Read Balancer's Soul Page 33


  Later in the night, with the fan and light still on, they were both still in the same position as Connor asked calmly “Please tell me more about Balancers.”

  Those emerald eyes looked up from his shoulder and her thick, silky hair cascaded down her back, his arm and the front of her chest. She remained more beautiful than he imagined each day they were separated. “What would you like to know?” She spoke in the soft velvety voice that made his heart race.

  “I remember that Jillian said that Balancers are mostly the same as humans. That made me think, what are some of the differences between our two races?” She smiled softly at the question.

  “Your right, let’s see…” She sat up from her laying position, crawled all the way onto the bed and crossed her legs together so she could explain things comfortably. She tossed her hair behind her shoulder and somehow became a more stunning sight to behold. “Let’s start out with our brains being more active. You’ve seen images from an MRI or CAT scan before, yes? With all the blue, orange and reds?” He nodded. “Well you know how it shows red and brighter colors to explain where parts are more active. In a Balancer’s scan our minds are pretty much completely red all around. That being said we have the innate capacity to learn faster, retain more knowledge, think and react much more quickly. Our minds are much more evolved than other humans.

  “We need to consume more food than any ordinary person for our abilities to work properly. Our bodies use almost everything we eat and turn it into energy and we have very little waste in the end. Normally a Balancer’s power is full when he or she consumes about five hundred to six hundred thousand calories. And another fun fact…” She had a small smile on her lips. “We can go without food for a month if we had to, if our stored energy is sufficient.

  “Another difference besides manipulating the elements is our gestation period. A normal human child is conceived and born within nine or ten months. The gestation period for our children on the other hand is about seventeen to eighteen months. Female Balancers grow slower within the womb and age about as slowly after birth. A normal human woman reaches sexual maturity in sixteen to eighteen years of age, but the average Balancer reaches her sexual maturity at around thirty. Physically my age is around eighteen or nineteen, even though I’m just over three hundred.” She let out a small and short laugh. “When we reach our matured age, our bodies stop developing and we never age again.

  “We female Balancers are usually born with only two or three ovum on our ovaries and because of that, we don’t have a monthly flow like regular women who shed their eggs every month. Our ovum are slightly larger too, but only by a small amount. It’s practically impossible to tell unless you look closely enough. As long as nothing hurts us while we are pregnant, we do not miscarry thankfully.

  “The final major difference is that we are completely hairless from the neck down.” Connor almost went red imagining it, but unfortunately his eyes drifted of their own accord and she noticed with a pleased smile. “I still have sweat glands to cool off on a hot day, but I have never had to shave my legs a day in my life.” She started to laugh and he joined her.

  “Well what happens to male Balancers?” He asked sitting up straighter.

  “Well when we mate, your brain functions will slowly increase while you evolve into your abilities. All of your hair will fall off from your neck down in about a year. You will still be able to grow a beard like any other man, but I want to see your face. I don’t really like too much facial hair on you.”

  Connor nodded and said “Don’t worry, I like to see my face too.” She smacked him on his chest playfully. “Are there any unique laws that I need to know about?”

  Her expression looked pained at the question. “Yes, but not many.” Taking a breath she continued. “There is a coven of immortals called the Mélange which all immortals are a part of. It’s a French word meaning a mixture of the elements, only much older before French claimed it as their word. There are thirty ancient members who rule and guide our world and they consist of ten Balancers, ten Keepers and ten Changers. All thirty of the Mélange members are the oldest in existence and are supposedly the strongest. We call those thirty the Elders. They keep the peace and secrecy of our worlds and only meet every twenty five years. There are only two rules that the immortals have to live by… Do not reveal our existence to any outsiders unless they are trustworthy. The other is to never use your powers in public unless your mate is in danger or for a last resort if all else is lost.” She looked at him, waiting for a response.

  “What are the punishments for those who break the law?”

  “Imprisonment without your mate for a century or in the worst cases the death of the accused.”

  “But that means…” he looked worriedly at her.

