Read Bacorium Legacy Page 8

  Chapter VII

  Be Still, My Beating Heart

  Knock, knock, knock.

  Luca opened his eyes.

  He felt at ease and comfortable, and more rested than he had in days. After a few moments passed and he realised where he was, he understood why. Indeed, the bed was infinitely better than the hard floor.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  He saw Emila was also lying in the bed, her arm around him. She was adorable in her sleep, her eyes closed and her mouth opened just slightly. Her chest rose and fell with each breath.

  When it set in that they were in bed together, he panicked. Had they-?

  No. No, nothing had happened. She has simply climbed into the bed, while still dreaming, and he had fallen asleep next to him. He was confusing his dreams and his memories. He had sinned in his dreams, but not in reality.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  Someone was knocking at the door. That was no doubt what had awoken him. If the knocking continued, Emila would wake as well. As carefully as he could, Luca rose from beneath the sheets and moved out from beneath Emila's arm. She stirred, but did not wake.

  Luca went over to the door and opened it to find Tranom there, his knuckles about to rap the door again.

  "Ah," he said. "I was beginning to fear you would not wake."

  "What is it?" Luca asked. He stood with the door open only slightly, for he couldn't let Tranom see into the room, where Emila lay on the bed, the sheets in disarray. That could give the wrong idea, and everyone already seemed to think they were together anyway.

  Idly, Luca wondered why he was afraid of that. Emila was a pretty girl; he should be amused that people would think the two of them together. But instead, the idea made him uncomfortable, and he wasn't quite sure why.

  "You are needed," Tranom said dryly. "Get ready and join us at the centre sanctum. The emissary from Sono has arrived and you were summoned. Don't tell anyone."

  "The... emissary?" Luca muttered, still rather tired. "I thought he would be here later in the week."

  "As did Master Allma. But she arrived earlier. This is better though, as we can get this business done without everyone in the temple knowing. This whole thing has caused enough trouble as it is."

  Indeed, Luca thought. "And you said I was summoned?"

  Tranom nodded patiently. "Along with several others."

  Luca glanced over at the bed, where Emila was still fast asleep. "What about Emila? Should I bring her as well?"

  "Your companion? Explain the situation to her if you wish, so long as she swears not to tell the others. I doubt she will be permitted to meet with the emissary, though."

  "I see." Still, it would be best to tell her what was going on. If she woke, and Luca wasn't there, she could get the wrong idea and go out looking for him.

  "I must get back now," Tranom said. "I will tell the others that you are on your way."

  Luca nodded, and Tranom left, disappearing into the darkness. He closed the door, and went over to the bed. He placed his hand on Emila's shoulder and gently shook her awake.

  "Hmmm? Lu- Luca?" She opened her eyes and looked up at him, confused in her grogginess.

  "The emissary is here, and I've been summoned," he told her. "I have to go to the centre sanctum."

  She sat up and stretched. "I'll get dressed, and we can go together."

  "Er..." Well, his plan was to just let her know where he would be. But he supposed there was no harm in her following him there.

  A few minutes later, after she was finished dressing, Emila joined him outside the bedroom, and followed him to Allma's sanctum. The early morning air was cold, and there was still frost on the grass.

  Emila was excited, it would seem. "What did Tranom say? Do you know why you were summoned?"

  Luca shrugged. "Who can say? Tranom didn't say much, but we had heard before that I might be picked for whatever this is. Davik did what he did in the forest because he thought I would be chosen. It would seem he was right."

  "And you still don't know what the emissary is choosing you for?"

  "I guess we'll find out soon. Oh, but Tranom said you probably won't be allowed to see the emissary. So I guess I'll just tell you when I return."

  Emila bit her lip, and she looked away from him. "So... what will we do if you're summoned to T'Saw?"

  "I'm not sure."

  They had arrived at the centre sanctum. Tranom was there at the door, waiting with crossed arms. When he saw them draw near, he nodded and approached them.

  "Everyone is waiting inside," Tranom said. "If you'll excuse me, I have things I need to attend to. There have been reports of activity in the forests I must look into."

  "Of course," Luca replied.

  Tranom strode away and disappeared once more. Luca turned to Emila. Her eyes were on the ground, deep in thought.

  "This is it, then," he said. "I will come and find you as soon as this business is done with."

  Emila looked up at him, biting her lip and looking guilty for some reason.

  "Hold on a moment," she said. She stepped closer to him, and placed her hands on his chest.

  Immediately, he thought of his dreams last night, and his heart began to race.

  "W-what are you...?"

  "Just a moment," she said. Her hands glowed with the faint aura of magick. Her eyes widened in surprise. After a moment, the mana faded, and she stepped away.

  "What is it?" he asked.

  "We'll talk after you get back," she said. "It's... well, I'm not sure. I'll have to take a second look, but it'll take too long. Please, don't keep the emissary waiting." Try as she might to hide it, Luca could not help but notice the disappointment in her eyes.

  His curiosity was aroused, but she was right. Whatever it was, it would have to wait.

  "Very well," Luca said as he started off. "I'll be back soon."

  Emila stood there outside, in the cold air, with a troubled look.


  Luca stepped inside the centre sanctum, the very place where he had spoken before with Allma and learnt about his father's past. Waiting for him in the antechamber were Allma, Dori, Brand, Rael, and a girl he had never seen before who wore glasses.

  No emissary.

  "The emissary is preparing in the other room," Dori explained, leaning impatiently on his cane. "She's had a long journey, and she needs a few minutes to prepare herself. That's what she said, anyway."

  "She?" Luca asked.

  "We weren't sure who the emissary would be until they arrived," Dori told him. "We now know that it is Princess Selphie, daughter of Zaow, and second in line to the throne of Sono."

  Luca's eyes widened. He looked around the room at the others, finding himself hoping that it was a strange joke that Dori was telling him. There was no humour in their eyes. He sighed, suddenly feeling tired and uneasy. Meeting with a member of the royal family was the last thing he wanted to do, especially so early in the morning.

  "She's the second child of the king, after her brother Trist," Brand offered. "Members of the royal family who are not being prepared for the throne are often made emissaries in Sono."

  "It still seems odd, to send a princess for this," Luca said.

  "She has guards," Dori said. "Five of them, in fact. And this is Allma Temple, one of the most secure places in Torachi. But you're right, it is a bit unusual. Zaow must be serious about this, to have sent his own daughter."

