Read Bayou Bride Page 1

  Bayou Bride

  By Alexandra Dixon

  Copyright 2011 by A.J. Dixon

  This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form.

  Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


  This book goes out to my beloved mother, who still can’t believe her little girl is writing full-length novels, and to my best friends, Krisanne, Bridgette, Christina and Chevana. I love you all so very, very much. Thank you for supporting me.


  The loud blare of the alarm clock jolted Labyrinth out of her deepest sleep. Frustrated, she rolled over to turn off the clock and almost fell off the bed. With a sigh, and some pent up anger, she grabbed the clock and hurled it across the room. It connected with the door and shattered, a billion tiny pieces falling to the carpet.

  “I suppose now you’ll have the balls to shut up,” she mumbled. Sadly her no longer living alarm clock woke her up three hours early.

  Labyrinth’s cellphone rang then. The caller ID said it was someone she didn’t really want to talk to but couldn’t avoid for much longer.

  “What do you want Owen?” Owen Ferris was Labyrinth’s obsessive ex-fiancé. They’d broken off the engagement a year earlier because labyrinth caught Owen making out with a blonde in the coatroom at her grandparents’’ anniversary dinner. I know; cliché. But that always seemed to happen to her at one point or the other. Owen was obviously no exception.

  There was a deep chuckle on the other end of the line. “Is that any way to treat your best friend?”

  Labyrinth squealed into the phone and jumped off the bed, hopping up and down. “Oh my god! Draegan!”

  She hadn’t seen her best friend in over two years. Draegan Ferris was Owen’s younger brother by three years, but there was a marginal difference between the brothers. Where Owen’s hair was black and almost to his shoulders, Draegan’s was short cropped, dark brown, almost black. They both had the same laughably rounded faces, which was due to their still presence baby-weight, and large green eyes. Other than that they were pretty much the same.

  Personality wise Labyrinth had a hard time believing they were related and if she hadn’t known Draegan for close to two decades she would’ve completely thought so.

  Owen was the party animal in the family, while Draegan was the geek. He stuck to his books while Owen went to parties and enjoyed himself, and it always surprised people how Owen was the owner of the biggest law firm in New Orleans while Draegan was a simple accountant at the firm. He always claimed that he was perfectly fine working for his brother.

  Labyrinth sensed otherwise, but she never pushed the argument.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Now could you stop trying to make me go deaf?” he chuckled.

  Labyrinth clasped her hand over her mouth and stilled her movements. When she spoke her words sounded jumbled. “I’m sorry. I’m just happy to hear from you. But, why are you using Owen’s number?”

  “He’s out of town this week, business in Philly. I actually called to ask if you would get some coffee with me, so we can catch up.”

  There was a moment of silence on her part and she could tell Draegan was getting edgy. “Of course we can. Meet me at Belle France in half an hour.”

  Draegan sighed. “Great. I’ll see you then.”

  They said their goodbyes and Labyrinth closed her cellphone, putting it nest to her glasses on the bedside table. Then she headed off to the shower.

  Ten minutes later she was ruffling through various articles of clothing in her enormous closet. It never ceased to amaze her how her parents managed to fit an entire mall into her tiny upstairs room. Well, some things were probably left undiscovered.

  Finally she settled on a black short-sleeved cashmere sweater, black jeans and heeled sandals. After she was dressed she sat down to stare at herself in the mirror.

  Her pale complexion was still it’s usual flawless self. She had not one blemish except for the moles beside her right eye and above her left upper lip. Her black hair hung past her shoulders and were streaked with dark purple, courtesy of Labyrinth’s cousin, Aeris. Putting on just the right colours to highlight her brown eyes Labyrinth grabbed her car keys and headed for the garage.

  Tamara Michaels spotted her and smiled. “Going somewhere special?”

  Labyrinth laughed and continued towards the door. “No mom. I’m just going to meet Draegan.”

  Tamara gave a non-committal wave towards her daughter and continued to read her paper. “Oh, well, tell him I say hi.”

  Labyrinth was only too glad to not have had to answer one her mother’s conspiratorial questions. “Sure mom. Bye.” As she opened the side door in the kitchen which led to the garage she heard her mother shout, “Curfew’s at two!”

  “Okay!” she shouted back to her. Unbelievable. At eighteen she still had a curfew. If it weren’t for the fact that she was attending Baton Rouge Community College, she would’ve gone to live with her father a long time ago. Labyrinth’s mother didn’t act like one, so it was very hard for her to know what was wrong and what was right. Thankfully, she’d had Draegan to help her through the most difficult times. He always had a certain light, an aura, which made her feel better.

  With a smile she put the car into drive and went off down the road.