  “Yes. The death of their mate is assured.” She said evenly and emotionless.

  “Well don’t worry, Princess. I won’t allow anything to jeopardize us.” Connor spoke sincerely from the very bottom of his heart.

  “Thank you, Connor.” Her soft voice floated back again. She crawled up his leg and pinned his shoulders to the headboard. “I love you.” And she kissed him again.

  When it began getting too late, and Connor knew they had to wake up early, he got out of bed and turned off the ceiling light. “We need to get some rest. Remember I need to show everyone our new home tomorrow.”

  “I understand. Go ahead. I need to do something real quick.” She got out of bed and he saw her shut the bathroom door.

  Connor slid between the silk sheets and rested the back of his head on the soft pillow. A minute later, he heard Sarah entering their room and she shut the door behind her. In the darkness she said “Connor, where are you?” He called to her from the bed so she knew exactly where he lay. She made it closer and carefully shuffled her feet until she made it to the other side of the bed.

  Feeling the sheet lift, he then felt Sarah slide between them, but something felt off. She slid into the same sleeping position as last time. Her head rested on his chest with her arm over his stomach while her leg lay thrown over his and with the vee of her straddling his leg. With his left hand he felt something was indeed different. Connor didn’t feel the shirt she wore earlier, but he felt a thin strap between her shoulder blades and his heat started rising. Connor’s fingers slid down her soft curves to her hip and felt some soft, lacy material. Trying to keep his voice calm he asked “Sarah, what are you wearing?”

  “It was warm in here so I am only wearing my undergarments. Is that alright?” She said quietly with her head on his chest. Her face began to feel warmer and he knew she was forcing herself to do this for the both of them. The situation was getting precarious, testing their sexual restraint.

  “I was surprised, that’s all. It is fine by me.” “Like any red blooded male would say no in this situation.”

  “Good night.” She said calmly and then yawned.

  “Good night, Princess.” And she cuddled closer and he now really got a good feel of her bra. Somehow he managed to finally achieve sleep, smelling strawberries and apples and listening to Sarah’s soft snore.

  As Connor awoke early the next morning in their new home, he looked down to see Sarah next to him in the same sleeping position that he remembered her falling asleep in. Luscious brown hair lay scattered all over his chest and on the bed. She still snored, but only barely. He smiled at the subtle, delicate noise. The warm sheet cover had somehow moved down the bed to reveal what he could not see under the sheet last night. She was wearing a solid black lacy bra and matching panties. Connor felt his pulse drumming behind his ear from the instantaneous reaction of the amazing sight. Looking over her lush body he noticed that she really didn’t have a single hair below her neckline; not even any hair in her forearm, now that he noticed. Sarah still wore the anklet he made which made his smile more pronounced.

  An hour later she stirred. Sarah looked up to see him staring down at her in admiration. “Good Morning,” She stre
tched and almost at the same time she froze mid-stretch. She felt around for the sheet, but all she felt was either him or herself. Her eyes widened in embarrassment. “Umm… I’m so sorry. I didn’t know what I was thinking last night.”

  “Does it help you to know that I’m half naked as well?” Her answer was a tight lipped smile and to pinch his bottom with her other hand. “Ouch… What was that for?”

  “Because I wanted to give you something special for all this and also for you trying to make me blush…Again!” She finally cracked a beautiful smile. She turned on her side, now resting her head on his left arm. She used her free hand to caress the mark on his chest. “Well?”

  “I’m sorry?” She caught him off guard with the vague question.

  “What do you think of your nearly naked fiancé?” Now resting her palm over his heart, she met his eyes.

  “I think I made the right choice by doing all this. And I see that you are still wearing my anklet.” Connor said while tucking some of her escaping hairs around her ear. She shut her eyes while enjoying the tender touch. “But your pushing it. It is hard to not join you and make one body.”

