Read Ballad Of A Bad Bitch Page 22

  * * * *

  22. Confrontations & Revelations

  It was 11am Saturday, Mia wasn't sure if her mother even still worked nights but Mia planned on being on a plane tomorrow night headed back to her new life. If she isn't home,I'll just have to go up to Methodist hospital. Mia turned of the ignition and got out of the car. They don't control you anymore! Mia coached herself all the way to to door. Mia rang the doorbell her heart beating wildly. Maybe no one is home? Mia rang the bell again and turned to leave when the door opened.

  “ Didn't we tell you we don't want no damn... Mia? Oh my God Mia you're home. Come on in.” Terri was shocked! It was as if the argument she'd had with Quinton about Mia last night while she was at work had resurrected the dead. Well at least she finally knew her only child was alive and well. Mia was a grown woman now and more beautiful than ever. As if it wasn't bad enough having to live in this bitches shadow every night now she shows up three years later looking better than ever? Daughter or not. Get the fuck off my goddamn doorstep bitch! Terri held her true thoughts in and welcomed her inside.

  Mia looked at her mother,the last three years had not been kind to her mother. Mia wasn't surprised,the color evil never looked good on anyone. Mia leaned in closer and covered her mouth because she could feel her jaw dropping.

  What in the hell has she done to herself? Her mother had always had average sized c-cup breasts. Now here she stood rocking what looked to be a pair of double d titties! When her mother leaned inside the door to set the towel down she'd had in her hand her ass looked unusually large on her otherwise curve free body.

  “ Hello, I'm in town and I need to speak with you. Is Quinton here? I can get this over with faster if I can speak to the both of you at once.” Mia asked calmly.

  “ Oh you'd love if Quinton wasn't here wouldn't you? Well I got news for you bitch. HE IS! Right with me where he's gonna stay too! Bitch I knew the day you slid outta my pussy you were going to be nothing but trouble and true to form just like your sorry ass pappy you are!” Terri yelled place her hands on her now oddly shaped hips.

  Outside of today Mia had never said a disrespectful word to her mother. Even during all the pain,and humiliation she'd suffered at their hands. Emotional scars she honestly didn't think she'd ever get over and this has nerve enough to stand in front of me like I want her man? Fuck this bitch!

  “ You know you can get all the implants in the all the fake asses you want and by the way...please tell me you can get your money back for that bullshit because you look crazy as fuck. You can do a million things to yourself but the one thing that you can't buy because it's priceless is this. Terri you can't ever be me. Ever.”

  Mia hadn't intended on entering her mothers home at all but given the fact it appeared Terri intended on trying to prevent her from speaking to Quinton. She could go the rest of her life without ever laying eyes on either one of them but her life and livelihood were on the line.

  Mia pushed past her mother into the house.

  “ Quinton! Quinton come down here I need to speak with you.”

  “ You have a lot of nerve showing up here after the way you left.” Terri was so mad she was shaking.

  “ The way I left? How did I leave Terri ? Tell me why I would run away from the only home I've ever known for no reason. You know exactly why the hell I left.” Mia yelled.

  Quinton laid in the bed watching ESPN smoking a blunt. This some good shit right here.. I'm hearing Mia's damn voice! Fuck- three years later and my dick still gets hard at the thought of her. Quinton rubbed his hands over his crotch,his dick instantly growing but his heart was heavy.

  Things between him and Mia hadn't exactly gone as planned and he'd tried like hell to just forget her but it wasn't happening. Three years later his thoughts and feelings towards her were as strong as the day he'd watched her walk out of the doors of her high-school. Mia had a spell cast over him that Quinton didn't think would ever be broken. The sad thing about it was he didn't want it to be...ever.

  The door burst open. Quinton pulled his hand out of his pants so startled he dropped his blunt.

  “ Nigga don't you hear your name being called?” Mia yelled angrily Terri right on her heels.

  “ Hoe you can't just come up in my house!” Terri reached her hands out to grab Mia.

  “ Lay one finger on me and I'll kill you bitch. Do you hear me? I'll slit your muthafuckin' throat bitch.” Mia said looking her mother dead in her eyes. She meant every word of it too.

  Quinton jumped off the bed his heart beating wildly,it felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest.

  “ Get out Terri so we can talk.”

  “ What..I'm not going anywhere!” Terrie sputtered.

  “ Yes you are. Take your ass downstairs. You knew Mia was here and didn't come get me?” Quinton's hand was itching he wanted to slap the hell out of Terri.

  Terri looked frantically back and forth between the two of them.


  Terri's shoulder jumped at the sound of his voice,tears smarted at the corner of her eyes as she walked through the door.

  “ How have you been Mia? Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you.”

  “ Look Quinton I didn't come here for any type of family reunion. I came to lay some things to rest so I can move on with my life.”

  “ Mia after all I've done to get next to you...for you just to notice me....,”

  “ Quinton I noticed you the day my mother brought you home. I hated you then and I hate you even more now.” Mia said angrily.

