Read Ballad Of A Bad Bitch Page 10

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  10. Never Trust a Bitch...Even if You Made Her!

  Terri pulled into her driveway mad as hell! It wasn't like work was ever that great anyway but walking around trying to avoid that little whore LaTonya all goddamn night had her temper at an all time high. She couldn't wait to get in the house to confront Quinton. Terri barely turned her ignition off before jumping out of her car. Leaving her purse and everything in the car.

  “ Quinton! Quinton! Come here!” Terri screamed walking quickly through the house. Where the fuck is this negro? His car is broken down and he doesn’t work so the only place he should be is home!

  Quinton walked down the steps.

  “ What the fuck are you doing all this goddamn yelling for? What I tell you about yelling my damn name like I'm your child?”

  “ Well if you didn't act like a child I wouldn't have to treat you like one, Quinton I told you the last time you would not be shaming me up at my job. I just spent the last four hours during my shift trying to avoid your lil hoes you meet out here in these streets! I will not be humiliated like this!As much as I do for you I'm tired of this shit Quinton.” Terri said standing toe to toe with him,her 5'4 frame glaring up into his 6'2 lean, creamy peanut butter brown muscular body, his brown eyes blazing down at her.

  Quinton looked down at her disgusted.

  It wasn't like Terri was a bad looking woman she was just plain. It was if he was seeing her for the first time and his eyes were wide the fuck open.

  Terri looked for lack of a better word... old.

  Damn near like his damn mama. Truth be told she was only six years younger than his mother. His own mother never let him forget it either. Whenever he stopped by her house she never hesitated to ask how the “child molester or his OLD lady” was doing.

  “ So what are you gonna do about it Terri? You know what? Fuck it. I've been doing some thinking my damn self. You act like you're providing everything in this relationship. You never think about the shit I'm giving up being with you?” Quinton asked pointing at her.

  “ Nigga please! Any man would be grateful for all I give you! Have you been in this muthafucka smoking crack?”

  “ Bitch please.”


  “ Would you rather I call you Medusa? Hell that's how you make me feel being with you're turning me to stone. Old ass. All you've really done is drain the fucking life out of me. Especially with all this fuckin' arguing. I mean let's be for real here. You can't get enough of this young dick. Every time you suck my dick and swallow you're drinking from the fountain of youth! What do I get out the deal? Terri you do realize your pussy don't even get wet half the damn time? It ain’t me either because you the one always coming for me! I ain’t used to fuckin' with women that always need some store bought lubricant n' shit.”

  Terri was shocked into silence her mouth snapping shut.

  Tears sprang to her eyes. She couldn't believe the words that had come from his mouth. Quinton had never been so blatantly cruel towards her. Yes lately she did find herself needing to use lubricants when they had sex but Quinton was thick! Didn't he have any sympathy for the fact she worked all the time to take care of them? She was always tired...her body just needed to get properly charged and rested. He was making it seem like it had to do with her age!

  “ Don't even get me started on the fact I'm a 26 year old man. I hope you didn't have it in your head that just because I've been laid up with your old behind all these months that I lay up with ol' broads on the regular. I want a family. Is your body even making good eggs still? Or are all the eggs your body is dropping at this point down syndrome babies? I can't have kids with no old woman. That would be an embarrassment to my future kids you showing up at the school looking like their grandma.” Quinton said his lips turned down looking at her like he smelled something bad.

  “ A baby! You want a baby?”

  “ Of course I do bitch! I'm too fine not to pass these genes on to a child. Shit I'm my mothers only son..she wants me to settle down with a nice young woman some day and make her some beautiful...healthy babies one day!”

  Mia sat in her room ,she could hear the yelling coming from downstairs. Maybe I should go see if my mom is okay? She thought opening her door and walking towards the stairs.

  “ Mom are you okay?”

  Terri looked up at her daughter and was suddenly resentful. Mia was beautiful...young. The very last thing she wanted to look at after Quinton's hurtful words towards her.

  “ I'm fine Mia. Go back in your room please.”

  Quinton looked up towards Mia as well but his thoughts were the very opposite of Terri's. I know she think she's about to come down here and tell her mama some shit about me. As much as I want her I can't trust her either. One day we'll trust each other I know it. Not right now though.

  “ Mom I need to talk to you...”

  “ Goddamn it Mia! Get back in your fuckin' room!” Terri screamed.

  Mia ran back up the stairs.

  Quinton couldn't trust Mia,but he didn't want her mama yelling at her either. Shit Mia didn't know it yet but she was his woman,and wasn't no one gonna be talking to her crazy...even her damn mama.

  “ You didn't have to yell at her. Bad enough you got your only child out here raising her own self. How many jobs have you asked me to quit just so you could keep tabs on me Terri? You don't have to work as hard as you do but you like that shit. You want to be in control of everything. Then play the poor Terri card. You can keep that mess. Then you got your child thinking I'm not shit.”

  “ I've never said anything negative about you to Mia!”

  “ You didn't have too! The simple fact you have me sitting around here day after day is enough. Everyone thinks I'm here because I'm lazy. If they only knew the truth. Look I can't do this anymore. I need to be around people more my age I think. I need a woman that can keep up with me physically....sexually. Hell your own daughter is more in my age group than you are.”

  “What are you saying Quinton?” Terri starting to panic. Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. Her breath quickened.

  “ I'm saying I do love you Terri but I don't know if it's enough. I'm torn between you and my youth. You don't understand it because you're've lived your life. I'm torn between loving you and leaving out this house everyday to see what I'm missing. If I can't have all my needs met in this house,Imma have to step out this door for what I need. This arguing with you all the goddamn time is just making my decision to leave easier to make.”

  Terri dropped to her knees crying. Out of all the words that had come out of Quinton's mouth the only words she could wrap her mind around was him leaving. He couldn't leave her. She'd put her all into their relationship trying to make him happy. Terri couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her face.

  “ Please don't go Quinton, I need you. I love said you love me too! We can make this work we can...”

  “ I don't know Terri,too much shit around here has to change. Besides the age difference ain’t never gonna change between us. I want kids you're that I think about it,didn't you tell me you tied your tubes ? Even if I did stay with you Terri..what about a baby? I need a son,a baby girl. That's non-negotiable.” Quinton said grabbing her keys and walking out the door.