  “I made the right choice for a mate as well. I wouldn’t love you if you were a normal man.” She rubbed his scar slowly with only her index finger and she looked at it calmly. “She really isn’t put off by my deformity is she…”

  “I love you.” Her eyes shot wide open and softened and she said “As I also love you.” She leaned in to kiss him again and Connor helped by pulling her torso closer, flush against himself.

  As they separated he asked “Now that it is daylight, would you like to see the rest of the house?”

  She smiled brightly while saying “Let me go get dressed first.”

  “Alright.” She got out of bed first and he became spell bound by her fluid movement. Her hips swayed from side to side more than usual, teasing and taunting him. Her long brown hair covered the back clasp of her bra, but it came down to the top of her panties. Her shoulders remained relatively even as she walked straight out the door. She is a remarkable creature.

  When she shut the door of the bathroom Connor walked into the kitchen. He turned on the stove and sat a skillet down, to get the metal heated. He walked to the refrigerator and opened it. Pulling out a carton of eggs and bacon he begin cooking for the both of them. Just as he finishing cooking the satisfying meal, Sarah walked in with a towel wrapping her wet hair and wore a tight blue top and white shorts. He was glad that he thought about stocking the bathroom with towels and other bathroom necessities. “How was it?”

  “Warm…” She teased with a warm smile.

  Setting the plates on the table he asked “Are you hungry?”

  “Famished.” She sat down on a wooden chair as he divided the meal between the plates. Once he sat down Sarah asked “Are you missing anything?” She had a playful smile as she took her first bite of the eggs.

  Connor looked around the room. “Nothing… Wait!” He looked at the table and only Tool remained where she sat it. “Where is my shirt?”

  She didn’t answer until she finished eating. Finishing her glass of fresh water and setting it down she said “Today and today only, I want you to go shirtless and if you do I will give you a special reward tonight. I will let you keep your pants on though. I didn’t think you want to walk around in your boxers all day.” She tried not to giggle, but failed miserably.

  “She can’t possibly be serous…” Instead Connor asked curiously “What kind of surprise are you talking about?”

  “You will just have to wait like you made me do.” She had on a feral smile like Jillian or… “You have spent way too much time with my sister.” Connor shook his head in defeat, exactly like his grandfather does and now he knew why he does it.

  “Is that a yes?” She had a hopeful smile.

  Connor conceded by saying “Yes, it is a Yes.”

  After showing Sarah the rest of the house, dread crept over him because he forgot that he made the deal before remembering that he promised showing everyone their new home. Sarah was a vindictive schemer and he now knew it.

  Sarah and Connor walked back through the woods just before noon to get everyone ready. As they came into the clearing, behind Sarah’s parent’s house, he noticed one extra vehicle in his mother’s driveway. Beside his mom’s car and his grandfather’s truck stood Mark’s jeep. “KARA!” He scolded her in his head. Sarah touched his back, knowing and understanding the same thing and her face matched his thought. Connor said in a defeated tone “Oh well, better to get it done and over with while everyone is here. Let’s go get your parents first.” She nodded hesitantly and held his hand as they walked up to her parent’s house first.

  Jack opened the door after Sarah knocked a few times. He looked down at her with a wry smile and then he turned the smile on Connor. “It looks like Sarah finally did as she planned.”

  “And that would be?” He looked down at her as she hid her face in her hair.

  “She’s been planning for you to go shirtless all month. She has been trying to find a suitable punishment for you leaving her for so long… Or at least her mind was trying to figure something out.”

  Connor laughed, startling both of them. “Serve’s you right for listening to your daughter’s thoughts.”

  He smiled and changed the subject. “I’m ready and Jillian’s almost… Ah here she comes.” Jack wore brown boots laced up his shin along with a brown pair of pants and a light blue top. Jillian wore the exact same attire only with a tight red t-shirt and her hair pulled back into a hair tie.

  “Are we ready?” Jillian looked at Jack and he nodded. She looked at Connor while saying “Oh my…I had forgotten how big that mark truly is.” She blurted out before she thought.

