Read Beautiful Page 52

“Open the door, Tierra Rodriquez! I know you’re in there,” Shireece yelled from the hallway, pounding on Tierra’s condo door.

  Tierra walked restlessly to her door. Just as she turned the lock, Shireece pushed her way in.

  “Just what is your problem? You are not answering my calls, not opening the door. I haven’t even seen you in the halls anymore, no one has. Tony said he’s only seen you maybe once in the past month.”

  “What, so you have the doorman spying on me now?” Tierra accused, walking to the kitchen.

  “Well, someone has to look out for you. Anyway that’s not why I am here. Where is your dress?”

  “What dress?”

  “What dress…Hello?” Shireece said, lifting her garment bag. “Did you really intend on not going to Vito’s Ball tonight. You know you can’t do that.”

  “I can do whatever I want,” she said, pointing at Shireece.

  “Oh hell no you can’t. Look it here lil miss thang. I don’t care what that idiot of a man did, but there is no way you are going to turn your back on your oldest friend in the world, on his biggest night.”


  “You heard me. Grow up! Get over it. You are not the first person to have a broken heart. Yeah ok, so your twenty eight, and just experiencing your first one, but so what? You have great friends that could have helped you get through it. But you won’t allow us to. Instead you’ve drowned yourself in self-pity, and liquor. NICE.”

  “Shireece, stop yelling at me! Damn!”

  “You know what? If you’re not there, I will never forgive you, NEVER! Neither will Vito and you know it,” she revealed before turning to walk out the door, slamming the door behind her.

  Tierra jumped at the sound of the door. What was Shireece so upset over? It had nothing to do with her. She was married to her first love. What did she possibly know about a broken heart? But she was right about Vito though, they had been friends longer than even she and Qu were. How could she not go?

  She walked down the hallway, stopping mid-way to look at her reflection in the mirror and was ashamed of herself. She was turning away those that only had her best interest at heart. Her mom and Abuela went back home just before all the drama went down, thank God. Other than the therapist though, she really hadn’t talked to anyone about it in the past month.

  Just then the phone rang.


  “Oh My Goodness, you do know how to answer a phone after all.” Vito said.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, whatever. All I know is you better be getting dressed for tonight.”

  “Vito, I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” she said hesitantly. “I know this is your first big event, but...”

  “Come on Ti, I really need all my friends there tonight. I won’t let you stay home. You have the outfit Qu sent you right? I’m sure you, Shi and Bridget went shopping, so you have choices. I’m sending a car around to get you in two hours. So get your ass in the shower and let’s go!” Vito demanded and then quickly hung up the phone before she could decline.

  “Vito, hello, VITO?” she looked at the receiver. “Damn it. Why did he do that? I know, I know, I have to go!” she said to herself in the mirror again. She dragged her feet across her hardwood floor into her bedroom and crossed over to her closet. She walked to the back of the closet and pulled out the white garment bag that contained the gown Qu and Beautiful had purchased for her. She also grabbed the one she bought on the shopping trip with Shireece and Bridget and laid them both across her bed.

  She retreated into the bathroom, touting all her necessities; her makeup bag, body scrub, lotion, etc, turned on the shower and stepped in hoping to get her mind right. Forty-five minutes later she stepped out the bathroom, her hair flat ironed, make-up simple yet stunning her body wrapped in her favorite turquoise bath towel. Tierra walked to her bed and looked back and forth between the two dresses, adjusting them, trying to choose her damage for the night. Though she really wasn’t in a damage causing mood, she had no choice but to keep with the tradition. The trio called their outfits’ damage, because they picked them according to how much of a scene they wanted to cause. Tierra had already tried the one on that she bought with her girl pack. It was gorgeous on her, but she never tried on the one Qu brought, so she opted to try it on.

  When she spun around in the mirror she knew she had a winner. The way it hugged her body was like someone stole her measurements and had it made especially for every one of her curves.

  “How did she know?”

  When the elevator doors opened on the lobby, the lobby floor, everyone paused. Tony the doorman stood quiet for the first time since he worked there. All eyes were on Tierra as she sashayed through the lobby towards the main door.

  “I hope this isn’t out of line, Ms. Rodriquez,” Tony began, “but you look, beyond gorgeous tonight!” he held open the door to the building, and then rushed ahead of Tierra to grab the limo door. He held her hand as she slid into the back.

  “Thank you, Tony. You are very sweet,” she smiled at him, as he closed the door.

  Time to Pay the Piper

  Anyone, and everyone, happened to be in attendance for the White Ball. Limos blocked traffic for almost a mile back. Police in cruisers and on horseback were everywhere. The ambience from the Renaissance could be scene from I-91. It was lit up like they were expecting the president or someone of great importance. There were searchlights flashing from the grounds, and mounds of hungry TV, newspaper and magazine reps, flashing pictures everywhere.

