Read Beautiful Broken Promises Page 28

“Hey!” Audrey called out. She walked into my view and held out her arms for Braden. “It’s the big day, huh?”

  “Yeah! That’s my name, Aunt Audrey. It’s gonna be there for-ev-er!” I loved how he had enunciated that last word.

  “That’s right, you’re stuck with me for the rest of your life, bud,” I said.

  “Hey doll, guess what?” Braden asked. The whole room burst into laughter. Braden had taken to using my nickname for her a few months ago and it still made us all laugh.

  “What, love?” Audrey responded.

  “Mama and I get new last names now! I get to be Braden Parker!” he cried.

  Braden really had opened up and was becoming quite outgoing, just like his sister. Who, by the way, was currently cuddled up in Jaxon’s arms. Those two had built a pretty solid bond and anytime they were both in the same room, she suckered him into holding her until I would finally have to go steal my daughter back.

  “That’s right, buddy, you’re mom is finally admitting who she belongs to.” I eyed Raegan playfully and tried to tamp down my libido. When Raegan and I had said our vows, she decided not to take my last name until Braden could officially have it as well. I couldn’t argue with the idea of not leaving Braden behind, but I also couldn’t help the caveman inside of me that wanted his woman to be branded with his last name. When I thought about her being Raegan Parker, I needed to rip her clothes off and christen the marriage all over again.

  “I think the tattoo around her ring finger pretty much covered that for you,” Audrey chuckled.

  I looked down at the ink around my own ring finger and smiled. I’d proposed to Raegan less than a week after we left the hotel, but I didn’t have a ring ready because I wanted her to pick it out.

  She hadn’t had any freedom to make choices for herself during the years that she was gone. So every chance I got, I wanted her to be able to have the option to make her own choices. I remember frowning when she told me she didn’t want a ring because she would more than likely lose it.

  What she did ask for made me smile like crazy though. She wanted to be branded. I jumped at the opportunity to do the same for her. Wrapped around our left ring fingers were the words, I Promise.

  She didn’t have enough skin on her body for me to mark all of the promises I had made to her. All the promises I would keep. And if for some reason someone forced me to break those promises, Raegan knew that I would fight like hell—I would take on the world, if need be—to keep my family safe and happy. They were my everything.

  “…build sand castles, and go swimming, and eat cake, and go sporkeling,” I heard Kate chatting Jaxon’s ear off.

  “You mean snorkeling?” he laughed. She nodded her head and he said, “I can’t wait!”

  James patted my back and mumbled, “Finished.” He turned toward his black bag and began efficiently packing everything away. “Keep it covered from the sun, out of the water, away from sand, blah, blah, blah. I doubt you’ll listen to anything I’m telling you, so more than likely I’ll see you in a month for a re-do.” He shrugged. I had a feeling he didn’t care because that was more money for him.

  “Thanks, man,” I laughed.

  “Is everyone packed?” Raegan asked the group.

  “Oh, keep rubbing it my face!” Quinn’s annoyed voice called out. I found her leaning against Cole’s chest and he chuckled at her discomfort. His hands reached forward and rubbed her bulging belly. “Y’all really should have told me eight months ago you were planning on going on an awesome trip together… before I had unprotected sex with this guy.” She pointed back to her husband.

  “Hey, this is my son you’re complaining about,” Cole scolded, kneeling down to kiss her belly. “She doesn’t mean it, buddy,” he whispered.

  Every once in a while, I thought about what Raegan would look like with a belly like that. I couldn’t even imagine knowing that I had filled her with that growing life, but then I got worried because I already had a daughter and a son. How would I love another one as much as I loved those two? Surprisingly, Raegan had been putting these ideas in my head of maybe having a baby in the future. I think Kate and Braden were breaking her down for a little brother or sister. I wanted whatever Raegan wanted, but that didn’t mean it didn’t scare me any less. For now, I’d enjoy the perfection that is my family.

  “Hey, this is our family vacation,” Raegan chided. “Everyone else is just tagging along.”

