Read Becoming His Awesome Beauty: Volume 1 Page 15

  While driving to his destination, Mason tried to force Awsty out of his head each time she entered his thoughts, but with very little success. Every time she surfaced in his mind, a small, but definite smile crossed his lips. He tried to force his thoughts into submission, but they seemed to have a plan of their own. And, each one included that adorable young woman.


  Pastor Greg left the church at his usual time Friday afternoon. And, as was his pattern, he stopped off at a drive-thru, ordered his usual, then drove home.

  After just a few bites, he gave up on the meal. It had no taste, and it seemed a labor to even chew on it. Realizing it was futile, he wadded up the bag, with his entire order, minus four bites, still inside. Tossing it in the trash can in the kitchen, he sauntered to his bedroom, laid down fully dressed. Kicking his shoes off, he laid there on his back. He barely had the strength needed to reach for the almost empty bottled water on his nightstand. He finished the last few swallows it held, dropped the plastic container on the floor, turned over and closed his eyes.

  Lord, take care of Awsty today. Bring those You’ve chosen into her life to share Your Love with her. Holy Spirit, woo her to… His prayer made it no further when Greg fell soundly asleep… for the night!


  Grammy just sat on the sofa watching Awsty. She was so taken by Awsty’s animation, that she had to shake herself several times back into the listening mode. She couldn’t remember ever seeing her granddaughter so full of life.

  After asking many clarifying questions, which Awsty readily answered, Grammy said, “We need to thank the Lord for this miraculous answer to our prayers.” She didn’t give Awsty time to cut her off, or tell her no. And, because they were sitting on opposite sides of the sofa, Grammy couldn’t hold her hand, so she matter-of-factly bowed her head and simply said, “Thank Ya, Jesus. Yer so good to us. Amen.”

  Rather than her usual refusal or dismissal of anything spiritual, Awsty smiled at Grammy.

  “Thank you, Grammy. I still can’t figure out what makes you so different from my mother.”

  “The answer’s still the same, Sweetheart. Jesus.”

  Much to Grammy’s shock and delight, Awsty simply nodded her head.

  In celebration, Grammy and Awsty stayed up late, talking, laughing, and gorging themselves on ice cream and popcorn. Awsty shared with her grandmother about her invitation to Doris for her to come home from church with them and share Sunday dinner. Grammy seemed thrilled, and asked Awsty what they should have. According to Grammy, it needed to be something special. So, that meant going through all Grammy’s recipes. Grammy would read them to Awsty, and she would respond with either thumbs up or down. Once separated into two piles, they started again through the thumbs up pile, using the same measure of worthiness.

  When Awsty and Grammy had gotten the main menu choice down to two, Grammy told Awsty to decide. After thinking heavily for several minutes, she laughingly told Grammy she couldn’t do it. They both sounded so good. She said to her grandmother, “Grammy, you’ve made both of those for us. And, they’re both so good. Oh… I just had an idea! As your congratulations gift to me for securing some employment, you decide and surprise me! Good idea?”

  “‘Course, Sweetheart. And, I was thinkin’… ya told me Pastor Greg helped ya a lot with the resume. Maybe we should invite him, too. That sound ok?”

  Awsty answered, “Oh, I don’t think so. If he comes, then we’ll have to…”

  “Halfta what?” Grammy asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know. The main reason Doris is coming is so that we can plan our Monday out. She’s taking me to lunch… then we’re going shopping for her some clothes… and… I don’t know, I just think it’d be better if she’s the only one coming. You know what I mean?”

  “I do, Sweetie. Maybe ya can think of some way to thank ‘im later.”

  Chapter 31

  It had been two months since Awsty started working as receptionist in Dr. Dennison’s office, and so much had transpired during that time. She mused over how different her life was than she expected it to be at this point in her life. And, she was the first to admit that all of it was because of her own choices.

