Read Beast Page 7

  “I know, Mom. We’re doing good.” I was making her dinner. If swallowing was allowed today, she loved to have chicken soup.

  “You know you’re my favorite boy. You’ve been such a good son. More than I ever wished for.”

  She’d been getting emotional. And that concerned me because if she cried she might tire out. I’d hate to waste a good day on tears when she could have some soup.

  I made sure it was safe to leave the stove before I found my way to her. I sat next to her chair on the ottoman.

  “Same for me. You’re the most amazing mother.”

  I knew she was struggling with it—the fact that I was completing college online instead of going away to school. She wanted me to fly now. Be on my own. I smiled at her then.

  She lifted her hand that usually wouldn’t do exactly as she’d asked but she could touch my shoulder. “When I’m gone, you have to go out. Do the things boys your age should be doing. Go to bars, talk to pretty girls.”

  I looked at my feet then. She had asked things I couldn’t imagine. In public. With all the abs.

  “The girls won’t be able to resist you. So handsome. So strong. You know you have all those muscles because mine aren’t working right.” She’d patted me.

  I looked at her face and nodded. “They’ll swoon all over. I’ll be a public menace.”

  Her eyes had crinkled at the image I’d hoped she’d find funny.

  “Promise me, Richard.”

  She was slipping these things in when she could. Promises about after. An after I couldn’t even imagine at the time. She’d known then—even though I was an optimist until we had Hospice coming.

  I picked up Mom’s picture. And I spoke to her, because she was the person that wanted to hear what I had to say my whole life.

  “I miss you, Mom. I’m trying. I promised and I’ve been going to the bars in town. Pretty unsuccessfully, actually.” I touched the wood frame. “But this last one. She could be special. I know you’re up there making Heaven a huge party and knitting and doing all the stuff you love—but if you can put in a good word—I really like this one.”

  I set the picture down. I wish I could know she heard me. She’d said she would never leave. But her bedroom was empty and I know it was turning out that I needed Mom more than she needed me.

  I owed it to her to keep trying to put myself out there. To get it right.

  Chapter 22


  So, I woke up Monday in my apartment and felt 100% different and the same. Becca had already texted me twice.

  She wanted more details because I had been quiet on the way to my car at the Panera.

  I Facetimed her as I walked though my morning routine.

  “How serious is it with you and Dick Dongy?” She went right for the jugular.

  “Well, I haven’t heard anything from him today if that makes a difference.” I washed my face.

  “Well, I heard from Sebastian and he told me that Lauren and Christina told him that they saw Caleb and Rex having breakfast together at IHOP.”

  I stopped what I was doing mid-splash and gave Becca a what-the-hell? stare.

  “I know. Right? Like what the hell are they doing. Apparently they overheard them talking about you and Dick.” Becca shook her head at the information.

  “I didn’t even know they knew each other? I thought Rex was not a regular in town? I mean I’ve never seen him before…” I dried my face and carried the phone out to my kitchen.

  “I texted my brother and asked him about it before you called. Oh wait, here’s his reply:

  Rex was calling all around trying to get information on Henry last night.

  My brother didn’t tell him anything but I guess he found someone who did. Oh, and my brother is apologizing about Rex and offering to beat him up.” Becca poured herself a cup of coffee.

  “That’s creepy. And I don’t blame your brother. I blame you. That guy was straight crazy.” I decided Becca had a good idea. Some coffee would help me think this all out. I started boiling water for my French press.

  My ex-boyfriend and my failed blind date were meeting to talk about Dick and I.

  Dick and I --who were really just getting to know each other. I thought about Beauty and wondered if she was still doing well. I picked up my phone and slid to the contact list while Becca told me that she was putting out as many feelers as she could about Rex.

  Low and behold, I had Dick’s number from when he put it in my phone to save me time from stalking him. Maybe he was onto something. Because now I could send him a text.

  How’s Beauty this morning? (This is Henry BTW)

  Then I tuned back in to Becca.