  Belle France, Beautiful France, was on the west side of town, just a ten minute drive from Labyrinth’s house. It was an elegant yet casual restaurant, famed for its techniques with the local produce and the fresh-grown in-house spices. The rumour was that the owner of Belle France ordered the murder of the previous owner. But no one could prove it, and Belle France continued to thrive.

  The first scent that hit Labyrinth as she walked into the restaurant was the smooth, rich smell of Muenster cheese, one of Bella France’s trademark ingredients. The first thing she saw, however, was the dimly lit dining area, packed with chairs and booths, bright enough where you could see to eat yet dark enough where it was very romantic.

  She spotted a large hand gesturing to her from across the room in one of the booths towards the back. She smiled and walked over to him.

  “Labyrinth, vous regardez incroyable.” Labyrinth, you look amazing. Labyrinth blushed, grateful for the half dim room that he couldn’t see it. She always smiled when he spoke French to her.

  “Merci, Draegan,” Labyrinth said and sat down next to him. They embraced and Draegan kissed her cheek. Because she’s known him for so long it didn’t at all feel uncomfortable. It was a friendly kiss; brotherly.

  The waiter came to take their orders. When he left they found themselves immersed in conversation, until Draegan said, “Tell me what’s been going on with you.” He sipped his water and eyed her with enthusiasm.

  I think it’s safe to assume that Owen didn’t tell him we aren’t engaged anymore, she said to herself. Labyrinth took a drink of her water and stared at the table. “Well, Owen and I aren’t engaged anymore.”

  Draegan’s brows furrowed and it became obvious that he really didn’t know about the break-up. “What did you say?”

  “I said Owen and I aren’t engaged anymore. Stuff happened.” Labyrinth steeled herself against the harsh memories. Sadly, she still loved Owen, and whenever she thought about what he did she felt sad. Not even Draegan’s light could help her.

  She heard Draegan's teeth grind together. He opened his mouth to speak but clamped it shut as the waiter approac
hed with their food. Draegan waited until he was completely out of sight before speaking. “

  “What happened?” His voice was low, dangerous. Evidence of his infamous temper.

  Labyrinth hesitated and tried very hard not to look at him. “He…cheated on me. Last year.”

  Draegan sighed and reached across the table for her hands. He clasped them in his and looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  She chuckled nervously, trying very hard not to think about the jolt of electricity she felt from the contact. “It’s okay.”

  He shook his head. “No, it’s not. He shouldn’t have done that.”

  Yeah, try telling that to him, she said in her mind. She smiled sadly and eyed her cheesecake. “I kind of just want to hang out with you right now and not think about that. “

  Draegan smiled and nodded. “Very well then.”

  Labyrinth took a bite of her cheesecake, speaking while her mouth was still full. “Tell me about you, Drae. What’ve you been up to?”

  He smiled. “Studying in Greece got my BSc in advanced mechanics.”

  “That’s amazing!” she laughed. “What are you going to do for work?”

  He blushed, his pale skin taking on an attractive pink undertone. “I’m thinking of opening my own shop. Teaching engineering to some of the younger kids, you know?”

  Labyrinth nodded and reached for his hands. “That sounds amazing. All before you reach twenty, huh?”

  Draegan chuckled. “That’s right. I think I’m too young for a mid-life crisis.”

  “You do realise that’s what you’re aiming for right?” She dipped her finger into the whipped cream and spotted his nose.

  Draegan glowered playfully and grabbed her hand, licking the whipped cream off it. “Say what you want.”

  Labyrinth mock grimaced and swatted his shoulder. “Eww that was gross Drae.”

  Draegan chuckled and smiled at her. She didn’t miss how his eyes lingered on her lips for a split second before he looked up into eyes again. “You finished?”

  She nodded, puzzled by his behaviour tonight. He was usually more outgoing. He was acting strange, like he wanted to say something to her but he was afraid to.

  He called over the waiter and paid the bill. When she stood her took her hand and they walked out of the restaurant.

  They walked in silence for a moment before stopping at the railing overlooking the beautiful waters of Baton Rouge.

  Home, she thought.

  She felt Draegan drape his jacket over her shoulders and his arm encircle her waist. “Thanks, “she mumbled.

  Draegan sighed and leaned against the rail. “I have to tell you something.”


  Labyrinth looked at him with those brown eyes he always loved and suddenly he couldn’t tell her. He hadn’t seen his best friend for years, and the first moment he heard her voice his worst fears were confirmed. He loved her. Head over heels, knock him over with a feather love. He couldn’t bring himself to hurt her; it always hurt him to see her in pain.

  Instead he said, “I want to hang with you tomorrow. All day, if I can.”

  Labyrinth looked at him and smiled. “Sure, I don’t get of work until four.”

  Draegan smiled and hugged his best friend. I’ll tell her tomorrow.

  They held each other’s hands and walked off towards the parking lot.

