Read Bared to You Page 30

  “I’d love to come uptown and take you out to lunch sometime,” he said.

  “That would be great.” I stepped back as the music ended and bumped into someone behind me. Hands went to my waist to steady me and I looked over my shoulder to find Gideon at my back.

  “Hello,” he purred, his icy gaze on Martin. “Introduce us.”

  “Gideon, this is Martin Stanton. We’ve known each other for a few years now. He’s my stepfather’s nephew.” I took a deep breath and went for it. “Martin, this is the significant man in my life, Gideon Cross.”

  “Cross.” Martin grinned and held out his hand. “I know who you are, of course. It’s a pleasure to meet you. If things work out, maybe I’ll be seeing you at some of the family gatherings.”

  Gideon’s arm slid around my shoulders. “Count on it.”

  Martin was hailed by someone he knew and he leaned forward to kiss my cheek. “I’ll call you about lunch. Next week maybe?”

  “Great.” I was highly conscious of Gideon vibrating with energy beside me, although when I glanced at him, his face with calm and impassive.

  He pulled me into a dance, with Louis Armstrong singing “What a Wonderful World.” “Not sure I like him,” he muttered.

  “Martin’s a very nice guy.”

  “Just so long as he knows you’re mine.” He pressed his cheek to my temple and placed his hand within the cutout back of my dress, skin to skin. There was no way to doubt that I belonged to him when he was holding me like that.

  I relished the opportunity to be so close to his scrumptious body in public. Breathing him in, I relaxed into his expert hold. “I like this.”

  Nuzzling against me, he murmured, “That’s the idea.”

  Bliss. It lasted as long as the dance did.

  We were exiting the dance floor when I caught sight of Magdalene off to the side. It took me a moment to recognize her because she’d cut her hair into a sleek bob. She looked slender and classy in a simple black cocktail dress, but was eclipsed by the striking brunette she was speaking to.

  Gideon’s stride faltered, slowing fractionally before resuming his usual pace. I was looking down, thinking he’d avoided something on the floor, when he said quietly, “I need to introduce you to someone.”

  My attention shifted to see where we were going. The woman with Magdalene had spotted Gideon and turned to face him. I felt his forearm tense beneath my fingers the moment their gazes met.

  I could see why.

  The woman, whoever she was, was deeply in love with Gideon. It was there on her face and in her pale, otherworldly blue eyes. Her beauty was stunning, so exquisite as to be surreal. Her hair was black as ink and hung thick and straight almost to her waist. Her dress was the same icy hue as her eyes, her skin golden from the sun, her body long and perfectly curved.

  “Corinne,” he greeted her, the natural rasp in his voice even more pronounced. He released me and caught her hands. “You didn’t tell me you were back. I would’ve picked you up.”

  “I left a few messages on your voice mail at home,” she said, in a voice that was cultured and smooth.

  “Ah, I haven’t been there much lately.” As if that reminded him I was next to him, he released her and drew me up to his side. “Corinne, this is Eva Tramell. Eva, Corinne Giroux. An old friend.”

  I extended my hand to her and she shook it.

  “Any friend of Gideon’s is a friend of mine,” she said with a warm smile.

  “I hope that applies to girlfriends as well.”

  When her gaze met mine, it was knowing. “Especially girlfriends. If you could spare him a moment, I’ve been hoping to introduce him to an associate of mine.”

  “Of course.” My voice was calm; I was anything but.

  Gideon gave me a perfunctory kiss on the temple before he stepped closer to Corinne and offered his arm to her, leaving Magdalene standing awkwardly next to me.

  I actually felt sorry for her, she looked so dejected. “Your new hairstyle is very flattering, Magdalene.”

  She glanced at me, her mouth tight, and then it softened with a sigh that sounded filled with resignation. “Thank you. It was time for a change. Time for many changes, I think. Also, there was no reason to imitate the one who got away now that she’s back.”

  I frowned in confusion. “You lost me.”

