Read Bared to You Page 6

  “We’ll be ready.”

  After I hung up, I leaned back in my chair and exhaled, needing a hot bath and an orgasm. If Gideon Cross somehow found out I masturbated while thinking about him, I didn’t care. Being sexually frustrated was weakening my position, a weakness I knew he wouldn’t be sharing. No doubt he’d have a preapproved orifice lined up before day’s end.

  As I swapped out my heels for my walking shoes, my phone rang again. My mother was rarely distracted for long. The five minutes since we’d ended our call was just about the right length of time for her to realize the cell phone issue hadn’t been resolved. Once again, I debated ignoring the phone, but I didn’t want to take any of the day’s crap home with me.

  I answered with my usual greeting, but it lacked its usual punch.

  “I’m still thinking about you.”

  The velvet rasp of Cross’s voice flooded me with such relief I realized I’d been hoping to hear it again. Today.

  God. The craving was so acute I knew he’d become a drug to my body, the prime source of some very intense highs.

  “I can still feel you, Eva. Still taste you. I’ve been hard since you left, through two meetings and one teleconference. You’ve got the advantage, state your demands.”

  “Ah,” I murmured. “Lemme think.”

  I let him wait, smiling as I remembered Cary’s comment about blue balls. “Hmm…Nothing is coming to mind. But I do have some friendly advice. Go spend time with a woman who salivates at your feet and makes you feel like a god. Fuck her until neither of you can walk. When you see me on Monday you’ll be totally over it and your life will return to its usual obsessive-compulsive order.”

  The creak of leather sounded over the phone and I imagined him leaning back in his desk chair. “That was your one free pass, Eva. The next time you insult my intelligence, I’ll take you over my knee.”

  “I don’t like that sort of thing.” And yet the warning, given in that voice, aroused me. Dark and Dangerous for sure.

  “We’ll discuss. In the interim, tell me what you do like.”

  I stood. “You definitely have the voice for phone sex, but I’ve got to go. I have a date with my vibrator.”

  I should’ve hung up then, to gain the full effect of the brush-off, but I couldn’t resist learning if he’d gloat like I had imagined he would. Plus, I was having fun with him.

  “Oh, Eva.” Cross spoke my name in a decadent purr. “You’re determined to drive me to my knees, aren’t you? What will it take to talk you into a threesome with B.O.B.?”

  I ignored both questions as I slung my bag and purse over my shoulder, grateful he couldn’t see how my hand shook. I was not discussing Battery Operated Boyfriends with Gideon Cross. I’d never discussed masturbation openly with a man, let alone a man who was for all intents and purposes a stranger to me. “B.O.B. and I have a longtime understanding—when we’re done with each other, we know exactly which one of us has been used, and it isn’t me. Good night, Gideon.”

  I hung up and took the stairs, deciding the twenty-floor descent would serve double-duty as both an avoidance technique and a replacement for a visit to the gym.

  I was so grateful to be home after the day I’d had that I practically danced through my apartment’s front door. My heartfelt “God, it’s good to be home!” and accompanying spin was vehement enough to startle the couple on the couch.

  “Oh,” I said, wincing at my own silliness. Cary wasn’t in a compromising position with his guest when I barged in, but they’d been sitting close enough to suggest intimacy.

  Grudgingly, I thought of Gideon Cross, who preferred to strip all intimacy out of the most intimate act I could imagine. I’d had one-night stands and friends with benefits, and no one knew better than I that sex and making love were two very different things, but I didn’t think I’d ever be able to view sex like a handshake. I thought it was sad that Cross did, even though he wasn’t a man who inspired pity or sympathy.

  “Hey, baby girl,” Cary called out, pushing to his feet. “I was hoping you’d make it back before Trey had to leave.”

  “I have class in an hour,” Trey explained, rounding the coffee table as I dropped my bag on the floor and put my purse on a barstool at the breakfast bar. “But I’m glad I got to meet you before I left.”

  “Me, too.” I shook the hand he extended to me, taking him in with a quick glance. He was about my age, I guessed. Average height and nicely muscular. He had unruly blond hair, soft hazel eyes, and a nose that had clearly been broken at some point.

