Read Battle for New Thesnia Page 1

  Battle for New Thesina

  Written by Jake Hamilton

  Copyright 2012 Jake Hamilton

  Chapter One: The Quake.-PERCY

  It all started the day the continent learned to fly.

  My name is Percy by the way. So me and my friends were down at the plain looking for something to punch, kick or poke when suddenly the earth trembles and all goes black….

  When I wake up I smell juniper and other plants,I groan and look around. “what the” I said I hear some more groans next to me and see my friends are all right.

  “Ugh, where are we” groans Sabol “well if we were in danger I think we’d be screwed sooo” I snap back. “OK, OK man” he says we look around Aww crap where did the girls go!” cried Sabol just realizing the absence of our pals. Then three giggles bring our attention to the bushes. Oh come on I thought. Then they come out covered in branches. Aw were you worried about us?’’ Harpa teases. “Yeah, right!” I say. “Yeah they were totally worried about us” teases Allison. “Ugh” I mutter. “Hey were did Zelda go?”

  “Right here” says a voice. I turn to see her standing right next to me jet black hair running down her shoulder while mine is cut short and is brown. Allison has the most wired habit of dying hers various colors and styles today it’s red and curly. Sabol’s is near buzz cut and black. Harpa's is red due to a dying accident. “So did any of you fumps look for Mike?” “Right here” he says. I almost laugh out loud when I see a squirrel stalking him. Then he kicks it and it chases after a nut

  Well guys let’s find out where in Rokia are we?

  Chapter 2: Tesria-SABOL

  A girl with short red hair skips up to us “Hi my name is Isis I’m the guide around here.” “Where is here exactly” I ask impatiently “why of Central City of course the capital of Tesria!” “OK that really does NOT help much” complains Zelda.

  “Look, look we just want to know where we are in the world OK?” this seems to REALLY stump her because her face says it all. “Um Tesria is the known world soooo”

  We all look at each other this is bad we don’t know where we are and who knows what might happen next? My question is answered when a teeth jarring roar pierces the evening air.

  Chapter 3 Scoripa -ALLISON

  So just when I think my day can’t defy every know physical law I’m proved wrong

  When a giant scorpion starts ravaging town, I still don’t know what made me do it but I went in my pocket looking for the stick. I pretend is a wand, and then I pull out a blue wand, about a foot long and an inch or two thick. “Holy….” I say. Then I think if this is fake, we are screwed. Then I wave it around uselessly and a fire ball shoots out and sears the monster. It turns on me “skree!” “I’m dead I murmur. Then out of nowhere a ball or electricity zips by right in its fat eyes. “OK for the record I have NO idea where this staff came from” says Mike. I turn to see him carrying a 4 foot tall staff ending in 3 lines that branch off a few inches. “OK I have no idea where this wand came from but I really don’t care right now”.

  Several arrows wiz by coated in yellow energy

  Cutting straight through its hamstrings apparently as it promptly falls flat on its fat face.

  Percy and Harpa have these brass knuckles like things but it covers the whole hand. They dash up to the monster and start to beat the tar out of it. Eventually it stops moving and a bunch of people move the carcass away I turn to face iris “now what was that!” I demand.

  Chapter 4: Explanations -PERCY

  All of us are eyeballing each other’s new weapons except for Sabol’s whose didn’t really change much except for the fact that A his bow is now green and B he also has a crossbow and he has a LOT more arrows

  Iris is as confused as we are. “I honestly don’t think it’s possible for you to hail form Rokia and be in Tesria NOW”. “Well it apparently happened” says Mike sarcastically.

  “Hmm it still does not explain how your sticks and relics became the weapons we use on Tesria does it?” “No” we all agree. “OK you guys, where you’re from is just between us, OK?, Until we figure out what to do.” “Right” “soooo” I ask “what do we do until then”? A smile creeps across her face. “Do what everyone else dose around here.” “Which is?” snaps Allison losing her cool rapidly. “Fight monsters”.

