Read Beast Page 9

  I pulled into the parking garage for my building. In the spot next to mine a large U-Haul-it van was parked. Which was strange. Because that was Martha’s spot and she had a sporty coupe. And she never mentioned moving. But maybe she was getting furniture? Still an odd place to park. I made a note to check with her tomorrow after my run. I would hate to see her move out. She was a great neighbor.

  I opened my car door and reached in to grab my phone and my purse when I felt a hand on my lower back. I twirled around and gasped loudly all at once.

  Rex Texxerdad clamped his hand over my mouth. I bit him immediately. He cursed and grabbed me up. I was surprised how agile he was in a life jacket and a helmet.

  I twisted and started fighting and screaming, “Fire!” at the top of my lungs.

  “I have a gun. You better settle down,” Rex demanded.

  I stopped struggling.

  “Better. You need to get into my van.” Rex pushed me ahead of him and I saw that he had one of the rear doors open. My scarf from Dick fell to the ground.

  Never go to a second location.

  Which was great advice, but when I turned I saw that good ol’ Rex did indeed have a gun in a holster next to his hip.

  “Oh, I got my piece, girl. Now get in there before I show you how good I am with it.”

  I climbed in and as soon as I was about to try and turn and fight again I was grabbed by a second set of hands.

  I screamed and Rex slammed the door on me.

  Rex jumped into the driver’s seat and told me to shut up or he would use the gun.

  How had my day of absolute bliss turned into this? I wasn’t sure. But as I struggled and my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I recognized Caleb’s face.

  “Are you kidding me? What the hell do you two assholes think you’re doing?” Caleb pulled my hands behind my back and fastened them with something, then he wrestled me into one of the two jump seats.

  “You know what? We’re saving you, that’s what we’re doing.” He buckled my seatbelt over my body before sitting down next to me and buckling his seatbelt, too.

  “From what?” I was dumbfounded. And I was uncomfortable. If I leaned back my arms were in the way. My seatbelt kept yanking on me.

  I tried to kick Rex’s seat, but I couldn’t manage it the way I was forced to sit and not to strain my shoulders and arms.

  “From that serial killer. He’s got you under his spell. And even though you spent a whole day screwing him—how could you by the way? He’s the biggest freak in the world?—we know that you’re in danger.” Caleb pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of me.

  “So what, are you going to kill me so that he doesn’t get a chance to? I have literally no idea how that makes me safe.” I’d dropped my phone by my car. I banged my head against the headrest when I realized. The phone could be tracked to me and my mother would lose her mind the minute Becca told her I wasn’t at work. The phone would take them to my car. Not me.

  “Here’s what we realized. The only reason Dongy never gets caught is because no one is ever missing. Once they get wind that you’re missing, they’ll have to investigate his property. And we’re about to deliver them probable cause.” Caleb pulled a large envelope out from under his seat. “We got this now.”

  He carefully slid an 8x10 of me and Dick sitting on his weight bench. It was the hottest picture I’d ever seen. Dick had his hands wrapped around my neck. I was obviously in so much pleasure it looked like pain. My breasts were straining against the white tank and really just my nipples were covered. And you could still see them a little through the thin fabric. Dick was whispering in my ear.

  “You spied on us? You keep calling Dick a freak—but the two of you are the worst ones ever. How is that picture going to prove anything other than you’re trespassers?” I tried to figure out how Caleb had my hands bound.

  It was absolutely surreal that I was talking to these two men like this. I was angry, but now fear was starting to creep in as well. I didn’t know either of them at all. They were out of their minds together which was even scarier than just one man losing it.

  Caleb felt like he had to explain, whether to me or the voices in his head. “Well, This picture was taped to my door, so that’s why I’m so frantic. I don’t even know where Dick Dongy lives! But I did spot him with you the other night and I shouldn’t have ever left you. Now, we have an actual missing person and it’s the woman I love. I won’t stop looking for her. Nor will I let the police brush me off.”