  “Mind if I grab a glass of wine?” I asked. “It’s been a long day.”

  “Go for it,” Trey replied.

  “I’ll take one, too.” Cary joined us by the breakfast bar. He was wearing loose-fitting black jeans and an off-the-shoulder black sweater. The look was casual and elegant, and did a phenomenal job of offsetting his dark brown hair and emerald eyes.

  I went to the wine fridge and pulled out a random bottle.

  Trey shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans and rocked back on his heels, talking quietly with Cary as I uncorked and poured.

  The phone rang and I grabbed the handset off the wall. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Eva? It’s Parker Smith.”

  “Parker, hi.” I leaned my hip into the counter. “How are you?”

  “I hope you don’t mind my calling. Your stepdad gave me your number.”

  Gah. I’d had enough of Stanton for one day. “Not at all. What’s up?”

  “Honestly? Everything’s looking up right now. Your stepdad is like my fairy godfather. He’s funding a few safety improvements to the studio and some much-needed upgrades. That’s why I’m calling. The studio’s going to be out of commission for the rest of the week. Classes will resume next Monday.”

  I closed my eyes, struggling to tamp down a flare of exasperation. It wasn’t Parker’s fault that Stanton and my mom were overprotective control freaks. Clearly they didn’t see the irony of defending me while I was surrounded by people trained to do that very thing. “Sounds good. I can’t wait. I’m really excited to be training with you.”

  “I’m excited, too. I’m going to work you hard, Eva. Your parents are going to get their money’s worth.”

  I set a filled glass in front of Cary and took a big gulp out of my own. It never ceased to amaze me how much cooperation money could buy. But again, that wasn’t Parker’s fault. “No complaints here.”

  “We’ll get started first thing next week. Your driver has the schedule.”

  “Great. See you then.” I hung up and caught the glance Trey shot Cary when he thought neither of us was looking. It was soft and filled with a sweet yearning, and it reminded me that my problems could wait. “I’m sorry I caught you on the way out, Trey. Do you have time for pizza Wednesday night? I’d love to do more than say hi and bye.”

  “I have class.” He gave me a regretful smile and shot another side-glance at Cary. “But I could come by on Tuesday.”

  “That’d be great.” I smiled. “We could order in and have a movie night.”

  “I’d like that.”

  I was rewarded with the kiss Cary blew me as he headed to the door to show Trey out. When he returned to the kitchen he grabbed his wine and said, “All right. Spill it, Eva. You looked stressed.”

  “I am,” I agreed, grabbing the bottle and moving into the living room.

  “It’s Gideon Cross, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, yeah. But I don’t want to talk about him.” Although Gideon’s pursuit was exhilarating, his goal sucked. “Let’s talk about you and Trey instead. How did you two meet?”

  “I ran across him on a job. He’s working part time as a photographer’s assistant. Sexy, isn’t he?” His eyes were bright and happy. “And a real gentleman. In an old-school way.”

  “Who knew there were any of those left?” I muttered before polishing off my first glass.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing. I’m sorry, Ca
ry. He seemed great, and he obviously digs you. Is he studying photography?”

  “Veterinary medicine.”

  “Wow. That’s awesome.”

  “I think so, too. But forget about Trey for a minute. Talk about what’s bugging you. Get it out.”

  I sighed. “My mom. She found out about my interest in Parker’s studio and now she’s freaking out.”

  “What? How’d she find out? I swear I haven’t told anyone.”

  “I know you didn’t. Never even crossed my mind.” Grabbing the bottle off the table, I refilled my glass. “Get this. She’s been tracking my cell phone.”

  Cary’s brows rose. “Seriously? That’s…creepy.”

  “I know, right? That’s what I told Stanton, but he doesn’t want to hear it.”

  “Well, hell.” He ran a hand through his long bangs. “So what do you do?”

  “Get a new phone. And meet with Dr. Petersen to see if he can’t talk some sense into her.”

  “Good move. Turn it over to her shrink. So…is everything okay with your job? Do you still love it?”

