Read Ballad Of A Bad Bitch Page 2

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  2. Boy Toys & Bitches

  Ten minutes later nurse Terri King entered the break room. She went to the freezer and pulled out her lunch bag. Prior to coming into work she'd packed herself a decent lunch even though she wasn't in the mood at all for what she'd brought. She was cutting corners with her money though, since she was the only one in the household working. Again. Quinton had gone from bad to worse in the past three years. In the past he'd at least attempted getting jobs;even though she'd convince him they weren't good enough and ask him to quit. Arguments with her he'd in the past walk away from to keep the peace, he refused to do anymore. A few weeks ago he'd even put his hands on her.

  I bring in a ton of damn money and can't even buy what I want for lunch? This is ridiculous. Quinton is going to need to cut back on his spending.

  Terri had been nursing for the last 11 years. She'd struggled through nursing school as a single mother to make a better life for herself and her daughter Mia. Always taking every opportunity that came her way make more money any chance she could. Terri would work back to back doubles. All the other nurses knew if they needed a shift covered to ask her. She always said yes.

  Not that she ever really wanted to. She didn't have much of a choice. After all,she was supporting a grown ass man. If she didn't get out and hustle up the money who would?

  Quinton her boyfriend of the last three years made her. That wasn't quite true though. When they'd meet she'd clearly told him she would be the breadwinner as long as he was loyal and faithful to her. Quinton spent the majority of his free time hanging around the house inviting his friends over, eating her out of house and home. The once beautiful home she'd shared with her daughter Mia, was now nothing more than a party house for her boyfriend and his shiftless friends.

  Lord where is my child at?I know I haven't been the best mother and even though I don't want her to come least not into my home. I wish I knew if she was okay.

  The thoughts of concern about her missing only child came often but were always fleeting. It's a good thing she's gone. Mia was almost grown when she'd run away anyway. Two women can't exist in one house together. Especially with one man. It's a good thing she's gone. Terri thought all of a sudden angry.

  Terri jumped suddenly as her co-worker Janice along with one of the newer nurses on the night-shift Danae, entered the room. Janice was singing loudly.

  “It's just a ballad of a bad bitch. When I'm gone you know you gonna miiiss this! You'll be on your knees saying baby please stay!”

  Janice snapped her fingers as she swayed her large hips.

  “ Ooooo! That's my shit! How you doing Terri?” Janice asked putting some change into the soda machine. Her wide ass never missed a beat of the song she was singing.

  “ Hi Terri.” Danae said sweetly. Terri was just who she wanted to run into!

  “ I'm good girl. Taking it day by day. Hey Danae.” Terri answered quietly. She was in no mood for conversation. Get y'alls shit and move the fuck along.

  “ I'm just grabbing a drink real fast. I think they're floating me to PCU tonight anyways Terri can I ask you something real fast?” Danae asked.

  Terri hesitated a moment but decided what the hell. I may be a bitch but when it comes to nursing I do know my shit! These young nurses could learn a thing or two from a veteran like me.

  “ You know the guy who brought you lunch I think it was last week? I think it may have been your son.”

  “ Oh lawd!” Janice whispered loudly under her breath.

  “ I don't have a son Danae.” Terri answered back tightly,now sitting ramrod straight in her chair.

  Danae blushed. She hadn't meant to be presumptuous but the man she saw looked to be in his twenties. Terri clearly was not. I mean Terri wasn't bad looking in her face....but she damn sure wasn't what you would call a MILF ( Mother I'd Like to Fuck ) either! Lately every time Terri hit the floor she became the butt of all the jokes. Literally. Many of the nurses that had been there longer speculated on whether or not her ass was real. It did look odd such a huge ass being carried on skinny toothpick legs but Danae didn't give a damn. If she wanted to walk around looking like a fool that was her business!

  “ At any rate, what about him?” Terri asked trying her best not to go off on this young bitch questioning her about her goddamn man.

  “ Oh well I ran into him at The Studio last night and we spoke. It took me a minute but I knew I recognized his face. Do you know if he has a woman or not? San Antonio has so many doggish ass men around here. I try to be careful.” Danae said laughing as she reached down and grabbed her soda from the machine.

  “ Oh I know for a FACT he has a woman. It's me. So while appreciate your little fact checking session, now that you know he's taken, you best believe I better not hear his name out your damn mouth again.” said Terri who was now standing,looking Danae up and down sizing her up.

  You wait till I talk to Quinton's ass! I know one thing,if this young bitch don't think I wont get loose on the job with her behind my man,she better fuckin' think again.

  “ Umm okay. I was just asking like I said. Bye Janice.” Danae said quickly before leaving the break-room.

  “ Umph! I take it you still seeing that lil sexy young tenda? Well you can't get mad at that lil girl. A lot of these lil heffas young and old wouldn't have given a damn if the nigga had a woman or not. I know you Terri...before you go trying to make hell for that new nurse, you just remember... you're the one who chose a little boy toy to be your main man.

  Take that mess to your house not my floor. Anyway how have you been? Shoot we used to hit the streets hard back in the day. You've been on lock-down I guess. Holed up in that love nest of yours with that young boo-thang I take it. Hmmph!”Janice said with a laugh.