  "And for what purpose?"

  Silence fell over the room. Brand and the others didn't seem to have an answer for that. Dori paced the room slowly, leaning on his cane, and taking the occasional swig from one of his flasks.

  "We'll know as soon as she emerges," Allma the third muttered quietly.

  Luca turned to the aged leader of the temple. He stood in the corner, his large arms crossed. His bearded face was frowned in consternation.

  The girl with the glasses approached Luca and offered her hand. "My name is Wiosna."

  "I'm Luca," he said, shaking he
r hand. "Son of-"

  "Lodin. Yes, I know. I think everyone here does."

  The glasses she wore did nothing to blemish her looks. She stood nearly a hand shorter than Luca, with blond hair and a cute, round face. She reminded him a bit of Arlea.

  "Whatever it is they have us here for, I think it's safe to say that we'll be working together for a while," Wiosna said, smiling flirtatiously. "I look forward to it."

  The sound of Dori's cane hitting the floor as he paced made the bespectacled girl flinch. She glanced over at the old man, her eyes passing over the flask he carried, and she grimaced.

  "You all right?" Luca asked her.

  "Yes, I'm fine," she reassured him, brushing a stray strand out of her eyes. She really did look like Arlea, Luca thought. He tried to put that out of his mind as she continued to speak to him.

  They made casual conversation while they waited. Wiosna spoke excitedly, full of life and enthusiasm. Whenever Luca would mention something she had knowledge of, she would brighten up and name some book she had read. Eventually, Brand joined them, and the three of them talked while Allma stood in the corner, Rael sat near him, and Dori paced back and forth.

  Roughly ten minutes passed while they waited for the princess to make an appearance.

  "She is certainly taking her time," Allma muttered to himself. "Were this anyone but a member of the Sonoian royal family, I would take this as an insult."

  "Be patient, old man," Dori told him. "She's a princess. She's used to people waiting on her. This goes without saying, but we must be respectful to her."

  "Of course," Allma growled. "I think you're the last person to inform me of respect, Dori. Remember your place."

  Dori stared at him for a moment, and the air was suddenly charged with tension. The conversation between Luca and the students died down as they watched, half-expecting Dori to attack the master of the temple with the look on his face.

  But he did not. Instead, the ragged old man started to chuckle. "Old friend, all these years later, and you're no different."

  Allma cracked a slight smile.

  The door of the waiting room opened then, and six more people entered the chamber. They were not wearing the armour of Sono, as Luca had expected them to be, but were garbed in plain travel clothes. In the rear walked five guards, each carrying a spear; with the exception of one in the front, who carried a large halberd that stood a head above the others.

  At the front was a young woman, not much older than Luca himself, with braided golden hair. She did not look like a princess. She wore similar clothes to her guards, which included a brown travel cloak, leather armour, and what appeared to be chain mail underneath. No weapons were visible on her, but Luca could see a belt on her waist.

  Still, she bowed to them with respect and poise that only someone born in the upper class could.

  "Greetings, everyone," she said. "I am Selphie, daughter of Zaow, king of Sono. I pray you will forgive our humble dress, for we have been travelling for several weeks under rather harsh conditions. I had hoped to get here quickly, you see."

  "You succeeded," Allma said, moving from the corner and bowing to the princess. His previous hostility was gone. "You arrived several days before we expected, in fact."

  "I see," Selphie said, her eyes showing only a bit of surprise. "I trust our arrival has not inconvenienced you too greatly?"

  "Not at all," Allma said.

  "Very good," she said. Her eyes looked over the room, lingering on Brand, Wiosna, and Luca. "I trust these are the three students I requested?"

  "They are."

  "Who would the other boy be?"

  "That would be my squire, Rael."

  "Ah, I see," Selphie said. "Well, right to the point, then. With your compliance and theirs, I would take them with me back to T'Saw to meet with my father."

  "For what purpose?" Allma asked.

  "Ah," Selphie said, frowning. "I'm very sorry, but my father instructed me to speak only with them on the subject. It is rather sensitive information, you see. You will be paid well for their services, of course, make no mistake. My father has not forgotten the debts he owes you, and he does not wish you disrespect."

  Allma's eyes betrayed his thoughts. Clearly he was less than happy with being excluded. He looked over at Brand for the briefest of moments, who returned his stare.

  "Very well," Allma said. "Dori, my squire, and I shall take our leave. You and your men are welcome to make use of the temple's facilities for as long as your stay need be."

  "It will only be for the day," Selphie said. "Possibly sooner. At the very latest, we will leave at this time tomorrow."

  "Very well," Allma said. "Then good luck, Your Highness."

  Allma bowed once more, as did Dori and Rael. As they left, Dori met Luca's gaze and he winked.

  Selphie dismissed her guards, save for the one who carried the halberd. The other four went into the other room and closed the door behind them.

  Brand, Wiosna, and Luca remained with Selphie and the guard with the halberd.

  The princess smiled, and she said to them: "Well, I'm sure you three are wondering what it is that King Zaow wants of you, yes?"

  "It's been the subject of many rumours among the students, Your Highness," Brand said.

  "It has?" Selphie said, tilting her head to the side and frowning. "My father sent a letter to Master Allma, with the instructions to keep it a secret that I was on my way. How did you all come to know about it?"

  "Nobody knows for sure, but it's likely that someone close to Allma leaked the information," Brand told her.

  Or perhaps just Allma himself, Luca thought.

  "Well, it matters not," Selphie said. "Essentially, my father is putting together a group to send into Acaria to meet with Zinoro."

  Luca blinked.

  "Meet with Zinoro?" Wiosna repeated. "But he's..."

  "Dangerous," Brand said. "Very, very dangerous."

  "Indeed, the Acarians have been a growing threat for the past few months," Selphie told them. "His men have carried out several raids on villages near the border of our kingdom, and their military grows in number by the day. My father is a man who values peace, and avoiding a war is his top priority. But Zinoro has expressed no interest in resolving these disputes peacefully. Several messengers have already been sent to him, and not one has returned."

  "Then how would sending us be any different?" Brand asked.

  "This team will be more than a mere messenger," Selphie explained. "The three of you have all been chosen for specific reasons."

