Read Beast Page 19

  Leo licked his lips, nodding. He’d begun to consider removing the piercing after Friday night when she made it clear she was feeling the same thing he was. As much as he’d told himself he needed to stay away from her, after just one touch from her that night, he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance if she persisted. Until she confirmed otherwise today, he’d been sure she was a virgin.

  Her finger traced over and below his shaft where the piercing entered and exited making Leo’s head fall back in reaction to her touch.

  “I wanna see it,” she whispered.

  As he lifted his head to look at her again, she stared into his eyes very seriously and lifted a challenging brow. Never in his life had Leo felt so conflicted. A part of him wanted to just take her already. He knew showing her his cock would inevitably end that way.

  “Allison,” he attempted to protest, breathing even harder.

  His breath caught when he felt her hand wrapped firmly around his ready-to-explode erection. Those sweet innocent eyes smoldered when she realized her delicate little hand wasn’t going to get all the way around. Smiling a little bigger, she pulled his pants and briefs lower.

  “Are you really gonna say no to me?”

  “Jesus.” He panted as if he hadn’t had the pleasure of being stroked a million times.

  Allison glanced down when he was fully out of his pants but said nothing at first. Then she touched the barbell gently and glanced up. “Is it for your added pleasure”—her face tinged just slightly, but she smiled— “or mine?”

  Groaning, Leo took her face in his hands again and kissed her as frantically as he had the very first time. He could not get enough of her mouth. Fully exposed now, he rubbed himself against her, and once again she blew his mind when she followed his rhythm. As if reading his already blown mind, she went one step further.

  “Do it,” she whispered against his lips then sucked his tongue as she continued to stroke him a little harder.

  “Baby,” he gasped when he could pull himself away from her mouth. “You have no idea how badly I want to, but—”

  “Then do it.” She lifted a leg around him.

  As he’d always known from the moment he first laid eyes on her, there was no way he could refrain once given the chance. As much as he knew he may just live to regret this, there was no way he could fight this anymore. He’d never get any sleep now if he didn’t. It’d be one torturous night after another, wondering what being inside her would’ve felt like.

  With a few swift moves, he had her shorts off, closed his bedroom door, and pinned her up against it. Allison moved just enough to pull his pants down his thighs.

  Lifting her so she’d wrap her legs around him before she changed her mind, he brought his fingers around the front to make sure she was ready. He felt too close to bursting already. As much as he’d like to take this slow, he knew he’d be a goner too soon if he didn’t hurry.

  Despite being so wet, her pussy wrapped tightly around the finger he slipped into her, and she moaned in reaction. Leo slowed momentarily, as his heart thudded unbelievably faster than it’d already been going. Could he have misheard her when she said she wasn’t a virgin? Impossible. Why would she be so eager especially after seeing the piercing?

  Spreading her legs wider for him, he managed to slip another finger in her, but she was so damn tight it still made him wonder. The arousal beat out the concern that she might be a virgin, and he could hardly wait to be inside her. He brought his finger to his face, smiling at her glistening juices that dripped down them. Licking one clean nearly had him coming.

  He spread the juices on the other finger along her lips then devoured her mouth before teasing her wet entrance with the tip of his piercing. Hearing her moan again had him pushing in, but again she was so damn tight he couldn’t bury himself in her like he’d planned on doing.

  Allison cried out in response to his entering her, and he slowed again. “No, don’t stop.”

  “You okay?”

  “More than okay.” She gasped as he began pushing in again slowly. “You’re just so big.”

  “You’re so fucking tight,” he grunted as he pushed his way further in slowly, but God damn it felt good.

  “It hurts so good.” She gasped, holding onto his shoulders for dear life.

  It took a while, but once all the way in, Leo let his head fall back in ecstasy, afraid to move because he might just explode right then. Instead of sliding out, he kissed her deeply, savoring the feeling of being so deep inside her for a bit longer. Slowly, he began sliding in and out. As tight as she was, she was so wet it got easier fast.

