Read Balancer's Soul Page 39

Form and Intangible

  “Don’t worry Connor, we are all here to help.” Sarah pushed into his mind.

  “I might need it.” He smiled at her.

  Meanwhile, Connor felt a slow and small trickle of energy flowing into his body from where Jack’s hands were placed. Connor remained seated in his in-laws living room and slightly leaned forward as Jillian initiated the test. “Before we get started you must know when you use an element, the closer you are to it the less energy you’ll need to use, but if you use your abilities on an object that is too far… it is possible for you to die from the attempt if you force your abilities beyond what they can sustain. It strains your heart. And the heavier an object, the harder it is to manipulate. It’s always best to be cautious and regulate your powers appropriately.” Her eyes shot to Sarah to make an expressed point.

  “I get it, the closer the better. Use what you need, nothing more.” Connor said as she leaned forward when she knew that he knew what she meant.

  “Connor, first we are going to start with the most versatile element Pressure. If you are a Pressure Balancer you will be able to pop the balloon. Grab the balloon.” He leaned forward, picked up the red balloon and held it in his left palm. “Good. Now hold it between both of your hands. Ok, now first calm your body.” Connor closed his eyes and slowed his breathing. “Very good now the next step is to focus on what you want and intend to do. My father is a Pressure Balancer and he said for this test there are two uses for this. Pressure can be used to create gusts of wind or can even be solidified into an invisible shield that cannot be penetrated with the proper mental discipline. He said ‘Imagine in your mind’s eye two invisible circular plates just over your hands. With your arms, force the pressure plates together to pop the object.’ Go ahead and try it.”

  With his eyes still closed Connor imagined two Frisbee sized invisible discs made solid, over the palms of his hands. A strange sensation of circular spinning energy out of the center of his chest began coursing through the limbs of his arms and found an escape through his palms. Connor opened his eyes when he no longer felt the sensation of holding rubber.

  Nothing could be seen but Connor could feel a solid air current coming from each of his palms. The red balloon looked like it began levitating and spinning end over end between his hands. It became a dancing balloon, but with nothing sustaining its levitation except his will and power. Moving his hands closer to the balloon, its sides began to compress and flatten. Pulling apart, the object resumed its shape. With one final burst of strength Connor pushed the balloon flat and it exploded with a loud POP.

  Connor was breathing heavily because he didn’t realize how much energy needed to be expended on this attempt and it made him feel slightly light headed. “Well that was fun, what’s next?” he said to Jillian who sat with a wide eyed smile. Jack removed his hands and sighed.

  “You did it on your first try. You really are a natural.” Jillian shook her head in disbelief. “Not yet, first tell me what you pictured.”

  “I pictured two Frisbees. I didn’t realize how much energy it would take though.” Jillian nodded in agreement.

  “Now that was amazing, Connor!” Sarah said it honesty.

  Turning to look at Jack, Connor asked “How are you?” He was breathing slow and deep, but said nothing.

  Jillian continued. “Connor, since you are able to control Pressure, I can tell you three unique things I have seen my father do. He was able to change the direction of any object that came at him. Whether it was an arrow or a cannonball, it didn’t matter. He was strong enough to flatten small buildings when he solidified the element and he was also able to manipulate Pressure so that he could even fly over long distances.”

  “Balancer’s can fly!?” he sounded like a kid at a candy store.

  “Some can, and you will too…one day, but your body is still developing your reserves. They need to be filled because you are still running at only a tenth of your true power as far as I can tell.” She looked at the table. “Ok let’s see if you are compatible with another element.” She looked at the cup. “Pick up the water.” He did so and sat in on his lap. “This is my personal element Liquid. Liquid is the most flexible of the elements. It can be used both as an offence and defense. The way I use this ability is that I picture an orb of water in my hand. Put one hand over the top of the water and try to pull it out. Give it a try.” Jack rested his palms on Connor’s back again to transfer over more of his stamina.

