Read Balancer's Soul Page 29


  After waving goodbye to her future mate as he left in the red truck with his grandfather, Sarah’s weekend felt so slow. She wouldn’t see him for a month and that thought kept her spirits down. She so badly wanted to be near him and secretly figure out his plans, but that wouldn’t happen.

  Waking up Monday morning, she couldn’t keep certain images from her mind. All of the anguish on Connor’s face as he revealed the pattern on his chest and how he was preparing himself for the worst of her expectations, kept being repeated over and over in her mind. His story about how the mark painfully seared into him gave her the chills every time her mind touched the subject. And the relief that washed over him as she told him that she loved him made her melt. The truth was that the mark over his chest made him look even manlier. Rugged and dangerous personified the mark. At least to her it did. His godly musculature and their first real kiss… “I’ll never forget any of it.”

  Getting out of bed to get ready for school, Sarah took a steaming hot shower and put on her usual clothes, a silver t-shirt and knee high shorts. “Since you won’t be there, I won’t care how I look.”

  Entering the living room, she noticed the lights were on. Sarah’s parents are never up this early in the morning without reason. “Good morning, Sarah.” Jillian announced cheerfully, even at this early hour. Something was happening. She was wearing only her usual red silk robe that tied around her waist and she wasn’t wearing any foot apparel. She sat on the loveseat with a cup of coffee in her hands, looking excited for some reason.

  “Morning…” Sarah said while yawning. “Why are you up so early?”

  “We have company.” Her face remained neutral.

  Now awake and alert to what she said, Sarah asked quietly “At this hour?” And Jillian smiled a playful smile. She was up to something yet again.

  Seeing movement in the kitchen Sarah spotted sandy blond hair at the sink. “Connor! Why are you back so soon?” She yelled in excitement.

  “Nope! Try again.” Said a chirpy voice and her heart crashed in on itself.

  Recognition hit like a truck. “Kara?” she asked skeptically.

  “Bingo!” Kara stepped out of the kitchen, wearing a cutoff pink halter top and blue shorts. She held a cup of coffee in one hand and walked past Sarah to sit down with her mother on the sofa. She looked at Jillian and said “Your little sister needs to get her eyes checked. She mistook little ol me, for my gigantic brother. Don’t you agree, Jillian?”

  Jillian stole a quick glance at Sarah. “Nah, but she gets ahead of herself when she gets excited… Especially recently.”

  Quickly processing what’s going on Sarah figured it out. Connor told Kara that her mother was her sister. Jillian entered her mind and said “Connor is keeping our surreptitious life closed to the public and is keeping up our usual cover story. It seems Jack and I were right in trusting him.”

  Only one thing didn’t add up so Sarah asked “Kara, why are you here so early in the morning?”

  “Oh, Brother said that while he was gone that you would take me to school.” She looked at Jillian and then back, after realizing the looks they both shared. “He said it would be alright.” Tilting her head to the side she asked “Brother, did ask you right?”

  “Of course, I’m sorry I just didn’t remember it. Being so early in the morning I had forgotten.” Jillian hid a giggle in a cough and Sarah thought “I know he didn’t ask me, Mother. We were all there when he left. I don’t see any problems in giving her a ride though.” She knew her mother heard telepathically.

  Jillian spoke with her mind “Push her for information. I really want to know what my future son-in-law has up his sleeve.”

  “You and me both. He will be my mate remember?” She nodded, catching the drift. And then a light smile touched her lips.

  “Kara, would you like to bring a snack with you to school? We have fresh fruit and granola bars.” Jillian was trying to be a good host in her offering.

  “I wouldn’t want to impose.” Kara said while leaning away.

  Jillian said quickly “No imposition really. We are after all, almost family.”

  Kara playfully smacked Jillian’s arm. “Yeah, at the rate Brother and Sarah are heading, we will be. Hey Jillian, have you seen a change in your sister as I have in my brother?”

