Read Battleaxe Page 59

  He opened his mouth again to call to the Axe-Wielders, but he realised that he could not use that name. “My friends,” he called simply, “do you stand ready?”

  “We follow your voice and we are ready, SunSoar!” they cried as one, and emotion briefly threatened to overwhelm Axis.

  He stared at Borneheld for a moment, still standing furious and disbelieving at Magariz’s treachery. “I go now to claim my heritage, brother,” he said softly, “and when I return, ’ware!”

  Axis wheeled Belaguez around and the gates began to swing open, admitting the excited whispering of the Skraelings. “Then let us ride!” he cried, seizing a flaming brand from a guard standing close by. “Let us ride!” He brandished the fiery torch and spurred the dappled grey stallion forward through the gates.

  SunSoar’s command rode and fought as if possessed, as indeed they were, fighting for and with the Mother. Belial and Magariz had instructed them carefully and now that they had the StarMan at their head, how could they lose? The three thousand rode together in tight formation, their flaming torches held in front and to the side, burning their way through the mass of Skraelings in front of them. The grey mass writhed and screamed, falling back from the flames, weeping and wailing and whispering in horror at the nasty, horrid brights that the manlings thrust their way. The SkraeBolds screamed at their wraiths, for they had taught them not to fear fire, but these were no ordinary flames—they glowed emerald at their tips. Every so often a wraith was not quick enough to duck out of range, and as the flame touched the unlucky Skraeling it would flare into a bright pillar of emerald fire, then fizzle out of existence in the snow.

  The soldiers screamed Axis’ new name, SunSoar. Belial and Magariz had told them of the meeting atop the Keep roof, of Axis’ heritage, and of his claim to be the StarMan. The One who would lead them to victory against Gorgrael. Few of the Axe-Wielders had any reason to doubt what they said, they had known and fought under Axis for years and they already knew that he was the man to die for, none other. The men who followed Magariz in his disloyalty to Borneheld were among the many regular soldiers who had no trouble believing it either. Many of them had ridden on patrol with Axis and had seen first hand how he could lead to victory against the Skraelings; their admiration of his leadership had spread.

  As they rode through the town, the Skraelings leaping out of their way, Axis stood high in his stirrups and brandished his fire torch high. “SkraeBolds! Can you hear me?” he screamed. “Will you let me go so easy? Do you give up the chase so easy? Shall I tell Gorgrael how untrustworthy, how cowardly, his lieutenants are? Don’t you want the chance to bring Gorgrael my head?”

  The SkraeBolds heard and Axis’ words inflamed them. They redoubled their efforts, driving the Skraelings before them to follow Axis and his company. The watchers in Gorkenfort could see the Skraeling mass turning to chase the riders.

  Jorge, watching atop the walls, clutched the stone battlements in excitement. “By Artor!” he bellowed, not caring who heard his elation. “They’re following him out of the town. See! Even now he swings north.” At this distance Axis’ command was simply an indistinct mass of light, but that was enough. That was enough. “We are saved!” He turned to Roland, gasping in breathless excitement beside him. “Axis has saved us!”

  They rode until they could feel the horses tire beneath them, then they turned to fight the Skraeling host which had seethed out of the town after them.

  “Shall we give Borneheld and Achar some breathing room, my friends?” Axis cried to Belial and Magariz, a grin of sheer excitement lighting his eyes. “Shall we make our stand here?”

  Horses and riders milled about them and Belial shouted orders, getting the excited men in formation behind Axis. All wanted to stand and fight. They had been running before the Skraelings too long. Before them rode Axis SunSoar, StarMan. They knew he would lead them to victory, who could doubt it?

  The Skraelings, emboldened both by the SkraeBolds’ urgings and the sight of the riders running before them for two hours, did not wait. They could see that many of the burning brands had gone out. They could see the manlings’ horses stumble as they tired. They knew that they outnumbered the men some fifty to one and they knew that there was some good eating awaiting them. They did not stop to think of the danger.