  Connor wanted to say something smart and did. It was a perfect comeback. He looked down at Sarah who had a mortified look on her face from her mother’s lack of subtly. “I thought you said Balancers had a better memory than we human’s do.” Sarah then looked at him like he’d lost his mind.

  Jack burst into laughter and patted him on the back. “That was a good one. I’ll have to remember that for a later reference.” And Jillian smacked her mate’s behind as he made a small joke at her expense.

  “Let’s go collect the rest of our instigators.” Sarah looked up at him and instantly understood who he meant.

  Sarah, himself, Jillian and Jack crossed the road to his mother’s house. Connor opened the door to a full living room. His blunt sister was the first to speak. “Brother! Where is your shirt?” Everyone went speechless for a moment until he came up with a good reason.

  Pointing at Sarah Connor said “It’s her punishment for me taking my sweet time getting back.” She smiled sweetly at him in a way that said ‘You’re going to pay for that.’ Everyone laughed and he leaned down to speak in her ear. “I had to say something to keep them off our trail.” She nodded, but still wore the same dangerous smile. “Everyone, I would also like for you to meet Sarah’s older sister, Jillian. This is their father, Jack.”

  His grandmother walked straight up to Sarah. “Hello Sarah, I’m Rhoda, but everyone calls me Grandma. I see that you gladly accepted his gift.” She pointed at Sarah’s ankle, which she showed off with ample pride. “Did you also enjoy your other gift he made?”

  Sarah now wore an honest and playful smile. “Yes, Grandma and they are both perfect. Have you seen the other yet?”

  “Unfortunately I haven’t. How was it?” Rhoda’s grin turned huge. Sometimes it became dangerous when she gets excited about certain events.

  “You will just have to wait like everyone else.” Sarah announced and it stopped all other questions regarding that particular subject. She glanced and smiled at Connor. He could see she deeply loved her presents.

  Mark, Kara and Jenny stood close together after Rhoda and David finished introducing themselves to Sarah’s parents. At the same time Jenny and Kara asked Sarah “Show us what he made you!”

lifted her ankle up for everyone to see. “He made this and the markings are a symbol of the continuous tattoo on his chest.” Kara stepped up to get a closer look, but Jenny decided to look from a comfortable distance.

  “It’s beautiful.” And Kara looked up at her brother to ask “What’s that thing on your arm Brother?”

  “Oh this is an armlet. I made it as a constant reminder of how I found Sarah out in the wild elements.” Out of the corner of his eye Jillian gave him a quick thumbs up for a good cover story.

  “Not bad, Brother.” She walked away as his mom and Mark each took a look at their items and introduced themselves to Jillian and Jack. Mark raised an eyebrow.

  Mark wanted to speak in private, so Connor walked alone with him into the hallway as everyone was getting acquainted and exchanging pleasantries. “Good news, Buddy. Ms. Sarah chewed the class out for everything they have done to you. You would have loved being there and saw all their expressions. It was an honestly priceless moment. I wish I was smart enough to take some pictures with my phone. And even Mathew hasn’t said a word since…but I’m afraid that he might be up to something again.”

  “Thanks for the heads up, Bud, and thanks for keeping them both safe.”

  Mark punched the center of his chest playfully. “I’ve been telling you that this tattoo isn’t something to be ashamed of. Only you can pull it off with these freakish muscles.” He pointed to Connor’s abs and pectoral muscles. What was funny was that his own size wasn’t all that small either.

  Wanting to get the show on the road Connor came down the hallway, shadowed by Mark. He looked at all who gathered and asked in a light tone “Is everyone ready to see what I built or what?” Everyone said either “Yes.” or “I’m ready.”

  Everyone left the house to follow Sarah and himself. Breaking through the tree line and walking for only a minute, Connor watched everyone’s movement as they walked in the forest. Jack moved about the same way as he himself did as they barely straddled around the trees, without touching them. Jillian and Sarah moved the same way walking only on stones and flowing smoothly like a river around the greenery. Their delicate movements were unique because of their size and age. They walked with purpose and wasted no excess energy. David moved with a solid footing to make sure that he could easily backtrack his steps. Jenny and Rhoda moved quickly yet loudly as they are experienced hikers, but not avid. Kara glided around trees and skirted bushes lightly, leaving little to follow. The most shocking movement of all came from watching that of Mark’s as he shadowed Kara.