  She turned to each of them as she spoke. "Brand, you have been picked due to your skill in combat and planning, as well as your experience in secretive and clandestine missions. Wiosna, you were chosen due to your extensive knowledge in history, especially that of Acaria, and for your use of the rare mind-form mana."

  She stopped before him, and said, "And Luca, son of Lodin... your family has a very personal history with Zinoro's. It may be possible for us to use that to our advantage." For the first time since her arrival, the princess seemed unsure.

  Luca opened his mouth to say something, but Brand spoke before he had the chance.

  "You keep saying 'we', Your Highness. Are you going to be part of this mission?"

  Selphie nodded. "Naturally. I am the emissary of Sono, so if anyone has a chance of opening up friendly relations with them, it would be me."

  "I've met Zinoro," Luca said. "I don't think he has any intention of opening up friendly relations with anyone."

  Selphie's eyes grew serious, and she drew close to them. "In the case of negotiations failing, there remains only one alternative to war. As the leader of the Acarian nation, Zinoro would need to be eliminated. What my father needs is a team that not only is diplomatically capable, but can handle Zinoro in combat should negotiations fail, as they likely will."

  "You mean to assassinate him," he said to her.

  The princess met his gaze for a moment, without even a trace of weakness i
n her eyes. And then, she slowly nodded.

  Luca looked down at the floor. Everyone else in the room was looking at him now... Brand with an look that suggested nothing more than observation, Wiosna with curiosity, Selphie with an unreadable expression, and the halberd-carrying guard with a distrusting frown. He had made himself the centre of attention, and now everyone was waiting to know what he would say, in response to the princess' confirmation.

  "I don't know if I can be part of this mission, princess," he said. "I have other obligations." He thought of Emila, and the Soul Tether. "I don't know what you expected of me, or of my brother before I came here, but I am not my father, and neither is Ash. My father killed Manorith and brought peace to your kingdom. But that doesn't mean that history will simply repeat itself."

  "We know that," Selphie said gently. "That is why we came here to give you the choice. It is not a command, but an offer. We have heard what has happened. Your father... he has been killed by Zinoro."

  "Yes, he has."

  "Would you not want to be part of this, then? You could avenge your father, and save many other lives from the same fate."

  Luca knew what he was capable of. How could he forget? Every time he thought of Zinoro, he felt a rage burning deep within him. The sight of his father being stabbed replayed in his mind's eye. He longed greatly to kill Zinoro. It was the only purpose he could find to give his life direction.

  And yet... he felt he had failed already. He had lost Siora in those caverns. What justice would there be in avenging his father if he did not do it with his own sword? Sure, he could run Zinoro through with any plan steel blade he could get his hands on; but it just wouldn't be the same without Siora.

  But still... he was determined to go to Acaria, hunt down the man in black armour, that one-eyed man of darkness, and end his life. Even without Siora, he would do this. And going on this mission might give him the chance.

  Or he might ruin it. His very presence on the team could doom Selphie's chances of resolving the conflicts peacefully. He might even get them all killed. What good did Zaow think sending Lodin's son would do? The moment they entered Zinoro's hall, and he caught sight of Luca's white hair, blades would be drawn. Their meeting could get a lot of people killed under those circumstances, not just Selphie's team, but even thousands of innocent Sonoian citizens.

  And putting all that aside, there was still the matter of his connection to Emila. He could not go off to Acaria while his life depended on being near her. He could not drag this innocent girl into a battlefield to satisfy his lust for vengeance, if Selphie would even permit bringing her at all.

  His head hurt. There was simply too much to think about. He liked when things were simpler, when there was just him, and a goal in sight.

  Luca looked up at the princess, who was eagerly awaiting his answer.

  "I need time," he told her. "This is not a decision I can make right now."

  She nodded. "At the very latest, we are to leave at this time tomorrow, though we hope to leave sooner. You may take this time to think about this, and to set your affairs in order if you do choose to come. All three of you may. Just please consider what is at stake."


  Emila was still outside, when Luca finally emerged. The sun had risen in the time he had spent within the sanctum, and the students of the temple were awake and going about their business, unaware that the princess of Sono was among them.

  "You've been waiting out here this whole time?" Luca asked as he approached her.

  Rather than answering, she drew closer and stared at him with apprehension. "So... what did they say?"

  They found a bench to sit at, and he told her about the meeting with the princess and King Zaow's plan of sending a team to Acaria to confront Zinoro. And he told her about his hesitation to go, of how he could not take her to Acaria. Emila listened quietly as he spoke, her eyes distant and remembering.

  "I cannot go to Acaria," Emila said softly. "Of all the places in Bacoria, it is the only one I cannot follow you to. That place is a land of death."

  "If I go... what will you do?"

  She shrugged and gave a weak smile. "Leave. Find some other place."

  "The Soul Tether..."

  "That's what I wanted to talk to you about," she said. "You've recovered, in the three days we've spent here. We're still connected... but you no longer need me. You can breathe on your own now. If I were to break the connection, you would live."

  She sounded sad as she said that. He knew why. Only a fool could deny they had grown close.

  He thought of the guilty dreams he'd had of Emila. The impure acts he had imagined... things he never thought in his life he would do. He could not confess it to her; he could never even confess that to himself. How he hated to have fallen victim to such a base emotion...

  He saw one of the students glance at them as he passed, and a thought came to Luca. Perhaps the reason he feared anything thinking he and Emila were together was because it would imply that Luca was the sort of person who could have the emotional capacity to care for someone. There was a sort of weakness in that; a vulnerability that a justice-seeking warrior could not have.

  "Just before we came here, I checked you and you were nowhere near healed enough," Emila said. "In fact, you seemed to be getting worse. You weren't able to go very far without straining the connection. And through the connection, I felt you every day we spent here, relying on my mana to stay alive, because without it you would not be able to breathe. But this morning, I realised something was different. Your lung has healed, and you... no longer need me."

  "So then this means..." Luca said slowly. "That you can break the connection. I can go with Selphie to Acaria, and you can go off on your own."

  She hesitated. "Yes."

  Silence fell over them.

  Logically, there was no reason not to break the tether. It was a hindrance, to be bound to her the way he was. If she didn't want to go where he wanted, there was nothing he could do to stop her from controlling him. They were two completely different people, bound together by an impulsive act of charity. It was true that she had saved his life; but now that life was frozen in place by her actions. There was no reason now why they could not go their separate ways.

