Read Balancer's Soul Page 17

Friends and Family

  As Sarah briskly walked away from Connor and through the high grass she had a sudden thought. “Maybe Mother might know why I am having these weird sensations when I am with or even think of Connor…and why I was unable to read his mind.” She turned around and asked him a quick question because he still stood within hearing range. It took a moment to spot him because he blended so well with the trees that it frightened her. “I have to make a phone call, I’ll need about fifteen to twenty minutes of personal time. Is that alright?”

  He nodded saying “I’ll be waiting right here, Princess.” And those simple words sent her heart into another marathon. “Endearments annoy me to the point I’m uncomfortable, but when he says them… I really hope that I don’t get a heart attack. I’ll never tell him that it would be worth it just to stay by his side and hear more.” She smiled while turning back to her house.

  The outside walls of the Branderson’s log cabin desperately needed to be repainted, grass needed to be cut and the weeds pulled out of the flowerbed. The grass had grown wildly from years of neglect, but at least it remained green and healthy instead of a dead looking brown. She saw the darkness of her northern bedroom window and realized the curtains were still open. “If Connor could see so well in the dark and track me down he’d surely be able to see into my room.” That thought made her flush in embarrassment and the tips of her ears burned.

  As she walked across the field she realized that her feet were caked in nearly a pound of mud. Sarah went over to the water hose by the backside of the cabin and rinsed off her dirty feet. Upon entering the back door of her home, she noticed that her father stayed fast asleep on the sofa. Lucky for her he’s a heavy sleeper and it takes a lot to wake him up, especially after drinking so much. She heard him talking in his sleep as she walked right by. “Jillian… come home… miss you so much.” And he shifted his seating arrangement to lie on his side, not even noticing or acknowledging her presence.

  She stepped into the bathroom and removed every article of her dirty clothes. Hot streams from the showerhead pulled the aches from the muscles and joints while she freshened up. Stepping out of the shower she wrapped a towel around her middle and quietly entered into her room. Before she even considered turning on the light, she closed the curtains for some modesty. A clean bra became the first article to be equipped and her favorite lacy black panties came next, followed by a tight grey t-shirt and snug blue jeans. She began brushing her damp hair as she walked over to the phone, which laid on the nightstand. Sarah took several deep breaths before dialing the familiar number of her old house.

  It rang four times before being answered by a familiar chirpy voice. “Branderson residence, this is Jillian speaking!”

  “Hello Mother.” She said casually and evenly.

  “Sarah! Sarah, what’s wrong?” She turned to an anxious tone.

  “Nothing is wrong, Mother. I just needed to ask you something.” Feigning boredom wasn’t an easy task from the way she truly felt at the moment.

  “Go ahead, Sweetheart.” Jillian knew Sarah hated nicknames and endearments. She was just trying to goad her into anger. It didn’t work because she had other things upon her mind.

  “When you first met Father and chose him as your mate. How did you know he was the right man for you?” Sarah now suddenly felt curious about their relationship for the first time in decades.

  “It has been a very long time since you have asked that question.” After a short pause she said “Hmm… Well honestly I could never take my eyes off of him, especially when he wasn’t looking. When he spoke, I hung onto his every word. As he walked with me I noticed every movement in his steps and even when the wind caught his quicksilver hair.” She had unmistakable awe and desire coating her voice, even after so many centuries. “Even now just remembering the first time we met seven hundred years ago, he still makes me tingle everywhere and gives me goose bumps all over my body. And when we do touch it feels like a lightning strike in all the right places if you know what I mean.”

  “Wow… Mother, that sounds so very romantic.” Sarah said in little too perky of tone, still not taking her mother’s innuendos seriously.

  “Ok Sarah, now tell me, how Jack is doing? He doesn’t feel happy at the moment. He’s asleep, but it feels as if he’s in pain…” She sounded a little worried.