  Awsty still lived with Grammy. That was not supposed to be the case. By now she was supposed to have her own apartment, and be totally independent. Instead, she clung to her Grammy’s unconditional love and daily presence in her life. She was, of course, financially contributing to her grandmother’s income base. She paid her a small share of the apartment rental monthly, but since Grammy wouldn’t let her contribute as much as she really should in all fairness be paying, she had a growing savings account and motivation to participate substantially in practical aspects of giving to Grammy. Her kind of giving was non-monetary, however. She jumped in to do cooking, cleaning, running errands, and generally making things easier for Grammy. She truly loved this dear elderly woman.

  One of Awsty’s biggest accomplishments in the last couple of months was learning to drive and securing her driver’s license. She believed the money spent on a driving school education was money well spent. Grammy could still drive, of course, but for whatever reasons she had begun depending more on Awsty to chauffer her around for grocery-shopping, doctors’ appointments, and traveling to and from church on those Sundays in which the rainy weather dictated such. All of this was fine with Awsty, because she was glad to help Grammy, and she found she really enjoyed driving.

  Even though Awsty was living with Grammy for now, she still looked forward to the day when she had her own place. Since she didn’t believe she would change her daily life, friends base, nor even going to Open Door of Faith, there didn’t seem to be the urgency to move out. Plus, the two apartment rental possibilities she’d seen required both first and last months’ rent, plus a security fee. That was a chunk of money that Awsty didn’t have saved yet. Time… it would just take time. She had time!

  Her job as receptionist for the dental practice was beyond any dreams she could have conjured up beforehand.

  Dr. Dennison and Martha, his hygienist, were seemingly thrilled with Awsty’s job accomplishments and work ethic.

  After the first couple of weeks, Awsty told them that she would be happy to take on more responsibilities. They took her at her word, bringing her files, phone lists, and turning over almost all the computer work to her. She was so thankful she’d taken computer science classes in high school. It was the one study area in which she had excelled. Well, that and English.

  She was in her element. The days at work flew by. She felt like she was being paid for having fun!

  After work one Friday morning just three weeks into her employment, Dr. Dennison asked her to stay after the half-workday was over. It made Awsty feel immediately insecure. She wondered what she’d done wrong. She knew she’d been trying so hard to do a good job. Hopefully, whatever she’d done would only result in a reprimand, not dismissal. What could it be?!

  At the meeting of Dr. Dennison, Martha, and Awsty, the kind dentist announced to Awsty that he and Martha were so completely in awe of how she had just jumped in and made this whole practice run like clockwork, that she was no longer on probation. She would be continuing all past and new duties, which would be accompanied by a four hundred dollar monthly raise. She remembered that the probation, according to the information paper they’d given her at her interview said three months, and the raise would be three hundred-fifty dollars monthly, if she was kept on. This was just unbelievable to her.

  Noon, her workday completed, Awsty grabbed the phone at the office and called Doris, who had become her closest and dearest friend ever since she had come to Grammy’s on that Sunday for dinner. They spent inordinate amounts of time with each other, and Awsty had already adopted Doris as her go-to person for many aspects of her life. They shared a love of beautifully coordinated clothing, good food, aerobics, and talking about guys. Interestingly enough, however, the ‘talking about guys’ part was different than any kind of talk she??
?d ever heard in her life.

  Since they both regularly attended the Singles Sunday School class, Awsty and Doris often talked about the young men there. But, other than referring to the guys as appealing, nice-looking, or attractive, Doris spent the major part of her evaluation of them based on their character, reputation and relationship with the Lord. Although it was a whole new way of viewing the opposite sex, Awsty liked it. She really liked it! Doris was another one of the few Christians she’d ever known that really lived her life consistent with her faith.

  The call today, though, had nothing to do with clothes, food, exercise, or guys. Awsty was just dying to tell her best friend about the good news at work.

  “Doris?” Awsty didn’t even have to tell her who it was that was calling her.

  “Yeah, girl. What’s up?”

  “You are not going to believe this. This morning Dr…” She abruptly stopped talking when Doris jumped in.

  “Dr. Dennison? What’d he do?!”

  Awsty couldn’t help but smile. Doris was very protective of Awsty.

