Read Beast Page 33

  Allison felt like this was just the beginning of a story that would play out over and over because she’d already heard the next part twice—once, when Byron and Patricia first explained it to her and then again on their way to Lila’s when Patricia explained it to Leonardo. Allison gave Lila the condensed version of this part since a lot of it was personal and between Leonardo and his mom.

  “Leonardo hasn’t seen or known anything about his mother since he was fourteen. For personal reasons, she had to stay away, only she’s followed his life all this time. So, she knew Leonardo had left town. When she heard about the bounties put out for us, she wasn’t nearly as worried about him as she was about me.”

  “I knew what it would do to Leonardo if something were to happen to her,” Patricia said then turned to Leonardo. “I know about Kit and how you blamed yourself, only I also knew how much worse it would be this time. It’s why as dangerous as I knew it’d be to come forward even after all these years, I knew I had to get to Ali before anyone else could.” She turned back to Lila. “I’m sorry I had to put you through this, but even if Leonardo hadn’t shown up today, I planned on bringing her home tonight. I just wanted to be absolutely sure she was safe to go home.”

  “We still don’t know for sure that she’s safe,” Lila said, raising a brow.

  “She is,” Leonardo said, speaking up for the first time in a while. “As long as she’s with me—”

  He stopped when Lila shook her head adamantly. “Listen. I appreciate what you did for her—more than once now. But you can’t be with her twenty-four seven.”

  “Nobody can,” Leonardo responded politely but firmly. “But I can do my best to be around her as much as possible.” He turned to Allison. “It’s all I thought of on the ride here from Yuma last night. I planned on talking to you about it first chance I got, but . . .” He glanced around at the unforeseen circumstances they were now in.

  “Talk about what?” Lila asked, peering at him then at Allison.

  “Moving her in with me.”

  “What?” Allison and Lila asked in unison.

  Both their jaws had dropped open, only their expressions were just the opposite. Allison was certain Lila’s heart wasn’t bursting like hers was. For days, she’d sobbed about how easy it’d been for Leonardo to just walk away. Now he’d soared back into her life with a vengeance and was talking about moving her in with him?

  Before Lila could retort, Leonardo went on. “Her safety is only part of the reason why I want her by my side as much as possible. But as far as her being targeted again because of anything that has to do with me, I can assure you that won’t be happening anymore.”

  “How can you be sure?” Sonny asked this time.

  “I got word from a very trusted source today that it won’t.” He turned to Lila, who they all knew would be the hardest to convince. “I’d trust this person with my life. Allison or even me being targeted for that guy that died, it’s over.”

  “But you don’t want her out of your sight?” Lila asked, and Allison could hear it in her voice. Her sister was forcing herself to sound as calm as possible. “The first time she was followed had nothing to do with this second incident. How can you be sure she won’t be targeted for other reasons?”

  Leonardo took a deep breath. “Because that part of my life is officially over. It had been for a while, but my brother still had issues. He took care of things today, and like I said, I trust him with my life. If he says that part of the danger is over, then I believe him.”

  “But you still feel the need to move her in with you?” Lila asked, glancing back from Leonardo to Allison.

  “No.” Leonardo shook his head. “I just mean, after getting a taste of what life without her by my side is like, it’s a no brainer.” He turned to Allison, squeezing her hand. “I didn’t plan on having this conversation in front of anyone else, but I don’t even care anymore. You’re it for me, baby. I just don’t see the point of not being able to wake up next to each other every day, starting as soon as possible. I know my place is nowhere as fancy as this, but it’s not forever. I promise. I have plans.”

  Allison brought her hand to her face, unable to hold in the emotion. Her heart swelled, and she was so choked up she couldn’t even get the words out.

  “Allison, honey,” Lila started to say, and she sounded so worried Allison felt for her. “I know Drew said you’re in love. I get it, okay? And I know firsthand how fast these things can happen, but don’t you think you should think on this a little more?”

  Allison shook her head profusely, smiling when Leonardo’s apprehensive expression eased up. “My—” she started to say, but her voice betrayed her.

  She cleared her throat even as Leonardo rubbed her back and kissed her temple. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear, “more than you’ll ever know.”

  Taking a trembling breath as his words sealed it—he officially owned her heart forever—she smiled at the love of her life then turned to her sister. “My place is with Leonardo,” she was finally able to say.


  “I’m pregnant,” Allison squeaked, interrupting Lila and silencing the room all at once. “I didn’t plan on having this conversation in front of anyone else either, but I just found out yesterday, and I couldn’t hold it in anymore.”

  It was hard to make out their expressions, but ironically, both Leonardo’s and Lila’s were similar. Their expressions both looked as stunned as they did alarmed.

  “Well, fuck,” Leonardo said, sounding like he’d just let a breath out he’d been holding in for too long. “You’re coming home with me tonight and never leaving my side now.”

  He bear-hugged Allison the way he had his mother when he’d first seen her. Allison was bombarded with hugs from his mother then Byron and Sonny and finally Lila.