  They moaned in unison as he began fucking her faster—harder. Allison’s panting got louder as their bodies banged against the door, making Leo grateful that his roommates weren’t home. The feeling was unreal. As many times as he’d done this before, and no matter how many he ever did it again with anyone else, Leo was certain he’d never felt what he was feeling now. Nor would he ever feel it again.

  As she dug her fingers into his shoulders, her entire body began to tremble against his, and he knew she was close. A few more deep thrusts and she was crying out in pleasure. That coupled with feeling her pulsating pussy come all over his dick had him burying himself deep inside with a roaring grunt. He came so hard he thought he might pass out.

  They stood there for a while breathing hard and holding onto each other like they never wanted to let go. Leo didn’t, that was for damn sure. But he felt it in the way she held onto him. The way she’d kissed him. Mostly the way she gazed into his eyes as he leaned his forehead against hers and allowed himself to get lost in those beautiful eyes. Finally, after all the times he’d fought getting too sucked into these moments, he didn’t care. There was no denying it now, and if he didn’t know better, she’d been well aware of it for some time. He had it bad for this girl.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, feeling a strange mixture of awe, relief, and terror all at once.

  There was no going back now, and as much as he told himself he’d been with plenty of women he never spoke with again or walked away from easily, he knew this was different. There’d be nothing easy about walking away from Allison now. He’d known it even before this weekend, but there was no denying it now.

  Slowly, he let her down as her legs slid down his, and he slid out of her. It’d been fast and dirty, but it still felt so much deeper than any other time he’d been with a girl. Her feet were both on the floor now, and he was still pondering what his heart was feeling over this—for her—when he saw it.

  Blood on his half-limp cock then between her legs.

  The words caught in his throat, and once again, he thought he might pass out. Jerking his head up at her, he was at a loss for words suddenly until he just said it. “You said you weren’t a virgin.”



  Of the many sides she’d seen of Leonardo, Allison didn’t think she’d ever see a terrified one. While she hadn’t considered herself a virgin or innocent for years, it wasn’t until she felt how huge he was and then the piercing that she considered the real possibility of this happening. But she’d been too far gone at that moment to stop and give him a heads-up.

  As big as Leo was, she was willing to bet he’d made even someone having sex on a regular basis bleed. She didn’t understand why he looked so horrified.

  “I’m not.” She shook her head, bending down to pick up her shorts but didn’t put them on. Of course, she would be wearing white shorts today. “I mean I wasn’t even before today. I need to clean up.”

  He instantly pointed to the door to the bathroom in his room. Obviously, he didn’t understand, and how could she expect him to? She’d explain soon enough, but first things first. Once in the bathroom, she cleaned up quickly, layering the crotch of her panties with toilet paper before putting the shorts back on.

  When she walked out, Leonardo was sitting on his bed now. The horrific expression he’d worn earlier was gone, but he still ap
peared stunned. “Maybe I should’ve been clearer, but everything happened so fast. Before I could give it more thought, it was already happening.”

  “If you weren’t a virgin, then why . . .?”

  “I haven’t considered myself innocent or a virgin for a very long time.”

  He stared at her, understandably confused. So, she took a deep breath as her mind raced to try and explain this. In spite of this entire weekend being so unexpected, the very last thing she thought she’d be telling him about was this. But she knew she had no choice now.

  “Growing up in foster care wasn’t easy. There was a lot my sister and I had to deal with. She got in trouble a lot for protecting me—her way. I was always scared she was going to be arrested and I’d be all alone. So, I kept some things from her, things I knew she’d be incapable of dealing with without violence. There was a boy . . .”

  She paused when she felt her throat swell. She’d never been emotional about this even back then, so why the hell was she getting so now? This was something she hadn’t even thought about in so many years, something she’d tried to erase from her memory, and now here she was talking about it to the only man in her life she’d felt so much for.

  “Were you raped?” he asked as a more familiar expression replaced the stunned one from earlier.

