organs for energy and weapons storage.

  Some of Jaden’s super human powers include defying gravity, nanoscanners, controlling gravity in a weapon called a gravity shockwave, molecule ripper, reflecting light, creating two advanced energy shields around plasma fusion technology and accelerating his body to react in milliseconds. The alien nanotechnology in his body replaces vital organs such as the stomach, liver, small and large intestines, to make room for his offense and defense systems.

  Jaden meets Dr. Chan, a Forensic Scientist. She is at the psychiatric ward to investigate why his DNA can’t be identified. She first believes he is crazy and is not revealing his true identity. Jaden agrees to “show” her the truth instead of telling her.

  His Nanodrones transmit his memories through his hand into her brain. While he is showing her who he is and where he has been, Jaden unlocks and reads her nanomole that holds her family history and genetic memories for thousands of years. Nanomoles record humans’ five senses, emotions, memories, experiences and personalities. Jaden is able to experience what Dr. Chan’s grandmother experienced as a child during the China Nanking Massacre in 1937.

  Dr. Chan and Jaden both exchange memories and they develop a familiarity with each other in ten minutes that would normally take two people twenty years.

  It is a race against time when Jaden’s old government nemesis Vice President Robinson finds out he has returned to Earth. Robinson puts Jaden on a terrorist list and uses all the government’s resources to kill him. While Jaden tries to escape from the hospital, someone gets in his way. He has his first fight against a hospital security guard in an exoskeleton bionic suit.

  Jaden later changes his identity by changing his facial structure and pigmentation in order to board an airplane to North Carolina to find his father. At higher altitudes, some Nanomoles go into the second stage. A passenger has an unstable nanomole in his brain, freaks out and opens the emergency exit at 33,000 feet. The man falls out, taking with him the air marshal who tried to stop him. While the 737 bails to lose altitude, Jaden runs towards the emergency exit and jumps after the two men without a parachute.

  Jaden sees what his evolved body is capable of as he is determined to rescue the falling men. Later, the same aircraft is flying on autopilot while all the passengers and crew members are unconscious from their Nanomoles being in stage two. The government orders the plane shot down for fear that Jaden the terrorist took over. From a state away, Jaden, AI, Nanodrones and nanoscanners work together to remote into the pilot’s brain to control him like a puppet.

  In the next chapter, Jaden gets help from some close friends in an attempt to help the people he cares about. More and more humans are in deep sleeps, while some are walking around like zombies as their Nanomoles interact with chemical messages in the brain.

  Vice President Robinson keeps President S. Paylin in complete ignorance on the impending alien attack. Robinson believes Jaden is the conspirator and is causing the strange disorders in humans. Robinson begins his own conspiracy to be the next president of the United States.

  As the story develops, Jaden realizes something is happening to him. Something unknown is deep inside of him and he rides the line between good and evil. He finds himself thinking of evil things when he feels pain or becomes angry. Unknown dark energy forms around his hands and fingers. This energy slowly destroys Jaden’s skin, but the energy also seriously affects AI’s systems in Jaden’s brain.

  The plot continues when local police arrest Jaden and he begins to lose hope in trying to save humanity. Jaden decides to save his family and close friends instead of all humans.

  Dr. Chan and Jaden have a unique physical connection in the previous chapter. BIO-Sapien volume I book 5 starts


  BIO-Sapien book 5 – Nanodrones vs Motherdrone

  Chapter 22: Full Throttle 1204 hp Car Chase