Read Ballad Of A Bad Bitch Page 16

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  16. Man of the House

  Quinton laid in the bed the next morning tired as fuck! All he'd planned on doing was slipping Terri a little dick to shut her ass up so he didn't have to argue with her behind all goddamn night. Terri took it as her chance to try and out fuck every twenty year old she thought was laying in wait to take her damn spot.

  If this damn bitch don't get this tired pussy up off me she gon' give her own self a damn heart attack! Fuckin' with this damn young dick gon' have her laid out fuckin' with me. Shit it would be one thing if I wanted the pussy like that but I'm over it. Time for me to move the fuck her daughter.

  Terri came through the bedroom door carrying a tray of piping hot food.

  “ Good morning baby! You had me so charged up from all that good dick last night, I just knew I had to get up and put in some work in the kitchen this morning.” Terri leaned down and placed the tray over his lap and grabbed his dick for a rub.

  “ Yeah it sure was something.” Quinton said stuffing his mouth with cheese grits and rolling his eyes at her back as she walked into the bathroom.

  “ Well we really needed that time together last night Quinton don't you think? It was just what we needed to get our relationship back on track. I've made a decision. I'm covering for Gloria tonight so when I go to work at three I wont be home until after seven in the morning but you know what? After that I'm done. No more doubles,I'm done. I need to dedicate more time to our relationship. Matter of fact on Monday when I go in I'm putting my paperwork in to switch to day shift.” Terri said excitement filling her voice. She'd planned it all out while preparing him breakfast.

  Quinton did need to feel like a man in the relationship. It was her job as his woman to build him up in every way!

  Quinton almost choked on his damn toast!

  “ You thought of all that huh?”

  “Yes! We'll support each other. I'm going to support you in your job hunting.” Terri smiled.

  Quinton groaned on the inside. Now I know I was talking shit last night but I didn't say word one about getting a damn job this week! DAMN! Looks like imma have to step my plans all the way up. Quinton continued digging into his food to avoid having to talk to Terri. His mind was buzzing with all the things he needed to set in motion now that Terri had all these new “plans”.

  Shit her ass ain’t planning a damn thing for me. I do the fuckin' planning around this muthafucka little do she know!

  Quinton got up from the bed and threw some sweats on.

  “ Thanks for breakfast baby. You really put it more ways than one.”he said winking at her.

  “ You're welcome honey.” Terri felt so good. Last night and those early morning hours were just what they'd needed. In a month Mia would be graduating and on her way to college. It would just be her and Quinton. I need to stop being so insecure in our relationship. After all Quinton chose me out of a club full of younger women. At the end of everyday he chooses to lay his head here...with me.

  Terri leaned into the mirror...are those lines in my forehead? Oh hell no! I'm leaving for work early so I can hit up the mall before work. Maybe I can find a really good moisturizer.

  “ Imma be busy today. It's a lotta things that need to be done. I'll get this yard done before the sun is out.” Quinton said grabbing the tray and heading towards the door before he stopped.

  “ Did you leave a plate of food for Mia?”

  “ No. I just made food for us. If Mia wanna eat she know how to get in the kitchen herself.”Terri said offhandedly. “ Mia needs to start being more independent. After all, in a few months she'll be 18 on her way to college and it will be time for me to do me.”

  Quinton sat the empty tray down and walked over to the bed.

  “Terri come here I wanna talk to you. I ain’t trying to make you mad or no shit like that but I am curious. I've never pressed you before but I do wanna ask you a few things about Mia's dad.”

  Terri knew where this was headed every since the day she'd found out she was pregnant she'd avoided talk of Mia's father. Only ever opening up to her mother...who didn't help the situation.

  “ What is it Quinton?” Terri asked cautiously.

  “ Where is Mia's dad?”

  “ He's around here somewhere. Last I knew.”

  “ What do you mean he's around here?”

  “ I mean the nigga lives right here in San Antonio with his wife and family.”

  “ So he just chose not to have anything to do with his child all her life?”

  “ Not exactly. I never told him I was pregnant.”

  Quinton just stared at her. He knew he could do some low down shit but damn. How you not gon' tell a nigga he gotta baby on the way?