  He stepped in every place left by Kara and didn’t disturb any of her prints. He looked to be sniffing the air, searching for danger yet his expression and movements were a calm mask. His hands were at his side, but Connor knew he was keeping guard from the back. Apparently only he was able to detect how differently his friend moved. “That is not the same inexperienced friend I carried home a few years ago.” Connor then saw another glimmer of light flash in his eye again. “What was that? It wasn’t my imagination this time.”

  As the group came upon a particular set of trees that Connor knew, the cottage lay just ahead. He ordered everyone to “Stop.” while Sarah stood next to him and said with a slight bow “Past these trees is the present Connor made.”

  Everyone stood anxious; especially Jillian and Kara. Connor said happily “If you would all please, follow us.”

  As Connor entered the clearing followed by Sarah and the others, he could hear a pin drop on a pillow because of their silence. He turned around to look at everyone as they saw the completed project. They all were slack jawed and their lips were shaping an O.

  Kara was the first who asked oddly “You built a house for her? Why?”

  Connor walked up and placed one hand over her shoulder. His sister couldn’t comprehend his reasoning. “It’s not just for her, it’s for the two of us.”

  “But, But Brother?” She started to cry and Sarah came up to her for a hug.

  “Kara, Connor and I are engaged. It is only a natural thing to move out of the house when you find the one you love. And I love him very, very much.” Kara cried in Sarah’s arms because she most likely felt like he was abandoning her.

  “Listen Sis, I’m not leaving you. I’m only moving out.” She let go of Sarah to look at him with watery eyes and the beginning of a red nose.

  “I understand that you two were made for each other, but it’s hard to see you moving out, Brother. I’m ok now, really.” She said to Sarah while wiping the tears away from her damp cheeks.

  No one apparently heard their quiet little conversation, which shocked him.

  Jillian tapped Connor’s back nearly a minute later and asked “You built a house for Sarah? Within a month? Who helped you do all of this?”

  David spoke up proudly. “All I gave him were the supplies. He built this small paradise entirely by himself.”

  Jack agreed “I can second that because I know the truth of his words. A few weeks ago I caught him building the roof late in the night. I tried sneaking up on him to see what was going on, but…”

  “That’s like trying to sneak up on a viper. He probably felt you before he heard you…” his grandfather laughed and patted Jack on his back. “What did he do when he caught you spying on him?”

  “He threw that hammer thing at me and only missed my head by a few inches. It was a frightening experience.” Jack said while wearing a wry grin.

  “Well count yourself lucky Jack because he missed you on purpose.”

  “I know.” Jack gave a truthful nod.

  “Ok… Everyone?” Connor obtained the group’s undivided attention. “You all may take a look around, but do not enter the cottage just yet. I will give a grand tour.”

  His mom and grandmother walked around the house to look at the array and strategic placement of planted flowers while his grandfather looked over the building method. She always gave constructive criticism for Connor’s work and it helped him to learn. Jillian and Jack stayed close to Sarah and Connor while the others walked away to scan the property.

  Jillian jumped in front of Sarah and asked “What are you two planning to do here?” Her expression became serious, but her eyes were misting.

  “Sister, I am going to live here with him. I will tell you like I did with Kara, we are in love and this is our decision.” Jillian stepped up and hugged her daughter with a smile of congratulations. In the present company they had to play their parts as normal siblings.

  Kara walked away with Mark to look at the spinning water wheel. Jillian still held Sarah in her arms. He then heard her whisper “Sarah, I need to know when you are going to take Connor as your true mate. I can sense that you two didn’t do it last night.” Sarah went rigid from hearing her mother asking such a personal question. Connor tapped Jillian’s back and she let go.