  After a minute of carefully choosing her words Sarah came up with, “Mother, you know how Father gets when you aren’t near. It isn’t a pretty sight at the moment. He’s drinking heavily to keep himself occupied and not think about anything with clarity. Plus you already know his emotional climate better than anyone else or you wouldn’t have asked.”

  “I’m sorry Sarah. I will be done here in about a month and I will see you soon.” She said in a sincere apology. “Hang in there. You know he isn’t always this way.”

  “Ok, Mother I have to go, I have school papers to grade and more forms to fill out.” Sarah said just to leave and meet Connor as soon as possible.

  “Oh by the way, Sarah,” Jillian put in just before she could hang up “I cannot wait to meet this boy who has gotten you so very hot and bothered.”

  “It’s no use hiding it from her now.” Her mother can always tell a liar from a mile away. “Mother, how…?” Sarah practically yelled into the receiver and stopped before she could wake her father.

  “Sarah, you’re three hundred years old and still lacking compared to my level of experience.” At that Jillian hung up the phone while laughing. Sarah stared openly at the speaker for nearly a minute before finally hanging it up. The last sound her mother made before hanging up was an unsettling laugh that Sarah was unable to shake from the echo in her mind.

  It sounded like an ominous witch’s cackle.

  “Crap, well it’s no use denying it now.” She said quietly to herself. Sarah got up and put on a clean pair of socks and slid into a pair of nearby sneakers from one of the dozen cardboard boxes she hadn’t had the time to unpack yet.

  Quietly she left the house while making sure her father remained asleep. She made her way back across the field and saw that Connor remained standing in the shadows. This time she was unable to see him until he moved forward to meet her. It still seemed strange seeing how he could become practically one with his surroundings, almost like a chameleon. She suspected that if he wanted to he could be stepping on her foot and she wouldn’t be able to see him if he didn’t want her to.

  “Welcome back, Princess.” He said while smiling her smile on his perfect lips. “Hot and bothered was right.” At that thought she tingled and goose bumps rose all over her body. “Great, Mother you just had to give my body another idea.”

  They walked side by side towards Connor’s house. He reached over and squeezed her shoulder gently while saying “Don’t worry about anything, they will love you at just a glance. Just beware of my sister.”

  She looked over at Connor’s house to see it in a new light. The building had been painted a semi-gloss white. At a window near the front door she saw movement as a red blind in the window snapped back together and not two seconds later she heard a girl shout inside the house “Brother’s back! Brother’s back!” A short girl about Sarah’s height came charging out of the house. She wore a pink and white stripped shirt along with beige pants. She came running outside barefoot, looking very excited and relieved. She seemed about seventeen or eighteen years old with the same sandy blonde color hair, but her hair was cut shoulder length unlike Connor’s shaggy style. Her eyes were not Connor’s piercing hazel, but a deep and rich chocolate brown.

  Sarah looked at Connor questionably “Brother?”

  “It’s one of Kara’s habits that she’s never grown out of ever since she was a toddler.” He explained kindly.

  The little girl “Kara”, she said under her breath trying to remember the girl’s name, jumped into the air trying to tackle her big brother, but he stood casually and caught her in his arms while giving her a midair hug.

  As he l
et her down, she squeaked while turning to Sarah. She had a warm and welcoming smile. “I’m so glad Brother was able to find you. We were so worried that you were injured or something. You’re actually pretty hot in that outfit. And your eyes. I’ve never seen such green eyes and you’re not being a redhead.” Then she ran into Sarah giving her a hug as well, she pulled away quickly saying “Hi! I’m Kara.”

  Her energetic nature felt rejuvenating. “Hello Kara. I’m Sarah, your new neighbor.”

  Kara beamed with pride and seemed obviously pleased, and suddenly hugged her yet again.

  Behind Kara stood three more people near the front door of Connor’s house. As Kara released her hug, they all started walking in their direction. An older looking gentleman with a fit physique and a dark tan walked up and spoke first. He wore leather ranch boots with black pants and a blue and white checkered shirt. His hair color stated mostly white with a few brown strands mixed in and his eyes were a faded blue full of mischief. “I’m David May, but everyone calls me Granddaddy.”

