Read Ballad Of A Bad Bitch Page 7

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  7. If Only I'd Met Her First

  “ Damn nigga! I don't know how you do it walking around here with that fine ass daughter Terri got! I know if that was me I'd be trying to holla' at her daughter too! Terri keep herself up for an older woman I guess but that daughter of hers? That's a chocolate queen right there!” Cedric said looking at Quinton.

  “ Man keep your eyes to yourself. That's my girls daughter.”

  “Ummhmm. I know who the fuck she is...,” Cedric said laughing “...I also know your ass too nigga! I seen how you looked at her when she walked in the house. All I'm saying is hook a nigga up. We can double date or some shit. You get the mama and I get the daughter.” Cedric said laughing as he continued with the play-station game.

  Jeremiah,Cedric's young brother sat in the recliner listening to the exchange between his brother and Quinton.

  “ Both y'all old asses need to shut the fuck up. Especially you.” he said pointing to Quinton.

  “ Damn lil nigga we just having some fun.” Quinton said taking another pull of his blunt.

  “ Aye man,where's the bathroom?” Jeremiah said standing up. He was mad as hell. He had come to chill with his brother Cedric and he'd brought him over to Quinton's spot. Quinton was was cool but the nigga talked a lot of shit for no reason. How the fuck you bragging you got this and that and it all came off your woman's back? His brother told him damn near a year ago his boy Quinton had hooked up with some older sugar mama and all his boy needed to do was lay up and fuck her and she was content.

  Jeremiah had just officially finished up his assigned probation period after spending a year in jail on some petty robbery charges. His older brother Cedric called himself really taking his responsibilities serious during his probation. Taking him everywhere he went. It had been tough avoiding the drama for the last two years but with the help of his brother Cedric he'd done it. He'd only wanted to hang with Cedric since he kept himself busy with work. This was the first day he'd taken off in weeks and Cedric had dragged him over here.

  Hell he damn near had a contact high off all the smoke he was around. It was cool though, at least Cedric was there for him when he'd been released unlike their mother.

  “ Man just go down the hall to the right.” Quinton said pointing in the direction of the bathroom.

  Mia walked down the stairs praying no one said anything to her. Just let me get to the kitchen and back up to my room.

  “ Hey baby-girl!” Quinton called out.

  “ Hey.” Mia said as she continued walking into the kitchen.

  “ I'll be right back .” Quinton said to Cedric as he rose from the couch and followed her into the kitchen.

  “ Are you hungry Mia? We ordered some pizzas. I got your favorite. Hawaiian right? I made sure no one touched it. Here you go.” Quinton said sliding the box towards her.

  “ I was hungry. Thanks Quinton.” Mia said smiling. She turned and reached into the cabinet to grab a plate.

  Quinton couldn't stop smiling. Watching her round heart-shaped ass as she reached into the cabinet had his dick hard as concrete. Since the day he'd laid eyes on Mia, she'd captured his every thought.

  Unbeknownst to Terri or her daughter, he'd seen and been immediately attracted to Mia long before he'd ever actually been introduced to her. One day he was at Sam Houston High School with his boy Jarrod who was known amongst his circle of friends to be into young girls. At the time Jarrod had been seeing some hot in the ass senior girl. Quinton rode over there with him after school to pick her up. Though at the time he didn't know who she was, when he saw her exit the building talking to a friend he'd been unable to take his eyes off her. DAMN! He didn't know they were making high-school girls like this. She looked like she was at least 20 years old. No wonder Jarrod had his ass over here. There was a better selection of females at the damn high-school than there was at the club!

  Two weeks later he'd been at Santas, one of the local spots and had met an okay looking older woman named Terri King.

  Terri was kind of plain. Nice body and after talking to her a while he discovered she had a good job too. Aint no way he wasn't going to check her out . Especially since he was sick of living with his mama,sister and her two kids. It was crowded as hell up in that muthafucka.

  Two weeks after meeting Terri and fuckin' the hell out of her all day- everyday while her daughter was at school,Terri was sprung. She'd insisted he meet her daughter.

  Terri planned an elaborate dinner for the three of them excited for the two of them to meet. He and Terri had fucked all day long until Terri made him get up and dressed because it was almost time for her daughter Mia to walk in from school. Quinton was shocked when the door opened and he was greeted by the sexy ,young chocolate sista he'd seen a few weeks earlier at the high-school. He'd never forgotten her face. To make matters worse she was even more beautiful up close. The hook up he had with Terri was too good for him to walk away. From that day on, every time he was fuckin' Terri he wished it was her daughter Mia who was laying underneath him. That was nine months ago and his feelings towards Terri hadn't progressed at all.... his feelings for her daughter were at all time high. If Mia would actually take notice of him,he would leave her mama in a heartbeat. He'd get a job,take care of her....shit he'd wife her young ass. Yeah the situation was fucked up but they could work all that bullshit out later. Fuck what other people had to say. Once the whole situation with him and Mia played out the way he wanted it to he wouldn't about what anyone else had to say. Hell if Mia was worried about it,they could leave Texas all together and start fresh.