  Kara waited for an answer. Moments later Jillian sat her coffee on the table and leaned back into the sofa. She looked right at her child and her golden eyes began twinkling. “Yes Sarah has changed. She used to be so shy and quiet, unsure of herself as well as looking plain and beaten down.” She smiled a little more brightly. “In the past few weeks after meeting Connor, she radiates happiness. She looks fulfilled and more beautiful as a woman than I ever could have imagined her to ever be. It has been a remarkable change.”

  “Mother, is that true?” Jillian gave the slightest nod as a truthful answer. Kara jumped in by saying “Brother, is the same way. He is now really smiling. His head was always down like he was trying to hide. Good luck with that considering his size. He never had anyone in his life that he’s ever liked before. Everyone he’s practically ever met has picked and made fun of him just because he always wears dark clothing and hides his face behind his hair. Now he is confident and happy just being near your sister.”

  Jillian nodded in agreement as Kara stood and walked into the kitchen. Sarah walked up to her mother and spoke very quietly. “How long has she been here?”

  “About ten or fifteen minutes, I’d wager. I didn’t know who she was until she said she was Connor’s sister. It was hard to imagine because the only thing they share is hair color. I didn’t even try to read her mind just in case she could feel things like your mate-to-be does. I invited her in for a drink and we started talking. You were in the shower when she knocked on the door. She is a good and pleasant child to be around. I like this family and we are finally going to have some fun around here.” She spoke just as quietly.

  Shaking her head didn’t help clear the images that sprang forth. “Connor and I are going to be hustled on both ends aren’t we?”

  “What else is family for?” Jillian stated with a chuckle.

  “Sarah, would you like anything before we leave?” Kara called from behind the kitchen wall.

  “She really is a pleasant child, when she isn’t trying to be annoying.” Sarah mused. “I’ll have an apple please.” She called to her with her back to the kitchen. Moments later Sarah heard something whistling through the air.

  As she spun to the noise, something red hit her cheek rather hard.

  Stunned into stillness, Sarah heard the object hit the ground. Jillian sat stunned, Sarah suspected because she remained silent. Slowly looking down at the object that hit her face and registering it as a red apple, she sighed.

  Kara ran up, looking ashamed. “I’m so sorry, Sarah. Did it hurt? It’s a habit of mine. Everyone at my house throws just about everything to each other. It keeps our reflexes sharp and is easier than always walking over. Are you alright?”

  Jillian no longer stayed shocked as she laughed and then said “I love this family! It’s never boring or dull being around either one of them.” She giggled and stood up, patting Kara’s back. “Kara, we are going to be great friends. I can just feel it in the air.”

  “Thanks Jillian, but are you really alright Sarah?” She still looked worried.

  Silently Sarah grasped the fallen apple and stood back up. “Kara, I am alright, but we need to get going.” Kara’s expression said she was truly sorry.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you this morning, Kara. Will I get to see you tomorrow morning?” Jillian asked genuinely.

  As Kara and Sarah headed towards the garage door she replied “You can count on that, Jillian. At least you will until Brother returns.” Sarah couldn’t hold back a defeated groan or the images of her mother and Connor’s sister becoming the best of friends. Kara heard the noise and grinned. “Get used to it, Sister.”

  Shutting t
he door to the garage, the two of them entered the blue car. They pulled onto the road as Sarah couldn’t help but ask “Have you heard any news about Connor since he left?”

  “Not a single word, why?” She said nonchalantly.

  “Because I hate it when he isn’t around, but I despise not knowing what he’s doing. It makes me anxious.” Kara made her speak bluntly.

  Kara turned in the passenger seat to look at her. “Sarah, even I don’t have an idea about what Brother is up to. He’s being very covert on whatever it is. What I have guessed all on my own is that he isn’t touring any colleges though. He is doing something for you, I bet. Whatever he is planning, it will all be for you, Sarah. I know how annoying it is to wait, but trust my brother and everything will always work out. I know that much. He’s my brother after all.”

  “You have a lot of faith in my Connor.”