  “ You know you dead ass wrong for that. You let your own daughter walk around thinking her dad wants nothing to do with her when he never knew about her at all? That's fucked up.”

  “ No it was fucked up when he didn't leave his girlfriend for me! I was fuckin' him first! Then he claimed he had to stop seeing me because he met the love of his life? By all rights he should have chosen me. I was in the picture first!” Terri said hotly,rolling her eyes.

  “ Well did he love you? Did he ever lead you to believe he was wanting a permanent relationship with you?”

  “ No. You know what it's you and I love you so imma go ahead and tell you. It was so long ago who cares right? I got pregnant with Mia on purpose. I was young and I couldn't see past the fact I wanted him. I thought if I tipped the cards in my favor with a baby he'd chose me. Before I could even tell him I was pregnant he cut me off completely. The things he said to me were so cruel Quinton.” Terri said tearing up.

  This hoe crazy as fuck. Quinton thought looking at Terri.

  “ Well I ain’t trying to take you all through it again.” he said getting up,picking up the tray and walking out of the room. I ain’t even trying to get pulled into Terri's issues because when I get with her daughter her ass gonna have a hundred more!

  Shit! I'm hungry. Mia looked at the clock,it was 1:45pm. Mia had been hiding in her bedroom all morning long trying to avoid her mother. Usually it was Quinton she didn't want to lay eyes on. Today it was her own mother.

  “ Open this goddamn door Mia! What have I told you about locking doors in MY house? Don't no one lock doors around here but me!” Terri yelled on the other side of the door.

  Mia rolled out her bed groaning. It just doesn't get any better does it?

  “ Morning mom. Are you on your way to work?”

  “ Actually it's afternoon and you need to get your lil ass up and do some chores around here. Start pulling your weight around here. Here I am walking out the door to head to the job,Quinton is outside getting ready to do the yard and here you are, damn near two in the afternoon laid in the bed. Now you need to contribute to this household as well.” Terri walked around Mia's bedroom looking for something to complain about. Fortunately Mia had cleaned her room the day before.

  “Well is there anything else you want me to do around here? I'm the one that does most of the cleaning around here already. I cook for myself almost every day unless you leave money for me to order something. I do our laundry...,”

  “ Bitch are you getting smart with me? I saw Quinton putting his own clothes in the washer the other day so you're NOT doing all the laundry are you? I've held my tongue on some things but you better realize little girl...Quinton is the man of this house!” Terri wanted to slap the hell out of the pretty bitch she'd popped out of her pussy.

  Mia had been a beautiful baby from the womb but each year it just got worse. She'd been so hurt by the treatment of Mia's father she'd often found Mia hard to look at. Leaving her screaming for what seemed like hours at a time. Lucky for Mia her mother had been near by during those days.

  “Okay mom. I'll clean up around here really good. When I'm done can I go to the movies with Rayna and a couple of friends from school?”

  Terri stood quietly looking Mia over fo
r a few minutes. Uh-uh. Graduation needs to hurry up and happen. Mia has got to get out of this house. Terri’s eye's did a slow appraisal of her daughter's body. This bitch needs to go! I can't have her walking around Quinton.

  “ Are you fucking Mia?”


  “ I know damn well you ain’t deaf. Are you fucking? I can already tell that lil fast ass Rayna is opening her legs for these raggedy niggas around here.”

  “ Mom I'm not doing anything with anyone.” Mia answered confidently. Maybe this would get her mom off her back.

  “ I know you better not be and if you are crazy enough to let any of these losers between your legs... you damn sure better not bring anything home that requires food,clothing and shelter. I'm almost done raising you. It's time for me to live my life.”

  Mia knew without a doubt now was not the time to debate her mother in anyway. Not that she ever talked back but their pre-Quinton relationship had at least allowed for some discussion.

  “ I swear Mom I'm not doing anything I just want to go to the mall and the movies after I'm all done with my chores.” Mia pleaded.

  “ You can go....IF Quinton says you can. I want him to look over all your chores before you step out of this house today. I'll leave you some money with Quinton if you get it all done. Didn't you say you needed to get your prom dress?”

  Mia couldn't believe her mom had brought it up. Hell the way her mom had been acting lately,she hadn't wanted to bring prom up at all.

  “ Yes. Thanks mom.”