Read Beauty Found Page 8

  We didn’t get much farther, as when her hand reached into my jeans and she pulled out my already rock-hard cock, I lost my fucking mind.

  Crashing her back against the wall, I quickly pulled down her leathers, pushing them far enough down her legs for her to toe them off. As always, my old lady wasn’t wearing anything underneath. With how much we fucked, it didn’t make sense to. I sunk three fingers into her already wet pussy. Beauty’s head flew back and she moaned.

  Her hand stroked at my cock. I pulled my fingers out and pushed her hand away, and in one long thrust, slammed my cock inside her. Her pussy clenched at my dick as I nailed into her, her back smacking against the wall. Beauty’s red nails sliced into my back. She looked at me, eyes dazed and a smile on her face. Then she leaned in and bit my earlobe. “That what you call hard, darlin’? Fuck. Me. Harder.”

  I groaned as I pinned her arms to the wall and let her fucking have it. Beauty’s mouth dropped open and her moans grew louder. She always wanted it hard and fast after being on my bike. Since that was every day, my cock was barely out of her pussy. I sucked at her neck, hickeys bruising her skin. I fucking loved it. Showed the assholes coming into the shop and the compound that this woman was mine.

  “Tank . . .” Beauty moaned, her pussy gripping me harder. “I’m coming . . .” I watched her face, watched her eyes close as her pussy squeezed my cock in a chokehold, her scream echoing around the room. That was all it took for my balls to tighten and for me to come too, filling her the fuck up.

  My head fell against her neck. “You’re gonna fuckin’ kill me.”

  Beauty laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pressed her lips hungrily to mine as I led us to the couch and laid us down, Beauty sprawling on my chest. “Mmm . . .” she murmured. “I love your big cock.”

  I laughed as she stroked it. “He likes you too.”

  Beauty smiled, but her eyes were closing. I held onto her as the sky turned dark outside. I carried her through to the bedroom and put her into bed. And I just watched her.

  Best damn bitch here . . . I heard Ky’s voice in my head, from last week at the clubhouse, as I was bitch-boy at the bar for the brothers. She’s born to be an old lady and live this life. Styx and Ky had sat at the bar, watching with me as Beauty cleaned up the tables—all so my prospect ass wouldn’t have to. I smiled at the memory, looking down as Beauty slept, blond hair spread all over the pillow. It had been Styx who’d signed it to me that day; Ky had translated it.

  And it was true. Beauty had slipped straight into club life. Being a prospect was the fucking pits, but I knew what it led to. Kept my head down and did the bitch work like I was supposed to. Yet, if I was being honest, I knew I wasn’t seen much like a prospect. Brothers didn’t treat me like the others. More like one of them.

  I looked down at the Hades tattoo on my hand, the final piece covered. Gone was the Nazi shit. Covered with images of my new family and club. New fucking brothers. Brothers I’d die for.

  When I looked at Beauty, I knew I’d die for her too.

  I was about to grab a shower when I heard a sound at the back door. Pulling my gun from the back of my jeans, I snuck through the house. A floorboard creaked again. I flicked off the safety, then flew into the kitchen, slamming on the light.

  I pointed my gun, showing my fucking teeth as I realized who the fuck was standing in my house. “What the fuck do you want?” Each of my words was thick with fucking poison. Betrayal and venom.

  Tanner held up his arms. “I ain’t armed, Tank.” My eyes narrowed and I checked behind him. “It’s just me. No one knows I’m here. I swear.”

  “Why?” I hissed, praying Beauty didn’t wake up.

  Tanner’s face paled. Like he couldn’t believe I’d asked the question. I thought I knew this guy. He was as close to me as a brother. “Why?” he echoed. “Why?” He shook his head, his eyes shining in the light. “Because I’ve been on tour for months, and I came back to fucking chaos at the ranch and my best friend sending me a picture of Trace’s body and thinking I’d tried to fucking kill him. That’s fucking why!”

  “Trace came with two assholes I didn’t even know and tried to kill me. Klan orders. Your bastard Klan!” I still had the bruises and cuts all over my fucking body. Tanner clearly saw them on my face too.

  “It wasn’t sanctioned,” he said when I stepped closer, my aim at his head getting real fucking clear. “Landry never sent them. Last thing we need right now is a war with the Hangmen. I haven’t been here. I don’t keep much contact with the Klan while I’m away. It’s too dangerous. I’m in the army, Tank. I can’t be caught with Klan shit.” I smelled bullshit in his answer. He must have seen it in my face. “Tank . . . I fucking swear it. Trace was losing favor with Landry and the Wizards. He was a fucking crackhead who Landry tossed aside months ago. He kept fucking up. Choosing snow over the brotherhood. He did this himself. He heard you were working for the Hangmen and planned the attack himself. He wanted back in.” I thought of Trace, and his crazy fucking eyes as he waved his gun at me. He could have been high . . . I didn’t fucking know. It all happened too quick.

  Tanner’s eyes fell to my cut and my new ink. His eyes widened, and I saw the anger build inside him. “You’ve joined them?” He shook his head, like he couldn’t fucking believe it. “You serious? You’re in the motherfucking Hangmen?”

