Read Bamboo & Lace Page 1

  Bamboo and Lace

  Lori Wick


  I never dreamed this book would be so long in the making, but at last its here. I'm not the same person I was when the idea was conceived. Thankfully, God never gives up, but keeps honing and changing me for His service. I would like to thank the people who have aided in that process.

  Roxane Carley. When I told you the short story about a woman's visit to see her brother in Hawaii, you told me it should be a full book. Thank you for your wisdom. It's been a wonderful journey to that end.

  Pamjeffcott and Joy Inafuku. I didn't get to Hawaii as I planned, so your technical support was wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. I hope you can forgive me in the areas where I guessed. The Hawaii I wrote about might not really exist, but I still hope and pray that you enjoy the book.

  Connie Handel. Thank you for the medical facts and info. It's so nice having someone with your expertise and willingness to help right up the street. You are dear to me.

  Pastor Mark Cymbalak. Thank you, Mark, for helping me to see how personal God's Word is, and how seriously He takes grumbling and complaining.

  Cathy Yasick. You are so precious to me, Cathy. Thank you for your wonderful, warm spirit, encouraging attitude, and your determination to keep on. You have taught me so much. I love you, dear friend.

  The children in my fourth, fifth, and sixth grade Sunday school class. Thank you for the laughter and fun. Thank you for good questions and using the great minds God has given you. I'm learning so much from you and pray that your hearts are being changed forever as we look into God's Word.


  Randy Vesperman. I need to thank you for sharing Mary with me and supporting the work we're doing. But mostly, Randy, I want to thank you for your wonderful sense of humor and your kind friendship through the years.

  Phil Caminiti. Thank you for the song on page 147, and for being one of the most perspicacious persons I know.

  My son, Timothy. There are no words to describe my joy in you. I would have been weak. I would have given up. Thank you for playing hard and keeping on. I love you.

  And always, my Bob. You're a part of every romance I write. When the male lead is strong, patient, humorous, and working hard to be Gods man for the job, I just have to look to you for an example. Thank you for being my very own to keep.



  December 25

  Dear Father,

  It's late here, and busy' as my day was, my thoughts have turned fully to you and Lily. You were in my mind all day, but without deep joy, and I have finally understood the cause. My work for the next year makes it impossible for me to come to you. I know you understand that, and I know it's difficult for you to leave Lhasa, but there is no reason that Lily cannot come to visit me in Hawaii. Please consider how special this would be for both of us. She hasn't been out of Kashien since she was five.

  Jefferson Walsh sat back now, knowing he would have to choose his words carefully. After a moment he knew what he needed to say.

  It would be a great learning experience for Lily. We would not be idle. And I need to tell you that I'm thinking of an extended visit hopefully six months, three months at the very least. If Lily is going to experience and learn from this culture, it could be no less.

  Again Jeff sat back and studied the letter. His father was not always the most predictable of men, and he so wanted to persuade him to at least consider this visit.

  I know you'll be fair in your consideration of this. I'm enclosing a letter to Lily telling her of my idea, knowing that she will take her cue from you.

  I hope this Christmas was a blessed one for you. The gifts you sent were great. I miss you as always and pray that we'll see each other soon.

  Love always,


  February 2 Dear Jefferson,

  I'm glad your Christmas was fine. We enjoyed your gifts as well. Your sister and I spent Christmas Day with Lee Chen and his family, and had...

  Jeff swiftly scanned the entire contents of the letter and sat back with a disappointed sigh. His father had completely ignored his request for Lily to visit. There was also a letter from his sister in the envelope, but he knew she would say nothing of a visit without first gaining permission from their father. However, Jeff was not deterred. He immediately took out paper and started a letter back, one that immediately addressed the subject on his mind.

  Dear Father,

  I'm disappointed that you did not reply to my request to have Lily visit. If both of you can come, you know I would be overjoyed, but please don't make Lily stay because you are too busy to join her. I want to see you both, but Lily's work in the village will not suffer if she is with me for six months.

  Jeff hesitated now, gauging how bold he should be. He opted to tell his father just the way he felt.

  I want Lily to come. You write and tell me how proud you are of my work and that you understand I am not free to come to you. Please put actions behind your words. Do not keep my sister from me. It's been three years since I was in Kashien. I don't have to ask Lily to know she would be willing. I know travel plans would need to be worked out, but if you are willing, it would be the greatest gift you could give me, not to mention Lily. Please do not ignore my


  voice from so many miles away. Please respond to my request so that we may at least speak of this.

  Love always,

  February 26 Dear Jefferson,

  I am leaving to meet with a troubled man. I have no time to discuss this with you just now, but I will consider your request to have Lily visit. I will address it in my next letter.

  Love, Father

  Jeff received and read this letter in the middle of March, his heart filled with delight that his father would consider the matter. He had been praying fervently for Lily to visit once the idea came to him, and knowing the door was still open was so wonderful that for a moment he could only sit at his small kitchen table and smile.