  Axis waited until they were close, very close, waited until he could see the silvery orbs glistening in anticipation and the jaws working and slavering in the front ranks of the Skraelings. He waited until their frantic whispers filled his ears, then he stood high in his stirrups, graceful and easy even though Belaguez skittered excitedly underneath him.

  “In the name of the Mother,” he called, his voice clear and powerful, “and of the Stars that watch above, lend aid to me and mine now.”

  Then he spun the brand high into the sky. Just as it reached the pinnacle of its arc, just before it started to spin down towards the Skraeling host, the brand exploded into an emerald ball of fire. As it fell it expanded and threw off smaller balls of spitting, hissing green fire.

  The SkraeBolds, winging their way above and behind the leading ranks of the Skraelings, screamed in fear and frustration. They paused just long enough to hurl an order for dispersal at the Skraelings and then, as the emerald fire hurtled down towards them, they faded from sight.

  The instant the fire hit the Skraeling mass it expanded and strengthened, feeding upon more and more of the wraiths. Thousands of Skraelings burned that clear frosty morning in the northern reaches of Gorken Pass, died screaming and whispering amid the Mother’s anger and retribution. Others died as the men pushed their horses in among the confused mass, reaching down to grab their stringy hair and put out the light in their eyes with a vicious thrust of a sword. The emerald fire did not touch those who wore the threads about their arms.

  It was a rout, and only when there were no more Skraelings left to kill did the men rein their horses in and watch the remaining wraiths flee back towards Gorkenfort.

  “Pray we have bought them enough time,” Belial whispered, his face drawn with exhaustion.

  “Pray that Borneheld got them out of Gorkenfort before the Skraelings returned,” Axis replied just as quietly. “Pray that he can rally Achar to hold them at Jervois Landing…until I return.”



  In the cold evening air they sat their horses at the base of the Icescarp Alps.

  “We will not follow you in there,” Belial said quietly, his eyes on the massive black cliffs that reared out of the snow-covered plains before them. “That is for you alone.”

  Axis turned to him. The excitement of the morning had faded, and now his face was as exhausted as everyone else’s. “And you?”

  Belial was silent for a moment, his eyes drifting over the black cliffs. Then he dropped his gaze to Axis. “I will take your army and ride south through eastern Ichtar, the WildDog Plains, until I find us a safe haven. I doubt the Skraelings will bother us overmuch. They will want to push south after Borneheld rather than east. We will wait in the southern WildDog Plains for you, Axis SunSoar, perhaps even Sigholt if it remains free of Skraelings. Do not take too long to rejoin us.”

  Axis’ eyes shone with tears. He gripped Belial’s hand and arm. “I thank you for your friendship and support,” he said quietly, “and I will rejoin you as quickly as I am able.” He let Belial’s hand go and slid off Belaguez, handing the stallion’s reins to his lieutenant and patting the horse’s neck in affection. “Look after my horse for me, Belial. I will need a good mount when I return.”

  He turned to Magariz and gripped the man’s hand. “I thank you for your support as well, Magariz. I pray that you will not suffer for it.”

  “Then come back to us quickly,” the scar-faced man smiled. “I do not know who will reach us first, Gorgrael or Borneheld, and I do not know which will be the most dangerous!”

  Axis laughed and saluted his men, smiling and waving at their cheers. Then he turned and walked towards the base
of the cliffs, not knowing what to expect.

  His army sat their horses silently, staying to bear witness to whatever would happen next.

  Axis’ booted feet scrunched through the snow, and he threw his cloak back over his shoulders. He had been walking for some ten minutes, the black rock of the cliffs now only fifty or so paces away, when the five Icarii birdmen who had been watching his approach landed softly in the snow in front of him.

  Axis stopped. Two he recognised, HoverEye and SpikeFeather, but the other three he did not. Two of them had the black wings that HoverEye and SpikeFeather sported, but like FreeFall the fifth had pure white wings, golden hair…and pale blue eyes. He wore no clothes over his upper body and Axis could see that his torso bore the scars of a recent battle.

  Looking into his face Axis could see reflections of his own.