  “Totally.” My head fell back into the sofa cushions and my eyes closed. “My work and you are my lifesavers right now.”

  “What about the young hottie bazillionaire who wants to nail you? Come on, Eva. You know I’m dying here. What happened?”

  I told him, of course. I wanted his take on it all. But when I finished, he was quiet. I lifted my head to look at him, and found him bright-eyed and biting his lip.

  “Cary? What are you thinking?”

  “I’m feeling kind of hot from that story.” He laughed and the warm, richly masculine sound swept a lot of my irritation away. “He’s got to be so confused right now. I would’ve paid money to see his face when you hit him with that bit he wanted to spank you over.”

  “I can’t believe he said that.” Just remembering Cross’s voice when he made that threat had my palms damp enough to leave steam on my glass. “What the hell is he into?”

  “Spanking’s not deviant. Besides, he was going for missionary on the couch, so he’s not averse to the basics.” He fell into the couch, a brilliant smile lighting up his handsome face. “You’re a huge challenge to a guy who obviously thrives on them. And he’s willing to make concessions to have you, which I’d bet he’s not used to. Just tell him what you want.”

  I split the last of the wine between us, feeling marginally better with a bit of alcohol in my veins. What did I want? Aside from the obvious? “We’re totally incompatible.”

  “Is that what you call what happened on his couch?”

  “Cary, come on. Boil it down. He picked me up off the lobby floor, and then asked me to fuck. That’s really it. Even a guy I take home from a bar has more going for him than that. Hey, what’s your name? Come here often? Who’s your friend? What are you drinking? Like to dance? Do you work around here?”

  “All right, all right. I get it.” He set his glass down on the table. “Let’s go out. Hit a bar. Dance ’til we drop. Maybe meet some guys who’ll talk you up some.”

  “Or at least buy me a drink.”

  “Hey, Cross offered you one of those in his office.”

  I shook my head and stood. “Whatever. Let me take a shower and we’ll go.”

  I threw myself into clubbing like it was going out of style. Cary and I bounced all over downtown clubs from Tribeca to the East Village, wasting stupid money on cover charges and having a fabulous time. I danced until my feet felt like they were going to fall off, but I toughed it out until Cary complained about his heeled boots first.

  We’d just stumbled out of a techno-pop club with a plan to buy me flip-flops at a nearby Walgreens when we ran across a hawker promoting a lounge a few blocks away.

  “Great place to get off your feet for a while,” he said, without the usual flashy smile or exaggerated hype most of the hawkers employed. His clothes—black jeans and turtleneck—were more upscale, which intrigued me. And he didn’t have fliers or postcards. What he handed me was a business card made from papyrus paper and printed with a gilded font that caught the light of the electric signage around us. I made a mental note to hang on to it as a great piece of print advertising.

  A stream of quickly moving pedestrians flowed around us. Cary squinted down at the lettering, having a few more drinks in him than I had. “Looks swank.”

  “Show them that card,” the hawker urged. “You’ll skip the cover.”

  “Sweet.” Cary linked arms with me and dragged me along. “Let’s go. You might find a quality guy in a swanky joint.”

  My feet were seriously killing me by the time we found the place, but I quit bitching when I saw the charming entrance. The line to get in was long, extending down the street and around the corner. Amy Winehouse’s soulful voice drifted out of the open door, as did well-dressed customers who exited with big smiles.

  True to the hawker’s word, the business card was a magic key that granted us immediate and free entrance. A gorgeous hostess led us upstairs to a quieter VIP bar that overlooked the stage and dance floor below. We were shown to a small seating area by the balcony and settled at a table hugged by two half-moon velvet sofas. She propped a beverage menu in the center and said, “Your drinks are on the house. Enjoy your evening.”

  “Wow.” Cary whistled. “We scored.”

  “I think that hawker recognized you from an ad.”

  “Wouldn’t that rock?” He grinned. “God, it’s a great night. Hanging out with my best girl and crushing on a new hunk in my life.”


  “I think I’ve decided to see where things go with Trey.”