  Even as she hugged her sister, Allison understood why she’d still have her reservations about this. It’d all been dumped on her at once. Pulling away to look at Lila’s apprehensive face, she wiped her sister’s tears. “I know you’re going to be super worried at first, and I totally understand, but please trust me when I say I’m gonna be fine. More than fine, I promise.”

  Lila hugged Allison a bit more gently than she had earlier, then hugged Leonardo again. “I see it in your eyes, big guy,” she said as she pulled away from Leonardo. “You love her almost as much as I do.”

  “More,” Leonardo said very seriously.

  Staring at him for a moment without saying anything, Lila took a deep breath and seemed to gather herself. Suddenly looking like her usual tough-as-nails self and not the whimpering sister she’d been a moment ago, she finally nodded. “That’s a bold statement, but I like it. Just understand this. I don’t care how big you are. I will hunt your ass down if you ever break her heart.”

  “Never happening,” Leonardo said with a chuckle. “She’s who I’ll live for now”—he turned to Allison, reaching out his hand to her and she took it— “and forever. My Allison.”



  The familiar feel of a holding cell was something Leo hadn’t had to endure for more than a few minutes before a judge ordered he be released. The world now knew who the infamous man was on the viral video where DeMoss was pummeled to death. Orlando had been right. Most were hailing him a hero, demanding he not only be exonerated but honored. Of course, there were those who demanded justice and said no man had the right to take another one’s life. If Leo had it his way, he’d confront every one of them and ask what they’d do if they walked in on one of their loved ones being raped.

  As they waited for the trial, Leo got all the answers he needed from his mother and began getting acquainted with someone he already knew he’d be willing to kill for as well: his kid brother Byron.

  The night he’d been released, the guys insisted he stay somewhere safer where he wouldn’t be swarmed by paparazzi or possible eager do-gooders. They had just the place. Noah and his wife owned a place in the nicer side o
f Boyle Heights, a modest home in a quiet neighborhood that stayed mostly vacant except when they allowed someone to stay there. Like Leo’s mom’s home in Yuma, they kept it up, even though no one lived there. It’d been Noah’s wife’s childhood home, and she wanted to keep it in the family for as long as she could.

  They’d set up round-the-clock security, and now Leo and Allison along with his mother and brother would be staying there until the end of the trial. The night they got there after his bail was paid, Allison was there waiting along with his mother and Byron. His mother sat him down and attempted to explain everything to him. How she’d decided to make a run for it when she found out she was pregnant again with Rogelio’s baby. How she’d planned it along with Mrs. Calderon, who agreed to take Leonardo under her wing until his mother could come back for him.

  Only she couldn’t show her face until she wasn’t pregnant anymore. But then it was one thing after another that kept her away. When it wasn’t a threat to her, there was the possibility of making Leo a target if word ever got out that she was still alive.

  “I kept in touch with Mrs. Calderon up until she was too ill to talk to me,” his mom explained with tears in her eyes. “I never lost track of you, even when you moved to California. With Rogelio dead, I took the chance and relocated here. But there was always something. Always one danger or another why we couldn’t reunite just yet—”

  “Stop,” Leo said before she could go on. “You don’t have to tell me about the dangers. I’m glad you’re here now, but you’re right. I probably would’ve done to you what I tried to do to Allison in the beginning anyway. Pushed you away. After what happened to Kit, I vowed to never let anyone close again. I would’ve been terrified every day that something might happen to you because of me. It’s better this way. You don’t need to explain anymore. We’re together now, and that’s all that matters.”

  As the weeks went by, Leo got better acquainted with his mom and brother. Unbeknownst to Byron, his mother had enrolled him in martial arts at a very early age for his own safety. At fifteen, he was well on his way to becoming a black belt one day, and Leo was glad his mother had thought ahead. That’d be one less person he’d have to worry about protecting.

  Not only was Leo completely exonerated from any wrong doing, in the following weeks as the media covered the story, he’d become somewhat of a celebrity. Because of the changes in his life and the need for the extra money now, he agreed to fighting. His first few amateur fights were sold out with some in attendance having flown in from as far as the Philippines. It was no surprise to anyone that he was soon being challenged and offered to fight professional fighters.

  They sold the house in Yuma, and his mother used the money to purchase a modest home in one of the better neighborhoods in Los Angeles so she and Byron could stay close by and be a part of Leo and his new family’s life.

  Those plans he’d mentioned to Allison would be happening sooner than he thought. Since the professional fights would be paying a lot more than he’d anticipated, buying the building he and the guys had been eyeing to set up their shop was now doable. They’d continue to rent Noah’s house for now, but with the offers he’d already seen and sponsors lining up, Leo knew they’d only be there for a little longer before he’d set his soon-to-be expanding new family up in a bigger home.

  “What do you think?” Leo asked as he walked his pregnant girlfriend through the empty building. “It’s zoned for commercial use, which we’ll be using it for, but it’s perfect for the guys in the meantime until we get the business off the ground because there’s living quarters upstairs. Full kitchen and bathroom with a shower. The rooms are even on either side of the building in case Nine has anymore noisy sleepovers.”

  Allison laughed as if the memory suddenly hit her. The big back garage door slid open, making them both turn to look. Nine and Orlando walked in with the real estate agent, Jon.