  He opened his mouth to speak, to say something, but he could not find the words to say. He could not take his eyes from his father.

  StarDrifter slowly stepped forward, his eyes locked into those of his son. That this man was his son StarDrifter had absolutely no doubt, the man’s blood sang to him, called to him, screamed for him, and StarDrifter could feel his own blood calling back.

  StarDrifter’s mouth thinned at the black uniform that the man wore and his eyes glittered angrily. He stopped a pace from his son and they both stood and stared at each other. Axis’ eyes were filled with tears, but StarDrifter’s were utterly dry.

  Slowly, hesitantly, StarDrifter reached out a hand and laid it flat on Axis’ breast, feeling his son’s heart beating frantically under his fingers. Then StarDrifter’s fingers convulsively clutched into the black material of Axis’ tunic and with one vicious twist he ripped the insignia of the crossed golden axes from his son’s breast and hurled the piece of material away to flutter unwanted across the ice-bound wastes at the foot of the Icescarp Alps.

  StarDrifter’s anger faded as the hated emblem blew away. He hesitated, then stepped forward and embraced Axis, speaking the ritual words of greeting normally uttered only to a newborn baby.

  “Welcome, Axis, into the House of SunSoar and into my heart. My name is StarDrifter SunSoar and I am your father. Sing well and fly high, and may nothing and no-one tear your feet from the path of the Star Dance again.”

  Axis wrapped his arms about his father and held him tight, the tears finally sliding free from his eyes.


  ACHAR: the realm stretching over most of the continent, bounded by the Andeis, Tyrre and Widowmaker Seas, the Shadowsward Forest and the Icescarp Alps. (Achar is pronounced with a hard ch, as in “loch”.)

  ACHARITES: the people of Achar.

  AFTERLIFE: both Acharites and the Forbidden believe in the existence of an AfterLife, although exactly what they believe depends on their particular culture.

  ALDENI: a small province in western Achar, devoted to small crop cultivation. It is administered by Duke Roland.

  ANDAKILSA, River: the extreme northern river of Ichtar, dividing Ichtar from Ravensbund. It remains free of ice all year round and flows into the Andeis Sea.

  ANDEIS SEA: the often unpredictable sea that washes the western coast of Achar.

  ARCEN: the major town of Arcness.

  ARCNESS: large eastern province in Achar, specialising in pigs. It is administered by Earl Burdel.

  ARNE: a cohort commander in the Axe-Wielders.

  ARTOR THE PLOUGHMAN: the one true god, as taught by the Brotherhood of the Seneschal. According to the Book of Field and Furrow, the religious text of the Seneschal, Artor gave mankind the gift of the Plough, the instrument which enabled mankind to abandon his hunting and gathering lifestyle and to settle in the one spot to cultivate the earth and thus to build the foundations of civilisation.

  AVAR, The: one of the races of the Forbidden who live in the forest of the Shadowsward, or the Avarinheim as they call it. The Avar are sometimes referred to as the People of the Horn.

  AVARINHEIM, The: the home of the Avar people, known to the Acharite people as the Shadowsward. See “Shadowsward”.

  AVONSDALE: province in western Achar. It produces legumes, fruit and flowers. It is administered by Earl Jorge.

  AXE-WIELDERS, The: the elite crusading and military wing of the Seneschal. Its members have not taken holy orders but have nevertheless dedicated their battle skills to the Seneschal to use as it wishes. The Axe-Wielders were the main reason the Acharites managed to defeat the Forbidden in the Wars of the Axe and, over the subsequent thousand years, have enjoyed a well-deserved reputation for military excellence.

  AXIS: illegitimate son of the Princess Rivkah and an unknown father. Currently he holds the position of BattleAxe of the Axe-Wielders. See “BattleAxe” and “Axe-Wielders”.

  AZHURE: daughter of Brother Hagen of Smyrton. Her mother came from Nor.

  AZLE, River: a major river that divides the provinces of Ichtar and Aldeni. It flows into the Andeis Sea.