  “Sorry about your curfew,” he told her when they got to her car.

  Labyrinth shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. It’s a part of life, I guess.”

  He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. His heart leapt when she looked up at him with those amazing brown eyes. He cleared his throat and reached around her to open her car door. “Well, you’d better get home. Wouldn’t want Tamara to kill you.”

  Labyrinth scoffed. “That’s if she isn’t passed out on the floor or in an alley somewhere.”

  “She still hasn’t kicked it?” Draegan was aware of the fact that Labyrinth’s mother was an alcoholic, who only sobered up for days at a time before binging on liquor again.

  Labyrinth shook her head. “No. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Just call me on my cell.” She got into the car, started the engine and drove away, waving at him as she drove out of the lot.


  “What the hell are you doing?! You break another one and I split your pay check in half!”

  Labyrinth groaned as her boss stalked off. She scraped up the broken glass from the floor and silently cursed herself for agreeing to this job. Her boss, Marcus, was the most stuck-up, pompous asshole in all of Louisiana. The only reason she agreed to this was because, firstly, her aunt went out on a limb to find her a high-paying summer job so she wouldn’t be around her mother too often, and secondly, it paid really well.

  With a sigh she swept up the broken glass. “One of these I’m going to kick him where he’ll piss himself,” she muttered.

  The chimes at the door clinked together and Labyrinth turned just in time to see Draegan walk in. The look on his face told her he hadn’t slept all night and for some reason her heart sank at the idea.

  She put down the broom and the pan holding the broken glass shards and furrowed her brows at him. “Drae, what on earth - -“

  He kissed her. Full on the lips. Her head swam and her heart swelled. She couldn’t suppress a groan when he pulled away. “Labyrinth, I love you.”

  She smiled. “I love you too Drae. We’ve been friends for ages and - -“

  “No, I don’t mean it like that.” He took a deep breath. “I’m in love with you. Have been for years. I just never had the balls to tell you.”

  Labyrinth couldn’t hold back the tears that spilled over at his admission, or the gasp that left her lips when he got on one knee before her. “What are you doing?”

  Draegan pulled a small velvet box from his jacket pocket. “Labyrinth Michaels, you are my entire life. You’re my reason for waking up in the mornings, the reason I have for going about one day. I want to be a better man for you than my brother was. I love you with all my heart and I want for you to wake up beside me. Forever. To have my kids and carpool them every other week. I just want you to be with me for the rest of my life.” He opened the box and her eyes widened when she saw the brilliant marquise-cut amethyst stone set in a roped white gold band. “Will you marry me?”

  Labyrinth had to put her hands on his shoulders so that she didn’t topple over. “Draegan…I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say that you love me as much as I love you. Although, I doubt it’s possible,” he added with a smile.

  Labyrinth couldn’t help but smile with him as she saw the love in his eyes. “I love you too, Draegan. I’ve been in love with you since I was fifteen; I just never thought that you saw me as more than your best friend.”

  He took one of her hands and kissed it. “I always did. I saw how you looked at me, but you never saw how I looked at you.”

  Labyrinth laughed and hugged him.

  “Is that a yes?”

  She nodded. “It’s a hell yes.”

  The happiness she saw in his eyes compared to nothing else. The shop patrons erupted in applause as he stood and swept her off her feet, plastering his lips to hers as he spun her around.

  “I love you Drae.”

  “And I love you Abby.”


  “It’s your turn to change her.”

  Draegan laughed and hugged his glowing wife who was now heavy with their third child. “And who says so?”

  He felt a hand tugging at his pant leg. “I do daddy!”

  Little Gemma smiled up at her parents, her two buck teeth looking absolutely adorable.

  “How can I resist a face like that?” he asked. He gave his five year old daughter a kiss on her forehead and she ran off to retrieve her little sister.

  “She takes after her dad,” Labyrinth laughed.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh
, yeah? I say she takes after her mom.”

  “How so?” she smiled as she wrapped her arms around her loving husband’s neck.

  “She’s just as stubborn and just as beautiful.”

  Labyrinth hugged him and smiled. “Thank you.”

  Draegan kissed her until they were both breathless. “I made you a promise on our wedding day that I’d never make you unhappy.” He lifted her in his arms and headed for the stairs. “I intend to honour that for as long as we both live.”

  When he placed her on their bed she asked, “What about Rachael?”

  He shrugged and climbed on top of her. “I think Gemma’s old enough to do that.”

  Labyrinth laughed and hugged him close.

  ~About the Author~

  A.J. Dixon is young and independent. She started her first novel in the ninth grade, and now, in the tenth grade, she has a passion for books and writing them. Her mother has a hard time getting her to do anything besides reading or writing! She also loves animals and is studying the Sciences in school to become a paediatrician.