  When it all went down,he wanted to be as far away from Terri as possible when he and Mia built their life together.

  What pissed him off though was for some reason Mia acted like she couldn't stand him.

  “ Are you having some? I can't eat all this by myself.” Mia asked. The softness of her voice drawing him out of his thoughts of the unresolved feelings he had for his girlfriends daughter.

  “ Oh no. I'm good, I just wanted you to have something to eat and I know that's your favorite.”

  “ Well I appreciate it Quinton. Thank you, I was starving.”

  “ You're welcome. You know I got you Mia, anything you need all you have to do is ask.” Quinton said smiling.

  Oh my God! Here this nigga go with the creepy ass smile!

  “ I think I'm going to go sit out on the porch and eat.” Mia said grabbing herself plate,a soda and walking out of the kitchen.

  Quinton stood there a few minutes staring after her. He couldn't go back in the living-room room with his dick hard. I know one thing. I got to have that young bitch soon. I'm tired of waiting. Terri so strung out on this dick she'll do anything thing I ask her too. Shit,imma just tell her simple ass I want her fuckin' daughter.

  Mia finished her pizza and laid back in one of the comfortable porch chairs,she pulled out the note from Marquise and began reading it over again. I don't know about this nigga right here. I mean he's fine and all but he's kinda been around. I ain’t trying to involve myself with no dude that's going to be having expectations from me...especially when it comes to sex. Derica Gibson makes a point of letting everyone in 3rd period know they have sex all the time.

  “ Hello. How you doin'?”

  Mia jumped,startled by the sexy voice coming from behind her. She turned to find one of the finest brothas she'd ever laid eyes on. Caramel brown skin,6ft 2inches of nothing but pure muscle. His hair was cropped low and faded. Mia was already shy around boys as it was. Now she was just speechless.

  “ Umm,hello. I'll get outta your way I was just leaving.”

  “ Baby you ain’t in my way. Aint this your house? I'd say I'm in your way if anything.”

  Mia couldn't help but laugh.

  “ You got that right.”

  “ Stay out here and keep me company. The smell of weed is getting on my nerves especially since I can't smoke none.” he said pulling up another lounge chair next to her.
r />   “ Oh so you're a weed-head? It bothers you not to be able to smoke?” Mia asked rolling her eyes at him.

  “ I mean I do smoke but it ain’t that serious to me. I'm just trying to keep my nose clean you know what I mean. I just got off probation so I'm trying to stay away from anything negative. Keep all these good habits I have now.” he said laughing as he leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. It was almost six in the evening and the glaring Texas sun had finally cooled down, it felt bearable. Earlier it was so hot you could barely breathe.

  “ So you were on probation huh, what did you do?” Mia asked nervously.

  Jeremiah could detect the nervousness in her voice and laughed.

  “ Why you scared I might do something to you?”

  Mia stood up quickly to go back in the house but he quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her back down in her seat.

  “ Sit down girl. Aint nobody gon' do shit to you. Me and my boy Darnell broke into a couple houses over on the northwest side. He was dumb enough to tell someone and you know how it goes...I did a year. Did my probation and now I'm done. That's the past.

  Mia slowly eased back down in her seat.

  “ You can let go of my hand now.”

  “ Yeah I guess I could.” he said slowly releasing her wrist.

  Mia's heart was thundering in her chest. She'd never felt this way around Marquise. Ever. She could barely breath. How old is he? If this is a grown man I'm really going back in the house!

  “ You haven't even told me your name? How old are you?” Mia asked.

  “ Jeremiah Wilson. I'm 19,how old are you?”

  “ 17. I'll be 18 in three months. What are you doing hanging around these guys if you're fresh off probation and trying to stay out of trouble? None of them in there have much going on for could they? They're over here a couple times a week hanging around Quinton.”

  “ I've just been working a lot lately. Today is my first day off in I don't know how long so I'm just over here with my brother.”

  “ He's creepy too...your brother I mean.”

  “ Shit your step-daddy is creepy!” Jeremiah said thinking back to the conversation between Quinton and his brother Cedric.

  “ Oh my God. Quinton is NOT my step-daddy! Please don't even go there! Anyways, you are right though...he is creepy!” Mia said laughing.

  “So what's up with your mom? I guess she's one of these cougars.”

  “ Don't even ask. I don't know what she's thinking. She doesn't date much so I don't know. It's some kind of phase...” Mia said frowning. “...I wish it would hurry up and end though.”

  Mia's cell phone rang. When she looked down she could see it was Marquise. For some reason she wasn't that interested in talking to him anymore.

  “ Why you ignoring the call? Is that your boyfriend or something?”

