Read Ballroom Blitz Page 11

  her. No denying a large part of their attraction was purely physical. So while she appreciated all the other great traits Jon had, right now, she wanted to gorge herself on the sexual side of him.

  She jumped the two stairs and raced toward him, her feet sinking into ankle-deep mud.

  Jon met her halfway, catching her when she launched herself at him. Their lips connected, the openmouthed kiss a ravenous explosion of passion and need.

  Maggie clutched his neck, then her hands moved down his muscled biceps, dragging him closer as his fingers twined in her hair.

  He groaned and broke the kiss, his hot mouth following the arc of her neck. “Maggie. God.” He nipped at the section of skin where her neck met her shoulder. “I couldn’t take my eyes off you today. You had me under your spell. You owned me.”

  Maggie dropped her head back, allowing him access to the other side of her neck. She was so lost in the total seduction of his mouth on her skin that she barely noticed the raindrops on her face.

  His hips rocked forward, driving her toward the steps.

  Her toes were cooled by the spongy wet grass, but her body was on fire, craving his deft touch. “I want you,” she whispered against his mouth. “Now. My way.”

  “Yes. You’ve got me.”

  Her fingertips raked his chest as her mouth continued its southerly progression. Palming his hips, Maggie dropped to her knees and dragged his athletic shorts to his ankles.

  How lucky that Jon had gone commando.

  “Maggie. Baby. You don’t—”

  “Shut up and lose the shirt.”

  When the soaking wet cotton fabric was gone, she had access to his gloriously hard, wonderfully long cock. Maggie’s hands followed the outside of his lower half, from his ridged calves to his knees, and across those strong quads. She nuzzled his groin, breathing him in.

  Jon tugged on the stretchy strap of her camisole. “Fair’s fair, dancing queen. I wanna feel your skin against mine.”

  Maggie yanked off her top. Although the night was dark, the light from the window reflected off his face and body. Rain drizzled down his torso, highlighting the dips and valleys of his incredible musculature. He was magnificent naked, even more magnificent naked and wet.

  She brushed a kiss over the sun tattoo below his left hip and the moon tat mirrored on the right side. His belly quivered beneath her lips. Tilting her head back, she locked her gaze to his as she sucked his shaft deeply into her mouth.

  “Ah. Dammit. That’s so…” He moaned. His legs were rigid and he maintained a firm grip on her head.

  She reveled in the power of rendering him speechless. Her fingers formed a circle at the base of his shaft and she stroked up while her mouth and tongue worked him from the cockhead down.

  Each bob of her head made her as wet on the inside as she was on the outside.

  He’d never let her go this far before, always pulling out before he finished in her mouth. But this time she wanted to feel the pulses on her tongue as he spilled his seed. She wanted him to feel her throat working as she swallowed every spurt.

  “You’re killing me,” he panted. “Stop.”

  She shook her head vehemently and clamped his tight butt cheek in her left hand, holding him in place.

  “I…” was all he managed, along with a deep groan as he erupted, warm and wet, against her tongue.

  Her mouth formed a seal around his dick as she sucked down every drop. His cock remained hard even after he’d been spent completely. She continued to suck and nuzzle him, aching for relief from the sticky heat that throbbed between her thighs.

  Then Jon’s fingers curled over her jawline to lift her chin. His thumbs traced her cheekbones. He didn’t say a word—he didn’t have to—everything he felt was right there in his eyes.

  Rain still fell. Not in a torrential downpour, but soft drops.

  Maggie might’ve been cold if not for the inferno burning inside her.

  Jon recognized that fire—that primal need—and pounced, pushing her onto the grass. He followed her down, making short work of her shorts. His hands spread her thighs apart and he buried his face in her pussy.

  She gasped at the shock of his cold cheeks and lips against her hot tissue. Then his warm tongue lapped the juices coating her sex. He licked her slit, a growl vibrating as he suckled her pussy lips.

  “I fucking love how wet you are after you blow me.” His hands slid beneath her buttocks and he raised her hips, burrowing his tongue more deeply inside her channel.

  This time there was no finesse to his oral hunger. He took after her like a starving man. A long lick, a tongue thrust, a deliberate graze of his teeth. Not teasing her, but feasting on her slick, sensitive flesh until he’d had his fill.

  So when his mouth settled over her clit, all it took was four hard sucks and she climaxed. Hard. Thrashing beneath him, throwing water everywhere, but he held her tightly through each intense wave.

