Read Balancer's Soul Page 46


  Getting out of Sarah’s car, Connor knew it was going to be a beautiful day. There were overcastted clouds and a cool northerly wind sweeping through the trees, but the telltale sign of moisture wasn’t there to offer rain. Connor walked around and opened her door while Mark did the exact same thing for Kara. He popped the trunk soon after and Mark joined him at the back while Sarah and Kara talked about something he couldn’t follow. Mark gained Connor’s attention and asked quietly “Ready to leave this place once and for all?” He pointed to the school behind them.

  Humiliating memories for the past eight years could finally be put to rest.

  “Yes I certainly am.” Connor looked down at him and finally asked a question that’s been nagging at the back of his mind for quite awhile. “Mark, I remembered a few years ago when we went camping for the first time and injured yourself. Now I’ve noticed several big changes since then.”

  Mark took his best friend by the elbow gently and stuck his head around the side of the car to talk to the girls. The rigid grasp and serious expression was the only thing keeping Connor from jerking his arm away. “I need to borrow Connor for a minute. We will be right back.” Connor heard Kara tell him “Ok.” He let go of Connor’s elbow when they were out of everyone’s hearing range. “What kinds of changes are you talking about?” His tone remained serious as his silver eyes searched for an answer.

  His eyes were now focused, but no threat behind could be seen in their depths. It seemed he feared being caught by something. “The day I brought everyone over to my cottage and I noticed how you carefully stepped in every one of my sister’s foot prints. Another thing was your movements. Somehow your outdoor’s experience in tracking and moving has developed dramatically in the past few years. Either that or you’ve been faking about not being used to camping and hiking. The last thing I never realized was how strong you have become.”

  Mark smiled knowingly. “Connor, you are not the only one capable of change and I’ve learned a few things in my time as well. Nothing ever stays exactly the same.” He laughed. For a split second and the third time his eyes flashed weakly. Connor didn’t miss it or brush it off as his imagination this time.

  Mark patted him on the back as they walked back to their women. Arriving at the car Connor noticed everyone gathered together. Sarah spotted him and walked over. As she walked, the breeze blew her dress and hair perfectly and it made his heart thrum. She looked up at him with her luscious, emerald green eyes and in her velvety voice asked “Was everything alright?”

  “No problems.” She walked with him to the trunk as he threw the gown over his shoulder and held the covered cardboard cap in the same hand. His mate then wrapped her arm around his and shot him his favorite smile as he looked down at her.

  Mark held his and Kara’s gown while she held the hats.

  Everyone walked with them as they walked through the entrance of the courtyard. As they were about to enter the Football field Kara, Mark and Connor had to head to the gymnasium, while visitors had to take their seats with everyone else at the audience area.

  Kara took her gown out of Mark’s hands and ran into the girls changing room. Mark and Connor did the same in the men’s room. He slipped the gown on over his black tuxedo and stepped into a mirror to see what he looked like.

  It was a solid blue-green gown that went down to his shins and looked like a tarp. It looked completely smooth, but felt rigid. Connor put on the blue-green cardboard covered hat. It had a blue and grey tassel hanging off the side. He knew this color could never work for him because the darker the clothes looked better. An outdoorsman never chooses to wear brightly colored clothes.

  Everyone met in the auditorium and heard the rules, procedures and the conduct of receiving the diploma. Everyone was free to socialize for a few minutes while the last of the preparations were completed. Mark and Kara caught up to Connor a few minutes later and they talked about nothing of any real importance.

  Something felt off in the feel and flow of the room. Connor knew this feeling well. It was his instinct warning him that something was happening. Connor looked around and saw nothing but a sea of blue-green flowing in every direction at first, like the ocean in a storm. Something caught his intention a moment later before they lined up to proceed to the field. Connor saw in the gym’s far dark corner Mr. V. and another student huddled together. He was unable to get a clear view of the other person the teacher was talking with. He saw his former teacher hand something small and black to the classmate. The classmate lifted his gown and put the black object in his pants pocket before anyone noticed the exchange.

  The vice principal was a middle aged, short heavyset woman whose idea of fun was pushing a student beyond their limits just so that she could expel them. She came close to pushing Connor to that point a few times. In a smokers voice she yelled “Get in one of the four lines that you were assigned!” A minute later Kara stood behind her brother. When the graduating class were in one of their four assigned lines and silent, she continued “You will all follow the rules or you will not receive your diploma! If you understand that, let’s go.” She turned and walked out the doors.