  She may try to act cool in front of me and everyone else, but she was just as excited for this trip as I was. We had also more than welcomed our friends to join along. More babysitters meant more alone time with Raegan. We had been waiting a long time for this trip. The legal costs for Kate and Braden’s adoptions were pretty outrageous, and therefore we hadn’t been able to take a family trip like I’d originally planned last fall.

  Now, summer was in full swing, we had a resort booked in the middle of the Caribbean, and for six whole days we would be carefree and living the island life. No work. No school. No responsibilities. I could play with the kids all day and then play with Raegan all night. My kind of heaven.

  “Babe,” I heard Rae call out from down the hall.

  “Yeah?” I asked, while crouching down so Braden could get a closer inspection of my new ink.

  “I need your help for a second,” she hollered back.

  “You like it, buddy?” I asked Braden before standing fully upright.

  “It’s awesome, dad.”

  “It’s all for you, bud. You know I love you, right?” He nodded his head and repeated the sentiment back to me before he ran off to play with Kate.

  I padded on bare feet down the hallway and found Rae in the laundry room, tossing a few extra clothes into our suitcases. Her back was to the door, so I walked up behind her and slipped my hands around her waist.

  “I can’t wait to see you sprawled out on a beach chair with the sun kissing your gorgeous skin,” I whispered into her neck.

  “Lane…” she moaned. “I think you’re more excited than the kids.”

  “That’s probably true,” I chuckled. “Come on! It’s our first family vacation… this is epic!”

  “You’re adorable,” she giggled. “Okay, let me have my turn at looking at it. Turn around, please.”

  I spun around and once again crouched, so she could see the back of my neck. Her finger grazed around the gauze-covered tattooed skin, not touching the new ink but getting close enough that I could feel her appreciation.

  “I love it,” she whispered.

  “Baby, I love you guys so much.”

  “Hey, guess what?” Her tone changed so quickly that my eyebrow automatically cocked in question. “I accidently overheard Jaxon and Em talking earlier.”

  “You were eavesdropping?” I laughed.

  “I didn’t mean to! But guess what? He asked her if she packed her birth control for the trip.” I had an idea where this was going. “And she said no!” she whisper-shouted in excitement. Raegan had recently jumped on the get-Em-pregnant train with Audrey and Quinn. Girls were funny creatures.

  “We knew it was coming, babe.” I smiled at her excitement, even though I’d known it wouldn’t be too much longer. Ever since Jaxon had laid into Adam that day in the parking lot about how he would worship the ground Em walked on if she were carrying his child, he had become more and more open to the idea of kids. I actually wondered if he wasn’t the one now trying to convince Em they were ready, but I wouldn’t tell Raegan that.

  I dipped down to take her lips against mine. The soft plump of her lower lip pushed in and I gently grazed my teeth across it. She whimpered as my hands pulled her in closer to my body.

  I pulled back and said, “This past year, babe, it’s been the best year of my life.”

  “It’s been a pretty good one,” she replied casually. I tickled her for that and she shrieked, but I didn’t let up until she breathlessly said, “Okay, okay! Best... Year… Ever!”

  “Damn straight.” I gently nipped at h
er lip. “Can we please leave now and try to catch an early flight?”

  “No, Lane!” she laughed. “Do you have any idea how hard it would be to change tickets for eight adults and three kids? Impossible. You’ll just have to be patient,” she chided.

  “We can meet everyone else there. I mean, just the four of us go early.”

  “You’re as bad as a little kid waiting to go to Disney World.”

  I smirked. “You in a bikini for six glorious days is my Disney World, babe.”

  “Get out of here and let me finish our packing.” She shoved me toward the door with a grin on her face. As I was heading down the hall, she poked her head out and shouted, “Oh, and put your shirt back on! I don’t need Em ogling your body anymore.”

  I laughed and Em shouted, “You can’t keep him clothed this entire trip, my dear friend. I’ll get my eye-candy, don’t you worry.” She winked at me and Jaxon rolled his eyes.