  A loud clap of thunder forced her from the deep well of pleasure. She opened her eyes and looked down her body to where Jon’s beautiful face rested on her stomach.

  He slowly raised his head. And holy shit, the primal look in his eyes stole her breath. He pushed back to his knees, his hand dropping to his groin. He rolled on a condom and stroked his erection. “Turn over.”

  That rough demand sent a fresh onslaught of heat through her. But something in his posture encouraged her to push him a little further, daring him to give in to that animalistic side completely. So she balanced on her hands and scooted backward, away from him.


  A warning—which she didn’t heed. She tossed her wet hair over her shoulder and moved back. “What?”

  “I said: Don’t. Move.”

  The wet grass squished between her fingers and toes as she kept moving backward.

  Then Jon was on all fours, inching toward her with a lethal sexiness that made her heart race and her sex clench. “You think I won’t chase you?”

  “I’m counting on you chasing me,” she tossed back.

  He growled and kicked up the pace.

  She tried to crab crawl faster, but Jon was already on her. Water and mud splashed as he flipped her onto her hands and knees, caging her body beneath his.

  Her body shook. Not from cold. Not from fear. From this explosion of feelings he forced to the surface. He wanted her. All of her. Without questions or limitations.

  His hand was in her hair, pulling her head up and holding it in place. His breath was hot on her neck. “You want me to fuck you like this, Maggie? Down and dirty?” He sank his teeth into the curve of her shoulder, directly on the spot that made her unravel.

  She whimpered and bucked against him, but he had her locked down tight.

  “Yes or no?”

  “Yes. Damn you. Yes. Do it. Do it now.”

  Jon plundered her mouth with a brutal kiss as he reached between them to drag the wet rim of his cockhead from her clit down to her opening. A brief, breathless pause and then he rammed that hard shaft all the way in.

  She gasped at the edgy spike of need. She waited, desperate for another forceful thrust.

  But he didn’t move. His voice rumbled in her ear. “Can you hear those rhythms? The driving sound of the rain. The crashing thunder in the sky. The soft ping of tiny water droplets on the roof.”

  “Jon. Please.”

  “Hear it. Feel it. But focus only on this. My heartbeat. Yours. Our blood pumping fast and hard. Our bodies so connected that’s all there is in this moment.”

  Maggie almost came right then.

  Jon pulled out and slammed back in.

  Each thrust was a tiny orgasm, sending chills up and down her spine. She was attuned to him on a deeper level than she’d ever thought possible. The rapid exhalations of his breath on her neck. The muscles in his biceps bunching against her arms. The upward roll of his hips. The sting of his skin slapping into hers. The ground digging into her palms and her knees as he fucked her into oblivion.

bsp; “Come for me, Maggie.” He pounded into her flesh. “Scream for me.”

  His hot mouth connected with her rain-cooled skin. He used the rhythm of their bodies to drive her to that soaring crescendo—a peak that Jon held her to until his own cadence synched with hers. Then they rode that long, final pulsing beat together, tumbling end over end into the abyss.

  After the white noise stopped roaring in her head, Maggie lifted her face, blinking away the rain to gasp for breath. The swirling mist made her wonder if she was dreaming.

  But Jon’s molten body moved off hers and his cock slid out in a rush of moisture.

  Her arms gave out and she slid gracelessly to the ground. Into the mud. But she didn’t care.

  He rolled her over and kissed her. And kept kissing her with such fierceness and tenderness, she forgot they were naked outside on the lawn in a rainstorm. Until she started to shiver.

  “I know, baby. I’ll warm you up.”

  He lifted her into his arms and carried her inside.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning, Jon said, “There’s this family thing I have to go to today.”

  “I’m sure the bridge is passable after last night’s rainstorm if you need to leave.”

  Jon ran his fingertips across the indentations in her lower spine, teasing the fine blond hairs with every pass. “I wasn’t trying to skip out on you. I want you to come with me.”

  She lifted her head and looked at him. “Really?”

  “Uh-huh.” He kissed her shoulder. “Unless you don’t want to.”

  “It’s not that. It’s just…” Her eyes searched his. “You’re taking me to your family thing?”

  “Yes, because my family is important to me. And you’re important to me. I would’ve asked you last night, but I didn’t want you to think the afterglow of mind-blowing sex was the reason for the invite.”

  Maggie rolled flat on her back and smirked. “Speaking of mind-blowing sex…maybe you should use that sugar-coated mouth of yours to convince me.”

  “You know I live for a challenge, woman.”

  And because he’d risen to the challenge—twice—they were late to the party.