  “ You didn't hate every minute Mia and even if you did your body damn sure didn't hate it.” Quinton said his eyes taking in every inch of her. The past three years had been very good to Mia.

  “ What can I do for you Mia? You've always made it very clear...expect on a few occasions, I couldn't do anything for you. You ran away in the middle of the night with that no good ass nigga Jeremiah I can only presume and ain’t no one heard from you since. You haven't even contacted your best-friend Rayna. Now here you are...needing something from me...your mom? What is it? I may or may not be able to help you.” Quinton said anger setting in.

  Mia took a deep breath.

  “ Quinton I basically only came back here because I needed to know if you and my mom will leave me alone. I mean totally leave me alone if you're ever asked about me.”

  “ Who's going to ask about you? You mean job references?” Quinton was confused. In the three years Mia had been gone no one had ever called concerning her.

  “ Kinda.” Mia walked over to the bed and picked up the remote for the television. Maybe there would be something on. After flipping around a few of the music channels she stopped.

  “ You came over here to watch T.V. ? That nigga you ran off with can't even get you no damn cable? I...,” Quinton looked towards the T.V. and stopped mid-sentence as he watched Mia stride across the screen,her voice filling the room.

  “ Oh so you big time now huh? You don't want anyone knowing about your family?” Quinton re-lit his blunt. His nerves were shot.

  “ Here's the deal Quinton. My management company is on me because I have an empty bio. They want to know why I don't talk about my family,parents all that kind of thing. I shouldn't even be having this discussion with you because you aren't related to me anyway but for whatever your you are still with my mother. I just need to know if you'll keep my name out of your mouths. The both of you. Don't ever contact me, talk to the media about. Just leave me alone. Forever. ” Mia asked her head was starting to hurt and being back in this house just brought back too many ugly memories.

  “ So you need me?”

  Mia's eyes narrowed to slits. This man needed to be on medication.

  “ Quinton you know I could always go to the police. You drugged me! You committed crimes against me,drugged me against my will. I don't even know what all you did to me. You even got my mom involved. I never consented to any of it and you know it.”
  “Prove it. You can run and tell the police I drugged you if you want to but you can't prove I ever slept with you at all Mia. It's my word against yours. Look why are we going there anyway? You know damn well I'm yours,always have been. From day one. All you need to do is say you want me and we can be together.” Quinton stepped closer to her.

  Mia backed up placing her hand in her back pocket.

  “ Don't come any closer to me Quinton...and I can prove you raped me.”

  “ How? You're going to need more than your imagination to send me to jail Mia.”

  Mia laughed loudly shaking her head.

  “ Quinton I look at proof you raped me every day when I look at your son and even though everything you put me through was the ugliest experience I've ever been through in my life I have no choice but to let it go so I can see the beauty in him. I have to let all the shit you did to me go so that I can be the best mother I can be to your son.”

  Terri stood on the other side of the door and slid to the floor in shock. She was devastated. That was supposed to be my baby! Mine and Quinton's and she took him! A baby boy! Terri burst into tears as she recalled the night she'd gone to Mia in the middle of the night. Terri managed to pull herself from the floor and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

  Quinton's knees buckled at the thought that he had a son with the only woman he'd ever really loved.

  “ How could you do this to me Mia? Three kept my seed from me for three years and now what? You gon' show up three years later to tell me to stay away for good. From my only child? My son? He needs a father in his life. I love you Mia but you're not keeping me from my son.” Quinton paced the room,his head was spinning.

  “ Quinton my son has a father...,”

  “ You just said I was his father...which is it Mia?”

  “ You're a technicality. That is what the fuck you are Quinton.” Mia gritted out. Fuck this I don't care what Reginald and the label may think. I'm just going to talk to him and explain everything. At the end of the day I didn't do anything wrong.

  “I'm leaving I thought you'd have the decency after three years to walk away. You and your woman,my mother. I haven't asked you for anything...,”

  “Who does my son think his father is? Jeremiah? You think I'm lower than dirt,what about you Mia?”

  “ Fuck you Quinton. I don't owe you any explanations. I’m leaving.”

  Mia walked towards the door and Quinton grabbed her pushing her roughly up against the wall.

  “ I prayed for you to come back and now you're here. I have a son. We have to make this work. We have a family.” he rubbed his hands along her arms. Mia smelled exactly as he remembered. Brown sugar.

  “ Don't touch me Quinton.”

  “ I got to have you Mia. As soon as you stop fighting it we can be a family. Get rid of that nigga Jeremiah and we can be a family. Give me a chance,a real chance. I'll get a job,I can provide for my son. Where are you living? If you're all on T.V. now where are you? California? New York?”

  Terri burst into the room wiping her eyes. Wielding the largest knife she could find.