  He was ramping up, practicing the speech he was planning to give.

  “And this is my stop. Be nice to Rex. He’s a great guy. Lending us his secluded cabin so you won’t be found until after that beast has been killed.” Rex pulled to a stop and when Caleb moved I could see that we were at the abandoned strip mall on the outside of town. Caleb’s car was waiting.

  The amount of planning was terrifying. I screamed when the door was opened, but Rex turned around and shook his head. Then he drew his finger across his neck and nodded. He was warning me without saying anything.

  I spent the rest of the drive either yelling at him or struggling against my bindings.

  We got to the secluded hunting cabin quicker than I anticipated. We weren’t that far out of town, but his little cabin was at the end of a very rocky dirt road.

  Rex took off his life jacket and his helmet.

  “Well, little lady. Looks like you and I have a few days of fun in store for ourselves. Just so you know, right now is not hunting season and there are no neighbors. You can scream all you want, no one will hear you.”

  He got out of the driver’s side and pulled open the cargo door that Caleb had used to get to his car. He kept his hand on his hip as he unlocked my seatbelt.

  I wanted to fight him. But I wasn’t faster than a bullet. I listened as he told me to come out of the van.

  He put his hand on the back of my neck and squeezed. It was how he would take me into the cabin. He unlocked the door and pushed me through. He motioned to the leather couch and I sat when there was really no other choice. I was at the second location. And it was a man cave. There was beer, deer heads mounted and a big TV. The gun safe in the corner was huge and foreboding.

  “We went on half a date. And now you’re risking your entire future on this weird, fake thing that Caleb wants to do? He’s lost his mind.”

  I realized I was talking to a man that wore a life preserver while he drove a car. But I had to try something.

  Rex ignored me and checked his phone. “All right. It’s starting. My PR girl just planted a few more stories. Today is a slow news day. This is going to catch like wildfire. I think I’m going to make myself a drink.”

  I took in my surroundings. I had to think like a prisoner, because that’s what I was. I needed to get the hell out of here.

  Chapter 27


  I was glowing like a goddamn chick on her wedding day. Hendrix did that to me. The hope was a rush. Her body was a blessing. I couldn’t wait to see her again tonight. I kept picturing different places that I would have sex with her. All the places. I craved her.

  She made me feel like a welcomed lover. I just said the word “lover” in my head and I know I am so, so done. Tripped and fell right into that feeling that I had warned so many women about in the past.

  And I realized I was wrong. Love wasn’t about seeing something, it was about understanding someone.

  I trotted downstairs to clean cages and feed the animals, carefully closing the basement door behind me.

  I’d modified my basement when I was focusing on my rehab lab. I researched music studios and expensive apartment buildings. With the right insulation and modifications, I made it a quiet zone.

  I learned that having the quiet and eliminating the day-to-day noise of humans could help them readjust to their time in the wild once they felt better.

  It had its downsides, because I couldn’t hear anything upstairs when I was with the animals. But I had my cell
phone, and so few people ever visited, it wasn’t a problem.

  I checked the bat house I’d build for Lucky. It would hopefully camouflage into the oak tree that I’d scoped out next to Meme’s. I was finally at Beauty’s cage when I noticed her fast breathing. I’ve helped enough animals to know when one was ready to give birth. I made sure she was comfortable. And then she reached out and grabbed my finger. Just like when I picked her up on the side of the road.

  “It’s going to be okay, sweet girl. This is just nature. And then you’ll be a mama.”

  Beauty’s breathing slowed a little. I realized I couldn’t see Hendrix tonight. I had to stay here and talk to Beauty. I didn’t want her alone while she was in pain. And if she had anything I could help with—I just couldn’t leave.

  I pulled out my phone and texted Hendrix that I was going to have to stay until Beauty was in the clear and I hoped she understood. And to give me a call if she wanted to come over after work, I would love to see her.