  Remembering the water ball that Jillian made earlier Connor pictured that as a reference. Closing his eyes he focused on this new task. In the safety of his mind he pictured a baseball size orb of water. The power grew from within as he began to focus on the palm of his left hand, but it felt different this time. Instead of a circular spinning motion a cool sensation of a flowing current came from his chest and made its way down the arm of his focus.

  Opening his eyes, a small stream of water began flowing from the cup and collect into a ball over his hand. A beautifully clear ball of water formed. Connor then felt a need for payback. “Here catch.” He tossed the water ball at a startled Jillian. From where she sat Connor felt her gather her power quickly and she caught the ball without spilling a single drop.

  “Sooo you are able to use two elements now.” She sent the water back and controlled it with such precision to land back in the cup. Her expressive face became an unreadable mask for some reason. Sarah and Jack’s expression began to match hers.

  Jack removed his hands, breathing harder from delivering so much energy. “This time it took less strength to use Liquid than it did with Pressure.” Connor admitted truthfully.

  “The reason it was like that stemmed from the fact that you didn’t need to collect anything from the air and surroundings. It was already collected in the cup for you.” Jillian looked at Jack who was still behind them. “Let’s switch, you look like you’ve given him much power.”

  “I have.” They traded positions. Jack walked around and Jillian put her hands on his back. “Let’s test the element Terra this time.” He left the room and came back in with a soda can. “Terra is the element that has the greatest defensive capability. A Terra Balancer can block and stop anything that heads at them. Pick up the stone.” Connor did and felt it to be smooth and cool to the touch. “Jillian’s mother is a Terra Balancer. She was able to make craters in the earth or fill in a sinkhole or make a deep well in moments. Take the stone and make it hover.”

  “I have a better idea.”

  “Connor what are you up to?” Sarah was now in his mind.

  “I have a weird feeling and I’m going to act on it.”

  In his mind he pictured breaking the stone in half. Closing his eyes he pictured making a small fracture and forcing the stone in two. This time the sensation didn’t flow like the others. The energy slammed into his hand like swinging a hammer and hitting a nail in with only one fast and massive strike. Connor opened his eyes just in time to see the rock split into two equal halves with a loud crack that shook the room for a moment. He then pictured floating the two of them up and had them dance above his right hand. The instantaneous force altered and replaced with a fast stream of energy. Connor cut it off immediately because the drain was very intense. As the stones landed on the table he said breathlessly “Now that was harder than doing the first two trials put together.” he looked at back at an exhausted Jillian. “I’m drained, can I get something to eat?”

  “I’ll bring something for everyone.” Sarah ran into the kitchen.

  Jillian walked around to stand in front of Jack. “Connor, we need to have a personal conversation, please give us a little privacy and try to not eavesdrop on what we say to each other.” He nodded while trying to stand up. “No, I meant don’t enter our minds. We’ll step out for a moment.” Connor sat down and waited while they got up and had their conversation. They went out the back door and closed it. He was unable to hear a word they shared.

  Sarah came in fifteen minutes later w
ith a large tray filled with food and several cans of soda. As she sat down the heaping tray, her parents entered the house again and took several items off the tray and started eating ravenously. Connor felt like he shouldn’t emulate them, but was unable to help it. It was as if he’d missed eating for three days without even a snack. He ate nine hotdogs, six bananas, and a large bag of barbeque chips along with drinking five cans of soda. The funniest thing was that Jillian ate almost double what he consumed. Connor wondered where she put it all and then remembered. Most of the food a Balancer eats is converted into usable energy nearly instantly.

  An hour after they ate and his new in-laws finished their intense conversing, the tests resumed.

  Looking much better, Jillian stood behind Connor like last time and Jack issued this test. “Connor, the next test is my element, Fire. Use the candle and take the flame away from the wick and use only your energy to supply the necessary fuel to keep it from dying.”