  “I’m talking about Corinne.” She studied my face. “You don’t know. She and Gideon were engaged, for over a year. She broke it off, married a wealthy Frenchman, and moved to Europe. But the marriage fell apart. They’re now getting divorced and she’s moved back to New York.”

  Engaged. I felt the blood drain from my face, my gaze shifting to where the man I loved stood with the woman he must’ve once loved, his hand moving to the small of her back to steady her as she leaned into him with a laugh.

  As my stomach twisted with jealousy and sick fear, it struck me that I’d assumed he had never had a serious romantic relationship before me. Stupid. As hot as he was, I should’ve known better.

  Magdalene touched my shoulder. “You should sit down, Eva. You’re very pale.”

  I knew I was breathing too fast and my speeding pulse rate was dangerously high. “You’re right.”

  Moving to the nearest available chair, I got off my feet. Magdalene sat beside me.

  “You love him,” she said. “I didn’t see it. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for what I said to you the first time we met.”

  “You love him, too,” I replied woodenly, my gaze unfocused. “And at that time, I didn’t. Not yet.”

  “Doesn’t excuse me, does it?”

  I gratefully accepted another glass of champagne when it was offered to me and took a second for Magdalene before the waiter straightened to move on. We clinked glasses in a pitiful display of scorned female solidarity. I wanted to leave. I wanted to get up and walk out. I wanted Gideon to realize I’d left, to be forced to leave after me. I wanted him to feel some of the pain I felt. Stupid, immature, hurtful imaginings that made me feel small.

  I took comfort from Magdalene sitting silently beside me in commiseration. She knew how it felt to love Gideon and want him too much. That I sensed she was as miserable as I was confirmed what a threat Corinne might be.

  Had he been pining for her this whole time? Was she the reason he’d closed himself off from other women?

  “There you are.”

  I looked up as Gideon found me. Of course Corinne was still on his arm and I got the full effect of the two of them as a couple. There were, quite simply, impossibly gorgeous together.

  Corinne took a seat beside me and Gideon brushed his fingertips over my cheek. “I have to speak with someone,” he said. “Would you like me to bring you back anything?”

  “Stoli and cranberry. Make it a double.” I needed a buzz. Bad.

  “All right.” But he frowned at my request before he walked away.

  “I’m so glad to meet you, Eva,” Corinne said. “Gideon has told me so much about you.”

  “It can’t have been too much. You two weren’t gone that long.”

  “We talk nearly every day.” She smiled, and there was nothing fake or malicious in her expression. “We’ve been friends a long time.”

  “More than friends,” Magdalene said pointedly.

  Corinne frowned at Magdalene and I realized I wasn’t supposed to know. Was it she or Gideon or both of them that had decided it was best not to tell me? Why cover up something if there was nothing to hide?

  “Yes, that’s true,” she admitted with obvious reluctance. “Although that was some years ago now.”

  I twisted in my seat to face her. “You still love him.”

  “You can’t blame me for that. Any woman who spends time with him falls in love with him. He’s beautiful and untouchable. That’s an irresistible combination.” Her smile softened. “He tells me you’ve inspired him to start opening up. I’m grateful to you for that.”

  I was about to say, I didn’t do it for you. Then an insidi
ous doubt drifted through my mind, making a vulnerable spot inside me fold in on itself.

  Was I doing it for her without knowing it?

  I twisted the base of my empty champagne flute around and around on the table. “He was going to marry you.”

  “And it was the biggest mistake of my life walking away.” Her hand went to her throat, her slender fingers restlessly stroking, as if toying with a necklace she’d normally find there. “I was young and in some ways he frightened me. He was so possessive. It wasn’t until after I married that I realized possessiveness is much better than indifference. At least for me.”

  I looked away, fighting the nausea that rose in my throat.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” she said.

  “What is there to say?” Magdalene tossed out.

  We all loved him. We were all available to him. In the end, he would make a choice between us.