  Sighing, I lowered my gun. “I am a motherfucking Hangman. A prospect. I’ve left the Klan behind, Tann. I was serious when I walked away. I ain’t coming back.”

  Tanner’s face looked as though I’d fucking shot the gun and made a perfect hit. “I thought if you took some time away . . .”

  “You thought I’d come back? To Landry?”

  “We’re your fucking family!” he hissed.

  “Not anymore.”

  Tanner stepped back, wounded by my words. I could see the hurt in his eyes. He pulled out a chair and slumped down. I checked behind me for Beauty, but she must have still been asleep. Pulling out another chair, I grabbed two beers and put one in front of him. Tanner downed half the bottle before my ass had even hit my seat.

  “What about me?” he croaked, then lifted his eyes. “I’m your brother. Your fucking best friend.” His forehead creased in confusion, then he asked, “If we’re no longer your family, who the fuck am I to you now? Your enemy? We were meant to lead the Klan into the new age. Me as the leader, you by my fucking side. We had plans, Tank. Big fucking plans.”

  My chest cracked at the hurt in his voice. White power or not, White Prince of the fucking KKK or not, Tanner Ayers was my fucking brother. We’d grown from boys to men together. Fuck, he was still young. Lethal, but young. “Thought you’d sent them. Thought you’d fucking ordered the soldiers to take me out.”

  “Then you don’t know me at all.” Tanner’s eyes were steel.

  “I do. That’s why I thought it was true.” The fucker was ruthless. Killed without thought. The brother killed like he had no fucking heart. I had too . . . but he was on another level. Best Klan member they’d ever had. Raised with it. Tanner Ayers was the Ku Klux Klan. The two went hand in hand.

  His lip curved. “Not you. You might be the only person on this planet I’d never kill.” He sipped his beer and ran his hand down his face. “I tracked you down to this house. It wasn’t hard.” He flicked his chin in the direction of the bedroom. “Saw you got yourself a woman now.” He smirked. “Clearly still have Aryan tastes even though you can’t bear to be around us.”

  I ignored the last part. “I’m not trying to disappear, to live in secret. I’m here. I’m with the Hangmen. No point in fucking hiding. We share the same city. Live in the same fucked-up world away from the ‘normal’ people.”

  “Tank, you’re white power. One of the fucking elite!” He pointed at me. “That’s who you are inside. Who made you. We bleed the fucking same red, white, and blue, pure WASP blood. You can’t just turn your back on us for the motherfucking Hangmen!” He laughed, no humor. “You think we’
re bad? Do you know who you’re in with now? The Hangmen? They kill worse than we ever do. Reaper Nash murders for fucking fun, but we’re the wrong ones? Your family, who has a real cause, a real fucking war we’re gearing up for? You think the Hangmen are a better for fit you?” His lip curled in disgust. “You think I don’t know you’ve been hanging with a Samoan? Really, Tank?”

  I let the comment about Bull go. Tanner would never understand how I could befriend him. He gave no one outside the white race his time. “I don’t bleed the white and red no more. My blood is as fucking black as Hades now, brother.” I paused. “We’re no longer the same.”

  The room was thick with tension. Tanner’s face lost any expression, and I knew I was now sitting with Tanner Ayers, the cold Klan bastard his daddy had groomed him into. The White Prince who thought of nothing or no one outside the Klan.

  “I should kill you.” The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end at the threat and the tone of Tann’s deep voice. But that went away. Because despite the way he was looking at me now, he was right. He wouldn’t touch me.

  And there was no more to be said between us.

  Tanner glared at me, and I could see the war he was fighting in his mind in his narrowed eyes. “You know too much . . . about me, about my old man . . .” Tense minutes followed.

  Suddenly, Tanner finished his beer and got to his feet. He walked to the door. “Some shit’s going down at the brotherhood. I need to be there. I gotta go.”

  My first instinct was to ask what was happening. To tell him I had his back, that we’d figure it out together . . . but I no longer did. And that part of all this clusterfuck of a situation was what hurt the most.

  “We done?” I asked, my voice cutting out near the end of the question. Not done right now. Not done with this conversation. Tanner knew I meant in life. The end of our friendship. Were we done for good.

  Tanner’s head dropped forward. He put his hand in his pocket. A burner cell came flying straight at me. “Seems fucking not.”

  “You’ll be in charge one day,” I said. He got what I was really saying. There’d come a day when the brotherhoods we belonged to would matter.

  Tanner’s shoulders tensed. “Yeah. And the Klan’ll be the greatest fucking power in the States. I’ll make fucking sure of it.” I sighed. He had to know that all the Klan ideology was bullshit. But Tanner had been raised in Klan life. He was white power. And I knew when he was in charge, he would make them the greatest power.

  Fuck knew what we’d do then.

  Tanner turned the doorknob.

  “You’ll realize it one day, Tann. Something will happen one day to make you forget all this white power shit. That all the ‘color making us different’ crap isn’t real. You’ll know one day that you need to walk the fuck away.”

  Tann stayed silent on those fucking words, but then said, “You know where I am if you need me.” Then he was out the door. I heard his Fat Boy pull away down the street.