  “So tell me about the abs. Like, is it cool? I think it’d freak me out, but I’m guessing he’s, like, ribbed for your pleasure or whatever.” She took another sip of her coffee.

  I tried to swallow my grin. That was one way of looking at it. “I don’t know, he’s like a real sweetheart. He’s great with animals and is thoughtful.”

  Becca set her mug down and gave me a harsh look. “If you can’t give me a good assessment of the flesh flute I’m coming down there to beat you up. If you’re going to kiss that thing, you better know what he’s packing.”

  I bit my lip. Becca and the rest of the world only see his abs. My heart broke for him. When I didn’t laugh, Becca instantly apologized.

  “Oh. Shit. You’re serious about the serial killer reverse stalker, aren’t you? Holy crap. I’m so sorry. I mean, I can’t see the appeal—but that doesn’t give me the right to make fun of him.”

  I nodded my acceptance. “I know he seems like a lot to take. He says stupid stuff, but I don’t think he means it. It’s like a protection mechanism.”

  “Be careful though, you’ve only known him for a few days. Maybe we should find out why he was kicked out of the other bars. Just to be on the safe side. Unless he told you?”

  “No. He didn’t mention that. And you’re probably right.” My gut told me he was good. But I had also put on a helmet and went in a car with Rex, so maybe I needed a second opinion from time-to-time.

  ‘She’s doing great. Happy and eating. Good morning, Hendrix.

  “Henry Ann Lemon. Did you just beam like a dope at a text? It was from him wasn’t it?” Becca was tapping her screen. She must’ve watched me as I had pulled down the text feature on top of our Facetime conversation.

  I rolled my eyes but nodded.

  “Oh, you’re so fucked.” Becca threw her hands in the air. “He better have a magnificent pecker.”


  I needed to go grocery shopping, so after a quick shower I decided to run to Trader Joe’s. I was low on bananas, which I needed after I went on a run. Halfway down the chip aisle I heard a voice I was not looking forward to.


  It was Caleb.

  I turned but I wasn’t smiling.

  “Hey, how are you? Nice to see you out and about. I heard you were riding around with Dick Dongy which has to be the stupidest thing a girl could do.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him and pulled my hand-held basket closer. “You have such a way with words.”

  He ran his hand through his perfect hair. It snapped back to place like a trained dog. “You can’t go hang out with that guy. He’s a killer. He’s dangerous. He’s a freak.”

  My hand was headed towards his face before I knew what I was doing.

  Caleb caught my wrist before I could finish slapping him.

  Caleb pulled me closer to him and my basket tumbled from my arm. I stepped on the bananas as I tried to catch my balance.

  “Let go of me,” I warned him.

  “I care about you. That’s why I’m worried,” he hissed.

  I put my chin up. “Or you just want a reason to be mean.”

  A Trader Joe’s employee stepped up to us. “Everything okay here?”

  Caleb let go of my wrist and I grabbed where it throbbed.

  “I was just leaving.” Caleb
turned his back on my mashed bananas and me.

  I apologized to the employee and stooped to pick up my mess. He joined me. “No need to worry, miss. Did he hurt you?”

  I felt my chin crumple a little. Caleb had pissed me off, and my wrist hurt a little, but I was going to be all right. I didn’t answer and kept putting the things in my basket.

  “Do you need ice?” he asked.

  “I’ll pay for these. I’m sorry I stepped on them.” I tried to make sense of the mess.

  He put his hand lightly on my arm. “Produce accidents happen all the time. People like to fondle the phallic food. I’ll get it cleaned up. Are you done shopping?”

  I nodded again.

  “Okay, you go get in line and I’ll clean this and grab you a new bunch.”

  I did as he suggested and true to his word he had another bunch for me by the time I was ready to pay.

  What Caleb had just done had shaken me. Becca’s surprise at what I did with Dick hurt too. They weren’t right to be cautious. Dick was good.