  “Check it out,” Nine said with a big smile. “That alley back there is big enough for trucks to go through. We got ourselves a delivery entrance.”

  Jon began naming off more of the amenities, but Leo didn’t even have to hear them. He was already sold. “If we’re all in agreement,” Leo said, still glancing around and barely able to believe this place would be theirs soon. “I say put in an offer ASAP.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about!” Nine said, high-fiving both Leo and Orlando.

  Jon had them all sign his tablet so he could get things moving along and assured them he’d have a response from the seller in no later than forty-eight hours.

  Leo and Allison stuck around even after the guys had left. They’d all seen the entire place more than once now, but Leo wanted to show her around a bit more. He took her upstairs so she could see the living area Nine and Orlando would be living in. When they got to the kitchen area, he picked her up and set her on the counter, leaning his head against hers.

  “I got you something,” he whispered with a nervous smile.

  Her brows lifted in curiosity. “You did?”

  Leo nodded, reaching under the counter, and pulled out the long box. Allison took in the box then Leo with an even more curious smile. “What is it?”

  He had a feeling what she must be thinking; though she still smiled genuinely. In their many talks, she’d mentioned not being big on flowers. This box looked big and long enough to hold several dozen long-stemmed roses.

  “Open it.”

  She did eagerly then stopped and gasped when she pulled the lid off. Bringing her hand to her mouth, she looked up at him and laughed.

  Leo glanced down proudly at the bouquet of donuts in the box. “They’re all filled with raspberry jelly.”

  Allison lifted the bouquet, which actually held together. She bit into the top one, making that euphoric face that had Leo groaning in response. “Stop that,” he said, doing what he remembered wishing he could do that very first day he’d laid eyes on her.

  He licked the smidge of jelly off the corner of her lips. “Mmm,” he said, licking the rest of her lip then kissing her deeper, but pulled himself away before he could get carried away.

  She smiled big, looking down at her gift again. “Best bouquet ever,” she said, pecking him again. “Thank you. I love it. But what’s the occasion?”

  Leo cleared his throat a bit nervously. “Well, I know it’s old-fashioned, but I really want this kid’s parents to be married when he or she arrives.”

  Allison’s eyes opened wide as he nodded with a smile and pulled the ring out of his pocket. Her hands were over her face immediately, and her eyes flooded with tears.

  “You’re everything I never knew was missing in my life. I meant what I told your sister, Ali. You and this baby and however more you give me are all I’ll be living for from here on, and I can’t think of a single thing that would make my life more perfect, except”—he brought the ring up to her face so she could get a better look then lifted her hand— “you saying you’ll marry me.”

  She nodded but was apparently too choked up to respond.

  Leo slipped the ring onto her finger with a smile then kissed her softly. “Thank you for being so damn stubborn.” Allison laughed at that, still sniffling as he kissed her again and said, “Thank you for refusing to give up on us.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered back, staring deep in his eyes, “for letting me in.”

  Leo caressed her face gently with the back of his hand as she so often did to him. “You were in the moment I laid eyes on you. I just had no idea how impossible it would be to get you out.”

  “It’ll never happen now.” She nudged him in the gut with her hand playfully.

  Laughing at that, Leo let his head fall back. “God, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Beast.”

  Hearing the name had him lifting a brow and glancing down at her. “Haven’t heard you call me that in a while.”

  She tilted her head with a smirk, still dabbing the corners of her damp eyes. “Maybe you haven’t been very beastly

  He lifted her off the counter so fast she yelped then laughed. “Where we going?” she asked, holding on for dear life as he cradled her in his arms, already headed for the stairs.

  “Home, where I’ll have you screaming the name over and over.”

  Allison laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck. “This pregnancy is adding a lot of padding to these curves, you know.” Leo groaned, squeezing her tighter in his arms. “Are you ready for this jelly?”

  This time Leo laughed. “Ready for it? I fucking own it.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck even tighter, Allison laughed, kissing his cheek. “Yes,” she said, smiling big. “Yes, you do. Forever and ever.”

  The End

  Bonus sneak peek of the next story in the series


  There was no such thing as love at first sight. It was as illogical as Drew had always thought it. But clearly, there was such a thing as lust at first sight. The man was beautiful, even if only on the surface. Even Allison had told her enough about him that Drew knew better than to get any ideas about a guy like him. Doing so was a big fat no-no, even if she was single and able to do so.

  No matter how fun flirting with the bad boy had been, Drew had put an end to it, and it was the right thing to do. As innocent as it was, she was engaged now, and she’d begun to enjoy it a little too much. But she could do this. She could deal with being around him—a guy she’d begun to daydream about a little too much about—without any dire consequences.

  She opened her car door and stepped out in front of the shop, taking a deep breath. “Just walk in and ask for what you need then walk out,” she whispered to herself then added, “ASAP!”

  Praying he wouldn’t be there, she walked into the noisy greasy auto repair shop, looking around. Allison had told her they’d since picked up more employees, and Drew was suddenly full of hope that maybe none of the owners were there this late.