Read Beautiful Broken Rules Page 6

  After spending the next couple of hours lounging in Jaxon’s bed, I finally got up when I knew Quinn would be home. As I was walking out of Jaxon’s bedroom in one of his long t-shirts, Jace came out of his bedroom across the hall at the same time.

  I froze and pointed behind me at the bedroom, “Jaxon… was here. Earlier. But he had… to leave,” I sounded like a child getting caught with my hand in the cookie jar. Why was I nervous about Jace seeing me leave his brother’s room, it’s not like I’d run into his mom?

  He burst out laughing at my appearance. “You’re so cute, Em. Don’t worry, I’ve been waiting for this to happen. Maybe now he’ll shut up about you.”

  “Alright, well thanks… I’ll see you tonight?” When he nodded his head, I said, “Tell him I’ll give him his shirt back later.”

  When we walked into the house party that night we heard chanting coming from the kitchen in the back. The house was already packed bodies-to-bodies and they were all heavily intoxicated. The music was so loud that I could feel the beat in my chest to the rhythm of the music. Jaxon and Jace made a barrier to help us squeeze through the crowd while Cole stayed in the back to make sure no one pushed us from behind. I never hold hands with anybody, it’s just an unspoken rule of mine. But when Jaxon grabbed mine as we walked into the house and wouldn’t let me go, it didn’t take long for me to stop fighting him. For some reason, it felt nice to have his big strong hand wrapped around mine. These guys were way too protective of us though. Quinn and I had gone to plenty of parties on our own and survived.

  When we walked in, there were guys lining up shots in front of Garrett. Apparently, it was his birthday and he needed to finish off his celebratory birthday shots. When he was done, I reached in-between the guys and grabbed five shot glasses and the bottle of tequila.

  “Come on, Garrett, do another birthday shot with us!” I shouted.

  Quinn and I were both leaning up against the bar while the guys stood behind us. I felt Jaxon’s fingertips touch the skin under my shirt around my waist. I moved just an inch backward to lean into him a little bit more. When he didn’t move forward any, I leaned over the counter so my backside would move up against his groin. The instant I touched him, he shot forward over me and groaned. Quinn shot him a dirty look thinking that he had just crashed into me.

  “Someone shoved me,” he said pointing behind him.

  He sat up a little straighter, not moving away from touching me though. I tried holding it in, but I couldn’t stop laughing at the scared expression he gave Quinn, and he pinched me in the side. It only made me laugh harder. By this point, Garrett had lined up a row of shots for everyone around him.

  “I’m only doing this for you, Em, because I’m already fucking hammered! Also because I owe you one for throwing your clothes in a tree, although I heard some guys got a pretty good wakeup call that morning.” He winked and my mouth dropped open.

  “YOU DID THAT?” I yelled.

  When he nodded his head, Jaxon reached past me, and high-fived Garrett in the air. “Thanks man, that was the best damn morning of my life!” he boomed over the crowd.

  Everyone around us starting laughing and I elbowed Jaxon in the ribs behind me, with a “oomph” he leaned forward into my ear, “What? I can’t help but thank the guy.”

  “Okay, get ready boys!” Micah interrupted by yelling. “And ladies.” He smiled at Quinn and me.

  “Hold up, I think Jax needs to do the toast, he was always good at those in high school,” Cole shouted above the noise. Jace started laughing like he knew exactly what Cole was talking about.

  “Alright, hold’em up high!” Jaxon shouted in a heavier southern accent than he normally had. I melted against him further when I heard that. Suddenly, I felt him lean forward across me. His solid chest smashed up against my back. For a second, I remembered what it felt like to run my hands across that wide bare chest and I lost my breath. He was damn sexy and now that I knew what he was capable of, I was seconds away from pulling him across this bar top and making a scene for everyone around us. I felt his mouth next to my ear.

  “Don’t get offended at me for this,” he whispered, then his warmth disappeared and I whimpered at the loss. The hand not holding the shot glass came around my hips and squeezed me in close to let me know he heard that.