  Tierra was all appearances. Since this was the White Ball she would have gone all out and requested the White on White Excursion Limo, complete with a driver dressed in white, wearing white gloves and hat. Vito was on point, though. The interior of the limo was white and the Limo itself was white. It wasn’t an Excursion, but it was a stretch Lexus. Now how could that be wrong? No more watching the limo’s go by, now she could have whichever one she wanted when she wanted it.

  When the limo driver opened the door, the valet paused, stunned. He reached his hand out to Tierra to assist her out of the vehicle. Once she stepped out, paparazzi went crazy. The outfit Qu and Beautiful picked out was a shimmering liquid white dress with a high neck and deep plunging back line. It hugged her body to her hips then it flared out and draped onto the floor. It fit Tierra like it was made especially for her. Every curve on her perfectly toned body was caressed by the material. Her feet were adorned with a simple pair of matching white shimmering pumps. On her neck was a multi-strand long pearl necklace that was knotted in the middle. Matching dangling pearl earrings, a three row pearl bracelet with gold accents, a white and gold clutch and champagne colored faux fur wrap finished her ensemble. Her hair thankfully hadn’t begun to curl up in the night air and was still bone straight. Her light applied make-up was brilliant and allowed her cinnamon eyes to jump out at you, demanding you to take notice. She had just enough color in her lips to notice, and enough gloss to make them kissable.

  Tierra graciously smiled and waved at the photographers as she walked up the white rose petal lined pathway. Ahead of her was a grand staircase, which led to the main entrance. There were several attendants standing near the foot of the staircase to escort guests up the staircase. Tierra felt like Cinderella as she was escorted up and thought how Vito had really out done himself. When she reached the top of the staircase a young man opened the glass double doors and she was directed towards the host, who stood at a podium with a large staff in his hand. He banged the large wooden pole, twice against the marble floor and announced her arrival to the rest of those in attendance. Everyone stopped at the sound and looked in the direction of the stairs as Tierra started down them, escorted by yet another young and handsome attendant. ‘This is too much,’ she thought to herself looking around the room.

  “Girl, you’ve out done yourself this time!” Bridget said, hugging Tierra with one hand while holding a glass of champagne in the other.

  “Talk about me, I
think you’re going to give me a run for my money this time,” she replied in reference to Bridget’s apparel. Bridget was wearing a white strapless gown. Hers had a deep dip in the front that curved down and around her waist and down to her right thigh. Rhinestones on a shimmering thread crisscrossed the sheer material that covered the opening. She wore matching white, pink, and yellow, five-inch open toed strapped heels on her feet. Around her neck was a thick diamond choker with a large pink heart shaped stone in the middle of it. Pink heart earrings dangled from her ears and the only ring she wore ever, was her 10-carat wedding ring set.

  “Girl, you need a personal body guard. You’re like a million dollars walking around in here,” Tierra said, especially admiring Bridget’s choker.

  “Please, this is Markis we’re talking about. You know he has some of his people in here. I never know who they are,” Bridget said, scanning the crowd.

  “Mr. & Mrs. Sean Willis,” announced the host from the top of the staircase.

  Sean, with the most debonair smile on his face, proudly escorted his wife Shireece, who by the way was dressed captivatingly beautiful, down the staircase. He gritted his teeth, as several men brazenly locked eyes on her as they stopped dead in their tracks at the sight of her. His smile was from ear to ear as they reached the main floor and were greeted by several of his business associates.

  After some introductions of Shireece, Sean was waved over by his employer Mr. Markis. With a small crowd gathered around Mr. Markis sensed his wife reluctance to be put on display and he escorted her over to her best friends.

  “Gurrrl, that dress looks amazing on her,” Tierra and Bridget simultaneously uttered, as the Willis duo walked their way.

  “Ladies…” Sean addressed them, “you all look lovely tonight.”

  “Thank you. You clean up well, too,” Tierra said as she walked around Sean, brushing off his lapel.

  “I know, doesn’t he?” Shireece replied, kissing Sean on the cheek before he walked off.

  “Wait Sean, I need to say something before you leave, ok?” Tierra said, grabbing him by the arm.

  “Listen, I think I speak for everyone here when I say we love you Tierra Rodriquez and there is nothing you need to say. We understand. We’ve all been down that road before. We gave you your space and never gave your spot on the team away.”

  “Tierra, you are our girl, no matter what goes down. We blood without being blood, so don’t even go there, ok,” Shireece said with a wink.

  “Thanks, OK? I’m really sorry I was such a jerk and…”

  “Ok, ok enough of all this!” Sean insisted. “I’m not driving anyone back home to fix no faces or change their clothes, so just stop that emotional stuff right now Tierra.”

