Read BeanZ Page 1


  By: Ashlynn Elliott

  BeanZ 1

  Copyright 2013 by Ashlynn Elliott


  Chapter 1

  Ashlynn’s day at Maw-Maw’s

  Ashlynn was a normal girl. “Get up!” said her mom. “It’s time to go to Maw-Maw’s.”

  Ashlynn got out of bed and got dressed. “Bye, bye, Ashlynn!” said Aleah, Ashlynn’s baby sister. Ashlynn grabbed her CD and rushed to the van.

  Her brother, Andre’, was playing with his toys. Then, Ashlynn grabbed a granola bar (for breakfast!) out of her purse. Before her mom got in, she snuck her favorite CD in the CD slot. She was ready to go!

  Chapter 2

  The dog

  When she got there, her Maw-Maw and Papa were on the couch. “Come see!” said her Maw-Maw. She showed Ashlynn a little TY beanie baby dog.

  She looked on its tag. His name was Huggins. “Aww!!!!” Said Ashlynn. “Look! He’s dancing!” she added as she moved his arms. “That’s his talent.”

  When it was time to go, it was getting late. Ashlynn went into the car. She squeezed Huggins. Huggins seemed to grin.

  Chapter 3

  When years pass

  About a year later, Ashlynn didn’t play with Huggins anymore. She played with other toys and her friends.

  One day, she invited her friend, Carly, over to her house. Carly and Ashlynn were playing “hit each other with pillows”. Carly thought Huggins was a pillow.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “Just an old toy named ‘Huggins’.” Ashlynn said. “Can you go get a CD in the van?” asked Ashlynn. Carly went with Huggins, but she left him in the car!

  Chapter 4

  The trip

  Ashlynn traveled to spend the night at her other grandma’s house. She found Huggins in her seat. “Well, I guess you’re coming with me.” Ashlynn said.

  Ashlynn decided to play with Huggins again. Again, she made him dance.

  At Maw-Maw Bev’s house, Ashlynn showed Huggins to her. Andre’ had an evil look. Ashlynn was confused. Andre’ ran and took Huggins!

  “Hey!” Ashlynn yelled. They chased each other all day.

  Chapter 5

  Huggins can TALK?!?!?

  When she got home, Ashlynn made Huggins his own little bed, a hat, and his own music CD.

  She took him to Maw-Maw’s house on Thanksgiving. About ten minutes before the feast, Ashlynn had Huggins in the toy room.

  She was rolling around on the bed, but suddenly, Huggins started to talk! He said “Hey, I know this is crazy, but…….” He couldn’t finish. Ashlynn passed out.

  Chapter 6

  Wake up, Ashlynn!

  Huggins jumped off of the bed. He tried to lick Ashlynn. She woke up. “Oh, I had a dream that you were talking, you dog!” she said.

  “I was!” he said.

  “OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Ashlynn screamed.

  “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” said Huggins. “I don’t want to end up a science experiment!”

  “Umm…Okay, I guess I can keep this secret. So, what do you like to do?” Huggins jumped off of the bed. He pointed to the radio. “Oh, so you must like dancing!” said Ashlynn. “But do I have to keep this a secret? Can I at least tell my family?!”

  “Uhhhhhh……. I guess. I just don’t want to end up in a museum.” Huggins laughed.

  Chapter 7

  Huggins’ turkey tantrum

  At the feast, Ashlynn made an extra plate for Huggins. He was the same age as Ashlynn, and his birthday wasn’t for a long time, so Ashlynn got the same amount of food for him. She stacked his plate with turkey, corn, and rice dressing.

  “Do you want a roll?” Ashlynn asked.

  “Eww. No!” Huggins said.

  Her Papa said, “Why do you have TWO bowls?”

  “For my friend, Huggins.” Ashlynn said.

  Her Maw-Maw said, “Don’t waste food on that stuffed toy!”

  Huggins didn’t like that! “WHO’RE YOU CALLIN’ STUFFED TOY?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!” he shouted as he jumped on the table, out of his chair.

  Everyone gasped. Aleah said, “DOGGIE!!!!!!”

  Chapter 8

  Can I keep him?

  Huggins realized he was in trouble. Ashlynn stood up for him. “I just found this out five minutes ago, and I was scared, just like you! Just please don’t take him!”

  Huggins made puppy eyes. “Okay.” her mom said. Andre’ was suspicious with this talking dog.

  “YAY!!!!” Huggins said, as he stuffed his head into the turkey.

  “Don’t……….. Do that….” Ashlynn said. She gave him a fork. She was glad to have a new friend.

  Chapter 9

  Andre’ vs. sleeping dog

  At home, Huggins decided to take a nap. Andre’ decided to have some fun. He grabbed his dart gun. He slowly walked up to Huggins. “Nap now, dog, and nap FOREVER!!!!!!”

  Andre’ shot darts at Huggins! Huggins woke up and yelled! Ashlynn ran in the room. She said, “Give me the gun!” Andre’ shot her in the face! Ashlynn had a dart between her eyes!

  Ashlynn was mad! She punched Andre’ and he fell. She grabbed him and threw him out of her and Huggins’ room.

  Chapter 10

  Huggins + Carly = EXPLOSION!!!!!!!

  Ashlynn decided to let Carly see her secret. She called and asked Carly if she could come over. She did.

  Ashlynn said, “I have a surprise!” Carly walked in.

  Huggins said “HELLOOOO!!!!”

  Carly looked at Ashlynn, Then at Huggins. Then, she looked back at Ashlynn. “AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed and ran down the street.

