Read Balancer's Soul Page 27


  After waving farewell to Sarah and her parents, Connor stepped outside their house and looked across the street. In the driveway were two familiar vehicles. His mother’s car parked in the garage which meant that she and Kara returned, and Mark’s jeep sat parked on the grass.

  Crossing the street, his mind ran wild. “I finally know what Sarah and her family are, Balancers. Not only are they immortal, but they can also control nature. Should I inform Mom and Kara that I showed Sarah my secret? How about actually being engaged? Kara would get a kick out of that or maybe she’d be too stunned to react. I can spend eternity with a woman who accepts me wholly. How can I tell Kara let alone Mom that I’m leaving for a month, without any notice? Well I’d better just get it over with.”

  Opening the front door of his house, Connor spotted Kara and Mark sitting very close together on the leather sofa, watching a movie. Then he had a revelation that since he asked Mark to watch Kara that night, he became quite close to Connor’s sister. He smiled inwardly.

  Kara wore a bright pink blouse that fit quite snug and also decided to wear long white shorts. Mark and his spiky jet black hair and silvery eyes wore an aquamarine t-shirt and blue jeans.

  They were both watching TV when they spotted Connor at the front door. Kara shot up off the couch and closed the distance in an instant. “Brother, where have you been?” Mark was still seated on the sofa and watching the scene of siblings intently.

  “I just met Sarah’s sister, Jillian and her father, Jack.” Connor began laughing on the inside. “Sister…ha she is going to be my future demented mother-in-law.”

  “You what?!” Kara shrieked. “Brother, that man is mean!”

  Staying calm was his only option with her. “Kara, he is Sarah’s father and after we talked, he seemed quite decent to be around. When he isn’t drinking that is. Now that his family is together he isn’t frightened for his daughter’s safety.”

  She studied his face carefully. “Ok Brother. I’ll keep an open mind, but only because you said so.” She stepped away and sat down next to Mark again.

  “Connor, I could use your assistance!” Jenny called from the kitchen.

  “Coming!” Walking into the kitchen he noticed many of grocery bags on the kitchen counter. Since he’s the tallest in the family, he took the hint.

  Putting the last of the cereal boxes into the top cabinet, Jenny asked “I heard you talking about being over at Sarah’s place.” She gave him a wry grin and said “Did you enjoy going over there?”

  Connor replied “Yes I did and I enjoyed meeting her family as well.” He kept his tone of voice even so she wouldn’t be able to discern his excitement.

  Out of the blue Jenny asked “Connor, what is going on?”

  “What do you mean?” he leaned up against the kitchen counter.

  “You look a little…different. Like a heavy weight has been lifted off of your shoulders.” She stepped closer and gave him a once over. “Also you look like you have something that you want to ask.”

  “Like any good mom, you can see right through your children.” He shook his head slowly to calm himself. “Something has come up that I would like to do. I’ll need to take time off of school and I need to ask Granddaddy if he will allow me to work with him for awhile.”

  Crossing her arms around her chest, she asked “How much time off, exactly?”

  Looking at her in the eye he said “About a month or so.”

  She nodded while still looking at him with a businesslike expression. “What do I say to the school to explain such an extended period of absence?”

  “The school doesn’t care for or about me in the least, but if they do happen to ask, tell them I’m out of town looking at different colleges.” He had to make sure everyone stuck to the same story.

  A moment of silence ended as she said “OK.”

  Slack jawed, Connor asked “Ok? Really? Why? What trickery is this?” Jenny would never consent to something like this without a legitimate reason or hidden agenda. It’s not in a mother’s nature to do something like this.

  “Because Connor, you have never once asked for anything for yourself. Ever since Sarah’s came into your life, I’ve noticed a tremendous change in you. For the better I might add.” She tilted her head quizzically. “Are you doing this for her?”

  Unashamed and smiling, he corrected her question. “For us.”

  “Well ok then, do what you have to do. Just be safe with whatever you’re planning.” Jenny stepped closer and gave him a proud hug.

  After Connor called his grandfather to come and pick him up, to which he replied “I’ll be there in thirty minutes.” he walked into the living room and stood in front of Kara to say “I’m leaving for a little while. Look after Mom while I’m away.” She said “No problem, Brother. Come back soon.”

  Connor looked meaningfully at Mark on the sofa and tilted his head for him to follow. He took the hint.

  Upon entering his room, and after Mark stepped inside, Connor shut the door. He asked “What do you need, Buddy?”

  Looking into his silver eyes Connor asked “Mark, you’re my only friend and the only person I trust. Can I ask you for two things?”

  He blinked once and the said “Name them.”

  “At school, can you keep one eye on Kara and the other on Sarah?”

  “Done… And your other request?”

  “Keep Mathew away from my fiancé.” he said bluntly.

  “Your fiancé?” He almost yelled. Connor crossed a finger over his own lips for him to tone his voice down. He complied by smiling and whispering “Are you and Ms. Sarah engaged now?”

  “Yes, and that is the reason why I’m leaving for a little while.” Mark sat down almost in shock, but also a little happy for his friend.

  “Ok done. Just what are you up to?”

  “I will tell you, but no one else can know about this until I get back. This is a very big secret.” Telling Mark his plans made his smile become wider and alter into a grin. Changing the subject on him and catching him off guard Connor said “Go Ahead.”

  “Huh?” His silver eyes turned confused.

  “You once told me that you were fine with Sarah and me. Now I am telling you that I am ok with you and my little sister.”

  He spoke softly. “Thanks, but I don’t know. She is so…young.” When Connor looked into Mark’s silvery eyes just then he thought he saw his pupils literally flicker with a faint white light. It must have been his imagination.

  Moments later Connor heard his grandfather pulling into the driveway and he honked the truck’s horn twice. He grabbed Mark’s shoulder in appreciation saying “Later, Bud.” Walking to his closet Connor grabbed his duffle bag and filled it with clothes. He ran into the open garage and grabbed Tool. He then had another idea that would work in his favor. Connor walked over to Kara’s wagon, untied the rope from the wagon and threw the chest strap and rope over his shoulder.

  Eventually Connor walked towards the idling red pickup truck and opened up the passenger door. David sat patiently, waiting in the purring vehicle that wanted to get a move on. He sat his bag and chest strap in the bed of the truck and slid Tool into the belt loop on his right hip. Connor stepped up and sat down in the seat. “Ready, Son?” David asked casually.

  “You bet. I have a lot to take care of.” And David put the truck in reverse and effortlessly pulled out of the driveway. As they were leaving down the street Connor saw Sarah on her front porch waving goodbye, and he blew her a kiss without alerting his grandfather to the deed. She blushed brightly in the distance as he lost sight of her as a wall off trees flew by.

  Connor loved making her go red in embarrassment, but only when they were alone. He wasn’t sadistic enough to intentionally do it in front of others.