  Chapter 1

  Lhasa, Kashien


  Taking her usual shortcut through the trees, Lily Walsh slipped across the pathway on swift, silent feet. She wasn't in a hurry, but her long legs covered the ground in easy strides, and at the moment there was no reason to dawdle.

  Ling-lei Chen's house was in sight just a moment later, and in less than a minute she was knocking on her door. Ling was like family, so Lily didn't wait to enter but slipped inside. She had just shut the door when a toddler and two older children came flying at her. Lily had hugs for five-year-old Hope and six-year-old Faith, but two-year-old Charity had lifted her arms into the air, begging to be held. Not able to resist, Lily pulled her into her arms.

  "Hello," the children's mother greeted Lily as she came forward with Charity on her hip. The two women hugged.

  "How are you?" Lily asked, knowing her friend was not feeling well during the early stages of her fourth pregnancy.

  "I'm all right for the moment, but I'll probably eat the whole time you're here."

  Lily only smiled, thinking that Ling could use every calorie. She was a minuscule woman with three active girls.

  "Lily," Ling now asked, "has your father given any hints about Hawaii?"

  "Not a one. I'm beginning to think he's told my brother no."


  "Are you disappointed?" Lily had to think about this.

  "Now that you ask, I guess I don't actually believe he's told Jeff no." The women's eyes met. "When he does, I'll be very disappointed."

  "So you think he will?"

  "In my heart I do. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's hard not to."

  Ling desperately wanted to give her friend some hope. "If it is no,
maybe Jeff will come."

  "Maybe," Lily said with a smile. This had crossed her mind, but she didn't think it likely. "Let's get started," she said in an attempt to take her mind from her own worries.

  Lily was teaching Ling-lei to read. Ling had married young and started a family within ten months of her wedding date, and unlike most village families, time had not been made for her education.

  "Girls," their mother said, and the children who had been playing on the floor at the women's feet stood in a line to face her.

  "Lily and I are going to the table to work now. You keep quiet."

  Little heads bobbed, even that of Charity, who was still little more than a baby. She naturally took her cue from her sisters.

  After Ling had set tea out for both her and her guest and a small bowl of thin crackers for her own unsettled stomach they sat down with the book between them. Stuart Little was not what most people would have used to teach reading, but Lily knew that Ling would love the story and not find the words overwhelming. They picked up at chapter 12 where Stuart sets out on his journey. Ling smiled at the drawing of him in the tiny car after he was hired to be a substitute teacher.

  "I'll have to tell the children about this."

  "Read it to them," Lily encouraged her.

  Ling frowned. "I don't do as well when you're not listening."

  "Ling," Lily said with a hand to her friend's arm, "Faith is only six. None of the children will miss a wrong word now and again."


  "I could read them the entire book," Ling said. "From the beginning."

  "I think you should."

  Footsteps from without caused the women to stop, eyes lowered, as Lee Chen, Ling's husband, came in the door.

  "I wondered if I would find you two together," he teased. Both women smiled. "How is the reading? Will you be much longer?"

  Ling answered, although both women continued to keep their eyes lowered.

  "We just started, but we can finish if you need something." "Actually, I just saw Pastor Owen. He's looking for you, Lily." Lily's eyes came briefly to her friend's, and the two women smiled.

  "Thank you, Lee Chen," Lily said as she moved to bid the children goodbye. Usually she had time to play with them, and for a moment they looked confused at her departure.

  "Is there bad news?" Ling asked of her husband when they were alone.

  "I don't think so, but with Pastor Owen it's hard to say." The Kashienese man looked at his wife. "Look at me, Ling," he commanded quietly. Ling did so without hesitation. "Is she still hoping for word on visiting Jeff?" Ling smiled into her husband's eyes before asking, "What do you think?"

  Lee smiled back before the children headed their way. Ling once again lowered her eyes out of habit, but also as an example to her daughters and for the moment the subject of Lily's trip was dropped.

  With its close proximity to Chinese, Japanese, and Taiwanese neighbors, Kashien was a small country whose existence had been battled over many times in the past. Since 1936, however, it had been free and independent. Some areas, mostly in the mountains,


  were utterly behind the times, while others, like Capital City, were thriving, bustling places, full of modern conveniences and ways.

  Lily Walsh had only heard about the past wars and unrest. Her life in the village had been one of tranquility and peace, something she took for granted as she left the Chen home and made her way along the river toward the small house she shared with her father. The village of Lhasa, which sat high in the Katoose Mountains, was spread out on acres of terraced land. Lily gave sights that she'd seen since birth little notice as she thought about what her father might want. His looking for her in the middle of the morning meant neither good news nor bad, but it meant something.

  "Lily,'' another friend called to her as she passed her field, "come for tea."

  "My father is looking for me, Rika. Thank you, anyway."

  Rika waved her off in understanding, and Lily kept on her way Just a few more minutes passed till her house came into view, and Lily entered as she always did, eyes down with respect in case her father was at home. He was.

  "Come in," he told her, his voice giving nothing away.

  "Lee Chen told me you were looking for me."

  "I was, yes. Were you and Ling having your lesson?"

  "Yes," Lily spoke as she took the seat across the small living room from him. "She's over halfway through the book. We'll be going onto something more difficult very soon."