  And then I focused on Beauty. “You’re going to have the cutest babies, how many do you think you’ll have? A whole heard of little trash pandas. They’re going to be just as pretty as you…”


  I watched the TV in horror. It was infuriating seeing the newscaster interview Caleb as if he was important somehow. Like he was telling the truth.

  “I’m so worried about her. I mean, he set his sights on her and she couldn’t fight back. He’s a violent man. And I have no idea what kind of drugs he’s on to make him this jacked up.”

  The image of Dick and I filled the screen. They blurred out my almost visible nipples. It was a sensational picture. And all the abs on Dick’s arms were obvious. His cheek abs. He was so exposed. He was looming over me. You could even see the abs on his thighs.

  Caleb was painting me out to be a devoted girlfriend that was close to sainthood. He described how the picture was taped to his door and he was just beside himself. That this man—a known serial killer—was left to wander the streets.

  The newscaster cut from Caleb to other bartenders in the area. They described kicking out Dick Dongy because he was reverse stalking girls and making them uncomfortable. And that he liked to drink milk. And wear a hood.

  People were tweeting the news pictures of Dick that they had taken of him when he was unaware. I felt tears in my eyes. They were making him out to be a beast, even though it was completely conjecture and fabrication. The case the newscasters were building against Dick was cut short when the chief of Police started a press conference.

  “What we have now is an investigation opening on the suspect, Dick Dongy a.k.a The Beast. I want to stress that the man in question should be considered armed and dangerous. Even if he isn’t armed with a traditional weapon—he’s rumored to be very strong. We are actively looking for this woman.”

  The TV screen was filled with the sexy pic again.

  “She’s kind of hard to see here, we’re looking for another picture. But she’s 5’6” and 130 pounds. Top heavy. Very attractive. In the bosom area.” He cleared his throat and shifted. Rex wiggled his eyebrows at me.

  I was still on the couch, and he was in the recliner on the opposite side of the living room. He was sipping a beer and his leers were lasting longer and longer.

  “Her name is Hendrix Lemon. She’s a bartender in town. She was spotted being very nice—friends and colleagues say she’s nice to a fault—and she’s considered missing. We are about to surround the suspect’s house and deliver a warrant to search his premises for Ms. Lemon. Please, if the media could stay out of the air, and out of the area, I’ll keep you posted.”

  Rex snorted. “I knew that police chief would be all over this. He wants to run for office in the next election cycle. He moved in on this whole thing like it was Christmas morning.”

  “Can you turn the TV off? Everything they say is wrong.” I was spending the time trying to loosen my bindings. I think Caleb used zip ties. And I had no idea how to get out of them. But I still had my legs. And my mouth. And I planned to use them.

  “That man is insane. He tried to kill me. Over a phone. This seems like an appropriate response.” Rex stood up and wobbled a little.

  “You think trying to get him arrested is the way to handle this?”

  Rex set his drink down on the wood paneled bar.

  “I think a murderer needs to be caught.” Rex stretched his arms above his head and his gun glinted at his hip.

  “He’s never killed anyone.” I shook my head. I couldn’t find anything that could be used as a weapon close by.

  Rex laughed. “I feel like I’m looking at a future victim right now.”

  A chill went down my spine. They were going to frame Dick for my murder. Jesus.

  Rex turned to the TV. “Look at that! They got the choppers in the air. SWAT will be in place soon, too. Caleb is a hell of an actor. Making them believe he’s so torn up.”

  The picture that was taken of Dick and I flashed on the screen. Rex started rubbing his crotch. “That’s a hot picture. You like it rough, I guess.”

  His eyes reminded me of a shark’s. Or an alligator’s as he stared at my chest. I felt my stomach lurch at the thought of this man and I trapped in this location.

  He showed me his teeth.

  I would get one good chance. I’d have to time it right. And it would hurt like hell.

  I made my eyes big and blinked a lot. “No. Please, Mr. Texxerdad.”

  He needed to think I was a weak, easy target.