  The four lines followed her silently outside and onto the Football field. Before they stepped out into the light Connor heard applause and screams from the spectators. Shielding his eyes he caught the first glimpse of the graduation. There were metal chairs, all perfectly rowed together, awaiting the seniors like a farewell salute. The stage laid at the goal area, covered in many variations and colors of flowers. The presenting teachers all wore black gowns while the rest of the participating teachers wore regular clothing. Since some of the students this year were in wheelchairs they made a ramp. The safety rails going along the stage were also wrapped with flowers.

  Connor wanted to find where his family situated themselves and he knew the quickest solution. Focusing on the bond at his stomach he felt out his mate’s loving emotion, distance and direction. He instantly turned his head to look at her while she found him the same way. Everyone else from the family was searching anxiously. Connor turned his head back and followed the student before him until he sat at his appointed seat. Kara sat next to him. As she sat she asked “Where is everyone?” He pointed to the left without taking his eyes off of Kara.

  “Fifth row up, ninth from the left. That’s where they are all sitting together.” Kara looked and smiled when at last she saw them.

  As the principal walked up to the podium to begin his speech Connor felt a familiar sensation. “Connor I never asked, but what are your plans after this?” He turned his head to look at her.

  “I’m thinking of becoming a survival expert and guide or maybe a carpenter.” He smiled at her even though she couldn’t see it from this distance, but she could feel his emotion.

  “I think those would be a perfect job for you.”

  “Are you still planning on teaching?”

  “That’s my hope.”

  “It’s the perfect job for you as well, Princess.”

  When their conversation finished the first row of students stood and walked up to receive their diplomas. Mark was in the second row and he raised his diploma like a trophy. Kara started to giggle at his antics.

  A few minutes and five more row later it was their turn. As the next person received her diploma and shook the principal’s hand he said “Connor May!” The most amazing thing happened. Most of the student body stood up and started clapping. Connor turned back around to see the principal hold his hand out and he smiled sincerely. He turned off the microphone to tell Connor privately “Congratulations, it’s about time people see what I do. It seems like everyone has recently changed their opinion about you. I hope you have a wonderful life Mr. May.” Connor was deeply touched and thankful as he walked off stage.

  “Kara May!” and she received her abundant applause as she walked off stage with her diploma.

  When the last person walked off stage, everyone threw their caps in the air. Connor h
ad to hold back because if he used his new strength it would seem like it disappeared in the clouds.

  The principal had one last thing to say. “Congratulations to you all. Now let’s all celebrate this wonderful day with a party in the court yard!” And everyone yelled and started heading to the courtyard.

  Connor first headed back to the car and put their three gowns in the trunk because they were too hot to wear on a day such as this. As a last thought he threw the heavy tuxedo jacket in too. He headed back into the fray and caught up with everyone while dodging and weaving through the crowded courtyard. The courtyard was completely packed with the joyous students and their proud families. Flashing from cameras immortalized memories. Some students still wore their blue-green gowns, but most decided to take it off.

  Connor’s family was eating as some male students came up to him. They asked for forgiveness for interrupting, but had something to ask. Sarah looked at Connor first with a smile as she drank a sip of punch before looking over at the well built boys. All of his family watched closely as the leader of their group asked “Connor, we were wondering what college you’re going to?”


  “We are all heading to Minnesota State.” The middle guy spoke. “We were wondering if you would join our college’s Football team?” He tried to sound confident, but he looked skittish when Connor’s piercing gaze settled upon him.

  Connor’s grandfather sat beside him and chuckled. Connor slowly stood up and the boys took a step back instinctively. He unbuttoned his black vest and his grandfather gladly took it off his hands. Connor glanced at him as he smirked and put on the sleeveless vest. It was too large for him. Connor returned his gaze to the boys and said calmly “I’m sorry, but my answer is no.”

  One of the other boys said “But we could use someone on our team with your talents!”

  “What talents?” He said, knowing the answer.

  “On the last day of school when you held off all of those other guys by yourself, you showed us how much power you have!” another guy said “Or how accurate your throws proved to be at the Dunk Tank.”

  Connor accidently overheard Jillian’s thoughts, but didn’t turn to look at her. “… all you want? Please! My son now has enough power to destroy this school in an instant. You children have no idea how much power he does have!”

  “That’s why I won’t play any sports. I don’t like hurting people, ok. Do you remember how my body’s built?” Connor emphasized by pointing to the center of his broad chest.

  “Who wouldn’t be able to remember that and that tattoo? Plus my girlfriend wants me to train harder because of what she saw from you.” The leader shook his head. “Thanks for that by the way.” He added sarcastically.