  “Are you sure we aren’t supposed to bring something?” Maggie asked as they headed up the driveway.

  “Nah. My mom and Cindy have it planned down to coordinating plates and napkins.”

  When Maggie fidgeted with the straps on her sundress, he snagged her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Relax. You look gorgeous. They’re gonna love you.” Like I’m starting to.

  Rather than traipsing through the house, Jon led her over the brick walkway to the backyard. Two white canopies had been set up. Food under one, tables under the other. Kids ran everywhere and for once he wasn’t mauled the instant he walked in.

  He headed toward where his father and brothers—Jim and Jared—were hanging out on the patio.

  “Hey, Pops,” Jon said, clapping him on the back.

  “Good to see you, son.” His father focused on Maggie. “You’ve brought a beautiful guest to our family gathering, eh?”

  “Yep. Maggie Buchanan, this is my father, Lyle White Feather.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Maggie said.

  “How do you know our Jon?”

  Raven butted in. “She’s the dance instructor for the dance class Uncle Jon and I are taking.” She lightly punched Jon’s arm. “Or were taking. Since some of us skipped out and didn’t finish the class.”

  “That means I’ll have to take private lessons to catch up. Besides, I heard your new partner Thomas is great at slow dancing,” he teased.

  Raven blushed.

  Jim said, “Great to see you again, Maggie. I keep hoping you’ll stop into the office and give that brother of yours grief.”

  “I would, but Eden claims that’s her job and she scares me with all those crazy pregnancy hormones.”

  Jared stepped forward. “Hey, big bro. Ain’t you gonna introduce me to your pretty lady?”


  Then Jared, that buff bastard, laughed and jerked Maggie into a tight hug. “Welcome to the powwow. I’m Jared. The rock star’s younger, better-looking, more charming brother.”

  Jon placed his hands on Maggie’s hips and pulled her back, flashing his teeth at Jared. “Find your own woman, she’s mine.”

  Maggie went motionless. She turned her head and looked up at him.

  He kissed her surprised mouth. “What?”

  “Do you want me to move so you have room to beat on your chest too?”

  Both his brothers and his dad laughed.

  “What’s so funny, boys?”

  Jon faced his mother. “They’re picking on me.”

  “Poor baby.” She gave Jon a hug and bussed his cheek, but her focus was on the woman at his side. “You must be Maggie. I’m Jon’s mother, MaryAnn. My son has said good things about you.”

  “I’ve said good things too, Unci,” Raven inserted. “You should’ve seen her and her partner Seth dance at the competition yesterday. They were spectacular.”

  Maggie grinned. “I wouldn’t go that far, Raven, but we were good enough to win.”

  “Jon, dear, why don’t you get Maggie a glass of punch?”

  Meaning, take off so I can grill this girl without you hovering.

  No way would he subject Maggie to the green goo known as his mother’s lime sherbet and pineapple juice punch. He opted to just leave, detouring to the driveway where his nephews were playing basketball.

  Among the motley crew of players was Jared’s fellow firefighter and best pal, Gabe. “I see my brother dragged you along again.”

  “Jared needs a keeper.”

  “No doubt. He suckers you in every time.”

  “I don’t mind.” Gabe was always quiet—the opposite of Jared—and Jon wasn’t sure how the guys ended up staying roommates for so long.

  “Uncle Jon is on our team,” Garth crowed.

  The score was tied when lunch was announced.

  Jon tracked down Maggie, who had been cornered by the twins and looked a little frazzled. Heaven knew his large, loud family could overwhelm him sometimes.

  After a gigantic meal, the guys were tasked with cleanup duties. When Jon came back from hauling out the trash, that sneaky bastard Jared had taken the seat next to Maggie and they already appeared to be in deep conversation.

  Jon pulled up another chair on Maggie’s other side.

  “Do you think you would’ve scored sponsors even if you hadn’t won yesterday?” Jared asked Maggie.

  She shrugged. “I’m just glad local businesses want to support us.” She went on to talk about fostering community involvement in the arts, the great response to dance classes and the request to teach more.

  Jared said, “I don’t know how you’ll be able to teach any new classes if you’ll be gone every weekend training until nationals.”

  That was a new development—and it didn’t make Jon happy. “You didn’t tell me that you’d be training out of town.” Then again, they hadn’t done much talking last night. Or this morning.

  “Didn’t make sense to mention it until it was a done deal. Seth is working out the details. Since there aren’t qualified teachers around here, we’ll have to go out of state to train.”