  “You’re Connor?” She began looking at Sarah incredulously and then smiled. “Whatever. It’s not really faith per say, but when Brother had that look in his eyes after leaving your house, I knew he was scheming something massive.”

  “This will be the longest month of my existence.” Sarah said under her breath.

  “It will all be worth it, Sarah.”

  “What is with you and your brother’s hearing.” Sarah shook her head while Kara grinned in a way that said ‘That is our secret!’

  They made it to school without problems or traffic. Kara left to meet up with some companions while Sarah needed to go to the front office.

  While Sarah stretched on her toes to retrieve her mail in her teacher’s box a deep voice said “Miss Branderson, a word if you don’t mind.” She pulled her arm back and turned around to see the principal waiting outside his office, staring directly at her. They’ve met a few times, straightening out how to fit her in a class as a teacher and all.

  “Certainly, but can you reach my mailbox for me. Someone has moved the box I usually stand on and I doubt you’d like me climbing on the table.” She said with humor and didn’t always enjoy her shortness.

  He smiled and approached. With his advanced height he effortlessly grabbed the mail out of the top row of teacher boxes. Handing it to her he said “Here you go. I’ll see about having another teacher who’s taller trade with you so your trouble will be lessened.” As Sarah slid the fliers and teacher mail in a folder he said “Now can we have a talk?”

  She nodded and together they entered his office. She sat in one of the three chairs while he moved around the desk to drop in his leather seat. She put her paperwork on the desk, knowing something like this was bound to happen. “So what do you need from me?”

  The principal leaned back, lacing his fingers together and setting them on his lap. “I won’t hold you long since class is about to begin in twenty minutes.” Then his tone turned calm and serious. “I’ve been hearing word of an incident and altercation in your class that happened last Friday and some of it sounds to be fabricated, but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t understand the situation. I even got a call from the mayor wanting evidence to the situation. Apparently his son Mathew was physically assaulted by Mr. Mark Connolly. That in itself was hard to believe since he is one of our top students and has never caused this school any grief, but another other story I’ve heard is that Mr. Connor May would have done much more if you hadn’t intervened…”

  “Let me stop you there.” Sarah said calmly and the principal inclined his head to allow her to speak. She has been rehearsing if this situation came to pass. She felt glad she did because her feelings for Connor would have jeopardized her standing and caused her to falter. “If you want to hear what really happened I’ll tell you.” With another nod she explained everything that transpired, leaving out only that she touched Connor to bring his senses back. The principal listened patiently to the events, showing little emotion. He has been at this job for quite some time. “After Mathew ran away, the class remained till the final bell.”

  “So Mr. May caught you before you hit the ground because of Mathew pulled the desk out from under you intentionally? He did this because of a failing test grade? And before Mr. May attacked Mathew, Mr. Connolly stepped in and punched him?”

  “Yes, that is how it happened.”

  He leaned forward and wrote on a notepad that resided on the large mahogany desk. He then looked up and asked “I can overlook the actions of Mr. May and Connolly because they were looking out for your well being, but assaulting a teacher is a serious matter. How would you like to proceed, Miss Branderson?”

  “If it weren’t for the actions of Connor or Mark I would have been injured or worse. As such, since the event didn’t harm anyone I don’t see any reason to press charges at this time. Mark already dealt the appropriate punishment for Mathew’s actions, in my opinion. But if something happens again I will press charges.”

  The man’s eyes narrowed slightly. “No legal actions? If that is your wish I’ll accept it, but might I also request to have Mathew transferred to another class?”

  Sarah sighed. “I don’t believe so because I’m mature enough to put this matter to rest. Anyway I’d rather keep him in class so that I can always see him.”

  “That is mature…” then the first bell rang, showing how long they had been speaking. Sarah grabbed her paperwork and stood. As she reached for the door the principal asked “What is your relationship with Mr. May?”

  Suddenly she stopped with a hand on the doorknob. Her heart raced at what the implications were. She quickly thought up “He’s my neighbor who lived across the street, why?” Sarah then turned to see the man leaning back and smiling admirably at her.