  Leaning down and speaking softly so that only Sarah and Jillian could hear, he said “Jillian, there is still one more week left of school. When that is over with, Sarah and I will tell you when it’s done and you will have a new son-in-law. Will that answer subdue your curiosity for now?” Sarah took his hand gratefully to get out of her mother’s radar.

  Jillian pulled away from them and walked over to Jack and whispered in his ear. He crossed his arms as she spoke and his eyes remained closed to focus on the words. He glanced their way moments later and when she finished speaking to him, he nodded. She turned around and walked back casually. Connor asked “What was that about?”

  Jillian spoke softly to the both of them. “We decided that you’re trustworthy enough and you two can live together until the ritual is complete.”

  Sarah removed her grip from his hand and embraced Jillian. She spoke even softer because Jenny was starting to walk back with Kara and Mark. “Thank you, Mother.” Jillian spoke even softer “Sarah, you are three hundred years old and you have never asked for anything remotely like this. How could you expect us to keep you from the mate you have so longed for?” She smiled and pulled out of
Sarah’s embrace and spoke a little louder, but not loud enough for the others to hear. “At least now I can have a little more freedom in my house.” Her eyes glittered towards Jack, but only for a moment because of present company.

  Kara asked “Brother, what is the waterwheel for?”

  “It allows us to have some electricity all the way out here. It powers an electric turbine that runs a few motorized conveniences in the house.”

  David came back just then and said “So that was why you needed those batteries, copper wiring and magnets.” Connor nodded because he got everything correct and understood their meanings.

  Mark asked “Where did you learn to make electricity even though you’re not very good in science?”

  “Mark, your wrong.” Kara said weakly to him. “Brother struggles only with history. Everything else comes naturally to him. He actually has an eidetic memory that he denies to others so it’s hard to ever slip anything past him. He pretends to not know as much as he does in school because he actually knows more about those subjects than even the teachers do…”

  Their mother interrupted. “That’s enough, Kara.” She said softly to his long winded sibling “Connor, Sarah, this is your day. Please show us your new home.”

  Sarah stood beside him while saying “Gladly.” She walked up to the door and opened it and allowed his grandparents in and they were followed by Jenny, Kara and Mark. Before Jillian and Jack entered; Jillian looked up and elbowed Jack in his side. She pointed up to the eve above the door and giggled. He turned to look at Connor with a smile while saying “Subtle.” And he entered lastly.

  The cottage became a little crowded as everyone looked into every room. Jillian spent the longest time looking at the bedroom. She asked Connor while pointing at the bed’s framing “One day, will you build one for me?” He nodded because she would start begging otherwise. He wouldn’t have that. Kara asked what the two empty rooms were for and Sarah saved him by stating “One will be my study room while the other will be his work room.” Mark and Jack stayed the longest in the power room to study the turbine and electrical systems. Jack said “Fascinating… as long as the water continues to flow, you will have an unlimited energy supply. Even if it’s only just this amount of power to sustain this small property, I’m surprised and impressed.”

  As everyone was able to see why Connor disappeared for so long they were all pleased at how well everything turned out.

  Everyone filed out the front door a few hours later, once the small tour ended and Connor finished explaining the different household modifications.

  Rhoda said happily, as she was the last one left in the house “Wow this place is absolutely beautiful. It’s quiet and romantic. What a wonderfully quaint home. Connor, you have outdone yourself yet again. Sarah you are a very lucky woman.”

  “I sure am, Grandma.” She wove her left arm around his right. The look in her eyes alone showed just how pleased she felt.

  Sarah and Connor led everyone back to the houses without any complications or injuries. As Mark and his grandparent’s left them by Jack’s home, Sarah turned to look up at Connor with innocent eyes. “So when can I move my things into our new home?”

  Connor quickly came up with a proper solution to carrying all of her personal effects, all at the same time. “Ok I have an idea. I will meet you back here in a few minutes. I need to go and get a few things from my old room as well. I’ll be back soon”

  They smiled at each other as they now had a home to be together and not be interrupted by anyone.