  They shook hands and he immediately noticed the abrasions on her palms. He looked at Connor while still holding her hand gently. “Looks like you fixed her up alright... I know your handiwork anywhere, Son. What did you use to clean her hand?” “So he quizzes and teaches Connor, no wonder he is so good…”

  “Sage.” He said instantly and evenly.

  David let go of her hand and slapped Connor on the back approvingly. “Good boy, keep using your head, that’s why it’s on your shoulders and not on your rear.” David turned back to Sarah and showed an innocent face that wasn’t quite so innocent to ask. “So Sarah, how did you like spending the night with my grandson?”

  Her answer was looking down at her suddenly interesting shoe strings and blushing brightly, like a red neon sign.

  “Daddy! Don’t ever ask a lady that kind of a question. How old are you?” The chastising came from the other woman. She was a beautiful middle aged woman, Sarah assumed to be Connor’s mother. But something was somehow off.

  “Mentally or physically?” Returned the riley old man.

  “I’m sorry dear, don’t mind him he’s usually harmless. The other part is when my mother has him.” She shook Sarah’s hand carefully, knowing about the injured palms. “I’m Jenny, Connor’s mother.” She gave one of the warmest and welcoming smiles Sarah has ever seen before. “Sarah, is it? Was Connor able to make it to you before it rained last night?” Concern etched on her features.

  Jenny stood a head taller than herself, but still a head and a half shorter than her towering son. Jenny’s build claimed itself of about average size with hair as long as Kara’s, but leaned lighter towards golden blonde than her children’s sandy blonde hair. She had on sandals and sweat pants along with a sleeveless dark blue blouse.

  “Yes, he made it before it rained. He took really great care of me.”

  “I’ll bet he did. Brother can track down anything.” Kara added proudly.

  “Ms. Sarah? I didn’t know it was you out there, but you could not have been in better hands.” Said a boy from history class... “Matt, no it’s Mark…”

  “I know that from experience, Mark. Thank you.” She said in full agreement.

  “Ha… even if a tiger crossed your path you would have nothing to worry about with my buddy Connor looking out for you.” Mark smacked Connor’s back in a playful manor. At that they both glanced at each other, Connor stifled a laugh while Sarah couldn’t hold back a small giggle. “Wrong feline, Mark.”

  The others looked at them in confusion, but they couldn’t and wouldn’t explain.

  In the silence that Jenny broke she asked “Sarah, did Connor find anything wild for you guy’s to eat?”

  “Yes. He scrounged up some wild apples.”

  An almost annoyed look crossed Jenny’s face as she looked at Sarah. “That’s nowhere near good enough. Everyone come inside for a real meal! I’ll make some food for everyone. First though… Connor you go wash up, you’re filthy.” Everyone obeyed except Mark.

  “Sorry Ms. May, but I have to get to work by three. You know I have to work at the diner, late shift again. Gerry cannot run the business all by himself.” Mark explained with a moderate sigh.

  Waving goodbye, Jenny said “Ok. Thanks Sweetie for watching over Kara until I got home. It was a big help to me.”

  “Any time!” He said with a smile and began walking towards his jeep.

  “Mark! Hold on a minute Bud.” Connor called to his friend.

  “Yeah? What do you need?”

  Connor bound up to him and said “To say thank you myself.” Connor balled up his right fist and Mark did the same. They punched each other’s fist in a playful display of friendship. “I owe you one.”

  “No way, Connor! Let’s call it even from you carrying me that one time.” Mark said adamantly while smiling at his tall comrade.

  “Done!” He said while wearing a different smile that wasn’t Sarah’s, she began wondering just how many sides this young man has.

  As Mark drove off in his jeep, Sarah just noticed that everyone had already went inside the house except Connor and herself. She could not help but ask “You carried him?”