  “Miss Branderson, I heard from a student you touched his cheek to have him look down on you. I’ve known him for many years as the target for many childish and deplorable pranks by the students, but this has been the first case that he has shown he would fight back. Once, I came upon him getting beaten by four football players, but I was too far away to intervene. I yelled and started running. By the time I was close enough the students responsible were gone, but I stood transfixed as Mr. May simply stood up and brushed off his clothes. I had never in my life seen someone take a beating like that and simply brush it off. Never once has he complained or sought help. Many teachers despise him and even more students target him, thinking he’s a pushover, but what I saw that day told me otherwise. I just want you to know I’m grateful that you stopped him before he unleashed himself upon Mathew. A boy that big snapping would not be easy to restrain, even if the bully’s deserve it. He is a nice kid, but troubled. If you see him don’t tell him about this.”

  Deeply touched, Sarah had finally found someone here who didn’t demean the man she loved. She then said “Well that won’t be much of a problem because for the next month he is visiting colleges.”

  “Really? Good for him. Alright Miss Branderson, off to class. We both need to get to work. I’ll also see about moving your cubby lower, for your own safety.” He smiled and gestured for her to leave. She did.

  Most of the school day went by rather quickly which greatly surprised her. Sarah began feeling lonely before the last class started. Mark was the first student to enter the classroom and he stepped closer like he had something on his mind.

  Wearing a silver shirt and black pants matched well with his black spiky hair and silver eyes. “Ms. Sarah, may I please change my seating arrangement to sit closer to the front of the class?”

  “Is there a problem with your current seating arrangement?”

  “No there aren’t any problems like that, but I made a promise to someone.” He was wearing a ghost of a smile and she guessed what it meant.

  “And just who might that be?” “Like I have to really ask?”

  “Why your fiancé of course… Who else is there?” He was now smiling broadly and trying not to laugh. His jaw muscles flexed as he restrained himself.

  “My Fiancé!” Sarah’s green eyes widened to their maximum and her heart started to beat errat
ically. “He told you?” Sounding breathless was all she could manage to speak like.

  “He told only me about him revealing his chest to you. You saw past it because you loved him.” A sly smile appeared. “I want to know what you thought when he took off his top.”

  “I thought he looked Godly with all of those muscles. And the mark on his chest makes him look… I cannot begin to describe how it effects me.” Rambling on wasn’t panning out for her because her heart ached with him not being here.

  “Well we are in total agreement about that. I wouldn’t want to ever get in a fight with him, especially if he was protecting you.” He winked, knowing what could have happened to Mathew without his timely intervention. “Your overprotective fiancé asked me to keep an eye on you while he was away. Don’t worry I will not tell anyone where your fiancé really is.”

  “Thank you Mark… Wait a minute…Did he tell you what he’s planning?” Mark’s teeth were set in a blazing grin. “You do! Tell me or at least please give me a hint.” Sarah began pleading for at least a miniscule size of a hint.

  “Yes I know what he’s doing because he told me. Sorry, but I can’t spoil his plans.” He remained smiling in a knowing way.

  As the students filled the class, Sarah spotted Mathew as he was the last to enter the classroom. Her mood darkened immediately at seeing the deplorable child. Just because he didn’t study and failed a single test didn’t give one cause to do as he did. Mark saw him as well from the corner of his eye. Mathew’s eyes looked to still have a slow smoldering fire once he saw her. A bright purple bruise displayed on his chin. Mark stepped between them casually, but it wasn’t casual at all. His left fist clenched tightly yet the rest of his body looked relaxed. Mark said happily “Hey Mathew how’s the jaw feeling?” it was clearly evident that the purple mark wasn’t from paint on his left jaw line.