  Jillian trickled energy through her hands on his back as he shut his eyes. Connor held the candle holder in his left hand as he held his palm to the side of the open flame. He didn’t want to make too big a big flame so he pictured it the same size as he did with the water. The energy flowed as commanded again from his chest and headed to his right palm. Instead of a cool flow of cold water, this felt like a stream of warm water flowing to his hand. Connor opened his eyes and saw the flame travel away from the wick and wax and went to the center of his hand. It seemed so small and it needed to grow bigger. Jack had said to fuel the flame with energy. He wanted it as big as the water ball and the energy obeyed his will without question or delay. The continuous stream of energy from his chest flowed from a small, steady stream into a controllable rushing current. The small flame grew bigger and bigger until it became a fireball. He was able to stop it from going any bigger, but only just.

  “Very good, Connor.” Jack said, but something in his words sounded off. “Light the wick back and stem the flow of energy.” Connor did as asked and sat the candle back. “How did it feel?”

  “It felt like the water; only much warmer.” He nodded knowing what was meant.

  “Ok so you can use Fire as well.” He sighed. “Fire is life… It can be helpful for warmth or light, but it is also the deadliest element. If uncontrolled, people will die. It has only a single purpose, to consume. But without fire many more will die.” Jack looked at him directly. “Fire also has another use. It has the ability to take away heat and freeze any object. The problem is, not only does it use a lot of your stamina, it is uncontrollable. If a solid object’s heat is forcibly and quickly removed it will explode or shatter.

  “Now it’s time for your final test. Metal is the densest of the elements. It requires the most energy to manipulate… As far as I have been told. I have seen a Metal Balancer only fifteen times within my life use their ability in front of me. My other daughter Amber is one of them. She is able to change the form of the metal she carries and made it into any weapon her imagination desired. Metal is an element of change.” Jack stood up and handed over the cube of metal.

  “Jack, if what you say is true, I know that if I can use this affinity, I can feel it in my chest that it is going to require a massive amount of energy.” He nodded and stood in front of Connor placing his hands over his bare shoulder.

  “Connor, something isn’t right!” Sarah said quietly looking at the piece of metal in his hand.

  “What’s the problem?” He went instantly on the defensive.

  “Sarah, be quiet... We need to see if it’s even possible.” Jillian said from behind, still transferring energy in his back.

  “Sarah, what is the problem? Are you alright?” he felt her concern flowing through their bond.

  “Connor, just finish this affinity test, and then we will explain after Sarah takes her own test.” Jack stated, still pouring his energy inside. Connor looked at Sarah and she nodded to continue.

  “Alright.” But he didn’t like how worried Sarah felt.

  Holding the metal cube in his hand Connor closed his eyes yet again and concentrated on the image of the metal. In his mind he saw it change. The cube became circular, then elongate into a cylinder. One end started to flatten and become the tip. Half of the cylinder flattened and it finally took the shape of a small knife.

  Watching all of this within his mind he finally opened his eyes and felt the power flow forth. It became the same feeling when the rock cracked in two, only this time instead of one solid, huge burst of energy it was a continuous and massive current. Too much to be sustained for long. Looking down at the cube in his hand he watched it gently hover over his palm and it started to change shape. It played out liked it did within his mind, but the only thing that looked different was that the metal gave off incredible waves of heat as it morphed into the small, fix bladed, knife. As it finished transforming and cooling the handle gently fell in his hand. Connor felt like he was as weak as the time when Jack made him go unconscious, but his voice remained strong. “Now that is a handy little trick!”

  Jillian and Jack took their hands off and from behind, Jillian said “Well isn’t this an interesting turn of events.”

  Setting the newly formed knife down Connor demanded “Alright what is going on around here? Tell me.”

  “Not just yet Connor. We need to test our daughter now.” Jack said in a way that he didn’t have any room to complain.

  “Sarah, please tell me what they are hiding.”

  “I can’t, at least not until I know for sure myself.”