  Reminiscent of her sister and likely how she’d react if Allison were to ever tell her, Leonardo looked ready to kill.

  “No.” She shook her head then sat down next to him.

  His hand was immediately in hers as he searched her eyes. “So, what did you keep from your sister?”

  “Let’s just say growing up in foster care I had some horrible foster dads . . . I did what I had to do. It was a boy my age. I did what I had to do to keep my foster father away.”

  Leonardo squeezed her hand, as the unmistakable vehemence in his eyes went more severe. Allison touched his face and smiled, trying to lighten things up a bit. “Alan, another foster kid who lived with us, noticed my stepfather’s lustful leering and suggestiveness. He asked why I didn’t tell Lila, but in hindsight, I know now he already knew why. That man wouldn’t dare even look at my sister the wrong way, much less touch her, but he knew he’d get away with it with me. Like Alan, he also knew I’d keep it to myself for the sake of not getting her in trouble.”

  Allison explained how Alan offered to help her. He’d stay close by whenever Lila wasn’t around so Mr. Castro wouldn’t be so open to paw her because it was the only time he ever dared to.

  “Alan was sixteen. I was twelve and naïve. I believed he was just looking out for me, until it too escalated. He’d insinuate that maybe he should talk to Lila about my foster dad’s behavior anytime I hesitated to let him do more. It went as far as him . . . using his fingers, oral . . . and it went on for months. Only reason it stopped was because we were moved to another foster home when Lila got expelled from that school district and it was too inconvenient for the Castro family to drive her clear across town to her new school. Thankfully, CPS did everything they could to keep siblings together, so I moved with her to a new foster home. Otherwise, I’d already decided that if sleeping with Alan would keep Lila from killing Mr. Castro I’d do it.”

  “So, this was your first time?” Leonardo asked, once again looking horrified; though Allison could tell he was trying to tone it down now.

  “Doing this, yes, but . . .”

  She shook her head because she hated to have to say it, especially to him, but she needed him to understand. The last thing she wanted was for him to beat himself up over this. Already, he’d pushed her away all this time because he thought her too young and innocent to be part of his life. So, she was putting it out there. All of it.

  “By the time I was thirteen, I’d done lots of other things with him most girls even older than I hadn’t done. I figured it out fairly quickly. He didn’t care about me. He was just using me and my situation to get what he wanted, and I willingly went along. Most girls in my situation fell into a deep depression, and trust me having gone through foster care, I’d heard a lot of stories: girls who needed heavy therapy and some trying to commit suicide over stuff like this. Not me. I was more worried about what Lila would do if she found out.”

  She shook her head, but even now, she didn’t feel as disgusted with herself as she knew most would. To this day, she knew if she had to do it over again she would. She knew her sister too well, and turning to her for help, especially at that age when her anger issues were at their worst, would’ve been disastrous. But right now, what she really needed to do was convince Leonardo, who was still looking at her so stunned, that he hadn’t taken her innocence. Not by a long shot.

  “You didn’t deflower some innocent little virgin, if that’s what you’re worried about. And . . .” She squeezed his hand again, looking him straight in his eyes. “In case you forgot, I wanted it just as much as you did.”

  Leonardo stared at her for a moment without saying anything then finally exhaled loudly and pulled her to him. “Just cause some asshole took advantage of you and you handled it as best you could, doesn’t mean you weren’t innocent. So, don’t even compare yourself to the girls that did that stuff for money or drugs. You are better than them.”

  He kissed the top of her head, holding her tightly as Allison let what he just said sink in. Being held by him like that overwhelmed her with emotion. She’d never felt so safe in her life.

  “And I’m not worried about having deflowered you,” he added with a chuckle. “But you were a virgin, baby. I just wish I’d known. I would’ve been a lot gentler and would’ve preferred your first time to be more special than me banging you up against my bedroom door.”

