Read Beautiful Page 32

“Ms. Rodriquez,” Attorney Justis Wade began, “I realize things may have been a bit over whelming the last time we spoke. So I wanted to be sure that you completely understood what it is Mr. Baxwell is asking of you.”

  Tierra sat very still in a leather, Oxblood colored, Mahogany trimmed armed chair. The chair sat in front of Mr. Wade’s matching Mahogany desk. His office was on the top floor of an office building on the corner of Pleasant and Main Street in Northampton. She was nervous to say the least, and it showed as she began to twitch in her seat. Mr. Wade called her a few days earlier and asked her to come to his office and discuss the information Mr. Baxwell had revealed. When she woke up Tuesday morning, she put on her favorite outfit, a white, high-waist, Pencil skirt, with a turquoise petal sleeved scooped neck shirt. The Sterling Silver and Jade rosary beads her father gave her on her Quinceañera, hung around her neck for good luck. And, the matching silver and jade drop earrings dangled from her ears. Her ensemble was completed with a simple pair of white Ed Hardy pumps.

  She uncrossed and re-crossed her legs, right over left, left over right, as she adjusted her skirt. Brushing her hand over her tightly pulled back bun, her hand found and began to twist strands of hair she left dangling, for such a nervous moment as this.

  “Tierra, this would be the time for you to speak up if you think you can’t handle this. Mr. Baxwell has a lot of faith in you. He had many people to choose from, but he felt that from the day you came to the B.E. you were the answer to his prayers. That’s why he molded you.”

  “Do you think, his faith in me is correct? Or do you think he’s making a mistake. Maybe one of my male colleagues should handle this.”

  “Tierra, there is no changing Jonathan’s mind once he has it set. I’ll admit that when he first came to me with this some, three years ago, I was uncertain.”

  “Three years ago?!”

  “Did you not hear me? He had you pegged for this from the moment you arrived. I’ve watched you grow and evolve into a very powerful young woman. A CEO is defiantly inside of you Tierra, but you have to believe that.”

  “CEO? I thought I was just standing in until, the Acting CEO arrives?”

  Mr. Wade leaned back and picked up a white piece of paper off his desk. He scanned it for a moment, and then handed it to Tierra, pointing at a line near the bottom.

  “Read this.”

  ‘I, Jonathan Baxwell, creator and majority shareholder of Baxwell Enterprisez, to hereby enter into this contract of my own free will and in sound mind, with the advisement of legal staff. The below is offered free of will and without duress….,

  Affective upon signature, I Jonathan Baxwell, do hereby transfer temporary control of my 51% shares to, my MM&E director, Tierra Rodriquez. I grant her full access and control, the ability to make decisions as she deems necessary in my absence without the need of approval from myself….,

  In the unfortunate event of my death, I bequeath my shares and permanent control of B.E. to Tierra Rodriquez. As CEO she will have full control of my 51%, in addition to her 20%. I also grant full access and transference to all and any perks, liberties, memberships etc… that I currently own…

  Tierra sat quietly with the contract she signed a few days ago, dangling between her thumb and forefinger. How did she miss this? Somehow she heard a totally different conversation and signed a contract that effective immediately, made her acting CEO. She couldn’t believe what she was reading! As she read on, her face became void of emotion.

  “Ms. Rodriquez? Are you ok?”

  “Hmm, um,” she nodded barely.

  “Is there anything you’d like to ask me? Or anything you’re still confused about?”

  She lowered her head and silently prayed.

  ‘Father, I thank Mr. Baxwell for his faith in my abilities. For him seeing so much in me, when I didn’t know it existed. For his taking a chance on this woman, when I’m sure everyone around him told him he was crazy. Please Lord, grant him health, and strength. If it be your will please allow him to recover and my stay in his shoes be brief. If not please grant me the strength and wisdom to be the CEO he envisioned me being.’

  After which, she cleared her throat and lifted her head a brand new woman.

  “Actually there is something Mr. Wade,” she asked for a pen, stood up and walked over to his desk and made some notations on the contract before handing it over to him.

  “If these changes can be implemented, then tell Mr. Baxwell we have a deal. I know I already signed this, but as you know, I didn’t fully comprehend the logistics of what I was signing. Now that I do, I have but one request. I don’t think Mr. Baxwell will have a problem with it. We have spoken about this recently.”

  “Jonathan was right, you are a savvy businesswoman. I’m convinced now more than ever that he made the right choice. The changes you are requesting… I’m sure they won’t be a problem. I think you will do a magnificent job,”

  Tierra blushed at his compliment and turned away.

  Mr. Wade smiled, and paged his secretary.

  “Please retype this contract making the adjustments as noted here, here and here.”

  “Yes sir. Do you need this right back sir?”

  “Well, what would you like to do, Ms. Rodriquez? Technically you are in charge now.”

  “Could you get this back to me as soon as possible.”

  “Yes, Ms. Rodriquez, right away.”

  Settling into Surprise