  “Here’s to honor. Get on her. Stay on her. If you fall off. Get back on her. If you can’t cum in her. Cum on her! Happy Birthday Man!” Jaxon shouted in his deep voice.

  Everyone was laughing so hard they couldn’t take their shots at first. When they finally calmed down enough, I watched as all of their heads rocked backward and they poured the tequila down. Cole pulled Quinn to the dance floor immediately afterward and Jace found a small pretty brunette that he could dance with.

  “You didn’t take yours. You didn’t like the toast?”

  I spun around to face Jaxon. He was still right up against me so we were almost touching when I turned. He had a sexy smirk at the corner of lips. How is it fair to all other men in the world for Jaxon to have so many sexy qualities? I didn’t even want to start thinking about the fact that he had an identical version of him twenty feet away from us.

  “The toast was great. I just wanted to take mine with you,” I replied, smiling.

  The seduction in his eyes was inebriating; I could get drunk on that look alone, forget the tequila. I lifted my glass to him and he grabbed my waist roughly. I kept my eyes on him the entire time. When I got an idea, I lowered the shot and he gave me a confused expression. I rotated slightly not letting his hands slip from around me.

  “Hey, Gar, do you have lime and salt?” He nodded as he slid it across the counter.

  Jaxon raised an enquiring eyebrow at me. “I shoot cheap tequila with lime and salt,” I replied to his unspoken question.

  I reached up and tugged the collar of his shirt over and his mouth opened slightly. I grabbed the lime and slowly dabbed it on his collarbone. Still looking into his eyes, I sprinkled salt across the wet area on his skin. I heard his breath suck in past his teeth when I moved my mouth to hover over him. He was so much taller than I was that I had to stand on my toes while he leaned down some for my mouth to reach. My tongue slowly swiped across his skin and I could taste the mixture of the salt and him together. I let my lips glide across his collarbone in a leisurely kiss. When I pulled back, his eyes were closed. When they finally opened again, they were clouded with desire. I lifted my glass back up and slowly brought it to my mouth. I raised my eyebrow at him. He pulled my hips sharply up against him and I could feel his sexual need growing, the feeling made me moan.

  “Bottoms up, Beautiful,” his whisper sounded raspy and thick.

  Our faces were so close to each other now I could barely fit the shot glass between us. I leaned back my head and let the liquid slowly flow into my mouth. When the glass was empty, I opened my throat and let it coarse and burn on its way down. I brought my face back to his and bit into the lime.

  “You’re hot as hell, babe. I’d kill to have you in my bed every night.” He leaned down to trail kisses and his tongue down the curve of my neck.

  I leaned in and let his delicious torture continue. “Sorry, that can’t happen, but I’ll unquestionably enjoy a couple more times with you.”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the dance floor with the rest of our friends. He made me laugh all night long and he didn’t try to push the topic of a relationship anymore.

  Chapter Five

  He’s Different

  I hadn’t seen Jaxon since we got home from the party last night. They were all gone when I woke up the next morning. I don’t know why, but I hadn’t told Quinn yet that Jaxon and I slept together. I’m pretty sure that I didn’t want Cole to know yet and Quinn seriously can’t keep her mouth shut around him. I knew that he was worried about any future mishaps between Jaxon and me. I just wanted to reassure him myself that wouldn’t happen, before everyone else told him.

  I don’t have classes on Fr
idays, so I usually try to pick up an early shift at the bar, especially during football season. Ed didn’t need me to come and fill in today, so I stayed home and cleaned up the apartment up. I did both Quinn’s and my laundry. Being the awesome sister that I am, I even folded and put both of ours all away. I scrubbed down the countertops and mopped up the kitchen. By lunchtime, I was incredibly bored. It had been a long time since I’d had nothing to do. Even Quinn was gone, tutoring until later in the afternoon.

  I was going stir-crazy staying in this place alone. I decided to get out and jog. My dad was a runner; I can remember when he used to wake up early before work every morning to go for a run. If for some reason he wasn’t able to get a run in the morning, he would come home and run before dinner. I didn’t like to wake up early, but if I could, I would run with him in the afternoons. Quinn and Ellie used to look at me like I was crazy to want to go running in the afternoon heat. For me, running was relaxing. There’s a point where you don’t notice the heat (or the cold) and you just hit this runner’s high. Besides, I hated the gym, so I needed to get my exercise somewhere.

