Read Balancer's Soul Page 9


  “Alright time to go back to Sarah. Six apples should be enough to satisfy us for a little while.” Stepping back into the small clearing Connor stopped dead in his tracks. Sarah just sat there, comfortable yet alert, like a regal queen.

  When she finally realized he returned she said in a sly way “Finally! You're back, Connor. I’m hungry, how many did you bring?”

  “Six.” He said, still mesmerized by her beauty and lovely smile.

  Connor sat down in front of her and handed over three apples. She bit into the apple and groaned with pleasure. Apparently she was quite hungry. She ate the other two that were given in quick order. So he gave her his last one since he already finished off two.

  When she finished tossing the core into the woods Connor asked “How did you sleep?”

  “Very well thank you, I would have been miserable without your help… and company…last night I mean.” She smiled and glanced at him from under her long eyelashes while biting her bottom lip. This in turn, made his heart race.

  “Glad to be of some help.”

  When it became bright enough to travel, he looked at Sarah to ask “Ready?”

  She looked around the trees and then at him. Understanding what Connor meant she said “Yep.”

  Connor stood up first and held out his hand. When she took it he felt that same jolt again. It seared trough him from where they touched. He couldn’t stop himself from asking “Did you feel that too?”

  “Weird huh?” And that is all she said. “She doesn’t know what it is either.”

  As Connor guided her out of the forest, she asked many questions, trying to see what he knew about the outdoors. “Teacher’s right?” “Connor, why didn’t we leave when you first found me last night?”

  “Because Sarah, the night can be dangerous to wonder around aimlessly in. Especially if you don’t know the area. The rain would wash away our tracks that we made, so we couldn’t backtrack. Also it was too dark to see the stars, I would have gotten both of us lost and I won’t risk your safety for anything. Finally I swore to myself that I will protect you.” Answering her question felt effortless. “I’m your protector now Sarah. Get used to it.”

  Suddenly she stopped in her tracks. Connor stopped as well and turned to look at her. Sarah’s face burned bright red. “Oh no. Is she upset or embarrassed…? Well only one way to find out.”

  Connor walked right up to Sarah and asked “Are you ill?” He grabbed Sarah’s shoulders gently, and pulled her closer. He leaned down and placed his lips upon her forehead.

  Sarah went completely rigid. Her face somehow became even redder and warmer. And his test was: “If she goes rigid and blushes redder, she’ll be embarrassed. If I get slapped, she’s upset.” She went rigid and his lips warmed up instantaneously. Connor’s answer proved that she was embarrassed.

  He pulled away from her and said with relief “Nope. You’re not running a fever. So why are you so red then?”