  That made me happy. It felt like I’d been waiting forever for him to find someone who’d treat him right. “Has he asked you out yet?”

  “No, but I don’t think it’s because he doesn’t want to.” He shrugged and smoothed his artfully ripped T-shirt. Paired with black leather pants and spiked wristlets, he looked sexy and wild. “I just think he’s trying to figure out the situation with you first. He wigged when I told him I lived with a woman and that I’d moved across the country to be with you. He’s worried I might be bi-curious and secretly hung up on you. That’s why I wanted you two to meet today, so he could see how you and I are together.”

  “I’m sorry, Cary. I’ll try to put him at ease about it.”

  “It’s not your fault. Don’t worry about it. It’ll work out if it’s supposed to.”

  His assurances didn’t make me feel better. I tried to think if there was a way I could help.

  Two guys stopped by our table. “Okay if we join you?” the taller one asked.

  I glanced at Cary, and then back at the guys. They looked like brothers and they were very attractive. Both were smiling and confident, their stances loose and easy.

  I was about to say, Sure, when a warm hand settled on my bare shoulder and squeezed firmly. “This one’s taken.”

  Across from me, Cary gaped as Gideon Cross rounded the sofa and extended his hand to him. “Taylor. Gideon Cross.”

  “Cary Taylor.” He shook Gideon’s hand with a wide smile. “But you knew that. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  I could’ve killed him. I seriously thought about it.

  “Good to know.” Gideon settled on the seat beside me, his arm draped behind me so that his fingertips could brush casually and possessively up and down my arm. “Maybe there’s hope for me yet.”

  Twisting at the waist, I faced him and whispered fiercely, “What are you doing?”

  He shot me a hard glance. “Whatever it takes.”

  “I’m going to dance.” Cary stood with a mischievous grin. “Be back in a bit.”

  Ignoring my pleading glance, my best friend blew me a kiss and the guys followed him. I watched them all go, my heart racing. After another minute, ignoring Gideon became ridiculous, as well as impossible.

  My gaze slid over him. He wore dress slacks in graphite gray and a black V-neck sweater, the overall eff
ect being one of careless sophistication. I loved the look on him and was attracted to the softness it gave him, even though I knew it was only an illusion. He was a hard man in a lot of ways.

  I took a deep breath, feeling like I needed to make an effort to socialize with him. After all, wasn’t that my big complaint? That he wanted to skip past the getting-to-know-you stage and jump straight into bed?

  “You look…” I paused. Fantastic. Wonderful. Amazing. So damn sexy…In the end, I went with the lame, “I like the way you look.”

  His brow arched. “Ah, something you like about me. Is that a general like of the overall package? Or just the clothes? Only the sweater? Or maybe it’s the pants?”

  The edge to his tone rubbed me the wrong way. “And if I say it’s just the sweater?”

  “I’ll buy a dozen and wear them every damn day.”

  “That would be a shame.”

  “You don’t like the sweater?” He was pissy, his words coming clipped and fast.

  My hands flexed restlessly in my lap. “I love the sweater, but I also like the suits.”

  He stared at me a minute, and then nodded. “How was your date with B.O.B.?”

  Oh hell. I looked away. It was a lot easier talking about masturbation over the phone. Doing it while squirming under that piercing blue stare was mortifying. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  He brushed the backs of his fingers over my cheek and murmured, “You’re blushing.”

  I heard the amusement in his voice and swiftly changed topics. “Do you come here often?”

  Shit. Where did that clichéd line come from?

  His hand dropped to my lap and caught one of mine, his fingers curling into my palm. “When necessary.”

  A quick stab of jealousy made me stiffen. I glared at him, even though I was mad at myself for caring either way. “What does that mean? When you’re on the prowl?”

  Gideon’s mouth curved into a genuine smile that hit me hard. “When expensive decisions need to be made. I own this club, Eva.”

  Of course he did. Jeez.

  A pretty waitress set two pinkish-colored iced drinks in square tumblers on the table. She looked at Gideon and gave him a flirtatious smile. “Here you go, Mr. Cross. Two Stoli Elites and cranberry. Can I get you anything else?”