  Chapter 5: Hunting-ZELDA

  “WHAT?” we protest “fight but we don’t know how and I don’t even have a weapon yet”! “Umm Zelda you have a staff AND a wand right next to you and in your pocket” Percy says “Huh” I say just realizing I leaning on the staff and feel the wand in my pocket “but, but” I stammer then weren’t there a second ago. “Well, considering you’re still new at this I suggest you go after Mushpangs or Beetleoids” iris suggests “What and what? Blue beetle things and mushrooms that have arms. She sighs “you are soooo hopeless”.


  Much later we are trekking through a plain much like to one we started in.

  The bush rustles I draw me wand… but is just an Aibat, I shoot a small energy ball at it and it dies “pfft to easy” I say “well I bet with our luck were gonna get jumped by a swarm of those Scoripa things” I shudder at the thought, I hear a strong sound like a purr but a little more high-pitched. I turn to see Mushpangs just as iris described them and if I look a little farther I can see the Beetleoids. We squat down behind a rock what’s our plan of attack?

  Chapter 6: Pincer movement -MIKE

  It was decided that me Allison and Zelda would attack the Mushpangs because there are more of them and our magic seems stronger then there bow and fists before we left I distributed shields to the entire gang. And we began the pincer movement.

  I hear enraged cries of the Beetleoids as Percy, Harpa and Sabol attack them.

  “Well now or never I guess” I muter I launch a stones ant about 6 of them and the go down.

  I hear a smell worse then burnt scorpion (and believe me we ALL know what that smells like thanks to Allison) I turn and see a bunch of burnt Mushpangs curtsey of Zelda. I start shooting random things, ice missiles, fire balls, electricity orbs, rocks, and aqua spheres till I can’t focus anymore. I see Allison and Zelda are suffering the same thing. “I guess we have a limit of how much magic we can use until it starts to take its toll” I say as a smack a Mushpang with my staff so hard it flies into the river. I hear a disgusting growing noise (don’t ask me what a growing noise is how I found out it involved several mystery substances and a mushroom plant) and suddenly out of the water emerges a new threat.

  Chapter 7: I fight the Kitty Mushroom -ZELDA

  I whirl around just in time to get smacked in the gut by an arm longer than my whole body.

  I end up hurtling into the river and I have the wind knocked out of me I curse and spit water out as I safely get out of the water and launch a huge fire ball at the monster apparently it’s not wet despite getting thrown in the river considering it catches on fire “mewowwww” OK I found the kitty mushroom. I thought then for some reason it decides to get away from the human flamethrower and grabs Mike “UGH STUPID MUSHROOM”! Mike protests, then he goes limb. I stand still as a stone watching as the thing squeezes the life out of me friend. Then a distant “meow’ draws my attention to behind me. A bunch of Mushpangs are behind me and I think “I’m going to burn it all to the ground”! Then I start shooting fire so fast the U.S army would have ran out of fire. I see Percy and the others taking Mikes body away from the inferno and then everything goes black.

  Chapter 8: Limitations -ZELDA

  I wake up to see my friends looking at me with concern I groan and try to sit up and then a wave of nausea spreads over me apparently they were prepared for this as one of them gets a can befor
e I hurl. “OK I think using too much magic makes you tired but Please don’t try that again unless you like passing out and hurling as soon as you wake up.” Suggests Allison “and Mike?” I croak my mouth is dry so I get a drink form the cup that is sitting on my end table “much better” I said “he’s OK Percy and Harpa are working on him’’ I sigh with relive and then pass out again the last thing I hear is “not again”!

  This time when I come around I don’t pass out Allison is gone I sit up and Thank God I don’t throw-up. I stand up getting a feeling of dizziness. “Hmmm” where am I anyway I wonder

  I walk into a room that must be the living room of a house because it’s huge and everyone is there. “Well, look who’s awake” said Mike. “Well, if by OK you mean setting the forest fire of the century then passing out two times then I feel great!” everyone laughs and it feels like home until I remember we have no clue how far we are from home.