  BANES: the religious leaders of the Avar people. They wield magic, although it is usually of the minor variety.

  BARROWS, The Ancient: the burial places of the ancient Enchanter-Talons of the Icarii people. Located in southern Arcness.

  BARSARBE: a Bane of the Avar people.

  BATTLEAXE, The: the leader of the Axe-Wielders, appointed by the Brother-Leader for his loyalty to the Seneschal, his devotion to Artor the Ploughman and the Way of the Plough, and his skills as a military commander. See “Axis” and “Axe-Wielders”.

  BEDWYR FORT: a fort that sits on the lower reaches of the River Nordra and guards the entrance to Grail Lake from Nordmuth.

  BELAGUEZ: Axis’ war horse.

  BELIAL: lieutenant and second-in-command of the Axe-Wielders.

  BELTIDE: see “Festivals”.

  BOGLE MARSH: a large and inhospitable marsh in eastern Arcness. Strange creatures are said to live in the Marsh.

  BOOK OF FIELD AND FURROW: the religious text of the Seneschal, which teaches that Artor himself wrote it and presented it to mankind.

  BORNEHELD: Duke of Ichtar, the most powerful noble in Achar. Son of the Princess Rivkah and her husband, Duke Searlas.

  BRACKEN RANGES, The: a low and narrow mountain range that divides Arcness and Skarabost.

  BRACKEN, River: the river that rises in the Bracken Ranges and which, dividing the provinces of Skarabost and Arcness, flows into the Widowmaker Sea.

  BRIGHTFEATHER: wife to RavenCrest SunSoar, Talon of the Icarii.

  BROTHER-LEADER, The: the supreme leader of the Brotherhood of the Seneschal. Usually elected by the senior brothers, the Office of Brother-Leader is for life. He is a powerful man, controlling not only the Brotherhood and all its riches, but the Axe-Wielders as well. The current Brother-Leader is Jayme.

  BURDEL, Earl: lord of Arcness and friend to Borneheld, Duke of Ichtar.

  CARLON: capital city of Achar and residence of the kings of Achar. Situated on Grail Lake.

  CAULDRON LAKE: the lake at the centre of the Silent Woman Woods.

  CHAMBER OF THE MOONS: chief audience and sometime banquet chamber of the royal palace in Carlon.

  CHAMPION, A: occasionally an Acharite warrior will pledge himself as a noble lady’s Champion. The relationship is purely platonic and is one of protection and support. The pledge of a Champion can be broken only by his death or by the express wish of his lady.

  CHARONITES: a lost race of Tencendor.

  CLANS, The: the Avar tend to segregate into Clan groups, roughly equitable with family groups.

  COHORT: see “Military Terms”.

  COROLEAS: the great empire to the south of Achar. Relations between the two countries are usually cordial.

  CREST: Icarii military unit composed of twelve Wings.

  CRIMSONCREST: an Icarii male.

  CREST-LEADER: commander of an Icarii Crest.

  DESTROYER, The: another term for Gorgrael.

  DEVERA: daughter to Duke Roland of Aldeni.

  DISTANCES: League: roughly seven kilometres, or
four and a half miles. Pace: roughly one metre or one yard. Handspan: roughly twenty centimetres or eight inches.

  EARTH TREE: a tree sacred to both the Icarii and the Avar.

  EGERLEY: a young man from Smyrton.

  EMBETH, Lady of Tare: widow of Ganelon, good friend and sometime lover of Axis.

  ENCHANTERS: the magicians of the Icarii people. Many of them are very powerful. All Enchanters have the word “Star” somewhere in their names. The power of the Enchanters is blood-related, thus an Enchanter is not created, but born.

  ENCHANTER-TALONS: Talons of the Icarii people who were also Enchanters.

  EVENSONG: an Icarii woman.

  FARADAY: daughter of Earl Isend of Skarabost and his wife, Lady Merlion.

  FARSIGHT CUTSPUR: a Crest-Leader in the Icarii Strike Force.

  FERNBRAKE LAKE: the large lake in the centre of the Bracken Ranges.