  I slipped a gray tank over my head, one that dipped down enough around the neck not to rub my tattoo. I plopped down on my couch and watched my front door open again as Charlie walked in with Jace’s secretary, Josephine. Raegan and I apparently had an open-door policy in this house, since no one seemed to care to knock anymore.

  “Charlie!” Kate shouted. “You’re going to the beach, too?”

  “Sure am, babe.” He lifted his suitcase to show her the evidence.

  Charlie still worked for the force up in New York, but he seemed to be venturing down south more and more these days. I invited him and Mateo along on our vacation because I wanted to thank both of them. Those two guys were crucial, not only in my mission to find Kate, but in helping me maintain my sanity. Charlie was on the case every second he could, always keeping me up-to-date when he received new information. He became my eyes and ears, and I would never be able to thank him enough.

  Mateo had helped me navigate the underground fight clubs, and he played a critical role in helping me keeping tabs on Flores. Even though I wasn’t able to bring Kate back on my own—I had Rae to thank for that—Mateo had been there every step of the way, willing to assist me at the drop of a dime.

  Unfortunately, he had to decline our invite since he was already on another case, helping to try and bring another family back together. The guy was good to the core. He did, however, accept my gift of a pricey bottle of whiskey and said that maybe he would be able to catch us on our next trip.

  Recently, Charlie had taken a liking to Jace’s secretary, who he met a few months ago when he came down to see us. Josephine was tagging along on the trip as well. Charlie said it was just so that he wouldn’t be the odd man out in a group of couples, but the way they were holding hands and giving each other lovey-dovey eyes told me it was probably a little more than that.

  “Yeah Kate, Charlie’s gonna babysit you and Braden every night so I can take Mama out,” I bellowed.

  Charlie shot me a glare and quickly turned his charming smile back to my daughter. “I’d never pass up an opportunity to hang out with you, little lady.”

  Raegan finally made her way back into the living room and sat down on the couch next to me. Her head rested on my chest and I brushed my fingers through her long, silky hair. Everyone else eventually wandered into the living room, finding a spot wherever they could. Braden sat down on my leg and Kate crawled up onto Raegan’s lap.

  This was my family. Everyone in this room I happily called my family. We didn’t have the same blood running through our veins, but that didn’t mean we loved each other any less. Each one of us would go to the ends of the Earth for one another. This was the life I had always wanted for my future family. I never knew it was possible for a group of people to mesh together in the most randomly wonderful way, but I loved them all.

  Especially the three squeezed in around me. The little boy in my lap that exuded the same fierce sense of protectiveness for his family that I did. The little girl that could bring us all to tears with laughter on a daily basis. And the beautiful woman next to me that radiated strength, determination, and the deepest love I had ever felt. They were the ones I would fight for every day.

  A little over a year ago, I was wallowing in my own misery. I was told it was time to finally move on, that what I wanted just may not be obtainable anymore. But life was a funny bastard. Sometimes it gave you what you always wanted, and then it liked to throw in a little extra you never knew you needed. Call me greedy, but I wanted it all. And I’d be damned if it was going to take it from me again.

  - Acknowledgements –

  From the bottom of my heart, a huge thank you goes out to my editor, S.G. Thomas! You answer my late night emails, you are so dang picky and keep me on my toes. You clean up my grammar and make sure I don’t switch to some weird tense. You are definitely a ball-buster. It should go on your business card! You are one-of-a-kind, and I’m so glad we found each other through Beautiful Broken Rules. You make my story stronger and you understand my characters almost as much as I do. Please don’t ever leave me!

  To my writing group, AS101, I am extremely grateful for your endless help. Especially, Brooke Cumberland who without a doubt is probably the nicest person I have never actually met. You never stop helping and I just hope that we can all return the favor in some way.

  To all the blogs that send messages and support my books, a million thank you’s would never be enough.