  It took me a long time to start running again after he died. Ellie noticed that I had stopped, and she tried numerous times to get me out. She even attempted to go with me. I adored her for it, but I just hadn’t been ready. Recently I’ve been able to get out a couple of times a week again.

  After my second time, getting back out, Quinn went and bought me all new name brand running gear to celebrate. She got me tons of running boy shorts and matching sports bras. I told her it was unnecessary, but once again, she hated when I “slummed” it, and she wanted me to look good, even while profusely sweating apparently. I don’t try to argue with her, there’s no point. Once she bought all this for me, she went and threw away all my old sweats while I was in class.

  I left the apartment and ran past the university and toward the beach. Running across sand was a lot harder than concrete. For me, dry sand is the hardest because my feet sink down into it with each stride, but it’s a good workout. By the time I ran all the way down to the water, I had gotten about four miles under my belt. I was way too tired to turn around and run back already, so I decided to lie down in the sand and soak in some Vitamin D.

  I laid back and closed my eyes. I’m not sure how long I dozed there until I realized the sun wasn’t on me anymore and I’d lost my warmth. I slowly opened my eyes to adjust to the light, and saw Cole standing over me looking down and blocking the rays.

  “Hey, Ems, you should have told me you were running, we could have gone together,” he said while sitting down. He sat right down next to me and threw his sweaty arm around my shoulder. Good thing I was already sweaty myself or I would have been thoroughly grossed out.

  “You know I don’t like running with you, Cole, you push too hard for me.” I nudged him while smiling. I think I’d gone running with Cole twice and both times he left me panting and heaving for air in the dust. We continued to stare out into the water, just sitting there together.

  Eventually he sighed and said, “Why’d you sleep with him, Em?” he spoke in a whisper, almost like he didn’t want me to hear his question.

  “He told you?” I gasped. I knew it wasn’t going to be a secret but I didn’t think he would go off telling the guys so soon. I shouldn’t have been surprised though; guys were all the same.

  “No, don’t worry, he didn’t. He’s not the kiss and tell type. But he didn’t have to. I know him, Em; I’ve known him my whole life. I knew something was up with y’all last night when we were at the party. I didn’t ask him about it, but you just confirmed it for me.” He frustratingly ran his fingers through his sweaty brown hair. “Fuck, Em, you’re going to ruin everything. If y’all fight or he upsets you, Quinn will take your side, and she’ll leave if it upsets you too much. I know she will.”

  I turned around and moved to kneel in between his outstretched legs, facing him. He had a sad look on his face. I was absolutely sure this had more to do with Quinn possibly not living next door to him and less to do with Jaxon and I potentially fighting. As one of his best friends, all I wanted to do was make him happy again.

  “Jaxon and I are adults. He knows about me, and knows about my rules. He knew all of this, weeks before. He knows I don’t plan on being his or anyone else’s wife or girlfriend, for that matter. This is all for fun,” I said raising my hands in the air.

  “Ems, do you truly believe that. Do you really think you’re never going to marry anybody?” he asked.


  He sighed. “You really should let someone in some day.”

  I needed to stop where this was going. I grabbed his face and looked into his hazel eyes. “The point is Jaxon and I are fine. We aren’t fighting, no one’s moving away. Are you kidding me, we begged you for two years to move in next to us. We aren’t going anywhere now that we’ve finally got you.” I laughed and smiled, happy when he laughed along with me.

  We were interrupted by a familiar voice. “Dude, what the hell, I thought we were meeting up at the lifeguard stand?” Jaxon was standing above us, looking down at me but talking to Cole. He frowned at my position in front of Cole and I slowly moved my hands down from his face. I hated that I felt awkward about my close friendship with Cole in front of him. I moved back to sit next to Cole’s side again.