  Lily nodded, her eyes still lowered.

  Owen Walsh was from Chicago, but since his wife, Cathleen, had died almost 12 years earlier, he had taken on more and more traits of those who lived in the village. Having been born there and only away from Kashien for six months as a little girl, Lily thought nothing of it.

  "Don't be afraid to introduce her to something more challenging, Lily. Ling is a quick study."


  "Yes, she is," Lily was swift to agree. "Although I think she's still working to understand that. Just today she figured out she could read Stuart Little to the girls. I was going to mention it to her a few weeks back, but I'm glad she came to it on her own."

  "I've decided that you're going to visit Jeff."

  Lily was so shocked by this announcement that she forgot herself. Her lids flew up so she could see her father's face. It was not a happy one.

  Brow lowered in offense, Owen snapped his fingers loudly as Lily dropped her eyes.

  "You forget yourself, Lily Cathleen," he said, a distinct chill in his tone.

  "I'm sorry."

  The room was quiet for a moment. Lily's joy over the news had been greatly dampened by her father's disapproval. She knew he would not cancel the trip. He wasn't spiteful, but he was a fanatic when it came to propriety in the village.

  "Look at me, Lily," he commanded, his voice still a bit stern.

  Lily would never have disobeyed such an order, but only years of training in keeping emotions from her face hid the turmoil inside.

  "I know you are excited, but that is no excuse. There will be many exciting things in the months to come, but you must not forget yourself. You must not shame me. This is not a pleasure trip, Lily, but an educational one. I expect you to return to me full of knowledge and report on the things you learned. If this is not the plan, there is no reason for you to go."

  Lily did not agree but kept her opinion to herself. She would work hard and learn a lot, of this she was certain, but she would mostly enjoy time with her brother and being a part of his world. Had she not made her father angry, she would have asked when she could go and for how long, but such questions would need to wait.

  "Why don't you head to your room now and take some time to think on what your mindset needs to be when you go."


  "Yes, Father."

  Lily rose and left on nearly silent feet. She slipped into her own bedroom, the cloth door covering falling back in place behind her. Her bed was a low wooden structure, just a foot off the floor, but Lily was used to sinking down to lie or sit on the village-made mattress. She sat on it now. She stared out the small window across from her and tried to be repentant. It didn't work. Knowing that her father took some things much too seriously, Lily grabbed her pillow so she could scream into it. She was going to see her brother! It was almost too good to be true.

  I didn't dare to hope, Lord. I wanted to but.. .Lily couldn't go on. She had asked the Lord to let her go. She had petitioned Him many times, all the while working to accept whatever His will for her might be. A trip to Hawaii to be with Jeff sounded wonderful, but in truth, she wasn't God. She didn't know what might be awaiting her. As much as she wanted to see her only sibling, she didn't want to be in Hawaii unless God wanted her to be.

  Lily suddenly came to her feet. She hadn't been in her room long at all. She found her father at the kitchen table and approached him as she would at any other time.

  "I'm going for a run."
r />   Owen looked at her. He had meant what he said. He wanted her to think on this upcoming trip and to take it seriously. But looking into her face, even with her eyes down, he was reminded of what a wonderful daughter she was.

  "Will you be back for lunch?"

  "If I'm not, everything is ready in the cupboard."

  "Very good."

  Lily left silently, starting to run almost as soon as she was out the door. Her stride was smooth and graceful. Lily loved to run with all of her heart. It helped to clear her head, and often she prayed. She also slept better at night if she ran at some point during the day.

  Her normal route took her up a small rise, and as she bent a little with plans to sprint to the top, she did what she always did:


  thought of Jeff. She wondered if he might be running too. Had she stopped to think about the time difference, she might have had her answer. But even if her brother was asleep, Lily was talking to him.

  I'm coming, Jefferson. I don't know when and I don't know for how long, but Father said YES!

  "I made him cross, so he didn't tell me the details until evening prayer time, but I'm going as soon as I can book the flight.''

  "And for how long?" Ling-lei asked next.

  "Three months. Jeff wanted me for six, but Father said three was enough."

  Ling bit her lip in excitement and asked, "You'll write to me?" "Yes, and after I do, you'll know my address and write back." Ling looked at her.

  I'll miss you, but I wouldn't want you to stay." "Thank you, Ling."

  As the women embraced, the children came over, and for a time the five of them talked about Hawaii. Lily told them all she knew, and realized it wasn't much. She knew the facts and figures about the fiftieth state and even the layout of Jeff's apartment, but not much else. It didn't bother her, though. It was just a matter of time until she would have more to tell than she could imagine.

  August 31

  The trip to Capital City from Lhasa had been long and hard enough, but nothing at all compared to what Lily's journey would be once she started flying. According to her itinerary, the flight from Capital City to Tokyo would take three hours and 15 minutes. She then had an unavoidable seven-hour layover. After that, the flight from Tokyo to Honolulu would take seven hours and 15 minutes. To top it off, the flight crossed the international date line, bringing even more confusion into the matter. Her body