  And to of course, my husband. You do it all and then some. Every girl deserves a guy like you in their life.

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  Other novels by Kimberly Lauren:

  Beautiful Broken Rules

  Beautiful Broken Mess

  Excerpt from: BEAUTIFUL BROKEN RULES by Kimberly Lauren

  Available Now

  Chapter One

  First Impressions

  One thing I know for sure and have come to terms with–I’m the school slut. I hate that word; but sometimes it is what it is, or in my situation, I am what I am. I like guys, all kinds of them and lots of them. College has been the perfect setting for being able to meet so many. Since I have no desire for a relationship whatsoever, I sleep around. Sleeping with one guy consistently is too permanent. It builds a façade that I want more than I actually do. I definitely don’t want one guy sticking around me on any kind of consistent basis. I would be a terrible girlfriend anyway.

  Don’t get me wrong; I’m not one of those girls that just go around sleeping with any guy, with no care to anyone’s feelings. I have three rules: never sleep with someone that a friend has feelings for, never sleep with someone who is in a known relationship (when this isn't disclosed to me, it is not my fault), and finally, never sleep with someone more than three times. I had to add that last one after Devon Ryan. Man, it was a shame too, because he was fantastic in bed and we got along really well. When we were dangerously close to relationship territory after four nights together, I added rule number three. He wasn’t happy about it, but I wasn’t a girlfriend to anyone. This way, if I come across someone that knows what he is doing, I can stick around long enough to enjoy, but not long enough for them to become attached.

  These rules have helped me avoid becoming one of the most hated girls on campus. I don’t sleep with anyone’s boyfriends and I try my hardest not to sleep with any of my friend’s ex-boyfriends as well, but sometimes that’s unavoidable. Nevertheless, I can’t please them all. I’m very open about who I am, I don’t pretend not to sleep with guys and I don’t deny when I have done just that.

  I’ve accepted who I am. The girl who will never become serious about anyone, who will enjoy life, have fun with guys along the way and never get her heart broken. The one thing other girls count on me for is to never lock one guy down, because they know that sooner or later that I’ll move o
n to the next one.

  That’s why I hope Sophia will understand when she finds out that I slept with Micah last night that I don’t plan on actually keeping him. I had no idea that she’s been hoping he will ask her out until Quinn texted me this morning with a code red.

  Quinn: FYI Soph was gushing this morning about Micah at the gym.

  Well, shit. This was news to me. Last I heard, she was interested in Mason Lee. This is why rule number one gets broken more often than not; girls can never make up their damn minds!

  When the text alert for my phone had gone off this morning, I rolled over to grab it, only to be hit by the solid chest that belonged to Micah Woods. He was snoring in my face with whiskey still heavy on his breath. Last night was Sigma Alpha’s first get-to-know-the-fraternity night of Rush Week. I love when a new school year starts; it brings in a bunch of new guys. Micah is in Sig Alpha and lives in the house. I usually try not to stay the night at any of the Greek houses because I hate waking up in them. The next morning, the magic of the party has worn off and all you’re left with is beer cans, vomit and a guy asleep in the bathtub. For some reason, there is always a guy asleep in the bathtub; I can never understand how they got themselves there.

  This morning was definitely a sign that I should never stay the night again. I have no idea where my clothes are and it seems like all of Micah’s clothes are disgustingly dirty in piles on his floor. I sent Quinn a text to see if she had any idea where my clothes may be and she told me to check down by the pool. So apparently, I had been in the pool last night. I guess that would explain why I was only wearing a bra and panties. It was actually Quinn’s bra and my panties. I’m guessing we thought it would be a brilliant idea to switch last night. Not so brilliant now, seeing as Quinn is two-cup sizes smaller and I’m having a hard time keeping it all in. I grabbed my phone and my purse; thankfully, I had enough insight to bring that upstairs with me last night, and quietly walked toward the door. Before I could reach the doorknob, I stepped on a beer bottle cap and yelped. Micah sat straight up in a huff from under the covers.