  “You should know, Eva,” Corinne began, looking at me with those clear aquamarine eyes, “he’s told me how special you are to him. It took me some time to gather the courage to come back here and face you two together. I even canceled a flight I had booked a couple weekends ago. I interrupted him at some charity event he was giving a speech at, poor guy, to tell him I was on my way and to ask for his help getting settled.”

  I froze, feeling as brittle as cracked glass. She had to be talking about the advocacy center dinner, the night Gideon and I had sex for the first time. The night we’d christened his limo and he’d immediately withdrawn; then left me abruptly.

  “When he called me back,” she continued, “he told me he’d met someone. That he wanted you and me to meet when I got into town. I ended up chickening out. He’s never asked me to meet a woman in his life before.”

  Oh my God. I glanced at Magdalene. Gideon had left me in a rush that night for her. For Corinne.

  “Excuse me.” I pushed back from the table and searched for Gideon. I saw him at the bar and went to him.

  He was just turning away from the bartender with two glasses in his hands when I intercepted him. I took my drink and gulped it down, my teeth aching as the cubes of ice knocked against them.

  “Eva—” There was a soft note of chastisement in his voice.

  “I’m leaving,” I said flatly, stepping around him to set my empty glass on the bar top. “I don’t consider that running, because I’m telling you in advance and giving you the option of coming with me.”

  He exhaled harshly and I could see that he understood my mood. He knew I knew. “I can’t leave.”

  I turned away.

  He caught my arm. “You know I can’t stay if you go. You’re upset over nothing, Eva.”

  “Nothing?” I stared at where his hand gripped me. “I warned you I get upset and jealous. This time, you’ve given me good reason.”

  “Warning me is supposed to excuse you when you get ridiculous about it?” His face was relaxed, his voice low and calm. No one looking from a distance would pick up on the tension between us, but it was there in his eyes. Burning lust and icy fury. He was so good at putting those two together.

  “Who’s ridiculous? What about Daniel, the personal trainer? Or Martin, a member of my stepfamily?” I leaned closer and whispered, “I’ve never fucked either of them, let alone agreed to a marriage! I sure as hell don’t talk to them every damn day!”

  Abruptly, he caught me by the waist and hauled me up tight against him. “You need to be fucked now,” he hissed in my ear, nipping the lobe with his teeth. “I shouldn’t have made us wait.”

  “Maybe you were planning ahead,” I shot back. “Saving it up in case an old flame popped back into your life, one you’d prefer to screw instead.”

  Gideon tossed back his drink; then he secured me to his side with a steely arm around my waist and led me through the crowd to the door. He pulled his smartphone out of his pocket and ordered the limo brought around. By the time we reached the street, the long, sleek car was there. Gideon pushed me through the door Angus held open and told him, “Drive around the block until I say otherwise.”

  Then he slid in directly behind me, so closely I could feel his breath against my bare back. I scrambled toward the opposite seat, determined to get away from him….

  “Stop,” he snapped.

  I sank to my knees on the carpeted floor, breathing hard. I could run to the ends of the earth and I still wouldn’t be able to escape the fact that Corinne Giroux had to be better for Gideon than I was. She was calm and cool, a soothing presence even to me—the person freaking out over the unwelcome fact of her existence. My worst nightmare.

  His hand twisted into my loose hair, restraining me. His spread legs surrounded mine, his grip tightening so that my head was pulled back gently to touch his shoulder. “I’m going to give you what we both need, Eva. We’re going to fuck as long as it takes to dull the edge enough to get through dinner. And you’re not going to worry about Corinne, because while she’s inside the ballroom, I’ll be deep inside you.”

  “Yes,” I whispered, licking dry lips.

  “You forget who submits, Eva,” he said gruffly. “I’ve given up control for you. I’ve bent and adjusted for you. I’ll do anything to keep you and make you happy. But I can’t be tamed or topped. Don’t mistake indulgence for weakness.”

  I swallowed hard, my blood on fire for him. “Gideon…”

  “Reach up with both hands and hold on to the grab handle above the window. Don’t let go until I tell you, understand?”