  And yet... they were both hesitating, and they knew it.

  "Well... what do I need to do?" Luca asked her.

  "Just start walking away," Emila told him. "March away from me. Eventually, we'll be so far away from each other that the tether will be strained. It'll hurt, but if you aren't mortally wounded, it won't kill you. Push through the pain, and keep going. After a while, it'll just break, and you'll be you, and I'll be me."

  "I see."

  Another uncomfortable silence took them. Emila was looking away from Luca, keeping her gaze on the grass, unable to look him in the eyes.

  "Then-" He started to speak, but he couldn't.

  He was going to say goodbye. He could go back to Selphie, tell her he was ready, and Allma Temple would be a disappearing gleam on the horizon in only an hour or two. There was nothing stopping him now. And if he was going to leave, he should at least say goodbye to the girl whom he owed his life to.

  But he couldn't say it.

  "I- I need to go think for now."

  It was a compromise. And also partially a lie. But it was all he could say to her for now.

  "Of course," was her reply, emotionless and flat.

  He couldn't think of anything else to say. He got up, and started to walk away.

  He felt like he was making a mistake. He felt like he still needed her.

  But he buried those thoughts within himself, and he forced himself to walk back towards the centre sanctum.

  He walked and walked, and when he turned back around, he was in a completely different part of the garden, and she was gone.


  There was an explosion.

  The ground burst open, and the entire temple shook. The sound was deafening. Right in the centre of the g
rounds, within one of the garden's sparring rings, a hole had burst open from the hidden caverns underneath, set off by a burst of magick.

  Luca was just passing by as it happened.

  He was thrown back by the impact, as were several of the white-robed students who were also passing through. He hit one of the stones walls, and collapsed against the ground.

  "What...?" he groaned as he forced himself back up on his feet.

  Where the explosion had taken place, there was now a gaping hole bordered by rocks and debris. People were climbing out of the hole; people wearing black armour and carrying swords and bows.

  "Attack!" someone shouted from afar. "The temple is under attack!"

  A horn was blown. All around, Luca heard the sound of weapons being drawn. The atmosphere was charged with energy, as the students and their masters began gathering mana.

  "Acarians!" another student shouted. "They've broken in from underground!"

  Students charged, hurling fireballs and bolts of lightning. The sound of steel weapons clashing filled the air.

  The Acarians...

  It was as history was repeating itself. The black, red-lined armour they wore was identical to what Luca had seen before, when the town in Arimos was attacked. Already, the sounds of the first to die filled the air.

  And then, he had a thought. Zinoro could be with them.

  Luca scanned the men in black armour, looking for that unmistakable eye patch and black hair. He did not see it.

  His hand was at his side, absently reaching for the sword he always carried.

  No, he had lost lost it.

  Several of the students had already been killed. Their blood-stained clothes were scattered here and there. Luca spotted a sword that rested by one, and dashed over and grabbed the blade. The blade was heavier than the one Luca was used to, a bit chipped and worn, and very slightly bent. Not as good as Siora had been, but it would have to do.

  Luca rose. An Acarian was rushing towards him, preparing to drive his sword through his chest. He deftly knocked the blade aside, and decapitated his opponent in a one fell stroke. The Acarian's body disintegrated, and his armour collapsed around him.

  Luca found himself grinning. The thrill of battle filled him, and the satisfaction of slaying one of those whom he had such hatred for.

  He found another Acarian, busy clashing blades with a student. He gathered his mana, and fired several dozen magick needles into the Acarian's back. They passed right through his armour, striking the man's flesh. Distracted by Luca's attack, the Acarian was quickly cut down by the student.

  The Acarians continued to climb up out of the hole in the grounds, pouring forth like ants.

  "Get back!" someone shouted from afar. Immediately, the students disengaged their opponents and retreated away from the Acarians. Someone grabbed Luca's arms and pulled him back as well.

  The Acarians ceased their advance, wary of the sudden retreat.

  A rain of arrows came down from the sky, fired by unseen archers on the roofs of buildings and atop the walls. Many of the Acarians were struck down. Some used their weapons to block the first arrows fired, but most of them were struck during the second wave. After the third wave, no more stood.

  "Are there any more down there?!"

  "The tunnel looks empty, sir!"

  "Have the water magi flood it, then close the hole up with earth magick!"

  "Yes, sir! You all heard him, water and earth magi up here, everyone else go to battle stations!"

  The students divided up and ran off.

  Luca stepped away from the pit, and leaned against the same wall he had been thrown against, breathing heavily. He looked down at the blade he had picked up from the dead student. It was slightly shorter than Siora had been, but it should fit in the old sheath well enough. After wiping away the blood, he sheathed it.

  Everything was suddenly different. The peaceful atmosphere of the temple was gone, replaced by a rigid military order. Everywhere, students were putting on armour and grabbing weapons from racks that were being wheeled out. This wasn't the training gear they were used to wearing... this was actual armour.

  The masters had assumed the role of commanders, and were going around, spreading messages and information. Luca listened to them, and caught snippets of their messages. It would seem two other holes had burst open within the temple walls, all at the same time. All had been dealt with, but the Acarians would not have made an attack like that in only one stage. Without a doubt, there was more to come, and so everyone was preparing for that.

  Luca wasn't sure what he should do. He could still feel Emila, through the soul tether. She was unharmed, as he felt no foreign pain on his body. But still he wanted to go to her, to make sure she was okay. On the other hand, it was possible that the Allmans might need him.

  "To hell with that. She's more important."

  Sudden concern for her drove him, and yet he did not fail to remind himself that he had been just about to leave her.

  But there was no time to think about that. He had to go to Emila, before any more Acarians appeared. He had to find her and get her somewhere safe. He couldn't let anything happen to her; if she died, then he would...

  That didn't matter. Even if he didn't need her - even if he never had - the fact remained that he could not let what happened to Arlea happen to Emila as well. It would only take a second for a stray arrow to find her, and he could not live with himself if it did.

  Luca ran back, retracing his footsteps to the bench where he had parted with Emila. Some distance away from there, he saw one of the other spots where the Acarians had emerged from, surrounded by students with drawn weapons.

  Emila was still there, holding a mana-formed dagger of ice in her hands, stained by a few drops of blood. Across the bench was the sprawled-out form of an Acarian soldier's armour. His sword was stuck fast in the ground. There was a large stain of blood across the bench, where the Acarian's neck would have been.