  “ How about your ass stop being nosy? I don't have a boyfriend and if I did I wouldn't ignore him just to talk to you.” she said rolling her eyes at him. He's fine but he can really miss me with all that conceitedness. Shoot nigga you ain’t the first fly boy to try and holla at me!

  “ So let me get your number so we can keep in touch. I mean since you ain’t gotta man.” Jeremiah asked smiling. I don't know why she trying to play hard to get! She know damn well her ass want me.

  They both pulled out their cell phones and quickly exchanged numbers. Just as they were finishing,Quinton,Cedric and Tony and Jarrod came out the door laughing.

  “ Man holla at me later. Maybe your ol' lady will let you out the house and we can hit the club later on.”Cedric said walking down the steps. “ Let's roll Jeremiah. Bye Mia, ol pretty black thang.” he said looking her up and down.

  Mia frowned.

  “ Bye.”

  “ Nigga let's go. Let me drive since you've been drinking.”Jeremiah said pushing his brother towards the car. “ Imma call you later Mia.” he said flashing her a smile so bright it made her heart skip a beat .

  Quinton saw the looks passed between them and didn't like that shit at all. Had he known Mia was out on the porch with Jeremiah he would have put all their asses out sooner.

  “ Man get your ass on in the car! ” Quinton yelled out.

  Quinton walked back into the house locking the door behind him. He'd broken out into a nervous sweat just seeing her smiling at Jeremiah. It pissed him the fuck off. I go outta my way for this girl despite what's going on with me and her mama and she can't never smile at me? Be nice to me for a change? Shit I take money from her fuckin' mama and give it to her and she saving the fuckin' smiles and laughing for some nigga she just met today? Fuck that.

  “ You know you really shouldn't involve yourself with him. Jeremiah is trouble. That nigga is fresh out of jail. He's definitely not the type of boy your mama would want to see you with.” Quinton said following her into the kitchen.

  “ Excuse me? Who are you talking about ?”

  “ Mia you messing with that many niggas around here you don't know who the hell I'm talking about?” he said angrily. Maybe he was wrong about her? Hell the majority of these teenage girls was out here fuckin' all out both legs of they panties anyway... maybe she was too? She'd seemed innocent though but shit who knows? I just came on the scene nine months ago. Aint no telling how many of these lil niggas done came up in this muthafucka while her mama been working the night-shift.

  Mia stopped in the middle of putting her plate in the dishwasher and looked at Quinton like he was crazy.

  “ Umm let's get something straight okay. In case you didn't already pick up on it... I don't like you. I try to be cordial because for whatever the reason...,” she said looking him over thoroughly “ mother seems to like you. But don't for a minute think you have anything to do with me. What I do or don't do is none of your business.”

  “ Oh so you are out here fuckin' these niggas huh?”

  “It's none of you business what I do Quinton! I think the only one you should be concerned about is my mom isn't it? If you didn't like them being in my MOM'S house why the hell did you invite them over here? They're your friends. I just met them.” Mia said pushing past him to leave the kitchen.

  Quinton grabbed her around the waist so she couldn't leave.

  “ MOVE QUINTON!” This nigga has officially lost his damn mind. Wait until I tell my mom about this!

  “ What did I ever do to you? I've never done anything to you and you walk around me like you're too good to speak to a nigga.” he yelled grabbing the back of her hair and turning her to face him. He was inches away from her mouth and all he wanted to do was kiss her lips. Fuck her mama. Her daughter is who I've always wanted. In nine months months this was as close as he'd ever gotten to her.

  Quinton leaned down smelling her neck. This is just how I imagined she smelled. Brown sugar.

  Mia was terrified. Shocked that he'd actually grabbed her.

  “ Let go of me Quinton.”

  He gently released her hair and moved away.

  Mia began walking out of the kitchen and stopped and looked back. Quinton was standing in the same spot.

  “ You wanna know why I don't like you Quinton?”

  Quinton stood there feeling ashamed of how he'd spoken to her. He hadn't meant to grab her the way he did. He'd never do anything to hurt Mia. At the same time he now knew without a doubt he had to have her. It didn't matter who got hurt in the process. Even if it was her mother.

  “Why Mia? I know for a fact I've never done anything to you. I try to do things for you all the time. I bend over backwards trying to do shit for you. ”

  “ Quinton, I don't like you because every since the day my mom brought you here nine months look at me the way you should be looking at my mom. Don't even try to deny it. It was just a suspicion on my part before but I just felt the evidence. Why don't you just leave now, because I'm telling my mom as soon as she gets home.”

  Quinton couldn't do a thing but look at her. She was absolutely right.

n he'd pulled her close to him his dick had immediately swollen at the nearness of her. Hell it felt like it was growing harder by the second now. Being that close to her and feeling her body against his had just lit a fire under him that wasn't going to be put out until he had her and make no mistake about it...he was going to have Mia. It was meant to be.