  “Nothing… well, yes, he did something, but it wasn’t bad. But, I want to tell you in person. Are you free for lunch today?”

  “He asked you out, didn’t he?!”

  “Doris, no! He’s married. He adores his wife. You should see them when she comes…

  “Never mind. I’ll tell you when I see you. Can you get away for a bite of lunch today?”

  “Yeah!” said Doris, with glee.

  Awsty could tell even through the hand that muffled her phone, that Doris was talking to someone. She waited semi-patiently until Doris came back on.

  “Pastor Greg was asking me a question about…”

  “Oh, oh… put him on the line, would you?”

  “Hi, Awsty. It’s me.” She liked his voice. It was always warm and friendly.

  “Greg, I hope you’ll say yes. I have never really done anything to thank you for all the help you gave me on my resume. And, I…”

  “Yes, you’ve thanked me almost every Sunday for the last couple of months when you enter the front doors of church.”

  “No, I mean I’ve never thanked you properly. Doris and I are going to lunch as soon as she can get free. Please let me treat you to a thank-you lunch. Ok? Will you join us?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. You ladies probably have all kinds of…”

  “Excuse me for interrupting, but you’re not giving me the right answer. The correct answer is, ‘Why yes, Awsty, I’d really enjoy going with you and Doris to lunch. But, only if you take me to Mexicale Rose, my favorite restaurant…” She paused just briefly before continuing. “Greg,” she said as though she were reprimanding him for an actual offense, “when someone asks if they can treat you to a meal, you’re supposed to let them decide where you go. Were you raised in a barn, or something?” By now they were both laughing.

  Greg couldn’t help chuckling as he responded. “Wow! I never said a word, and you’re already calling me names, when you’re the one who mentioned Mexicale Rose, not me.”

  Awsty couldn’t let it go. “I didn’t call you a name. I said that the inviter is supposed to decide where they dine, not the invitee.”

  Acting like they were actually having a quarrel in which he was at fault, rather than actually joking with each other, Pastor Greg sighed, then said, “You’re right, of course. I’ve been rude and unthankful. Will you forgive me?”

  “Well, I always try to be the better man… uh… woman. So, yes, I will forgive you. So, now, are you, Doris and I on for lunch?”

  “Yes,” Greg said, “thank you. I would like very much to join you and Doris.”

  “Good answer. I thought we’d meet at a restaurant I just love. I was first introduced to it by a dear friend.”

  “Really? Where’s that?”

  “It’s called Mexicale Rose.”

  “Awsty, you’re incorrigible!”

  “I do my best. Hey, put Doris back on the phone. And, I’ll see you in a bit.”

  “See you then.”


  Lunch was wonderful for these three friends. They talked, laughed and by the time the food arrived at their front patio table, they were all ravenous. Awsty and Doris made fun of Pastor Greg, because his stomach was growling so loud as they waited.

  Awsty just couldn’t refrain. She patted Greg’s shoulder. “You poor little child. You sound like you haven’t eaten in a week. Poor baby!”

  Greg reached up and placed his hand over hers, and pressed it further down on his shoulder. It was at this moment Awsty saw Mason coming out of the gift store right next door to the restaurant. She called to Mason. She had asked his forgiveness for her past rudeness weeks previously right after Sunday school class, and they were now friends. Not as close as she and Pastor Greg, but friends, nonetheless.

  Mason waved to her and smiled. She removed her hand from Greg’s shoulder and waved back. Awsty motioned for him to join them. Mason saw where her hand was arising from and flinched. No one saw it, but he recognized the feeling from when he had seen Awsty and Pastor Greg, with their ice cream cones in hand, chasing each other down that very street. He frowned, but recovered quickly, in time to reach their table with a smile on his face.

  “Hi, what are you guys doing out here, besides eating the best Mexican food in the city?”

  Awsty used her foot to push out the patio chair beside her, and patted its seat. “Sit.” He did as he was bid.

  “I’ve had a very, very good day today. My workday is over, and I wanted to celebrate with friends. So, I asked Doris and Greg to join me. I wanted to thank them for helping me with my resume.” Awsty smiled radiantly at Greg, then looked at Doris with the residual portion of it still on her lips.