  The employee walked me to my car, even though I only had one bag. At that point I had to thank him again. He was a young kid. Maybe 17? But he scanned the parking lot—looking for Caleb, no doubt. I made a note to write a nice letter about him—his name was Ben, now that I paid attention to his nametag—to the manager. But for now I waved and tried to give him a smile.

  I was feeling sensitive this morning. I wondered if the hits would keep coming.

  Chapter 23


  After checking on all the animals, I was ready to lift. It would be hours. I had a routine and it helped keep me focused. And today I needed that. She’d texted me. About Beauty—but still.

  And I texted her back. That was the stuff that was commonplace for everyone else but to me it was a big damn deal.

  I went to the fridge to have the B. B. Formula. Mom had been giving me this drink for as long as I could remember. Every lunch I had the thick liquid. I thought it was chocolate milk, but the ingredients and label were in a different language—so I wasn’t sure.

  It reminded me of Mom. After she couldn’t use the computer anymore, she taught me how to buy more from the seller on eSales. I remember crying so hard the first time I had to order it without her. She told me a traveling salesmen was selling the formula when I was just a toddler. And once I started forming all my abs, it was essential to make sure I had all the vitamins that were in this special drink.

  I downed it ice cold. Afterward, I started on my crunches. If I was going to have all these muscles I was going to make sure to maintain them.

  On one of the rest times I surfed on my phone. I went to the Meme’s website and then clicked on the event photos.

  Hendrix was in the back of a few of them. I zoomed in. A profile shot. And then another of her smiling right at the camera. I screenshot the pics so I could look at her.

  I propped up the phone and when I did the next round of sit ups, seeing her face was the reward for every rep.

  A knock on my front door distracted me.


  She was probably coming by to check on the raccoon. Not to let me kiss her again.

  And then my whole body shivered. What we had shared was so much more than a kiss. She’d brought me to my knees.

  Another knock and I realized I didn’t have time to do anything other than answer my door with my shirt off and my shorts riding low.

  Best she saw the whole thing—so she could change her mind if she had to. I opened the door and instead of Hendrix’s pretty face, I was staring at the human dildo, Rex, from yesterday.

  “Jesus Christ, you are a freak.” He looked me up and down. “You thought you scared me yesterday. Didn’t you?” Rex was packing heat.

  I lifted an eyebrow at his gun on his hip.

  “Oh, this? I’m licensed to open carry. And I brought some friends. They all brought their favorite pieces. So don’t get any great ideas.” He gestured to the black SUV behind him.

  The passenger seat was empty but I could make out shapes in the back seat and the driver was smiling.

  I yawned. I wasn’t new to hostility, but this was the first time it was brought to my door.

  I put my gaze back on Rex.

  “So, I wanted to tell you that you need to pack up and move. We’re looking into making this dump a gas station. So, make it easy on the both of us and get out now.” Rex hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his jeans and rocked on his toes.

  “Nah.” I gave him the middle finger.

  “You keep thinking that you’re the tough guy. But I’m getting the low down on you. I’m meeting with people. I’m going to ruin you.” Rex’s eyes were wild. He was out of his mind.

  “This all because you went on half a date with Hendrix?” I folded my arms across my chest.

  “It’s because you humiliated me. And you’ll pay for that.” Rex touched his gun again.

  “Listen, dummy, I don’t care about your friends. I’m not afraid of you. You will get off of my property. Now.”

  I took a step towards him. Rex shuffled back on the ramp that led to the front door.

  “That’s fine. Don’t sleep at night, though. I’m coming for you.” Rex turned and hustled back to the SUV.

  I slammed the front door and went back to lifting. I was fuming. How dare he come here? We’d handled the situation. He’d been an asshole and I taught him a lesson. Situation over. I forgot to take a rest and accidently did four sets straight.

  It was insane. As far as I knew, I owned this home outright. But who knows what fancy lawyers could get done with enough money? Everybody had a price.