  Incredibly, despite the heaviness of this conversation, Allison giggled, pulling away to look at him. “I liked you banging me against your bedroom door.” She leaned in, kissing him softly. “As incredibly exciting and big a turn-on, it was also very special to me.” Chewing the corner of her lip as they gazed at each other for a few silent moments, she finally added the last and most terrifying part to her statement. “I just hope it’s not a one-time thing.”

  She held her breath because he closed his eyes and didn’t immediately respond. “I don’t want it to be, Ali. But I don’t see how the hell this could ever work. Our worlds are so different, and you deserve better—”

  “Better than what?” Allison felt her heart speed up because she didn’t like where this seemed to be going. “Better than being with someone who makes me feel things I never have in my life? Better than being happy?”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, babe.” He shook his head. “I’ve done some bad shit in my life. Been involved with some really disgusting people.”

  “And I haven’t? I just told you about two of them. We all have a past. I’d love to hear your story because I’m so intrigued by you and I want to know everything about you. But I’m not looking to be a part of your past. All I’m asking is for the chance to be a part of your future.”

  Finally, he cracked a smile and then kissed her softly, tenderly, with a gentleness that made her sigh. “You might want a future with me. Even I’ve begun to dream of one with you, but other people might not be as thrilled about the prospect as we are.”

  “Other people?” she asked, pulling back. “What other people?”

  “Your sister. You can’t tell me she’s gonna be happy about this.”

  “You let me worry about my sister. Despite what you might think, she can be reasonable.” Even Allison wasn’t entirely sure if she believed that, so she added. “Besides, I am an adult. Regardless of her opinion, one thing I know about Lila is she’ll respect my wishes. What she’s mostly ever been worried about when it comes to her baby sister is my safety. I won’t be forgetting what you did for me Friday night any time soon. I’m pretty sure at this point you’d stop at nothing to keep me safe.”

  His expression went a bit hard suddenly. “That’s what worries me most. My past may be in my past, but I al
ready know for damn sure nothing in this new future of mine will stop the old me—the real me—from resurfacing in a heartbeat when it comes to you. That guy’s just been dormant for a while, but you have no idea what he’s capable of.”

  “Well, as long as he’s on my side, I’m not gonna worry about it.”

  Allison thought she’d heard the motor of a car or two outside earlier, but now she heard voices in the house and doors opening and closing. Then there was a knock at the bedroom door. “You here, Beast?”

  “Yeah,” Leonardo called out. “I’ll be out in a sec.”

  “You stubborn fuck.”

  The voice trailed off a bit as Allison listened to him cuss some more then someone else say something about how Leonardo’s obstinate ass just couldn’t wait until tomorrow. Allison turned to Leonardo quizzically.

  “My roommates.” He smirked. “They’re real charmers. Feel like meeting them?”

  “Sure.” She shrugged, laughing nervously.

  They stood up, and Leonardo took her hand in his as they walked out of the bedroom. Her hand felt tiny in his. It was just one of the many things she loved about him already. How despite feeling too big for her own skin her entire life, next to him she felt tiny and dainty.

  There was only one guy in the kitchen when they walked into it. He was facing the sink where the water was running. From behind, Allison could see he was a big guy. Almost as big as Leonardo. Only unlike Leonardo he was nowhere near being bald. The sides of his head were shaved close, but the dark hair on the top of his head was much longer. While he wore a black T-shirt and jeans that covered most of him, she saw he had something else in common with Leonardo. Every inch of the visible part of his arms was inked.

  “Where’s O?” Leonardo asked.

  The guy turned slightly then did a double take when he realized Leonardo wasn’t alone. There was an instant curious smirk on his clean-cut face. With the strangest combination of a clean-cut face and his chiseled features, he was almost pretty, but then even his hands and fingers were inked. From behind, she hadn’t seen it, but the hair on top was slicked back, and Allison could see it was all one length and probably fell over the side of his head when not slicked. Like Leonardo, as menacing as his size made him look, his entire demeanor brightened in a very sexy way from just the smirk.