  “ You get your hands off of him!” Terri yelled running across the room and slapping Mia to the ground with her free hand. Mia fell, her purse flying out of her hands.

  “Terri get your ass out of here!” Quinton yelled yanking the back of her shirt trying to pull her off of Mia. After all that was his son's mother. He couldn't have no anyone putting their hands on her!

  “ Get your hands off me.” Terri screamed ,twisted and kicked until she'd come out of her shirt and was lunging towards Mia again.

  Mia scrambled onto her back,reached into her back pocket and pulled out her knife as well.

  “ You better be ready to use it bitch because this will be the last go round we have about my man!” Terri continued to rage on as she paced the room cutting the air with her knife. Quinton stood between the two women.

  “ Mia put the knife away. I need to speak to you before you leave. This isn't over. I want my son Mia. Terri you touch a hair on my baby mamas head,I'll kill you myself.”

  Mia picked up her purse and walked out of the room. Terri quick on her heels.

  “ You little bitch. What you came back here to rub it in my face that just like I predicted you have everything you could ever ask for and now you want to rub having Quinton's child in my face.”

  Mia refused to acknowledge her with a response.

  “ Don't you ignore me bitch! You're just like your goddamn father! You hear me! Don't you ignore me!” Terri screamed shoving Mia in her back. Mia began to slip on the stairs and grabbed the banister so she wouldn't slip.

  Quinton followed behind them trying to get the knife from Terri.

  “ Terri leave her the fuck alone.”

  “ You would take her side. All you've ever done was use me Quinton, I've loved you,supported you. I've been anything a man could ask for and yet here she shows up and can still take you away?” Angry tears spilled down her face. The knife shaking in her hands.

  “ Mia just leave we'll talk later today. Where are you staying? I'll come to you. Obviously we can't have a serious talk right now.” Quinton called out.

  “ No!No!No! You are not meeting her anywhere!” Terri yelled as she grabbed the back of Mia's shirt pushing her down the last few stairs until the were both on the ground and fists were flying.

  Even after all her mother had put her through those last months in her home Mia had never imagined herself physically fighting her but what was this compared to the emotional scars her mother had inflicted on her? Mia rolled over onto of her mother and began banging her head on the ground repeatedly.

  “ Don't you ever put your hands on me bitch. You hate me well I hate you too! You deserve to be miserable because that' s what you are. A miserable ass bitch and you know what? Even though I've never met my father I don't blame him for never wanting to be with you.” Mia spat.

  Terri kicked Mia off of her and quickly stood up to charge Mia with the knife.

  “ Mia look out!” Quinton screamed.

  Mia turned quickly with her knife poised to defend herself.

  Quinton jumped between the two women.

  “Mia” Quinton groaned as he dropped to the floor his eyes wide with pain.

  “ Quinton! Oh my God !” Mia screamed.

  “ You killed him! You killed my Quinton!” Terri screamed.

  Mia looked over at her mother as Quinton lay between them on the floor bleeding.

  “ I killed him? Bitch you may have killed him!” Mia screamed they were both holding bloody knives in their hands.

  Mia looked down at Quinton as he grabbed her ankle.

  “ Call an ambulance.”

  * * * *

  23. Breaking News

  In Breaking News today the The Snitch. Com has just learned that rising R & B songstress Mia has been taken into custody in San Antonio,TX along with her mother nurse Terri King on attempted murder charges of a young man,Quinton Jones who sources have revealed to us is Mia's mother's long time boyfriend. Talk about a love triangle. Stay tuned as we update on if this hit songstress will need to change her song to “ Ballad of a Bitch Behind Bars” .

  My Voice

  My voice

  seemed only a whimper when I told him to stop,

  begged him not to take my pride away

  day after day after day...

  he could never hear me

  My whimpers became mumbles.

  My voice humbled.

  Until finally ... I went to she sworn to protect me,

  even though he made me swear to keep it

  I chose to expose his dirty little secret.

  The reality ...

  nothing like I expected it to be.

  She didn’t side with me,

  this crushed what ever remained of my dignity.

  She called me jealous of her in privacy

  called me a tramp for letting him inside of me.

  My voice

  moved, removed

  extracted so their version of love was no longer distracted.

  This is not how someone who loves you should have reacted.

  Pain in me,

  all that remains in me,

  the memories still remain in me.

  My voice

  all I can muster

  all I can conjure.

  my life has been a cage

  Stunting my growth

  not my rage,

  not those still pictures of him quietly stealing away my innocence.

  I was only 17

  still a child in mind

  but he...

  he didn’t stop until he was sure he found the woman in me.

  He only planted rotten seeds in me

  still growing

  only numbing my soul,


  I am the hate that hate produces

  when those sworn to protect you

  only come up with excuses.

  There will be now peace

  not without retribution,

  he told me

  she told me

  they all made be believe

  I could never

  would never achieve.

  My voice..

  it has bought me center stage

  front page

  my heart

  my soul

  will be




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