  “Listen to me for the last time. I only use my strength to protect those I love. I will not use it for personal reasons. My strength is for myself and mine to use as I see fit.” He said, ending the conversation.

  The boys walked away in confusion and a little perturbed.

  Connor sat back down next to Sarah and everyone around smiled proudly. Connor took a bite out of the hamburger on his plate before he asked “What’s with that look?”

  His mom answered for everyone. “If anyone actually took the time to get to know you, they would learn that you could seriously hurt someone. They would also know that you are built like a tank. You’re humble, not prideful.”

  “I second that!” His grandma chimed in. “Plus, if you did join their little team, they wouldn’t be able to feed someone like you. The school’s cafeteria would go out of business on the first day.” She smiled at her own joke.

  “He’s not the only one who is a pro eater Grandma!” Kara added. “They eat just as much as Brother.” She pointed to Sarah, Jillian and Jack.

  “Really? Now that’s hard to imagine.” Rhoda said with a grin. “One day I will have to see that for myself.” And Connor knew she meant it.

  “Jack, I never had a chance to ask, but what do you do for a living?” David asked and changed subject at the right time.

  “I’m a custom mechanic mostly and a bit of a handyman. I own a garage in the city.” Jack said brushing a strand of silver hair behind his shoulder. David nodded because he always respected a man who works with his hands.

  “And you, Jillian?” David asked while looking at her.

  “I plan and make parties. Like weddings, anniversaries, class reunions… those kinds of things, but I’m best at being a wedding planner.” She chimed in, setting her plate down on the bench between her and Jack.

  Connor saw Sarah take another drink and noticed that she just finished off her cup. “Let me freshen that up for you.” He took her cup as she handed it over. Connor started walking away when he stopped to ask “Would anyone like anything while I’m heading that way?”

  “Could you grab me some more finger sandwiches?” Mark asked.

  He nodded and walked into the cafeteria when none voiced for anything else. Connor filled up Sarah’s drink and filled a plate full of different finger sandwiches. He turned and exited the cafeteria.

  Then his instinct warned him to danger. Hair on the back of his neck rose and the pit of his stomach went hollow.

  He wasn’t about seventy feet away from where Sarah and the gang were when he heard someone yell from the left “HEY BLACK SHEEP!” Connor knew that malicious voice and sighed. Everyone turned to look at the fool who called his former nickname. He turned around slowly to make sure it is a fool…It was.

  Mathew stood about ten to fifteen feet away wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. He was sporting the smile of a sick and demented person about to do something extremely foolish.

  “What do you want now, Mathew?” Connor asked in boredom, but he really was fuming internally. He was sick and tired of Mathew’s petty games.

  “To take my revenge on you for making me look like a reject! How dare a mongrel like you step on someone of my breeding and background?”

  “It looks to me like the runt of the litter wants to prove himself.” Connor sat down Sarah’s drink and Mark’s food. He turned back towards the ingrate in an unafraid and confident manor and stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

  Everyone who was watching started slowly backing away; students, parents and staff alike. They were smart enough to sense the hostility rolling off Connor.

  Mathew’s grin widened as he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out something black. The audience backed away even more quickly at seeing a weapon. Thinking it was a real gun, Connor became defensive. Mathew raised his hand to point it at Connor. All eyes zeroed in on the object.

  It was an electric stun gun.

  Connor instantly assumed his battle ready stance, prepared to take out his most despised enemy. Instinctively his hand went to his waist line, but remembered leaving Tool at home. A weapon would be a comfort, but he had merely his wits. Connor crouched further and cautiously tried to talk him out of this. “Mathew, why are you really doing this? Especially in front of all these innocent people. Do you realize someone could get caught in the crossfire? Even if you do hit me, they are witnesses.”

  His menacing smile returned. “No one ever makes me look like the waste that you are. Plus since my father is the mayor, he got wind of your escapade during the carnival and he told me to take care of it!” Mathew raised the stun gun and pointed it directly at Connor’s broad chest. “And I intend to do just that.”

  Things were rapidly spiraling out of control.

  Connor’s voice became just as demeaning. “So Daddy gets involved in your fights and tells you what to do? Grow up and be a man. If you want a fight. I’ll give you one, but let’s go somewhere else so that no one else can be potentially hurt.” Slightly he spread his arms and tightened his fists. He needed to prepare to react incase Mathew did fire. “Fight me one on one; no weapons.”

  The vile smile vanished. “Do you honestly think I’m that stupid? No, I’ll use this to equalize the game.” His finger moved to the trig
ger and Connor knew that talking him out of this would be useless.