  “Chill out, asshole, I came across Sleeping Beauty here, and stopped to talk,” Cole responded while swatting at Jaxon’s legs.

  I shoved at him and said, “I wasn’t sleeping, I was just enjoying the sun.”

  Jaxon gave me an angry, confused look. “Sleeping? Emerson, you can’t sleep on the beach out here alone.” His voice was hard as he sat down next to me with his legs stretching out in front of him.

  “Don’t worry. Next time I feel the urge to sleep on the beach, I’ll invite you along,” I replied while winking at him. He looked shocked that I would say this in front of Cole. “He knows, Jaxon. Apparently you were pretty obvious last night.” I punched him in the arm. He grabbed the hand that punched him and pulled me into a scorching kiss.

  “Ugh, okay guys, gross. Seriously, I don’t need to see your friends with benefits action live. I’ll see y’all at the game tonight.” He got up and started jogging back down the beach.

  I was barely paying attention to Cole, because Jaxon’s lips hadn’t left mine yet. Eventually, I broke the kiss and pulled back. “You can’t just kiss me, whenever! I have rules,” I said nervously.

  “I know your rules, and kissing was nowhere in there. Kissing doesn’t mean we’re dating, don’t stress,” he teased nonchalantly. “Besides, you didn’t seem to mind when I did this to you last night.” He proceeded to run his tongue along my neck beneath my jaw.

  I’d never thought about someone kissing me outside of sex. In fact, that had never come up. I mean some of the guys would kiss my neck occasionally, but I’d never actually let them kiss my lips unless we were in the bedroom. I’d never had an opportunity to make a rule for that. “You’re okay with this, even knowing that I will at some point sleep with someone else?” I felt like kissing on occasion would lead to him having feelings for me, and then I would have to cut him off. I didn’t want to. I enjoyed Jaxon far too much to cut him off, but I couldn’t risk breaking his heart in the process. So that’s what I would have to do if I felt like that’s where it was leading.

  “As long as that someone else isn’t my best friend or my twin brother, I can try and deal,” he finally said, although I felt like there was a lot more he wasn’t saying.

  “Damn, and here I thought when my time was up with you I could still have my fun with another smoking-hot Riley brother,” I badgered him.

  Instantly, he had me lying on the beach with his mouth above mine, “Not funny.” I laughed at his seriousness until he kissed my smile away. I combed my fingers through his hair, the way I always saw him doing. He pulled back and stared in my eyes.

  “When you say you’ll try to be okay with it, what do y
ou mean?” I don’t know why I ask questions I don’t want to know the answer to.

  He let me go and laid down onto the sand with his palms over his eyes and his fingers in his hair. “I think you know the answer to that.”

  I sat there waiting to see if he would elaborate further.

  Suddenly he removed his hands and rolled to his side to look right at me. “You like me, don’t you?” he asked and I froze with no way to respond to his candid query. “It’s a safe question, just answer it truthfully. I promise I won’t ask to date you. You like me, don’t you?” he repeated. I nodded my head and he smiled back at me.

  I’d never admitted to liking anyone before. I don’t think I’d really ever liked anyone enough even to think about admitting it to them. I felt like everything was going to be ruined now; we were having so much fun I wasn’t ready for us to stop yet. How could we possibly keep this casual bond and someone not get hurt now?

  Noticing my grim expression and panic, he quickly pulled me into his lap with my legs wrapped around his hips. “Hey, hey, stop thinking about what you’re thinking right now. All we’re doing is having fun. I just needed you to know that I like you too. I like hanging out with you and I certainly like kissing you. There’s nothing more going on here.” I nodded my head and laid it against his shoulder. I felt him lean down and kiss the top of my head.

  “You do understand that you’re going to be with other people and I will be as well, right?”

  With a heavy sigh, he replied, “Emerson, I think you’ve made that known loud and clear. I can handle it, okay? I’m a big boy.” I could tell he was getting aggravated with me, but I had to make sure he knew what was involved here. Just because we liked each other, that didn’t mean I was just going to be kissing only him. I’m such a bitch; I wish I weren’t this way.