  “You caught that...? Well a few years back, when Mark first moved into town and I was thirteen, he found out that I went out camping practically every weekend and he wanted to try it out for himself. He asked my granddaddy for permission to tag along and got it. We both went camping with Granddaddy up around where I found you, but just a little further north, by my recollection. On the way up to our destination Mark sprained his ankle, quite painfully, even though I didn’t know how or where he could have sprained it. The ground we traversed seemed flat though… I carried him back here to my house, on my back, because I didn’t want him to walk at all. It began bruising quite quickly, so I carried him all the way here so it wouldn’t get any worse.” He said calmly.

  “How far did you carry him?” curiosity kicking in

  “Oh I’d say… just over ten miles.” Connor shrugged apparently remembering carrying his friend over such a distance and not phasing him.

  Her thoughts went wild at that. “Wow! What a man. No better yet My Man!… Ten miles of that terrain…what is he made of? Steel? Carbide? Titanium? ...Wow!”

  “Brother? Sarah? Get in here!” Kara yelled from the doorway with a wry smile chiseled on her lips. Her brown eyes kept scanning between them strangely.

  Connor walked over to the garage and put Tool away on a wooden bench. He came back to her and they entered his house together.

  Once inside she kept getting more astonished by this family. “How beautiful.”

  Sarah came into the living room first and found everything quite exquisite. It wasn’t extravagant by any means, but it was very tasteful. The walls were a dark hunter green and on the walls were pictures and detailed paintings that took one’s breath away. Hardwood floors and no carpet floored the entire house, giving the house a natural look. In the center of the room sat a leather, three person couch and to either side of it were two recliners. In front of the sofa stood a beautifully crafted coffee table that had intricate designs of a leafy vine on its top, bending around the lip and wrapping down the legs. Off to the side of the room laid a red brick fireplace that looked like a comfortable place to sit in front of during the long winter months. They also had a nice flat-screen TV that fit properly against the wall that faced the seating arrangement.

  “Connor, who painted all these pictures and made this table?” She asked in wonder of this elegant room, knowing very few items were purchased.

  “Kara painted everything you see, she is quite a talented artist. On the other hand I built and crafted the coffee table and sofa. The recliners we bought.” He said brightly with a calm smile touching his lips.

  “Wait a minute…you made the table and the sofa?”

  “Yes, I am quite good with my hands.” He smiled her smile again.

  “Let’s keep going before I faint in your arms.??
? And he began to move forward, like he sensed what she desired to do. “The kitchen is straight ahead.” Connor guided her into the sun colored kitchen. An oak dining table sat in the center of the kitchen. On the table were five plates, five glasses filled with water and the same number of forks and paper towels. She had to ask anyway, “Don’t tell me you made this table too?”

  “He sure did.” Jenny answered as she stood over the sizzling stove, cooking up something delicious smelling. Sarah’s mouth began watering eagerly. She pointed over her head at the cupboard. “He made those too. He even made the frames to our beds along with the dressers.”

  “I taught him how to woodwork as a child and he became quite adept at it.” David added with a playfully proud grin.

  Connor stood behind her and knew he bent down because she could feel his warm breath caressing her ear. He spoke softly while her heart went into overdrive. “I’ll be back soon, Princess. You cleaned up for me, now I need to do the same for you.” At that he left to walk down the hall.

  As she heard the bathroom door shut, another wild thought sprung to mind. “I wonder what he looks like without any clothes on…” And the mental picture sent an exciting shiver throughout her entire body, curling the toes inside her shoes.

  “Sarah, what are you daydreaming about? Get in here.” Kara chirped.

  “Oh, nothing. Don’t concern yourself with it, Kara.” Kara huffed, got up, walked over, grabbed Sarah’s wrist and led her to a seat. She really was impatient like he said. But Kara couldn’t take the mental image of Connor that stayed fixed in her mind, making Sarah smile all the more.