  There was a terrified look in Emila's eyes. She was trembling. She didn't seem aware of herself, or what was happening around her.

  "Emila," Luca called to her as he drew near. "Emila, are you alright?"

  She said nothing. She didn't even look at him.

  "Emila!" he said more firmly. "Snap out of it!"

  He placed his hand on her shoulder, and she blinked.

  "Luca...? I-"

  She then seemed to notice the dagger she held. She dropped it like it was on fire and wrapped her arms around Luca, nearly knocking him off his feet. She trembled violently against him.

  Awkwardly, he patted her on the back. In the grass, the ice dagger vanished.

  "What happened here?"

  She pulled away from him, looking at the dead Acarian's armour, and the ice dagger on the ground.

  "This..." she muttered, unsure of herself. "Oh. That man, he attacked me. I didn't want to hurt him. I was just trying to defend myself..."

  "You killed him?"

  She shook her head, her eyes wide. "No, no, no... I didn't... I couldn't. I cut his arm. I was just trying to disarm him. One of the students came over and pinned him over the table and... slit his throat."

  She shuddered, and looked away from the bench.

  "Emila..." Luca said, placing his hand on her shoulder again. "I need you to get somewhere safe. There's probably more Acarians out there, preparing for a second wave. I need you to go somewhere where I know you won't be in any danger. Go back to our room and lock the door."

  "But... what will you be doing?"

  "Fighting, most likely."

  "No!" Emila protested. "No, come with me. We can be safe together. We can protect each other."

  He raised an eyebrow. "If there's going to be a battle, I need to help. I can't be hiding."

  "You're asking me to hide!" she exclaimed.

  "That's different, you're-" he stopped himself from saying 'a girl'. "You're not a fighter. You needed to be rescued from this one man. All you could do in a battlefield is
get in the way."

  She looked a little hurt, but she seemed to understand what he was saying. The battlefield was no place for someone who couldn't kill.

  "I owe these people," Luca said. "I have the power to stop the Acarians, or at least to hold them off. I could save lives. But there's nothing you can do out there. So please, just go to the bedroom and stay there. Don't come out, because that will make me worried about you, and I'll be distracted. That could cost us both our lives."

  She looked down. "I... I understand."

  "Good," he said, as gently as he could. "Now please, get to the bedroom, lock the door, and promise me you won't come out until this is all over."

  She looked up at him, hesitantly nodded, and then she ran off towards the dorms.

  "Emila!" Luca called after her. "Promise me!"

  She did not.


  "Everyone! Gather together at the centre sanctum! Master Allma is going to make an announcement!"

  Luca found himself among the throng of white-robed students, now wearing armour over their clothes and carrying weapons, who had gathered at the gates of the centre sanctum. Dori was at the steps of the sanctum, irritatedly pacing on his walking stick. Allma was nowhere in sight, perhaps still getting ready.

  He spotted a head of familiar black hair amongst the crowd, and quickly made his way through to it.

  "Brand," he said once he had reached him.

  "Luca," said Brand, grinning and holding his shoulder. "I'm glad to see you're alright. Where's Emila?"

  "I sent her somewhere safe."

  "Ah. I see."

  "Do you know what's going on? How did these Acarians get through the temple grounds, and what are they attacking us for?"

  Brand shook his head. "I'm afraid I know nothing about that. Nobody does. That's probably what Allma is going to announce to us."

  Luca drew closer to him, and spoke in a hushed voice. "What about the princess? Is it possible they're here for her?"

  He shook his head. "There's no way they could know she's here. All we knew was that the emissary was on its way. We had no idea who it would be. And even that was kept hushed, and was only a rumour among the students."

  "In that case... someone must have told the Acarians."

  "It's possible."

  The crowd's chatter died down as Allma emerged from the sanctum, wearing armour. He did not immediately address the crowd, instead he went to Dori's side and whispered something in his ear. Dori's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, and he looked to Allma. The temple leader nodded, and Dori hobbled away with a strange look in his eyes, heading in the direction of his chambers.

  "What was that about?" Luca whispered to Brand.

  He shrugged.

  Allma watched Dori leave, waiting until he was out of sight, before he turned and addressed the crowd.

  "Attention, students of the Allma Temple!" he spoke in a strong voice that carried over the crowd. "As you are no doubt aware, there has been an attack on us by the Acarians. We don't know why they have done this yet, nor how they have passed through most of Torachi without hindrance, but this attack was unexpected.

  "The Acarians were able to get past our walls by passing through underground tunnels, and breaking through in areas that were close to the surface. These tunnels have long been a secret known only among us, to be used as a method of escape in case of siege.

  "The exits are concealed with magick, so there is only one way that the Acarians could have discovered the existence of these tunnels. There is a traitor amongst our numbers!"

  The crowd broke out in indeterminable chatter.

  "Hush, hush!" Allma said. "There is no need to start a hunt! We have already identified the traitor!"

  The chatter only grew louder.

  "Silence!" Allma shouted, his voice cutting through the noise and killing it. "I repeat, we have already identified the traitor."

  "Who is it?!" shouted someone in the crowd.

  "Bring them forward!"

  "Deliver us our justice!"

  "Very well," Allma said, his voice just a bit quieter. "Bring forward the traitor."

  The crowd turned away from Allma to see, as two large men approached from the back, carrying between them the beaten and bloody form of a white-robed student.

  Luca gasped.

  "Brand, that's my brother!"

  Indeed, as the soldiers passed near them, there was no doubt about it. It was the snowy-haired figure of Ash, being half-dragged towards the steps of the sanctum where Allma waited.

  The crowd began to cheer, in twisted triumph, as Ash's unconscious form was dropped before Allma.

  "This can't be right," Luca said through his teeth. "It's lies. He's lying."

  He took a step towards the sanctum. Before he could take another, Brand grasped his arm firmly and stopped him.

  He whirled about. "Let me go."

  "Don't be a fool," Brand whispered to him. "What could you possibly accomplish by going up there? If you did anything, you would just be implicated, too."

  "He's my brother!"

  "Just wait. It's too early to make a move yet."

  Reluctantly, Luca stepped back.

  "This is Ash, son of Lodin," Allma announced to the students, "and the greatest failure this temple has ever produced."

  Several of the students booed.