  “What was that all about?!” Huggins asked. “I’m just an average, every-day talking dog!” Ashlynn looked at Huggins with a weird look. “What?!” he said.

  Chapter 11


  Ashlynn’s mom went to put Huggins in school. The man said, “What grade, the toy store?!” he laughed.

  Again, Huggins yelled “WHO ON EARTH ARE YOU CALLIN’ STUFFED TOY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?”

  The man jumped back. “Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay…..” It’s still a toy.”

  “No. I’m NOT a TOY!!!!!!”

  “What grade?” he said, startled.

  “Fourth grade, please.”

  “Okay.” Huggins was going to school!

  Chapter 12

  Andre’s (or Huggins’ ) revenge!

  When they got back, Andre’ had ANOTHER booby trap for Huggins, but this was a bad one. When Huggins walked through the door, he got squirted with a water-gun.

  Huggins took the tomatoes he had half-eaten for lunch, and threw them at Andre’. Huggins screamed, “REVENGE!!!!!”

  Everyone laughed but Andre’, who couldn’t see.

  Chapter 13

  Not a pleasant morning

  When it was time for school, Ashlynn had to get dressed. She tried to get Huggins awake from his new bed. She shook him until he was half awake, then she put his least favorite song, “Where’s the party” on full blast!

  Huggins was so scared; he bounced so high that he hit the ceiling! Ashlynn had a long morning!

  Chapter 14

  Driven a class up the wall!

  When Huggins got to school, his teacher said to the class, “We have a new student. He’s not technically Ashlynn’s brother, but he lives with her. His name is Huggins.”

  The class laughed. Huggins walked in the room, and said, “Hi!” The class screamed! One girl with curly hair literally jumped out of her desk, hopped on the counter, and constantly screamed. The class looked at her like crazy.

  Chapter 15

  Kind of cute, but creepy too

ns got sat at Ashlynn’s group. There were three other kids at the group. Carly sat near them, but seemed to scoot away from Huggins.

  There was a boy with brown hair, but he never looked up. A girl with brown hair and blonde highlights saw him, and rolled her eyes, but there was one girl that looked nice, but stared at him creepily.

  “Hi……….Hi…….My name is Tobi………….Hi……….. Hi…………………” she said repeatedly.

  Chapter 16

  The dog haters club

  When Ashlynn, Andre’ and Huggins got home, Andre’ had that evil grin again. Soon, carloads of preschoolers began showing up.

  Andre’ and some other kids began building something. The project looked like a building. Andre’ hung a banner that said, “Dog Hater’s Club!”

  Ashlynn and Huggins were mad.

  Chapter 17

  Girl and dog

  Ashlynn marched over to him. “What on EARTH do you think you’re doing?!?!”

  Andre’ said, “Uhhhhhh…….. I'm kinda protesting on the stupid dog!”

  Ashlynn told him, “NO! Take this down NOW!!!” Andre’ ran into the building and stayed there for a few minutes. Then, he came out with a paper. He hung it under the word “Dog”.

  It then said, “GIRL and dog haters club!” Ashlynn threw mud at the sign.

  Andre’ blew a whistle. He screamed, “CHARGE!!!!!!!!!” Thousands of kids chased her!!

  Chapter 18


  Ashlynn ran into the house, grabbed Huggins, and her book sack, and hid in her closet. All of the kids were looking for her!

  She did her homework, and waited. She got bored, and took a nap. Her mom later screamed, “Dinner Time!” They thought all of the kids were gone, so they went get dinner.

  To her surprise, there was a picnic blanket with ten plates of spaghetti, and ten kids.

  Again, there goes the big chase! Huggins literally flew in the air! Ashlynn and Huggins never got dinner.

  Chapter 19

  It all comes down to this

  Ashlynn tripped. Huggins fell on her. They passed out!  When they woke up, they were in the club house, tied up.

  All of the kids had water guns, mud, and rocks. “What are the rocks for?!” Ashlynn asked in terror.

  “For decoration!” Andre’ said. All of the kids dropped their rocks. “Our vice president will start of the fire.”

  Ashlynn said, “Yeah, like they’re tough!” She really was surprised at who it was. “Carly?” She stood there feeling hurt.

  Carly looked at Andre’. “Let’s go.” She said as she cocked her gun.

  Chapter 20

  10 kids vs. 1 dog

  “So long, Jennifer!” Carly said to Ashlynn. “This is revenge!”

  “Huh?!” Ashlynn said in wonder. “I’m Ashlynn!”

  Carly dropped her gun. So did all the other kids. Not Andre’. “UHHH……..” Andre just stood there. “Get the dog, not the girl!” he yelled.

  Everyone turned to Huggins. Ashlynn told him, “Show ‘em your moves!” as she untied the rope.

  They fired at him, but Huggins dodged everyone. Ashlynn ran to the radio and put on the song, “I knew you were trouble”.

  Apparently, Huggins won because Carly dropped her gun and got everyone real good.

  Chapter 21

  All’s well ends well

  Ever since then, no one ever picked on Huggins or Ashlynn, and Huggins was like the man (or dog) of the school! Well, everyone but Andre’. He never talked to Huggins again!

  Huggins got his own room filled with Cd’s, microphones, radios, instruments and anything musical. He also started a dance class!

  Now, if you ever run into him, just give him a big thumbs up!


  Wanna peek at book #2?

  Chapter 3

  A friendly conversation

  When they got to school, they went to breakfast. Carly sat with three other girls. Huggins knew one of them, the other two, just creped him out.

  To be continued……….

  Watch out for Beanz 2: New cat in town!