  The class was sitting quietly and watching the drama unfold before them. Sarah stepped in front of Mark to say “Mark, you may change your seat to the front.” She looked up at Mathew and his smug sneer didn’t vanish. “I didn’t get a chance to speak with you about last Friday. I will let your actions slide only this once because no one was seriously injured and you got what you deserved. Now! If you try anything like that again,” she stepped into his personal space and looked up at him while being shadowed by Mark. Though she was short she was still slightly stronger than he, but he didn’t realize that. “you will be expelled without graduating for physically assaulting a teacher. No college will pick you up on that fancy football scholarship with that on your permanent record.” His face paled at the promise. Sarah was past threats at this point.

  She wasn’t about to be a pushover of a teacher anymore.

  Stepping away from Mathew and to the front board, she still seethed with anger. “Ok everyone let’s get started.” Mathew sat in his seat while Mark moved his materials forward to a vacant desk.

  Sarah began writing on the board when a girl asked aloud “Ms. Sarah. Where is Connor today?”

  Her frustration could no longer being contained from his absence. Sarah turned to the students and she placed both of her hands on top of her desk to keep her anger in check. “Pardon my bluntness, but why do any one of you care about him now?” Everyone in the class was stunned into silence at the question. “When I first came here I noticed that everyone in this school disliked him, except for Mark here.” Sarah pointed to him sitting in front of her, as protection from Mathew. “All of you children treated him like a freak, an outcast of your pathetic social societies or disposed like trash. You pushed him down, beat him, poured drinks on him and you even made fun of him when he answers a question honestly. More to the fact that everything he said was one hundred percent accurate. Not a single person in here could answer like he did let alone know what he meant. If the technological world came to an end he would have the best chance at survival. The rest of you would be eaten by some predator, crying for your mommies to save you.

  “None of you know what he has been through and survived. You can’t say anything otherwise because I have seen your pathetic and immature actions personally.” Sarah looked at every student in their eyes as her rant continued. Some looked down or away and some fidgeted in their chairs. “Everyone saw how he caught and rescued me from falling on Friday. I should warn you, Connor let you do those despicable things to him. If he was serious, not one person in this school would stand a chance against him.” Straightening up, she walked around her desk so she could lean against it with her arms crossed. “All of you need to grow the hell up! If you don’t, I can guarantee that you will have miserable lives and you can only blame yourself.” Now she spoke calmly after feeling the pressure ease off of her chest. “Connor will be away for a month if you are wondering. He is traveling around to look at different colleges. Now are their anymore questions before I get started with the lesson?”

  “Sounds to me that there is something going on between The Black Sheep and the teacher.” Mathew said in a condescending tone.

  “Oh now that’s it!” But Mark spoke before she did and without looking at Mathew. “You better stop while only three people want to beat the hell out of you, Mathew.”

  “Wow only three?” He sounded unconcerned in his mocking.

  “Yeah only three because Ms. Sarah’s fiancé wants a piece of you before Connor, Ms. Sarah or I do.” Sarah saw Mathew’s face go sheet white at hearing this for the first time. “Ha I bet you didn’t think about me actually being engaged; even if it is to my one and only Connor.”

  Now Mark turned in his seat to look directly at him. “Yes I said fiancé. He and Conner are quite close. And let’s just say for clarification, if you don’t get over yourself and grow up, he might actually kill you if you ever do anything to his betrothed again. If you thought my buddy Connor scared you, I would like you to meet her fiancé when he’s really pissed.” He pointed at her as she smiled weakly.

  Wanting to get away from this subject she said “Now anymore drama before we start class?” All of the students were quite quiet and ready to begin the lesson.

  Mark began writing on his paper after turning back around. Sarah walked up to the board and started writing their assignment, as she finished and turned around, Mark had his paper lifted, facing it in her direction. It read ‘Thank you for standing up for him. Everyone in this school needs a lecture from you.’ She nodded in appreciation and for his save with the whole fiancé thing. He smiled and the rest of the lecture went smoothly.

  The rest of the month went slowly and smoothly after that. Every day Kara and she went to school and back. Mark always stayed close during class, like a loyal lieutenant. Only one saying kept her spirits up as she woke every morning. “One day less until I get to see my fiancé.”