  “Oh and one last thing “says Iris. She drops about 20 gold coins into my hand “here is you share of the loot we got”

  Chapter 9: Market-SABOL

  After breakfast (of which consisted of several bowls of chicken nuggets hey it was all we had! Heated up by iris’s pet dragon.( thorn) we headed out to the marketplace after the girls stopped awing at clothes that were a bit strange I finally got Pooled and shot an arrow at one of the robes they were looking at and lost my 20 gold coins (penya) and so we moved on.

  After we got used to the lay of the land iris sent us to trainers varying on what weapons we used (I call it boot camp) AND THE TRAINING (boot camp) BEGINS

  Chapter 10: Training-Zelda

  Me, Mike and Allison were sent to a trainer whom in my opinion looked a little too much like one of those magicians back home with the top hats and stuff, but I swear even then I could sense power from her and there was a lot of it. Then Mike sized him up the broke out laughing. Allison was giggling but Mike was a bit disrespectful so being me I struck him in the head with my wand accidentally setting him aflame. He sits there yawning it’s five full minutes before the instructor or Mike realizes what’s going on Mike starts screaming and the instructor stifles a laugh and taps him with a wand that looks a lot different the ours for it was covered in runes and it had a ruby in it that glowed a bit I pulled out mine. No runes and the sapphire in it had no glow. I sighed and came over to the instructor and asked him to put Mike out She did. At first look Mike looked OK but his cloths were singed and burnt, she looked at us and said “be right back” about a half hour later she was carrying three robes like the ones we saw other magicians wearing she handed us them and simply said “change” and pointed to three rooms after getting changed she told us “Those robes like all other ones can’t be burnt, never need to be washed and after a while you get new ones. Kinda a rank thing. All right let’s get to it shall we?” “Say, what’s your name?” asked Mike “Mia” “oh” “all right let’s get busy!” shouts Mia.


  “Ow, not the face! No, you’re supposed to break the dummy. No! I don't make them the local forge does now stop asking questions” and other somewhat sarcasm followed as whenever I used fire magic I ended up burning something important such as Mia’s hair so she` wore a hat for about 3 weeks and she then desired to make a magic construct that she controlled to avoid getting singed so then I practiced other magic such as aura attacks magma manipulation water and ice manipulation fire absorbing in order to strengthen me or launch later then she said “it’s time for you to test each other’s ability’s” so she set me up with Allison and Mike got her

  “Begin”! She looked at me with the “I’m going to pown you” look. And she shot lightning at me, I quickly and shot several fire orbs at her she, quickly slashed her wand in a furry of swings and dissipated them and shot several razor sharp edged stones at me I took a risk and shot an aura sphere at them causing a BIG explosion witch then made me start to get dizzy so I played it safe and shot a fire beam at her and for a cooler duel I made it come after the emerald in her wand so she kept on running in circles then she realized it was after her wand she dropped it and it blew ten feet away from the arena I shot an aura beam and she passed out and I won I turned and saw Mike unconscious and Mia gave me a new wand and 200 penya, then she turned her attention to Mike and Allison. After a few minutes of silence I asked “The wand I had before and Mike and Allison's have no runes and yours does. Our gems don't glow, why is that? ” “Oh I thought I didn’t see runes or glow, you really should have been unable to do and magic whatsoever with it” “well I will distribute wands and staffs with proper magic powers to them when they wake up but for now go back to your dorm I will send them up when they are awake” I sigh and reluctantly head up the stairs and into my bed and go to sleep.