  She smiled, and the group shared a quiet hug before Sean walked off to join Mr. Markis and allow the ladies their private time.

  “Girl, you look terrific; that dress was the best pick after all!” Bridget said, looking her up and down before giving the thumbs up.

  “I really didn’t think I could pull it off. You know this style is a big change for me, but when I saw Sean’s face… you should have seen him when I got out the limo. I made him ride with Qu and I took our Limo, solo. When the driver opened the door and Sean came over to help me, his mouth dropped. He just stood there for like 5 minutes speechless,” Shireece said, beaming like a Christmas tree light. Shireece was usually the most modestly dressed of the trio. Tonight though she wore a short mini, white spaghetti strapped dress with a sequined bodice. The dress was so unlike her, it was no doubt the reason Sean was speechless. Shireece never, ever wore a dress that was above her knees. This dress stopped mid-thigh.

  “So you ready to do this?” Bridget said quietly, poking Shireece’s side.

  “Heck yeah! I’ve come this far, no turning back now.”

  “Ready to do what? What’s going on you two?” Tierra asked looking at the two ladies knowing something was up.

  “You’ll see,” they said, smiling mischievously.

  “Uh huh, I don’t think I like what I’m seeing here. You two are up to something. I know it better not be no hook up. I’m not even playing.”

  The trio laughed, remembering the last time they tried to surprise Tierra with a hook up.

  They all mingled and made their usual business rounds. Shireece, stuck to Bridget’s coat tails tonight for reasons unknown to Tierra. Though Tierra, noticed and it consumed her. The only thing that seemed able to break her mind from wondering what her friends were up to, was her mind going back to Shireece’s story and where she said Sean arrived with Qu. That meant Qu was in the building somewhere.

  “Excuse me, Gentlemen,” she said. “There is someone I have to talk to.”

  She noticed Vito, standing across the room at the bar and wanted to thank him for his extra special invite. More importantly she wanted to thank him for insisting she come out tonight.

  “Vito?” she placed her hand on his shoulder.

  “Damn baby girl! Look at you,” he said, taking her by the hand and spinning her around. “If I would have known the girl next door would have been you,” he sang, reminiscent of the Music Soulchild song.

  “You crazy, V. How’s business? What’s been going on?”

  “Well look around, business is great. I successfully pulled off ViFlaas’ first annual White Ball. I’m so pleased with this great turn out. I mean all the heavy hitters are here. But, where are my manners, how are you?” he licked his lips as he asked that last line.

  “I’m better, thanks for asking.”

  “Wait till Qu gets a look at you!” he was smiling hard, while rubbing his hands together, and bobbing his head up and down. “Yup, just wait till he sees you.”

  “What does that mean? He’s coming out? Is he up for something this big so soon?”

  “Qu is a grown-ass man. If he wants to come, I am not going to try to stop him. You know how he gets if you try to tell him what to do. He’s part of ViFlaa now; he said it’s his duty to be here. I told him I’d be fine. It’s just a party, no big speeches, but he said he’d be here,” he lied, not mentioning how he begged Qu’ to try and get well enough to make it tonight. He also didn’t mention the plan Qu had in motion for tonight. Vito shook hands with several artists as they walked by them, before continuing. “Besides, it’s been like a month, Ti. How long you think the man needs to be incognito?”

  Before she was able to answer his question, Bridget came up behind her and placed her hands on her shoulders. “Vito, can I borrow Ti please? They’re seating us.”

  “No problem. I’ve got to go and take care of a few things anyway. Talk to you later sexy,” Vito kissed Ti on the cheek before walking down the hall.

  “By the way,” he yelled, “thank you for coming!”

  “Come on. We are all seated together,” Bridget said, leading Tierra to a table close to the front of the Banquet room.

  The Banquet hall area was decorated elegantly, with white linen tablecloths, matching white chair covers and cloth napkins. Each table had all kinds of white flowers in huge gold tinted vases as centerpieces. Tierra looked around the room, and noticed lights strung up all over the ceiling that added to the intimate feel of the room. All the staff members were dressed in black, which made them stand out from the guests. Each place setting had a white card lined in 24K Gold with your name written in gold and the words “ViFlaa Entertainment” in red across the bottom. An extra card with the word RESERVED written on it was at several tables near the front. There was one on the table Bridget led Tierra over to. Guest of Honor, instead of a name was at the place setting Bridget sat Ti down to.

  “What’s this?” she asked, picking up the card.

  “You’ll see. Sit down. They’re beginning.”

  Tierra scanned the table for a visual sign from those seated as to what was going on, but all eyes were on the stage. No one was giving up any info. There was an empty seat which she assumed was for Qu and again she scanned the room again for him, but he too w
as nowhere to be found. She sighed lightly with relief and joined the rest of her tablemates and focused her attention on the stage.

  Welcome to the White Ball