  Hell let me try and lighten the mood because Terri is a damn good nurse. I hate to have to write her ass up behind arguing with these other nurses behind that piece of young dick she holding on to for dear life!Janice thought as she browsed the vending machine.

  Janice had been nursing only a few years longer than Terri but a year ago had been promoted to night-shift charge nurse. Janice couldn't believe the amount of complaints that were turned in to her about Terri's behavior towards her co-workers. Never by her patients but her co-workers. Out of respect for the close friendship they had in the past Janice tried to keep the complaints off Terri's work record but the shit was getting old. The other day Janice herself had been called in and questioned. Evidently a few of the assistants went above her head and complained that she was showing favoritism towards Terri and that their complaints about Terri King were not being turned in and properly documented.

  It was wrong of Janice to do and she knew it. Terri would no longer have her veil of protection at work. Hell the last thing she needed was to have Terri fucking up her credibility on the job. After all they didn't even hang like they used to. Fuck Terri and her bad ass attitude.

  “ Yes we're still together. Going on three years strong now . I ain’t saying nothing to that girl. She just better respect what I just told her lil young ass though. I'll deal with him when I get home.” Terri said smiling and pasting a confident looking ( she hoped ) smile on her face. Janice know her ass hating on the fact I pulled a man 14 years younger than me and been holding him down for three years! I ain’t gon' never forget the fact she warned me not to get serious about Quinton three years ago. I hate that bitch Danae put me on the spot in front of Janice. All these young bitches...older ones too stay in my man's face. Including my own damn daughter.

  “ Three years huh? Well when is that lil young ass nigga gonna marry you?Hell as young as that lil boy is....waiting for you is like dog years passing. You know you have to be careful with these young ones. He'll fuck the hell outta you and then when he's ready to really settle down you'll be assed out. That YOUNG man will find himself a woman his own age! Someone ready to give him some babies. Shoot...aint you done with all that? You better look at Demi and Ashto
n! Speaking of babies...where is yours at? I ain’t seen Mia's pretty self in ages! Anyway let me get back to the floor. Maybe one day soon you can find a baby-sitter for your lil boy toy and you can go out with the grown folks!” Janice said laughing at her own joke as she exited the break-room.

  Terri felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. She literally had to turn her head pretending to cough just to keep the tears at bay that were threatening to spill down her cheeks.

  Janice had touched on a topic that was never too far from her thoughts as of late. Terri felt her throat go tight with the tears beginning to well up in her eyes. Yes she was 14 years older than Quinton but she'd given him everything....including her own daughter. What more did he want? Hell I even had plastic surgery to keep him interested. I take care of his ass in every way I possibly can and it's never enough for him.

  The microwave beeped;Terri rose from the table and went to grab her food. When she came back to the table she sat down and tried to relax and eat her meal. She tried not to bring the negativity of her personal life to the job even though it was hard. Half the nurses as well as the assistants hated her and not without good reason. She was a bitch and knew it. But time and circumstances can do that to a woman.

  There was a time years ago when her and Quinton started dating when he would bring her lunch up to the job. Terri quickly pumped the brakes on that shit after catching Quinton flirting with her much younger co-workers. He still brought her lunch...occasionally and only when she begged him. The nursing assistants,nurses - anyone female, Quinton felt like he had to stop and have a goddamn conversation with. I'll be damned if I sit around and make it easy for a young bitch to take my place.

  Terri couldn't lie to herself. A couple times Quinton had landed a few good jobs but once she got wind there were women...younger women working there,Terri would convince Quinton the job wasn't paying enough or that the hours he was scheduled to work were conflicting with hers. Since she was the major breadwinner and when it was all said and done...Quinton was lazy as fuck. It wasn't too hard convincing him to quit. Quinton said as long as she kept his pockets laced with spending cash, and made sure he had the latest gear he'd stay home.

  Though a house husband he was not. Quinton wasn't making moves to be any kind of husband at all and had told her he wasn't ready for marriage any time she brought up the subject.

  So was it any wonder she had a hard time being nice to anyone by the time she came to work?

  As hard as she tried to be pleasant it only really worked with her patients. Not a day passed her and Quinton weren't arguing about one thing or another.

  I really need to leave his ass after everything he's done to me. But I love his ass. I've invested three years of my life to him . My relationship with Mia wasn't the best but I've lost my only child behind him.

  Terri pulled the People magazine laying on the table towards her and decided to just eat her lunch and take her mind off all the bullshit. Terri flipped thought the pages nothing really catching her eye. Terri flipped another page and froze.

  Her eyes fixated on the picture of the beautiful young woman on the page. It was her daughter. Mia King. Or just Mia as the article referred to her.

  Terri quickly scanned the article which spoke of her rising success and hit single “ Ballad Of A Bad Bitch” that was topping the charts. Terri's heart filled with pride,sadness and shame. She'd always known Mia had a natural talent for singing. She’d began making beautiful noises and trying to sing before she could even form words properly. Not that she'd ever praised or encouraged her daughter's natural talents. Terri wiped the tears that were now freely flowing down her face. I hope one day she can forgive me for what I did.