  "Ash discovered the existence of the underground tunnels and has been using them for quite some time!" Allma continued. "His jealousy of his peers led him to seek to destroy you all, and this proud temple that we call home! He was the one who made contact with the Acarians and brought them here! Your friends, your companions, have died because of Ash!"

  There was more booing.

  "Lies...!" Luca spat under his breath.

  "So then..." Allma asked the gathered crowd. "What retribution shall we give to him?"

  The students began to shout at once.


  "Kill him!"

  "Spill his blood!"

  "Deliver justice to those who have died!"

  "Take his head!"

  "Death to the son of Lodin!"

  Not a single voice was crying for his support.

  Allma drew his sword and grabbed Ash by his hair, pulling his head up. The edge of the blade was pressed against his throat.

  "No!" Luca cried out, though his voice was lost in the mass of others who were calling for Ash's blood. His hand went to the sword he had found, and he tried to go towards the sanctum, but Brand's grip on his arm was unyielding.

  "Let me go, Brand! He's going to kill my brother!"

  "Luca, listen to me!" Brand nearly shouted. "You cannot save him! Allma has too much power! Everyone here will side with him against you! It doesn't matter if Ash helped the Acarians or not, because he was doomed the moment Allma declared he had!"

  "I can't just stand here!"

  "If you go up there, you will both die! And what will Emila do, then?"

  He stopped struggling. "What are you saying?"

  "If you try to save Ash now, you'll be declared an ally of the Acarians as well!" Brand said to him. "And as she is your companion, they will go after Emila, once they have killed you. She's hiding somewhere right now, isn't she? She'd never have a chance."

  Luca stared at Brand, unable to believe what he was saying. "Everything Ash said about this place - about Allma and about you - it was all true!"

  "I'm just trying to save as many lives as I can in this situation!" Brand said. Then, he drew closer to Luca and spoke in a hushed voice. "He won't kill Ash now. You can still save him."

  "W-what? What do you mean?"

  "You still have a chance. Just be patient."

  Luca turned his gaze back up to the steps of the sanctum, where Allma was holding his sword against Ash's neck. The students were in an uproar, so unruly in fact, that his entire conversation with Brand had gone unnoticed.

  "You have spoken," Allma said. "The son of Lodin shall be killed."

  The studen
ts screamed in confirmation.

  "There are yet more Acarians out there," Allma said to the crowd. "A second wave of them is drawing near the temple. Go to your stations. Fight and protect this place. Do not forget what this traitor has tried to destroy today."

  Allma took his sword away from Ash. There were groans of disappointment among the students.

  "He does not deserve mercy!"

  "Have you forgotten Kevalie? Have you forgotten what he did?!"

  "What point is there in sparing him?!"

  "Fear not!" Allma told them. "This is no mercy! He will be killed, but later, in celebration of our victory! Go now, my students! Protect the legacy of Allma!"

  There was a burst of applause. The crowd began to disperse, with the many students going off to different parts of the temple.

  Allma turned to the two guards who had carried Ash. He said something to them, and they grabbed Ash by his arms and dragged him up the stairs, disappearing into the sanctum.

  Brand whispered to Luca once more, "He will not kill Ash yet. He's waiting. He may yet have use for your brother. Think about it. If he killed your brother now, what leverage would he have against you?"

  "What plans could he have for me?"

  "Perhaps he still wants you to go with the princess back to T'Saw. The temple has a reputation to keep up. This attack from the Acarians, whatever their intentions are, it has not affected Allma's plans. He still wants to send Zaow his dream team, so that he might be in the Sonoian king's debt."

  "This is all just a game to him," Luca muttered, seething with anger.

  "A game, sure," Brand said. "But an expensive one. A lot of money goes into the training and maintenance of this temple. If Allma does not get that money back, then the temple could not function. Zaow's requests are rare, but they always pay well. So Allma sends the best he has to offer. He has likely been planning this for a while."

  "To hell with his goals," Luca spat. He turned to Brand. "Can I trust you? Tell me now, can I trust you, Brand?"

  Brand nodded without hesitation.

  "In that case," Luca said. "I'm taking Emila, and my brother, and we're leaving here now. Even if I have to fight my way out."

  "You undoubtedly will, with the Acarians on their way. And don't forget that Ash is under lock and key."

  "I don't care about that. We're leaving."

  "Very well. What can I do to help?"

  "Just tell the princess I won't be able to join her group. We could meet later down the road, perhaps, but I have to get Emila and Ash and get out of this place."

  "Good luck, then," Brand said. "I'll be here, doing what I can to stop the Acarians."

  "What chances do you think the temple has?"

  Brand scoffed. "Chances? This is the Allma temple. It has never fallen once, not since the time of the original Master Allma. The walls are old, but they are strong. Nobody has ever torn them down."

  "Then you won't be needing me," he said. "Farewell, Brand."

  "Farewell, Luca."


  Luca ran as fast as he could back to the room he shared with Emila. All around him, orders were being shouted. The Acarians had, it seemed, gotten to the temple faster than predicted.

  "Barricade those gates!" shouted a female master, who he recognised as Justia, the former master of Davik. "Get those supports up now!"

  "They have behemoths!" shouted someone.

  Luca ignored them, racing past the chaos to the bedrooms, where Emila was waiting. As much as he wanted to help, he had to act now. It was the most cowardly thing, but there would be no better chance to get Emila and his brother away than during the fight.

  While they're all being slaughtered...

  "Come. We have to flee. There's nothing we can do here now."

  "Flee? You have been packing while these people were being slaughtered?"

  "Son... sometimes you have to give things up."

  "You gave up awfully quickly. You were a better hunter than any of these people! A better fighter! How many of these people could have been spared if you would have defended them?!"

  "Luca, don't be a fool! We can't fight these men! These are Acarian soldiers!"

  "Perhaps you can't. But I won't let these people die in vain. I won't let Arlea's death be meaningless. You can run. I'm going to take out every one of these bastards!

  "No..." he muttered, without realising it was aloud. "No, it's not like that at all!"

  Even he didn't believe that. It was exactly like that. It was exactly the same situation, and he was doing the exact thing he had hated his father for doing.

  "It's different..." Luca muttered to himself. "It has to be. It has to be..."

  It was not.

  Luca reached the bedroom door, and he began to rap his knuckles on the wood like he hated it.