  I sat on my chair for a fucking age, staring at the bottle of beer and the cell. I knew I should destroy it. Cut all ties. Or I should keep it, tell the club and use Tanner for intel. Use him to protect the Hangmen. But when I got to my feet and walked to the safe, locking the cell away, I knew I couldn’t and wouldn’t do that. Though that would be my secret. Reaper would kill me stone dead if he knew I was best friends with the future White Prince.

  I locked the doors, stripped off my clothes, and got the fuck in bed with my bitch. I slipped off her tank and bra as she slept, then pulled her to my chest. Tanner had to come around one day. Because one day the Hangmen would go to war with the Klan. War always came around in this life. And when that day came, I didn’t wanna face the best friend I’d ever had. Didn’t wanna choose between him and the club.

  I had no idea what the hell I’d do.

  “You okay, darlin’?” Beauty’s sleepy voice cut through my thoughts. Her hands trailed over my chest, like she could sense I was all fucked up inside.

  “Mm . . .” she murmured, then started kissing my abs. Lifting her up, I brought her lips to my mouth. As I took her tongue, I pushed all thoughts of Tanner aside. It was up to my brother to find his way from that life. Something would happen one day to make him question it all. He was too smart for it not to.

  As Beauty broke from my mouth and kissed along my chest, I knew, despite what Tanner said, I’d fucking hit the jackpot. I had a club I loved, a brotherhood that fit. I worked on bikes all day . . . but best yet, I had this fucking woman by my side. Through all the shit that had come our way, she stood strong. A fucking rock, a damn diamond by my side. In my bed and on the back of my bike.

  I flipped Beauty onto her back. “Love you,” I said, making sure she was looking into my eyes when I said it.

  “I love you too,” she whispered back, tears in her eyes. She stroked her hand down my cheek. “I love you so much, darlin’.”

  I kissed her, then I pushed my hand between her legs. “You ready for me?”

  “Always, Tank,” she whispered. “Always.”

  The End


  My Arms Were Always Around You — Peter Bradley Adams

  Lost It All — Jill Andrews

  The Place I left Behind — The Deep Dark Woods

  Don’t Know Who I Am — Rebecca Roubion

  When You Break — Bear’s Den

  I Know What I Am — Band Of Skulls

  Run —Leona Lewis

  One Day Like This — Elbow

  Forever By Your Side (with JOHNNYSWIM) — NEEDTOBREATHE


  Wild Love — James Bay

  Hell Or High Water — Passenger

  Best Days — Lissie

  Such A Simple Thing — Ray LaMontagne

  To listen:



  Thank you to my husband, Stephen, for always being my rock.

  Roman, I never thought it was possible to love somebody so much. You’re the best thing I have ever done in my life. Love you to bits, my little dude!

  Mam and Dad, thank you for the continued support.

  Samantha, Marc, Taylor, Isaac, Archie, and Elias, love you all.

  Thessa, thank you for being the best assistant in the world. You make the best edits, keep me organized and are one kick ass friend to boot!

  Liz, thank you for being my super-agent and friend.

  To my fabulous editor, Kia. I couldn’t have done it without you.

  Neda and Ardent Prose, I am so happy that I jumped on board with you guys. You’ve made my life infinitely more organized. You kick PR ass!

  To my Hangmen Harem, I couldn’t ask for better book friends. Thank you for all for everything you do for me. Here’s to another step forward in our Dark Romance Revolution! Viva Dark Romance!

  Jenny and Gitte, you know how I feel about you two ladies. Love you to bits! I truly value everything you’ve done for me over the years, and continue to do!

  Thank you to all the AMAZING bloggers that have supported my career from the start, and the ones who help share my work and shout about it from the rooftops.

  And lastly, thank you to the readers. Without you none of this would be possible. Our Hades Hangmen world is one of my very favorite places to be. Some people don’t understand us, and our undying love for our favorite men in leather… But we have each other, our own tribe, and that’s all we’ll ever need as our biker universe grows!

  Our Hangmen kick ass!

  “Live Free. Ride Free. Die Free!”

  Author Biography

  Tillie Cole hails from a small town in the North-East of England. She grew up on a farm with her English mother, Scottish father and older sister and a multitude of rescue animals. As soon as she could, Tillie left her rural roots for the bright lights of the big city.

  After graduating from Newcastle University with a BA Hons in Religious Studies, Tillie followed her Professional Rugby player husband around the world for a dec
ade, becoming a teacher in between and thoroughly enjoyed teaching High School students Social Studies before putting pen to paper, and finishing her first novel.

  After several years living in Italy, Canada and the USA, Tillie has now settled back in her hometown in England, with her husband and new son.

  Tillie is both an independent and traditionally published author, and writes many genres including: Contemporary Romance, Dark Romance, Young Adult and New Adult novels.

  When she is not writing, Tillie enjoys nothing more than spending time with her little family, curling up on her couch watching movies, drinking far too much coffee, and convincing herself that she really doesn’t need that last square of chocolate.

  Follow Tillie At:

  Instagram: @authortilliecole

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  Tillie Cole, Beauty Found



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