  “Great. I’m so glad your day has been good!”

  “Thanks. And, now I am delirious! All my friends are here.” She looked directly at Mason, and said, “You were so sweet to forgive my tantrum behavior that Sunday in the hall, so we’re adding you to the party. For you, this is kind of my thank-you-for-forgiving-me celebration.”

  Mason watched Greg reach his fork over and scoop up some guacamole off Awsty’s plate. He clinched his teeth involuntarily. “I’m so sorry, but I have some errands that I really need to get done before driving back home.” As he stood, he looked down at Awsty. She totally missed the longing look in his eyes. “But, thanks so much for inviting me. I’ll see you all Sunday morning. Bye, Doris. Bye, Pastor Greg.” He had too much of a lump in his throat to say goodbye to Awsty, so he simply nodded to her, then turned and walked off. No one noticed that both his hands were knotted into tight fists.

  Lord, is this never going to end?! Awsty doesn’t belong to me. But, every time I see her, I just ache! What’s she doing with Pastor Greg? He shouldn’t be so tight with her anyway. I don’t think she’s ever made a commitment to You! If he’s looking for a replacement wife, he needs to be looking for a Christian woman.

  Oh, Lord… what am I saying?! ‘Replacement wife!’ That is an ugly thing for me to think. I’m sure he’s lonely, and Awsty is just becoming more beautiful each time I see her! Pastor Greg has every right to date and marry anyone he wants to. And, if Awsty’s not a follower of Yours, I shouldn’t be spending so much time thinking of her myself. I want a woman who loves You and her first desire is to love and follow You.

  Jesus, I need You to do a work in me. Help me to keep my eyes first and foremost on You! And, Jesus, I know it’s Your Will for Awsty to know You. Continue to bring her to Yourself. Only You will make a difference in this beautiful young woman!


  As Pastor Greg returned to the church to complete his afternoon of work, his thoughts were running rampant.

  Jesus, what am I doing?! I’m so drawn to Awsty, and she doesn’t even belong to You! I need to back off. I don’t want to disobey you by being unequally yoked or become involved in any way with a non-believer.

  Please work in her life. Show her all she’s missing by not allowing You in
to her life. Bring those into her life that You’re preparing to help lead her to You.

  Thank You, Lord. I believe. Now help my unbelief.


  Doris was on the quiet side during lunch. She was busy taking in the ‘whole enchilada!’ And, perceptive person as she was, Doris could see clearly what was happening.

  Oh, Jesus! Pastor Greg and Mason both like Awsty! I don’t even know how to pray about this!

  Lord, please make Awsty’s heart ready to receive Your gift of Salvation. She needs You desperately!

  Neither one of the guys will make a move until she becomes a Christian. That’s so sad, but good at the same time. They both want to be obedient to You.

  If anyone had asked her, she would have said, ‘No way!’ But, Doris was smiling at this point in her prayer.

  Lord, this is interesting. How in the world is this going to play out?! It looks like someone’s going to get hurt either way it works out. Give Your Best to each of them, Jesus. I love both these men as my brothers in Christ. And, I love Awsty as a sis… No, Lord, that’s just it. She’s not a sister in Christ. Not yet.

  Chapter 32

  Summer came and went. Awsty’s weekdays were filled with her job at Dr. Dennison’s dental practice. The weekends were filled with friends, sleepovers at Doris’s, church, and church events. Friday afternoons, since starting her receptionist position, held her regular weekly visits with Stella and Robert at Trenton-Taylor Assisted Living. And that in itself was an education. She might not be officially starting classes for several weeks at the community college, but she was still learning. She was learning important tenets about life at the assisted living home.

  She loved those dear old people, and visiting them was no chore. During her visits, Awsty often asked Stella and Robert both to tell her stories about when they were dating their spouses so many years ago. It was funny to Awsty that falling in love two generations ago was really no different than today. It still involved being intensely attracted, dating, falling in love, then marrying.