  "Emila?" he called out. "Emila, it's me! C'mon, we have to go!"

  No answer.

  Luca impatiently looked from the door over to where the front gate was, slightly visible from where he stood. The Acarians were attacking the temple entrance. That would be foolish under any other circumstance. But whatever was on the other side was giving the Allmans trouble. Despite the reinforcement bars they had place against the gate, the massive, powerful thing that was pounding against them was still breaking through, bit by bit.

  He knocked again at the door.

  "Emila are you in there? Are you okay?!"

  No answer.

  He heard a scream from near the gate.

  "Damn it..."

  Luca took a step back and kicked the door with all his strength. It burst within, breaking off its hinges as it hit the wall.

  Emila was not in the room.


  Where was she, he thought in frustration. He'd told her to come to the room, and she had promised...

  No. She hadn't.

  There was another scream. The monster on the other side of the gate was almost through.

  He couldn't wait any longer. His decision had been swayed.

  "I pray she is alright..."

  Luca drew his sword and charged down the steps towards the gate.


  "How is everything holding up?" Tranom asked. His armour was scratched and bloodied from the fights earlier. He was short of breath, but that was mostly from the past thirty minutes or so, which he has spent running without pause.

  "As well as can be expected," Brand muttered bitterly. "Those behemoths... the sentry didn't report those."

  "Nothing about this attack makes any damn sense," Tranom said. "It's like they just appeared right under our noses. How they could have crossed over the mountains, travelling across half of Torachi without a single report... If it was just a small party, I could imagine it, but this is a full legion, just suddenly appearing on our doorstep!"

  "And with behemoths, no less," Brand said. "Something's not adding up here. Either way, though, this is gonna be rough. If only Allma hadn't put on that little show with Ash, we could have had a few extra precious minutes to get ready."

  Tranom frowned. "I may not agree with his methods either, but I'm sure he had his reasons."

  "How is the princess?"

  "Safe and secure. She's got her guards from T'Saw to protect her. Still, we're ready to evacuate her just in case things get really bad."

  "They're breaking through!!!"

  They turned their attention down to the gate, where the behemoths had very nearly burst down the gate. Their tusks could be seen breaking through the wood with each charge, and the supports that had been put up had done almost nothing to help.

  "Archers at the ready!" Tranom shouted. Behind him, the sound of fifty bows being drawn filled the air. Half a dozen other rooftops were doing the same.

  Brand drew his sword, Salamander, and held it at his side. He was shaking, in spite of himself. Usually he was calmer. But this would be his first battle; the first real test of his skills.

  "Apprentice," Tranom said to his student. "You should get down
there, with the fighters. They could use your help."

  Brand hesitated. He had wanted to stay on the rooftops with his master. But Tranom was right. Brand was no archer. He would be a greater help down where the fighting was.

  "Good luck," he said to Tranom.

  "And to you, my apprentice."

  Brand started to run, passing the five rows of archers as he made his way to the ladder at the back of the building.

  But then he stopped.

  "It can't be."

  He turned back around, his eyes finding a single archer in the back row; the only one who had not drawn their bow. A head of long, black hair turned, meeting his gaze with nervous, green eyes.

  "What are you doing up here?" he asked her.


  Luca held his replacement sword, as the behemoths on the other side of the gate made their final charge.

  "Everyone, brace yourselves!" someone screamed.

  The charge came, and the gate burst open. The left half swung open, striking the wall with enough force to break itself off its hinges. The right half, its hinges already broken, went flying into the air like a giant spinning missile. Someone barked an order, and two or three dozen students blasted at the airborne gate with their magick. A rainbow of fire, ice, lightning, and colourless energy struck the giant slab of wood and it burst open. Many smaller pieces of it struck the ground around them, and nobody was crushed.

  "The behemoths!!!"

  Two fur-covered beasts led the Acarians' charge into the temple. The things stood two stories in height, and each had a pair of tusks as long as a man was tall. Their legs shook the ground as they walked.

  "Archers, open fire!"

  A rain of arrow came down from the rooftops. A hundred arrows struck the behemoths, and they gave out massive cries of pain. But still, in spite of the pain, or perhaps because of it, they continued to charge.

  But the Allmans had anticipated that. Having already moved to the sides of the temple grounds, the behemoths charged straight past them and ran into a trap set by the earth magi; a massive pool of mud. The behemoths struggled and thrashed about, but the trap was already closing in around them. Massive amounts of earth-form mana ran through the mud, and it solidified, returning to its natural state of hard rock. The behemoths, unable to move, could do nothing as a second wave of arrows struck them.

  So with the massive, half-buried corpses of the behemoths behind them, the Allmans turned their attention back to the shattered gate.

  At least a thousand Acarian soldiers were waiting on the other side. They stood in perfect rows, unmoving and emotionless. There were no banner-men, just a thousand faceless figures in the same black armour and helmet, as still as statues. Their weapons were not even drawn.

  At the head of the force stood a lone man garbed in the signature black armour. Luca could not see him very clearly through the thick cloud of dust left in the behemoths' wake, but there was only one person that could be leading them.

  "Zinoro..." he muttered.

  "The enemy's gate is down!" shouted the man at the head of the Acarian army. "Attack!"

  The Acarians drew their swords and charged.

  "For Allma!" shouted one of the masters. "For the temple!"

  As the students and masters alike cheered the name of Allma, it mattered not whether it was for the man or the temple. They ran out to meet the Acarians.

  Luca followed behind them. The sound of swords clashing, magick being cast, and blood being shed filled the air. The Acarians vastly outnumbered the Allmans, but the archers up on the rooftops supported them with accurate arrows that brought the Acarians down where they stood.

  Luca charged through the battlefield, cutting down Acarians when they challenged him, but his sight was set on a single man.

  Yet as he drew near him, he realised this was not Zinoro. This man wore the same armour, but he looked unlike anyone Luca had ever seen. His skin was a very ashen shade of grey, and was covered from head to toe in strange tattoos. He had no hair on his head, not even eyebrows. His eyes gazed out from within two rings of black paint that, coupled with his lack of eyebrows, gave him an intense stare.

  As Luca grew closer to him, the Allmans around him grew fewer, and the Acarians grew greater. He heard the Allmans shouting to retreat. It would seem the Acarians had overwhelmed them with sheer numbers.