  I did as he ordered, pushing my hands through the leather loop. As my grip secured, my body sparked to life, making me aware of how right he was about what I needed. He knew me so well, this lover of mine.

  Shoving his hands into my bodice, Gideon squeezed my full, aching breasts. When he rolled and tugged my nipples, my head lolled against him, the tension leaving my body in a rush.

  “God.” He nuzzled his mouth against my temple. “It’s so perfect when you give yourself over to me like that…all at once, as if it’s a huge relief.”

  “Fuck me,” I begged, needing the connection. “Please.”

  Releasing my hair, he reached under my dress and pulled my panties down my thighs. His jacket flew past me to land on the seat; then his hand pushed between my legs from the front. He growled at finding me wet and swollen. “You were made for me, Eva. You can’t go long without me inside you.”

  Still he primed me, running his skilled fingers through my cleft, spreading the moisture over my clit and the lips of my sex. He pushed two fingers into me, scissoring them, preparing me for the thrust of his long, thick cock.

  “Do you want me, Gideon?” I asked hoarsely, needing to ride his thrusting fingers, but hampered by how far I had to reach to grab the strap.

  “More than my next breath.” His lips moved over my throat and the top of my shoulder, the warm velvet of his tongue sliding seductively across my skin. “I can’t go long without you either, Eva. You’re an addiction…my obsession…”

  His teeth bit gently into my flesh, conveying his animal need with a rough sound of desire. All the while he fucked me with his fingers, his other hand massaging my clit, making me come again and again from the simultaneous stimulation.

  “Gideon!” I gasped, when my damp fingers began to slip from the leather.

  His hands left me and I heard the erotic rasp of his zipper lowering. “Let go and lie on your back with your legs spread.”

  I moved to the seat and stretched along it, offering my body to him in quivering anticipation. His gaze met mine, his face briefly lit by a passing swathe of headlights.

  “Don’t be afraid.” He came over me, setting his weight onto me with excruciating care.

  “I’m too horny to be scared.” I caught him and pulled my body up to press against the hardness of his. “I want you.”

  His cock head nudged against the lips of my sex. With a flex of his hips, he pushed into me, his breath hissing just as mine did at the searing connection. I went lax against the seat, my fin
gers barely clinging to his lean waist.

  “I love you,” I whispered, watching his face as he began to move. Every inch of my skin burned as if from the sun, and my chest was so tight with longing and emotion that it was hard to breathe. “And I need you, Gideon.”

  “You have me,” he whispered, his cock sliding in and out. “I couldn’t be more yours.”

  I quivered and tensed, my hips meeting his relentlessly measured drives. I climaxed with a breathless cry, shuddering as the ecstasy rippled through my sex, milking him until he grunted and started powering into me.


  I rocked into his ferocious lunges, urging him on. He clutched at me, riding me hard and fast. My head thrashed and I moaned shamelessly, loving the feel of him, that decadent sensation of being possessed and ruthlessly pleasured.

  We were wild for each other, fucking like feral beasts, and I was so turned on by our primal lust I thought I’d die from the orgasm building inside me.

  “You’re so good at this, Gideon. So good…”

  He gripped my buttock and yanked me up to meet his next thrust, hitting the end of me, forcing a gasp of pleasure/pain from my throat. I came again, clenching down hard on him.

  “Ah, God. Eva.” With a serrated groan, he erupted violently, flooding me with his heat. Pinning my hips, he ground against me, emptying himself as deep in me as he could get.

  When he finished, he sucked in a harsh breath and gathered my hair in his hands, kissing the side of my damp throat. “I wish you knew what you do to me. I wish I could tell you.”

  I held him tightly. “I can’t help it that I’m stupid over you. It’s just too much, Gideon. It’s—”

  “—uncontrollable.” He started over again, thrusting rhythmically. Leisurely. As if we had all the time in the world. Thickening and lengthening with each push and pull.

  “And you need control.” I lost my breath on a particularly masterful stroke.

  “I need you, Eva.” His gaze was fierce on my face as he moved inside me. “I need you.”