  I wiped down my weight station and reset my weights and equipment. It would be lunchtime for the animals soon, so I knew I’d have to take a break.

  The shower was heaven, as always after a hard work out. I propped the picture of Hendrix on my phone by the sink and looked at her as I released the tension.

  She was so goddamned pretty.

  After I dried off I wrapped myself in a towel and padded into my room. I wondered if Hendrix was working at the bar and while I was Googling the operation hours of Meme’s bar, I heard another knock at the door.

  Panic ran through me.

  Was Rex back with some way to get me to leave my house?

  I grasped the towel and headed to the door. When I swung it open I was ready for battle.

  “You son of a bitch.” I put my angry gaze on a surprised Hendrix.

  Her eyes were wide and she covered her mouth. “I’m sorry I thought… Beauty and well. I’ll go.”

  I was about to tell her everything was fine when I saw that the wrist on the hand she was using to cover her mouth had an angry, red hint of a bruise. I could clearly make out a fingerprint.

  “Who did that to you?” I pointed at her arm.

  “Are you mad at me?” she asked.

  Then I remembered how I opened the door. With the cursing.

  “Oh Geez. No. Come inside. I’m happy to see you. It’s just…you were not my first visitor today.”

  I stepped back and grabbed the tuck on my bath towel.

  “If you have company…I’ll text later to see how Beauty is doing.” Hendrix retreated a bit instead of stepping inside.

  “Oh. You think I have like a lady friend in here—I don’t. My visitor was your date from yesterday. He’s still a crackpot --in case you were wondering.” I motioned for her to come in with my hand.

  “Wow. That’s crazy. I just ran into Caleb and that’s where I got the wrist thing. He was warning me away from you.” She stepped inside and I closed the door.

  Hendrix was here.

  And I was in a towel.

  And she was here.

  Chapter 24


  I wanted to see Beauty, but instead I was seeing the Beast. He’s such a glorious rock of a man. He needed to back off on the tanning. There were so many abs. But I saw the sparkle in his eyes and it all seemed okay.

you listened to Caleb, obviously.” He gripped his towel hard but it was still grasped low. His V was prominate and had a few veins that promised that there might be a monster that needed feeding under that towel. I shivered.

  “Obviously. If Caleb says it, what else is a girl to do? I know that Rex and Caleb met over coffee this morning and I didn’t even know they were friends.”

  I could feel the heat from his body where I stood. He must like really hot showers. Also the musk of his shower gel had hinted the air. It was all very appealing.

  “Yeah. I don’t trust either of those guys.” He ran his free hand through his wet hair.

  “I think that’s smart.” I shuffled my feet.

  This was the exact location of our last kiss. Well, our only kiss. I wondered if he was thinking about it, too.

  “I should get some clothes on. Are you here to see the animals?” He didn’t move.

  “Yes. And to see you. To see what you were doing and if you were okay. And to show you my wrist.” I shrugged.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have come.

  “Let me see it then.” He moved closer and I watched him as he carefully lifted my hand so he could see my injury. “One hurt your head, the other hurt your wrist. I’m so sorry.”

  I felt my pulse race at his touch. “What are you sorry about?”

  “Men. That two of them would ever do anything to you that hurt you.” He lowered his head and put his lips on the discoloration there.

  “Oh.” I should have said more but my mouth stopped working when my pulse was moving south.

  “I’m glad you came back to me. I wasn’t sure if you would. If this would be too much.” He gestured at his chest.

  I put a hand out and felt the ridges there.

  “I like you.” I had to be honest.

  “I really liked kissing you.” His eyes darkened and he stepped even closer.

  I looked at his face, silently willing him to kiss me again. It felt even more reckless than last time because he was fresh from the shower. And wearing so little.

  “Can we do it some more?” His deep voice was even huskier.

  “Yes, please. I think we have to. To let Caleb and Rex know we mean business.”