  “It won’t hurt a bit, darlin’. You just need to see how things are up here in the cabin. This is the kind of danger I don’t wear a helmet for.” He started unbuttoning his jeans.

  I stuck my chest out as bait. It was a horrible moment when I felt him take two handfuls. I started whimpering.

  It made him more forceful. “How ‘bout a little kiss for big daddy now, baby.”

  I had to swallow the vomit that rose in my throat. Then I egged him on. “No please, big daddy. I can’t even…” More breast baiting.

  Rex lifted up my sweater and framed my breasts in the pretty white bra I was wearing for Dick.

  He grabbed me again. Just when I could see the whites of his eyes I head-butted him as hard as I could.

  I instantly saw stars. I had to keep going, because I wasn’t sure how long he would be dazed.

  He stood and staggered backwards. I pushed up off of the couch and side kicked him in the stomach.

  I’d taken a set of self-defense classes before I started working at Meme’s. The instructor had told us to hit three times and make them count. Then run.

  I had one more move, and he was standing in such a way that I was pretty sure I could pull it off. I kicked him solidly in the nuts.

  I pulled my leg back before he could grab it. Rex fell to the floor. I saw his gun. There was no way to get it and he was still conscious. I couldn’t drive without my hands—stealing his van was out. So I would be running. Through the woods. With my hands behind my back. I needed a head start.

  “Should have put your helmet on, dickface.” And then I kicked Rex in the temple and watched him lose consciousness.

  My heart was pounding like crazy. I looked over my shoulder at the TV screen and saw that in the dusk of the day, Dick’s house was covered in searchlights. I saw his SUV in the driveway, and all his road kill rehab and burial equipment strewn around.

  I needed to get away from Rex, stay away from Caleb and protect Dick. All with my hands tied behind my back.


  Beauty was doing great. She was setting herself up to deliver, I kept talking to her and encouraging her. I was scared that her recent trauma might have hurt the babies. Or hurt the way she was able to deliver them.

  The silence in the basement was a comfort. It was like being underwater. So I hoped that Beauty would deliver soon. I sent Hendrix another text that Beauty was doing great. I didn’t tell her my fears because that wasn’t fair. She was at work.

  The racco
on would look at me over and over for what seemed like reassurance. So I gave it to her. “The best furriest babies. Tonight will be a great night. You’re the best raccoon in the world. Keep going.”


  I was thankful that I was a good runner. I was also thankful that there were a lot of hunting trails in the woods by Rex’s cabin. Finding civilization before he could track me down was the most important thing.

  I had a huge headache. My wrists were killing me with every step. I needed my arms to maintain my balance, so I had to hold them at an awkward angle that stretched the restraints and caused them to bite into my skin.

  Down one big hill, up another. I tripped twice, but was able to roll my way through any more injuries. Getting back up was harder than I anticipated every time. But I had to. Dick was going to be arrested. For my disappearance. Or if I died in these woods, my murder.

  I was going on instinct, and lucky the rising bright moon gave me a nice light to pick my path by. I was praying for a road or a house when I found both.

  Over the crest of the last hill I saw a pretty cape cod that looked inviting and a paved road just beyond.

  I had a moment of hesitation—wondering if the people that lived here were friends with Rex—but I had to take a chance.

  I went up to their front door and pressed the doorbell with my nose.

  An older man answered it quickly. “We’re not buying anything…” He trailed off when he looked at me. “Dear, are you okay?”

  I leaned against the inside of their front porch. I was exhausted and out of breath.

  “No. I’m not. I was kidnapped and the man that lived in the cabin up there said he was going to do bad things to me. ” I turned so he could see the restraints.


  I heard a female voice. “Harold, get that girl in here. Look at her wrists.”

  Harold and his wife, Millie helped me into their kitchen. He used something to cut my wrists free and when I brought them around to my lap my arms did all kinds of weird things. Pins and needles and straight pain. My hands were covered in blood.