  Chapter 11: Meanwhile with Sabol -SABOL

  I enter the tent the so called trainer is supposed to be in, I look around and think, oh god it's the luxury tent it had a TV's, a few game systems and a laptop all with no outlet’s but even more impressive however was the wild assortment of bows, bows that mount on castle walls crossbows and heaping piles of arrows. Now most people would go straight to the electronics but I went for the bows and shot till half the arrows were gone and 3 bows snapped form being shot too much and then a voice said “hey, hey arrows and bows like that aren't cheap kid!” and a dwarf came into the tent he scowled and took the bow clean out of my hand. “Hey that's mine” “oh sorry it looks really good, good craftsmanship” , he walks away saying that I assume mi supposed to train myself the moment I grab as much as my packs will hold the tent disappears and I’m in a dense forest and a bunch of wolfs as glaring at me hungrily “aw crap” I shout as I draw my crossbow witch is fully loaded and shoot 3 of them right between the eyes and they died and the remaining 5 wolfs back away but I know it’s a short reprieve. I rummage through my backpack and there are some throwing stars, knives, short swords, a tomahawk and a few pin grenades. Sweet, but still when did I put all this in here? Oh well I glad I have it. I think this is my training because there are no provisions except a water skin filled with water.... well they seem to be coming back for more, soo. One lunges at me, I grab a knife and slit its throat.

  The sight of the blood is nothing new I mean I hunted back home for extra cash and when times were hard for food but I still gagged at it. One tried to bite me in half so I quickly pulled the pin and he ate the bomb and boom, wolf guts everywhere and the remaining 2 back off leaving a tiny pup at me feet it, whimpered when I got close and I had no ante to calm it down so I reached down to pet it and SNAP I nips my finger in what I know as pup playfulness I look around and see a squirrel, aim, FIRE!, THUNK!, right in the eye. I then skin and find the meat eat half give some to the pup and save the rest as I give the pup its meat, it sniffs then nibbles, then devours. It waged its tail, satisfied. I turn to leave and a few minutes later a sharp “yip yip”. That turns my attention to the pup again. It followed me! I guess It really had no choice and nor did I because I could not leave it on its own.

  I think for a minute and I decide it's worth keeping. I need company don't I? Besides it would be heartless to leave it on its own. I look up and the moon is high in the sky so I decide to pack up for the night I look and grab me sleeping bag form the bedroll and look at the pup. No way it's gonna fit with me in there. I look around and find an old tent with a baby sized sleeping bag. Apparently a family was here.

  I examine the tent and find a tarp in there roof is decent enough and I pull the tarp over and show the pup its bag.



  I wake up to find a parcel next to me with a letter attached to it .It reads, To Sabol some old tent in the woods from mentor.

  The parcel is some meat more arrows some pin grenades and to my surprise, an Uzi with 4 clips plus what’s in the gun and a few matches ,a bottle of water and some crackers and sunglasses they tag on the sunglasses reads use at night. I'm beginning to think this is all I get for a
while. Oh well this is overkill really but I’m not complaining. Suddenly I hear a voice in my head “hey kid this is all you get for a whole 3 months so be careful. Oh and 50 Beetleoids, 30 savage Hammersaurs and 10 Scoripas are closing in on your position, get ready kid. The wolf’s name is Lupa. Lupa yelped helpfully “ok let’s do this I got nothing planed so let’s just go for it!” Lupa yipped hopefully. I burst out of the tent and see exactly what mentor described and these big things with hammers for one hand and a pick axe for the other some were blue some were red I laugh for some reason and pull the pins of 6 grenades and wing ‘em which takes out roughly half their ranks and all the Scoripas .

  I draw my bow as Lupa tears through their ranks and shoot an arrow with a boxing glove on it and it must be made of steel or something because it kills him on the spot I shoot one with an metal tip and it explodes on impact I now choose to take a look at what’s in my quiver arrows with strange tips and shafts it would take me forever to try them all.

  I jump ten feet into a tree and start shooting sometimes notching 2 arrows in my bow.

  Some splintered like buckshot some exploded, one turned it into a rosebush. One of them even made one implode witch was interesting to watch. Eventually the 3 Hammersaurs and 4 bugs had some sense in them and fled but 7 arrows brought them down.

  Lupa yipped happily as she started to eat. I think, are these really eatable? Well she is eating so I guess so I still wait awhile in order to see if they affect her. When they don't I cook 'em up, the Scoripas taste bad, Hammersaurs like nothing and Beetleoids like shrimp. I remove the entrails, Lupa being a wolf eats them while I eat the rest. I begin to wonder if wolfs are the closest thing to normal pray back home as possible.