  He fought as much as he could. He was in too deep now to get away. He had struck down a large number of Acarians, but he could not fight an entire army. The sword he had found was knocked out of his hands, and he was beaten down by half a dozen men in armour. He felt a sword against his throat.

  "Wait, wait," said the man with the tattoo, who was approaching him. "Yes, he'll do. Send my message to Allma. Tell him I have a prisoner."


  "We need more arrows," said Tranom to one of the archers. "Send a team to the armoury for more immediately."

  "Sir, we're out," the archer replied. "We've used up the full stock of arrows already."

  "The entire temple's stock?! Damn it all." Tranom's eyes narrowed in rage as he turned his attention back to the battlefield. The Allmans had retreated back into the temple, and were gathered around the centre sanctum. The only thing separating them from the enemy was the giant behemoth corpses. The Acarians were holding their position at the gate, and were not moving further into the temple.

  "Why aren't they pressing their advantage?"

  "Where is he?" Brand muttered. "Did you see him down there?"

  Tranom shook his head.

  "How could he just disappear like that? How can it be so difficult to spot someone with white hair?" Brand turned to Emila. "You're certain he's still alive?"

  "I-I would have felt it," she said hesitantly. "If he would have died, I would know. Without doubt."

  "But how?!" Brand exclaimed.

  Emila bit her lip, and looked with pleading eyes at the battlefield that had once been the front garden of the temple. "We're... connected. I can't really explain it, but whatever he feels, I feel."

  "I've never heard of such a thing," Tranom said.

  A messenger appeared at the top of the ladder, and ran over to Tranom. "S-sir... The Acarians have... have sent a message Master Allma. They have a hostage, and th-their leader wants to meet him."

  "Zinoro?" Tranom asked.

  The messenger shook his head, still short of breath. "N-no, sir. It's one of his acolytes. Dreevius, I think they said was his name."

  "I see Allma now," Brand said suddenly. "He's going out with his squire."

  Tranom turned to Emila. "Girl. You're an ice-form magus, right?"

  "Y-yes," Emila said hesitantly.

  "We have no more arrows left," Tranom said. "I need you to make an arrow with your magick."

  "But... why?"

  "Because we cannot trust the Acarians. They might be planning to kill Allma. If their leader takes any hostile action against Allma, we need to be able to support him."

  "Oh... I see."

  Emila gathered her mana and wove in into the shape of an arrow. It was slightly crooked, but the end was sharp enough.

  "It'll have to do," Tranom said. "Draw your bow and get ready. I think I can see the Acarian leader coming through the gate."

  "You want me to shoot him?!"

  "Who else?!" Tranom exclaimed, irritated. "Why did you come up here, armed with a bow, if not to shoot down our enemies? That arrow is your magick; we cannot give it to another archer. It's up to you."


  "Get your bow out now," Tranom growled.

  "Master," Brand cut in. "We may have another archer who can use a solid mana form. This girl, she's not a-"

  "We do not have time for this, apprentice," Tranom interrupted. "She came up here, so she's a soldier now. We do not have the luxury of debate. There's too much at stake here."

  With shaky hands, Emila picked up her bow and placed the magick arrow she had made upon it.

  "I've never killed before..." she whispered. "
I can't... I can't do this... I can't do this..."

  Brand placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Just relax. It'll be okay." He gave her a reassuring smile, but Emila was not reassured. In fact, tears were beginning to run down her cheeks.

  "They do have a hostage..." Tranom said. "Take a look."

  He looked down at the centre of the battlefield, where the Acarian leader and Allma had gathered to meet. At the feet of the Acarian leader, was a figure with white hair.


  "This attack is unwarranted," Allma said sternly. "There is no reason for this invasion. You have come into the kingdom of Torachi, and made an attack upon a protected place. This will be considered an act of war, and will be treated as such by the Alliance. By attacking this temple, you have declared war with Torachi, Saeticia, and Sono. Is Acaria really prepared for that?"

  Dreevius barked out a loud laugh, and he did not move from his side. His sword was pressed up against Luca's throat.

  "This is no act of war," Dreevius said. "Come now, Allma. Surely you received our message. Let's not play this game any longer. You knew this attack was coming."

  Allma's expression did not change. His reply was level. "I received no message from Acaria."

  Dreevius snorted. "So be it. Well, you know what it is we're after. Just bring out the daughter of Zaow, and we will leave. This student of yours will be returned unharmed, and we can both go our separate ways."

  Luca looked up from the ground. So they were after Selphie, he thought.

  He looked up as best he could at the man who held him captive. There had been no glimmer of recognition in his eyes when he had seen Luca. This attack hadn't been for him, at least. It was likely Zinoro didn't even know where he was, or if he even still lived.

  His gaze shifted over to Allma to see what the man was thinking. Allma's eyes passed over Luca for a moment, deep in thought. His squire, Rael, stood nervously behind him.

  "So it is the Princess Selphie that you're after," Allma said. His voice was flat; so flat, in fact, that it sounded as though he were reading from a script. "Well, you should know that she falls under our protection. She was sent here by her father, the king of Sono. She is our responsibility, and thus she will not be given to you, under any circumstances. We will muster all forces that we have to defeat you, in order to protect her."

  Luca let out a sigh of relief. Surrendering the princess to the Acarians while she was in Allma's care would have only made things worse for everyone.

  "As for the hostage you have..." Allma continued, glancing at Luca for only the briefest of moments. "It is the Torachi custom, and the custom of this temple, to never abandon those who can be saved."

  Dreevius raised an eyebrow. "Is that right?"

  "But those captured by the enemy are already considered dead," Allma said. "We do not bargain with those who attack us. Kill him if you wish. He was lost the moment you took him."

  Luca's breath caught in his throat. Dreevius had moved his sword away from his neck. His heart was beating in his chest, louder than a drum.

  Dreevius started to laugh. "You're a cold son of a bitch. Very well, then. Never let it be said that Acarians are not men of their word."

  Luca only had a half of a second to think before he felt Dreevius' sword plunge through his chest. He choked as blood came up in his throat. As everything went cold, he looked down and saw a sword blade where his heart should have been.

  It was getting hard to think. Everything was growing cold.

  Luca didn't even feel a thing as Dreevius kicked him away and he fell face-first in the dirt, blood running freely out of the hole in his chest.

  Somewhere in the distance, Emila was screaming in pain.